The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 13, 1904, Image 8

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(THE MACON TELEGRAPH : TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1904. |[ Wc Take Periodical Tickets The ideal Christmas Gift is The One That Gives Pleasure Not tor a tew days only but for loni months to conic. That Is why Gloth, Ini made by the Master Workmen STROUSE & BROTHERS Is fast ti row Ini lu favor. Quality, Pit and Workmanship are not only iuarantecd but they are sold at prices that let you eat, drink and be merry. U Button Sacks,,hrowns, blacks and greys,,$15.00 to $30.00 Enillsh and WalklmJ Suits, same colors,,$‘30.00 to $35.00 Ovcrcoats,,Paddocks and Gravanettc, $15.00 to $30.00 None But The Best $ A New York Corset Fitter f is Here. We cordially invite you to visit Mr3. E. D, Dean of New York, who will bo in our Corset de partment this entire week to give a word of advice or suggestion regarding Corset improvement, car riage or figure. She will fit La Vida Corsots and see that you get proper model to wear in order to be most graceful, healthful and comfortable. This service is free and you are not obligated to us in any way for advice or help. Let us urge you to come early, as Mrs. Dean will bo hero but one week. THE FUR MR. H. G. WHITE, Representing the best Furrier in New York will be with us today. He will have a full line of the finist, most beautiful and bost stylo furs shown to the trade. This is bringing New York to your door. He will show real Furs, but that does not imply only high priced goods. They are coming direct from the manufacturers of garments of this kind, and you get the benefit of the closest pricos. ALDERMEN WILL BE ELECTED TODAY But Little Interest Has Been Man feated at Election la Assured—'Thr of the Four Candidates are Ne Men—The Polling Places. ► 4444444 44 4444«4+4~44+«4444♦4+4+4+ C AND Wo ask the trade to bear in mind that wo are headquarters for all kinds of candies. Our big faotory is fully equipped and running ov- ery day. Order of us and get fresh made goods. We sell only to deal ers. Exclusively whole3alo. | Johnson King & Company, I Manufacturing Confectioners, T t Macon, Ga. : * REBATE Save Y ou Money Come Early Tomorrow Morning. <22 ROBERT S. SAULSBURY WAS BURIED MONDAY ALL LEAGUE TEAMS WILL PLAY WEDNESDAY Today four aldermen will be elected to fill places In the city council. The four candidates were named at the primary held in November and at that time their places upon the council were practically assured. With the exception of Mr. W. H. Sloan, In the fourth ward, the men who will be voted for today are all new to the business. But little Interest Is being taken In the election and it Is expected that the vote today will be very small. A nuxn ber of prominent men of the city have urged that those who have regia tered come out and help to poll a large a vote as possible. Following Is a list of the polls and their managers'. First Ward—Third and Mulberry. Managers—G. L. Reeves, D. W. Bee- land, PeWItt McCrary. Second Ward—Findlay’s Foundry. Managers—T. A. Cheatham, G. Bright, L. W. Hollingsworth. Third Ward—City Hall. Managers—G. L. Peacock, W. C Singleton, J. It. L. Gerdlne. Fourth Ward—525 Cotton Avenue. Managers—John Hartz, M. M. Drig gers. J. S. Raley. Polls open at * o'clock a. m., and close at 5 o'clock p. m. Municipal League Urges Big Vote. Mr. H. C. Harris, chairman of the Macon Municipal League, desires to urge all registered voters to cast their votes today for the nominees of the city white primary for aldermen. All members, sympathizers and others, are requested so to do. Mr. Harris says the Municipal League Is as deep Into the white primary as any one else, and these nominees are league nominees as well as any one else's. Mr. -Harris urges that all Join In giving the nominees a good compli mentary vote, as It is his wish. So Is It the wish of the league, formerly known as the Choctaws. Many Friends Were T -sent at the Funeral Services Con- icted by Rev. Mr. Ainsworth at the lots rcsfdenco on Mulberry 8treel. TICKETS / AT CHRISTMAS TIME be merry and wine In wlue drinking. Get the beet, then you need fear no trouble. Our WINKS AND LIQUORS ore the choice*! to be found In the mar ket, and a bottle or two will certainly make the day more enjoyable. It l« nU very well to cat nourishing food, but you need a itmirl*hlng diink nleo. We a III till your orden* promptly. Old Joe Mereer t'orn, elx-year-oM, one gallon Jug, 111.15. delivered. Four full quarts, SI.«h), delivered, llnrtletl f’ure Rye. one gallon jug. $t *J, delivered. Four full quarts, 11.26, deliv ered. Genuine Mt. Vernon Itye. t years old. tl 71 In gallon Jug delivered. Four full quart*, gvnuino Mt. Vernon Kye. 14.00, delivered. We are agenta for Lewi*' '€•; Puffy's Ture Malt. Wilson’s Whlskleg. Baaerao Cork tall. Schllts and Aurora bteY*. Write ua for price list. Special prices on whole sale quantities. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, • • Ml THIRD »T„ MACON. OA. The funeral serv'ce* over the re main* of Robert 8. Bnulstuiry, who died Sunday afternoon at the' city hoapltal, after an lllnesa of two weeka. occurred yeaterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from hla late residence. 303 Mulberry street. Rev. W. N. Aln»worth conducted the services. Quite a Isrgo crowd of friends and relatives were present to pay a last tribute of love sntl respect. The high esteem In which Mr. Hauls bury was held was moat aptly attested by the beautiful-floral offerings from sincere friends. Mr a. Hchoflrld and Mrs. Findlay sank "Lend Kindly J.lght" and "Reyond the Hmlllug and the Weeping." Both songs were favorites of the deceased, the latter being sung nt the funeral of Mrs. Huulsbury just twenty-three year* ago. After the conclusion of gervlces at the residence, the remains were laid to rest in Rone lllll cemetery. Those noting an pall-bearcre were: Messrs. It. A. Nlabel, It. U. Ford. J. Frank Roa rs, George Plant, F- II. 1-ee, W. B. Hpnrka. N, R. Wtnshlp and E. \V. Doughty. Eight Clubs to Take Part In the Grand Opening of the Bowling League To morrow Night CHRONIC CATARRH CURED. Although Macon has In turn met Co lumbus and Atlanta In bowling matches since the ilrnt of the month, not tlnfll tomorrow night will the Houlheantern Bowling longue he for mally placed In swing. Wednesday night the entire circuit will play at the various cities. At the conclusion of . W .. each of the three games that comprise | ■"» ‘E? ttKS a mntch. each city will wire the score Hyomci’a Wonderful Action in Curing a Cato of Thirty Year a’ Standing. Guaranteed by Leading Druggist. Do not try to cure catarrh by tak ing drugs Into the stomach. It can not be cured in thnt manner. The only way in which this common dis ease mn be cured is through a direct application that will kill the germs of cntnrrh and prevent their growth. Hyomei is the only known method of treatment that accomplishes this. It Is the simplest, most pleasant and only absolute cui*e for catnnh thnt has ever been discovered. Mrs. C. A. Derby of Beverly, Mass., writes: "My husband haa had catarrh trouble for thirty year* and Hyomei Tattnall Square Drug Store. "As near you as your 'Phone.' •Phone 3««. THE RE-INAUGURATION •PHONE 414 OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmns it Coming There are lota of things In a Jewel ry Store that don't contain Jewels; loU of email, Inexpensive, artistic articles, rut table for presents that you won't hardly think of unless you ww them. We have for tbla particular fall a beau- rice clth i at el an uo J. II. & \Y. W. Williams, HERTZ COAL CO. Phone 083 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. 0/ the Chicago and Florida Special and Florida Limited. The Southern rall\'.«y announces the re-Inauguration of the Chicago nnd Florida special and the Florida limited. On January 9. 1905. the Southern rail way will handle the *»i*ec!al for the first time since the first part of the present year. Leaving Chicago, this train handled for part of the distance by its owners. It Is then picked up by the vjuecn and Crescent route nnd dropped nt Chattanooga, where a close schedule Is made with the Southern railway The train is then brought directly to Mncou. stopping at six points only be tween the two points. The sptM*lnl will be made of nn ob servation sleeper from 8t. Louis and sleepers from Chicago. Cleveland. Pittsburg. Detroit ami Cincinnati. A dining care Is to be attnehed. The special will run solid the entire dis tance. The Florida East Coast railway will handle the special In part of that Clicrrv St. Macon, Ga. A feature of this train will He In * I the fact of Its quick time to Atlanta. Leaving Leaving here at 3.45 p. ro ll reaches the Gate City nt 4 o'clock. A Friahtened Horse, Running like made down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy, and there's none as good an Buck ten's Arnica Salve Burns, Cute. Sore*. Ecsema and Pllee disappear qntcklv under ft* soothing effect. 25c. at all drug stores. to the remaining seven. Tho eight cities whose teams will play tomorrow are Macon, Columbus, Atlanta. Savannah. Brunswick, Tampu, Jacksonville nnd Charleston. A few days ago the promoters of the sport In each of the league cities bnl- lotted for president nnd the outcome an the selection of Mr. C. 8. Rich mond of Savannah. Latrr the names of the team managers were announced. They ure; '. Macon. Felix Kohler. OolumhuB. C. O. Kendall. Atlanta, J. K. Elliott. Savannah. C. 8. Richmond. Jacksonville, Ouy Fecord. Charleston. O. H. Wlelers. Tampa. O+erhind Alleys. v Three teams In the circuit have al ready made good aWFts In the race. The local club’s percentage Is nt the half way mark, ns Is also Columbus*. Atlanta has played and won one game; thus her percentage Is 1.000. The play Wednesday night will open nt 8 o'clock. No n Imlsslon Is to be charged, nnd all Interested In the sport are invited to attend. him. He had catarrh In Its Nvorst form, nnd nothing except Hyomei ever hnd an effect on It whatever. This gave him relief from the first and he has steadily Improved, until now he Is cured." The complete Hyomei outfit costs but one dollar, consisting of an In haler nnd sufficient Hyomei to last for several weeks. Extra bottles can be obtained for fifty cent*. Your drug gist has so much confldencre in the power of Hyomei to cure catarrh thnt he will sell the treatment under his personal guarantee. to refund the money If the purchase^ enn say it did not benefit. Ask him ».o show you the strong gaurantec under which it is sold. Hyomei Is sold by Druggist Taylor with the understanding thnt If It •}«’».« not give satisfaction the purchase price will be refunded. Overcoat Protection Overcoat protection is one kind of protection we believe in. We furnish it to our customers. We protect you from rain, wind, heat and cold. We Protect Your Person and Your Purse. Each Overcoat we sell is a lasting advertisement for us. Any Han who has his eye out for Winter Overcoats, and isn’t blind to his best interests, should not miss seeing our new styles. Long or medium lengths, and a size to fit every shape. Every good fabric is represented in our lines. Overcoats at 510. $15 $18, $25, Way up to $35. Come here for a look. We’ll not urge you to buy. The Coats will do that. Benson & Moore, Tlio Up-to-date Clothiers* Sensible, Lasting Presents. IF YOU. WISH TO BE CAREFUL AND ECONOMICAL IN YOUR PUR CHASES FOR XMAS PRESENTS AND AT THE SAME TIME SELECT FROM A COMOPLETE STOCK OF THE NEWEST AND BEST, YOU HAD BETTER START AT ONCE FOR OUR STORE. •OUR LATEST NOVELTIES AND CHOICEST BARGAINS WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON’T PUT T OFF, COME NOW. WILL KEEP VOUR PURCHASES AND DELIVER WHEN WANTED. Pay your state, county and poll taxes by December SOth and save coeto and Interest. FOR CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS TEAMS BATTLE LADIES GOLD WATCHES. Good reliable time pieces by first class makors in good gold cases. Not the cheapest but tho BEST. If you want something good go to L. O. STEVENS, ' 366 Second Street. USEFUL DISCOVERIES. Ar« Not Always Startling, Neither Do They Create tho Most Talk. It Is not alwnya tho greatest, most startling discoveries of scloncc that are moat useful to the human race. Comparatively few people were ill rectly Interested in Herachel'n finding of the new planet Uranun. but many thousand* hajre been benefited by Pro feasor Un tin's experiment*, which proved beyond a question thnt dand ruff nnd baldn*** are the result* of the inroads of a parasitic germ which In vade* the root a of the hair. The discovery of the true cause of baldness made Newbro'n Herpicide possible. Herpicide effectually kills this germ. Destroy the cause, you re move the effect. 4old by all leading druggist*. Send 10 rents In stamps for sample to The Her- plolda Co.. Detroit. Mich. Lamar it La mar (Sol Hoge’s old stand). Second and Mulberry streets. In the Games Yeaterday the Faoulty Defeated tiie Kappa Sigmas in Two Straight 8ets—'Today’s - Schedule. Beware of Imitations and Frauds IJ White Mills Ryej In bond—Try a bottlo. $K00 for full quart. PRINGDALE RYE Nothing better on the Market. $*2 10 per gel Ion or $2 75 four full quarts «!■ :iv-red anywhere in Georgia. Complete stock nf everything pertaining to our line, l .rticular attention paid to-orders Only Experts Need Apply. Mr. Joe Davta, one of the proprietor® of the American Barber Shop, an nounce* that he haa secured the ser vices of two more expert tonsortal art ist*. "We require of every one. who comes here to work that they be a skilled artist; that they please every reasonable customer who takes his seat In their chair. Vn other words, no man working tn this shop Is ever to get tn too big a hurry to do a good Job." I SI* YiEHSHSELBIOI & MACK! 451 « !m I'liono 558—Macon, Ga. AY hr 0 the eye to la trouble ue * SALES' HARRY B0NNELL ACCIDENTLY SHOT Was Out Hunting Yesterday Afternoon and Firad Load of Shot Into Foot Want to City Hospital, Where Wound Was Dressed. Harry Bonnell, son of Professor Bon- nrll at Werleyan roller*, was accident ally shot while nut hunting yesterday afternoon. A load of shot was Bred Into his foot, and as a result he < carried to the city hospital, and when the wound, were dressed It was found that a toe bad been phot off and the others were badly torn. The young man eras out hunting near Crump's Psrk when the accident occurred. H* had completed his trip and was on tho way horn* when a* he rested the musxle of the gun on ont foot. It was discharged and the whole load took effect n the foot. While suffering from the wound* he came to his home and wag carried to the ho*, pltal for relief. The sound, were dreesed and thi young man remained over night at the hospital. The accident proved a pain ful one end he suffered considerably before he reached the hospital A .'her. the sound* were dressed he rested cmnforiabiy and wtu he out in a few Mercer’s tennis tourney Is almost at Its close. But a few moro games are j T yet to be played before the college | honors In doubles are captured. * Fighting for tho laurels are the teams - representative of the fraternities, tne faculty and tho non-fraternity men. | The play which was opened on Thursday last has been continued ev ery afternoon upon tho courts at Tnt- nall Square Park and hundreds of Macon tennis cracks have watched r o play with Interest. ' Yesterday afternoon the Faculty team defeated the Kappa Sigmas In two straight sets. The scores were 6-3. and 3-6. The Anal set of the two was contested fiercely. Tho 8. A. E. team won by default from the non- fraternity team No. t. Today the 8. A. E.S will meet the Kappa Alphas, the Faculty will play th* Notts No. 1, and the Thetas will meet the Non* No. U. We own ami control Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot be purchased from others. More of this famous brand sold than all others combined. One Gallon of Willow Dale in Jug $2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale $2.85, Delivered. Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test A. & N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, Hacon, Ga. A Worthy Christmas Gift Is at the dlapoeal of all who lovt health of mind and body. Modern Sanitary Plumbing offer* exceptional advan tages and the Central Georgia Plumb ing and Hosting Company offer special Ihducements to any who will avail themselves of the necessary luxury af forded by a bath room fitted with th* very latest scientific conveniences. CENTRAL GEORGIA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. Phon* 2036. 159 Cottcn Avenue. g llines.. Death Cte I Ceremonies Today. ImaUwood died yester- at his residence In East a long Ulnesa, He was 71 and la survived by a wife a, Messrs.'' E & tnd J. C. if this city, and Mrs. Wll- of Valdosta, lie., who has y of their many friend*. Bad eras a Confederate vet* ntry faith- was a native Georgian and was resrsd near Gordon, G*. Several year* ago he moved u> Macon and has since re sided In this city. He was well known among the people of Macon, number ing hla friends by hi* acquaintances, and hla death will aeie sorrow to many. -The funeral rervlces will oe- «ur this mornipg at 10 o'clock from the residence on Clinton street East Macon. Rev. T. M. Christian will of ficiate. The remains will be taken ov the 11:35 Central train to Gordon. G nt will tike place t the civil war. Us «.= family burying ground*. BTi