The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 09, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 9, 1904. NEWS NOTES FROM GEORGIA TOWNS We are Sole Agents in Macon Georgia for the Celebrated NORFOLK and NEW BRUNSWICK Underwear* “Known as the best—And the best known—” Made in all weights—and sold at all prices— $1,00 to $2.50 per garment. It’s a pleasure to wear it. The Dannenberg Company. TICKETS AT CHRISTMAS TIME be merry and wise in wine drinking. Get the best, then you need fenrrao trouble. Our WINES AND LIQUORS are the choicest to be found In the mar ket. and a bottle or two will certainly make the day more enjoyable. It Is all very well to eat nourishing food, but you need a nourishing drink also. We will nil your orders promptly. Old Joe Mercer Corn, six-year-old. one gallon Jug $2.75, delivered. Four full quarts. $3.00, delivered. Bartlett Pure Rye. one gallon Jug. $2.83. delivered. Four full quarts, $3.25, dellv- # Genuine Mt. Vernon Rye. 8 years old. $3.7S In gallon Jug. delivered. Four full 3efivcreif enU,n0 Vornon Bye. $4.00, We are agents for Lewis* '66; Duffv’s Pure Malt. WW. Whiskies. Sazerao Cocktail, Schhtz and Aurora beers. Write us for price list. Special prices on whole sale quantities. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, 'PHONE 414 • 361 THIRD ST., MACON, GA. DON’T SWEAR! Send for us and we’ll promptly stop the leak, repair the broken pipe, shut off the destructive overflow and put. your plumbing In good order quickly and expertly. Our work and charges are commended by so many of your neighbors that you need not hesitate to employ us. Sanitary plumbing a specialty. CENTRAL GEORGIA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. 159 Cotton Ave. Phono 2036. • • • OUR Spinning Wheel Gin The Gin that makes the *ick-well, the old-young. By The Gallon Express $ 3 *-^5 Prepaid Four Full Quarts Express $3-75 Prepaid The Finest, Oldest, Best Gin Made. Our prico list and cata- •)gue mailed free upon ap plication. 2 he Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co. 504, 508, 5I0,5I2 Fourth St., Macon, Ga. Culloden. CULLODEN, Ga., Dec. 8.—Masons are busy constructing the stores of Blalock and Filler, which will be 52 feet from by 102 feet long divided Into two rooms, and will be quite an Im posing structure when complete. The Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Is nearing completion and will be an Improvement to Forsyth gtreet. Mrs. Susan Jones has returned to her home In Ruston, La; Mr. Orren Castlen left for his home In Rouston, La., last Friday, accom panied by his bride, who was Miss Emmie Zellner of Strouds, Ga. Mr. E. T. Wynn went to Forsyth this week, carrying the returns for the lustlce of the peace election. Mr. J. D. Jones was elected to the ofTlce of Justice of the peace on last Saturday without opposition. Mr. J. M. Wilson was elected constable. Some of the merchants and several of the planters are blue over the de cline in the price cf cotton. The early sown oats are looking well and bid fair to make a good crop. Rev. W. M. Winn has returned from a visit to LAwrenceville and Senoia. He will have charge of the church here for another year, which Is agreeable HOW THEY MAINTAIN THE CHARMS OF THEIR SEX. The Importance That Attaches to the Care of the Blood If One Wants Bright Eyes and a Clear Complexion. Every sensible, woman naturally wishes to appear attractive, not only for her own sake but also for the pleas, ure she may give others. She knows the value of bright eyes, delicate com* plexlon and lively spirits. She may make her skin appear fair for a short time by the use of a complexion beau- tlfler, but in the end the cheat will show, for the cause has not been re- anoved, the effects have merely been hidden. The light that gives brilliancy to the eyes, and the stir of vivacious spirits, cannot be obtained from cos metics. What every wise woman knows Is that good health Is at the basis of her charms, and that good blood is the source of good health. She does not therefore waste money on washes or external applications of any kind, but buys at small expense a few boxes of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple and puts her blood in sound con dition. Nature does the resi. Miss Mamie Conway has n complex FROM HAWKINSV1LLE AND PULASKI COUNTY to the people, as he makes an accept- Ion which is the admiration of all who able pastor. Mr. Gren Carpenter and daughter are visiting here from Pound, Ga. MHIedgevillo. MILLEDG E VILLE, Dec. 8.—Miss Rosa. Lee West of Cedartown la in the city the guest of her sinter, Mra. George Edwards. Mrs. J. M. Darnell has returned from a visit to relatives In Tennllle. Ga. Rev. I^amar Sims left yesterday for a short stay *n Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Malpas of Macon who has been spending several weeks In the city with relatives has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Malcolm Cone announce the engagement of their daughter Katie to Mr. Kyle Terry Al- friend. the marriage to occur Thurs day afternoon. Dec. 22, First Baptist church, Mllledgevtlle. Mias Cone Is the eldest daughter of Mr. O. M. Cone and Is quite a talented musician. Mr. Alfriend is a membt-r of the O. M. College faculty and a young man of sterling character. Miss Susie Day Powell of Sparta la the guest of Mrs. Julia Powell West. Mra. John Shurley has as her guest this week Mrs. D. T. Shurley of Wash ington city. Mr. Nell McMillan of Chicago who lias been the guest of his brother has returned to his home. Mr. Charles Supple of Texas Is In the city with relatives. Mrs. W. F. Floyd and little son, Frank, of Arlington. Ga.. are visiting relatives In the city. Mra. A. D. Echols and handsome lit tle son. George, aro the'guests of Mrs. Echols’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cnrnker. Miss Annie McComh of Sparta Is the guest of Miss Annie McComh Rev. J. A. Tulllan and family leave this week for Llthonla where Mr. Tull- Hnn will be pastor of the Methodist church. Mrs. J. J. Lanier will entertain the Card Club Dec. 14th, Wednesday af- ternoon. Fort Valley. FORT VALLEY. Ga.. Dec. 8.—Rev. E. M. Whiting* returned Tuesday from conference at McRae. ’ Mr. R. E. Brown made a business trip to Knoxville Tiiesdny. Mrs. W. C. Lovett and little daugh ter left Monday for Marshallvllle after a visit to friends here. Mrs. S. B. Brown, Jr., was the hos tess at an informal tea on Tuesday evening. Her guests were Misses Tula Parham and Pearl Brown. Messrs. Fred Shepard and Burch Norton and Mesdnmes W. E. Cookerly and Charles Hunter. The family of Rev. E. M. Whiting will leave In a few weeks for their future home In McRae. Ga. Miss Adelle Fincher has returned from a visit to Culloden and other points. Hon. Luther Manahlp will lecture at Grady Institute next Tuesday night, December 18. » - Miss Eulalia Whiting has returned from a visit to Newnan and Grant- vllle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Everett returned from Macon a few days ago, accom panied by Carolyn and John Ross. The Lndles* Foreign Missionary So ciety held special services In the Meth odist church Sunday. Mra. P. H. Rkellle gave a dance Mon day night. Mrs. Charles Hunter and little son will leave this wekk for their home In 8taunton, Va. Mrs. W. E. Cookerly of Macon la vis iting relatives here. Little BruCe Clark has been quite sick for several weeks with typhoid fever. Mrs. W. O. Keen of Atlanta visited relatives here recently. Mrs. R. L. Crandall entertained the Ladies' Card Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Mathews has returned to her home in Atlanta afte ra visit to friends and relatives here. know her. Asked if she could make any suggestions that would be helpful to those of her sex who were less for tunate In that respect, she snid: “My complexion would not have pleased you If you had seen it two years ago. It was then about as bad as It could b«Mand It gave me a great deal of dissatisfaction, If you want a good complexion you must take enre of your health, especially of the con dition of your blood. M> # health was at thht time completely broken down. I was nervous, had frequent headaches, a torpid liver and a grerft deal of pain In that ^region. I suffered also from Indigestion. I could eat only the sim plest food and that very sparingly. It was clenr that my blood was In bnd conditon for pimples broke out all ov er my face.’’ “It Is hard to realize that, for there isn’t the slightest trace of such blem ishes now." "It was unfortunately quite other wise then, and a long time passed be fore I found anything that gave me any relief. I became very weak nnd listless. The doctor’s medicine did me no good, nnd I took a number of highly recommended tonics with no better result. As soon, however. I began -to use Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People I cemmeneed to Improve In every way. My complexion cleared up at once, nnd after 1 had taken two boxen there was not a sign of a pimple left on my face. My cheeks became rosy. I gained flesh nnd have had perfect health ever since. I owe everything to five' boxes of Dr. Williams’ Fink Pills.’ These famous pills purify nnd rich the blood. They cure nnnemla. nervous troubles and nil forms of weakness. Every prudent mother gives them to her daughters to Insure their development to healthy woman hood. Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes are merely signs of healthy blood. They have come not only In the case of Miss Conway, whose home In at 1241 East Eighth street, Canton, Ohio, but to thousands of wprncn for whom Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have made new blood. There Is no surer way for you to obtain them than to buy n box of these pills from any drug gist and try them for yourself. If you are Interested in other points that re late to the care of a woman's health, send to Dr. William* Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. Y„ for a free booklet —"Plain Talks To Women." HAWKINSVILLE. Gft-, Dec. 8.—At their regular convention Pulaski Lodge No. 6S Knights of Pythias elected the following to fill the stations for the first semi-annual term of 1005: Jacob Watson, chancellor command* •r: Julius H. Ivey, vice chancellor; Frank P. Anderson, prelate; V. H. Walker, master of work; Eugene A. Burch, keeper of Records and seal; R. W. Woodham, master of exchequer; Eugene A. Burch, master of finance; C, I. Anderson, master at arms; O. Manhheim, inner guard; A. Mack, outer guard; J. A. Murphy, trustee; Eugene A. Burch, representative to the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of the Grand Domain of Georgia. Pulaski lodge now has a member ship of fourteen past chancellors, twen ty-eight Knights, one esquire and two pages—a total membership of forty- five. They have Just installed n $200 costume outfit and adopted the Long Form In the Knight rank. A good team organized nnd In first-class shape In every particular. E. J. Henry, district deputy. New Livery Stable. Mr. W. B. Walts of Cochran hss opened a first class livery, feed and sale stable In the new stables Just com- ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kid ney Trouble and Never Suspect It. To Prove What the Grest Kidney Rem edy, Swamp-Root, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of Tho Macon Daily Telegraph May Have s Sample Bottlo Sont Ahsol utely Free by Mail. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now mod ern science proves that nearly all dis eases have their beginning In the dis order of these most Important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can under stand how quickly your entire body Is affected, and how every organ seems to fall to do Its duty. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, becuuse ns soon ns your kidneys begin to get bet ter they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince any one. 1 cheerfully recommend and endorso the Great Remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s nuie niaiiie in me new scanies jusi com- n nA t t1 J. T p. P t.d by Pop. Ilrown Which adds nS ?°° ’ * d "«?. “ *" d still another enterprise to Hawklns- vllle’s heavy list of new ones. Sons of Veterans. Commander S. M. Anderson has call ed n meeting of Sons of Confederate Judge D. Ft. Pearce has been elected to succeed himself, he having no oppo sition. veterans of Pulaski county to take place at the^ court house Saturday at 11 o’clock. It is understood that busi ness of great Importance will be trans acted. Holiday Excursion Rates VI. Central of Georgia Railway One and one-third faro for the round trip Tickets on salo to teachers and students of sohools and colleges, holding certificates, De cember 17th to 24th, inclusive; final limit January 8th, 1905. To the general public December 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 31st, 1904, and January 1st, 1905; final limit January 4th, 1905. For rates, schedules, and further particulars, call at City Ticket Office, 352 Second street, or address King, editor of the Rochelle New Era. was re-elected Justice ©f the peace lad Ha turkey, defeating M. P. H. Coffee. John H. Sparks' show exhibited here last flatwrdgv. It waa nothing great. Mra. Ida Hughes of Htatr^horo visited her .brother, Rev. C. W. Littlejohn, last week. yeater- Mist Mary Nlchalson returned yi_RL day from an extended visit In North Car olina. Dr. and Mrs. Polhlll and Mr. W. C. Simmons, of Fitzgerald, spent Saturday vine last Sunday. went over to Abbe- C. A. Dewberry, City Ticket and Pass. Agt. - Jno. W. Blount, Traveling Pass. Agt. week Dr. C. Tuesday. Mrs. Max E. Land la visiting In Cor McRae went up to Cordele will spend a few days. From there they will visit relatives In LaGrangc, Columbus and Thunder. They will re turn next week nnd will be at homo to their friends .it Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walker. r. Grantfand Voorhles of San Francisc o, Cal., is spending a few dnys here ns the guest of his uncles, dipt. Seaton Grantland and Mayor David J. Bally. Mr. Voorhles will leave latter part of this week for New Orleans where he will stop before returning to California; Miss Mnude Manly has returned to her home at Cnrnesvllle after spend ing some time here. Hawklnsvllle with relatives .u M, *fL.°£.. Mrr * n of Pitts Is visiting In the City this / Rev C. W. Littlejohn has Just re turned from conference at McRae. Griffin. GRIFFIN. Oa.. Dec. $.—Last night as the usual crowd gathered at ths First Baptist church for prayer meet' Ing service", it was goon whispered that a marriage was to take place. Some knew who the contracting par ties were to be while others were guessing. It waa soon found out when Miss Clyde Doc *rd Mr. John H. Newman stod befo r * the altar and were made man nnd wife by the Rev. J. J. a - r'.< r\ as the ceremony was over thr- hippy couple left over the Southern for Atlanta, where they A FACT FROVEN Should Convince Even the Most Skep tical of Its Truth. If there Is the slightest doubt In the minds of any that Dandruff germs do not exist, their belief is compelled by the fact that a rabbit Innnculutod with the germs became bald In six weeks’ time. ■ It must be apparent to any person, therefore, that the only prevention of baldness Is the destruction of the germ —whlrh art Is successfully accom plished In one hundred per com of cases by the application of Newbro’n Herplrlde. Dandruff Is mused by the same germ which causes baldness and can be pre vented with the same remedy—New- bro’s Herplrlde. Accept no substitute. "Destroy the cause you remove the effect" Sold by nil leading druggists. Bend 10 cents In stamps for sample to Ths Her- pldde Co.. Detrclt, Mich. Liimar it La mar (Sol Hoge’s old stand), Second and Mulberry streets. Elberton Politics. ELBERTON. Ga., Dec 8,—There Is a warm race coming in Elberton for mayor of the city for the next two years. The election occurs on January 4, BOS, and candldateee have one month to work in. There are only two candidates In the field and It Is not probable that any more will announce. Mr. B. Ivey Thorntrn and Mr. Clar ence P. Harris arc the asplrante. Mr. Thornton l« ex-edltor of the Elberton Tribune and l» very popular and has many strong friend* who will work faithfully for his election. Mr. Harris Is a prominent young lawyer of ths city. He Is county attorney of Elbert county. MARRIAGES. Wooten-Davis. CHAITNCEY. Ga.. Dec. 8.—Rev. Gus. H. Davis nnd Miss Mnttie Wooten were married at the Methodist church In Chauncey Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. The church was beautifully decornted for tho occasion and a large number of tho friends of the young people were present. Dr. John A. Mc Ghee performed the ceremony in a most impressive manner, nftor which the brldnl party left for Macon, Co lumbus and other points of Interest. Mr. Davis Is a inenmer of the South Georgia conference and has recently been appointed to the Midway circuit. Mrs. Da via as Miss Wooten was much admired and loved by all who knew her. Forhes-Plarce. DUBLIN. Ga.. Dec. 8.—The marriage of Miss Julia Toombs Pierce of this city to Mr. Jbnn Gwlnnette Forbes of Darden was one of the most Interest ing events of the season. The marriage look plnee at. the resi dence of Mr. Thomas Pierce, assistant cashier of the (Mtlzena’ Hank, and was witnessed by the close personal friends nnd relatives of the young roupta. The eremony was performed by Rev. W. Pierce, presiding elder of the Gainesville district, nnd brother of the bride. The bride Is a daughter of the Into ltev. Thomas F. Pierce, niece of the late Bishop George F. Pierce. She Is handsome young lady of the bru nette type and iiosscmies a sweet and amiable disposition, r. Forbes In a prosperous merchant of Darden. He Is said t#* be very popu lar nnd stands high In the community which he lives. Immediately after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Pit-boa iqft for Savannah, where they will spend several days before going to their future home at Darien. Yancey.Greer. TIPTON, On., Doc. 8.- The marriage of Miss Maud Greer to Mr. Hervey Hall Yancey was solemnised nt the Methodist church Wedneadny after- noon at 3 o’clm k. The ceremony was Impressively per formed by Rev. J. W. Domlngoos, pas tor of the Methodist church. The mu Id of honor wan Miss Eltle Middleton of Valdosta. The f>rldes- rrnldn were Misses Inn nnd Nens Smith of Tlfton Kulu Greer, niece of the bride, and Miss Price of Nesooms. The gentlemen of the bridal party wef© Messrs. J. W. and Lovlc Greet, broth ers of the bride, II. II. Combs, .1. W. Hyde end Mr. Whnlley of Birming ham as best man. The church was decorated in palms nnd ferns, the work of three of the bride's friends. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Greer, parents of the hrlds; Wednesday morning to the bridal par ty nnd out-of-town guests. Mr. and Mrs. Yancey left soon after o ceremony for Florida. On their return they will be at home st the Misses Smith, corner of Fourth street and Park avenue. Numerous presents were silent, tes timonials to the love and eateefrt In whlrh this young couple is held by their friends and acquaintances. bad livor. I have used It and derived great benefit from It.. I believe it has cured mo entirely of kidney and liver trouble, from which I suffered terribly. Most gratefully yours, A. K. Reynolds, Chief of Police, Columbus, Ga. Wenk nnd unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for many kinds of diseases, and If permitted to continue much suf fering and fatal results are sure to fol low. Kidney troublo Irritates tho nerves, makes you .dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during tho night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheu matism. gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull nche In tho back Joints and muscles; make your head mho and back ache, enuse Indigestion, stomach nnd liver trouble, you get'sallow, yel low complexion, make you feel ns though you hud henrt trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get wenk and waste away. The cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the world-fn- moun kidney remedy. In biking Swnmp-Ront you nfford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root Ih Iho most perfect lienter and gentle aid to the kidneys that Ih known to medical sci ence. How to Find Out. If there Is any doubt In your minds at» to your .condition, take from your urine on rising about four ounces, place It In a glass or bottle and let it stund twenty-four hours. If on exam ination It l« milky or cloudy, If there is a brick-dust settling, or If small parti cles float about In 11, your kidneys ure }n need of Immediate attention, Hwninp-Root Is pleasant to take and Is used In tho leading honpltuls, recom mended by physicians In their private EDITORIAL NOTE.—Ho (Bwamp-Root la pl< If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular flfty-cent and one-dollsr size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer’s Swump- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. practice, and 1s tnkon by doctors Ujom- selves who have kidney nllmonts, be cause they recognize In It the greatest nnd most successful remedy for kid ney, liver nrfd bladder troubles, successful Is Hwsmp-Root In proihptly curing evon tho mart' <11.1 rousing <'um>h of kldnoy,, liver or bladder trouble., that to prove I. wonderful merit, you mny hnve n munple bottle and n book of val uable Information, bnlli Kent nhiolut-ly free by mall. The honk contain, many of the ihoumuidH upon tboyiand, of leetlmonlal letter, received from men nnd women cured. The vnlue nnd auneea of Hwamp-ftool I. eo well known that our render. are advl.ed to .end Tor a .ample boltle. In .cndlm- your nddrra. to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Hlnghurntwi, N. V., he euro to an- you rend Ihla (eneroua offer In the Dally Tel.araph. Tho Proprietor, of tbia n.,- per guarantee the genuineness of thls.ftffer. A NEW INVENTION. Engagement Announced. MARSIIALLVJLLE, Os.. Dec. 8.— Invitations are being received le the marriage of Mr. Holmes Frederick, formerly of this place, but now of At lanta, to Mies Rosa Martin, daughter of Judge Henry Martin of Columbus Ga.. on Dec. 21. He la being congratu lated on all sides In his good fortune. Having visited here quite often Miss Martin Is greatly admired. Mr, Fred erick Is a young man of sterling busi ness qualities. Work of Jsspor County Man’s Brain Being Manufactured at Eatonton. EATONTON. On., Dec. 8.—Keeping abreast of the greater Georgia spirit of prosperity and the Eatonton Mes senger slogan of "Watch Eatonton Grow," your correspondent visited tho plant of the Eatonton Manufacturing Company this week to inspect not on ly thh latest enterprise, but the man ufacture of a recent Invention that means much to the farmers of tho South. . The company has recently been In- consumed, with Mr. T. O. Greene, a leading business man of this city, ns president, and a patent secured for tho Howard Improved Guano Distributor. The phnt. located on the lln*- of the Central Railway, Is equipped with tine machinery, has on hand n ten thousand dollar stock, with a weekly output of three hundred machines and the present season's output sold already. If proper railroad facilities can ho secured the plant will be doubled at an early date. While many guano distributors are nlready In use over the South, the one Just patented by Mr. James Howard, a Georgian of Jasper county, besides Its practical value means a saving In fertilizers and labor, that will balance accounts with boll weevil and Other torsos In the cotton belt. One distributor saves a plough and laborer to the farmer during planting season. Mr. Howard’s machine with Its many superiorities, is another evi dence of Georgia pluck and energy and shown that another Ell Whitney may yet be found In the borders of the Empire Htnte of the Houth. Personals. Col. Holmes Johnson of Clinton was the guest of Judge and Mrs. W. B. Wingfield while on business here this week. Rev. T. S. Hudson and family of Social Circle, the new paator of the F'ltonton Methodist church, will ar rive In the city next week. The recent stump in the cotton mar ket as a result of the bumper crop of 1904 Is s hard blow to the farmers of this section who doubled acreage for a ten cent crop. When the government came In Saturday morning and tho later drop of 60 points, a small-size l panic ensued. Beautiful Homs Burned, ATHENS, Oa., Dec. 8.—Last night at 11 o’clock Melville Manor, the elegant home of Mrs. F. T. Luca*, a few miles from this city, was bumtd to the ground. The house and all Its con tents were totally destroyed. Involving n loss of more than fifteen thousand dollars, upon which the Insurance was only six thousand dollars. The flm was'unquestionably of Incendiary ori gin, snd Is suppored to haw been the work of some negroes near the premi ses. The authorities are making ev» rv effort to apprehend the guilty p irtF \ Americas Hospital Bazaar. AMERlCfJS. Oa.. Dec. 8.-The hos pital bazanr conducted here this week Is proving a great financial success and fully a thousand dollars will be realized therefrom. Great crowds at tend the bazaar nightly and the suc cess of ths hospital movement Is thus assured. The feature of Interest to night was the Lilliputian wedding, with a full retinue of attendants. The EXAMINE YOUR DENTIFRICE bride was Miss Fannie Furlow, aged 4. | end Charles Crisp, aged 5. the occasion Acid and grit, deadliest eremtes cf th-5 proving one of greatest Interest to teeth# abound In cheap dentifrice- Fine per- thousands of spectators. fumes dq not make fir.e Your | teeth deserve bettei*ofyo j than to be offered Will Hold Cotton. H * ORFFPIN. OA.. Dec. 8.—tip to ten d«7s ago the farmer* were In good spirits, but sine© the decline In cotton they, that held their cotton, seem blue. They are holding their cotton now on hand, and say they will not sell before spring. With this In view, the mer chants’ collection* will not be so good, and will naturally effect trade to a great extent, while there was no room for complaint for trads up to the de cline In cotton. up a sacrifice to your pocketbook. SOZODONT b cl proven viluer Sixty yrar; b a pretty food text. No »cld, n- yr" in Sc rodent. The Liquid per.etr»le» th' lilt!, c-victt arA purifies them: the Pov .'ir gr.-.i a bright tad polished :-rfice. J FORKS; LIQUID, POWDER, PASTE. Delightfully after effect. stimulating That’s what those r) who it say about IX Old Quaker Rye Fermented under conditions of absolute cleanliness and in perfect temperatures—redistilled in copper —aged in charred oak. A ripe, mel low old whiskey. To get it l’h<»ne 361, BcdingficM Sc Co., ./ I 4 ..1. -'..'cel, Ga. 4