The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 15, 1904, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER i S , 1904. w- None Hut The Best Plain Sox or Fancy Sox 7UI Kinds. 25cts to Pa/amas Plain White or Fancy Colors, SI.SO to $5.00 Eiderdown Gowns 50c to SI. 00. ■23 Plain White Shirts, Colored Shirts, llcnvy Weight Oxford Shirts, Guffs at’ tachcd or not 1.00 to S2.50. The above arc a few suggestions for a Christmas Gift for Him. He he Husband, lirfithcr. Beau or Friend. it T9 - Periodical Tickets ==ffc 44 4.+ 4.-M.+44. +4-+44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 CANDY Wo ask tho trado to boar in mind that wo are headquarters for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ev ery day. Order of us and got fresh made goods. We soil only to deal ers. Exclusively wholesale. j Johnson King & Company, : Manufacturing’ Confectioners, i Macon, Ga. Walter Williams Sent to Jail Charged With Stealing Cigars From Sylvss* tar's Fruit and Tobaoco Stand. REBATE Save You Money TICKETS AT CHRISTMAS TIME h« marry and win In wins drinking. Oat Mi. b.,1, than you na*d faar no t rouble. Our WINES AND LIQUORS nra lha cholcaat la h. found In tho m»r- kat. and a botlla or two will certainly mak. lha day tnnr. enjoyable, it i, ( fl vary wall to eat nourlahlnc food, tin! you need a naurl.hlnc drink alao. Wo will fill your order, nromplly. Old Jon Mercer Corn, ala-yMr-old, on. gallon J"» II.II. dellv.rad. • r full qlung, delivered. ’*« *V*J| "'(Vniitne ML Vernon Rye. I yrnrs old, $*•74 In gallon Jug. delivered. Four full juart/jv/enutno Vernon Ry *‘ We are agents for Lewis’ ’88; Duff: Pure Malt. Wilson's Whiskies. Basel Cork tall. Hchilts end Aurora beers. Wr us for price list. Special prices on who! sale quantities. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, Ml THIRD ST., MACON. OA OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas Is Coming There are lota of things In a. Jaws!* ry Store that don’t contain Jewels; lots of small, inexpensive, artistic artk'IM, suitable for presents that you won't hardly think of unlesa you saw them. We havs for thla particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme- ly moderate prices. Tou can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long aa you like; buy when you get ready. For A Christmas You have some loved ones who would appr- ciate something to koep them warm. Can you think of anything more appropriate than a pair of big Wool Blankets? We have them at $2.08, $3 50, $5.00, up to $22.50.- Cotton Comforts, soft fluffy clean batting covered with fast colored silkaline and sat- teen $1 00 to $3.50. Dawn Comforts full sizes, covored with fine French batteen, $4.98 to $10 00. Raw bilk Lounge Robes, solid colors and Persian designs, $2.25 to $7.60. WAREHOUSEMEN HOLDING STAPLE Good Rise Looked Forward to by April MR. W. 0. KINNEY TALKS DID THIS NEGRO WANT SMOKES FOR XMAS? Say. That Nearly AM But tho Poorer Clats of tho Farmers are Withhold ing Sales—Think. That Next Year tho Crop Will bo SmaMer a. tho Raieora Havs Already Begun to ■'Smell a Rat”—Mills in Full Blast Macon and Elsewhere. BEN JONES WANTS A FORMAL REPORT Thinks That Peddlers Are Standing Over-Time on the Cornere of City Streets—Detirea That the 8ubject Be Given Attention by tho Police. Whether one Walter Wllllame, a young negro, haa a great love for smoking cigars or desired to open a Htand for the sale of them. are two questions that are puzzling to Home of the police and Mrs. Sylvester, who runs a fruit and tobacco store on Mulberry street Just below the Lanier Hotel. Yesterday morning this negro was ar raigned before the rerorder of police court with a charge of larceny against him. The case Was tried and WiUiams committed to the county Jail. He Is still there. He was arrested on charges pre ferred against him by Mrs. Sylvester who claims that on two occasions he entered her store and befdre leaving helped himself to full boxes of clgurs. The first box that disappeared was missed soon after It had been taken. On the following day another box went, doubtless In the same way as did tho first. Monday morning the son of Mrs. Sylvester happened to see a negro In the front of the shop who was acting rather queerly. He watched a mlnutu and then, he states, saw the negro In the act of taking a box from a shelf. The boy called for help and his mother answered. She rushed to the front of the Store and told the mnn to stop. Then, as it Is stated, the negro called her a "damn liar" and broke Into a run from the store. The boy followed and the negro was arrested a few minute* later. In a signed communication to the police headquarters Alderman B. L. Jones, of the third ward, asks that a formal report be made of the officer whoso beat Is near Morgan’s drug store. In the letter Mr. Jones states that ho noticed a peddler standing near tho store for hours und knowing that such uctlon Is contrary to city ordinances he writes. Ten minutes Is the time alloted to a peddler to stand at one place. At the expiration of the tenth minute he is supposed to move. With the coming of Xmas the num her of peddlers hove Increased to i large extent and' the police will have their hands full noting the length of their stands. *' Of Interost to Mothers. Thousands of little ones die every year of croup. Most of them could have been saved by n few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar. and every family with children should keep It In the house. It contains no opiates and Is safe and sure. Mrs. George H. Picket. 8an Francisco, Cal., writes: "My baby had a dangerous attack of croup and we thought she would choke to death, but brie dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her at once after other remedies had failed. We are never a minute without it in the house." Sold by H. J. laitnar & Qo., druggists. Macon warehousemen have their ware rooms, and in many Instances the streets on which they face, piled high with, thousands of bales of the fleecy staple. For weeks the receipts have greatly exceeded the shipments and with the prices standing as they are today such will likely continue to be the case for weeks, probably months, to come. Although the cotton merchants are anxiously awaiting break upwards in the prices a con tinuance of the present market for cotton would not hurt them badly, is the poor farmer who is getting the worst of the deal. The farmer who is well-to-do and who has a supply of baled cotton on hand Is holding It and will doubtless do so until the break for the good starts, whether it be in January next or In May. Speaking of the present conditions among the warehousemen and the farmers as well, Mr. W. O. Kinney, of the B. T. Adams Co... said yester day. "The poorer class of the farmers has been greatly hurt by the bearish movements and the country store keepers with whom they have been doing business during the summer likewise. The store-keepers were Injured to the extent that the farm ers, that is many of them, were un able to pay but n small amount of their debts. Bills that were contract ed during the winter and during the time the cotton was being made were expected to have been paid as soon as the cotton was sold. Then when It was sold the prices were so low that the poor planter was unable to meet but a portion of his obligations. This fact will doubtless have a bearing with the storemen next sping and should the price remain low It may be rather a difficult matter for large credit ac counts to be opened. "However It Is the general opinion that tho prices will go up Instead of either dropping further' or remaining at their present point. Some think that the prices will go up In January, others In April or possibly even later.” "Mr. Kinney also stated that no doubt the action taken by tho Nation al Cotton convention, now In session nt Shreveport. In reference to Its urg ing a curtailment In production of cotton and an Increased production of food supply crops would be fruitful. "The formers.” said Mr. Kinney, "no doubt ’smell a rat’ and will cut down their acreage of cotton next spring, and plant more corn or pota toes.” RECTOR OF 8T. LUKE’S, Athbumham, Ontario, Toatifiss to the Good Qualitioa of Chamborlain'e Cough Romedy. A8HBURNHAM, On!.. April 18. 1908.—I think It Is only right that I should tell you what n wonderful ef fect Chaml»erlaln'B Cough Remedy has produced. The day liefore Faster I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to bo uble to take any duties the next day. us my voice was almost choked by the cough. The same day I received an order from you tor a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I nt once procured a sample bottle, and took about threi. doses of the tnedlelne. To my great relief the cough mid cold hiwl com pletely disappeared mid 1 was able to preach three times on Faster Day. I know that this lupld und effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make this testimonial without solicita tion. being thankful to have found such a God-sent remedy. Respectfully yours. K. A. LA NOFBLOT. M. A.. Rector of 81. Luke's Church. To Chnmberlaln Medicine Co. This remedy In for sale by all drug gists. Phone 633 for coal. Hertz Coal Co. GRAND OPERA HOUSE HURRIES TO THE FINISH J. F. MURPHY LEFT lar « ief at the Postal Tslegrahp Macon's Office. Mr. J. F. Murphy, who has been the very popular and efficient chief at the Postal Telegraph Macon's office* left last night for Mobile, where he will continue his connection with the com pany. Mr. Murphy took charge of the Mucon office about ten weeks ago. II will be succeed by Mr. Moore. Tattnall Square Drug 8tore. "As near you as your ’Phone. ’Phone 386. YESTERDAY’S-WEATHER. Meteorological data furnished by the local office of the United States depart ment of agriculture, weather bureau, for the 34 hours eniicg at 4 p. m.. central lime Thermograph Readings. 3 pm..,4*il pm. .nr,| & nm..29:n am..3* « pm...48111 mn. .33: 8 am..*3! 12 m ..39 7 pm...4:’! 1 am..33 7 am..38’ t pin..3ft ft pm...4ft! 2 nm..3l! ft am..3ft 2 pm..3ft 9 pm...3ft! 3 nm .lt'V 9 am..*8! 3 pm.. 3* 10 pm...3G( 4 am..30 10 am..371 4 pm..37 J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. HERTZ COAL. CO. Phono U33 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. A Hundred Csrpsntsrs and Laborers on the Inside of Building Rush For ward With Plastsring, Flooring, Boxing and Othor Work. Inn 3.0 feet above low water mark of l, The <V 2.0 feel, r past twenty The Ovencc river [W . M n foot during tho ^Ijredgenjaminsg MAKERS # AIEWy°RK Corrett Clothes for Men J The Long Overcoat The long cut Winter Overcoat Is not only stylish and elegant, but con- tains more real comfort than you will find in any other outer garment Ours are made up In the swollesl styles of the season, and are designed for men who want something swagger. The tailoring, character and finish! of these Coats are , Beyond Criticism The fabrics are of the very best money can buy. We especially desire to have Young Men see these Smart Coats. Prices moderate. This store Is s guarantee for thaL ... .... .... Benson & Moore, The Up-to-date Clothiers. Sensible, Lasting Resents. Order your coal now. Phone 633. Hertz Coal Co. CONCRETE PAVEMENT IF YOU WISH TO BE CAREFUL AND ECONOMICAL IN YOUR PUR. CHASES FOR XMAS PRESENTS AND AT THE SAME TIME SELECT FROM A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE VERY NEWEST AND BEST, YOU HAD BETTER START AT ONCE FOR OUR STORE. OUR LATEST NOVELTIES AND CHOICEST BARGAINS WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON'T PUT ' OFF, COME NOW. WILL KEEP OUR PURCHASES AND DELIVER WHEN WANTED. ^ SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK MACON. PA . r= Being Plscod Around the Southern . .. Depot. I *fr Workmen nro busy at present plac- j + ing a concrete walk about the depot \ T of the Southern Railway. The work j + was begun Monday morning and will! + hardly be completed before Saturday. ♦ The new pavement will prove a good ! T thing as heretofore after heavy rains the ground was left In a bad condition. Pay your state, county and poll taxes by December 20th and save costs and Interest 4+44 4 »4 44444-444444444+4444+4+H Beware of Imitations and Frauds Durden-Wood, Mr. Whitt Durden of Macon, and Miss Rosebud Wood of Fort Valley, were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the bride In Fort Val ley. Miss Wood was a favorite In Fort Valley social circles. The groom Is connected with a hat Arm of the city and Is very popular. The couple ar rived In Macon late yesterday. They will make Macon their home and will live on Third street. A Friqhtensd Horse, Running like made down the street, dumping the occupahts. or a hundred other accidents, aro every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy, and there’s none ns good as Rurklen’a Arnica Salve. Burns. Cuts. Sores, Kczema and Piles disappear quickly under Its soothing effect. 25c. at all drug stores. We own and control "Neglected colds ’ make fat grave yards." • Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup h?!ps men and women to a hap py. vigorous old age. Finest American Rich cut gla<s, new designs, prices right. Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. #4444+44444444444444444+444444+4+444+44444+4444+44444 j White Mills Rye The Inside work on the Grand Opera house for the past week has added considerably to the appearance and points to itn early completion, mastering, flooring and box building "‘^awaiting ttimmUn 1. ' . . 1 for them on the inside of the building. have been In progress for some time The plastering has been done In two and. almost a hundred hammers are stories of the building and the work driving all day. long at the carpentry, ere will he on the first floor In time to ( New seats are already placed at the complete thin work before the Christ- I mas holidays. The floors for gallery. Bottled-in bond—Try n bottle, $1.00 for full quart. S P RINGDALE RYE Nothing better on the Market. $2.40 per gallon or $2 75 four full quarts delivered anywhere in Georgia. Complete stock of everything pertaining to our line. Particular Qtt6!itioD psid to orders >11 ... B I ‘ WHttMne Sold -- balcony and the first floor ha I placed and the finishing touches will I soon be In order. Architect Gunn haa a large force of men In the building and the weather a hindrance. They ham- all day long and tho recent . _ . . . , work has told considerably In the emy dkssss hnown must^be^wL-tf j progress towards completion. Every ****** *** d* n t* ,oat * " P 0 *™* J attention is being directed towards - ter any pf vosa. j the finishing of the theatre. Mr. Gunn does not yet know how long he win be engaged with this part j of the building. There la atilt a great 'Wh the theatre season and IS R T 3 R F Siffl °T 1 ^ *here I* some serious draw back. ' - * ■***. Macon will have an opportunity to see l some of the attractions of the present a sou before the time la too far gone. Brick layers are busily engaged MULLER'S t-39,384 Is rccocimesdsd to one only ~if 1 ever 40 yearn. It b ft | FUNERAL OF MR. MARSHALL. Remains Will Be Taken to Round Oak. Ga., Thts Morning. The funeral of Mr. T. E. Marshall will occur at Round Oak. On., thin morning immediately upon the arrival of the Cen tral train. Mr. Marshall died at the res. idence of his brother. R. H. Marshall. Monday night. He lived but x few months with a railroad as engineer. The Interment will take place family burying ground. A SMALL FIRE Burned Hole In Roof at Central Freight Depot Flames In the roof of the office of the Centra! freight depot at the foot of Pine street yesterday morning called the department to the scenes. Near the point of the Are the store flue en tered the roof. This, it Is supposed, caused the blase. The damages were slight ’ .14K— Christian Church Services Sunday, J. H. Hughes, minister of the Church of Christ, at the corner of Orange and High streets. will speed on "Amusements” at 11 a. m., next Sunday. This sermon will Involve the necessity of amusements, the moral Qualities of separate human acts and the source whence amusements may be safely drawn. At the evening hour Mr. Hughes will preach ©n"He!l! shout which he has no theory, but many Bible facts. Beware of the man who has an article of faith to defend. The public is cordially in vited. Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot be purchased from others. More of this famous brand sold than all others combined- One Gallon of Willow Dale in Jug 42.45. Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dalo $2.85, Delivered. Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test A. & N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, flacon, Ga. A Worthy Christmas Gift is at the disposal of all who love health of mind and body. Modem Sanitary Plumbing offers exceptional advan tages and the Central Georgia Plumb ing and Heating Company offer special Inducements to any who will avail themselves of the necessary luxury af forded by a hath room fitted with tha Very latest scientific conveniences. CENTRAL GEORGIA PLUMBINQ AND HEATING CO. Phono 2036. 159 Cotton Avsnue, 7% Gold Bonds A bond Is the most perfect form o f Investment ever devised by the mind of man. It combines In the highest degree all of the elements essential to the absolute safety of both principal and Interest. We are now offering $25,000.00 7 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, ftt par. with Accumulated Interest These ( bonds are secured by 350,000 of first mortgages on Improved real estate, worth $100,000. These securities will be deposited with the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, aa trustee, which will make assurance more than doubly sure. Call on or ad dress EQUITABLE BANKING'S: LOAN COMPANY. GEO. A. SMITH, President. 370 Second Street, Macon, Ga. \m KEicBsiLBiua & m\ 4 11 Pr-Vrf K*wy -It.-n u b«in« mad. to «,ve ,, I 451 Cherry SL-Phone 558-Macon, Ga. *-.***-***. ffo'rm theatre season cioi wvtrtrtors ran not state people must wait stomach a Sitters Pianos and Organs the Very Best Such celebrated makes as Weber, Sohmer & Co* Kranlch & Bach, I vers & Pond, and Lester Pianos. All strictly highest grade. Estey Organs. Bejrbold Reed. Pipe Organs. yAJTi Piahos to rent. Tuning and repairing a specialty. * g All instruments sold at lowest prices and on easy terms. F. A. Gutter!berger & Co., 452,2nd St