The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 12, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING', DECEMBER? IWA s i Exquisite Christmas Gifts I X matter'wh™ ^“‘hav' «« jg"““fa ‘ t,eCt '° n 18 “«* » by Miss Henrietta Davis. th ' of mssnlflcent goods displayed + SHE IS SHOWING 4 Handsome Combs for the hair— Evening Ornaments, suitable for + jewelled and plain—tortoise shell an< * * ow coiffures—In colors X and amber—Jet and cut steel. nettes 1 ”* l ° blonile * an<J bru * 1 ‘ h , 8 ra » e ln Swelldom. X Massive Jardlnlera, Umbrella Stands and Candlesticks ! aHSSsSS 8 ^ £ ^ Treatments for., $5.00 + ^ Electrical Treatments for $8.00 ^ Is particularly attractive. X And U we r if worth* 'f *, U ? cl ‘ nt - ‘be Christmas shopper will 2 . . _ well worth while to take the elevator at the Commercial Bank, and drop In for a visit to Hiss Henrietta Davis, Fourth Floor Phone 2562 NEWS NOTES FROM GEORGIA TOWNS Children’s Haircutting and Manicuring for Gentlemen a Specialty. OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lets of things in a Jewel- ry Store that don’t contain Jewels; lots of small. Inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long as you like; buy when you get ready. / J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. HOLMES JOHNSON CO. 311 Ocmulgee Street. Telephone 73 COAL Jellico, Blue Gem and other Coals. Exclusive Agents for Brilliant, Eureka and Etna Tifton. TIFTON, Ga., Dec. 11.—Mrs. W. S. Futeh end Mrs. Richard, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs E. Greer of Jack sonville. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Prince of Sessons, Ga.: Messrs. John and Bhealey Hartman of Dawson, Ga.. and Mr. John McRea of Baltimore. Md., were among the out of town guest at the Greer- Yanrey wedding Wednesday. Misses Ina and Nena Smith enter tained Tuesday evening at an Informal reception complimentary to the Greer- Yancey bridal party. The dining room was decorated In carnations, ferns and am liar. A delicious salad courae fol lowed by cream and cake was served. The center piece on the round ma hogany table was a large cut glass bow! filled with pink carnations and ferns. Miss Eula Greer of Broxton, one of the attendants at the Greer-Yancey wedding, will spend serveral days ln Tifton tiie guest of her grand-parenta, Sir. and Mrs. N. C. Greer. Mrs. J. H. Sheffield of Los Angeles, Cal., after a visit of several weeks ln this city as tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Williams and other friends left for Macon last week, where she will spend the winter months with rela tives. Judge Harry Kent left Saturday for St. Andrews Bay, Fla., where he will dispose of the mill property of W. E. James, bankrupt, for which Mr. Kent was appointed trustee. Col. II. J. Qulncey and wife of Irwln- ville were ln the city Thursday en route home from their bridal trip to Florida. Tifton people Irrespective of church affiliation are glad that Rev. J. W. Domingos of the Methodist church has been returned to this charge for an other year. Col. J. J. Murray went to Thomaa- vllle Thursday afternoon to argue an Injuctlon case before Judge Mitchell. Sir. A. Scarboro of Dock, ltullocb county, la spending several dnys In Tifton the guest of his son, Prof. Jnsnn Scarboro. Mr. L. Huffman of Pickett, Ala., was In the city aeveral days the past week on business. Miss Eva Burch of Thomssvllle Is the guest of Mrs. J. T. SI. Watkins. Mrs. J. W. Gauldtng has returned from a visit to relatives at Live Oak, Florida. We Call Your Attention to Our Anvil PURE RYE WHISKEY A First Class Family Whiskey Four Years Old. AS GOOD AS A BANK. Your Druggist Give® Bond That Ml- o-na Will Cure or It Cotto Nothing. If Mi-o-na docs not cure you of in digestion or any form of stomach trou ble, it will not cost you a rent. When you buy the remedy from your drug gist have him sign the following bond, just as good an a bond issued by any bank, stating definitely that the money will be refunded if Mi-o-na does not cure:. * GUARANTEE BOND. I : I hereby agree to refund the money : : paid for Ml-o-na on return of empty : : box, if the purchaser tells me that It ; ; haa failed to cure indigestion or atom- : : aeh trouble*. This guarantee covers : : two boxes, or a month s treatment. : : Price, 50c. per box. : (Signed) : Ml-o-na* nets* upon an ent irely* dif ferent principle from any other reme dy for indigestion. It mingles with the food you eat, helps It digest, strength ens the nerves of the stomach and gives health to the whol« digestive 1 system. Instead of the dose being in creased from time to time, it is grad ually lessened until natural digestion has been restored nnd you are entirely well. Begin the use of Ml-o-na today with the signed promise Of gw*r druggist that It will cost you nothing unless It cures. The decision us to who pays for the remedy rests entirely with you and should you wish your money back, your word will not be quest lotted. Could anything be more fair than this? Mi-o-na, nature’s cure for Indiges tion and stomach troubles, is sold by Druggist Taylor, with the understand* Ing that the money will be refunded If does not give satisfaction. GEORGIA TEAM’8 NEW COACH Holding Their Cotton. AMERICUS, Ga., Dec. 11.—Farmers here are holding to their cotton with a grim determination never to give It away for 7 cents. What Is left of the crop unsold is packed away In ware houses. nnd will stay there until an other crop Is made unless values ad vance in the meantime. To date Amerlcus has received a total of 53,000 bales. Mllledgeville. MILLEDOEVILDE. Ga.. Dec. 11.— Capt. T. P. Newell announces the en gagement of his daughter, Dorothy Tarver, to Mr. W. H. Schultz of Jack- son, Tenn., the marriage to take place the evening of the 21st of December at 6:30 o'clock. Miss Newell is the second daughter of Capt T. F. Newell and a granddaughter of the late Sen ator Colqult and Is a young woman of ouiture and has many accomplish ments. Mr. Schultx holds the chair of biology ln the Southwestern Baptist University at Jackson, Tenn. Mr. E. E. Bass is on a business trip to Florida this week. ' Mrs. Sidney Edmonson of Meda was in the city this week visiting relatives. Mr. W. W. Oallaway of Gaffneys, S. C., was ln the city this week. Rev. Lamar Sims has returned from a visit to relatives at Jonesboro. Mr. .William A. Cook has returned from a visit to Atlanta and Decatur. Mr. R. L. Hunter of Dublin visited relatives in the city this week. Mrs. Andrew R. Miller of Port Tampa City, Fla., who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Ellen Perry, returned home Friday. She was accompanied by her mother, who will spend the winter with her. Mrs. Roger Swlnt and Miss Ruth Stone spent Saturdny ln Macon. Miss Ruth Stone of Linton is spend ing several days in the city with her sister, Mrs. Roger Swlnt BY THE GALLON Express $2.50 Prepaid. FOUR FULL QUARTS Express $2.90 Prepaid. Do’t Fall to Write For Our price list and cata logue mailed free upon ap plication. « Quick Sales, Low Prices, Prompt Shipment and Pure Honest Liquors is Our Motto. The Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company. 506, 508, 510, 512 Fourth St. Macon, Ga. j Cheap Holiday Rates! (Southern Railway! | One and one-third fare for the J round trip. Tickets on sale to teachers X and students of schools and colleges I holding certificates December 17th to ♦ 24th inclusive ; final limit January 8th, ♦ 1905. To the genoral public December ♦ 23rd, 24th, 25th and 31st, 1904, and X January 1st. 1905; final limit January X 4th, 1905. ♦ For further information call on any X ticket agent. ♦ G. R. PETTIT, J. NV JAMISON, ♦ Dep. Ticket Agt. * City Ticket Agt. : JA/1ES FREE1AN, Trav. Pass. Agt. X 561 Cherry St.. Macon, Ga. ' Phone 424. Moultrie, MOULTRIE. Ga., Dec. 11.—Mr. O. C. Beckham, a wall known traveling rep. reaentatlve of the I-arnar, Taylor Riley Drug Company, wae hero thle week and doted a deal with the White Houee Land Company for two lota of land coneletlng of (00 ncrea each. Both of theae lot* are on the Georgia North ern railroad, one a few mllee aouth of Moultrie and the other near Autrey villa. Mr. Ileckhem only recently pur. chteed a tract of about 1,000 acre* near Doerun. Ife Iravela the entire elate and la familiar with all aectlone, but It le hie opinion that this county offers better Inducements to eettlcra and Investors than sny other. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Aycock, Mr. snd Mrs. T. J. Aycock nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gillespie left this week for Allle to make that place their home. Messrs. Aycock have purchased an Immehse tract of timber lands, In Florida and are Installing a large mill there. They go there to give their attention to their lumber Interests. J. 6. Pallkoff, n Hebrew merchant on West Broad atraet, has dosed hie store and turned the keys over to the sheriff with the announcement that he le In solven. Pallkoff elated that he owed (10,000 and haa assets valued at 13,000, Mr. J. D. McKensle recently closed deal with the trustees of the First Baptist church for the old church building and pastortum. He will use the pastorlum for a home end the church will he used by the Baptists until their new church is completed, which will be about two months. Miss Hattie Roberta of VRldoata la the guest of her slater, Mrs. Heath. ■ Mrs. R. C. West returned last week from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence West In Cordele. Mrs. Mamie flharley of Cuthbert le vleltlng Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wstson. Mrs. T. J. Aycock Is the guest of friends In Cordele. Mlse Nannie Groover of Boston, who hag been vleltlng friends here, haa re. turned home. Mlse Emmie Andaman. who hee been visiting Mrs. J. N. Welch, has returned to her home In Unions Rpringx, Ala. “Always buy from lioa(U quarters.” E, J. & P. D. Willingham tho loading Fur- nituro and Carpet liouso of Georgia. 80UTHI.RN INDUSTRIES. The Tradesman's Weekly Review. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Dec. 10.—The progress In Southern Industrial develop* ment for the week Just closed, as reported to The Tradesman, Includes the following now industries os among tho most 1m portant: Alabama. Mobile—925.000 boiler work*; $26,000 shin chandlery nnd hardware* company. Ray Ml net to— $6,000 naval stores com pany. Talladega—$30,000 brick company, Montgomery—$10,000 enndy factory; $5,ooft Investment company. Abbeville—Oil mill. „ Birmingham—$6,000 construction com ? nny; $10,000 supply company; nonl mines near); $5,000 Investment com; Arkansas. Je—$126,000 lumber company. Batesvlile—Cotton gin. Coal Hill—Mining company. Morrill ton—Water works. Russellvllln—$50,000 light nnd cold stor- gc company. Manstlold—$10,000 warehouse company. Oxark—$100,000 telephono system. Clarksville-Electric light plant. Florida. Jneksonvllle—$20,000 brick works; $10,- >0 spring bed factory. Georgia. Atlanta—$10,000 Iron company. Indian Territory. Ardmore—Lead nnd sine company. Kentucky. Iaoulsvllle—$10,000 manufacturing com pany; $15,000 hat factory, Patterson—Stave niuwicadlng mill Bernard—$200,000 tannery. Baton Rouge—Haw mill (near). Mississippi. Hattiesburg—Electric light plant Baratovs—Saw mllL dl mill snd fertiliser ... *$20,000 steam laundry. Jackson—$26,000 tobacco company; $20,- 000 foundry and machine works; Knitting mill; gun works. Bay Springs—$26,000 timber company. Mlitour!, Doniphan—$25,000 ice and light com- ^Ht.*Louis—$50,000 clothing factory; $10,- 1)00 saw mill; ri.yo') iniK'r on.* company. Webb City—$43,000 mining company. Clarksville—$100,000 Investment com. pony. BabyikAsSkin k/pVbiuu >n. smooth ai tloictiMi. j.irnpVrf “ skin affection by the a HEISKFXL’S Ointment +■♦■♦♦ ♦+♦♦ » King A. OWphsnt, Druggist*, Macon, Ga He may bo Marvin Dickinson With an Assistant. ATHENS, Ga., Deo. 11.— 1 The new coach for tho University of Georgia football team for next year will be chosen in all probability within the next few days. There nro under con sideration several names but they are not being given out by those who have the naming of the coach. It is quite certain that there will be no running North for the next Georgia coach, but that he will be a Southerner, well cog nizant of the peculiarities and re quirements of . Southern boys. It is rumored that Marvin Dickinson will be made coach and that he will be given an assistant, but that cannot bo verified. It would not be surprising, however, should it happen. Manchester Cloth Market. MANCHESTER, D-tC. 11.—As ft re- suit of the heavy fall In the price of raw cotton the turnover of cloth last week was extremely poor. In the last few days, however, there was some improvement. Merchants with definite orders in hand were able to obtain substantial concessions, although not to the ex tent of the decllno *n cotton. Manu facturers nr© not anx'ous for new bus iness owing to engagements. There wus some inquiry for India shirtings, although transactions were few. Oc casional orders were placed for China and South America. Prices generally were comparatively steady. Yarns were quiet, the unexpected collapse ln the cotton market bewildering producer and user alike. Buyers purchased sparingly and tho general turnover was limited. 8hown to be Absolutely False by Mod ern 8cienoe. People used to think that boldness was one of those things which are handed down from generation to gen eration, from father to son—Just like a family heirloom. Science has shown the falseness of this belief by proving that baldness itself is not a constitutional disease, hut the result of a germ invasion of which only Herplctde can effectually rid the scalp. Washing only cleans the scalp of dandruff; it doesn’t kill the germs. Destroy the cuuse. you remove the effect.” Newbro'e Herplcide will do this in every case. It is also ft delightful dressing. Sold by all leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Her plcide Co.. Detroit. Mich. Lamar A La mar (Sol Hoge's old stand), Second and Mulberry streets. Mystio Shriners. AMERICUS, Ga., Dec. 11.—Amerlcus will surrender tomorrow to the invad ing hosts of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, who come a hundred ntrong from Macon, Havnnnnh, Columbus, Al bany nnd other cities to this onsls, where twenty-eight unregenerate sons of tho desert await to be taken Into the lod. Illustrious Potentate H. A. Cutts and royal retinue of fifty Nobles comes from Savannah, arriving here at 6 o’clock Monday morning. In tho afternoon thero will be a big and gor geous street parade of members of Alee nnd Yaarab Templee, with n torchlight proccssloA at night prereeding the ceremony of initiation, which will con clude with a midnight banquet. Two carloads of Inquisitorial Instruments of torture arrived today from Savan nah to be used in initiating new mem bers, and sultry tunes are assured. The occasion tomorrow will be one of Interest Kansas City—$4,000 mining company $10,000 land company. North Carolina. Wilmington—Lumber mill; excelelor factory. Walnut Cove—Co-tl mine*. Asheboro—$100,000 copper mining com pony. Aurora—$25,000 Implement and vehicle manufacturing company. Durham—Electric light plnnt: Ice foe °Ral*lgh—Electric light plant. Coleridge—$100,000 cotton mill. Newton—Building and loan company. Noland—$26,1)00 lumbar company, Moorcsvllle— $5,000 clothing factory. Newborn—$100,000 lumber mill. Oklaherrn. Oklahoma City—$50,000 machine and tupply company. Arapaho—Coal mines; $5,000 develop msnt company. . X uthrle—$ROO0 development company. nadarko—$ oil and gas company. Woodward—$10,000 oil, gas and mineral company. ■ South Carolina. (‘onway—Broom factory. Columbia-(las plant; $20,000 brick works. Bumter—$200 non building and loan com pany; electric light plant. Orangeburg-$12.000 Ice factory. Batesburg—$3,000 hardware company. Tenneeeeo. Johnaen City—Machine shop*. Chattanooga—60-ton Ice factory. Jackson—fl0.000 fertiliser factory. Nashville—$5,000 lumber company; $100,000 timber nnd mineral land com* pany; $10,000 rug factory; $130,000 brldgo ^wRTtevllle—$10,000 supply company. Tullahomiw-Oonnlnf factory. Hprtng city— $6,000 lumber company. Trenton—Stave and heading mill '"oaliisttn—Phraplmto mines. Knoxville—$20,000 hrlcl $10,000 lumber company pottery lertric Texas. 13.000 laundry. • it-wumv—f i'», , »')0 hardware company t Beaumont- $6,000 oil company; $1,009- 000 mining snd refining company; $3,000 oil company Biown wood—$100,000 saddle and har ness factory. Kemp- Lumber company. Alvared«>-$l0A0o cotton gin, HuMs—$$0,000 electric light and power Uvalde—Irrigation company. Houston—$2o 000 oil company; $1,000, 000 oil company. Venus—niildmg snd loan company. »^?S?h-«‘?2F^ T nip.ny: era! mlnea; $100,000 building and loan ’•ffrt.-Bra factory. Bherman- Planing mitt. Dallas— $100,000 lanl and ofl company $25,000 vehicle company. Virginia. Roanoke— 11n rd *r..r-r company. Iteekes—flaw ilfil Manchester - $60,000 glass factory. Suffolk— $10,6000 peanut company Warrcnton -8iw mill. Norfolk -$26."Oo automobile works Alexandria—$50,000 construction com. .umber tmpnny; $2,000 pottery. Obion— $«,<)00 electric light plant Texas. Fsn Antonio—$13,000 laundry. Cleburne--$10,000 hardware c Charleston—$600,000 coal raining * pany. Need more—$5,000 telephone nyetem. Berkley—$26,000 electric light and pow er company, , (•Urkeaburg—$50,000 ol* snd ^AstgnnrtU*- $50,000 ofl and gn oom t>a nr. wheeltng—$100,000 glove AN OLD IDEA SPECIAL SHIRT SALE Any “Star Shirt” 79c Any “flonarch Shirts” 75c Wo have on hand sizes in those woll known shirts, made in fancy and plain white, with or without cuffs. We haven’t all sizes in either, but if you can get your fit you can buy them at tho above prices. The Dannenberg Co. J. T. STEWART’S ,X 4 ’ Phone 306 HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE. IS NOW READY FOR THE HOLIDAY Poplar St TRADE. 8END ALONG YOUR ORDERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HI8 LINE: No Expro.s Paid On This. 1 Gal. Old Corn BUk Corn 11.00 t Gal. Old K«y Stone Ry« 3.00 1 Gal. Old Peach Brandy 2.00 1 Gal. Old New Kngland Rum.... 2.00 1 Gal. Old Holland Oln 2.00 Corn, Rye, Gin and Rum 31.00 per gallon up. Uxpresa paid on two gallon, or more (3.00 good! to aamo addreai In juga. Jug and Bottle trade a apeelalty. lCvorythlng aa repreaanted or monoy refunded. Express Paid on Thla. 4 Full qta. Old Eilgomont Ryo....$4fi 1 Gal. Jug, Old Kdgemont Rye.... 3.9 4 Full qta. Old Horaa Shoe Rye... 3.0 t GaL Jug, Old Horae Shoe Rya... .2.7 4 Full qta, Old Jell Clark Rya 3.0 1 Gal. Jug. Old Jeff Clark Rye.... 2.7 4 Full qta. Old Big Horn Rye 2.9 1 Gal. Jug, Old HI:: Hum Ity.i 2.1 4 Full qta, Old Harvest Corn 3.0 1 Gal. Jug, Old Harveat Corn 2.7 Orders filled same day recelve4 jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCtofi Bibb Manufacturing Co. Fight Will be Dltter. Those who will persist In closing their ears against the continual recom mendation of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, If not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. Beall of Beall, Miss., has to nay: "Lout fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. Hhn took Dr. King’s New Discovery ofter everything else had failed. Improve ment came at once and four bottles entirely cured her.” Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Charles T. Taylor Must Pay Penalty. SANDRRBVILLE, Go., Dec. 11.— Counsel ln the cane of the state Vs. Charles T. Taylor, charged with the murdor of W. R. Veal, received nolle# today apprising them of tho fact that the verdict rendered by the superior court at its lost session here had been sustained. From the beginning the cose has attracted much attention and has been stubbornly fought by disln- gutshed counsel on both sides. An a result of this decision Taylor will at once bo assigned to one of the peni tentiaries of tho state, where he will enter upon a term of service covering the remaining portion of his natural life. Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc: l 18 and 20 Thomas St. New York Office. | »ooooooooooo<x»oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooS No matter where you’ve wined and dined, Just lay the heaviest odds, In Blue Grass only will you find, A whiskey for the gods. Old Barbee Whiskey “Bottled in Bond Hand-made by the famous old process that brings the naturalflavortoperfection. Aik for "Old Barbc*.” See lint Government itamp I. over cork. Jno. T. Bubet & Co.. LouUville, Ky. GEORGIA SOUTHERN & FLORIDA RY. LOCAL TIME TABLE Effective October .3, rpo,. hoiitii hound P. M s 00 0 14 0 38 fi SO 7 zr> 7 4H H 1U H 28 H3G 0 23 U SI 10 00 10 11 11 10 P. M. 1 50 2 23 2 42 3 16 3 55 4 15 4 26 4 30 5 10 5 26 5 57 G 30 •7 16 7 36 7 56 8 35 A. M. A. M. 5 20 5 51 G 08 G 34 7 13 7 52 8 45 0 Op 0 23 10 0) a. m. 11 20 Lv , 12 10 Lv . 12 20 Lv , 12 47 I.V . 1 10 I.V , 1 45! I.v , 2 05T.V , 2 21 Lv . 2 301Lv . 3 10 Lv , 3 31 3 44 3 40 4 35 4 45 5 25 G 10 G 50 7 12 7 32 8 10 p. u. P. M. 4 45 5 14 5 28 5 53 G 29 7 00 8 301. 0 05 Lv . 10 06 0 10 Lv , 10S0| U 50 Ar , He . Macon . , Kathleen . . Grovanla . . Unedllla . . Vienna . , Cordele . . Arab! . . Worth . . Aihburn . . Tifton . Lenog . . Spark* . . Adel . . Valdotla . . Valdosta . . llaylow . . Fargo . . Baxter . CuUer . . Crawford . Jacksonville . . Ar . . Lv . . Lv . . Lv . . Lv . . Lv . . Lv .... Lv . . Lv .,. Lv . . Lv ... Lv . . I.v . Lv ./.A . . V . . Lv . . Lv . . Lv ... Lv .' . Lv 7 52 Lv , 8 16 Lv . . Valdosta . Lake Park . Jennlng. . Jsuper . White Spring* . Lake City . Lake Butler. Sampson City . Hampton . . Grandln . Florahomo . , Paleika. . NORTH BOUND SR. 3 06. 2 47 2 22 2 05 1 25 . 1J1 . I 05 12 30 12 06 11 54 11 4H II 05 11 00 10 21 0 38 8 58 H 37 H 20 7 45 A.M. 2 3 5011 25 10 21 2 08 0 10 1 53 12 46 7 30 12 13 7 04 12 011 G 52 II 57 G 46 II I 5, G 60 11 05 A.M. 10 2fl 0 44 0 03| 8 4C 8 23 7 50 p. u. A. M. 10 52 10.23 MM 7 58 7 34 7 19 G 37 G 32 9 43 0 0b 8 40 7 52 7 2h .... 7 OHj 6 20 6 24 THE NEW SDEEPERS now running on Train. J *nd 4 between Macon and jeekionville, via Vildotti, »re twelve iecti-.:i Drawing- Room Buffet c*r», Pinuch ga. lighted, ind up to th* PuBnun .tindtrd in all their ippointmena. These deepen ere open for occupancy, Ie.ving Macon, at 9: jo p.m., and ptuengen cm remain in deeper until 7:00 a.m. on arrival it Macon. Nes. * s*»4 4 art solid trains with Through Conches sad Dr«w:u n*r* bstwssa Mscoe snd Joeksenvt:;., and '.man » on KIssmti bstwwn Macon and Tiitoa, en root* l»-twc«a Ja bt. Louis, Mo., nnd Chicago. III. Nes* I sso • srs »oli'l trait- b»tw« WM.C.SHAW. Vlte-DerkJaot J. IL RAPFTERY. D. P. A . nod Palxtka, an<l carry Through C. U. RHODES. (>ta I Fast. Agent. HARRY BURNS. T. P. A., _