The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 12, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACC/rV TELEGI ^ : ^'m<Dhr MOKNC* WETESaWW 7 w. G. S0L0H0N & CO. , JffiL 9®« r aubject to sale: Ji5?° n 4 per ccat * boofla. doe UiO to. 1934. . ■ 00 lS,naliV e , lM?! UmbUa * M Wr C ' nt l®»®^ 0 M a con Gas ft Water consols, due Wo "want B. W. It. R., Ga. R..IL, Ga. Southern & Florida stocks, state g£ bon as. BANKS. 2. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB, President. Cashier. W. P. WHEELER, AtsL Cashier. Commercial and Sayings Bank MACON, GA. Each year In the Bank 1 , history has shown an Increase In Surplus, Depos its and Cash Resources. Every accommodation granted de positors consistent with conservative banking. COTTON MARKET IN STATU QCO Neither Bulls Nov Bears Seemed Much Interested SOUTHERN OFFERINGS Said to Have Been Increased—In New Orleans Bears Make a Sensational Move—Was the Usual Saturday Dullness-Visible Supply Statement, LIVERPOOL spots closed ,...4.18 NEW YORK spots closed 8.00 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 7% J.M. JOHNSTON, n. J. TAYLOR, President. Vico-President P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Asst. Cashier. American National Bank MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital $250,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability 8250,000.00 Surplus S12u.000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30,000.00 . directors. ,* Johnston, Stephen Popper, R. J. Taylor. A. K. Chappell. W. M. Johnston, E. J. Willingham, Gen. Robt. Ober, R. A. Merritt. You cannot do better than put your account with the . American National !Eank. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. THE LOCAL MARKET. T&e Macon cotton market yesterday was weak and the transactions were very small. It being evident that the farmers aro not disposed to sell at the present prloes. Range of Prices. Good Middling 7%a* Strict Middling 7%a. Strict Low Mlddllnf 7 3-16 Low Middling 7 Spot Cotton Movement. Recta. Ship. Sales. Ware & Leland, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Commission Brokers Cotton Grain Stocks Coffee Members— Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchango New Ycrk Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St Louis Merchants* Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Private Wires to Principal Points New York Office Macon Office’ 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth st. N, 4.50; window Glass, 4.76; Water ^CHARLESTON. Dec. ^10.—Spirits tur pentine and roein markets, nothing doing. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK I>ec. 10.—The week ends with little animation In dry, but little evidence of weakness on tho part of the seller. Attomptu to secure tarly delivery on many lines have taen unsuc cessful. Buyers, howover, are limiting their purchases to spot or nearby require ments. and are naturally endeavoring to .—- though unsucceeo- Dec. 11. 1904. Exchange Bank V , OF MACON, GA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABAMSS. President C. . M. ORR« Cashier. DIRECTORS* i. W. Cabanlss, S. S. Dunlap, W. R. Rogers, H. J. Lamar, A. L. Adams, N. B. Corbin, At D. Schofield, J. H. Williams. M. H. Taylor, Sam Mayer, W. D. Lamar. T. C. Burke. We solicit the business of mer* chants, planters and banks, offering them courtesy, promptness, safety, and liberality. The largest capital and surplus of any bang in Middle Georgia. Money to Lend on Rea! Estate: Well rated commerical paper and vory low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank, 670 MULBERRY STREET. You Are The Man we want to Interest In our savings bank. No matter what other banking con nections you have at present, a sav in** account nerb will msko your “imnclftl position stronger. The only way to accumulate money *i»c him} uL-cumumie money Is to spend less than you make. Do you And that your present methods are Improving your financial position each year? Bank your spare dollars here. Your opening deposit may be one dollar or one thousand, as you like. Wo pay 4 per cent, interest. Union Savings Bank and Trust Co. M. & B. RY Local and Through Schedules. Stock on Hand. Comparative Receipts In Macon. 47,233 MM. today was 10 points nbovo themat. It will bo a nervous mar ket for some time, hut as long as'the price holds shove that low point, we would rather play the long Bleu* on de cline# than be short of tho market. Re ports from the South Indicate that holders aro quite Indifferent about selling their cotton at this low figure. As a result, consumers have bought largo quantities of futures. It now romaltu to be seen whether they will be able to replace these futures with actual cotton lator on. Prices are very low and there aro no In be a big business done there this year. There appears to be nothing In the Imme diate situation to cause an advance in prices, but this does not mean cotton la a sale. We would wntch the market carefully here, as a rally may start at Hubbard Bros. ft Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. ID.—Our market opened with sales of Januarr at 7.60-61- 62-63. nnd after selling at 67-80, ruled at 7.67 at 11 a. m. A brenk In Liverpool beyond expectation was ns great a — COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK. DfO. 1».—Cotton »»ed oil was In active demand and ruled firm. Prime crude In bar r«1 a f.o.b. mill* 17%; prime summer yellow 24Ha25%; off sum mer yellow nominal: prime summer white 26; prime winter yellow .8n*9. STOCKS AND BONDS Impairment of Valuea Being Restored. Wholo Market Strong in the L»te NEW YORK STOCK LETTER NEW YORK. Dee. 10.—Further proK- ress watt made tn today’* Doe bourn RC- alon towards restoring the Impairment of values In the stock market caused by the week’s heavy liquidation. In the case of » few of the cl MACON BROKERAGE CO 8. D. JONES, M. L. CORBETT, President. Secty A Treat. STCCK8, COTTON, GRAIN 418*428 Cherry sL ’Phone 533 Chamber of Commerce Building Correspondents of THE O’DELL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital $200,000.0# Cincinnati. O. Quickest service In the 8onth. We fnvite comparison. No interest charged on storks. All orders placed-direct with tho O’Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful ntetntlon. Reference—The American National Bank. Maoon, Ga. does not appear tn bo Speculation suffi cient to pay the premium charges for car ing the stock forward at any advance. New York Cotton uetter. NEW YORK, Dee. 10.—The cotton mar ket opened weak at a decline of 3all points, which was better than due on a very weak set of cables, owing. It seemed, to support In the shape of covering orders through various wire houses. Liverpool, on tho local close of yestsrday, was due to come about unchanged to 1 point lower, but closed 9 points lower with private cables reporting bearish senti ments and claiming Increased Southern offerings. Notwithstanding this showing and the rather bearish Interpretation or but held well up to the Initial flgu.__ shorts the best buyers, while those who had bought for the long account on the advance of yesterday seemed to bo li quidating. Receipts of cotton at tho ports today were 69,191 bales against 66,066 bales last week and 43. 211 bales last year. For the week 350.000 holes against 385.457 hales last week and 306.823 bales last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans were 9,026 hales agninst 10,987 bales last year, and at Houston 16,707 bales against 13,497 bales last year. The Ports. of the absence of any severs ■ pressure from the South. Thus, though tho market Is again lower, It exhibits none of tho This Today wk. lastwk. Today Today 1903. 1902. Saturday .... 69.191 66,066 43,211 43,485 Receipts and Exports. Today. Consolidated net receipts.. Export# to Groat Britain... Exports to France Exports to continent Stock on hand all porta.... 69.191 33.366 13.000 83.505 957.224 Since September 1, 1904— Consolidated receipts Exports to Great Britain.... Exports to France.......... Exports to continent Export# ta Japan.. Exports to Mexico .....5.062.103 1.788.374 ...... 390.453 1,370.684 37.988 12,364 Price, Receipts, Sales 8t0ck. The Ports: 1 Price.|Recta.|Sales.| Btck. weakness and nervousness of last week. Liverpool is expected to rally Monday. The spot market Is dull at 10 points feline. 4 Macon Brokerage Co.’s Cotton Letter. but naturally In consequence of moderate selling based on the unfavorable advices from the Knellsh market. The latter was weak and the private advices from the other side served to Influence some selling for the account of professionals who hoped to rover at lower prices he- mnrketlng of the staple. Interruption to picking on account of rains was reported and the reports from New Orleans con tinued to tell of an effort on the pari of the Southern farmers to hold bnck cot ton. Tho opinion prevailed generally that the market will continue a good scalping affair. Inasmuch as the plane of prices Is such ns to allow of In and out trading by floor Interests. Wall stroet bought n little cotton today and tho Southern houses had mixed orders. Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile . . . Savannah . . Charleston ... Wilmington . Norfolk . . . Baltimore . . New Yorw ... Boston . . . Philadelphia . Brunswick . . Pensacola. . IS 199160 366961 <2363 138662 28746 1684 34415 7205 •6247 Interior Movement. Houston . . . Augusta . . . Memphis . . St. Louis .... Cincinnati ... Louisville . . PL 7% 7%**** : 286 93286 1250 1280,7 146 30611 200 3015 New York Cotton Futures. Open. High. Low. Close. P M !Lv. . 112:::: 4 42 .... 4 49 .... Sklpperton . Hardys . Lizeifa .. Montpelier Morans •Cu%r 4 D 5 09 3 17 5 27 5 40 5 55 6 07 _ , 6 23 ..... Thotnaston 6 43 Crest Thunder Woodbury 6 52 I Snelsons . ... Harris ... Qdeooadale Moiintvilla 7 58i | .... 8 .Ml.... Robertson .... 8 15'. Ar.. UGnuge . .Lv 10 24 10 12 10 .05 ! 9 42 9 2V 9 18 ft j" 7 12 7 2? 11 IA Nos 31 and 32 dell;. Additional Train Service.—Train No..<61 leaves Mneon at 6:45 a. m., Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. No. 52 arrives Macon at 3:^0 p. m., Tuesdays. Thursdays er.d Saturdays. * u Warm Spr,n JJ! , 0 ^J/J ) d u Columbus Via Voodbury L SPrtngs. Columbus JSPwra O. M. GRADY. Superintendent. §:g:5Sg» D to n -T p T,ifi^, <H . i&£ R §I MAN - c T - How ATLANTIC A BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY Lv. Macon. C. of O......I « lOemlll30am Ar. Montezuma. C. of G.. 5 30am] I 00pm Lv. Montesuroa. A. ft B. 3 Sham I 110pm Ar. Vienna. A. A B € Itami 2 00pm Ar. Cordele, A. ft B. 7 tlfiemi 2 23pm Ar. Fitxgerald, A.A B..| * Sham? 3 «5pm Ar. Tlfton. A. A B......[ 940eml 6 05 pm Ar. Moultrie. A. AB...N ,4 45am € 21pm Ar. Thoroasvflle, A.- St B. ?2 Idpro 7 85pm Ar. Waycroas. A. A B-.. 1115am! f Sdpm Ar. Brunswick, A. Sc B...j 145pm! WaycrcAA MjTADOSN, Gen. Pm*. A*t-, Juno July August ... December 7.60 7.70 7.79 L90 7.95 A. 02 7.97 7,52 Spot cotton closed dull; middling up- lands 3; middling gulf 8.25; sales none. New Orleans Cotton Futursa. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 10.—Cotton fu tures steady. December 7.48aB0; January 7.55a56; February 7.63n65; March 7.71*72; April 7.-7a7»: May 7.M»«S; Juno 7.« July 7.95a97. Liverpool Cotton Futures. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 10.—Spot cotton qutejr prices 1 point !owe»; American middling 4.18d.: low middling 4.06«l.; good ordinary 3.92d.: ordinary 3.76d. The sales of the day were 6,060 hales, of which 2,060 boles Were for speculation and ex port. and Included 5.20«> bales American. Receipts were 34.000 bales, including 31, 700 bales American. Futures opened easy and closed easy; American middling G. O. C.: Open. High. Low. Close. .....4.16 4.16 March-AprJl 4.26 Aprll-May 4.26 May-June 4.28 June-July July-Aug. Aug.-RepL 4.12 4.18 4.22 in 4.80 4.32 _ oul earrlert both In thp Anthracite and the Soft Coal groups, today’s closing prices are slightly higher than those at the closing last Saturday. The largest declines have been very much reduced. Reading was n prom inent figure In today's trading nnd very encouraging reports of coal traffic helped stocks of all railroads with a large Per centage of that class of freight. There was some evidence of renewed liquidation In some spots at times, hut the whole market became very strong In the late trading and closed grtn nenr the best. Covering of short contracts by a retreat ing hear party apparently played a con siderable part In the rise, and the demand was rather urgent qt some points, notably In Amalgamated Copper. Northern Se curities touched a new high record on the curb and tho settlement of rumors re garding that corporation renewed their potent effect on spfculatlco sentiment. The bank statement conformed to cal culations in the ensh Item nnd tho stock market liquidation wss reflected In tho loan contraction of 38.513.B60, resulting in ah nddltlon to the surplus, reserve of 3526,126. Foreign exchange turned Arm, and Berlin’s renewed demand on I^ondon for gold attracted attention. Tho total sales of bond*, par value, 82 635.000. .The total sales of stocks today were 8*2,300 shares. Bank Statement. NEW YORK. Dec. 10.—The statement .. ...Ill 120 .. collateral trust, 5 pc., 19lf. 110 111 Central of Oa. consolidated....ill 112 Central of Oa. 1st income 80 91 Central of Oa. 2d Income 72 71 Central of Oa. 3d Income 60 61 Ga. Southern & Florida 1st mortgage. 5 pc.. 1910.. 114 115 Georgia Railroad dfc Banking Co. 6V4 per cent.. 1910 ....108 110 Ocear. Steamship Co.. 1st 5 per . cent.. 1910 105 10G Georgia Railroad A Banking Co. 5 per cent., 1922 117 118 Georgia £ Alabama consols. 6 per cent.. 1045 ...112% 111% Seaboard, 5 per cent.... 103 104 Southern R. R.. 5 pc.. 1944 118 119 City Bonos. ■i At 24 erages of tho clearing house banks of this city for tho week show Loan* Decrease ... Deposits Decrenso ... Circulation ... Increase .... Legal tenders Deereaso ... Specie Decrease Reserve required Decrease .*. t J..... Surplus Increase Ex-IT. S. deposits..,......;.. Increase GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Reports of Great 8tocks In tho Nortk- west Depressed Wheat Pr : cos—Corn, Oats and Provisions Off. CHICAGO. Dec. 10.—Reports of im mense stocks of wheat In Northwestern elevators tended to keep buyers out of the market today. At the dose. May wheat wns down %c., compared with yes- terday's final figures. Corn shows a loss of and oata are off %c. Provisions on tho clooe ranged from 2% to 16c. lower. Open. High. Low. Cloa. Wheat- Dee. . May . July . 1.07ft 1.08% 1 1.10% 1.10% 1 93% 99 47 47% 46ft 47% 44% 45 44% 44% 45 43 44% 44% k a hi i xnesf gone— Jan. . .12.57% 12.57% 12.30 12.60 May . .12.90 12.96 12.80 1.80 Lard— J m. . . 6.90 6.90 6.35 6.85 lay . . 7.12% 7.12% 7.07% 7.07% Short Ribs — Jan. . . 6.52% 6.62% 6.60 May July Oats— Deo. May J ««'v Were & Leland’s Grain Letter. RP|PH.. r Commission houses were on both sides of the market with operation* largely of a scalping character. Minneapolis sold here In the way of un covering hedge*. while Wall street bought. There was a tip out that the government report would show nn ancreago of 33,000,- 000. with a condition of 81 per rent., and heavy, vlth no prospect* of nny demand to reliovr It, nnd with any advances ap pearing, we would favor sales. Corn-December dosed strong, al though the cash demand was not so great, while there was good buying of May on the dtps, with sentiment rather bullish. Oats—Nearly *11 the stock In store here has been delivered out. and it resulted In ..4.09 ..4.07 4.07 New Orleans Cotton Letter. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 10—The epot cotton market was easy, with sales of I. <06 tales. Including 450 hales to arrive. Quotations unchanged. The future market opened quiet and from 8 to 12 points down. Influenced by bearish crop movement and lower Llver- Hj J 1 ** by dispatches from Texas ex hibited by the bear element to the effect that country bankers of that state will only advance $25 per bale on cotton when well Insured. Trading today wa* very quiet, the usual (Saturday dullness being in evidence; the fluctuations were few and narrow. January opened 12 points lower at 7.47. sold down 1 point, thin advanced to 7.57. and finally loot 2 points to 7.55. The market Honed steady with loosen of 3 to • point*. Jan- Wara d. Lets ad's Cotton Letter. ^ NEW YORK. Dec. 18 —The cotton mar/ set had another ■Inking spell this morn* — ... ..... surprising that “ z&Axktt La* got Ltd tu'j cx them tinea a great deal of changing Into May. Ren tlment Is Inclined to he bearish on this cereal. Provision#—Hogs wera *n smaller supply and higher with the Ctiflahv* buying ' ribs early, although the trade was II* . while packer* nold on the expectation of Urge nog receipts, that brought about a little commission house liquidation. We think the market should he closely watched, and In the event of sharp breaks we would favor purchases. Macon Brokerage Co.’s Qraln Letter. In that many Interests were inclined to ho>d off for the government report, due The Indications pointed to a the big market Interests. Torn was.rather nervous. Rome of the professionals In the pit tried hard to bear the market, but there was some good sup- port here and there, and consequently Irregularity ruled at times. The condi tions were not materially changed hut the country offering* were expected to decrease on the theory that some of th< farmer# are not satisfied with the r>ri'> of rash corn, end are InHlneB to hold their stuff. The export husigesi was fslr. The statistics generally met expec. There _ but the offering! market gene interests did the bulk of the business. .$1,082.08.460 8.513,500 1.118,040.000 407.600 76.910.100 1,037.400 211,905.100 ..110 Maron 4% pa. . 11*26 Mneon 6 pc.. 1928.. Mneon 6 per cent.. Savannah 5 pc.. 190? ....103 Augusta, pree ns to rate inter est nnd maturity too 123 Atlanta, price as to rate lnter- ter end maturity 100 131 Cslumbus, 5 po.. 1909 ...105 10< Lumber Quotations. (Corrected by Massee ft Felton Lttm. Co.) $18 and up HAMfl.^.Fancy sugar cured...* 13 Standard sugar cured 12% - Plcnlo hams 8% LARD.—Fancy tleroea..,,.. 8 60-lh. tubs. 8% 80-11). tub* 8U 3*}p. *1 ns 8% 3-lb. tins........... 9 Flake white tierces 6 Ths seme addition for other sizes -necked white ...70 3 "ackert mixed 70 "Peclal quotations mads on carload mst proof — 55 White cunned 53 w .•y^^^JM-dUotstloni on' car ’loU.*’*" 43 SALT. 5<p. 1 timothy 90 Clover n ay S5 Georgia hay 7$ }?*.. .u. 20 Mlit'il bran 1.10 Jer»y mock fuel l.M "sK"* »<ock f.tfrd 1.10 MEAT,—lUcr ground Jullott«......71 Eroimrl 71 BXOtm.—Pr vjt« itock pistry M.2t lto>-.l Owl .tuidard L No. 1 potent Onn-hnlf patent 5.40 Straights i.fg Low frr*6ti~m 8 60 B7UHTS.—Htidnuta, barrels 8.7$ Hudnutn. coaks^. 1.4$ -Fancy head J4 Choice head 3 Medium 4 Low gmilo SM New York yellow SYRUP.—Georgia ranc 28 Now \or!c refined 20 to 1® Now Orleans molasses lg COFFEE —Orcen Rio. choice If Gropri Itlo medium Ik Gr«n Rio. low graoo li Arbuckles* roasted 18.TP -100-lb. white parks 4S 109-lb. Burlap sacks... 46 Fine table 12.oo 2%-Ib. packets HIDES. (Coxreoted by O. Bernd ft Oe.) Dry fllat 15 to 18o Dry aa!t —....13 tol3%4 Green salt, all weights 8% to P'ia men aalt not cured Damaged hides, according to value. Washed, per lb. .10 to 60c Drink Paul Jones Pure Rye For Sale at all the Leading Bars; Bedingfield & Co. Sole Agents. Phone 361. 2.469.525 0.866.201) 826.’25 15,191.700 Gammon framing, tlsed Common hoards, rough isnnu Common framing, rough....... 12 nnd Dressed nnd matched flooring..$11 to Dronoed and matched ceiling.... 10 to is Square edga weather hoarding.. 12 to 16 Bsvel edge weather boarding. 110 to (12.66 No. 1 sawed pine shingles... .$2.90 to $3.60 No. 2 sawed pine shingles.. .$1.50 to $2.00 No. 1 best cypress shtnglss $4.Oil Nuts and Fruits—Whole*ale. (Quoted by Roush Produce Co.) LEMONS.—Per box. $4.U0. PEANUTS.—North Carolina. 5%c. lb.; Virginia. 6%o. PRUNES.—5 to 80. per poi>q. APPLES.—Per barrel. I2.7IL RAISINS.—New crop. 11.75 box. BANANAS.—Bunch. $1.60 to $1.73. (ONIONS.—Per bushel. $1.25. ORANGES.—Florid-. $2.60 box. CABBAOR.—Virginia, l%o. pound. NEW POTATOE8.—Per fleck, $2.00. SPANISH ONIONS.—PePr crate, $1.73. TURNIPS.—Per *ack. $t.B0. Liquors—Wholesale. (Corrected by Welohselbauro, ft Mack.) WHISKY.—Rye. $1.10 to S3.r,0; corn, ^-.10 to *1.60; gin, $1.10 to $1.75; North Carolina corn. $1.10 to $1.60; Georglu corn. $1.60. WINE.—73c. to $5; high wines, $1.28; port and sherry, 7be. to $4: claret. $4 to 10 a ca«e; American champagne. $7.60 to 16.60 per caae; cordials. $12 per dox.; ittcri, $7.50 per dox. AtchUon.......... ytohleoapfd 103% Ml. Coa«t Line Baltimore k O..,.100% P. k O. pfd Chee. kOhlo...... 48% Chb'ASA k Alton .. 43 Chlo. k Alton nf1. 60 v Chi*, hdl. Wn\„ 23iJ Chlo AX. Vf 90f% Ohio Term. ATi ne. 13% OhloT.fcTrna. pM 33 a,a.aMLiftuis. Col.Southern .... 33 Col. Ho. 1st. pfd... r.8 Ool. Bo.2lrt, sfd.. 34 Del. k fIn<!eon....l*7V4 DeI..T^ott..West .337 Denxer-U. Grande 33 Dentor-ILO. pfd.. 66 Erie. Erie let pfd.. HoutheniI’ac...... 64% Tetae-Panlfl* .... M’4 Toledo.St.T,-West 37V) ~ *.Ht.T..-WeetpM 04 \\ Erie 9n pfd....... .. Hocktn*Talley... MR HookincVal.pM.. 93!4 Illinois Cent..,...135 IqwnCent 9J )owaCent.pfd.... 56% Kane .City Ho..... 9914 gans.C3ltyHo.pfd. W*' f Loularille-NashY.ID „ Manhattan («,.»..164>4 Hot. Securities... 19% tfetroplln. IlLltf .191% HI 11 neap.-Ht. f • 01‘4 Mlnn.^tP.M.H M WVt lf.H.P.AH.H.M.pfd.147'4 Missouri Pan i«P'4 Missouri,E.-T;...- n i Ulseoiiri.K.-T.pfd 61% Mexican Central. 31% of Mst.. ..pi V.Il.R.of Mex.pM, 41 dewTerk Cent....138% Norfolk-Western . 78% Horfolk-W pfd... W !Mttsb.,0.O.fcHt.r.. 78) Heading J9> Readlnslst pfd... F* Readlngtd pfd... 89 !P»ck Island Oo... »% Itock let. Co, pfd. r •(.r^H.Krn. 3d pM 6 6LLotJlsHe. Wsta. 2 % 8t.I.So.W*tu.pfd. t6 8t.T^H.rn».lstprd ... Heehoard com.... i»ji reaboard pfd pm":::: <>* nnton Par UalonPao. Wabash Wabash wheellre-LFrie.. 19 Wisconsin Cent... 91H WIs. Ceuk Pfd .... Adams 940 American -fM United HJ Welle Perse 240 Amalkmtd.Copper 71% AfibCAr Foundry.. Am.Car Fdry.ofd. 93% Art: Cotton Oil... Art. Cot. Oil pfd American Ice.,., Araerloan Ice pfd a..... 874 Am.Hmeitlncfcltf* 61^< Am.Rmltg. Altpfd.113 Am. Huy ar Ilf*... Anaconda Min. Col07 Brooklyn Bap. Tr. n}i ft»l. Fuel k Iren. 49 Consolidated gae.?095{ Corrj Products.... 93 Corn Prod.pfd.... 79*4 Distillers' Heeur.. OenSral Rteetrlo..199 Internatni: Faner 3tT4 lutrn. Paper pfd.. 7#h !SK: Wppm: « x National Lead-.;. 24 North Araerloan.. 101% Factor Mall 43 People’s Oa* 1MU Pressed Rteel 0a». Pressed ■. Otr nfd JO Pullman Pal. Oar.33i»{ ItepuhlloHtsel.... 16% Republic Steel pfd 69 Rubber Goods..-. 981 UubberOds. rfd.. •• Tenn. Coal A Iron 73 V. R. Mather Hi. n. 8. Leather pfd 1«)4 TLH. Realty A Imp »'-i if. R. Rubber 88 n. R. Rubber pf'l. 93 C. H. Rteel.,.. so D, B, Rteel pH II W. -*tinxh<.us* FI.INI . Western Union... 91% tefandlne3*ref..loi% " co'inon...icf»; *• coupon... 1*47; Sfer.Oon.iet ino C. 8.4S, re* 104% D. 8.9*. ooupon...l0t', 0.8. new to, r-r 130'J U-R, nevlt. re*..185% O.H. newts, eon.106% Atchison, ran. 4#. 103% A 'odiuetmeut 4e. 04% Atlantic coast L.. 99% Balt, k O, 4« 103% Balt* O. !%«.... 04% Oen.ef Oa. 4*,,..ill Cen. of (9%. let tac 91 Oen.ofao. 3d in.. «| Chee. k Ohio a%eis7u Chle.aAlt. 3%s. 13% urn oon. Is 138% C..R.I.APt*.4s ... 81% C..ILI. A Peo. el 8e 94% C./x,C.kHt.L.een. ^ «• 101% Odeago rerm. »e 8t% Oon.Toh-4* r3% Ool. toil thorn is 19% Cot. ruelte «6 b A ill»tirond 4« 101% Erie Prior Lien 4s 101% trie (Jen. 4s ..... 92 nw.AD. City let 108% Mocking Voi 4 J-2slil LAM l.nlfte ... 108 Mhtan gold 4s IM Ms*. Gens. 4« 76% »t«s... 10'% u.^.sS if. Nat. B. n. of lie*, eon. (s.......... k.r.OM. tn iKi N. 3. ren.rss. 4#.. . Nor. Pacino 4s....10ft% Nor Pacino, ns.... 7IH Norfolk A Wee torn consol 4s .......191 9re*on Hhert Line 4s A Portia 1M% Penn. Cob. 9%S...103% Readlgf gea'its.. 102% Hi. iwuls a lrox Mount"r» eon is. Ill Ht. l. A Baa rran- rt**o 4* fl% 8LL.AH.W.UM. .. 97% Mea»»ord A L4e.... U Southern Poe. 4s.. 984,; Ron them * W T *i .119% Htandard Oil 6*7 Tex. APaa. lets. 119' Tel.Bt.LA W.4S. .i 88 Onion Pool Be **..104 CB.PM.eOfcV.4 O. 8. Steel, Va.Car.Uk.Uo 41% pld..lllvf 1*7% .clflj is..104% ...m% >1,31 ts.. 99% Rarona nodn*. 60. N. B. C. sodas, 6 Olngrr anapa, N. Excelsior ovater, .. Aaaorted ca*ea, 80. Bugar cakes. 8c. NS, 6%C. 1. N. n, C.. 1 »tflf. 7%a •1- SOUTHERN &CHEDULE8 OP TRAINS INTO AND OUT OP MACON, OBORQIA. In pffoct Ootober 1st. Departures Going North 3.05 A. M.. through train to Cincin nati. carrying day conchas (with out change) and Pullmsn sleeptrs. 0 A. M., local train, Macon to At- (1 ill! lonta, carries nice day conches and u,uv Pullman raservatlon car (seat rate to Atlanta 29 cants), to New York via Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. 1.35 sleepers from Macon to 8t, Loula. 7.30 P. M., local train from Macon to Atlanta, carries nice day coaches. Departures Going South A. M., through train to Jackson ville. carrying day coaches with out change; al*o Pullman tlerper. This train also carries Pullman Sleeper to Brunswick. 2.15 9.05 A. local train. Macon to Brunswick, making all the stops, connects at Jesuit with train tor Jacksonville. n /)A R. M.. local train, Macon to Haw« i«Zv klnsvlllo, making all stops. ELEGANT SOUTHERN RAILWAY DINING CAR8, ALL THROUGH TRAINS. Arrival of \ Hgjjjjft S’: ( fl:00ani- -No. 18, So. Ry. Trains l:10am - No. 14 from Cincinnati. Chattanooga and Atlanta, _ :00ara—No. SI, from Jacksonville. Brunswick and Jeaup. “ from Ilawklnayllle. _ . from New Yurie, Aahnville and Atlanta. Ptlrk Candy. In barrels. 6%c. fltlrk candy In boxes. 6%c. Fancv broken mix boxes, 7c. Mixed candy In palls. 6. 7 and So. Hardware— wholesale. fCorrretrd by Dunlap Hflrdwnrs Co.) WRLLBUCKETfl.—$4 per doxen. kOT’K.JManMa, 1«He.s Beeel, lie.; cot- W1RF..- Bartv 3%r. pound. PLOW B’iOCKfl.-Ikarmnn. 90o.| Fer guson, 860. TUBS— Pelnfedfl $2.80; cedar. $2.50 neat. BIIOEH.—Horae. $4.25; mules $4.26. BUCK1CT8.—Palni. $1.70 dox.j white cedar, tnre hoops. SI.20. o'l'ft'pOWnEn*—j4r°l<J«. d Au'itln crock ■hot, $5: half ksga. $3.76: ouarter kegs, 22.25; Dupont and Hazard flmokeleiM, half kegs. $11.36: quarter keg#. 1-lb. camafera. $1, lens 26 per oent.: Trois- dorf emokeleaa powder, 1-lb. cans, $1; 10-lb. c*n». 60c. lb. $L60^ champion ducking, quarter kegs, hRovklb.—IT to 111 don. CARDB.—Cotton, $4 .60 per dox. How blsdea. 5c. per lb. IRON.—2V4c. pound base: Bwede, 4%c. pounu. AX KB.—$7.60 to $9 00 per dozen, LEAD.—Bar, 7ftc. nound. NAILS.—Wire, $2.60 barrel; cut, $2.60 Dry Qoode—Wholesale. (Corrected by Tho Wuxelbaum Co.) B1IKETIN08.—4-4, 5 to Ifco. DHIMJNGB —6Ua7l4c. , TICKINGS.—4% to 12o SEA ISLAND.—4% to 7ftc. CIIECKH.—4 to 5ftc. BLRACIflNGB.—4 to 8c. I’RINTB.—4 to 4fte. These prices are at wnoleaale and not 1 rum now min, —- — from Atlanta. Chattanooga and Ht. Lou!#, from New York, Washington and Atlanta, from Brunawlck, Waycrom nnd Josud. (No. 16 atop# at Macon 20 minutes for dinner.) ■ JAMES FREEMAN. Tr#v. pass Agent, wiscun, t CITY TICKET AND PASSENGER OFPICE. 567 CHERRY STREET* SUL. TELEPHONE 42 4. , $10 TO TEXAS One-Way Colonist Rales De cember 13 and 27. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF ALL TRAIN8 IN MACON. Extra abort riba..,, 18-20-lb. rib bellies., 18-22-lb. rib belllei 25-30-ib: rib bom.;::::::::::;, Any or lh« .nova cun, amokad at lc. advance. GEORGIA R. R. AND ATLANTIC COA8T LINE Schedules In Effect No. II, '04. VIA COTTON BELT RODTE On December ltth and 27th, 1904, tho Cotton Belt Route will sell one way Colonist ticket* from Memphis to polnte In Texas at rate of $10,.tick ets good In chair e*n and coaches. The territory to which these rates apply Includes Texarkana, Greenville, Parla, Bonham, Bherman. Dallas, FL Worth, Wichita Falla, Amarillo, Tyler, Corsicana, Waco, Marshall, Palestine, Longview. Hillsboro, Iirownwood. Han Angelo, Austin, Han Antonio, Corpus Chrlatl, Houston, Onlvecton, Beaumont and Intermediate points. Write for map, descriptive literature and any further Information concern ing rates. L. P. 8MITH, T. P. A. Cotton Balt Routs, Atlanta, Go. ft ,H ‘ Lv. Camitk..] Ii44s| ““ (Cent. tlmc)| | Ar. Augusta.| 1 20p| (East, time) Lv. AugiiMtu Lv. Florence Lv. Kayet'na Ar Petein'rg Ar Rich'ond Ar Wash’ton Ar Balt Tors. 9 #9a . Ar l’hllnd*il. 11 26p . Ar N. York. •Dally, fdunduy only. (Dally except Sunday. Trains arrive from Auguata and points Wabash lata Wabash Defc WhasLS Lk.r-ts.. vs Wlscoa. Ua. As..93 MACON LOCAL MARKETS. NAVAL 8TORB8. ItoaJn flrni at 2V4?: ; receipts 192. Crude , J 10 * r ^"'" BAVANNAILDec. lft-HHphits turpfn- Mne market firm at 47ft cents; receipts m 2S ; »•- Roein firm, ’ftpt? LHl: eo "• “ - M. i.Mi » wkn. - €93. Tar firm at 1.80; t.irpentine firm at 2 nreipis i.sui sues Cloning, quote: A. I fl 2.55*57%; F. 4. IS. 2.1003%; 2, I. pn., 1 act........... iti) in _ pc.. m$ to 1933...10$ lot Georgia 4 pc., 1528.............Ilf 114 OcorgU 2ft pc . 111*. $600 104% 106ft Local 8to«*s ana Band*. Wesleyan Female College, T pc., denomnation Jan'y and July coupons, price owing to dat« of maturity 10$ lit Arm* Brewing Co 100 mt Me Caw M'jr.fg O.. jao Macon Gas 4 Fater console.. Railroad Steen*. Southwestern K. It. itock Georgia Railroad stock... Atlanta ft Went Point luilro.vq debenture# :o7 Augusta St Savannah Bail road mock .117 Gaorgla Southern ft Florida ]*t preferred stock -o Georgia Southern Railroad 2d preferred stock , 7 10 4 02 7 Gfc Georgia Routhern Railroad men stock Se M board, common Southern Railroad, com.. ...... Maoon ....Swift Creek.... 2 42 ....Dry Branch..., ‘ ■ .....Pikes Peak.... , FU spat rich ... ... Ripley Jeffersonville ., .... Oallemore .... Danville AUent'n pme’g track 5 34 $ if :'/. 6 12 ... 6 19 ... 4 II ... Allentown .. Shewmske .. Moore .... (Cost Chute.) . ft 8. Ju . ft 8. Ju Catlln r - - Mlnter i> 7 m|aV.' 10 4, in? !2?2 i. 01 i;0 HI 1 in 3 35 > 00 « ti « 40* !» IM v,: I M I II j. A. kTBSYBR. a P. A., Muon. Hi WRIGHTSVILLE AND TENNILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. Effaetlvs September 11, 1W4. I 1 I STATIONS. s Georgia (Southern A Florida R'y. For Jaxvllte Fnm Jaxvllle, For Palntka ., Frra Palolka . For Valdosta , From Vald’ta 11 29a I 12 45* S 40a 11 20:i 3 tGa 4 SOp 11 28a 4 lOp . 12 4Gn . 4 lOy . unswlck. 3 00aI 1 l.lp . wk’svIUel 0 06a| 7 20p . Fm Atlanta. •••I.llpal 9 COa 2 40p For Jax ' • From Ja*.*» For Bmnawfc. Fm Brunswlc For Hawk’ Central of Oeorcfa Railway. ^aiSSSWlOTSbr.i:::::: Fm Hnwk’rrtUel tMa|l Up| Athens . MiltedgrrSla • llWeAthens T up Kulontnn . .. 7 I0p|MUMegevlIle . 1 |.>p Col. ft Mont.. U*P ?50a Colm ft B-• •* 8 4*slBlrm. A Colm. 4 IS# Alby ft Mont. 4 16s|I1lrm. ft Colm. # I2 2'.i Alby ft Mont. 11 2?*!Hont. A Alby 4 - Albany f ISp'Alby ft Mont. 12 50a Sovlngton ... llMaTcovlngton.... 1 lo p Macon ft Birmingham Railway. For LaGrange. XV. Hpx «. Columbus 4:15pns For I*kOrsnfe, aeronunodatlon... 4:46ara i • 11 *' i:e XV Hj.* «. » vi 1 mi .11 lium Fnnn I^Granxe, Accommodation.. 2 10;.n* M.. D. ft 8. Railway. Lv. Macon.. l:20pmlLv. Vldalla.. 7:10a Ar. Dublin.. 6:84pm Ar. Dublin.. 8:46a Ar. Vldalla.. 7:l‘»prnjAr. Ms ** “* 8TILLMORE AIR LINE RAILWAY Effective Juiy T. 1908. | 1 | STATIONS. | 3 | 4 | 6 .... Yonkers .... .... Empire .... ...Believe pork... Ilawklnsvlllsi - .t-jUUBL—. CONNECTIONS. TennU|#—With Central of Georgia. Au gusta Southern and Bandersvllle Rail- ’YA-tc-wi.h Central of Georgia Rail way (Oconee Divlafon). Dublin—With Maron, Dublin ft Savan nah R. R. and Dublin ft Southwestern Railroad. Kmplre—‘With Southern Railway, ffawklnevltle—With HawklnevlIIe ft Florida Southern and Southern Rallwxva. For further Information rewarding rates, schedules, etc., write or apply to C. C. DALEY, Coro. Agt.. I law kin •- W.*j. KESSLER. Coro. Agt., Dublin. Oo. H. V. MAHONEY, Oen. Pom. AgL, Dublin. Ga. l»M!AM|Lv. Ar.lAMPMI 2 40} 6 00... Wadley ...112 001 9 toj 1 ie r;r**nway .III 43- <> jolll 45 Blnsdale .. ll rj 9 Kill 49 Dellwood ..111 25' 3 <T. !1 . Bwslnsborn .111 !oi t 5e'l! 14 ... McLeod ...ho c % n:n s# 8Ullmore ..10 22' 8 05* 11 06 »:[ | I Btlllmere ..[10 17j 7 r,!10 so Hurryhlll ,.il0 m\ XllO 44 . Corsica ...1 9 f: 7 r.VO « Cnbbtewn .| 9 4>; 7 1 *» 10 0$ SectlonvlRe ! 9 r' 7 07| 9 U Ar Collins Lvf l: 9 tc| 3 39 ■>abo’rj A. Lv. | 4 SO! 7 < T0 CHICAGO DEXkARiC* Mean amsi, .ValftMta, Noe. I and 6. dally sxo^t Sunday. No* 1. J. 2 and 4. daily. Train No. 1 ronn-'-’n at R til I mo r* with Central of Oporgia Ry. for nil points east ■n't with MIH-n ft F :thw^Wn Ry for Mlllen. at Collin* 1>aboerd Air Line Ry. east to Savannah an 1 Intermediate points, west to M'-r*soTTvry and all pr.lnta west, and with Collins ft Reld-ivllle for Reld*vtl> •r , . rnnrp-'ti at P1f!!msre with MURn ft fi^tittrwestern Ry for Mlllen and A . •’ V/.id’.py with ri-ntral o' Geor gia railway fo' M* a. Atlanta anl all points west: with tfcs Lo-:! .vills ft Wadley Ry for I ' ari-1 wlih XVadlejr ill Mt. Vernon Ry. Train No S c< nnectj at Collin* with Sea board Air line ra l»».y f >r : : 4Mrmh aud points eir* art for Ile.ena and Intense- d'ate points writ. Train No. 4 connects et Wadley wttk >,vril of Georgia railway for Macon. At lanta srd points w^f»t. ■ Train No. 6 cofl&ects at Colllrs with Sea- boa-1 for Mor.'xomsry and points we-t. F. S BATTL12 S jyL ft X, 2ft 0. M, SltlNSftN. Prealdeut,