The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 09, 1904, Image 5

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^444»644i44-»444-M4+4444< «<«««« <644444 THE MACON TELEGRAPH : FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER o, tw it's ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. ♦♦♦»»♦ »»4' It is ISTot Too Early I To Face The Christmas 3?ro"blem Let Us Help You. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 310—320 Second Street. 4+444444 IT’S ALL RIGHT'lF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. 44444444 DOLLS, TOYS Wo have our annex ready for your inspec tion, filled with all kinds of games, dolls, toys and fancy goods. Our dolls are especi ally attractive, have kid bodied dolls from 15c to $3.00 Bisque jointed dolls 10c to $5.00. Dressed dolls 5c up. Tea sets, drums etc. from the cheapest to the best. McEvoy Book & Staty. Co., 512 Cherry St. “Macon’s Art Store.” The arl lovers of Macon and vicinity arc invited to call and inspeot cur lino of Holiday Presents, consisting of Pictures, Frames, Calendars, Christ mas Postals, and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. Our reputation for high class work is too well known to mention here. W. Lamar Williams, “ The Frame Maker” 107 COTTON AVENUE. One Cent a Word J Address A. T. McLauchlln, OelUa, On. {WANTED—Two salesmen in each state; $50 and expenses; permanent position. Penlcks Tobacco Works ~ ~ City, Va. Co., Bedford STATEMENT MADE BY DIRECTOR OF CENSUS WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.—Director of the Census North today made a state ment setting forth the position of the census bureau 111 connection with the resolution recently adopted by the Memphis, Tenn., Cotton Exchange, and concurred in by the exchanges of Vicksburg and Charleston, requesting that the census office abandon its present plan of publishing the cotton crop reports in partial statements, and withholding all information until re ports have been received from every county In the cotton belt. Director North says: "Since the census bureau undertook the collection and publication of the statistics of cotton ginned, only two objections have been urged to its plan, namely; That too much time elapsed between the collection and the publi cation dates of the reports and that the exigencies of the cotton trade required reports more frequently than once a month. "Tho change was made to meet these two objections. It Is impossible to give out complete reports until all the agents have made their returns; and, as facilities for travel and other con ditions differ widely throughout the cotton producing states, It often hap pens that a few county reports are late and the publication of the full report thus delayed several days. Under the new plan Information Is given to the public as fast ns received and com plied. Incidentally th* returns are thus protected from the possibility of leak age or any suspicion of leakage. Meets Another Objection. "The plan also meets the second ob jection by giving the public more fre quent reports, and gradually prepared all concerned for the complete monthly statement giving tho total quantity ginned to a given date. The prelim inary report of November 22 gave an accurate forecast of tho full report and gave notice to producer and manufac turer as to what might be expected in the Anal report Issued November 30, and In consequence there were no sharp and sudden fluctuations in prices during that time. As a steadying In fluence upon the market the partial reports have been abundantly justified already. The estimate of the United States department of agriculture, estimating the year’s growth at 12.162.000 bales, appeared on December 3. The public, therefore, had ten days In which to prepare for a large crop estimate, would appear that the effect of the partial statement was to prepare the public for conditions now appearing and to prevent wide fluctuations In prices, which must otherwise have oc curred. "The office has received abundant testimony that the new method is re garded by the producers and con sumers of cotton as an improvement and advantage. "However, the plan of Issuing these partial statements Is experimental, and if at the close of this season its results are not regarded as clearly advanta geous to producers and consumers, It will he abandoned thereafter. The census reports are primarily made for the benefit of these classes, and thus have unmistakably so resulted.” For Sale Close in Second street lot $1,000 Close In six-room cottage 2,500 8-room 2-story residence. Spring street, near Mulberry 4,000 Two lots each B0 feet frontage. Spring near Mulberry street H. Horne, Reale Estate, Insurance and Loans. 563 Mulberry Street Phone 454 Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN8, No. 353 Third St. Telephone No. 77. EXCITING SCENES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE AMONG the field-grown rosea are some smaller sized plants which will be sold at 15c. each, $1.50 per dozen now beforo thoy nre repli * “ “ Chns. \V< bass, shcephead, roe mullet and other fresh fish. O. P. Clarke & Co. FOR SALE—An established sheet metal business, complete in every detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent terri tory and good will of concern working In connection with it. Will sell at a bar gain, good reason for disposal. It will pay you to Investigate, answer quickly. Address Box 146, Charlotte, N. C. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. per pound from Charles Qelsmar, 'Phono 48. “WANTED—Two single gantlemen as ta ble boarders, to occupy one room; hot and cold baths, electric lights and call bells. Address "John Smith*” High st., care Telegraph. WANTED—A tenant for two or three connecting rooma in the American Na- WANTED—One thousand bushels speck led peas, unknown and mixed pens. Jonss Gro. Co:, foot Mulberry et, 'Phone WANTED—500 men to get a hair cut and shave at 558 Mulberry st. L. I>. Ste* yens, Prop. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. per pound from Charles Qelsmar, •Phone 48. WANTED—A position os bar tender; nine months experience; can give reference; willing to work; am now employed, but desire to change. Address L. W., Tele graph. . by an to II.. in an experienced m: care of Telegraph. Apply WANTED—81x boys to begin apprentice ship in my cabinet works at once. Call on r. W. Mueckc, 614 Now st. ItADIES cam $20 per hundred writing short letters; send stamped envelope tor B trtlculars. Ideal Mfg. Co., C.'ussopolls, Ich. WANTED—A first-class blacksmith who can do some wood-work also. Jno. “ Barfield, Emerich. On. care Telegraph. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. NEW YORK, Doc. 8.—Amid scenes of uncontrolled excitement and fren zied haste to sell securities, the New York Stock Exchange witnessed the most sensational decline in prices that it has known slnco the historic North ern Pacific panlo of May 9, 1901. Warn ed by the signs of the coming storm made visible yesterday in the prepon derance of orders to sell over those to buy, the traders were early on the floor of the exchange. When the gong sound ed for the opening of business there came from the struggling groups of brokers on the crowded floor a roar of human voices so loud that it startled and thrilled all who heard it. At first it seemed that all were sellers and that none was left to buy. As the shouting men surged around the trading posts the "impending Important develop ments" in this stock, tho "possible in crease of dividend on another,” tho "coming agreement with its principal rival” of a third or whatever were tho bull arguments on which advances PER80NAL. JUST RECEIVED—Fresh shipment of Weiner sausage. Frankfurter, 8alam! and Ring; order somo today. Chas. Qels- mar, 'Phono 48. LIVE AND DRESSED chickens and tur keys nnd fresh country eggs. O. P. Clarke A Co. ticket with each dollar purchase ■ entitles tho holder to a chance on tho lady's forty dollar gold watch to be given away on January lat; see Sunday's ad vertisement for particulars. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter i per pou-' ' ~ ’Phone 48. for them. Charles N. Woodruff, Florist. 11 il) in’ll, Auin|irui’B, Luimieni, uoy a Wagons, Doll Carriages, Aetc., cheap at 8. 8. Parmelee'a. FOR RENT—Cottage, 222 Rosa at.: poa- FOR RENT—Throe or four furnished rooma for light housekeeping; upstairs, oil conveniences; b»'»t locality in city. X. Y. Z., csre Telegraph. FOR RENT—Front room. Bond «t, near car line; furnished or unfurnished; pos session about January IsL .'Phone 2321 FOR RENT—Front board. I 'Phone 35 room, with or without 3514. A SPLENDID BUSINESS OPPORTUNI- ty in the thriving town of Fort Valley: for rent, three new store rooms 22x72 feet, with solid piste glass fronts, and located within seventy-five yards of, and fronting the passenger depot; well situ ated for any kind of business; ready for occupancy by 15th Inst. Apply J. L. Brown. Fort Valley, Os. JUST ARRIVED—Two carloads of Ken tucky and Tennessee mules, nil sizes; call and get our prices and save money. Waterman & Co. FRESH FI8II and oysters all the time. O. P. Clarke A Co. LOST AND FOUND. nler, envelope ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. per pound from Charles Qelsmar, 'Phone 48. bitch; liver spot on head and' - urn to like Dunwody; $5.00 reward for 58 V4, a decline of ten points since last nlght'a close and of 22 points from the highest of Tuesday. The 22 point re cession represented a decrease in the murket value of the company's total capital stock of more than thirty mill ions of dollars. Next to Amalgamated Copper, the leader In the excitement was United Htates Steel Corporation stock, the common falling to 23Vi and the pre ferred to 84, overnight declines of BH points nnd 7 3-8 points respectively, nnd the declines of 9*4 points for tho common nnd 10% points for tho pre ferred from Tuesday's highest. The shrinkage in quoted values from Tuea- day repreaented over $45,000,000 on tho common and $36,000,000 on tho pre ferred, an aggregate on the company’s stock of moro than $30,000,000. Values throughout the entlfe list wero cut down with great rapidity, weakly mar gined accounts wero wiped out and for nearly two hours the demoralization was complete. During this period the transactions amounted to about 900,000 shares. The frightened throwing over of stocks almost without regard to prlco checked nbout noon and there fol were based, were all forgotten and . lowed a period of irregularity. Heavy brokers sought only to get rid of the buying orders appeared, quotations stocks they held. The scene was ob- | started upward and before 1 o'clock served by a throng of visitors In the ' n ’ an > r ***e * ctJve •J 0 ?* 11 **ad regain- ; A prominent club woman, forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. “Dear Mbs. Pikkhami—Lifo looks dark Indeed when a ■woman fools that her strength is failing awny and slio lias no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feoling a fow months ago when I was advised Hint my poor health was caused by prolapsus or fnlllng of tho womb. Tho wools sounded liko a knell to me, I felt that my sun had sot: hut ladle E. Plnkhhm’e Vegetable Compound camo to mo as an elixir of lifo; it restored tho lost forces nnd built mo up until my nod health returned to mo. For four months I took tho medicine .ally and each doso added health and strength. I am so thanklul for ho holp I obtained through its use.”—Mrs. Flohenoe Daotoutk, ’ Miles Avo., SL Joseph, Mich. A medicine that 1ms restored so many women to health and enn produce proof of tlio fact must bo regarded with respect. This Is tlio record of Lydia E. rinklmm’s Vegetable Compound, which ennnot ho equalled liy nny other mcdlciuo tho world lias over pro duced. Hero is unothcr ease l — “Dear Bins. Pinktiam:—For years I was troubled with falling of tho womb, irregular nnd painful menstruation, loucorrhaa. bearing- down pains, backache, headache, dizzy and fainting spells, and stomach troublo. “ I doctored for about flvo years but did not seem to improvo. I began the use of your mcdicino, and liavo taken sovon bottles of Lydia E. lMnkhnm’n Vegetable Compound, threo of Blood Purifier, nnd also used tbo Sanative Wash nnd Liver Pills, and am now onjoying good health, and have gained in flesh. I thank you very much for what you have dono for me, and heartily recom mend your mcdicino to nil suffering wninen.”—Miss Kmma SNYltmt. 218 East gallery. First to give way In the hur- ly-burly wai Amalgamated Copper, against which a campaign by a news paper ndvertliement has recently been conducted. Dropping aometlmcn a point at a time it fell until it sold at EVERY-DAY TROUBLES. Most Macon Readers Re alize What It Means ed considerable of their Ioase*. The tone of the trading remained feverish, but the rally wnn well held and tho cloae wai, comparatively speaking, se verely quiet. Tho total sales of stocks today were 2,905,400 shares. ■■■ Many causes for tho day’s, selling were suggested, but tbo general opln- Ion seemed to be that the bull market had brought in many buyers on snmll margins and when the signs of on Im pending bresk were seen yesterday theso holders were forced to sell out their speculative purchases at what ever prices were obtainable. remote. uncut eigniaen months old: has a small lemon spot under left eye; liberal STRAYED—Liberal reward for Informs- tton of whereabouts of three months-old Scotch collie puppy* ten color with blaze fee*, tip end of tall whits. Dave Fleischer. The constant, never-ceasing Itchlness Ever present with Itching Piles, With Eczema, with irritating skin; .It's every day trouble in many house holds. Doan’s Ointment brings relief and cure. Is endorsed by Macon people. J. R. Lee, retired, living at No. 760 Oak street, says: "I have used Doan's Ointment and found It an excellent remedy for All Itching eruptions of the skin, and It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to the large muss which has been offered In Its behair. I tried It for itching hemorrhoids, after everything else had failed to have nny effect, and was wonderfully benefited from Its use. I have great confidence In the preparation." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. Now! Now! Hake your cake, we’ll almost give you the things to make it with. All fresh and finest on the market. CITRON’, a pound '. 15c RAISIN’S, Seeded, a pound 8 1.3c CURRANTS, Cleaned, a pound 8 1-3C ORANGE PEEL, a pound LEMON PEEL, a pound 15c SULTANA SEEDLESS RAISINS, a pound...., 12c FIGS, finest packed, a pound 20c” FIGS, Choice, a package 10c DATES, a pound 6c NUTS, ALMONDS, PAPER SHELL PECANS, FIL BERTS, WALNUTS, BRAZILS, all of the finest, 12c pound and upwards. You should by all means send us your order for nuts. Get a sample order now. Phone 340 and we will send them to you. Watch for our new presents to arrive next Mon day. Better get your Tea and Coffee tickets together because you will be sure to see something you want The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 250 Stores—5000 Wagons. 60S Cherry 5t. MEDICAL. ATTENTION LADIES— positive. ly prevents. cures leurnrrhe* and other discharges; safe and pleasant; month's 2Sth ct„ New York, tmlcal N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. CHOICE FIELD-GROWN ROSES—Come out today while they are out of the ground and sea how healthy and well rooted they are. and only $3 per dozen. Chan. N. Woodruff, florist. DRY AND STEAM cleaning; the only thoroughly equipped establishment SK* t i?i.A® 0U, 6* rT, .l6 r * * Cleaning Works. 154 Cotton ate.. 'Phon# 545. >YBTER8 IN SHELL, oysters on half shell, oysters open, oyaters small, oya-. ers_ medium, oyster* largo, oysters any , . - pyatara large, oysters any kind you want; fresh or you cant get (Mm n P. Clarke ft ORDER you . per pound Tnoiw 48. —Fresh shipment M WHner ssus-xge. Frankfurter. Salami ma d r ^pSforiTu " om * Chas. Oels- NICE BALDWIN peck. Rainey 4k 9h 300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK, fiv m £" v ' d Cily Pr °P=r<y. Thre, or GEORGIA LAND 4 TITLE- . -■ 370 »««na st reoU DEATHS George M. Hay. AMEIUOITH, On.. Dec. George M. Hny. for a hnlf n century n well known cltlnen of Amerlcu*. wan founj dend In hln room Oil* afternoon, dreth resulting fmm nome henrt affection. After the civil war Mr. Hny wnn con- nldered one of the wealthiest men In Georgia and conducted an Immennn mercantile huelnoae here which result ed unprofltably nnd hie fortune woe quickly awept away. Ho wai widely known throughout aouthweet Georgia, having maided In Albany, Brunswick nnd Amerlcue. Funeral of Mr. Wingfield. WABHINGTON, Oa, Dee. The funeral of Mr. Tom Wingfield occurred yesterday morning from his residence. Hie death wnn the result of a long III nesa He wnn the eon of the late Dr. Thomas Wlngfleld. A. D. Smtih, REIDBVILLE. Oa.. Dec. I A. D. Bmlth, iherlff of Tattnall county, died here today at 13 o'clock. Mr. Smith was afflicted with a throat trouble nnd his death waa expected. He had a large family and was a popular officer. Burial of Mre. Perdue. RARNKHVILLE. Oa. Dec. *.-The remains of Mrn. Dr. H. Perdue were hurled here today, lha funeral service being held at the home of her son. Dr. C. H. Perduo on Thomanton street, Rev. C. W. Durden and Rev. . Know conducting them ind paying beautiful tribute lo her noble life. Rhe was about slaty years old and for many years ban been prominent In the Ilfs of this community. Rhe wax a strong Christian and had honta of friends here end In other eltlea of the .latex. She waa the wife of (he 4at« Dr. Hiram Perdue, who was one of the lending physician, of middle Georgia. For aov- eral months past Mrs. Perdua had been a great aufTerer and her death waa not unexpected. Rhe wee a slater of Mrs. MrAndrews of Macon and Mrs. Dr. Collier of Orlffln. “Xmas is coming” Boau tiful lino rockers at E, J. 4 P. D. Willingham’s, Eutawvilla Murder Ca.e, CHARLK8TON, 8. C., Deo. 8.—The preliminary trial In tho Eutawrille case was concluded this morning BL George. Magistrate McCoy raleaa. ed Prince Martin end Adgrr Rutter end the following were committed Jail for court of sessions; Andrew Martin, Berry Martin, J. Palmer and 8. A. Eadon. Up Ur (hie morning the pros ■ utlon had no evi dence directly Implicate * any one. but a surprise was sprung whan Solicitor women."—Mias Emma Snyder, 218 East Center St, Marlon, Ohio. , “FIH313 MEDICAL ADVICE TO 'WOMEN.” Women would nnvo tlmo and much sickticsH If thoy would wrlto to Mrs. Plnkbam forndvlco ns noon as uny dint reusing symp toms nppear. It Is freo, nnd has put thousands of women on the right roud to recovery. Mrs. IMnlcliam never violates tho confidence thus entrusted to her, and although Hlio publishes thousands of testimonials from women who liavo heen benefited by her mlvlco and mcdicino, nover In all licrcxpcrlenco lias slid published such a letter without tho full consent, nnd often liy spcclnl request, of tho writer. FORFEITII wec.nnot forthwith prwliieo tlia oriftn.l l.ttori .n4 ilgn.tnril o4 r - - tuliiawlal,, whUb will prof. tholr.Uohit.r.nolouiM.. Lydia IS. flaktiaiu M.dlolue C*. ( Lyaa, Haas. , $5000 DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College 6t., 7 rooms....$45.00 ,\-. ’:: 1 H L: 11 St. 7 morns 53 00 TEN THOU8AND DOLLARS To loan on improved city property. Money in tjio bank—no delay. $1,600.00 Will buy a nice homo in Huguenin Heights, consisting of a good two sto ry, nix-room dwelling on desirable lot. Terms, $300 eftsh, balance on long tlmo yearly payments nnd reasonable inter est. A flne opportunity for a person of moderate means. House is now rented at $18 per month and would make a good InvestmenL $1,500.00 Will buy a stor and 4-room dwell ing combined, on corner of Third U4 Arch Btreets; all in go-ad condition; close In, convenient to Business, n good stand, and a corner that will Increase In value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Loans, Real Estate and Insurance. 565 Mulberry Street. For Sale The Searcy mill place with 12 acres land, twelve miles from Macon. Fine water power with 15 feet fall; three- story grist and flour mill with stone foundations to first floor. Also saw mill with 5,000 feet dally capacity; ono 120-snw gin, press, elevators and wag on scales. Ktore doing prosperous business. Two three-rwtn dwellings and two three-room tenant houses, sta bles, barns, etc. Fine spring. Every thing complete and offered at bargain for quick sale. Good reasons for sell- li..r Tim chance of your life For [.rice and ■ particulars, call on or address Duncan Real Estate Exchange FOR SALE. Flv.-roftm hmjNO anU gno.1 size lot on car line. Fait Macon, I90o; 4-room houic. * "li ipi.rl at., IfftO; r.-rootn honao on car Una. Mouth Mnrnn, for 11.050; 6 acres land with store and dwelling for 11,000; 6-room house, Ih*II< vlow, for ,750; Mi lota for 170 each If sold at onen; wood yard anil m.-i- rhlnrry nnd a rooms for rent: for a.ilo, t-rnoni hotis., t>dar at, larao lot, 11.050. J. L. ETHniOQE, Hard-man Dido. Hildebrand put up H, C. Edwards, who had boon ono of tho accused, who has become a witness for the slate. Ho made a good witness and In his con fession Implicated the four named. He la nn orphan and wits working on Iho plnca of Lewis Martin. He declared the men mrntloned had mnde throats against flookard and had thrown him Into the Hanteo river. Edworde. will be held In the pent- tentlery for aefely until ho le called ee witness. The ureused will be held In Jail at Monrk's Corner. A Costly Mistake, Blunders nre sometimes very ex- penslve. Oixeelonally life Itself la the price of u mistake, but you'll never bo wrong If you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dlsxlncaa, Heed ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. T‘ are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at drug stores. hag alt At New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. Yorkshire Lad, who won the aecond race by s heed In a drive, was th* only success ful favorite today. Summary: First Rare—BIx furlongs. Nervalor. II lo 5, won; Walter Duffy, II to 1, second; June Collins, 8 (o 1, third. Time, 1:21. Recond Rare—Four and a half fur longs. Yorkshire Lad, 8 to 20, won; Prestige, 16 to J, aecond; Lauroe, 2 to J, third. Time, 0:6# 1-6. Third Rare—Mile. Lendon, 10 to 1, won;* Arachue, even, second; Ireno Mac. I to 6, third. Tlmo. 1:62 1-6. Fourth Race—Bovan furlongs, han dirap. Gus Heldern, 7 to I, won; Otr- nlah, 6 to 2, aecond; Ahola, t to t, third. Time. 0:21 1-6. Fifth Race—Mile and a sixteenth, One Lighter, 7 (o 2. wnn; Fnnao, 20 to 1. second; Alcomer, 16 to 1, third. Time, 1:61*. Blxth Race—Mile and sev.nty yard*. Bountiful, 20 to 1, won; Extol, S In 8, second; Glendon, 16 to 1, third. Tlmo, 1:662-6.. A NICE COTTAGE Huguonin Hoights, for a cash paymont of $450.00. Balanco $850.00 to suit purchasor. Good invostmont, nico homo. Monoy to loan on Real Estnto. , WILLINGHAM & CONE, Phone 444. 355 Second Street OurSpecial Prices » nttt Cream ChHN, a lb.. If hit Oa. Caoa Syrup, a gal... 85 Appla Vinegar, a gal.. to Bhu H< a4 Rica, a Tb 05 Octagon Soap, « for 26 Hand SapoKo. a cake 07ty Sugar OurMl Ilnm. a lb... lift Sugar Cured Hhouldar, a lb 09 Break font Strips (beat quality), a lb. 13^ Naw Nutf. all klnda, lt>7 16 florid* Oranges, * do* SO Baldwin A pit Us, a pk 36 Dried Figs 1-lb. bricks, a lb 11 geeded !Ulain*, a nkg Of 1-1 Hlterlolly nettiied Currants, a pkf..0fl-3 New Persian Dates, per lb....;..”...5 1-3 Beat Quality Prunes, a lb 074 California Bvar 1 * “ “ California Kvi iporated Peaches, a lb.. 10 Beat Three Crown llnlitlna a lb...... 10 Van Camp's Soups tall kinds), a can..0t Van Camp’s Pork and Beans, a can..Of Van Camp's Pure cream, a can 09 Royal CUlad Dressing, a bottle 20 Irish Potatoes, a pk 25 'Phono 2035. J. R. Odom. msm A.T. HOLT. RtAl ESTATE (, RENTING AGENT A few “specials" In hand bags. Taylor’s All-Night Drug Store. Japan Lika* Hague Idea. WASHINGTON, Dec. I.—Thc charge d'affaires of the Japanese legation to day Informed the secretary of atata that the Japanese government cordially gympnfhltc* with the beneficent pur pose that Inspired tha Invitation of tha president to the second Hague confer ence. The Japanese government does not find In the fact that they are en gaged In war any sufficient reason why they should not, under the present circumetancee, taka part in the pro posed* conference, provided that the conference to be assembled does not take or assume to tsk** any aetlon rel ative to or affecting In any way the present conflicL Hfcbject to these res ervations tha imperial gladly accepts the lnvltatl Rainey & Callaghan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRESH FISH. OYSTERS. PRODUCE, POULTRY. FRUIT. VEGETABLES. KALAMAZOO CELERY, EOGS. ICE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OF- TOWN ORDERS. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN ’Phon-a 221 and 6. < 474 First SL For Sale Nice six-room cottage on Tht street Just beyond the Central railro crossing can be bought at # $1250.00 I will sell this house on & cash pa ment of $400 and allow the balance be paid at $15 per month. This house will rent for $12 50 i month readily, no you cAn’t go wm in buying. It is convenient and co fortablc id be ond the first dll cost little more tha Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, American Neticnal Bank Bldg. J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 '29 Cotton i MACON, GA*