The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 10, 1904, Image 6

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH j SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER io, 1904. THE ENGRAVERS WORK:: Must be high class to attract your trade whore competition is keen and wo ofTer you in tin's line Wedding and Kocoption Invitations, Visiting Cards, Church Cards, Menu Cards, Tally and Score, Embossing, Business Cards, letter Heads etc. by the best Engravers, on high grndo stock. We guarantee everything wo sell in Stationery and Printing. The J. W. Burke Company, Macon, Oa. GEORGIA SOUTHERN & FLORIDA RY. LOCAL time table KlfretlY* October ej, /»»<. SOUTH HOUND P.M. 5 00 G 14 G 38 . 6 SS 7 2G 7 48 R 10 . 8 28 . 8 36 0 25 0 51 10 06 10 11 11 20 12 10 12 20 12 47 1 III 1 45 2 05 2 21 2 30 3 10 4 15 3 31 4 76 3 44 4 30 3 40 Lv 11 10 5 10 4 35 P. M. S 20 4 45 Lv , 5 57 5 25 Lv , ‘ Lv , Lv . Lv . Lv . 6 39 6 10 7 16 ?s 835 A.M G 50 L 7 121 7 321 8 10 Ar . P. M. . Mocon . . Kathleen . . Grovanla . . UnnrlllU . , Vienna . . Cordate . . Arab! . . Worth . . A-hhurn . . Tilton . . Iicnoic . . Kparltn . . Adol . . Valdoata . . Valdoata . . Ilaylow . , Fargo . . Baxter . . Cutler . . Crawford . JackionvlUe STATION’S MOUTH HOUND se r. m 4 20 3 24 3 00 2 47 2 22 2 05 I 25 1 11 1 05 12 30 12 06 II 54 II 48 11 05 Ar 11 00 10 21 0 38 8 58 8 37 8 20 7 45 A. M 2 28 2 OS 1 53 0 05 L 0 10 L 0 505 I p. v. . Valdoata . Lake Park , Jenninge . Whlto‘siprlng« . Lake City . Lake Butler. Sampxon City , Hampton . . Grandin . Florahom* . ., Palatka. . A.M. 10 52 10 23 10 OH. 0 45 0 07 8 43 7 58 7 34 7 10 G 37 6 32 6 00 A.M. I 14 12 40 12 13 12 01 11 57 11 15 II 05 10 26 0 44 » 03 8 40 8 23 7 50 P. M, 10 A. M. 11 25 10 21 II 50 0 30 0 10 8 50 8 29 8 14 8 08 7 30 7 04 G 52 0 46 u 00 A.M. P. U 10 50 10 22 10 07 0 43 0 08 8 40 7 52 7 28 7 08 G 20 G 24 5 50 .... P.M. THE NEW SLEEPERS now running on Trtlm ) and 4 between Mxcon xnd. Jicluonville, vix Valdoata, are twelve notion Drawing- Room Buffet con, Pinttch gat lighted, and up to the Pullman •tandard in all their appointment!. These ilcepen ore open lor occupancy, leaving Macon, at 9:30 p.m., and pouengen can remain in ilccpcr until 7:00 a.m. an arrival at Macon. •teenen bil-eia Mam am) Jeck.onvtlte. and catty Room Maapqaq batwaaa Maeea and Ttltoa. aa roala batwaan JackaoavOla and It LonU. Mo . fad Chicago. III. Nev I and 8 in solkl train* bdwwi Maco* aad Palatka. and carry Through Coach between Maooa aad Jacksonville. NVMC.RHAW. Ylc*Fr*t1 dial. C. B. RHODES. OoaT Pass. 1’ai*. Agt at. J. U. RAPPTKRY. D. P. iAiV. 1 HARRY BURNS. T. V A.. PROSPERITY OF SOUTHERN STATES Report! From Banka and Railroad* Indicata That in tha Land of Cotton all ia Wall. BALTIMORE, Dec. 9.—Banker* of tha cotton bait preaent In thta week's laaue of tha Manufacturer*' Record many evidence* of prosperity In their aactlon. Under date of November 28 they were asked for view* on the financial condition ot farmer* and bus iness men, the outlook for trade, the prospect* for lncraaae in manufactur ing interest*, the condition of banking Interests, immigration and the general spirit of the people aa to the upbuild ing of their community. Coming from different states the repliea indicate a degree of comfort and general pros perity unknown in the Bouth in many years. The aituat'on in Alabama ia quite typical. Farmers there are in better financial condition than they have ever been, having made large crops this season, and now selling thrtr cotton at a fair average price. Aa a rule they are getting out of debt and becoming independent financially. It in significant that, in addition to the fair cotton crop they made a large corn crop this year. Ho In Georgia there are reports of full average crops, both of cotton and corn, and of plenty In the way of provisions. In addition to the staple, while in Tennessee corn and hay crops have been good. The over production of rice In l/oulsiana has been counterbalanced by a healthy condition of the lumber market, and In Florida cattle huxlner* with Cuba and the raising of early veget».hW>« nnd fruits have helped the farmers might ily. Improvement In farming condi tions has been accompanied by ad vances In the price of farm lands dur ing the past two year*, from 25 to 50 per cent.. In some part* of Georgia, for Instance, and from 6b to 100 per cent In other parts, and by more than 100 per cent. In Alabama. Mortgages have been cancelled, diversification In crops In becoming more general, farmers of Arkansas now marketing fruit and vegetable crops to the value of from ISO to $ 100 un acre where ten years ago they realised only $lf> to 120, and Fort Hmlth being one of the largest orig inal shipping point* for Irish potntoea In the United Stntes. The mnny sub stantlnl Improvements In the way of new buildings, first-class roads, etc., reflect the spirit of progrena Intensified by prosperity. A study of the reports of fifteen lead Ing railroads in the Houth. Including four whose mileage does not altogether lie In this section of the country, although a very large part of It Is Southern, displays the gratifying fact i that the earnings of these roads Are Increasing as the season advances. All ! the linos referred to have Issued their | statements up to and Including Sep tember and In nenrly every Instance each rompnny shows for that month an Increase of much grenter percentage than Its average for the three months since July 1, when the fiscal year of all • hut one of the lines began. Home of : the gains nro remarkably large, due partly to enlarged business nnd re ceipts and partly to the completion of the Improvements under way last year which were charged to operating ex penses. In calculating the percentages of growth comparison Is made with the corresponding month and period j of last year. A detnlled review of the report ; first of the period of three months and then of the month of September. pr«* sents clearly the rntlo of progress * which railroads In the Bouth are now enjoying, for the reports of the lines here considered are typical, as will he ' seen by the names of the several ; panics. I For the period of three months from , July 1 to September 30 the changes ' chown are ns follows: Southern rail way, gross 7.42 per cent. Increase, net 7.12 per cent Increase: Atlantic Coast Line gross 8.12 per cent. Increase, net 7.38 per rent. Increase; 8eahoard Air Line, gross 6.67 per cent. Increase, net •*3.73 per cent. Increase; Norfolk and Western, gross .6 of 1 per cent, create, net .76 of I per cent, decresae Chesapeake and Ohio, gross t.ftft per cent. Increase; net 16.68 per cent, crenae; Louisville and Nashville, grosa 1.17 per cent. Increase, net 15.16 per cent. Increase; Nashville. Chattanooga and 8t. Louie, gross 3 25 Jer cent. In crease, net 6.28 per cent. Increase bile and Ohio, gross 5.7$ per cent. In create, net 8 24 per cent. Increase; II llnols Central, groaa 4.77 per cent. In creaaa. net 49.62 per cent. Increase ! Ynsoo and Mississippi Valley, gross | 6.01 per cant. Increase, net 1.39 per cent Increase: tiock Island system, gross 13.28 per cent, decrease, net 14.22 per cent. decrease; St. Louis nnd Hon 1 Francisco, gross 4 92 per cent. Increase. net 13.16 per eent. Increase; Missouri j Pacific, gross .66 of 1 per eent. de- I crease, net 4.33 per cent, decrease | Missouri. Kansas nnd Texas, gross Chattancom md Bt. Louis, gross 2.09 per cent. Increase, net 2.67 per cent, in* Crease; Mobile and Ohio, grosa 10.32 per cent. Increase, net 0.07 per cent. Increase; Illinois Central, gross 8 41 per cent, increase, net 68.84 per cent Increase; Yazoo, Mis«l*6lPPl Valley, gross 10.66 p*r cent, increase, net 2.16 per csnL Increase; Rock Island system, groaa 0.21 per cant, decrease, net 15 32 per cent increase; St. Louis and San Famdsco, gross 10.76 per cent In crease, net 33.92 per cent Increase; Missouri Pacific, gross 2.71 per cent Increase, net 7.04 per cent increase; Missouri, Kansas and Texas, gross 18.56 per cent. Increase, net 50.80 per cent Increase?*Ut. Louis Southwestern, gross 17.98 per cent, increase, net 81.84 per cent increase. HARNE88 THIEF NAILED. 8tole From Valdosta Merchants and Sold to Gypsis*. DALDOSTA, Ga. Dec. 9.— Aus Gra ham. a well known white man. who has been suspected of a. number of larcenies, was arrested yesterday on the charge of stealing a set of harness from Mr. Jim Griffin. Graham was caught selling the harness to a band of gipsies about 10 o'clock at night After he was arrested he confessed to having stolen hirness from Messrs. Corley Strickland, A. S. Pendleton and W. Lamar at various times, told the officers where he hid the various sets of harness, all of them being In swamps near the city. La mar's harness were stolen a year ago, but they were found by the officers Just where Graham said they were placed. He plead guilty to one of the charges and was sentenced tp pay a fine of $40 or serve six months. There re three or four more cases against him which will come up for trial to morrow. JU8TICE8 OP THE PEACE. Some Curious Phases of the Recent Election. ATLANTA. Oa.. Dec. 9.—The re turns in 700 out of the 1,700 elections for Justices of the peace In Georgia have been received by Secretary of State Cook. A great many of them have beef* Irregularly made out In consequence of Which they have been sent hack for corrections. In quite u number of districts no elections were held, and the Incumbents will retain their office, and In three district* there was a tie In the number of votes cast for the apposing candidates. In Rich mond county the man elected died at the polls on election day. hut the peo ple kept on voting for him, the result of which Is that the dead man beat his live opponent 24 votes. Good-Wish Gifts keep the Yule fire burning on the heart's hearthstone. The most charming gifts for sweet remembrance which the season shows are the new Christmas packages of NABISCO SUGAR WAFERS With holly ribbon dress to charm the eye, with good-wish card to warm the heart, what better gift to cheer afriend than sweet Nabisco? Whatever other gifts you make, give good-wish gifts to all—the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the good, the bad—remember everyone, and everyone will remember you. YOUR HAT May Be a Stylish One, But It Makes Troubl*. A man usually buys a hat that'* "In style.” hut the modern hat for men has lota to answer for. Raldheada are growing more numer ous every day. flats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic germs which sap the life from the roots of the hulr. When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp it* full of Dandruff It Is a sure sign that.these countless germs are busily nt work. There Is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs—that way Is to apply Newbro's HerplBlde to the scalp—It will kill the germs and healthy hulr la sure to result. 8old by all leading druggists. Send 10 sents In stamp* for sample to The Her- piclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Lamar A La mar (Ho! Hope's old stand). Second and Mulberry street*. Belote—Thigpen. VALDOSTA. Oa. Dec. 9.—A quiet, but pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mrs. R. 8. Thigpen yesterday afternoon, the contracting parties being her daughter. .Miss An nie, and Mr. Massey Relote. The par lor ami drawing room were hand somely decorated In autumn leaves nnd ut flowers, and the wedding march was played by Miss Willie Pearl Davis. The ceremrihy was performed by Rev. It Christie and was witnessed by Inti mate friends and relatives of the con tracting parties. After the ceremony reception wag held and later In the evening the couple left for Ht. Augus tine and other points In Florida. The bride la one of Valdosta's most beauti ful young women, while the groom a rising young business man here. A. K. & N. RAILROAD. Branch to be Built From Marietta to Wofford's Cross Roads. ATLANTA, Ga„ Secretary of Stato Cook today granted an amendment to the charter of the Atlanta. Knoxville and Northern railway which allows the company to construct a branch line from a point at or near Marietta, running In a northerl£___ direction through the counties of Cook and Bor- ton. crossing near the old Cooper fur nace to Wofford'* Cross Boards In the county of Horton. The petition does not Indlvate the cost of the construe tlon of the branch road. all headaches. The perfect remedy for Oolda. Indication, Periodic Pain,, Br.ln F.g, etc. Prevent. Train Nansen and Slclt Hondncbe. Brncee the nerve.. REBATE Save You Money Fight Will be Bitter. Those wno will persist In cloi _ their ears against the continual recom mendation of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with the'r troubles. If not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symntom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improve ment came at once and four bottle* entirely cured her.'* Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle* free. , Big Land Deal. VALDOSTA. Ga.. Dec. 9.—Mr. D. Ashley, president of the Winn-Ashley Lund Company of this city, went to Jacksonville yes*erday to close n trade with Mr. M. M. Hmlth of Winter Park. Fla., for 70.000 acres of timber land .*n Desotn county. Fla. It Is understood that Mr. Smith immediately closed a trade with H. A. McEachern rtf the Consolidated Naval Stores Company for a half Interest In these lands. The amount of money Involved In the deal Is about 2150,000. This lot of land was only a part of the holdings of the local company. No Cats of Pnsumonis on Record. We do not know of n single Instance where a cough or cold resulted In f neumonla or consumption when nicy's Honey nnd Tar had been taken. It cures roughs nnd colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some un known preparation which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tur nnd refuse any substitute offered. Sold by H. J. Lamar A Co., druggists. TICKETS AT CHRISTMAS TIME he merry and wise In wine drinking. Get the best, then you need fear no trouble. Our WINES AND LIQUORS are the choicest to be found In the mar- x ket, and a bottle or two will certainly make the day more enjoyable. It is nil very well to eat nourishing food, but you need a nourishing drink also. We will till your orders promptly. Old Joe Mercor Corn, slx-year-olJ, one gallon Jug. $2.76. delivered. Four full quarts. 33.00, delivered. Bartlett Pure Rye, ono gallon Jug, 32.83, delivered. Four lull quarts, 33.25, dellv- Genulne Mt.'Vernon Rye. 8 years old. 33.75 In gallon Jug delivered. Four full a unrts, genuine Mi. Vernon Rye. 34.00, ellvered. We aro agents for Lewis' *86; Duffy's ■Pure Malt. Wilson's V'hlskles. 8axerao Cocktail. Schllts and Aurora beers. Write us for price list. Special prices on whole sale quantities. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, 'PHONE 414 THIRD ST., MACON. QA. Pastor’s Salary Raised. DUBLIN. Ga.. Dec. At a confer ence of the members of the Dublin Baptist church the salary of Rev. M. A. Jenkins was raised from $1,200 to . . , 81,500, two months vacation eacn year !!-. ■ p * r f * nt jrT".r,1' „ n * t .. ,, ' U P?! with full par wo. voted him and 1150 was appropriated from the treasury' of Holiday Excursion Rates I Central of Georgia Railway! One nnd one-third faro for the round trip Tickets on sate to teachers and students of schools and colleges, holding cortiticatos, De cember 17th to ‘24th, inclusive; final limit ■ January 8th, 1905. To the general public December 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 31st, 1904, and January 1st, 1905; tinal limit January 4 th, 1905. For rates, schedules, and further particulars, call at City Ticket Office, 352 Second street, or address cent, increase; Bt. Louis Southwestern, gross 18.46 per cent. Increase, net 442.51 j per cent, increase. I For the month of September the 1 changes shown are as follows: South- I ero railway, gross 10 96 per cent. In- I crease, net 12.22 per cent. Increase; At- I lanttc Coast Line, grosa 12.79 per cent I Increase, nst 22.32 per cent. Increase; I Seaboard Air Line, gross 12.11 per I cent. Increase, net 40.17 per cent, tn- Norfolk nnd Western, groaa $.14 per cent Increase, net 7.64 per | cent. Increase; Chesapeake and Ohio, 9.29 per cent. Increase, net 26.2$ per cent. Increase: Lout's vllle and Nashville, gross 4.21 per cent. Increase, net 15.6S per cent. Increase; Nashville, the church to assist In defraying his expenses to London. England, next summer to attend the Bible conference held there annually. The Dublin Baptist church is one of the beat In the state. In addition to raising the salary of Mr. Jenkins the church la now engaged In erecting a new church edifice which will coat ap proximately $20,000. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. Mother Had Been Absent Only a Few Moments. SAVANNAH. On.. Dec. 9.—Louise Jordan, the 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jordan, was hurned to death nt her home this morning. The child had been left In j the house with her brother, nnlelg’i. ; aged five years. Mr. Jordan had gone I next door to see a neighbor. As she I reached the door of the neighbor's j house, turning, she was horrified to | see her little girl standing in her own . door it few' feet away In flames. Tho ; terrorized mother seising the little one, j wrapped a blanket about It to extln- > . guish the flames and rushed Into the [ * streets with the burning child. The only explanation the little boy could < . give was that he had Inst seen her j • very ctose to the coals In the fire- | ‘ place. Eciema. scald head, htvea. Itchlneaa of the skin of any sort Instantly re lieved. permantly cured. Doan’s Oint ment. At any drug store. REV. A^ M. WILLIAMS'. Will Make His Residence In Vatdosta. To Engage in Business. VALDOSTA, Oa.. Dec. 9.—Rev. A. M. Williams, formerly of Trinity church. Savannah, will move to this city next week and It la understood he Is one where health abound** i °P*n an insurance agency here. With Impure blood there cannot “iV"?" 1 *?* »»• h *™ <hl * w ** k bo rood health »rt»oto4 a home o„ Paturoon xtraat. patood hoaltn. Which th. family will occupy. Mr. With a disordered L1VER there williams was made a supernumerary A HAPPY HOME cannot bo good blood. C. A. Dewberry, Jno. W. Blount, Tntt’s Pills City I ickct and Pass. Agt. by the last conference, which makes j him retatn all of his conference rela- j tlona It U understood that he will re- ! D*rn to the ministry after a year or ao j of teat and treatment of hts throat for n. trouble which has worried him good deal of late. SULPHUR NATURE’S GREATEST GERMICIDE. { A Freer Use of It Would Save Doctors’ ; Bills. Greater healing power can be had In J the nrlvncy of tne home by uring Han- I cock H Liquid Sulphur In the twith than bv Journeying to ths moat famous sulphur I springs. f Greater benefits to the akin, a clear and more beautiful complexion can be had by • using tho harmless Hancock’s Liquid 8ul. I pnur for the toilet than by the ueo of dan. gerous drugs and cosmetics.* Liquid sulphur cures dandruff, secants, pimples, salt rheum. Itch, hives, erysip elas and all open sore». it Is nature** greatest rrrmlclde. Write to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.. Baltimore. Md . for tree booklet, or ask your druggist for Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur. President Honors Hunting Party. VALDOSTA. Oa., Dec. t.—President J. F. Hanson of the Central Railroad, has a large crowd of prominent rail road men and capitalists with him on a hunt at Kinder Lou. The crowd will remain here until Saturday night and will have a cat hunt In the morning. They killed 126 bird* today. The fol lowing are In the party, besides Major Hanson: W. A. Williams, second vice president of tho Central Railroad; W. H. McDoel. president Monon Route, of Chicago; W. H. Pleasants, vies president and general manager Ocean Stqpmshlp Co., New York; W. H. Fogg. D. P. A- Central Railroad. At lanta; Wm. Cooper Proctor of Proctor A Gamble. Chicago; T. D. Tinsley, E. H. Fellows. W. C. McCaw, O. W Stevenson of Macon, and W. C. Has kell of New York. ♦ Cheap Holiday Rates j Southern Railway I ♦ One and one-third fare for the t round trip Tickets on sale to teachers t and students of schools and colleges t holding certificates December 17th to J 24th inclusive; tinal limit January 8th, X 1995 To the general public December X 23rd, 24th, 2orh and 31st, 1904, and 1 January 1st 1905; final limit January ^ 4th, 1905. 1 For further information call on any + ticket agent. X G R. PETTIT, J. W JAMISON, X Dep. Tickot Agt. City Ticket Agt. t JAHES FREE'TAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. + 561 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. ♦ Phone 424. X - - • - I*- Traveling Pass. Agt. UVer .nj r«tor*; ati!“n?T* ( ?"^L v *“^Th. o». ‘ Ita natural action. J pr , m , < Wl „ t(to „ v»c». A healthy UVER aeuu pure ’" r "'* ra *^ us.* * Jrn 00 Thuroalav th*» 22nd instgnt, io pi«>oj. —-I mwt again Monday. Jan. 2nd. This I Hire Mood means health. i will give th# members of th# bench a Health means happiness. I '****? neat and fit them for the hard (entral® Georgia RAILWAY EFFECTIVE OCT. S>3. 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS. MACON, GA. (Standard. 90th Meridian Time.) ARRIVE. From Savannah and Augusta... From Savannah. Auguila, Cov 1 Ington and MllledoevllMuj J From Eatentcrt and MMcdg« From Madlion and Athana.J From Atlanta *nd Griffin *12.25« From Atlanta and Griffin • 4:3Cam From Atlanta. Thomastan .•1lj19a»m From Atlanta. Thomastan...... f M From GlrmtngMm, Celumbu*.... From Birmingham. Columbus.... From Montgomery. Andalusia morals. Albany From Montgomery. Andalusia, Hartford. Albany...... ' t From Albany and AmsrlcuSMHi^A|0|n • 3.-Mam ... * tiiopm Hlledgevllls.t 7:50am th»n« 7:15pm ' : £ t - Hrapi * 4:15pm 1 7:40am For Gordon. Auguxta. Savannah. Mllleigevllle. Eatonton and Covington *1 For Mlliedgevllle. Eatcntcn t l ^or Madijon and Athens 4 i Fcr Grlff.'n and Atlanta • 1 For Griffin and Atlanta • ^ I For Griffin and Atlanta • 4:2*pm Par Tttemaston, Atlanta * 8:00am For Columbus. Birmingham * 3:43am Far Columbus, Montgomery * 1:13pm For Albany. Florals, Andalusia ■ ana Montgomery. Fc- Albany Martfcr 1:35am ..... /:80pm ....* 8:10am ....* 4:15am * liiOp iford. Andalusia. 4:10am Negro Mu rtf LAKE t'KARLA td her* today. Take no Substitute. All DrujgUU.. * u l» to commence with tb* ■ J«J* STOPS CHILLS CURES COLDS Painkiller tPtrry Davis.) SOLD OVER SO TEARS •Dally, tExcept Sunday. Sleeping ear* bvtwern Macen and Savannah on trains leaving Macon 12:55 a. m. and arnving Macon $:*0 a. m.. between Macon and Atlanta, and Chicago, St. Louis and Jacksonville. Fla., on trains leaving Macon 4:15 a. m.; arriving Macon 12:25 a. m. Between Macon and B rtrmgham on trains leaving Maeon 3:45 a. m.. arriving Macon 12:35 *. m.: between Macon and Albany on tram* leaving Macon 4:10 a. m., arriving Macon 12:80 *. m.; from Atlanta on trains arriving Macon 4:00 a. m. Par- lor car on train leaving Macon for Atlanta 1:30 p. m. and il;3S a. m. train for Sa- i leaving I C. A* h bEWBERRY, C. T. A. JOHN W. BLOUNT. T. P. A. E. P. BONNER, D. T. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station