The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 13, 1904, Image 6

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH s TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1904* 4mV«fmf«V«fW«fmM¥fV«V«V«VtfoV«f«V*ViV«V«WfV«VH/fVmVmWiViVlWkWWWyWWWWV)^ i * I f Good Old Christmas Cheer 1 WILLOW DALE PORE RYE! The Best Bargain In Whisky on the Market Wc offer to those desiring a strictly first class PURE RYE WHISKEY our celebrated WILLOW DALE. It is in Quality a Four Dollar Whiskey which wo are offering at 82.45. It will make the most Delicious of EGG-NOGGS and. you will need a gallon of it for the approaching holidays. We guarantee every gallon shipped out of our house to give absolute satisfaction WHEN WE FIRST PUT THIS WHISKEY ON THE MARKET IT WAS THE CRY OF OUR COMPETITORS THAT IT WOULD BE IM POSSIBLE FOR US TO KEEP THE QUALITY OF THE WHISKEY UP, AS IT COULD NOT BE SOLD EOR LESS THAN $3.50 OR $4.00 PER GALLON. HOWEVER, WE HAVE SURPRISED THEM, AND THE QUALITY OF WILLOW DALE IS THE SAME TODAY AS IT WAS WHEN WE FIRST PUT IT ON THE MARKET. THE DEMAND FOR THIS WHISKEY IS SOMETHING ENORMOUS, WHICH ONLY GOES TO PROVE THAT THE PUBLIC IS NOT SLOW TO APPRECIATE AN ARTICLE OF MERIT. WE DO NOT CLAIM THAT WILLOW DALE IS THE FINEST • ' WHISKEY DISTILLED, RUT WE DO CLAIM IT TO BE EAR SUPER IOR TO THAT SOLD BY OTHER HOUSES AT A MUCH HIGHER PRICE, AND A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THE < TRUTHFULNESS OF OUR CLAIM. $2.45 Per Gallon. Four Full Quarts $2.85 Express Prepaid. ALLAN SINCLAIR’S OLD TIME SWEET MASH We guarantee this Whiskey to be a pure and unadultera ted CORN WHISKEY—double and single copper distilled ON ACCOUNT OF THE HEAVY DEMAND FOR A FINE QUALITY OF GEORGIA CORN, WE HAVE ARRANGED WITH.ONE OF THE BEST DISTILLERS OF THIS STATE TO TAKE HIS ENTIRE OUTPUT, AND ARE THEREFORE IN POSITION TO OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS THE BEST CORN WHISKEY OBTAINABLE. , THIS WHISKEY IS AGED IN WOOD FOR FIVE YEARS BEFORE BEING OFFERED TO OUR TRADE, AND WE ARE SAFE IN SAYING THAT A PURER WHISKEY CANNOT BE OBTAINED. WF. OFFER THIS WHISKEY AT $2.40 PER GALLON, IN JUGS, EXPRESS PREPAID, AND IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD CORN WHISKEY YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE THIS LIBERAL OFFER. $2.40 Per Gallon. Four Full Quarts $2.80 Express Prepaid. NOTE—All goods ordered of us are shipped in plain, neat packages, without marks to indicate contents. Let us supply your Christmas necessities. SCHOFIELD INDICTED FAILED TO RECOVER BY GRAND JURY IN DAMAGE SUIT Charged Murder Against Him Yestor- day In Dill of Indictment—Work Continue* Through Today. Blbb'a gr*nd Jury for the present term of tha superior court waa In sea* alon yesterday and handled criminal bualnoaa all day.. Tha day’a work re- aulted In tha finding of »n Indictment charging Hal Schofield with murder. Other bualneaa wia that charge* against negroes for fighting and rob* blng. Tha grand Jury will ba again In sea- alon today but It la not atatad how long tha bualneaa will ba handled by this body before another recess taken. This body has not been able to finish tha work up to tha present time sufficiently lo settle the question aa to whether they niuvt still t>« In aeitainn until late In January. The superior court will do a great deal of work after the holidays and It may be necr^mry for the grand Jury to remain In session until this tliuc. The committees sent out soma time ago for the Investigation of country records and the general condition the county Institutions ure still hard work. It inuy require several days to finish this duty. The general presentments will not be given out •for aeveral weeks, unless Judge Felton vr'*h*o to adjourn the present session before the holidays. In this event It will Nr necessary to make the present* tnants before udjourulng. It Is stated that the work of the present grand Jury will cause the dr«»x of present ments unusually Interesting to the general public. CRE8HAM 8ENIOR8 Preparing for Their Debate to be Held Friday Afternoon. Ftlday afternoon a debate will ba 1 • id Itetween ala memnera of tha Gres ham High Rcboo! senior class. The <1* ha tors «*f the affirmative will be three sen\pr boys and the'negative side will have as Us champions n trio of the beat arguers among the girls. The subject will be “Resolved that rm n have made better sovereigns than women.'* Roth sides have prepared their arguments and the entire stu dent body look for a contested debate. J. O. Ethridge Sued the Central Railroad and tha Central City lea Works for $5,100 as Result of Scalds for Small Hoy's Feet. First to go on trial yesterday morning In the city court when tha work of tha civil branch was taken up. was the case J. O. Ktbridge against the Centra! railroad and the Central City Ice Works. This was a dsmsgs suit, and occupied the time or the court for the greater part of the day. The plaintiff aeked the sum of 96.100 for Injurlea, said lo have been sustained by his smell eon Inst April, when he stepped Into some hot water Issuing from a pipe at the works of the Cent nil City lee Company. lie charged the Ice com pany with responsibility In allowing the the water to run from the pipes at this point, am! charged the railroad company with In-tug responsible for allowing the Ice company to empty the hoi water upon the grounds. The email I*oy. while playing near the point, got into the water ami was burned a Unit Ida feet. This accident resulted In the tiling of the eult In the court. The Jury was out on the case for over an hour, hut returned before the does of the ecu- last night with a verdict mr the tic vindicating them of the respon- PRESIDENT POLLOCK HAS IMPROVED Ho Haa Stated That Ha Now Haa Mora Hopes of Final Racovary Than Evar Before—la yet in Atlanta Infirmary. 4 In v a boy's father was making an effort to secure possession of a bicycle which his son had sold to the nephew of enother party who was charged with taking poa- session after the trade was matte. A ver dict was directed by Judge Itndgea nfiur the evidence was In and the defendant w«»n. showing by the evidence tlutt he had not at any time had charge of the bicycb . The matter was left for settlement be tween the hoys, who were the seller and the purchaser. OFFICERS CHOSEN. Ancient Order of Hibernians Held An nual Masting. The annual meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians haa been held and officers elected for the ensuing year. Following Ib the tlet of officiate ue K. A. Sheridan, president; Joseph Campbell, vice president; Leo Donnel ly. recording secretary; M. J. Meath* lumctal secretary; Martin Callaghan, easurer; James Lyons, sentinel; ondy Hums, sergeant at arms; J. O. cMIllan. marshal. Mother of Messrs. Benner Dying. Yesterday morning n telegram from Columbia, Tenn.. w.ti receive Messrs. J. 11. and O. N Renner staling that their mother wua dying In thut city. The two left !mm< Columbia. News cornea from Dr. P. D. Pollock, who la now In 8t. Joseph'* Infirmary In Atlanta, that he la considerably Im proved from hla recent serious lltneae. Ho stated to Dr. J. U White, who was on * recent visit to him. that he was In batter physical condition than at any previous time alnce hla Illness. Dr. Pollock la very much Improved in condition at present. He haa bet ter color, and atatea that there In now greater abundance of red corpuscles In the blood than have shown up at any Urns prior to thia week, lie aa- aerted to Dr. White that ha had more hopes of recovery at present than he had held alnce hla Illness. Dr. Pollock haw been In Atlanta since a second attack of nenemla about three qeeks ago. He will remain In the In firmary until after the Chrlatmna hol idays and then return to hlw old home at Monroe, Ga., where he will reinata for some time. Hla friends throughout the state will be glad to learn of hie recent Improve ment and many are anxious for the announcement that ha hits regained his former health. Hla condition la an nounced at Mercer nnd the favorable change has been received with glad ness by Acting President Kilpatrick, the faculty and the students. GLASS BLOWERS ATTRACT MANY The Interesting Exhibition it Viewed by Large Crowds. The Howells famous glass blowers have opened their splendid exhibition In the Old Fair Store, 618 Cherry street, and many Macon people are vis iting the pl*?e and all come away charmed with the exhibition. Each visitor la presumed with a glass sou venir free. This la truly* a wonderful exhibition. The people who make this exhibit are certainly experts In their line. As an educational feature this exhibition Is remarkable In Its results. It would pay the people of Macon to visit tala exhibition and see the many wonderful things that are done by the Glass Blowers. Thdy will be here all this week, giv ing exhibitions dally from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10 nightly. The price of admlMion la 15 cents. MUSICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-Laws Were Adopted at a Meeting Last Night. At a meeting of the Macon Musical So ciety last night, constitution and by.l-twa were adopted, and a temporary organize lion perfected by the election of Mr. tawfci Van Winkle ns president pro tem and Mm. Llghtoey secret ary-treasurer pro tem. Permanent officers are to be elected at the Aral meeting in January. The society, under the efficient dlrec- lon of Professor Hepburn, la making CHICAGO CAPITALISTS VIEW GEORGIA LANDS Mori. J. L. Dennis nnd Dl S. Vinoent Her. With Vi.w of Purchasing Lands in Southeaetern Georgia—Out on Trip Today. .They act like Exercise. for the Bowels Ten AH Druggists Rich cut class, claret jug, flower vases, conipo tiers, fruit or berry bowls, olives, bon bons, punch sets. All the latest nov elties. Jno. S. Hojre Drug Co. DANNENBURG’S A TREASURE HOUSE Extraordinary Line ef Goods for the Christmas Trade—World of Rapture fer Men end Women, Beys and Girls. The two-page presentation In Sun day's Telegraph of the vast stock of the. Dennenberg. Company proved a sensation, and their great store was Filed throughout yesterday. at It will be for many days hereafter. It vss tae climax offering of the dry goods and furnishing establishment which for ao many yearn has been one of the grand pillars of Georgia merchantdom. The purchaser, whether man or wo man. boy or girl, can find everything in their enormous accumulation that they could And In any like eatablah- ment | n ihe country, and there nra goods for all fasten and for all purse*. The people of Macon have reason to be proud that in their own community such a splendid mercantile establish ment estate. It Is thoroughly officered i and the moat polite and scrupulous at tention la paid every customer. Messrs. J. L. Dennis and D. S. Vin cent. two Chicago capitalists, were In the city yesterday in their private car for the purpose of looking over the lands of southeastern Georgia with a view to making large Investments while here. They spent the day in the city and made arrangements for a trip to southeast Georgia today. Mr. Herbert R. Brown will accom pany the two capitalists on the trip through south Georgia. They will make Investigations and survey the country along the lines in the southern part of the state, and If found favora ble, It la expected by them that large purchases will be made before return ing to the North. The two capitalists spoke freely yes terday of the conditions of the agri cultural sections which they had aecn In Georgia, and were favorably Im pressed. The trip today will largely determine whether they are to Invest In thin state. They are interested In the farming section* and have ex pressed a desire to see that part of the state along the lines In the lower counties. SKELETON IN COURT. SHINERS AND SHAVERS. Used to Show Bullet's Courts In Young- Patterson Case. NEW YORK, Dec. 12.—a headless hu man skeleton, dorsal vertebrae nnd ribs. Played an Important part In the trial of i Nan Patterson for the murder or Ccannr Young today. The gruesome exhibition whs made use of in the examination of Dr. Philip Hanlon, the coroner's physi cian, who performed the autopsy on Young's body. Miss Patterson's counsel protested at the use of the skeleton, as serting that It did not compare correctly with the structure of the dead body, but his objections were overruled. The skeleton was used to decide the course of the bullet after It entered Young's body. The prosecution contended that It had gone straight to the spine, which the state's lawyers believed proved that Young did not kill himself. Assuming that Young, with the pistol In his right hand, had crossed It over to his chest and shot Into his left side, the prosecution contended that the bullet travelled to the left. The fact advanced us proving that the wound Was not self-lnfllci Justice Davis saU a gross Impropriety by a newr *~ ported to Jurors ted. Id from the bench that ty had been committed been commlttc- wspaper In publishing what pur- to be the views of the wives of . -jrs concerning the case. He cau tioned the Jurors not to discuss the tea tlmony, even In their own families. Counterfeiter Indicted—Aged Man Acquit- — - _ tedl of Moonshlnlng Charge. COLUMBUS, Ga., Dec. 12.—Tne federal grand Jury Indicted J. T. McDonald of Meriwether county on the charge of pass ing counterfeit coins. McDonald was tho principal witness In tho cast against M. II. Norris, also of Meriwether county, who was charged with counterfeiting, and came here today simply as a witness. rPnATZffli ,?& flSjraLTS Indicted McDonald, the ®tar witness, on three counts. William Collins of Meriwether county, who is over 80 years old. was acoqultted of the charge of moonshlnlng In the fed- ' era! court. Whlto haired^ with bent form and weak voice, the old man took tho stand and asserted hts Innocence, saying he had not distilled in twenty years, hav ing ' thrown away his cap nnd worm when Cleveland was elected president." Murder of Hughes Family. Jury Unable to Determine the Guilty COLUMBIA. 8. a! Dec. 12.—The Jury of Inquest In the Hughes case assembled at Trenton today and after two or three hours’ of testimony and consideration, re turned a verdict that the Hughes family came to death at the hands of parties or persons unknown. mST V.'arm wonthor brings danger to babies. Keep n bottle of Baby Ease—tho world’s I best baby medicino—on hand. It Is tho »afo, sure, harmless remedy for all summer bowel and stomach troubles., At sll good drug .tore., 25 cent.. Manufactured by BABY EASE CO., Maco*, Ga. tlon . rapid proxies The members nmt«-mplate giving a recital or concert In the near future, to which the public will be Invited. Persons wish- Ing lo become either active or associate membef* cun leave their written appli cation with Mr. Mtnderhxrt at the Cable jsstss^sr jnsTNigBrai Second street, and will be presented to ; the society st the earliest meeting. A number of the best known musical people of the city have already become members, and persons wishing to take part In the proposed concert would do well to l*«* eresent at the next reh'wrsal kt ConoVTr Hall Tuesday evening. Decem- The society has already provided a number of pi-using and catchy s-lectione on which the members are rehearsing und there Is every prospect of a popular and prosperous organisation. Ooetcrs Could Not Help Her. *T had kidney trouble for years." writes Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shel ton. Wash., "and the doctor* could not help me. I tried Foley** Kidney Cure, and the very first dose gave me re lief and 1 am now cured. I cannot say ten much for Foley** Kidney Cure." It mrke* the diseased kidneys sound so £ey wHl eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good health Is Impossible Sold by H. J. tamer ft Co., druggists. ATt-A^tt, BU t^7: BU ^n. w~ k . ^ ... rttjr blng X'iJ churches "'end'"tailoring""e*t*bU*h« The rectory of st Luke's Eph chinch was entered last night. Tfce rsrricd »y»v with them Rev. 1 CONGRESSMAN BARTLETT Offers *n Important Amendment to the National Banking Act WASHINGTON. Dec. I*.—Repre sentative Bartlett of Georgia today in troduced a bill amending the national banking act so ss to prevent any per son from being a borrower and In dorser berond the legal limit. Wilr r articles Into 1 ef wearing apparel :-4. boirs- s Yoj May Think I You have seen I beautiful ef fect*. in Photo-1 graphs, but vour idoas will j change when! you see the ; new portrait stylos now l>eing produ ced at Milner’e the very thine for Christmas, i Milner's Studio tei CVtton Photic Oil. 7% Gold Bonds A bond U the most perfect form o f Investment ever devised by the mlrtd of man. It combine, in th. highest d egree .11 of the element, essential to the ubaolute safety of both principal a nd Interest. tVe are now offering *25,000.00 7 PER CEN T. GOLD BONDS, at par. with accumulated Interest. T heM bonds are secured by 150,000 of Arst mortgage, on Improved real estate, worth <100,000. These securities will be deposited with the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, a. trustee, which will make assurance more than doubly sure. Call on or ad dress EQUITABLE BANKING & LOAN COMPANY. GEO. A. SMITH, President. 370 Second Street, Macon, Ga. 5COOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOQOO Bibb Manufacturing Co. Macon, Qa. Manufacturers of Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc: IS and 20 Thomas St. New York Office. OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOl