The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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Subscriber’s PapeHtot for Sale THE MACON TELEGRAPH WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEOROlAi FAIR FRIDAY AND 6ATURDAY1 LIGHT TO FRE8H WEST WIN D8. ESTABLISHED IN 1826. MACON, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1904. DAILY—*7.00 A YEAR LIKE TRAGEDY AT STATESBORO Horrible Affair Occurs Trenton, S. C. Hughes as the murderer of his entire j family and to a subsequent suicide. T$e town of Trenton today was as | quiet as any New England village on Sunday. Track hounds were brought to the scene but could And no trail and In the absence of a motive those who MR. BARTLETT IN EVIDENCE! have shown polttlcol activity In behalt of Mr. Parker. This reference to Judge Parker produced considerable laughter on both side* of the ohamher. "The Indications are," replied Mr. Grosvenor. which cauhed a renewal of __ laughter, "that there were a great Rt I held to”thT theory of murder could not I AttUCkS tll6 Civil Service I there terrified solve the mystery. There was no sign "From the numerguMes. of their that anybody had left the house after CoXnUUSSiOIl ‘ ’ carcl,y at ,hc 110 responded Mr. the Are started. 1 The charred* remains will be placed in coffins and taken this afternoon to MRS. CHADWICK GOES TO JAIL! Williams amid more laghter, "I Imag ine a great many of them must havo been terrified. Whether through the T^XTfTtTTitt 17 « ini V T r TT T T7T\ I couins ana mxen *nis Biiernoon w | iM “ *■ " LA IIKL b A.'llLl KILLED the Baptist Church of the village where VRSTF.R DA Y IN HOUSE rural fr<,e dellvr ,y s * r ': lre or ,n wmo I tomorrow a quadruple funeral will be | X JhOXIarvLfA X O.VUOXJ j oth „ way , I_ shall jot undertake: to Fearful Scene Met Gaze of Pay." Beholders EXCITEMENT IS | Messers. Maddox and Liv ingston Also Take Part HIGH b n Unfit,.. Ml. WII. Tu/fi I the propo.ltlon to reduce the repre- B. B. Hugh.., His Wife and Two unut , on of „ rtaln S(mth , rn otateo In Daughter. Murdered and Their the house of representatives. Repre Bodies Consumed in Flames of Burn- sentatlve Crumpacker, one of the ln- „ _ . , , « i. slstent advocates of a reduction In mg Home-Coroner’s Jury Is Await- South „ n representation, had a talk ing Further Developments. with the president today regarding the matter. He declined to make any ,. statement about the result of his In- AUGU8TA, Ga., Dec. 8.—A apecial I tervlew. He probably will have a more to The Chronicle from Edgefield, S. extended conference with the presl- | dent at a later date on the subject. CONFERRING WITH TEDDY. His Influence Wanted in Reducing Southern Representation. WASHINGTON. Dec. 8.—An effort w __ Is being made to enlist the influence SOME OF WILLIAMS’ WIT of President Roosevelt In promoting He was inclined, he Raid, to agree with Mr. Hepburn and said that the old spoils system was as good as the Chinese system” now in vogue. He fa- •ored the appointment of men to office who were in sympathy with the party In ‘ power. The bill was laid aside and the house adjourned until tomorrow. In Colloquy Between Mississippian and Grosvenor, Former, in Referring to j Thoso Who Voted for Judge Parker, Speaks of “the Numerousness Their Scarcity.” FAIR TURNED DOWN. Jamestown Settlci 'vise Con WASHINGTON committee on Indi lent* ub Other 1 memorated. Dec. 8.—The house trial, arts and ex- WASHINGTON. Dec. 8.—The an nual flght on the civil service commls- ponltlons at Its meeting today decided not to recommend to the house the authorization of an Industrial exposi tion to be held at Jamestown. Va., In commemoration of the first English C. t says. I The president has not Indicated what alon was begun In the house today I settlement there or to report any hill The most hideous of all human hor- I his attitude may be toward the pro- I during consideration of the legislative I authorizing the appropriation of any rors ocurred at Trenton last night. | P° scd legislation. j appropriation bill. The opposition canie | money for an industrial exposition BAiiisa uni • IMA I from Messrs. Bartlett of Georgia. Hep- I there. .... BANKS WILLING. | . „ nt I It was decided, however, by the equal in horror to the Statesboro af- I HEROIC FIREMAN. fair If the generally accepted theory bo I —- . I bU I? ° f , I committee that a fttb-commltteo of I Will Aid Texas Farmer, in Holding The legislative bill was scrutinized which Mr. Tawney Is to be • rim that th. victims were first mur- Their Cotton Crop. carefully In consonance with the presl- ehnlr | nan> aball bf . named to take up HOUSTON, Tex.. Dec. 8.—Interviews I ( j pn t' a recommendation against extra- I f or consideration the Maynard bill au- At 6 o’clock this morning ths resl- ? v " th * * tatc loday 1 ," ho ' v . that , ’ hc vagance. Mr. Bingham, In charge of thorialng an Industrial exposition In I bsnks generally are willing to advance ® - ... " . . .. I rommemoratton of the settlement of dence of Mr. B. B. Hughes, centrally I money at a reasonable rate of Interest the bill, was requested constancy to SZratawn and approrrlatlng lB^OO.. located In the town, waa diaeovered on to enable farmers and merchants to explain some particular appropriation. I report t0 P the full committee ore Neighbors rushed to the scene but carry ‘heir cotton for a year, if nec- The pay of the stenographers to com- o form of commemoration fire. Neighbors rushed to tne scene out eigary< whll0 there are Bome who 0 p- mltteeB of the house wa « reduced from of th#k pvent other thftn by holding nn the Are had progressed so far that pose the plan, they generally do so on |5 000 ^ annum t0 $3,000, and the industrial exposition, entrance to the house waa Impossible, *W ground mat^t^un. ^d „„„„ r#fuiw , t0 accept the provision At once Inquiry was made as to the brbuK ht about by n rrop too big to be increasing the pay of the secretary to whereabouts of the Inmates, tt being I absorbed, whereas by marketing the the civil service commission. But lit- I Di He Refuse. to Bo Left by Hie . . .v . .I,... O.. ,h.Vr' .... I true crop the sixe of the crop could be t |„ progress was made on the bill. 7 J shiD at . Hospital, though a Jr definitely known. Generally the re- I Tbe p rov l8lon expropriating the sal- NORFOLK. Va., Dec. 8T—William enpe In their night clothes. port to dally P»P* r «'ft®™ ,”™"*]; y r "f' ary for a Janitor to the house commit- Thomas, of Lancashire. England, fire A Fearful Scene. SSttaue to hoM ** 1 * tee on the library met with some Dem- man nn the British steamer Marla, was A. soon as the fire had died down corit '" u f *° ld ' ooratie opposition led by Messrs. Ear- frightfully hornedI by• .he ^r.tlngof a sufficiently a fearful scene met the ° od 0' Clo.ely Jra'lTlleharlos ,leU <an) ' M ‘" Wox <CJa ) and c,ark white fha* vessel was steaming sea- eves of the beholders. There lay the _ nn'i^rh.rra (Mo ' ) anrt P rec| P ,,ated a d '«™»" lon of ward In Hampton Ronds today. The cZrll and almost unr.eognl.ab.. 5 Wra' ScTtfl'IoS The "H£ .How hta ..p.ajn t° cnarrea ana dl.lrlct of Texas who will retain cus- "aW <hcre were many sup-rnumersn' put hack and leave him at a hospital, bodies of the entire family, consisting f^ l y of {.^^0*^unllll tho arrival officials around the house who ought 'Boy*, don’t takeme ashore. I want of Mr. Hughex, hlx wife Eva. and two of the mnn( i a te of the xupreme court, to be gotten rid of. The prealdent'ii «««•• mM to young daughters, Emmie, aged 18. and godgewll be than Wjj message, he said, had urged economy hl , y , hlp J TbP ' Marla dropped Hattie, 14 years of age. Mr.. Hughes’ ,“r New York tomorrow. The nnd Mr ’ Clark con ‘ end,,d that ,f ,he her pilot off the capes and sailed east- body lay Just below where waa aitu* I removal of the prisoner to Galveeton hotme was going to economize the best ward. The pilot brought the ntory of — - wa - due *° the ,aat that r * porU w * r " 1 P ,ac * 10 tt,r “ m,,nC * WRa thc h ° U " e U ‘ 1 burned^ln'the "slon^hut^" ser"" . , ously. The pilot Raya Thomas will Livingstons Remarks. I hardly live until morning. The Marla fi\J nurse leaned over her mlstresa. nnd smothed her grey hair. Mrs. Chad wick's face waa much inflamed, hor | eyes were red nnd her handa trembled violently aa she pushed away tl.e re mains of the food and motioned Freda to give her a pile of evening papers | which lay on a chair near the couch. She picked the papera up one by one and between aobs gave the flrat page* hasty glance. After ahe had run through the lot she selected one /s/iTfr r* \T/vn num nm I which »cemed to Interest her and be- lAJULD 1NUI (Jrii i5AlL gnn reading It with great care. SINKING SHIPS OF RUSSIANS the Tombs Bu'tlPEEESVIET the strain seemed to great.» She burst Into tears, and the slight boy, who in Hard Luck IS SUNK Can Havo no Unusual Privi- "cemea m'oi under an the excitement, Several Others Aro Badly 1 hastened to hla mother's aide and I quieted her with klaacs. Thus the sad j DtlHKl^Gll trio awaited the announcement of Mrs. I ^ Chadwick's Counsel that she must go I SIIE TALKS OF CASE I T ,uraty ,or ,,w#0 couM I CRUISER BAYAN AFIRE leges, Says Warden Says Life Would Not b. Worth Living I *" d / Q ' va No *"’ ... .. . , , . , . CLE\T5LAND, O.. Dee. i.—County Did Not Think I Could Pay Pmnecutor Keeler today received the Tho.o Pbor People Back"—Absolute. | following telegram from Andrew ear ly to Say Anything Regard- "«*>• •» New York. In reply to an In- 7 qulry as to the genuineness of the ing Carnegie. I Chadwick notea: . . I "Never signed such notes; have no NE1V YORK. Dee. 8.-Mrs. C/tssle "o'** out now; have not Issued a note I T o K IO. Dee. *. « p. m.—The follow- I* Chadwick Is tonight occupying one ^’"hmanr n"re*wry'amdavltil ,n * report <rom ,h " command * r ot ' ho Associated Press Correspondent Visits Scene of Fearful Six Days* Fight at 203*Metra Hill and Finds Evidence of Terriblo Carnage—Japanese Being Bombarded at Mukden. of the scantily furnlahed cells In thn I executed here. Tomba. After a fruitless search all | "ANDREW CARNEGIE, day for ball her attorneys gave up the flght tonight and Phillip Carpenter, W. E. Badou Suspend*. naval land battery !ij front of Port Arthur was received at 2 o'clock this afternoon: "The battleship Pobled&'s middle her chief counsel, stood In th. corridor 1 of tho federal building at 9 o clock stock Exchange, has announced hla Jv. A " b 8 when United Btntes Mnrahnl Henkel suspension. Exchnngs nfflelnls say the stern walk. "The battleship 1 to Peresvlet's upper' “The battleship Retvlxan Is listing to starboard and her upper deck la nearly auhmerged. 'The protected cruller Palled*, which la lying between the Retvlxan and the mine ship Amur, cannot be "> ‘ ‘ _ h ., - nnm to I was due to the fact that reports were place uted the door leading from hi. room to t|nyn|<Lnt -thit Ncw York nfflc ,„ hai , >e|f the hall with a bullet hole passing! intended to take charge of Dodge and threw open the double doors of his of- I they understand Radeau s liabilities are I j a nubmerged. flee and led the woman out on her way comparatively small. to prison. KETCHAM NOT GUILTY. Mrs. Chadwick was wan, tired nnd almost fainting. She made her way Cro.oeu.' Record of 1159% le serosa the hell to the elevator, leaning nn l#W «’ H °T'*£ I — — - — henvlly on the marshal'! nrm nnd thnt CIHCAOO, l ec. . Oenrgo H. distinctly seen, hut there seems to be ber y snn Emil. Behind them -ue I ^"of"esTatl^Ing' TfraUdulSm Lt'eTof^h^a^ - .ulSnS^S her nurse, Freda Hwenson, and Deputy record for hln trotting slnlllon Cres- ber | t nn( y ,. t k no ^ n | ' V Marshal, Kennedy. I ecus at thc Wichita, KanHiin, track on J "The armored cruiser Bayan Is now Curious Onlooksrs. Get. 19. 1908. after a hearing of thn burning to her foredcck. The party passed through a double before the hoard of appeals of I .. Tho battleship Sevastopol appears a.ip i n the American Trotting Association lvln _ n \ nn Jj row Of curious people to a. carriage ton |, ht . Tlln boor( , rt eclnre<l that M,,„ t he ^r*'it rranc but onlv b- whlch was in wnltlng on the Broadway , hb evidence fell short of sufficiency of lnp „ of h ,f r llr ; vl „ b | c , £ side. establishing crlm nal participation In complot eIy hides her hull. Tombs.. Arriving ther Mrs. Ca»»te the clnhne-l fraudulent agreement for Tombs, Arriving ^ ^ ^ TOKIO ^"'V-Th^^mnnd Chndwlck ws, half carried up the steps Whn , freeing Mr. Kslcham from the ^„ n d hntury Z -n-Mere Into the building. Warden Flynn met charge, the hoard found the officials ml | ,, or , A r(bllr r(lp „ rt i nc nt •• 30 the party, nnd after the usual prellml- of the Southern Kansas Fair Assocla- p , - , nrt „y says: "At 10,1 n t nnrles had been attended to thn wo- **°h- nn whose track the race whs run. became certain that the Peresvlet has man naked permission to have her ?econl''”MneinnI from^tho ,M "‘ M auhk ' Hhe '* ln ,h " “ m « nurse remnln with her. This was de- fraudulent recnr,!. expelling from the I ,| on - t)l( , j, () | tllvll . The Pallndn 1. filed, the warden raying that Ae should L, t c „ , rwln th , olhrr of- J?*'""';.* bn ' h , r , o (l tl 0 ' 1, ‘" have no privileges not allowed other rnnnorlw | w |th the Wichita ' vl * orou, " y ‘’Otnh.rdlng tho I allad.. prisoners. through the upper part of his head, return at once with him to Now York, tnrougn tnp pj , He le guarded closely by federal or- A pistol with one empty chamber > ay fleer<- near by. Part of hla charred clothes were on his person showing that ho was dressed at the time ho met death. The body of hie wife was on the bed | springs, while those of the young la dles were similarly situated. Their Skull. Crushed. The skulls of these three were | In n few vigorous remnrkn, Mr. Liv- bound to Bri , to i. England, from Now THE CRUM CASE Senator Tillman Is Still An t agonistic Ing.tnn (Ga. defended the approprla tlons committee In thc preparation of the bill. He replied to n criticism by Mr. Maddox thnt the members hnd not had sufficient time to examine the printed, bill by saying thnt even If thj members were given a week Orleans and put Into Norfolk for coal. MORRELL’S BILL examine It they would “come lu hrr' PomiSVlvailiftH Is AftOl’ IlCC- as Ignorant as a man from Porlo | ," ognition as Ignorant Rico.” He lamented the fact, however, that, hills appropriating millions of dollars should bn hurried through In crushed as If hit by an axe or somel s„y 8 Opposition 1. Not blunt Instrument. Their bodies whenj Thwarting President 1 found occupied a moet natural position with nothing to Indicate a struggle showing that they hnd been struck nnd done to death while aelc>p. Tho news spread like wildfire and soon the for Purpo.. of SjSto’rtaSrto SESl Congas" M ™ '"‘™ da « d lnH#U “ #ln '"* r ;’s Will, but he euggested. ought to meet in May P' a “ » in Senate. That .Its ... ,, track nt thnt time. Mrs. Chadwick gave a hand-bag and Thp expul „ on „ f th „ p nffidnl, also I n few trlnketa In the nurse nnd whiH- monna , h „ worm - a rpt . rirrt for n*ml some Instructions to her^ son. trott | n|f utalllons of 1:59% claimed to Marshal Henkel formally turned hln , mv# been made by Crcscous Is not al- prlaoner over to the warden and she , owwl by the hoard, was taken to tho matron's room. Sho • asked to suy good night to her son and the lad eagerly rushed to his mother and wrapping hla arms about her, gave hor a long embrace. Then she was led away to the Inner office, where her pedigree was taken nnd .ha was es-I KjlI C( l | )V EXplOSlOll 111 il signed to a cell. The son and nurse * 1 , entered a carriage and were driven to COfl.1 MillO a hotel. 1 Mr*. Chadwick Talks. Feel. Celled Upon to Delay Msltora "t> d lh “* « ,y * a d * c *' ,t ''"Y. ... .. _ ... _ 7 _ . legislation of the country. '1 hen the Until tho Committee Report Can bo fln( , n f necember was fixed, he said, Received. | there were not 50,000.(190 people to | legislate for, but now thcra was 80,- WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.—The sen- I 000,000. lie Provisions ore More General, Apply ing to Any Stato Which Limits Suffrage. WASHINGTON,'Dee.’ 8.—Represent- ate held only a short session today and I The paragraph relating to the civil n tlve Morrell of Pennsylvania today entire auroundlng country were on tho I a( y ourncd un tu Monday. During the ** ry l CB commission elicited from Mr. | ntroduccl j a b m to reduce represents scene. open eeeslon an attempt to secure of M em- >» " tat ** wh * r * <='«*•"• af « dl - Under the directions of Botlcltai consideration of the pure food bill was p |oyea to constitute the rural carrier franchised. The bill Is more general Thurmond s coroner's Jury was Im- defeated by a demand of Mr. Aldrich examining board. He declared there I than that introduced by Senator Platt .1 . ’ ^n.iici hut as vet no that the bill be read at length, which was no necessity for them, and that It yesterday and its provisions apply to mediately empanelled, but aa yet n° ^ ^ ^ T||| _ was the duty of this congress to re- I hny , tate , lm i tlnx suffrage. testimony ha. been taken. “ L^who did not want th. Urn. coni The W " " enac,<d ln, ° law wo “ ld thought best to await further develop- aumKL knows." he said. "I want this govern- re d »«> » ha representation In congress menta. It waa said that three tracks I M r. Tillman brought the case of mM) t to stand and he able to pay llsl of any atate which dentsa the right of ere discovered leading from the field Wm. D. Crum, the colored man noml- debts without Issuing bonds or raising suffrage to any ot Its male Inhabitants „„ •„ rear of the home. The nated for collector of Charleston. H. I addUInnnl laxc-." ^ .. or In any way abridges, such right, county ’bloodhounds were eecured and C.. ,n.o prominence-by asking '"ru m" ^ on the trail but this effort has report ,rom lhe commll " e 0,1 ^‘- Maddox's retrenchment Ideas, hut h8 or other crime. The blit provide, that 1’ u I clary as to the status of recess np- I P ;i[rt the case In point happened to be I from and after March 4, 1907, when the tvalled nothing. I ointments, ouch as that made tn I one of the few Items of the h'l where I right to vote at any election for the Veiled in Mystery. I drum’s case In the first and aeeond I retrenchment was brought about by rbo j cp „/ .lectors for president and The horror I. veiled In mystery. Ev- M „ lon> of lh . pr ..en, congress. ^ jV'Xks're^rrT.o'alraady "^ vice-president or r.preeen,alive, ery external evidence goes to show Responding. Mr. Platt said that the #t work by dot|l| , from oth e r -ff| c „. congress, the executive or Judicial offi- that the family were all killed before rejolutlon had failed to receive con- Bartlett’s Idea Adopted. I cers of the state or the members of the home wax fired. One thory is the slderatton during the past session be- ThP d |, cu ., ton shifted to the ques- the state legl.lsture shall be denied or v — fnr ,h. nut Done cau ** of th * Uln *“ of 8 * na,or Hoar > tton of the sala.-y of the seeretary to abridged by any state "the bssls of house was enterea i r ‘ 1 I the then chairman of the committee. 1 )ha commission. The committee had representation therein shall he reduced of robbery and that upon belpg dls- to bring the matter up at I increased It from 18,580 to IS.000. hut I In the proportion which the number covered the robbers accomplished the I the nex: meeting of the Cpmmltue. an amendment by Mr. Bartlett (Ga) I of such ell liens shall bear to the whole murders and fired the home. | "Has the committee power to refuse | putting It hack to the former amount | numbPr male cttlscns 51 years of Excitement runs high but nothing lo a tets,rt when under Instruc was adopted. Mr. Hepburn. of Iowa, offered an rash will be done. Upon the request tlons from the senate to do soT Mr. I amPndmPnt to .trike out the approprl- age In such state." To U.e Census. I Tillman sailed, hut before Mr. PI*It | ntjon for the commission and In bitter I The hill makes It the duty of the of Solicitor Thurmon. Governor H*y" I could make teply, Mr. Spooner re- I terms denounced the elvll nervlce com- I secretary of commerce'end labor to ward has offered a reward for the ...ponded with another question, which mission. He was not, he said, opposed ascertain through the Census bureau apprehension of the guilty parties. I was directed to Mr. Tillman. He asked 10 . proper elrtl service but he de- I hy ro eans of a biennial census lhe South Carolina Senator whether ’'' a j;* d '" ,,ya - nU mher of such cltleen. In esfh state 12 MINERS DEAD 8ceno of Fearful Fight. HEADQUARTERS OF THE THIRD i \ I’,\ .* i,si; \ i; • n 1:1 »i:i;. i»out ARTH1 it. Pusan. Doc. 8 Th.* respondent of the Assoclatad rresa visited 201-Metre Hill, thn *.■.*„.* the awful six days' fight whlf h ended with "Its - 'Pturo l»y the J.ipn- The advance works and the ernst of the hill were torn away, the slopn* nr lhe hill wero^covered with dabfln mi l the trenche.M flreru smashed and filln i with soil. ln a single section of the tranche J00 yards lonjr over 200 Russian dead and wounded were seen. They had * u , ». tt i, i I i itnii nuunueii worn sern. inoy While lying on ft couch In the United Do^en Corpiee Recovered end Three h^en horribly msngled with .lynamli. intea marshal s office awaiting a | Mof# M(n Ar< Known to Bo ln shaft grenades. With But Llttlo Hope That They Are ' At Mukd,n ’ Alive—Effect of Terrible Bli.t—Two States marshal's office awaiting hondsmnn. Mrs. f'hsdwlck, for the first time since her name has been before the public, consented lo talk for publl cation nnd gave the representative of the Associated Press a statement In which she denied relationship to Mrs. York of Han Francisco who gave out an Interview today telling of the ear lier life of Mrs. Chadwick. In Justice to her son Mrs. Chndwlck Reiou.d. TACOMA Wash n«e. l.~A dls- pr|Mn , r , rtpotl thl[ patch to the Ledger from Burnell. I prn | 0 ngatlon of thc wnr Is exhausting MUKDEN, Dec. 8.—The Russia ontliiue to bombard the Jupinr with both henvy and tlgnt nrttUe Th- Japanese reep.-nso Is feeble. The wenther Is turning much cold Jepunees prisoners report Japan and causing much disco Washington, says: At least twelvo miners havs been I the censorship of the press being said she would not make a statement I k| .. . b an explosion In the Rurnett strict that ths papers .to not no about "this Mndnme de Vere business . . . hoilevcd the death I sentiments of the people at the present time, but promised that coal mine and II le believed the deulh later "Madame de Vere's whereabouts list will total fifteen. Hcarehlng par- MR6< CHADWICK’S SISTER. nnd everything else In connection with tits were Immediately organised und this case will he shown.” nfter working Incessantly for about I Something of Famous Woman's For. Mrs. Chndwlck also told of the Wade . . M hmJrM , daV en burned snd m « r Life Is Told. Park snd Ohrrlln bank ma.t.r.^ Refer- I „. v „ raeoverfd . I HAN FRANCISCO. Dec. Of lh»**« right Irava famllka whllo lafttrr one morn l«trr of Mrs. (ThssIo U Chf.dwlck in this city lo an elegantly furnished M it In Geary street. Her name Is Mrs. s. i ik. .h..n h..» ul M * York. In an Interview puhn-M.-.l other miners are In the shaft, but It . . ... A I.. rntil I rnif> »h« * n 7. .' n * . ring to the failure of the latter (nstltu ••I would not like to live a minute If I {jjjj* w#re At least three : d ' d x;£!. nk 1 coum - sr ,ho " poor oihcr asked concerning *«^W JSTSl sffor?wlT. U ^n- Carnegie's connection with htr flnsn- j hone* I wrrw ,n ' r " ,w,n u »* M * «»«»««• clal affairs, she declined to d «ft ' d ; While 4hernre "'« kt h ^" Our hlrthpla, . was Appen. on. . a talk, referring her Interviewer to her | th V a iviTT 1 Uttle village near London. There were Mrs. Chadwick la my * later. Wo were born and brought up In Canada. most momentous day* In Mr*. Chad wlok'* ht*tory. It eommtneed with her practl iris rtlrally have he,n given up tor lost. ■ nv . Klrlll | n lha f. m || y , 0 f wlmni I « Momentous Day. |lf-ls Wtevwt^h.tltredamp wu» | lb . second. Mrs Chadwick was tha ipli. h *« no doubt been one of the I -pon " b * tnT disaster, but this I I | | f ^|j t b*. girls were »i trrif.l Thl* hs* no doubt been one or I not b. known until an Investigation L ar | y . Th o present Mr*. Chadv. L k in has been held. |R8f) married a man named C. At the time ot the awddent, there l aru j W e»t to live In Clevel* ssLfsasL^l::I*«-.*«.• «, n , w Frlor to the explosion some of the min- h «r nn estate worth ln th era had nueended to the ourfaee and b ood of IflOOOO Mr* Hoi in tne interval sne nan r^en er- . n ww abla t o make their way to H " ralgned before United State* Com- . f | ar rlb!e blast whtrh I .... . > . . . ml'udoner fthlelds and held In 118.000 safety after the terrible blast which |nd IIK . id . n |.|| y traveled for a whe shook llie neighboring territory like an ,.,| a millinery establishment." ..... 11 cm with the present merit system, the the resolution carried a time limit, lo | r | yt , nrvlr> wa< not h^ing improved. I In whom lhe right to vote Is so denied HUGHES THE MURDERER? Did Man Slay Hi. F^tily and Then I *" oh A ke co^litlm'thlt “it 1 11 !*“ no, ’ h ' ?* ^ “\ t wa " I or ahr,d ''« 1 «nd to -eport the ram. to Commit Suioids. 1 ‘ *' Id *1* *• ,„„| b u to MIr the matter ,w * nty y '" r “ »g». II was constantly , h e speaker of the house of represenla. Columbia. 8 . c„ d*c. 8.-B. » ^"“ShJSSflTn tt ,l — on ,hr ' ' ,h dar of March ' ,m Hughes, aged 45 years, hla wife Eva. though r-o report should be made.” SuMoas ifficknL Ip * 4 1 and biennially thereafter. about the same age. and two daugh- After the colloquy between Mr. Till- Mr gm.,,. ' o{ j,ass*chueett.. de- Provision Is further made for the ters. Emily and Hattie. 19 and IS years »»» , Kr - Sponer. Mr. Platt saH fond#d the commission. I reading of the report In open session After Mr. Williams, of Mississippi, 1 at the beginning of each congress, tire family, are dead at Trenton. Edge- I ^’~th.'"^,mttt'» " S"e cotlTd I wh,ch ’ h, ‘" f ° ,m ‘ h * b,al " 0f CalcU,a ' field county, and nothing remains to only promise at this time to ask th.-1 **”" n 1 .. '* _*5.“ d . _ I 'ton In determining the number of rep- explaln the mystery of the tragedy. committee lo consider the resolution Citlsens of th. town were .roused at »«> « « ‘hou'.d Uke action and that _ 6 o’clock this morning by a fire at the "™th CaSTTh,’! ° r "* v *n°r. «f Ohio, referred to a pack- 'I« <> ' h * »>m further Hughe, house and upon _ra«hln, the I T. I whjch had come to Jls WEZ ZSEi hall which she wa* unable to furnish. '"ke i , u . her "inrarests"*.^'sought r °?n'"every ^ "T. quarter for some one owning ral | I InJurad, hut It Is believed they will re l„ r m In the Ohio pcltcntl n*iat* In Manhattan who Woulfl |lgn 1 __ I M " w ’ h*r bonrl end tho rmr*hal had, out of aympnthy for th* woman, k*pt h*r In troit.Ic might commend Itself !“ day scene the flames had gained such head- i ar -w •way that It was Impossible to enter tfee lo blm . burning building snd not until the fire | R, p |y| n g. Mr. Tillman said that he rural carrier who had eentallve. that have been accredited been propounded certain questions by {'•Y a "> r slate exceeds tho number to the commission at to whether or not which It shall be entitled according to burning Dunoing ana no. U n.„ me nrc Replying. Mr. Tillman said that he a ’ " 7 "T" " (h e rule of apporttonr.ient herein pro- had burned Itself out end the walls had „, d net Intend to make any factious ?,* h f.* ?.* 1" b *!7!f Md-d. ncnc of the p.rwns so aCCTcd- collapsed wa* It discovered that the | opposition tc the Crum nomination for family was dead. I t *ne purpo** of thwarting the will of The bodies of the two young ladles the president tut that he felt ca!!*d were found in their bed with the heada I upon to antagonize confirmation until of both •’rushed In. The body of Mrs. I ; be committee report could be recelv- Hughes was found in a room acroaa ' the halL Her head waa also rrufhed I The senate after an executive oea- with a pillow over It. while that of I *fon adjourned until Monday. Hugh** lay n**r the door with a bullet wound through the left temple. A pla-l Oklahoma Bank Robbery, tot with one empty chamber lay near) BN ID, O. T.. Deo a.—The Farmers' hi* right hand. I State Bank of Utmberl ha* been Hugh** waa a merchant and farmer, I tubbed by three me.i. who dynamited suppo«*d to be prosperous. There la I tha *«fe, f>*>tnirlng $3,909 aa th»»lr ro re^on known why he should navel booty. While two robber* worked In- v b**n iruMered. on he w*s or goo.11 *14*. the third guarfM them, holding {/rr* w»h »he white and co!ore<l pe»>- j ihe bors^r. Th** roW-oe* escaped, mate- jh» rf the cumiraaety. Th* * cndlt?ona 1 Ing ^r Oloza mountama. A posse Is in aurrounduig ail poiut Uui sU&ngiy to | purtuit. the election of President Roosevelt In the Oht6 campaign, and whether or not on ft certain day he had turned over his route to his substitute and went to the polls and worked for the Republl- vlded, non* of the person* so accred ited a* r*pr***ntatlvea shall be entitled | to seat* In the houze of repreoenta- | tires, but a vacancy ln the entire rep resentation of such shall he declared ran ticket. "Now think of holding up by ‘£,i h * , h “ a "L th **x. s poor devil nt a rural carrier like that. The man had simply gone to the polls and voted." Humor in Houte. In Jocular vein Mr. Williams direct ing his remarks to Mr. Grosvenor. said he had been wondering If Mr. Grosve nor could punish the hour, with such ecutive authority of such state shall Issue wr'ts for the election of a num ber of representative, at large for the same equal to the number to which It may be Justly entitled as declared by the house of representatives." Sherman Hat One, Too. WASHINGTON, D*c. d.^-Represent a haul luck story out In Ohio, because | all*** Sherman of New Tork today In- If a fellow had shown political activity I traduced a hill Identical with that In In the care of Prerldent Roosevelt [ traduced ty Oer.xtcr Halt In the son whst might pot.jpiy nave been the fate | ate reducing the representation of of a ft..ow who would have dared to ■ Southern .tat.* Ip cor-g:..^ 'There was .era PATTCRION CASE. got Into itlirirullv I discus, that ponton or n his office hours nfter she should have a^ond Trial o* Femoue Actress It Now In I know what I been removed. The endeavors of the | «*"?"••’ „ I SSXTflSSTWh 'J? hid* anything. lawyer* war* unsuccessful random UTfc n ^ rn i v ^}^rh?J«S fW . her Imprisonment n*c*«sary. I box by Justice Davis In th* criminal I trouble. To add to h*r cup of wflt. It wai mincli of th* supreme court, the |»o . J” *' r ? imSV l s a charge of for- Jurors nectary to complete the panel In hf V . .mi-n i thi» the trial of Nan Patterson for the murder Chadwick. B > n., Uj-dsrni «i tho likely be mnde ()f cruesar Young w*r* choa*n this after- I JEStAtuJ V■ 1 n *vor¥i .. ,, ’ In Ohio, based on I noon nnd Assistant District Attornay I ’wit? Andrew farr., K( .. l v , r I Rnrnl at one* began tin ooenlnc alar*- acquaintance %lth • *w iarn<gi- . r To add to her cup learned tonight that gcry would very the'camcgle notes and other papers I UM I Snr“one* of" th"'w.':.'i given as securities for loans. | m „„t. mix* Pattcrann waa the only wo- I s*«mp. I ho . Efforts for Balt. Kfforts to get ball wlil continue to- | dwded* # ^* < th* order of the court. . morrow although Mrs. Chadwick ex- J«n» SStrowedoii nSteJ a t< - .> | Davis and Mr. Rand had irformcd IM «»rroww™ im pressed th* dexlre tonight to go to rovrt that while eervlng .1.1 « Juryman in | Accortllng t^ Mn Cleveland ns soon as possible. S/>• 1 *. murder caaa some time ago, h* had said ah* would go ther* voluntarily, cauaed a disagreement by refusing to con- n/b . fnr the rnntrarv advice of r *F wlth hla asWiclate*. In til* a*cond were It not for tne contrary advice or tfta | ^ ^ CJia# ^ m verdict of murder In counsel. I the first degrees waa returned. ounael- | the flrat degree* was returned. Mrs. Chadwick dined at 7 O'clock to- Mr. Rand practically repeated a the iirats* in Mnrahnl llcnkel*' nfflra under I charge* he. made at the former trial. sud'trr end by few I In closing. Mr Rand *al«! In part? 0 r “I cannot proml"** you the men I , . I shell call will atrear to an they Knew. night in Marshal Hvnkel.' offlra under ^Tw?s to condition* In strange contrast to t.i* I u l# mneea of a Juror, manner In which she lived In the New | tr York hotels. Her dinner conslsmd an orange, a ham sandwich and ft I ItblnlTyouwlI' ny that tw.) of them' piece of cake, brought to her by her the cabman. Mlchaela and the pawnbrok< ran from a Broa.lwa; lunch eoanter. orata? 1 in-iih .p AA,iPk in n I agree witn m* iner »n*y ^re very igno* hhe lay on a hard leather couch. In a I rant men. But there la one wltiuwe I room filled wl‘h desk* chairs and fllg I cannot call, and he I* J Morgan Smith, raecx. A deputy stood .watch I ^. n# * j rannot^rall hi*^ wifv tlv» Klxter of ‘ iftftL n .M»a ,lMI defendant. b*e*»w» i.»*y havo run while her nurse to* k he meagre lunch J away. Smith I* a most Important wit- from a paper bag and peeled the or- | n*rn. ly .mum he \» the min who bought angc. Emil vt by In sflenct «nd ate I *** weapon and *• *<* Hci. a few bite# of a sandwich, and tha SyRpSi Sta!i _ nurse dried her tears long enough to ( httiung him in keep away f<*. tike trie lunch counter fare, Th# Three Unfortunati Th* three unfo*turutes hid nothing I After" 3fc */*'▼- represent In* to say to each other. Occasionally | £Ir^Mr^RarML* adirmr’ }lt§f Chadwick sobbt'i, and the f&Uh- aooa loinvu \% Sh 4 Mr*, do Ve COB’MRi Gown n Nelli tentfary fro Mr last night. NelM’’ v. ia a hftckmin ted that he had riages for Mrs. Chadwick ger , many a time. tf»' there Is no queatloj men are the same. that de Ve entlar 1891 waa paroled have a son V. IC -4 ;• II ■ T a* : i« th give j-lilOvk, CaUtJ*