The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 11, 1904, Image 8

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THE MACON’ TELEGRAPH : SUNDAY MOKMBKJ, DECEMBER tt, 7904. Say Tige Me thinks that old Santa Claus must left all his boys' clothes at The Dannonberg Co.’s and we better get in if we want dat Christmas Suit. Dey cot ’em $2.00 and up. —“Buster.” THE COMPANY Resolved That for Style, Fit and Price The Dan- nenberg Co. leads the whole push when it comes to boys’ clothes. They are the only thing when it comes to giving you your money’s worth.— “Buster.” Here’s Where Opportunity Bumps Up Against You With a Bang AND EVERY ONE WHO LIVES WITHIN THE ZONE OF THE DANNENBERIi CO.’S RETAILING, CAN CONSIDER THEMSELVES LUCKY. We’ve been printing store news for forty years, and If the news we publish was not backed by facts, and reliability behind every transaction, we would have no excuse for being here. This is an out of tlie average store—mighty few like it, and we want you to know it. Probe deei - * deep into the quality of our obo the more sat- I Qfc rvf peonle Wear l In sat if act nrv ft Pay higher prices than quality justi ce are few like it. IS VV Cctr U Il^dLlldCLOry AJOOUb- fl es , because they don’t know our store. 1, and we are here today to tell you that we are, after 40 years of experience, in the best condition we’ve ever been to supply your floods, the deeper you probe the more sat isfied you’ll be, that thei’i It’s unfortunate for both, ana we are nere today to ten you that we are, after 40 years of experience, in the best condition we’ve ever been to supply yc.~ wants. Our line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods, has never been excelled; whether your purse he fat or slim, your money’s worth is waiting you here. We are furnishers to the noblest type of mankind—“The American Citizen ’’—Dealers in all that men should wear, in fact Outfitters for A Entire Family. TIES TO TIE and Tied Ties to Tie To. 4 in Hands 25c to $1.50 Imperials 50c to $1.50 Club Ties 25c to 50c Ascots 50c to $1.50 Windsors 25c to 50c Hows ioc to 50c Tech Scarfs 25c to 50c Every Shade. Every Shape. GLOVES. Mon's Ton Kid ....$1.00 Men’s gray, silk lined undressed kid.... $1.25 Men’s Fur Top $1.00 Men’s Automobile, largo gauntlets, blk nnd*tans. .$1.25 to $2.00 Wool Gloves all kinds. i SHIRTS. and latost do- signs in both Stiff and Winter Negligoo, in stylos that can only bo made by “THE MANHATTAN” SI. 50 to S3.00. PESER’S colobratod white linon bosom Shirts, made with or without at tached cufls $1 00 to $1.25. nUFFLERS. Plain white silk ... .$1.00 Plain surah silk in whito, black and'colors, extra largo $1.25 to $2.00 Outing Mufllors 25a All wool 50c Extra fine silk and wool mixturos . .75o to $1.00. Night Shirts and Pajamas. mado from fino Outings 50c to $1.50 A proventativo of colds. A Comfort and Luxury. Boys’ Night Shirts 50c T t I Trunks and Suit Cases. rr Wo show MORE, hotter and a greator variety of Trunks nnd Gases than any house in Middle Georgia, Ono entire room given up to this [line. TRUNKS for Mon or Women. SUIT CASES in overy stylo and price. Special Novelties for the holidays. ft Introducing -SCHLOSSll’dOS &C° To Christmas purchasers our holi= day display of Men’s and Youth’s Clothing, Furnishing Goods, etc., WE FEEL JUSTIFIED in asking a careful consideration of our lines. Not only because of bur forty years experience, duriDg which time we’ve always stood in the front rank, but because we aro satisfied thnt our present showing is the strongest we’ve over mado. You Can Pick Your Choice. Its here—in the right shape, the right shade, at just the right price; and the man or boy' who cannot bo suited here is a rarity*' Conlo and see us. THE DANNENBERQ CO. The Coming flan Needs an Overcoat, as well a3 his father, and what more useful Christ- j mas present can you find for him. Jj EL • > Boy's Long Coat, 6 to 12 $3.00 / 4] Boy’s All Wool, extra quality $5.00 S 1 Youth’s Coats, short or long,. .$5 to $15 Special Over hundred Boy’s Coots, sizes 3 to 10, extra quality, Military Button, Buster Brown styles. Half Price. . -dl N $7.50 FOR $12.50 Selling and Odds of Our Stock FOR $15.00 In every walk of Life, Profession or Business There are Problems to be met and solved. Ono of the greatest problems of the clothing business is to know whon and how to to buy, nnd when it is necessary to cut the price t6 prevent unneessary carry overs. . The first we’ve loarned—The second wo aro trying to—Owing to the unusual warm winter, and the sudden collapso of the cotton market, the Clothing business threatens to stagnate, to stop moving, the machinery needs oiling, wo think therefore this is one of the times to tackle the second problem. So here is our solution—We’ve gono through our stock nnd taken all one, two and three suits and overcoats of a kind and marked them down to cost of manufacture, nnd the opportunity is yours to get a now fall suit right in the midst of the season, cheaper than you’ll ever buy again. All 810.00 and 81*2.50 Suits in this lot now All 815.00 and 816.50 Suits in this lot now All 818.00 and 820.00 Suits in this lot now $22.50 Suits in this lot now $15.00 87.50 80.50 813.50 Handkerchiefs Plain White.. ..50C Doz Plain White. .$1.00 Doz Pure Linen 15c Extra quality linen 25c Fine sheer linen lawn, narrow hem 35 1075c SPECIAL Extra quality linen, 3 in box, nice present for any man. S1.00 Box Underwear Men or Boys Under wear in all weight and every quality from the plain cotton ribbed at 25c per garmont to the pure lamb’s wool in white or gray at $2 50. Boy’s Union Suits Cotton 50c All wool $1.00 Sweaters Men’s Sweaters i n white or navy bjue. $2.50 Boy’s all wool fine cashmere Sweaters in fancy stripes. 75c to S1.00 Caps Caps For Hen For Boys For Children All colors and prices; famous O. S. Hunter and and Buster Brown, in navy,'red, white. 25C tO $2.00 W FOR $s8.oo For Men or Youth In this lot will be sold at same prices. ALL CU T S ALL COLORINGS Sole Agents in Macon For the Celebrated PEYSER all Linen col lars and Cuffs. Positively None Better At 25* The only all linen Col lar sold in this country at the price and as good as any 25c collar in the world. Try them once and you’ll wear no other. Boys Sizes 10 to iaj£. flen’s 13% to 20. My hi Ed 2100 lUXOLLARS House Coats, Bath Robes and Gowns Easy to get in and easy when you get in. Crash Robes S5.00 Outing Robes $5.00 All Wool Gowns...$7.50 Fine Tricot Gowns.$10.00 House Coats in blue, Brown and mixed crashes—corded and silk bound edges. $5.00 to $10.00 Brace Him Up! A Pair Suspenders will do it. Wo show this season the largest and most varied as sortment of fcju*penders ever brought to thks city, in plain, iuucy and silver trimmed. .. 75c $1.25 Silk Suspenders, One pair to box Silk Suspenders, Silver Trimmed Silk Suspenders, Imported mountings, fancy or Solid Colors for Embroidering, <£ _ One pair to the box, $2.00 to.... “Engraving Done Free.” The Coldest Part of Man Keep his feet warm and you’ll sleep well. Tan or Black, good quality ICp Hermsdorfs Blacks in solid or with foot, guaranteed Fine Imported Lisles Black Silks Merino, Black or Gray Pure Wool, Black or Grav Rain Coats Genuine “Cravanette” We have received over 200 of this popular coat. Every man wants ono, every man needs one, and we’ve placed the price reach of all. Grey Worsteds SSL, §12.50 Fine Imported Mixtures $15 to $10.00 ^rownwth 1 §25 Cold Proof Rain Proof ummo mmmmu dahnenbekq daniwsg I da&mskj S