The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 14, 1904, Image 6

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< THE MACON TELEGRAPH} WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14. ^4- » 4-#-e ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦ « CENTRAL RAILROAD MUST REPLACE PAVING Grand Exhibition of Fine Furs Superintendent Wilburn Wee Fined Yeeterdey by.Recorder NottinaHem end Given 7 Deye to Replece Paving on Cherry and Fifth Streete. The most magnificent showing of elegant Furs ever seen in a Southern market will be made in our, ready-to-wear department Thursday. They will represent to a liberal extent the newest shapes and moat desirable kinds—the products of one of the most reputable importers of America. The assortment will be at its best Thursday morning and ready for those who want to give practical and useful presents. There's stability to every Fur piece we sell—a lasting worth and style ele gance which only the best furriers can turn out. Suffice it to say that the Furs are good enough to carry our unequivocal guarantee and that of the manufacturer as well. The splendid success of our opening sale of Furs opened the eyes of some of the very best people in the Fur trade to our unequalled outlet for large quantities of high grade-garments, and this exceptional deal com ing to us at even greater advantage gives you the chance to secure the Neck Scarf and Muff both for what you would expect to pay for either. The exhibit itself will be an interesting sight and we cordially invite your inspection whether you contemplate an investment or not. Sale begins Thursday morning. Superintendent C. B.. Wilburn of tb« jtacon division of the Central rail road was before the recorder yesterday moraine on the char«e which was made against him as a result of the complaint made to council by Aider- man Jones. When the caee fame up Alderman Jonee. City Engineer Wilcox nd others were called as witnesses In the case. • Conflicting testimony was submitted to Recorder Nottingham and the case progreas for aome time. A number of excuses were submitted on behalf of the railroad In delaying the replacing of the pavement which had been torn up. The clty'a aide of the case was told and after both the prosecution and the defenae had finished Recorder Not tingham Imposed a floe of ten dollars upon the railroad superintendent and gave him seven days In which to com plete the work of relaying the pave ment on Cherry and Fifth streets. at the expiration of this lime the Work Is completed, the line will be suspend ed. The pavement Is now being re placed. Spot In your memory of this Chrletmaa sea son will always rs- maln green. If you lake this advice. It la to open a Saving Acoount even If you have only one dollar to atart with. No man ever regretted auch an act Neith er will you. In bus iness transactions there are two Im portant factor*. Safety and Profit. We lean on first mortgage. Never lost a dollar! We pay « per cent Interest on depos its 'compounding semi-annually. Equitable Ranking and Loan Co. OUTLOOK GOOD MERCHANTS SAT Store Windows .Fitted Up for Christmas .Trade MANY LARGE SALES Street Salesmen are Getting Numer- oue—-Yesterday Afternoon all Macon 8tores Were Visited and a Good Bueineee Wae Done—What the Merchants Say in Reference to the Business at Present and What the Outlook Is. Gold glaaee* mak* a nlc* Xmas present. Spratllng. the optician, la selling these ▼ Ith tti« privilege 'mmm Xmnn. Corner Cm avenue. French fresh perfumes, soaps and powders. Toilet articlessuitable for Christ mas gifts. Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. ALL TEAMS TO PLAY IN LEAGUE TONIGHT The Eight Clubs In the Circuit to Begin Fight for Championship at • p. m.— Macon Has a Fast Team and Will Finish One, Two, Three. The bowling cltiba, representing the dtlea of Atlanta. Macon, Savannah, Brunswick. Augusta, Tampa. Jacksonville and Charleston, will play tonight In the flret officially scheduled game of the s«a. son. Each club has been notified that play Is to begin tonight, and President Richmond has Instructed the manager* to wire each of the other club* the results of the games as soon as completed. Pres ident Richmond's Instruction* mean that the Southern Rowling League will be formally opened, and that tie hope* to ace Its affairs conducted upon business basis. He end the remaining seven man agers seem highly Interested In the undertaking, and desire to foster Suffered Twenty Years with Indigestion, and Was Cured By Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. According to Macon merchant* the sale of Ohrlatmas gifts this year will be unusually large, although there will he no radical departure from the of ferings of last season. What has struck me." said a Cher ry street dealer yesterday afternoon, is that there seems a general inclina tion to buy more expensive gowns and furnishing* than usual. There are plenty of persons who have plenty to spend. Imported stuffs have a ready sale, and the more costly home pro ducts are selling well. From present Indications I should say that It will be vary prosperous Christmas—so it ought to be merry." Another well known dealer said: The sale of Chtlatmns gift* depends o a larger extent than Is generally known upon the condition of the weather. When it Is cold the Christ mas spirit gets Into everyone, and everyone immediately spends as much aa *he or he wants to spare for pres ents. Then when Its cold cloaks and overcoats sell well. Somehow people don't seem to want to take any chances on the weather turning cold. "Speaking of the outlook, I should say that there Is no radical difference from the outlook at this time last year, although the general activity la perhaps more marked. While the sales will be larger no marked changes will be noted." Nearly all the stores in the city that cater to the Christmas trade have ela borately decorated their show win dows, and the principal streets of the city nre a delight to the eyes. With out a doubt the Yule tide spirit has caught the people of the city In more ways than one. The eager young sters and the more enthusiastic grown-ups arfe caught In the air and are taking no means to hide It. Still the time comes but once a year and the spirit la the best of all spirits. Without the presence of the street vender the Christmas season would at least lose a large portion of Its attrac- thn tlvenesa hut with him and his almost I useless catchpenny devices the shop hope to stand llrst at the w!ndup*of*tho oopoctollfr thnt class of them who season.. One of the men stated last j wouldn't think of even looking at hla enter the more gladly Into the kins. growth of The game In Hnuthern cities. Macon's team is fast and the player* nigh: that ...... .... hod seen the best bowler* tn several of the league cities of date, and that they gave Macon credit of hav ing a heavy set of roller*. Flay tonight open* at I o'clock. No ad mission Is charged, and the public is In vited. Finest Coffee obtainable; roasted fresh every dav. FLOURNOY & McKENNA. DEATH OF MR. MARSHALL. Tha Interment Will Take Place at Round . Oak. Oa. Never have we shown such Nobby Soft Hats at $3*oo va* m T3* m CHAPTER MEETING. Daughter# of Confederacy Will Ob serve Lee’s Birthday. Tha Sidney Lanier chapter of the i--lighter* of tha Confederacy held an enthusiastic meeting yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. Ducan Brown. The meeting was well at tended and one new member was re ceived from Louisiana. A large num ber of appltcttlon blanks wtr# also given out. A committee was appointed to ar range a suitable program for the fit observance of Jan. 19th, the birthday of Gen. Robert K. I*ee. Extensive pre- eftl be made by the mem- cal chapter for the • «M»- bera of the "Before our stock is picked ovor" buy n nice Xmas pres ent for your sweetheart at E. J. it P. D. Willingham’s. aervenre of this day. At tha martin* nf yesterday soma axcallant music was ftirnlahad by Mr* Oharlaa Hall. Jr., and Mrs. Stallings. I.lsht refreshments were alio served at tha merlin*. Mrs. J. W. Held had an Intaraatln* report to make of tho revenl martin* In Klberton. Them wax considerable dlaruaalnn relative to the awardln* of tha of honor. Thin subject will be further j In tha number of the raapavtlva aexe dlaruaaed by tha local chapter of tha I ISM mala whiles and Mt frmal Daughters of lha Confederacy. | oolored male* and MU females. The death of Mr.' 8. C. Marshall oo- ourred occurred at the residence of his brother, 1X1, Boundary street, yesterday afternoon after a Ion* lllneaa. Mr. Marshall came here from California a few weeks a*o, where ha had been re- aldlns until that lime. He waa a member of the Twenty-ninth Orordn re*tment, nnd went to California with hla company, end waa dlaoharced on account of hln til health. After laavln* the company ha worked for a railroad as endneer In that •tats for about a year. Tie waa H year, of am. and la survived by hla mother^ Mra. I_C J, Marshall, ami spirit of the joyoua season. Rich cut glass, claret Jug, flower vases, compo tiers, fruit or berry bowls olives, bon bons, punch sets. All the latest nov elties. Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co, HOIN. JAKE MOORE Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in assimila tive-form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive proper ties. All other digestants and dyspepsia remedies digest certain lasses of food only, and are lacking in reconstructive properties. Nature is willing that perfect digestion should be maintained, and a grateful stomach sweetly responds with growing appetite to the strengthening effect of Ko doi upon the digestive organs. Kodoi relieves instantly and cures permanently Indigestion, Dys pepsia,Sour Stomach, Weak Stom ach, Gas on Stomach, Belching, Puffed Stomach, Catarrh of the Stomach and all Stomach troubles that are curable. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure is pre pared at the laboratory of E. C. OeWitt & Co ; Chicago, and is sold by leading druggists every where. OFFICE OF "Pflook, Coffvuvkotcm. Commissioner. CLEMENT A. EVANS, Commissioner. ATLANTA, Aug. 10th, 1904. E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, Ill. Dear Sirs: ‘‘I have suffered more than twenty years from Indigestion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. My heart would beat so fast I could not sleep, at times I would almost draw double with pain at pit of my stomach. I lost twenty-five pounds; in fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him and I was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better health, than for many years. Kodoi did it, I keep a bottle con stantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefitted.” Yours very truly, JAKE C. MOORE. Dyspepsia Cure DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT PERSONAL. "Most me at the Tea Store todnjL They have something good for every body.” Mr. D. S. Conway of St. I.ouls I* Is stopping at the Plaza for n few days. Mrs. Ham McKay and her little child of Atnerlcus are visiting their father- in-law, Rev. Wm. McKay. Mr. T. D. McRlchlo of Neuman, Ga., Is registered at tho Plaza hotel. "Moot me at the Tea Store todiy. They have something good for every body." D. M. Bueh of Eastman. Ga., is spend- brother. Hr. R.' ft. MarahaH."*o< ibis city. The remains will hr tak.n In Round Oak. Oa.. Thuraday mnrnln* at » o'clock for Interment, COUNTY 8TATI8TIC8 Some Intarestlng Data Qalhtrad by tha Macon Directory Company. Mr. W. K. Brrry. manager of Ihr Macon Directory company, reporla rapid procreaa belli* made In rompll- In* the county **rlcullural nnd vital statistics. Thear atntlatlca deal with Plows, corn. oata. when!, rye. cotton, peae. peanuta. aweet potatoea, Iriah potatoes, applea. syrup. peachea. peara. ho«i, poultry, ve*etnblea. e(*a. cowa nnd milk. The coinullntlon la about halt completed, and the fl*urea tend to ahow that the k*rlcultural Inter- eat of the country la hl*hly Important, The table In full will anon he ready.. A remarkable cloaeneaa haa been found HI FOUR ALDERMEN WERE ELECTED ing a few days at the Plaza hotel Dr. S. B. Palmer has returned to the city from New York. where he has spent the last six months. T. D. Wnlker of Cochran. Ga„ Is reg istered at the Plaza. "Meet me at the Tea Store today. They have somethin? good for every body.” Mr. J. 1L Claiborne of, the Hotel La nier, will go to Katonton In a few days to visit his home nnd will take a holiday hunt. Judgo Jordan and Lee Jordan, two very prominent citizens of Ilawklnsvllle, spent The Voting Took Place Quietly and No Man Had Opposition—New Member# Declared Elected. The city election paaeod off quietly yes terday nnd the four aldermen nominated were elected without opposition. The en tire number of votes cast numbered 209. In the First Ward, the highest number oast was 4?; In the 8econd Ward the htgheet was 19; In the Third the highest was 50, nnd In the Fourth the highest was it. Messrs. 8loan and Guttenherger received the full 2of» votes, while the other two received 207 each. Men who were forced to close their places of business for the election were out of the city hunting. Several parties went out enrly In the mortilng and re turned on Incoming trains late last night with report# a moet successful d»y In the lass hotel. Meet me at the Tea Store today. They have something good for every body.” "Meet me at the Tea Store today. They have something good for every body.*’ Meet me nt the Ten Store today. They have something good for every body.” Holmes Cummings of Richmond. Vs.. Is stopping at the Plaza hotel. The Flavoring • Extract makes or mars the Cake. If you ALWAY8 use Blue Ribbon Lemon or Vanilla you'll be certain to secure perfect results. The newly elected aldermen were de rlered elected last night In council by Mayor Smith. The announcement was made that they would be sworn In at the -E Maaaenherg, who retire this time. If you love Coffee, enjoy the best. Fresh roasted today. , FLOURNOY «: McKENNA Tell Your Neighbor about Hundn di of thousand* ot women mi Her with irregular peri,-via. Thousands ,offer tearing down pains. Other* an nervous ami have all manner ol pain. lath*abdomen, (ask, neck, limb* and head. WINS OF CARDlil CliRK-S ALL THKSK THOOTHSL There U hardly a tome when aome woman b not tho victim of female weakness in Mime form. In your homo then U a (offerer. Thera b another in your neighbor's h-ino. Wine of Cardiff will com yon, your rioter, your mother or your daughter. It will cure your neighbor. Over 1.500,000 fullering women have been cured hy Wine of Cardiff. Hundreds ol thou-v. la of well and happy r>> ■ ,m have their health because soma Intended friend took- them a bottle of Wine of Cardnl or told about what this wonderful woman’a tonic would do. Will you not follow kin. Smiihrn' example hy giving Wine of Cardal a trial and then tell other rafferen of your curat 1808 Maple St., Locttviu v. Kv.. Jane 20.1004. i doo» for me. I wax y* directed one cl , v .. rv v—, -»-■ I had taken it but t! • lays When ederi.led change was ponvptible. What ltd 1 foe me it will do for any tdlo r wouaa, a: i I never fail to take advantage of an opportunity to recommend it aa a "" MR - BK3SB T. FMITUER. iko mapie ., ux-nrui v, ftr,. I feel it my duly to thank you for the good Wig* of Cunlui ha* da too. worn-out and on tha verge of a general break -down. Provider, litfje hook* my way and I bought a bottle of Win* of Cardiff, t reliable and i ALL DRUGGISTS SELL SI.00 BOTTLES 0T WINE OF CARDIE rsterday In Macon, and stopped at the RUSSIAN ASSASSINS RECEIVE SENTENCE ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 18.—Sasoneff, who threw the bomb which killed Minister of the Interior von Plehve on July 28, and Slkorlfsky. his accomplice^ In. tho crime, were today found guilty hy the court of appeals, sitting in the law courts building. The former was sentenced to Imprisonment for life with hard labor, and the latter to twenty years Imprison ment. The trial had been expected to last at least two days, but It was rushed to a speedy completion. In view of the pos sibility of revolutionary demonstrations. The trial was held behind closed doors, and all. tha entrances to the building J stationed within the building and In the court yards the ordnance factory opposite, while , onongpmill mounted gendarmerie patrolled the front and Sides of the building. Toward noon, the hour set for the revolutionary demon stration. several battalions of Infantry a company, with a band of music at Its head, played strangely enough "The Stnrs and Stripes Forever. ' swung through cross street. No disturbance occurred. INSANE BOY’S CRIME Tries to Kill Hi# Mother and Does Kill His Aunt. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 13.—Mon te Wells, aged 22. son of a carpenter at North Birmingham secured a pis tol today and flred at his mother, the bullet narrowly missing her. Miss Ad dle Beale, an aunt rushed to the res cue of Mrs. Wells, when the young man shot her in the neck Inflicting a fatal wound. He then turned the weapon " upon himself and blew out hla own brains. Wells had but recently been released from the Insane asylum at Tuscaloosa. He was committed some time ago, but was thought to be cured. Miss Beale Is expected to die before night. secretary and treasurer of the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs at the annual meeting of the league held here today. The reports of the various club presl- dent* showed that the season of 1904 was the most . successful from the point of earnings In the history of the league. Concert at Dublin. DUBLIN, Ga., Dec. IS.—The concert given tonight In the school house au ditorium by Miss Fliss Matthews, the violinist, and Mlses Sarah Antoinette Bailey, the vocalist, accompanied by Prof. F. K. Hepburn, was attended by a large audience and proved to be one of the moat delightful concerts Dublin has aver known. The young ladles were recalled again and again. The artistic success was wonderful OLD SOLDIERS Order Old Quaker -? Double distilled in copper — mel lowed for years in oak heavily charred —bottled by the distillers. Why say “whiskey” and take what the dealer can make the most on? Say An- Compliments They Exchanged or nivaraary of Fradarickaburg. Yesterday waa tho fort,--second an- nlveraary of tha battle o, Frederick!- bur*. Macon haa two who participat ed In the hlatoric tight ac.d who ra- memberedffhe day. On* left the following note on the deak of the other: Macon, Dec. II, 1(04.—Comrade— My regrets. Called and found nothin* doing. Forty-two yean ago, Dec. J*. we were at Fredericksburg. Va. No liquid, but plenty of Ore. Today—no liquid, no tire. "Signed. LONOSTREETS ARTILLERY." Following waa the answer: "I am —ell supplied with liquid and by ( p. m. will are that you are alia. "Tour*, "Signed) LONOSTREET S INFANTRY." MR. EDWARD'S ILLNESS. He Was Able to Leave Hit Room Yeiterday. The statement made yeeterday that Foatmalter Harry Edwnrda waa seri ously III at hla home waa erroneous. Mr. Edward* waa able to leave hla room yesterday and will be at hi* du ties today or tomorrow. He ha* been suffering from a slight tllnees and baa recovered sufficiently to be able to etlr. When asked about hla condition last night Assistant Postmaster Rudl- slU requested that this statement of hla improved condition be made. A Costly Mistake. Blunders ere sometime* very ex pensive. Occasionally life Itself Is the price Of a mlstnke but you'll never be Quaker Rye lx and get a delightfully stimu lating, smooth old whiskey. Phone 361, Bedingfield & Co., 515-517 Poplar Street, Macon, Ga. THE WATERMAN IDEAL IS 1 IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT: We have a full assortment of Gold band and chased barrels ranging in price from $3.50 to §7.00 dollars. With out mountings §2.50 to §6.00. The Watf.rman pen is fully guaranteed and will be exchanged for any pen of same make to suit tho receiver. Mail orders filled quickly. The J. W. Burke Company, Macon, Ga. 7% Gold Bonds wrong If yjoa take I>r. King's Xew Uf Pill# for Dyapepeta. Dtsxtne**. Hea* ache, Livar nr Boar*; trouble*. Th arc gentle yet thorough, :5c. at drug A bond ir the meat perfect form of investment over derised bjr the mind ot man. It combine* In the highest degree all of the elements essential to the absolute safety of both principal and Interest. We are now offering 7 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS. at p*r. with accumulated Interest. These bonds are secured by $50,000 of first mortgages on Improved real estate, worth $100,000. There securities will be deposited with the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, aa trustee, which will make insurance more than doubly sure. Call on or ad- dresa EQUITABLE BANKING & LOAN COMPANY. GEO. A. SMITH- President. 3 70 Second Street, Mecca, G«u