The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 14, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 19.04,> One Cent a Word 1 IW ANTED—Traveling salesmen In eaoh state to sell our large line of tobaccos; .permanent position. Paragon Tobacco iWorks, Bedford City. Va. $3.00 FOR A VERY handsome solid gold scarf pin at Lasarua'. IWANTED—To sell "pine blocks" to burn; wo deliver them In city for $1.25 one- horse load. Massee & Felton Lumber Company. jnBWMAN MILLINERY CO.'B big out price sale. IWANTED—Capable stenographer, one who has had some experience In rail road work preferred. For particulars, addresa Box 97, Albany, Ga. 15 CENTS POUND for finest New York state cream cheese; Periodical Tickets taken on all cash purchases. Oscar Bradley. "WANTED—Two single gentlemen aa- ta ble boarders, to occupy one room; hot and cold baths, electric lights and call bells. Addrcws "John* Smith," High st., care Telegraph. WANTED—Five hundred men to get a hair cut and shave at the Royal Barber 8hop at 558 Mulberry st. L. G. Stevens, Prop. iWANTED—'Two or three unfurnished rooms, close In, light housekeeping. Ad dress fi, care Telegraph. SCARF PINS in solid gold and gold filled: the largest variety of presents that will suit you at Lasarua’. WANTED—Gentleman with $1,000 can double money first year: manufacturing enterprise; no fake. Address H. M. G., General Delivery. City. WANTED—To buy second-hand fireproof Iron safe, weighing about one thousand pounds. Address Box 564, Macon, Os. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—-Nicely furnished room, dose 23 jn, conveniences, 220 First st. Telephone HATS at greatly reduced prices at New man Millinery Co. FOR RENT—Good typewriter. Address B. H. B., care Tolegrapin. FOBS In prices ranging from $2.50 to $25 at Laxarus'. ♦-*++♦■♦■+ » *»IT’S ALU RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. It is Not Too Early \ ♦ To Face The t ♦ ♦ Christmas Problem t Let Us Help You. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 310—320 Second Street. » + + + + + + I IT’S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN’S. »»♦♦ ♦ »♦♦♦ » on main business street. Valdosta, On, Apply to T. M. Smith, Valdosta. Oa. .rooms u, (UI conveniences; best. locality IMPROVED 64'0-acre plantation In Tal- botton Valley, Talbot county Oa., on line of survey of A. & B. railroad, for $2,5(10.00 on reasonable Interest; a bar- « iln. Joseph Van Valin, &71 Ornngo st., aeon, Qa. FOR SALE—Beautiful holly wreaths with the red berries; also white narcissus in Bias* bowls. 'Phone 656. care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Lot on Carline ave., Hugue- nln Heights, close to car line, $$00.00. Address "Hard-Up," care "Telegraph." between Pine and Plum. J. M. Chambers. 818 Main st.. East Macon. ROSES—Pot grown: not a root br three year old (rafted Marschal J. O. Fostell, 253 New Itlful line from $3.00 up I mrus' Jewelry Stnre^^ FOR SALE—Typewriter. In good condl t'on. Bargain. Address E. H. B., can Telegraph. SICKLE PEARS, tangerines, sweet Flor- Ida oranges, grape fruit. Malaga grapes, lemons, apples, bananas, pineapple, co- FOR SALE—An established sheet metal business complete In evenr detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent terri tory and good will of concern working In connection with It. "Will Bell at a bar gain, good reason for disposal. It will pay you to Investigate, answer quickly. Address Box 146, Chgrlotte, N. C. two bath rooms, modem; not on College street, but on Orange; convenient to churches, schools and street care: neigh borhood the finest; I paid ten thousand dollars cash for this ago and spent seven _ ... . ... voting end adding bath rooms; will take ten thousand dollars, the same I gave for It eleven yearn ago; as property haa Increased in value eo much efnee I bought this place, I am offering It very reasona ble: titles perfect; I wish to leave this state and am anxious to sell. Enquire Mrs. A. C. Seifert, Holton, Os. one-pound pacl._„„ jars. Oscar Bradley. DIAMOND RINGS, the most gorgeous the city, st I*axaru*’. MISCELLANEOUS. DRE88ED TURKEYS, hens, fries, broil ers; also fresh oysters, fish, game, cels- ry. fruits and vegetables. Rainey A Cal- h each dollar pun entitles the holder to a chance on the lady's forty dollar gold watch to be given away on January 1st; see Sunday's ad vertisement for particulars. PEARL BROACHE8—A magnificent Uns. all styles, at Lazarus'. WHAT COMMITTEE FOUND AT POLICE STATION THE TELEGRAPH’S STATEMENT THAT A WOMAN WAS IN THE CELL WITH SCHOFIELD AFTER HIS ARREST WA8 DISCUSSED LAST NIGHT AND THE ACTION OF THE POLICE COMMITTEE WAS RELATED TO MEMBERS WHO WANTED INFORMATION— THE TELEGRAPH SUSTAINED—ONE OFFICE!* REPRIMANDED- Santa Claus Says For those having anywhere from 5c to $10.00 to buy presents to go to 572 Cherry street where they have all kinds of XMAS PRESENTS. SAYS THAT FOR CHILDREN You will find Toys, Dolls, some Drums, Tea Sets, Air Rifles, Footballs and the prettiest line of picture books he has ever seen. SAYS THAT FOR A SWEETHEART There are beautiful Gift Books, Toilet Sets, Pretty Pictures, Mir rors, Calendars and the price leaves something left to spend later. SAYS THAT FOR ANYBODY He has not seen a place where there arc so many articles suit able for Gifts and at the price you have figured on. PICTURE FRAMING. PRINTING. McEvoy Book & St’y Co. >5 “Macon’s Art Store. Tho art lov.r. of Macon and vloinlty aro Invited to call and intpecl our line of Holiday Presents, consisting of Pictures, Frames, Calendars, Christ mas Postals, and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. '-‘Our reputation for high olass work is too well known to mention here. W. Lamar Williams, “ The Frame Maker” 107 COTTON AVENUE. FOR CHRISTMAS—Bicycles. Velocipedes. Tricycles, Autnpedes. Coasters. Boy's ***axons, Doll Carriages, &otc., cheap at 8. Parmelee's. FRESH FISH and oysters all the time. O. P. Clarke & Co. THIS FOR YOU—A beautiful opal ring from $3.00 to $10.00 at Lasarua. JUST RECEIVED—Fresh shipment of Weiner sauaage. Frankfurter, 8alaml and Ring; order some today. Charles Gelsmar. 'Phone 4$. BUTTERINE, better than country buter and costa onlv 20 cents pound. 'Phone 423, Oscar Bradley. CO. reduced and potatoes. Rainey & Callaghan. Flournoy A McKenna. SAFETY FOBS, the latest stylet, at prices that will suit you at Laiarua'. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. Our Special Prices Finest Cream Cheese, a lb #.15 New Oa. Cane Syrup, a gal 35 Apple Vinegar, a gal 20 Best Head Rice, a Tb 05 Octagon Soap, 6 for 26 Hand Sapollo, a cake 07t& Sugar Cured Ham. a lb 11# Sugar Cured 8houlder, a lb .....09 Breakfast Strips (beat quality), a lb. 13ft New Nuts, all kinds, lb ir. B ar Ida Oranges, a dot 20 tldwln Applet!, a pk 3ft Dried Figs. 1-lb. bricks, a lb 11 Bended Raisins, a pkg Oft 1-3 Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg..011-8 New Persian Dates, per lb ft l-“ Best Quality Prunes, a lb 07V California Evaporated Peaches, a lb..10 Best Three Crown Raisin* a lb 10 Van Camp's Soupa (all kinds), a can..09 Van Camp's Pork and Bsans, a can..09 Van Camp's Purs Cream, a can 09 Royal Salad Dt " Irish Potatoes, n Camp’s I T _ J al Salad Dressing, a bottle., h Potatoes, a pk 'Phone 2035. J. R. Odom. Immigration Into Virginia. RICHMOND, Va.. Dec. 13.—The state board of'agriculture, which la In ae here, tonight met a number of represen tatlvcs of Southern railway lines and discussed ways and menus of bringing Into the South a fair proportion of tho moot desirable Immigrants to this coun try from the old world. The consensus of opinion seemed to lie in favor of secur ing Immigrants from among those already established In America. * Colored Masons. RICHMOND. Va.. Dec. 13.—The Most Worshipful Grand T*odgo of Colored Ma sons met here today, Grand Master Ev an* of Lynchburg, presiding. The organ Isntlon Is composed of some of the moat intelligent and progressive men of tho colored race In this country. There are about 200 delegate* here. Thq body will bo in session for three days. Lumbago Get Inatant Relief RUB ON Painkiller s Rainey & Callaghan WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRE8H FISH, OYSTERS. PRODUCE* POULTRY, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, KALAMAZOO CELERY, EGG8. ICE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OK , TOWN ORDERS. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN 'Phones 233 and 858 466 First 8L JUST RECEIVED—Fresh shipment of Weiner sausage. Frankfurter, Salami and Ring: order some today. Charles Gelsmar. 'Phone 46. FINEST crystallsed cherries, 49e. pound; chrystallsed pineapple. 35c. poundf; apri cots and green gage, 10c. pound: fresh line home-made and chocolate candles al ways on hand. J. Caserlo Co., 'phone 550. RIO BARGAIN in tomatoes, four-pound . cans, hand packed, extra fancy stock, only 12Vfcc. can. Oscar Bradley. duced prices at Newman : 25 SENT8 peck for nice Baldwin apples. Rainey A Callaghan. Edam, pineapple. Frnmage de Brae. I*ig. ny, •Umberger. Club. Sap Sago, Parme san, finest New York dairy cheese. Flour noy A McKenna. WATCHES for boys at all prices at Las- LOST AND FOUND. LETTUCE, cranberries, cucumbers, pars* ley, cauliflower, eatery, cranberries, car rots. beets, garlic horseradish, cabbage, rutabaga*. Spanish onion*, yellow yams, mealy Irish potatoes. Flournoy' A Mc Kenna. __ __ .Bag all ''ifcT; only a few left; at Iaunu'; one. . ++4-M+4THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEA8T MONEY****** Special Offer This Week! TREE STAMPS—EXTRA STAMPS 30 given with i pound Coffee at 38c 28 given with 1 pound Coffee at 24 given with 1 pound Coffee at 20 given with 1 pound. Coffee at 10 given with I pound Coffee at 60 given with 1 can A. & P. Baking Powder 20 given with 1 bottle A. & P. Flavoring Extracts at.... 10 given with 2 pounds best Prunes at, a pound 10 given with 2 cake* Scouring Soap at 10 given with 1 bottle Courtney’s Sauce at 10 given with 2 bottles Campbell's Salad Dressing at...! 10 given with 1 can J4-lb. A. & P. Breakfast Cocoa at .! SPECIAL PRICES A. & P. Lima Beans, a can Stony Brook Stringless Beans, a can | ”' Pride of the Valley Succotash, a can Get our prices on New Nut*. Raisins, Figs, Citron, Dates, ey besides getting; the nicest, freslicst A call from Alderman Masses at the meeting of council laat night for in formation regarding the statement in Tho Telegraph last Wednesday morn ing relative to the surroundings at po lice station shortly after Hal Schofield was carried there for Imprisonment, brought forth a hot arraignment of the police force at Ihe hands of Aider- man Jones and also revealed the fact that an Investigation had been held by the police committee of council and one member of the force had been publicly reprimanded after the c’.Uef and other officer wore before the committee on oatl*. The discussion at council started when Alderman Maasec stated that aa matter of Justice to the chief he wished to ask for Information regard ing the article In The Macon Tele graph relative to a woman's drinking In the cell with Schofield. The chief arose and waa about to apeak. The mayor was in the act of explaining that the chief wished to make a statement, when Alderman Happ of the police committee arose and announced that ho would furnish the Information. Aa he;dld ao Alder- Williams, chairman of the police committee, arose and stated that a woman had been In the cell and re mained there several hours locked be hind the bars. Alderman Sloan made the suggest ion at this moment that the affair ought not to be settled In council. The committee on police should have the matter In hand, wan his point. Alderman Happ went Into the ex planation after saying that the chief could speak after him. Home one was calling to Mr. Happ that the chief wanted to speak. Alderman Happ stated that the committee on police had before them the chief, tho two station sergeants and two physicians at the Investigation. The womun who went Into the cell was also pres ent and nil witnesses testified before the committee. Mr. Ifnpp stated that the woman was Allowed to go into the cell and that section 10 of the rules hnd been vlolnted. The Investigation was reviewed by Mr. Happ. He spoko of the giving of beer to Schoflold and his being out of the cell to confer with an attorney. He stated that a reprimand had been administered to .one of the officers but that all of them hnd been excused because of the long service of the ser geants. The officers stated to the po lice committee that they did not know a rule was being vlolnted and that tho beer had been given, Schofield as pre scribed by a physician, Alderman Happ said they had done wrong, but n decided to excuse them with the direction to avoid such in the future. At this Juncture Alderman Jones arose and asked If It were possible for nn old sergeant to be Ignorant of the rule which had been violation. He then directed his statements to the chief and said he had Just cause to criticise him. "There are some good men on the force," said he, "but there are others not worth one dollar a day. There are some men on this force who could not write the Lord's Prayer In five hours. I could replace half of them st one dol lar per day. A man who cannot locate a gambling place Is worth no more to the city than a convict guard, and there are men on our force who can't locato the gambling In Macon." Alderman McKenna was on his feet to make explanations. He said he thought members of council had the right to direct the chief of police or uny member of the force as long as the directions were not In conflict with those of the mayor. "It's nothing but Just to them/' said he. "that you prefer charges against those who are worth no more than a dollar a day. Any member of council can report an officer to the police com mlttee. If we have some who aro not efficient, council ought to be acquaint ed with the fact And this body ought to know the name of each man. doea not help the city or the communi ty to make such statements In coun ell." The mayor called attention to the etc. and you will save money rap goods to be had and you get Green Trading Stamps too, with the hargain. Don’t miss getting the extra stamps this week. T Fill your hook and take it to the S. & II, Crtcn Stamp Store and ♦ you will get a beautiful present of your own selection. Semi us ♦ your orders now so as to avoid the usual rush jtw l>efore Xmas. ♦ We will l»ok your order now and deliver it when vou want it 1 and you can get the stamps now and procure a handsome Christ- ♦ mas present. \ The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. % MOST OI» THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY#*-*- _ _ >lnter ; liver spot on head and tall. Ro- tum to like Dunwody; $5.00 reward for this dog. SALMON STEAK—Fins stock. 25c. cans for 2^0.; Periodical Tickets taken. Os car Bradley. 2* G. fcuvtu, Prop. fact that the names were presented to council for confirmation when tho of ficers were placed on the force and he said this would be done at tho meet ing of next Tuesday night. This state ment was made for the purpose of giv ing members of council a chance to be prepared for the Rejection of whatever man they chose to refuse. The New Aldermen. Mayor Smith announced the result of the election which was held for four new aldermen yesterday. He declared Messrs Leon Dure, Melton, Sloan, and Quttenberger elected. Three of these men are to succeed Messrs. Happ, Bur dick and Massenberg. Alderman 81oan succeeds himself. Tho Telegraph mnde an error yesterday In stating that Al derman Redmond would retire at the present election. Ho will atlll be In council. These new aldermen are to be aworn In at the meeting of tonight. The mayor called attention to the fact that the meeting would be held and that nothing would be done further than tho reading of the mlnutea of the last meet ing and administering the oath to the new members. All tho old members are to be present. The faculty of Mercer University presented n petition for tho use of tho auditorium for the commencement exercises next year. This petition went to tho special committee on the auditorium for further consideration. The petition of H. V. Clark for lease of land on the city reserve was refer red to tho public property • committee for further action. IL II. Patterson of tho University of Georgia had sent a communication to Alderman Massee of the public, prop erty committee (hanking him and tho council for tHo use of tlio ball park during the Georgia-Auburn football game in this city on Thanksgiving. He also thanked the city for the strong support given and hoped the teams and visitors had behaved In such manner ns to deserve consideration upon a futuro occnslon of tho kind. He did not know whether tho teams could ho brought to Macon next year. He stated In the communication that i number of the allumnl of the univer sity desired thut the game be pulled off In Atlanta next year, but could not tell what would be done. Tho report of tho clerk of the mar ket showed receipts for the week amounting to $133.70. Mrs. A. M. Rogers presented a pe tition for deed to oncroachments which she states had been given her somo tlmo ago by council. This peti tion was discussed for some time mul then referred to the encroachment commlttoe for further action and re commendation. This encroachment Is at the corner of Orange street and Georgia Avenue. A number of petitions for remission of fines were reported favorably by the committee on police. Two of these were from Dock Gunn. The flno of Charlie Lewie was reduced to $10. These reports wero adopted. The adoption of the rules governing the council for tho coming yenr was again deferred at the motion of Al derman Redmond until next Tuesday night. The petition of Heard Bros., for re bate on taxes on account of having to move a sewer upon their property on Fourth and Poplar streets In order that they might occupy a certain an croachment which had been glvan, caused u spirited discussion. The finance committee had reported favor ably upon the petition and when the re port was read Alderman Jones was again on his feat strenuously opposing the granting of the rebate in taxes. The moving of a sewer from Poplar and Fourth to Fifth stroet on account of the encroachment given Johnson. King and Company had caused the petition. This firm. It waa said, had asked for a rebate on account of hav Ing to move the sewer and Heard Bros, had followed suit. Alderman Chestney declared no re bote had been given Johnson, King and Company and Alderman Jones re plied. "You haven’t collected them.' Alderman Masses said the city had given the one concern the rebate and ought to give the other the rebate up on a similar condition of affairs. The report of the finance committee was adopted by a large vote. Aider- man Jones stated after the vote token that he would opposo the meaa ure more strenuously than with his vote and declared the members of council hnd to pay whatever amount of taxes they returned to the petitioning com pany out of the city's funds. He wax strenuous and again Indicated that he would resort to the court* to stop the payment of the rebate. The amount Involved In this Instance was about $»o. There was a petition from Messrs. Newman and Williams for a tennis court on TstnsJl Square. The petl tinners were students at Mercer. This petition went to the public property committer* with power to act. R. H. Thorpe presented a communl cation relative to Injury done to his property at 1427 Ash street on account of grading and filling done by the city on the street. He stated that hla pro perty consisting of a dwelling had be«i damaged by the filling In on account a cavity which was left open under the house. He asked the consideration of councjl In paying about $200 for the raising of the house above the fill and placing dirt under It. The petition | referred to the committee on streets. $500 for City Attorney. Alderman Massee Introduced a reso lutlon which provided for the pay I ment of $500 lo the city attorney for the appeal case of Toney and others 1 in the supreme court of the United j States. This sum was specified as ad ditional to the salary of the attorney. When the resolution was read Al- dermafi Jones was quickly on hla feet I to oppose the measure. He said the attorney got $2,000 a year, as much mm | the Judge of the superior court. "We ought to secure good counsel for this sum." he said. Alderman Mouse* charged the .al derman with having opposed the giv ing of the extra amount after he had proposed to hire additional counsel. In (be writs of ha bee us corpus cases. He blows both hot and cold,** said Al. derma n Msssce. "The present year has caused ten times the work on the city attorney which was done last year and he ought to have this amount now." Alderman Jones apoke again. *1 E D D||THAH ofU ' SJREASURY ■ Its ill I RAKs Washington, D. C, Cured by DR. BULL'S COUCH 8YRUP. Thousands of Prominent Men Te^j tify to tho Remarkable Efficacy of this Famous Remedy. J* E. R. PUTNAM. “I have out Dr. Bull', Cough Syrup at different time, during Ihe past few years, and can unhesitat ingly recommend It to any ons •uttering with cough,, cold, and Kindred trouble,." E. R. PUTNAM, Supt’l Office, U. S. Treusury Dept, Washington, D. C. Logo'no tlmu when you have con- traded a cold or cough, bronchitis, grippe, etc. These (ire tho forcrun- nora of pneumonia, asthma and con sumption. Get a bottlo of Iir. Bull's Cough Syrup at once, and euro your- solf Before theso malignant affec tions tako hold of your throat and lungs nnd becomo Incurable. No other remedy is capable of perform- lngBO marvelously thorough cures as Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Avoided Consumption. “I had bronchitis nnd grip every year until I began using Dr. Bull's Cough byrup which cured mo after two doctors railed. Now I know tho vnluo of this rexnody, and keep it on lmrul always to break up coughs and colda at onco. It will always euro lnlluonm. and Boro throat. I havo boon using Dr. Bull’s Gough Syrup for ten years, and oven ono do.°o taken in tlmo will break up tho worst cold.** Mrs, A. O. fitces, 622 L. 66th St., Chicago, Ills. Refuse the Subsfilufe. There nro somo druggists greedy of gain who will always try to Bell you -"tholr own” tnr'or whlto plno mixture as a substitute for l)r. Bull's Cough Syrup If you glvo them the clmnco. Bo wine, ask for Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, and Insist on getting It, nnd you will recolvo tho best meu- Iclno Bold and ono which will posi tively euro. Bold by all drugglata. Brlco, 25 eta., CO ct*. nnd $1.00. A. C. Meyer & Co., Baltimore, Md. Nice Building Lots For Sale. Woll locatod for homos or houses to ront. Buy a lot for $300.00 and build a homo or houso to ront for $18.00 without troublo. There aro but fow of those now on tho markot. Sovoral excellent lots—$1000.00 $1250.00 and $1600.00 WILLINGHAM & CONE, Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 444. 355 Second Street For Sale 1 fo.6oo.oo The beautifully located .uburhnn home generally known as tho "Juqut. Farm."’ four nml a half mil*, from tho olty, on For.yth road. Till, farm con- alula of 40 aero., nlco orchard., hot hon.e., etc. Fine hold spring and branch on tho place, lln. aplendld Im provement,, In way of t-room dwell ing and all necaanry out houaea; com manding a flno view of tho nurrmind- tng country, within ono halt mllo of alectrlo car tin*. Tho right man can make n fortune dairying and trucking. Tlila I. a "Jim Dandy” and will hav* to bo In.pected to ho appreciated. Good rea.ona for .riling. For particular* call on or addreai, Duncan. Real Estate Exchange Home Money to Loan on Mortgago. don't .eo why wo ahonid give tho 3300 now when tho city ottornry didn’t oeo lit to employ the additional help win we gave him tho opportunity. I aaved the money and can do It again. The job paya enough to kaap the at tomoy employed oil tho year.” In the mldat of the dlocu.alon n mo tion wa» made to refer the resolution to the finance committee. Alderman Maaeco objected, hut a vote waa taken and tho motion to refer waa carried. Menure. Iledmond. Mniaenberg, Bur dick. Wilder and Ma.aee being In the negative. Thle carried It over and It will be handled by tho finance com mittee and reported later. Petition* and Report.. Alderman Cheatnay Introduced re.olutlon giving merchant* the u.ual privilege, of dl.pliylng their good, upon the sidewalk, during th. Chrl.t- m«. holiday* Thla provided that no one b* allowed to block th* walk with hi. goods. Thle resolution wo* passed without objection. The finance committee reported a number ef hills, among which were two for coats In the federal court*, amounting to on the appeal of the city caiee. These were approved and ordered paid. George R. Turpin had presented a petition for a quit claim deed to the A. D. Hrholteld home place In the south aide of Spring street The prop erty had been Involved on account of taxes amounting to 115.40. The finance committee presented a resolution which provided for the signing of a dead by th* mayor and tbla deed waa ordered made by tha member, of council. Will buy ;i nlco home In llugu-nln eight*, consisting gnod two ,to- v I ! '■'! i 1 ’ 1 1 11.1 — lot. srm*. 1300 catiti, balance on long iinm yaerly payment* and reasonable intm - e*L A fine opportunity for .l p-r.on .,r Jlli.'l.-I .1 tv- Mil l t.e. I 1 Ol, HO lit now rented at 310 per month and would make a good Investment. $1,500.00 Will buy a stor and 4-room dwell ing combined, on cornor of Third and Arch streetM; all in good condition; clots In. convenient to business, a K<»od stand, and a corner that will iucrf uno In value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Asthma Can Be Cured I The statement of Mr. J. F. Homan, 20 E. Adarm St., Chicago, proves that the worit ra«M of Asthma Id the world arc I net only relieved, but are readily cured 1 by Dr. Schiffmann's AstbnuCure. He 1 ftays: "Asthma kept me in terrible mis* I ery for ten year* until I uv.d your Asthtnn Cure. Afterth ? first trial I w i« a changed man. I went to sleep that j iii.-ht ar.d awoke next day inurh reli: ved ar.d 1 h ive gotten entirely over the Aith- j ma. It U now nine years since I waa Sold !>y all drug/iau at 50c and $trx> S'-: d 11 S!a:nptoUr. R. SchlSma:.:., R g Si. Raul, .Mian, for a free trial back ...For Sale... Nice lot on Coleman Ave. in first class lo cation can be bought on reasonable terms at $800,00 I have also a corner lot that is very choice at $1000,00 One or two houses are on my list for rent yet. Hake inquiry. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE, American National Bank Bldfe. For Sale Close In Rrr'ond street loL.. —.91.K9 Clo*e In six-room cotta** 3.5M 8-room 2-story r**Mence, Hprtn* street, near Mulberry 4,t60l Two lot* each 50 feet frontage, Spring near Mulberry street. H. Horne, Reale Estate, Insurance and Loans. 543 Mulberry Street Phone 454 .!. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE TaUpho