The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 11, 1904, Image 13

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH 1 SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1904. oooooooooooocooooooooooooo 8 SOCIAL CALENDAR 8 cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>ooooooc8 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wortham will entertain the Progressive Euchre Club at a brilliant party on Thursday even ing. the 15th. Mrs. Louis Stevens will entertain the Bridge Whist Nine on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Jordan Massee will entertain the Young Matrons Club on Tuesday afternoon. One of the most brilliant functions of the holiday season will be the Thallan German, to be given on Dec. 80. Judge and Mrs. William H. Felton and Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan yvlll entertain on Wednesday at a large card party, to be given at the resi dence of Judge Felton. oooooooooooocooooooooooooo O Q o SOCIAL FUNCTIONS 6 OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOQ Miss Lamar’s House Party. Miss Camille Lamar has been enter taining a house party of young women the past week. Miss Pearl Lewis of Valdosta. Miss Irene Walker of Mon roe and Miss Mary Gordon of Colum bus, with their hostess, form a quar tette of very attractive girls, and they have been the recipients of delightful social attentions during the week. Be sides the two large functions given by Mrs. Lamar at which they were honor guests, Miss Lamar entertained Tues day evening. On Thursday evening after the Mat- thews-Bailey muslcale Miss' Lamar and guests were the honorees at a sup per given at the Hotel Lanier cafe by several gentlemen. Friday afternoon the quartette were entertained by sev eral young gentlemen friends at the Log Cabin Club. Saturday morning Miss Cordelia Dessau entertained at a bowling party In their honor. Saturday afternoon they were complimented with a euchre party by Miss Ida Guttenberger and again that evening a bowling party was given for them by the young men. Miss Lamar and the other young 1a- 'dtss leave Monday morning for Val dosta to be the guests of Miss LewiH at the house party she entertains this week. of panne and ruffles of the same lace. Her bouquet was of white roses. Miss Irene Walker, who is a petite blonde, was very dainty and pretty In a gown of cream lace. Miss Lewis, a handsome brunette with beautiful dark eyes, was most be comingly gowned in yellow chiffon with broidery of pearls. Miss Gordon, who is a beautiful bru nette also, with a tall, willowy figure, wore a white lace gown trimmed in pearl passamenterie. Mrs. Hunter was gowned in cream crepe de chine. Mrs. Henry Lamar, Jr„ wearing lovely gown of white chiffon and lace over taffeta, presided at the punch ta ble, which was arranged in the second parlor, with a background of palms, ferns and autumn leaves. The hugo punch bowl was wreathed with a vino of the autumn leaves and clusters of grapes, Guttenberger's orchestra discoursed sweet music throughout the evening, and the dancing was kept up continu ously until twelve o’clock, when a hot course supper was served, and again the dancing was resumed and contin ued for some time. The affair which was thoroughly en joyed by the large party of young men and women present, was one of the most beautiful ever given In Macon. Mis Annie Laurie Shaw, at Ifully carried out In £*£ Make Yo r Own Dance for Debutante. Miss Camille Lamar was Introduced to the younger members of Macon so clety at a'beautiful dnnre given by her mother, Mrs. Jack Lamar, on Wednes day evening, at which about one hun dred and fifty guests were present. ■ The decoration* In the drawing room where the receiving party stood were entirely in crimson. Hoses and chrys anthemums were the flowers used, the chandeliers were draped with tulle, and the tapers and shades were all in the same color, giving a roseate hue to the scene, which was a beautiful one as the guests arrlved.the young women in loveliest evening costumes. Receiving the guests were Mrs. La mar. Miss Camille Lamar, Mr. Henry J. Umar, Jr., Miss Irene Walker, Miss Pearl Lewis, Miss Mary Gordon and Mrs. Sam Hunter. Mrs. Lamar on this occasion wore a gown of white silk, lace trimmed. Miss Lamar was gowned In a white liberty silk, the skirt of which was trimmed with many ruffles of exquisite lace, the bodice finished with pipings Current Topics Club. The Current Topic* Club will meet on Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Miller White, 310 Washington avenue. The program will be in charge of Mrs. £lem Steed and Mrs. Thomas West. The subject very appropriately will be “Christmas as it la Observed In the Different Nations.” and several very Interesting papers have been prepared by those conversant with the customs of the countries they write of, and a more than usually Interesting and In structive program will be given as fol lows: “Christmas in Russia, by Prof. Ed ouard Hesselberg. Christmas in Germany,” by Mr. Herman Brasch. 'Christmas in Holland,” by Profes sor Koets. “Christmas in Italy,” by Miss Com- ba. “Christmas In England,” by Miss Mc Kay. “Christmas In France,” by Mrs. Var- nadoe. “Christmas In the United States” by Mr. Clem Steed. The current events will be given by Mrs. Walter Grace. meflted h hlch ih and beau orations of red and green, the score prizes, etc. walls and chandellera In the parlors where the guests were enter tained, wore wreathed with Southern smiles, big crimson Christmas bells ?re sue pended from the ceiling, vases crywhere were filled with Christmas ses, red carnations, and chrysanthe- mus, and over all was reflected the rosy light from crimson shaded cande labra, all suggestive of (the Christmas- tide. As the guests arrived each one drop ped Into u big red stocking, some ar ticle for the “linen shower,” and were presented with cute Santa Claus score cards, tied with crimson ribbons, which were taken from a miniature Christ mas tree. At the game of progressive euchre Miss Cora Burr won the pretty Cupid calendar, as the first prize, and the consolation, a piece of bric-a-brac, went to Miss Roberta Gewlnner. A luncheon followed the game of eu chre, and afterward the 'bride-to-be was showered with the pretty linen ar ticles from the Christmas stocking. Altogether it was one of the prettiest and most Original and cleverly carried out parties of the season. Miss Shaw received her guests in a becoming white gown made in 1830 style, and worn with a girdle of pale green panne velvet Miss Horne wore a beautiful import ed gown of white mousseline hand- embroidered in Marguerites, and made with deep girdle of yellow panne vel vet An attractive visitor, nguest at the party, was Miss Lydia Patten of Penn sylvania, who was gowned lna white silk tissue, trimmed In lace, bended with turquoise, and with girdlo of tur quoise blue velvet. The other guests also were beautifully gowned and the party was one of the prettiest of the week. POWDER which Is meeting with great favor, u It enables l to make Icecream la their own home with ML .—otroublo. Kvorythingln the package for mak ing two quarts of delicious Icecream. If your grocer ran t supply you scud 98c. for twopkgt. by malL Van- illa,Chocolate, Strawberry and l.ntUror.-1. Addrt r*. Tbo Uenoseo Pure Food Co., box 9M, Le Roy,N.Y. Misses Patten and Tye Honor Guests. On Thursday evening Miss Elizabeth Home's guests, Ml*s Lydia Patten of Wllkesbarre, Pa., nnd Miss Myrtle Tye of Atlanta, were the honorees at a de lightful affair, when Miss Kate Crump entertained at a progressive euchre party, the game being followed by a delicious hot course supper. pink crepe de chine. Miss Horne wore a Parisian gown of white net with embroidered design in silver and mother of pearl, the suit ruffled with nccordeon pleating* of chiffon. Her guest. Miss Tye of At lanta, was becomingly gowned in t pretty pink and green tlssle, trimmed cream lace, and Miss Patten wore white silk beautifully embroidered, Miss Shaw wore tyack grenadine over pink milk, and Miss Cornell, a while silk and lnce gown. About 50 guests called during the afternoon, and the affair was delight fully pleasant and informal. Christmas' Party for Collegians. Among the festivities planned for the college girls and boy* who are away from home, and return for the Christmas holidays, one of the most delightful affairs will bo the Chrlstmna party which Mr. and Mrs. E. j. Wil lingham will give on the evening of tho 23d for their daughter, Miss Eula Fel ton Willingham. Miss Willingham, with several other Macon girls, are students at Lucy Cobb and will arrive In Mtcon on the ?2d from Athens to spend the holidays. Invitations to this party will be *MUfd this week. Debutante Honor Guest. In honor of Miss Fannie Harris, one of this season’s debutantes, her »lster. Mrs, Francis Hazelhurst, entertained at two card parties the past week, both of them beautiful nffalrs. Thursday afternoon about matrons constituted her list of guests, The decorations In the front parlor were pink roses, and In the second parlor were Christmas decorations of holly and Southern smllax. At the game of euchre Mrs. Eugene Harris won the first prize, a piece of brlc a brae with tracery In Bilver filagree. Mr*. Ellnworth Hall received the handsome prize, which was pretty picture. Score of the game was kept by Miss Margaret Callaway, Miss Carolle Eng lish and Miss Theo Tinsley. Friday afternoon Mrs. Hnzlehurst entertained the younger matrons nnd young women In the social set. At this party the first prize, a Bohemian bon bon dish, was cut for, and won, by Mrs. Hnsell Heyward, and Mrs. Baxter Jones and Miss Felice Matthews cut for the pretty picture given ns the lone hand prize, the latter becoming the fortunate possessor. Thirty-two young womeh were cn tertatned at this function nlso which was a delightful one In all particulars. Mrs. Duncan Brown Entertains, Mrs. Duncan Brown entertained In formally on Monday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Eads of Chattanooga. Mrs. E, W. Gould alao entertained Informally for her on Thursday, nnd Mrs Maijory Taylor complimented her guest with a delightful bridge party that evening. Mrs. Eads has been the recipient of many pleasant social attentions during her stay in the city. She returned Fri day to her homo in Chattanooga. Vineville History Club. The Vineville History Club will meet on Monday morning at half-past ton o'clock, with Mrs. P. H. Gambrel!. Honor of Miss Horne, Miss Elizabeth Horne, whose mnr- rlage to Mr. John P. Barrett of Mll- ledgevllle, occurs on Wednesday, has been the honor guest at several affairs the past week, the first of which was a progressive euchre party and “Linen shower,” with which she was compll- Mrs. Pickett of Atlanta Complimented, Among the members of affairs given for visitors In Macon the past week two of the most thoroughly enjoyable ones were the small bridge parties at which Mrs. J. F. Hanson entertained Friday nnd Saturday evenings. In honor of Mrs. Smith Pickett of At lanta. On both occasions the parlors were decorated with vases of beautiful Kalserlne Augusta Victoria roses, and delicious luncheon followed gams. | Pianos and Organs the Very Best Such celebrated make, an Weber, Sohmer & Co., Kranlch & Bach, Ivere & Pond, and Leeter Pianos. All strictly highest grade, Estey Organs, Seybold Reed Pipe Organs. Pianos to rent. Tuning and repairing a specialty. All instruments sold at lowest prices and on easy terms. F. A. Guttenberger & Co., 452, 2nd St Mrs. William Brunson Entertains. Among a number of pleasant social nffalrs with which Mrs. Benjamin At lee of Pfnnsylvania was complimented during her stay In Macon as the guest of Miss Ernie Cabnnlss, one of the most delightful was the bridge party of eight guests, given In her honor by Mrs. William Brunson on Wednesday. Mrs. Brenson's guests were. Mrs. At lee. Miss Ernie Cabnnlss. Mrs. Cecil Morgan. Mrs. Willis B. Sparks, Mrs. Appleton Collins. Mrs. J. H. Shorter, Mrs. Roland Ellis and Mrs. Marshall J. Hatcher. THE ENGRAVERS WORK ::: Progress Club Euchre. The regul.r weekly eurhre at the Progress Club was largely attended the past week, when they met on Thursday evening. There were eleven tables of players, snd the prises were won by Mias Edith Maas, Mrs. Isaac Block and Mrs. Charlie Wachle). Must bo high class to attract your trade whore competition is keen and we offer you in this line Wedding and Reception Invitations, Visiting Cards, Church Cards, Menu Cards, Tally and Score, Embossing, Business Cards, Letter Heads etc. by the best Engravers, on high grade stock. We guarantee everything wo sell in Stationery and Printing. The J. W. Burke Company, Macon, Ga. REBATE Save You Money TICKETS AT CHRISTMAS TIME b* merry and wise in wine drinking. Get the best, then you need fear no trouble. Our WINES AND LIQUORS are the choicest to bo found in the ket. and a bottle or two will certainly make the day more enjoyable. It la afl very wall to eat nourishing food, but you need a nourishing drink also. We will fill your orders promptly. Old Joe Mercer Corn. alx-yaer-oU, one gallon Jug »2.7S, delivered. Four full quarts, 13.W, delivered. (it Fare — *— •red. jjujjrts^jrenuine Me. Vernon Rye, St.SO, We are agents for Lewie’ ’M; Duffy's Pure Malt, Wilson's Whiskies. Sazerae Cocktail. Hchiitz and Aurora beers. Write us for price list. Special prices on whole sale Quantities. 'PHONE 414 Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, 341 THIRD 8T„ MACON. OA. Architects, Contractors and Builders. to the fact that. In addition to oar Concrete nufseturtng <*. I”, 12” and IS” Hexagonal Tiling jrk; Window and Door Hills; Lintels, Skew-backs, and Capa. Buttress-caps, steps of any length, and & We are alao prepared to execute promptly or* of any design. Your patronage «* solicited. Your attention la Building Blocks. w« a for Interior and extei Key-stones, Column all other work of th ders tor ornamental Bibb Stone & Tiling Company. Vineville King’s Daughters. The Vineville King's Daughter, will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of the preeldent, Mre. Nellie Kean Troutman, on Monday. Dee. ltth at half-pact 3 o'clock. Member, are urged to bo present oa there will be an election of oftlcera for the en suing year and other hualnaa of Im portance. Daughter, of Confederacy. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet on Tuesday afternoon 3: SO o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Duncan Brown. A full attendance dealred. Monday Mornlg Bridge. Mre. Wllllem Felton. Mra. J. P. Han son, Mra. Walter Orace and Mrs. George Duncan enjoyed a game ■■ bridge on Monday morning when they were entertained by Mra. Felton. The gnme was followed by a luncheon at | o'clock. Four Hand Euchre. Mra. Janie email Peeler entertained ; a game of four hand euchre ^S Monday Mra. A. W. Turner. Mra. Ftoyd Bchoflald and Mra. Dan Adam,, Mra. Turner winning the prise, luncheon was served at the conclusion of the game. i.< Crump’s 5 O'clock Tee. Mias Kate Krump Was hoaleaa at beautiful i o'clock lea. which ahe gave on Thursday afternoon In honor Mlea Elizabeth Horne. A color scheme of pink and green was carried out throughout the decor- ationa and the refreshment,, wnl were served Informally In the jar: Graceful sprays of Southern .mllazl draped the walla, and number, handsome palms and ferns war* used, to make more effective the rtn,' tint of pink carnations, which were u.ed lavishly In the vases everywhere. Receiving with Miss Crump were Mte, Myrtle Tyc of Atlanta, Mt,e An nie Laurie Shaw and Mias Lilly '.'or- acll of Indian Springs, also assisting with **»• refreshment, wen: Mlsaea M it* Griffith, iv.,, | Turner. Alice Wrtgley and Marion OrlfflUi Mica Crump wore *. pratty gowa of ce Cream. baa just been pliwpil In all ihe grocery new preparation called Jell-O ice Cream gown of pale tan cloth, trimmed In band* of tan lace, cut-stitched with blue and finished with blue panne velvet. Miss Walker was gowned 1n uhlte silk mull, lace trimmed and Miss Lewis' gown was of hlue Louisine cllk, trimmed in cream |i <■. Assisting Mrs. Lamar in keeping score of the game were Min Cordelia Dessau. Miss Margaret Corbin. Miss Fannie Harris. Miss Claire BolfeuiJIet, Miss Kate Callaway. Miss All me Ieowe, MUs Cora Burr. Miss Mabel Slappey, Miss Anhie Rogers, also Miss Gordon, Miss Walker and Miss Low’s. Many beautiful nfUrno.m toilettes ■Ion, a list of whom Included a large number of the matrons In Mat on so ciety. On Tuesday evening after the Jingo cord party, Miss Lamar entertained ln- fuiualiy for thi guest* .*f boils# party, Misses Gordon, Lewis and Wa»ker. Young Matrons Club Entertained. Mra. W. O. Kinney entertained the Young Matrons Club on Tuesday af ternoon at a pleasant card party, which was characterized by tho in formality always prevailing at these small club’ meetings which are source of so much pleasure to the members. Mrs. Jordan Massee entertains the club at their next meeting. One of the Noblest of Them Al|. In this day of noble charities when all the world seems to have one great big heart, the King's Daughters are by no menns the last to stretch forth their hands to the needy. The local poor have ever been their dearest purpose, hut their generous nets of mercy do not end here. v of the people of Macon are nwnre that at the Georg'* Industrial Home there Is a cottage culled tho Silver Cross Cottage,” named and equipped by the "state” order of King's Rougher*. Recently the Vineville King’s Daughters sent to this ccttngo donation of blankets, nineteen In nil —one far each bed—towels, handsome rugs, chairs nnd tab’es for the recep tion ball., At their next meeting they will discuss nnd decide what they v/IH do for the poor. Wednesday Morning Bridge Club. Mrs. Joseph Neel entertained the Wednesday Morning Bridge Club nt an unusually pleasant meeting of the members, augmented by several extra guests, the visitors being Mrs. Eads of Chattanooga, Mr*. Isaac Winshlp, Mrs. Harry Kendall, Mrs. Brown Tay lor nnd Miss Oclllle Taylor. The gnme of bridge was followed by a delirious hot luncheon. The club will not meet again until after Christmas, when they will be en tertained by Mrs. John Bold. The Bridge Club. Mrs. Ellsworth Hall was hostess nt an enjoyable meeting of the Bridge Club on Saturday afternoon al o’clock, the hours spent with their hostess being thoroughly enjoyed by the congenlel party. Tho club will bo entertained this week by Mrs. Charlie Hall, Jr. Mrs. Allan W. Turner Entertsbi*. In honor of Miss Elizabeth Hume and Mias Mary Wells Adams, Mrs. A. W. Turner entertained at a progres sive euchre party nnd luncheon on Friday nt 12 o’clock, which was ono of several pretty affairs given tho pnkt week. The decorations carrying out a pretty color scheme of pink nnd green, were of palms, ferns nnd pink carna tions, nnd chrysanthemums. At the game of euchre Miss Patten nnd Miss Ida Outtenhurger won the two beautiful pictures given as the first and lone hand prizes. Following the game a luncheon was served. Mrs. Jack Lamar Entertains. One of the largest functions of the week past was the cnchr« parly nt which Mrs. Jack Larmr entertained on Tuesday afternoon. Introducing her daughter. Miss Coml'le Loinnr. The Lnmnr home Is an ul^dt one for entertaining, apil on this occasion about a half dozen of the largo apart ments were thrown open to (he guests, nnd beautifully decorated In a color scheme of red nnd g*een, tho Christ mas colors, prevailing throughout the house and a profusion of pnlms, ferns and smllax, nnd red roses and chrys anthemums being employed. The can dles and shades were In crimson also. Twenty-two card tables accommo dated the largo number of players, and the gnme was an unusunlly Interesting one. , Mrs. I. B. English won the first prize, beautiful hand-pnhited china berry bowl. The second prise, a handsome cut glass vase, was won by Mrs. Nit Winshlp, nnd the lone hand prize, lovely hnnd-pninted olive dish, went to Miss Margnret Corbin. At tho conclusion of the game ele gant refreshments were served. Mrs. Lamar nnd Ml**; Lamar wpr* assisted in receiving their gwstu by Miss Mary Gordon of Columbus, Ml** Lewis of Valdosta. Miss Walker of Monroe, Mrs. Henry r<amar, Jr., and Mrs. Bam Hunter. Mrs. Lnmur was hurideomely rowfird In cream crepe de chine, lnce trimmed, with touches of green velvet. • The debutante, who Is a lovely young woman, wore an imported gown of white embroidered silk mull, with pearl and diamond ornaments, and carried an armful of white roses, with bow and streamers of white Ml lie. Mrs. Henry Laniar, Jr./ was gowned In a aoft rose-colored crepe de chine trimmed In chiffon ruffle*. Mra. Bam Hunter’s gown was of white crepe de chine, lace trimmed. Miss Gordon wore an afternoon BEST THE CHRISTMAS GIFT For Wife, Mother, Daughter tSister or Sweetheart By this Sign you may know and will find Singer Stores Everywhere These Machines are never sold to dealers. Only from Maker to User A small payment down, the rest at convenient intervals. Four different Kinds and a wide range of prices to suit. Select Now-Delivery when wanted Get the Best and you g'et the Singer ' ' 563 CHERRY, STREET, MACON, GA. Miss Guttenburger Entertains at Cards in Honor of Miss Camille Lamar and Hor Guests. Miss Camille Lnmar and the young ladle* of her house party. Miss Gor don of Columbus. Miss Walker of Monroe and Miss Lewis of Valdosta, vn the honorees at a card party on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, when they were entertained by Mlaa Ida Guttenburger. The decorations In the parlor were In pink, carnations being the fiower used, and tho candles and shades in the same color. In the hall crimson prevailed In the -i<- ttr.t 1 ions, which were quite artistic and pretty, the .wall being draped with Southern smllax. Blx tables were placed for the gamo of euchre at which two prizes wero given, a chatelaine and a pretty pin tray. I* Score was kept by Misses Lena and Ida Guttenburger. A delicious course of refreshment* was served later. Christmas 8n!o at Chrust Church. The Ladles’ Aid Society of Christ church wjl hold Its Chriatmns sale nt tho home of Mrs. E. II. Harris on Oeor gin avenue, on Wednesday, December 14th. beginning nt 9 o'clock in the morning. Articles useful for Christmas pres ents, dolls, aprons, bags, can tie had cakes nnd candles also will be tempt Ingly displayed. An especial feature will he the attractive lunch table, where delicious hot end cold lurtchea will he served nt reasonable rates. Tho tables will he In charge of the follow ing ladles: Fancy work tnble—Chairman, Mra. Mallory II. Taylor, assisted by Mrs. Checkley Shaw, Mrs. Mary Hslrotr, Mrs. G. C. Conner, Mrs. L. M. Er win, Mrs. L. E. Mallary, Mrs. E. Isaacs. Mrs. J. B. Coleman, Mrs, E. T. R. Glenn, Mrs. Rllnn. Rag Table—Mr*. W. n. Walker, chairman, usslated by Mra. Mlnter Wimberly. Mrs. A. L. Blork, Mrs. K. H. Bmlth, Mrs. R. H. I*anler. Doll Table—Mrs. Hugh Fleetwood, chnlrtnnn, assisted by Mrs. J, A. Row- dr*. Miss Hflies, Mrs. II. II. Bmlth. Mrs. K. H. Feltowes. Apron Table—Miss Jean Conner, chnlimnn, assisted by Mrs. W. II. Bmlth, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Ous Matthews. Cake Table—Mrs. Tom Hudson, ehalrmnn, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Wal ker, Mrs. J. IT. Hodges, Mrs. K. D. Will iams, Mrs.’ A, N. Marvin, Mrs. I. R. English. Csndy Table—Mrs, Harry Robert, chairman, assisted by Mrs. H. An drews, Mrs. E. H. Lee, Mrs. Bol Huge, Miss A. Collins. Lunch T«bl*—Mrs. C. D. Pearson, ehalrmnn, assisted by Mrs. Roland El lis nnd Mrs. E. R. Harris. The officers of the society are Miss Kate Ayres, president, Mrs. O. C. Con ner, treasurer: Mrs. Mary Helmer, sec retary. The Bridge Whist Nine Entertained. A beautiful party was the one at which Mrs. Hah Dunlap Jordan enter tained “The Bridge Whist Nine” on Wednesday afternoon. The center piece for the round tablo at which the guests wero seated was an arrange ment of pink and white chrysanthe mums. The very interesting game played was the fifth of a serlea of eight which they will play before the prize 1s awarded. After the cards an elegant luncheon was served at the table where they were seated. Mrs. Louis Htevens will entertain the club on Wednesday afternon. A BANK Account Mrs. George White and Miss Lena Guttenberger Joint Hoateeeee. On Friday afternoon Mrs. George White nnd her sister. Miss Lena Out- tenberger, entertained at a large card party for ladles. The apartments of the Guttenberger home where they were entertained, were decorated very artistically and prettily; graceful vines of smllax playing a conspicuous part, the flowers In the parlors being red and white carnations. Christmas bells of red, nlso formed a pretty adjunct to the other decorations. Ten tables were arranged to aceom* modale the large number of guests, and the game of eurhre was played with much Intereat, tho three pretty prizes, a band painted plate, a vase and a picture frame, being won by Mrs. Will Willis, Mrs. C. D. Pearson and Mrs. J. N. Talley. This was one of the largest func- tlona of the week nnd was a particu larly pleasant one. You Will Be Interested Now Bridge Club, On. of th. very plennnnt new bridge clnbK rrrrntly organized, hn. It, memhore young mntronn, who tute a congenial party meeting every week on Thuradny afternoona nt th. home of one or other of the member., nnd much pleaaur. i. anticipated by them during the winter. They wero entertained by Mra. Lawaon Brown iaat Thur.duy, Ent.rtalnm.nt at Mt. d. Sale., The young indie* of Mt! de Hale, Academy will give an entertainment In their, mu,Ic hall Wedneaday, Dec. 31, at 3 p. m. It will conal.t of a Chrlat- mna cantata, a drill and never. I reci tation. nnd will he the eeennd of tho aerie, of enterUInm.nta to ralae fund, for a new building. Brilliant, Quit, the event of the week In Ma con aoclnl and i.tualcnl circle, woa tho Benefit Mualrale given by Min Felice Matthew, and Mlu Hnrah Antoinette Belley at Conover Muaic Hall, on Thuraday evening, when the young women received auch an ovation a. la aeldnm accorded, even npeelal favor ite., and profeaalnnal artlata, and waa atmply the apontaneoua and enthualaa- tlc tribute of admiring frltnda. and Como to my Studio and lot mo show you tho latost in Photography. Boautiful in offoct oxquis- ito in finish. 1ERRY m Milner’s Studio 101 Cotton Avr th* music loving public generally to the talent of these two popular young artists, who certainly have a bright future before them. The gems of song on the programme gave full scope to Miss Bailey's powers In that line and she was repeatedly encored. Miss Matthews hss often charmed Macon audiences with her exquisite renditions on the violin, and on Thurs day evening the audience was moro Innlstant than over, and Mix* Mat thews was recalled time and again. At the close the two young women were showered with congratulations on ev ery side bv their friends and admir ers. (Continued on p*ge 6.) Ask Your Druggist for WINE 0F CARDUI With Wine of Cardui on sale at every drug itore, any woman can assure relief from the distrc«*ing pain* of female weakneu. With this great woman's tonic painful periods and bearing down pains can bo avoided. Who would iufftr innero'-axy menstrual pain? ' ^ Wine of Cardui i m i menstrual dkordan in nineteen cam oat of every twenty, and no woman who ha, inffered from ihii ailment baa ever taken Wine of Cardni without securing great W.rflt, oven when her trouble waa coinpIRatc't with mors aerioua weakne—. t Wine of Cardui ha* < ored all manner of female weaknen for tbree-qn rrh-n of a tvntury, and a woman who hi* tried it baa confidence in it—ebe will ure no other became the know. Wine of Garda! < urea. Ask ycur Druggist for Wine ol Cardui and be suro he gives it to you. Wine of Cardui a but J1.00 » bottle. It la within the reach of every woman. It bring, poaitive relief, where th. treitn , nt •< the lent .preialirta fail*—and a (pecUlilt’i treatment la4 Win other treab cheap treatment—cheap l*caoM the core ui'l have faih -J to accon relief, Wine of Cardui la the id certain. If you trying I have been i eommenetd taking my waahing done c ifTerinp aince lad rammer with change of life. I b. • f t ':*dai aad Tbcdford’a Ida' ..Draught. I id now 1 con work all day and nerer tire. I th highly. I with all the (offering women would Beta Fnrr.wAS, Inn., March 2, 1004. Joel .o-l for it hut found no p-lief until I 1 eouimi-nr.d taking them l had to hire fir. • of < 'anla! a bke.ung to woman. I ih, medicine and get well. MRS. K ATE VAKDEVKNTKR. ■a