The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 17, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1904. A Christmas Nog== to l>e good requires a fine ly flavored, even tempered Whiskey. For this purpose we offer you Mount Vernon The Cream of Maryland. We bottle this famous old whiskey. Mellowed by age and is guaranteed 8 years old. When bottled by us you are absolute ly certain that you get the original goods. The Price— $1.00 per Quart $3.50 per Gallon Jug $3.75 for Four Full Quarts We call the attention of the con suming trade to the fine seletion of Fine Whiskies and Beers. Prompt attention to mail orders Our Rebate Tickets save you money Sam & Ed Weichselbaum Phone 414 301,3rd St., New Location, Macon, Ga CAPT. HOBSON GUEST OF CITY Lectured Last Night to a Crowded House HANDLED GREAT THEME HAL SCHOFIELD CONTINUES ILL LADIES’ SOCIAL AND BASKET BALL Only Member* of Family, Attorney* and Physician Are Allowed to See Him—1» Yet In Extremely Nervou* Condition. Hal Schofield, the alaycr of the negro. Green King, continues 111 In the cell which he occupies alone In Bibb county Jail. There aro no persona allowed to nee him except thnso who are Immediate family connections. His physician continues to prescribe for him and visits him several times during the day. He Is said to be extremely nerv ous and restless, sleeping very little. A reporter of The Telegraph nppenred •t the Jail yesterday nfternoon and naked If his condition was serious. Tho reply was made by Jailer Phil Btevans. Ho ex plained that his condition might not be termed serious, but ho believed him to be a very sick man. "Any worse than when plnced In Jail?" tho reporter asked. An affirmative an swer was given. He still requires stimu lants, said the Jailer, but a further state ment was made that tho physicians are now trying to reduce the quantity, His attorneys still make regular visits to his cell. These are Messrs. Malcalm Jones and Roland Ellis. Besides these and tho members of the family, no other persons are admitted to the cell. The Jailer was asked what prevented other people from seeing him. and ho stated that It was thought best on sc count of his physical condition to main tain as much quiet ns possible and his nervous condition also. It was said, was such that It might be made worse at any moment by tho least excitement. Members of the family visit the Jail frequently, and converse with him. as often as allowed by tho physicians. It Is said that tho prisoner has been unablo to talk very much atnee going to Jail, and has veijr little to say at present tp Yesterday Evening Was Greatly En joyed by Young People at Young Men’s Christian Association. Yesterday waa a day of interest at the Young Men's Christian Asoclatlon building. From 3:30 to G p. m. the social by the Ladles' Auxiliary proved a most enjoyable affair. Tho Christ mas offering was a feature -that was a financial success. Misses Wilder, New man and Roberts and Mrs. Hinkle favored the gathering during the ev ening. The refreshment committee of the auxiliary, of which Mrs. W. Castor Is chairman, furnished refresh ments and Mrs. O. M. Grady and her able aslstants received the guests. The ladies will co-operate In making the New Year's reception, which will be Tuesday, Junuary 2, from 8 to 10 p. m.. a noted occasion. The boys’ department of the Y. M, C. A. was honored last night at tho association building. A game of bas ket ball was played by the young men complimentary to the Intermediates and Juniors. A soclnl followed the ball game. The boys were given conundrums under the title of "Nuts to Crack.' There were six hoys who gavo correct answers to twelve out of fifteen, and John Austin, Jr., drew the winning prise. Each boy was given a package of cracked nuts. This was followed by additional re freshments, lemonade and cakes. / real Jolly time was afforded the mem bers of the boys' department. Crowds Could Not be Accommodated and Some Were Turned Away— Capt. Hobson Will Remain Over To day and Tomorrow—Will Visit Mer cer This Morning and Will Speak Sunday Morning In Mulberry Street Methodist Church—Banquet of Kap pa Alphas. Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson lectured last night at Wesleyan Col lege chapel to an over-crowded house upon the subject, "America's Mighty mission." The announcement of his coming upon Macon lyceum was received sev eral weeks ago with much Interest In Macon and last night the desire of the Macon public to hear him vyui evin ced In tho Immense attendance of peo ple who greeted him. .Many people were turned away from the building on account of failure to secure standing room. The attendance was decidedly the largest upon the lyceum up to the present time. Messrs. Snell and Beaumont, the managers, were themselves surprised at the large numbers. The distinguished visitor was Intro duced by Hon. John T. Bolfeulllet. Captain Hopson was In fine condition and handled his subject with enthu siasm and convincing logic. His theme, a grist one, was made most Important from the beginning and tho magnlni- mlty with which It grew unltl the end held the audience to the highest strain of Inteset.. He was forceful, power ful, logical, and eemphatlc. Capt. Hobson was npplauded often as he went Into the depths of his sub* Ject. Those who attended listened for nearly two hours with the greatest In terest and were loath to leave at the hour of closing. The lecture was pronounced the best of the present season and the hero of the Merrlmac spoke In such manner as to convince his audience of hls power os a think er upon national affairs. The lecture was a great successe and will contribute very largely to the local lycoum for the present season. The local managers. Messrs. Marvin J. Snell and Francis Beaumont, have la bored diligently to make this number a most Important one and to them Is largely due the fact that Capt. Hob son has been acquainted with the city and its people. It was announced Inst night by Rev. W. N. Ainsworth that Capt. Hobson had consented to remain In the city over today and Sunday. He will speak Sunday In Mulberry Street Methodist church upon a religious subject thnt will reach and Interest the public. This announcement will be received with pleasure by those who failed to get nn opportunity to hear him In the lecture last night. Todny Capt. Hobson will visit the young men at Mercer ^University and It has been arranged for him to attend the meetings of the two library so cieties. It Is probable that he will apeak to the young men In a Join meeting of the two library societies the Fhl Deltas and the Clceroneons. Capt. Hoheon will be royally enter tained In Macon. He has expressed great pleasure nt having the opportu nity of spending so much time In the city and will make the best of It by visiting and becoming acquainted with as many of the churches, schools, and colleges as possible before leaving. Last night the members of the Kap pa Alpha fraternity nt Mercer Univer sity furnished a banquet at the Hotel Lanier In honor of Capt. Hobson who those who ' him. CHRISTMAS EGGS CAUSED TROUBLE Negro Captured on 8treet, Said to Havo Stolen Box Containing Over Fifteen Dozen—Missed From Groc ery Store. _______ A box of fresh country eggs caused Henry Towns, a negro, considerable trouble yesterday afternoon and he is now behind the bars at police station awaiting the opportunity to explain te Recorder Nottingham how he came to be entrusted with a box containing between fifteen and twenty doser.. Towns was captured yesterday af ternoon on the str»*t after a box had been missed from the grocery store of Mr. K. L Burdick. He tried to explafu to the officers that he got hls box of eggs from a country wagon, but the officer wouldn't accept his explana tion and he is now In the barracks with "suspect’’ charged against him. The eggs were being sold for 35c per dozen and the box in imssessfon of the negro will prove ready goods for Christmas when the rightful owner es- i tabitshes his claim in police court. Toys* Dolls, Games. Tea Bets. Drums. Special Toy room. McEvoy Book and Stationery Co. First Street Church. 8unday school, &:30 a. m.: preaching, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Epwortb League, 8:48 p. m. After an appro priate sermon nt the morning hour, tbe pastor will install the official board for the prw*ent conference year. Every member should be present at this Im portant service, and our friends In the city and strangers are cordially invtted to worship with us. An elegant assortment of Perfumes. An elegant stsc King & OMpluuit Correct ClothesJorMen So much for drew, which I main tain to be a thins of consequence in the polite world. —Lord Chute{field to hit ton. It is now in all walks of life. Good form is assured by wearing the “Correct Clothes for Men,” bearing this label j\ If ltd $enjamm&(° MAKERS * NEW y°RK q Equal to fine cuftoo-made in *11 but price.q The makenT guarantee, and oura, will* every garment, q We are Exduuve Agents iq this city. BENSON. WALKER & MOORE TVU^b.CMan 420 3d ST. wns n member of thl» fraternity ilur- Inn tot* colloge dnys. A large number of the young col lege men and their friend* were pres- ent nnd tt.e occasion wa* a moat «n- Joyflbls one. A Costly Mistake. Blunder* nre sometime* very ex pensive. Occasionally tlfo Itaelf la the price of a mtatnke. tiut you 1 !! never ho wrong If you take Dr. Klng'a New r.lfe Pitta for Dyapepata. Dlxalneaa, Head ache, I.tver or Bnwet trouble*. They arc gentle yet thorough. 25c. at all drug stores. Finest Coffee obtainable, roasted fresh evorv day. Flournoy & MoKenna. ' PERSONAL. Mrs. H. C. McKee, who for the past few weeks has been visiting In Fort Gaines and in Michigan, has returned to Macon. Dr. V. J. Ward Is In the city making social visits amongst hls friends, wish Ing them a merry Christmas and i happy New Year. Rev. J. C. Solomon of Atlanta is visit. Ing hls brother, W, W. Solomon, a few days. He has Just returned from a trip to Jasper, Ft*., where he has been assisting Rev. J. J. Hyman In a very successful revival. Dr. Solomon In an evangelist and lecturer and formerly was a resident of Macon. A pudding Is DOUBLY good If flav ored with Blue Ribbon Lemon or Vanilla. Xmas boxes of Cigars. King & Oil phant. NEGRO WOMAN IN FEDERAL COURT U. 8. Commissioner L. M. Erwin, yesterday placed Lixtle Baldwin, a ne gro woman living near Vienna. Os., | under bond of 5104 to appear before ; Judge Hmory Hpeer tn thl* city next I week to nnxwer a charge of mak-ng I a false affidavit tn tbe penalnn claim of Annie K. fuller of thl* city. Bevaral day* ago Annie E. Fuller was before the commissioner upon th» charge of making a fatae pension claim upon her husband, who It I* said wa* a soldier In the Hpanlab-Amerlcan war and ha* since died. Tho charge fa made that th* husband I* not dead and that the claim Waa a false one. . The negro woman was brought l,e- jfore the commissioner by irntiod Htates Marshal George Thomas I la aceneed under Indictment of the I federal grand Jury of having a false affidavit relative to the husband. | Lizza* Baldwin admitted th;it she , made the affidavit on the statement I of Annla B. >u!l«r. Khs mM when / f >mml»Kloner yaaterday that she didnt know anything about the dead husband. 8ha had baan raquested to 1 make the affidavit. ,jhl tegro woman and tba whfie w »- 1:”* og bonds made by fi§ .. as will ha w»o next w»tk by Ju<J*« $20. UST BE DAYS! It can be done; It must be done; It will be done==If you will come here to do your shopping’. We don’t ask you to come with out giving you reason why you should come. You may pay cash; you have these goods charged. We will date your bill February First if desired. We shall quote specials from each department. Though we may not mention exactly what you wish, still you can find just what you want at similar price-reductions. This is our final sale of Nineteen Hundred and Four. The Great Suit Wind Up will start today and continue until all are sold. The choicest suits will be quickly bought up. Our entire stock of suits now number 155—we estimate at 22 suits per day, for 7 days—154—leaving us one suit at the close of this sale. When the ball begins to roll this morn ing if you are not here you will loose and not we. $ 7.98 Suits For 10.00 Suits For 12.50 Suits For $22.50 Suits For 25.00 Suits For 27.50 Suits For For Any Suit In the Store $37.50 Suits For 40.00 Suits For 45.00 Salts For 50.00 Suits For $16.50 Suits For 18.00 Suits For 20.00 Suits For $30.00 5uits For 32.50 Suits For 35.00 Suits For $25 no.oo $ 20.00 For Any Suit In the Store A Slaughter and a Slash of All Coats in Stock Every coat in the store from the cheapest to the finest suffers the whack of the price-reducing knife. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats all included in this 7 day sale $7.50 Coats For 8.50 Coars For 10.00 Coats For $7.50 $10.00 Coats For 15.00 Coats For 16.50 Coats For Elegant Evening Coats that sold at $20.00, 25.00, 35.00, 40.00, 50.00 and $60.00 are all marked to sell and we doubt if we have one left at the close of the 7 Day Sale $6 .00 Skirt for $3.97 84.00 Dressing Sack Si.00 Only about 25 Skirts in this special lot. Come early if you want a skirt This includes every Dressing Sack in the line from $2.50 to $4.00—best eiderdown Furs! send it up.) f\UR Special Salo of Fine Furs has been a wondor. Of course every one 'J who wishes to buy a Fur looks around at tho fur stores of tho town. Wo have had customers to come and look and go elsewhere to look but invariably come back and take the fur thoy saw at “THE UNION” (or 'phono ua to ENOUGH SAID. This Is The Place No statement was ever made that had more Truth to it than this: ‘ring co y Come to this atore for Handkerchiefs. Come to this atote for high Novelties. Come to this atore for Neckwear, liclts, etc. Conte to thi* store for the he>t </loves. Come to thi* itore for Swell Shopping Bags. Come to this store for Elegant Silk Hosiery. Come to this store for the NEW THINGS. Come to this store for Elegant or Simple Gifts. Come to this store for the latest Styles and Fashions. Come to this store for the Smart Creation^ in Hair Ornam