The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 17, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17,1904. QliORGlA CONFERENCE OF A. M. E. CHURCH 1 i he i eetii *'■**>&. $ Beaut fut as '4k "Mothers cf Pearls''* Crowded With Preachers and Jj# whin Mature gave them Laymen in Attendance Upon Con- ference—Bishop Turner Presiding. often vorth more than the gift of oost. It’s the little token that carries with it a message from the heart and fills the day with gladness Spread the little gifts around—they make warm spots like the bright red berries on the green holly bush. Remember everybody! And you can with holiday packages of Nabisco Sugar Wafers, the most acceptable little gift that well-wish ever conceived. For the holidays each package of Nabisco is en circled with a holly ribbon under which is a mistletoe card to carry the message of love. MILLEN, OA. t Dec. 16.—The Geor gia conference of the A. M. E church finished the first days, session here last night. Pastor R. A. Whitfield is kept busy looking after the welfare of the negro preachers aa they come In on the trains. The white citizens furnished a large store will stove, etc,, where beds, bunks and cots were placed for the use of visitors, while many have to sleep in the church And others crowd three in a bed at the homes of mem bers of the church and their friends When the conference was organised, the results of the elections and ap pointments showed thnt the Revs. R. H. Singleton, D. D., of Savannah and L. W. McMlllen of Douglass were pfecttvely. The marshals are Revs. J. R Brown, J. R. Goss, J. E. Brown. O. W. Jen kins. M. C. Rogers and R M. Haw kins. Rev. W. O. P. Shermon. D. D.. pre siding **ldei* of the West Savannah district addressed the conference, and extended Joyous greetings to Bishop Turner on being returned to Georgia. He said In part: "Bishop Turner, your name is reg istered high among the list of the orld’s great men. The men of old j'W'v Preserves this "Jirch of Pearls" PARDONS GRANTED BY THE GOVERNOR Many Felony Convicts Will Bo Givon Thoir Liberty in Time to Enjoy Christmas Holidays. Jit Your |**i Druggist Rats Ato Bachelor's Money. CALHOUN, Ga., Dec. 16.—A very re liable bachelor, circumspect in his walks of life, who lives to himself, stuck two one-dollnr bills inside of his excelsior mattress for safekeeping. The rates ate the money up, using dbo bills for a comfortable nest. But the Georgia conference delight to -do you l dye used In making Uncle Sam's stuff honor. We recognise In you the great- did not agree with the rodents' palate, est mind of Ihe negro race. We wel- so the house was cleared out of rats. come von upon your return to us and | promise thnt you will not be made A Frightened Horse, ashamed when we make our reports Running like made down the street, tomorrow. We will in every respect dumping the occupants, or a hundred Exquisite Christmas Gifts A thing of beauty Is a Joy forever, and making selection is an easy matter when you havis seen the wealth of magnificent goods displayed by Miss Henrietta Davis. SHE IS SHOWING Handsome Combs for the hair- jewelled and plain—tortoise shell and amber—Jet and cut steel. Evening Ornaments, suitable for high and low coiffures—in colors becoming to blondes and bru nettes. Hammered Brass—the rage In Swelldom. Massive Jardlnlers, Umbrella Stands and Candlesticks. Besides carrying this elegant stock. Miss Davis Is thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances for treating the hair, skin and nails, and her holiday offer of 13 Treatments for. 13 Electrical Treatments for $8.00 is particularly attractive. A word to the wise Is sufficient, and tha % Christmas shopper will find it well worth while to take the elevator at the Commercial Bank, and drop In for a visit to fliss Henrietta Davis, Fourth Floor - - - - Phone 2562 Children', Haircutting and Manicuring for Gentlemen a Specialty. BANK OF AMERICUS CASE IN COURT The Celebrated Case Has Again Been Postponed Until February to Allow Plaintiff to Amend Originnl Declara tion. AMERICUS. Ga., Dec. 16.—The cele brate! Bank of Amerlcus case where Its former stockholders are being sued under a charter clause rendering them Individually liable for the bank's In debtedness, was entered upon here this morning. Judge William L Spence, presiding. After counsel for defend ants had entered demurrers to the declaration of plaintiff, counsel for the latter amended their original declara tlon, whereupon defendants' counsel asked for n continuance until this amended declaration could be Investl gated. The court thereupon granted a continuance until February. Many eminent attorneys of Atlanta, Mncon. Columbus, and Amerlcus, ap peared In the case this morning and the legal fight will be stnbobrnly waged in February. The ease Involves probably a hundred thousand dollars, as the Indebtedness of the old bank was very lsrge at the time of Its fall ure a dozen years ago. The defendants to the suit are scattered over the country generally nml Include many banks North nnd South which held ns collateral the stock of the defunct bank. OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lots of things in a Jewel ry Store that don’t contain jewels; lota of small, Inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won't hardly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of srhall novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long as you like; buy when you get ready. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. FOIt CHRISTMAS Try Our Doctors Could Not Help Her. "I hod kidney trouble for years,' writes Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shel ton, Wash., "and Ihe doctors could not Ip me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, A the very first dose gave me re lief and 1 am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good health is Impossible. Hold by H. ' Lamar A Co., druggists. IMPORTANT damage suit Against Central Railway Before Supreme Court. BARNE8VILLE, Ga.. Dec. 16.—Col. W. W. Lambdln of this city has gone to Washington city where he will ar gue the case of A. O. Murphey nnd Hunt against the Central of Georgia Railway Company before the supreme counrt of the United State*. It In volves the constitutionality of the trac Ing act passed by the legislature of other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Halve handy, and there's none as good ns Buck Ion's Arnica Halve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Plies disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c. at all drug stores. make the best reports in the history of the conference.” Bishop Tumor mnde a brief speech In response. Rev. Allen Cooper. D. D., of Way- cross. one of the lenders of the state, also greeted Bishop Turner. o'cloc the church was packed with worshipers to hear the annual sermons. Planning to Build Branch Railway. Bishop Turner said: "An annual OCILLA, Ga., Dee. 16.—A party con- sermon should be preached with the slstlng of Hon. J. A. J. Henderson, highest form of devlue services. This ! president of the O. and V. railroad, been the case. Dr. Hlms will mow end Messrs. J. W Paulk, Wm. Hen- prench.'* rterson, M. Henderson, Rozen Homier- \ *tudv of the cause of certain known Dr. J. O. Robinson led In single*?. son, G. H. Wilcox. Drs. J. C. Ln'<*\ J. ' phenomena In nature that h«* was able Rev. F. R- Rims. T). D.. who preached. 1 It. George nnd Mayor J. J, Walker, announced for bis text Arts: 17:27. ! stockholders and promoters, left the Rev. Ned McCrav led In nlnglnar an j city yesterday morning over the O. old plantation melody, "One More ' *' ‘ ~ ATLANTA, Dec. 16.—Governor Ter rell, following out the favorable recom mendations made by the board of par dons, today granted executive clem ency in the following cases:: Bud Cosby, of Fayette county, sent up In 1903. to serve a five-years sen tence for the crime of rape, had his sentence commuted to present service. Tom Thompson, of Montgomery county, sentenced to life Imprisonment for the crime of murder In 1895. had his sentence commuted to present ser vice. Emanuel Griffin given a five years' sentence In Sumter county In 1902 was granted a continuation of his sentence to present service. Major Anderson, of Sumter county, serving a life time sentence for the crime of murder and given life time, had his time commuted to present ser vice. A pardon waa given Eliza Randall, sent to the penitentiary for life from Quitman county for the crime of mur der. The sentence of twelve months, im posed upon Willie Hood for the crime of stabbing, committed In Fulton coun ty, was commuted to present service. The sentence of Will Avery of Ful ton county, given twelve months, was commuuted to a fine of $50. Newt. Daniel, of Irvin county, serv ing wt five years' sentence Imposed In 1903. had his time commuted to present service. The sentence of two years given Seaborn Poole in Jefferson county In 1903 for the crime of voluntary man slaughter, was commuted to present service. Governor Terrell also signed the par don of Jones E. Cornwell, of Chicago, convicted of burglary In Jones* county, who for some time has been at work at the camps of the Bibb Brick Com pany in Bibb county. River to Cross.” Rev. >1. M. Ronton, T>. R... who is representing the Jno. C. Martin edu cational fund of New York, delivered brief but powerful amplification on e sermon. The following persons were Intro duced: Rev. D. Sllnson. D. D., J. A. Lindsey, R. D.. J. G. Robinson R. R.. E. Marie Carter. A. M.. Lnurn P. Sim mons nnd W. R. Johnson. R. R.. who spoke representing departmental in terest. Rr. E. W. Lee of Amerleus treas urer of Morris Brown College, nd- WIRELE88 TELEGRAPHY, Is the Result of Prolonged Study ana Deep Research. Marconi—the wireless wizard—did not stumble accidentally upon the prln clples of his marvellous invention. Tt was nnlv by deep and prolonged udv of the cause of certn r phenomena In nature that he to produce the startling effect. Many people. In speaking of Hnlr Restorers, have a way of bunching and V. for Broxton, where they went I them altogether without discrimina tor the purpose of meeting with a tlon. party of Braxton's most enterprising Herplcide is ns different from other business men relative to the building so-called "hnlr restorers" and "remo or a branch line of Ihe O. nnd V. from dies" ns day Is from night. Oslerfleld to that place. The outcome ) tt Is 11 scientific preparation prepared of the meeting added considerably to j for the^ sole purpose of destroying the the enthusiasm of the people of lirox- ton. as It seemed, after the conferem to be a certainty that the line would be constructed In the near future. This proposed new line of railroad will pass through some of the host timbered lands lu the state, and. when the timber Is cut away, the lands will prove to be the highest grade of farm Ip microbe that causes dandruff ana falling hair. Sold by nil leading druggists. Bend 10 rents In Stamps for sample' to The Her- plclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Lamar A La- tnnr (Hot Hose's old stand). Second and Mulberry streets. Dawson's New Chief of .Polioe. dressed the conference, showing that ; lands. This new movement Will In DAWSON. On., Dec. 16.--The city nix thousand dollars had been collect- ; no way retard the progress In tho council tonight elected Miles B. Hill ed on endowment dav and that the construction of the nmln line to *' °f P°l ,ro *° succeed J. 11. Ox- teaebers were promptly paid when j Helena, which Is being rapidly push- •J,™ W<l " ” * * salaries were due. following visitors were Intro duced: F. F. Peddle, R. R.. W. 0. Gains R. D.. P. W. Oreathenrt. R. R. Lofton. R D.. Rev*. M. R Grnnd- erenq. T. J. Hall. W. H. Bailey, Dr. Evans and J. M. Webb. The benediction was pronounced by Dr. Sims- The following sre presiding elders*. R. M. J. Taylor W. O. P. Hhermon. R. R.. J. A. Brocket*. R. R.. J. T. Thom as. R. R.. W. H. Wells. O. W. Butler. E. R Brown, R. R,. P. F. Curry, B. R.. and T. N. F. Smith. R. R. Revs. P. R. Singleton of Rnvnnnnh. A. Hadley. R. I).. A. K. Wood. R. R E. Lowery. R. R.. snd G. F. Strickland sre some of the leaders of the confer ence. '•fitly elected sheriff. Will Hlers was elected patrolman to There are several prospectors In the succeed Hill. C. H. Peddy was elected city from Monroe, Heard nnd Walton "V p T l ! ,lon ? fr l t X °L « ,,fh . t counties who will locate In and around , *° *uceeod E. R. blade, resigned. Oeilla. ! CHRISTMAS I l : I Suggestions I HANDKERCHIEFS, t ♦ 50c dnz to 75c each. - Gloves— t 4- Men’s Kid Gloves $1. t Men’s Fur Top, §1.00 ♦ to §1.50. » + Boys’ Fur Top, 50c * and §1.00. * Silk Mufllers, 50c to X §2.50. * Silk Suspenders, 75c X to §4 50. | Initial llandkerchiofs, X ♦ 50 cents. X AU Wool Gloves, 25c $ to §1.25. X • ♦ In fact we show every- X thing* in Furnishing J Goods necessary for } man or bov, nnd those + make the most useful ♦ ♦ Xmas presents. ♦ ♦ =:■■■■■ ■ =-.■ ■■ X. The ' 1 •f : Dannenberg Co. \ | Suspendors Engravod ♦ X without extra charge ♦ I 4 ♦ ^ ♦ A ♦♦♦♦♦*■♦♦ 4-4-M-4-*♦♦♦♦ t E. conference opened today with the ‘ absolute A HANDY REMEDY. Hancock's Liquid 8ulphur Is a Friend in the Household. Every home requires certain well- chosen remedies of scientific, modern type, for use In emergency or on the nrpenrnnce of chronic disorders. Han cock's Liquid Sulphur Is such a prepa ration nnd Is uncquRlod In Its sphere. In value unapprnnehed when Added to bathing wntera, it gives them all tho tonic properties of finSat sulphur springs. Tho power of Hancock's Liquid Hul- Na -- - Drink MTLLEN. Ga., Reo. 16.—The A M. phur—Nature’s greatest germkldo—Is ache. Itch, herpes, burns and scsIdH. ringworm, pimples, prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh, canker and other soreness of scalp, eyelids, nose, mouth or throat. At leading pharmacists. Rsquest de scriptive booklet of Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. their reports read. More than $5,000 of the Rnllas fund was collected. Th»» Womnn's Home and Foreign Missionary Society met at 4 p. m. Jen- W;"d«i;ion*wirrb; sig** usual literary institute conducted by Bishop Turner. Rev. E McRea. announced the first hymn. Short prayers were offered bv Rrs. Panton, Smith nnd Rev. R. C. Hobb. Rrs. R. R. Stinson and W. R. John son were Introduced and spoke of de partmental Interest. Ho did Rev. J. A. To Build Church at Lilly. Lindsay. CORRELK. Ga., Dec. 16.-W. T Rev. M R Orandlson. R. V. Branch Butler of Lilly spent today In Cordele, and H. W. Hhaw were trnnsfered to I getting subscript Ions to assist In this conference. building ft Methodist church at his Rr. I. G. Glass and Rev. J. R. Kpton little town. Cordele subscribed llber- R. R. were Introduced nnd made short ally, In blocks of from $10 on down, addresses. 11 lie new church when completed will Mottle Fields delivered the address j cost $1,000 or more, of welcome which was responded to by Tho new church will be one of the Rr. J. A. Brorkctt. most substantial additions to the pub- The greater part of the day was tak- 1 lie |n»»t|tii»«ona nf Ully, which Is one up by the presiding elders having of the rapidly growing of the many smut! towns utong tt»« lino of tho At lantic and Birmingham railroad. A nice railroad station was recently built there. An elegant school building was erected Home time back. Hlnce streets Paul Jones Pure Rye For Sale at all the Leading Bars. Bedingfield & Co, Sole Agents. Phone 361. HERTZ COAL CO. Phone H33 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. itpperi a! ye J. Int.rc.t to all the railroad, and Ihe Plprc » » r ® ,h * nf - r- ° f lhe «»._t.n.rally. fi.v- ml „ lAnu y , nnlvm , ry wn „ held tonight. Speeches were delivered by BlHhop Turner, Dr. J. A. Lindsey, Rev. .?. T. Thomas snd Rev. Taylor. J. Runcsn, the organizer of the Woman’s Home snd Foreign Mis sionary society, for the inter-church, sang two songs. The cases of Rev. TJdsey and Rev. R. W. Mdson for Rallaa money short age caused quite s breexe In the con ference. but the matter was referred to th Dallas money committee. Bishop Turner delivered one of the greatest and most powerful speeches of his life on missions tonight at the missionary union, I>r. J. R. Robinson of Arkansas Is making many friends. years ago A. O. Murphey and Hunt of this city shipped a car of grapes to Omaha. Upon Its'arrival at destination the grapes were found to be In a damaged condition and were rejected. The shippers called upon Central to trace It and show whore the damage occurred and upon the failure of the Central to locate the damage, suit was brought against this, the In itial road, torecover the damages sus tained. The case has been won twice In Pike superior court and twice In tbe supreme court of Georgia by tho plaintiff's and the railroad now car ries It to the supreme court of the United States in an effort to have the Georgia law declared unconstitu tional. Col. W. W. Lambdln repre sents the plaintiffs and Judge John L PURE Pennsylvania Rye Six Years Old, By The Gallon Express $2.75 Prepaid Fonr Full Qnarts Express $3.00 Prepaid A Rich and Mellow Whis key just fine for making . Egg Nog. Send for our Price-list The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company. u 506, 508. 510, 512 Fourth’St. Macon, Ga. were surveyed the building hss been found to be standing right in the middle of the main thoroughfare. It will be moved on to its own plot next Wednesday and Thursday. Lilly Is 16 miles northwest of Cordele. Rule Against Savannah Lawyer. VALDOSTA, Ga.. Dec. 16.—Judge Bpeer passed a rule against John E. Myrlck of Hftvannah yesterday re quiring him to appear In court today or show cause why :*e should not be held In contempt Myrlck is a Savan nah lawyer, and one of the officers of the court was sent to Savannah after him yesterday. The case which caused the trouble was one ngafnst a white man named W. R. Hmlth. who was charged with tampering with tht mails. He had been in Jail In Ravqnnah, and when his case was called for frlsl he had no lawyer. A local attorney was Ap pointed to defend him. but It Infer de veloped that Hmlth claimed that he had made a contract with the Savan nah lawyer for that service snd had paid him $20. Myrlck was notified to come, but he wired back asking that arr attorney be appointed and that he would reimburse him for his services. Then it was that Judge Rpeer took the stringent measures to bring him here today. R. L Jeffords of Way cross was found guilty yesterday evening of using the malls for fraudulent purposes, hut sen tence was deferred. The session has been a busy one snd there arc still mnny rases on the docket to be heard. Commission Issued to Captain Dixon. ATLANTA. D»c. 16. -Adjutant Gen eral H. W. Harris tod.iy Imnjed i rnm- mlsslon to Willhm Then* Dixon of Savannah, as captain of th** Chat ham artillery to succeed George I*. Walker, resigned, whose name has been added to tbe list of retir'd of ficers of tbe Oe< art < s ,*« Troop* The Chatham srUU>.v w*- organised In I7W. Want a Pardon for Keith, ATLANTA, Dec. |«.—The hoard of pardons has heard from a committf** nf citizens headed by Mayor-F)!c*ct James O. Woodward, who asked for a pardon for R. A. Keith, who two years ago In Atlanta shot nnd killed Jesse A. Wall at his hoard»ng houst In lb** western part of the city. Keith killed Wall for the reason that he believed Wall was too Intimate with Mrn. , Keith. Last summer Henator Ben Tillman ; appeared before the bonrd urging a pardon for Keith, whom It appears was formerally a citizen of Houth Carolina. Thai Racking Cough Pomltivly cured by ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM BY MAIL Best Sewing- Machine Needles for all MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 6 CENT8 Per Package. ’ on. cent for 1 to 20 Send coin or stamps. State kinds wanted. Address The Singer Mfg. Co. 564 Cherry tt. ( .Macon, Ga. OOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOCOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOC .) Bibb Manufacturing Co., f o Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of £ 8 Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc; 18 and 20 Thomas St Now York Office. jj Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa (Entbal® Georgia railway EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DLPARTlJRt OF TRAINS. UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, GA. (Standard. 90th Meridian Time.) ARRIVE. From Savannah and Augusta....* 3:30am From Savannah, Auguata, Cov- ington and Milladgevtna • 1:10pm From Eatonton and MiUedgevllla.t 7:60am From Madlten and Ath*n« I 7:15pm From Atlanta and Griffin *12:25am From Atlanta and Griffin.. • 4:90am From AUanta, Thomaaton •11:1Cam From Atlanta. Thomaaton.......• 7:26pm From Birmingham, Columbua... .*12.35am From Blrmin'ji’am. Columbua....* 4:16pm From Montgomery, Andaluala, Flerata. Albany *12:50am From Montgomery, Andaluala, Hartford. Albany • 4:05pm From Albany and Americua • 7:40a/n Auguita :35am mnto 4iiiad •Dally- 1 Except Sunday. Sleeping care between Macon and Savannah oi and arriving Macon IJO a. m., between Macon and and Jackeonville. Fla., on tram* having Macon 4 a. m. Between Macon and Birmingham on train, Macon 12:35 a. m : better Macon and Alban / on arriving Msoow 12M ijii | from A t u lor car on train leavir. H - M* »n for Atlanta 1:30 p vannah C. A. OEWBERRY, C. T. A.. trains leaving E P. BONNER. D. T. A., JOHN W. BLOUNT, T. P. A.