The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 08, 1904, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSbAY MORNING, 'DECEMBER 8, 1904. White Black Four. In .hands. or Fancy Designs Each one In a separate hox. There Is nothing that you can jjlire a man Tor Christmas that he will appreciate more than A Necktie We have an defiant line at $1.00 and SI.50 Til so some very handsome Hnfillsh Squares, very swell, SI. 50, $2.00 and $2.50 ►♦♦♦♦♦♦++♦++* CANDY We ask tho trade to bear in mind that wo are headquarters for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ev ery day. Order of us and got frosh made goods. Wo soli only to deal ers. Exclusively wholesale. JohnsofrKing & Company, Manufacturing* Confectioners, Macon, Ga. White Mills Rye Bottled (n bond—Try a bottlo. $1.00 for full quart. jSPRINGDALE RYE | Nothing bottor on tho Market. I $2.40 por gallon or $2.75 four full quarts ♦ delivered anywhare in Ooorgia. Comploto \ stock of everything portaining to our line. I Particular attention paid to orders. j siTicMiTiTii ♦ + | 461 Cherry St.—Phone 668—Macon, Ga. X I I + »♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+»♦♦»+♦♦ F+++++++4 »++»+♦+■+»♦»+++ HERTZ COAL CO. Phono <133 Prompt Del ivories oil Wood and Coal. ARNOLD KNIT a fa UNDERWEAR AND Hi flyo SLEEPING ROBES For Ladies and Children 3 •FROM BARNESV1LLE AND PIKE COUNTY Sell and recommend these goods for comfort, health and convenience. They keep a full supply of gowns for ladies; night drawers, with feet, for little children; skirts, diapers, bands, bath aprons for infants These garmenls are made from Antiseptic Knit Cotton Yarns. P. S. Those reduced priced Tailor Suits are going fast, have you been supplied yet? IMPORTANT CASES IN THE COURT HOUSES FEDERAL COURT COULD NOT TAKE UP "TERMINAL" CASE YES- TERDAY OWING TO MR. ERWIN'S ABSENCE—WORK OF THE DAY WA8 HEAVY AND A NUMBER OF CASES DISPOSED OF— 8EALED VERDICT AGAINST SINGLETON WAS OPENED AND READ KnlghCt ef Pythias Elect Officer* and Give Banquet—Work Begin* on an Improvement. Smoking Jackets, House Coats Neckwear, Umbrellas BARNESVILLE, Ga., Dec. 7.—The Knights of Pythias of this city had a banquet at the city Hotel Monday, there being a full attendance, and a) •even course supper. It was a most enjegrable occasion. Preceding the banquet there was an election of of ficers for tho ensuing term, which re sulted as follows: °f»y. chancellor commander; W. C. Jordan, vice chancellor; R. L. Swatts. prelate; W. H. Mitchell, mas ter of work; Pierce Hammond, master at arms; J. B. Bush, Inner guard; Dr. J. M. Rogers, outer guard; J. M. Holmes, keeper of records and seal; Emmett Lsngrod, manager of exche. quer: J. A. McCrary, trustee. This Is one of the most prosperous orders here and new members are con stantly being added to Its rolL Trade Affected. The recent drop In cotton has had a demoralizing effect on trade In this section and it is feared that the holt- day business will not be what was ex pected a few weeks ago. Until the price of cotton began to go down busi ness was of a most satisfactory char acter. Collections had been fine and there was a big trade In all lines. Farmers are believed to be In a splen did condition and many of them are no doubt able to hold the balance of their crop without Injustice to credi tors or to business generally. There Is a strong disposition to hold cotton for several months at least for better prices. An Improvement Work has begun on the building to be erected for the Barneavllle Coal and Limber Company on the lot opposlto the freight depot. The lot belongs to the Central of Georgia Railway Com pany, but a lease has' been secured on It. The office and warehouse will be a wooden structure. 20x«0 feet and the shed will be 100 feet long. Tho new concern Is backed by several suc cessful and enterprising citizens and It will no doubt do a successful busi ness. OOOOOOOCCCGOOCOOOOOOOOCOCOCOCOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGUO Bibb Manufacturing Co. Macon, Qa. Manufacturers of ——— Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc; IS and *20 Thomas St. New York Office. Owing to th# absence of Attorney Erwin, the caeo of the Central of Georgia and the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railroads against the mayor and council of the city, was postpon ed and the 30th of-January neat set for a hearing. This case la known as the “terminal case,” and has aroused no little Interest. By January next both sides will have fully prepared for the light. The light against the J. O. Barnett Co. of Amerlcus by Couch Bros., nhd J. J. Engnn of Atlanta, over the rights of patents for the manufacture of horse collafs was given a hearing yes terday. By 1 o’clock the case had been completed but the decision was not rendered at that time. The de rision will be handed down today. This case was brought up some time ago by the Atlanta Arm They claim that J. O. Barnett has Infringed upon the rights granted them In their patent on horse collars. The defend ants claim that the methods, employed were not Infringements but legal. Tho Couch Bros, have asked that the court Issue for them an Injunction against tha Amerlcus Arm. Both stdea have bitterly contested the esse. In the Windsor Hotel case the federal court appointed C. S. Vlgol commissioner to sell. A New York Arm, represented by A. J. Frick***, for a sum of $36,000, claiming this amount due them on a mortgage. The Wnldsor Hotel Is situated at Amerlcus and la one of the most com pletely equipped hostelrlea In that section of the state. Its cost was about $60,000. . In ths Superior Court. Tho mornlt>g session of the superior ourt Wednesday was taken up with i number of cases of more or less Importance. Judge Felton passed sen tence upon two negroes who had been hitrged with holding up George Green, a negro living In Houston minty. Green alleges that he was relieved of a watch and a roll of money amounting to over $160. Hher- i Olay, one of the alleged assail- nuts, was on Tuesday sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. Henry Hlngletoii. the second of the supposed isallants, was given a term of four years. The verdict ngnlnst him was not made known until yesterday morning when It was opened and read In open court. Today the court will try the ease of jscar Harris, who la charged with an assault with attempt to murder. City Court. Out of six cases heard yesterday In the city court but one conviction re sulted. Josephine Wood was given a sentence of six months. She was charged with shop-lifting. RECTOR OF 8T. LUKE’S, Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to tho Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ASHBURNHAM. Ont.. April 18. 1903.—-I think It 1s only right that I should tell you what a wonderful ef fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day. as my voice was almost choked by the cough. Tho same day I received nn order from you for a bottlo of your Cough Remedy. I- at once procured a snmple bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough and cold had com pletely disappeared and I was able to preach- three times on Easter Day. I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make this testimonial without solicita tion, being thankful to have found such a God-sent remedy. Respectfully yours. i u E. A. LANGFELDT. M. A.. Rector of 8t. Luke’s Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy la’for sale by all drug gists. v coooooocoooooooocooooooccocvooooocx>ooocoooococoooo300 Ji J. T. STEWART’S Poplar St. * Phona 306 tl . DOUBLED HIS FORCE. IS NOW READY FOR TME'hCLIDAY TRADE. SEND ALONG YOUR OR OER8 NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERY THING IN HIS LINE No E*press Paid On This. Ik Com $:©C 1 G<.L Old C< 1 OaL • • . K 1 OaL Old I 2 Gal. Old N* 3 Gal. Old I Coin, Rye, line land Ruu» p*i« I 4 Full qn. old Edgei i Oat. Jug. Old Edg« 4 Full qta. Old Horse , ! UeL Jug. Old Horse | 4 Full qta. OM Jeff C ■■■ Jug. Old Jeff ( TO TRY HABEAS CORPUS. Negroes Went Release Pram the Chalnaang. (All. Oo.„ Dee. f— Savannah SAVANNAll Oa*"DiicT f-R. M. John, eon and Isidore Kiser, two negroes on the rhslngang, who were sentenced by tho recorder to thirty days each with fines of $25 for dlsordcily conduct when they raised a row on s street car. have Marled habeas rotpu* proceedings, attacking tho constitutionality of the Georgia law. Through their attorney, they hold that they cannot ho sentenced to tho chsingnng by the recorder. Under a special act the Savannah re- When rill I>c a ”’ ”• 'V'"* ■" ,, " BU W «.r. mum III Jtld£i Bpcer at Macon docs not have force here, the negroes will tw further proceeded against upon misdemeanor charges, when, the authorities say, because of their l»e- Ir.x so smart they will got twelve months more that would not otherwise have been visited upon them. A Frightened Horse, Running like made down the street, dumping the occupants, or u hundred other accidents, arc every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Halve handy, and there’s none as good as Rtirklen’s Arnica Halve Rums, Guts. Bores, Kcsema and Flics disappear quickly under Its soothing effect. 25c. at all drug — — ./ you’i Thomas’ Electric OH in Instant relief In cases of burns. bottle houae. cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort A Successful Farmer. RUSSELLVILLE, Ga., Dec. 7.—The nMllty to succeed through “hog and hominy" Is practically demonstrated by Mr. William H. Evans, who Inst week killed three hogs averaging 200 pounds. He prepared 200 pounds of the pork as sausage, took it to Macon and sold It at IS cents per pound en tire. He has other engagements to All there also, and Is well able to do so. for he has three other hogs that will net him about 200 pounds each, and also two others, one of which will net 3G0 pounds and tho other 460 pounds. These last two are “dnlsles’’ and wduld do credit to a *stnte Fair. The former six were only thirteen months old: the latter two are two years old. These large and thrifty porkers are the out- como of full cribs and personal atten tion. This Is only one of Mr. Evans’ side lines, for his butter Income yearly Is $125 to $150 from three or milk cows, and he and his wife sell $100 worth of eggs yearly. One might think that he gave no attention to* cotton, as he drew so much from thesev but he makes as much cotton ns his neigh bors. He Is a clear proAt farmer and an exemplar for any farm section. Women love a clear, healthy com- dexton. Pure Mood makes It. Burdock Stood Bitters makes pure Mood. MR. MOORE MANAGER. 1 Gal Jug. ' 4 Full qta »f H •n Thi*. nont tty#.. $400 aont Ry#.. . 160 j 8ha# Ry#. . 3 .00 | 8ho# Ry#. .2.73 ark Ry#. ♦. . 3.00 i lark Ry#.. . 2.73 om Ry#... . 2.90 om Ry#... . 230 I wt Corn... . 3-00 i#t Corn.•. . 7.73 day received. Mr. Murphy With Postal Telegraph Company in Macon. Mr. O. T. Moore has succeeded Mr. Murphy as manager of the Macon of- A»e of the Tostal Telegraph Company. Mr. Murphy will leave within a few days for his home at Mobile, Ala. Mr. Murphy resigned the position because of Ms desire to return to Mo bile. He carries with him the conA- dence and esteem of his superiors In the company’s employ, and has made many friends In Macon who will re gret to learn of hla Intended depart* ure. Mr. Moore, who was until recently local manager for the Western Un ion. Is one of the most eapaMe and courteous men on the line, and those who know him best prophesy that ths Postal’s Macon office will not suffer under his auperitftendency. Five Cents Grab Bhg. Ht. Psut's Guild Is running a most successful Rasser this week In the old Fair Htore. where, they are selling lunches and fancy Christmas articles. On Saturday there will be a S-cent grab bag for the arfcool children, which will prove an attractive feature of their THomaston. THOM ASTON, on.. Dec. 7.—A spe- oin! session of superior court convened yesterday In order to try one or two murder casea on docket. Mr. Dunbar, the new pastor of the Methodist church, will arrive with his family on Thursday. All churches will unite In giving Mr. Dunbar a cordial welcome on 8unday night next. Very little cotton Is being sold on account of the slump In the market. Most all has been picked from the Aelds. but Is not all marketed. Pastor T. W. Callaway of the Bap tist church Is expecting Rev. R. E. Neighbour of Amerlcus to be with him on Monday next In a series of meet- in# to be held at the Baptist church. READ THIS . „ . Volina. Ala.. July lat. 1»»». Dr. K W. Hall. St. Louis. Sis—Dear blr: : l wish to state that I have been a constant sufferer for a number of yeara from kidney complaint and have never found a remedy that relieved me ■o much aa one bottle of The Texaa GtT *' Discovery, and I fee! thankful for the rreea and bene. BM»1 result*. believing that one more bottle will effect a eyre, and may the laird bless yon In your good work. Truly yours. REV. R. C. KIRKLAND. A TEXAS WONDER One small bottle of the Texaa Won- dar. Kail’s Greet Discovery, cure* all kidney and bladder troubles, remove* travel .cures lama backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and woman. re«ulate. bladder trouble In children. U not .old by nur druggist. It will be sent by mall on receipt of SI. One small bottle Is two months' treatment perfect a A BALD NEWSPAPER MAN. Getting a New Crop of Hair, and Has No More Dandruff. Everybody In the Northwest knows col. Daniel Rearles. the veteran Jour nalist and publicist nf Butte. Jan. 14, 1400, the Colonel writes: *T used a couple nf bottles of Newbro'a Herpl- ride with marvelous rcsulta. The dan. drttff disappeared; a new crop of hair hna taken root, and the bald spot la rapidly being covered." Herplclde la the only hair preparation thnt kills the dandruff germ thnt digs up the acalp In scales na It hurrowa Its way to the root of the hair, where It destroye the vitality of the hal.-. causing the hair fell nut. Rill the dandruff germ with Herplclde. Sold by all leading druggists. Send 10 rent* In stamp* for sample to The Her- plcld* Co.. Detroit. Mich. Lamar tk La mar (Sol Hoge's old stand). Second and lfulbarry street*. EXPLODED PREMATURELY. Two Officers Painfully Injursd in Gun Aocident at Fort Wetherall. NEWPORT. R. I.. Dec. 7»—Lteuten- ant Colonel J. H. Willard of the United Slate* engineer corpa and Lieut. Frank W. Rawlaton of the United States coast artillery, were Injured to. day by the premature explosion of a 10.Inch gun at Fort Wetherell at Jamestown, which guards Newport harbor and the entrance to Narragan- aett bey. Both officers had their eye- sight and hearing affected and faces cut. The explosion blew the peraphet away, lifted the gun from Ita carriage and threw It back on the trunnions, which were partly wrecked. Twenty artillery men were thrown to the ground but were not Injured. The exploelon was said to have been due to a defective primer on the gun. which waa recently tnatalled In the fort and which waa being tested by the officers. Lieutenant Colonel Wll- llard and Lieutenant Ralston were Handing on the platform of the gun carriage while the men were grouped about When the gun exploded, hurting officer* and men to the ground. The two officers were treated at the fort hoepltal. The artillerymen are members of the *7th coast artillery. NEELAN DEAD. New York Cartoonist Passes Away at Cave Springs, Ga. NEW YORK. Dee. 7.—The death of Charles Nselen. the cartoonist, at Cave Springs. Oa.. waa announced In a ape. clal dispatch received In this city to- day. He was «« year* eld and a native °J He w “ formerly em ployed by the New York Herald, and aa cartoonist for the Philadelphia North American took an active part In the campaign of the newspapers of that city agilnst the Penneylvanla Just What A Man Wants Benson & Moore, The Up-to-date Clothiers. Bath Robes, Fancy Silk Snspenders Fancy Socks, Kid Gloves. Sensible, Lasting Presents. If you wish to bs caroful and economical in your purchases for Christmas presents and at the same time select from a com plete stock of the very newest and best, you had better start at once for our store. Our latest novelties and choicest bargains will bo the first to go. Don’t Put It Off. Come Now. Will keep your purchases , and deliver whon wanted. MACON. Beware of Imitations and Frauds We own and control Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot bo purchased from others. • More of this famous brand sold than all others combined. One Gallon of Willow Dale In Jug $2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale ..$2.85, Delivered. Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test A. & N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, flacon, Ga. A Pencil.... Is a small matter usually sold for Sc, 2 for Sc and some 4 for Sc. It has been difficult to buy a blgh grade pencil for leas than tl.04 per dozen until we brought out the \ OTTOMAN AT 50c DOZEN. In the H—H-B Grades, which la the equal of any and. better than all others at this price. Sample, mailed free for the asking. We sell everything in Stationery and Printing. The J. W. Burke Company, Hacon, Ga. manhood. The portrayals of her young life, (uttering! and death were tenderly und profoundly handled and fbrclbly Impressed upon the Urge con. gregatlon of loving and admiring mourner* through the tear-fraught sermon. Interment waa In the Baptist churchyard. Mra. Frank Walker. HAWKINSVILI.E, Qa.. Dec. 7.—Mrs, Frank Walker, formerly Miss Eva Buff, died Monday night at 7 o'clock at Holmes' sanitarium In Atlanta. Mrs. Walker was taken with appendicitis a few days ago and It waa deemed ad visable to have an operation per formed. which was done, but she never revived but little and continually grew worae until the time of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Walker bad only been married a few weeks. Bhe waa a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Buff and was always popular among her friends. The burial took pUce on Wednesday. FOR GOOD ROADS. Favorable Report on Bill Carrying Ap propriation of $24,000,000. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.—Senator Latimer, from the committee on agri culture and forestry, today reported favorably the bill known as “the Lat- libel Uw. Lately be had been emnlared Uner k 00 * 1 rued* bill." which carries an by the New York Globe and had* eon* appropriation °* IS4.444.44* to be by tne .\ew torn Globe and had gone South to search of health while auf- feting from an affection ef the respira tory organa. Mis* Eva Wilton. RUSSELLVILLE, Ga, twc. J. W. Tittle of Macon was ratify, here available In three annual Installments of $8,400,000 for road building In the atates. Under the provisions of the bill the states are to do the work of construction and pay one-half of the cost, the national government paying the other half The report contains a discussion of the power of congress to make appro priations for rood purpoaea, and cite* numerous authorities and precedents In support of the proposition. It deals also with tha duty of the government to aid In road-bulldlng. Dr. L vr. Hall, got* Manufacturer. P. I yesterday to render funeral serrieec o. I'OX St. Louis. Mo. Send for upon the death of Miss Eva Wilson, testimonial. Sold by all druggists and I VjO died Sunday. She was a bright. IL 1. Lamar A Ga, K.on. Ga. I procuring girl. Just t looming Into wa- No Case >f Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single Instance where a cough or cold resulted In pneumonia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cure* coughs and colds perfecUy. so do not take chances with soma un known preparation which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley'a Honey and Tar and refuae any substitute offered. Sold by H. J. Lamar A Co., druggists. The Swayne Report. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.—A mass meeting of the house Judiciary com mittee has been called for Friday, when the sub-committee which has conducted the Investigation In tha Judge Swayne case wlU submit a sup plemental report for the committee of testimony taken since the last report waa made to the full committee. F'T’Y T'.~K wrrlii's be.* (-.It medicine Isa prompt,safe,sure andharm- lee* remedy for all aorta of stomach and bowel trouble* ef babies ar.d children. Keep it a!- | ways on band you can rely upon It. At all ffood drug ttorea, 25c* :.u!^*.2rc4 by BABY EAfiS CO, Maco*, Ga, mri