The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 17, 1904, Image 6

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH ! SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17,1904.^ I One Cent a Word | Advertisements under the heads of Wanted, For Sale. for tfent. Lost, Found, Personal, Miscellaneous, Etc., Inserted in this department fur 1c per word for each issue.. No notioo will be inserted for less than 16 cents. Remit* tanoee of 61 and less may be mede in postage stamps. WANTED. BABBITS, RABBITS. RABBITS -Fresh lot just received. Ilalat-y * Callaghan. WANTEP—To rent, four cash register* for one weak at Kre*e\ WANTED—To buy a good second-hand board. Address Business, or good condition, for cash. J. R. Win chester. 66 Arlington Place. Robinson. VlneviUe BOY WANTED—IB or 16 >eara old. to work from 1:S0 to 7 a. m. Call at thla office about 7 a. WANTED—One thousand buahela speck led pees, unknown and mixed pees. Jones Oro. Co., toot Mulberry at., 'Phone FRUITS, raisin*, currant*, citron. lemon MERKEL'H breeds, rolls, etc., made by machinery; try them FOR RENT—Npw etore. corner First and Cherry: elegant suite front offices. Curran R. Kilts, Architect. PERIODICAL TICKETS taken. Oi Trading Stamps given et CLARKE'S apples. Chas. G*l*mar, ’Phone 46. FOR RENT—Oood typewriter. Address E. If. R.. care Tclcgrspn. FOR RENT—Three or four furnished P K>me for light housekeeping; upstairs, conveniences; beat locality In city. X. Y. 7*., care Telegraph. FOB SALE. between Tine and Plum. J. M Chambers'. FOR SALE—Dry pine In four-foot lengths, delivered et 12.60 per cord. 'Phone 656. FOR BALE— A nice grocery business fur asle. Apply 662 Elm et., Patterson A Batemon. FOE 8AI.K—D..uiirul holly wroth,• tJ »lth the red h.rrlr. for Xmu. Thou. HOT ROLLS .varyr. .ft.moon. I.y. 'Phone 141. J. M. Brantley * Bon. WALD h.ko your fruit rak.s. 'Phon. IMnjOVXD Md.un plantation In Tal- hntton Valley, Talhot rminly. G*.. on "»*.*»■ railroad, for •a.sno.oo on rraannitbl. l.rma; a bar- Ifaooi , ST P * V * n ^* ,n ' •-* °r*"*« •!•. OCTAOON BOAP, ala rak.a for II. and ^Periodical Tickets tak.r\, Oacar Brad. POR BALE—Bare real aharea Wlnn-John- "♦nOo.'. ,,, S’ k »* ■ b* r B*ln- Bualnrea, care Telegraph. FREBH RW188. N.ufchlle!, rhlladrlphla .cream, gap 8aan. Ronuafnrt, l.d.'n i!n..pnl., Parmoean I.lrnrur,. r, Hand Kaae, Club, Promaac da line, Iilg- nr. Flournoy A McKenna. ’“Art? 1 -!- 8, l-'n’-d d.Ul., Reck'a piano. ddl heads, toy, of all at Wald',. TOE BALE—Typewriter. In good condl- Telegraph*' 1 * "' Art,lr '** “ *• B.. car. a&*gas >, s , gp3r o,,,u ™ ,n OYBTERB on half shell at CLARKE’8~ BLANK CARTR1 DORS of every else you went at Goldmans. FOR BALE—One of the most deslrahle homes In the city. containing ten ronmii. two hath rooms, modern; not on College street but on Orange; convenient to churches, echoo.a end street cars: netgh- borhood the finest; I paid ten thousand dollars cash for this place eleven years ago end spent ao\en thousand in reno- ba,h . wwnte; will take '•o thousand dollar*. the same 1 gnve for It eleven years ago; as property has te'**.** 4 In . v * ,u ® *° much since I bought P yawfnsji wusstik gg gdiaanaa!!- J Si,600.00 taSSl.** a . n ! ct home ln Huguenln Heights, lonalatlug of a good two gtu- p. six-room dwelling on desirable lot. Term*. lino cash, balance on long time yearly payments and reasonable inter- *et- A fine opportunity for n person or moderate means. House la now rented at 116 per month and would make a good Investment. $1,500.00 b “J » *‘«r and 4-room dw.ll- mg combined. on corner of Third nnd Arrt .trait,: .11 li, good condition; clora In, convenient to humic.., , good “»4 » corner that will lucirara Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Leant, Reel Estate end Insurance. 816 Mulberry Street For Sale r c/rr’ that f yields jat/j- ' ffaction by the f handful, Christ- ' il-dlnj should y genuine, so pass r the imitation and choose 1 XOaterman*J Ideal Shopping Made easy and inexpensive at Cole man's, where the best in Books,Sta tionery, Fountain Pens, Pictures, Calendars, Games, suitable for Xmas presents can be found in large quantities. Mail orders promptly filled. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 316-320 Second st Say The McEvoy Book & Stationery Co. HAVE THE CH0ICE8T 8T0CK OF Books Biblae, Pictures, Mirrors, Stationery, Dressing Cease, Work Boxes, Fancy Stationery. Japanese and Christy Burnt Wood Novelties. For Children THEY HAVE Toy., Doll., Gam.,, Pietur, Book., Drum., T.a Soto, Eto. PICTURE8 FRAMED 572 Cheery oL “Wood to Burn” •n 4 now 8 l 1 'P rnen l > °f Pyrogruphy outfits and materials will bo oponod this morning. If interested call early Christy pictures with frames to suit. Wo carry the only line of nrtistic picturos in Macon. Our Mouldings are ail now und up-to-date—Our work par excellent. W. Lamar Williams, “ The Frame Maker” 107 COTTON AVENUE. MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH VBQ1JTARLT38—Sumeeh, water cress, oyster pUnt*, csuiiriower. Uttiirf*. Mb* «nlsh. cHory and rhrsntorrks. Lhss. OHpmsr. Phon# 4*. QUAIU doves. rhl.*kens { ducks snd tur key* st CLARKK (4. Phone 461. TOYS nt all kind, at Wald's. Mulberry at., next pestofflco. AIR R1PLKR of all kinds for the hoys at Goldman s. BUT YOUR Xmttn cakes from Merkel. HICKf.K PKARR. banana* grape fruit, apples, oranges, bananas. cncoHnut*. McKenna gr^P**' Flournoy A FRESH UARRKI. Imported dill pickles and Imported ns tier kraut. Chau. Oels- msr, 'Phone 4*. JKUHKY BUTTER 26 rent* pmmd: noun- try eggs and rhlckme. Mrs. N. c. Herndon. *02 Third st.. 'Phenn 14*. HAND PACKED tomatoes. 4-pound cans only 12V4 cent* por can. Oscar Bradley. GREEN OROITND BONE, heal ohtrksn food knnwn. makes hens lay. Furnished In^sny quantities by J. 21. Brantley * DRE9BEP TURKEY#, hens, fries, bmll- era; also fresh oysters, fish, game cele- Isghan *a * |M| vt **Ublea. Rainey A Cal- DRERIJKD duck*, chicken* and turkeya. Cl-ARK K'ft Fish A Poultry Market. PERSONAL. WALD’B fruit cake, pound cake, nut cake, the beat In the city. FEED your rhlckena on Green Ground Rone; beat chicken food known. 'Phone 645. J. M. Uranlcy A Ron. RMKl.Td and Columbia River aalmon at Ci.UlKKR. . Nl’TH t apple*, candles ralalna and every thing eivvt to e*t for rhrlatmua. Mra. N. C. Herndon, 802 Third at. All new good*. Engllnh ealnuta, i .4-ana. almond*. ] trust In nnd filbert# Chaa. Geiamar. 'Phono 48. TRY MERKEL'S fruit r.ka; d.lldnus. WHITE I.ETTUCE. celery, cauliflower eplnage. carrot*, pamlev. emnherrlen. eg* planta. aquaNhea. horseradish, garlic, yellow yams. Irish pot nine* rutabagas, cabbaga. etc. Flournoy A McKenna. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT* of eveiy de- script Ion; guitar*, accordions, violin*. Ivin to*, tnanddlna hurmonlcaa, etc. at Goldman a Pawn rihop. PRK8II VEGETABLE*-Veinsch. water crass, ovater plant*, cauliflower, lettuce, home tc.tlali * 1 »ry imj th;nnbcrrle*. Chas. Geiamar. 'Phone 48. FOR C1 III 1 ATM A 8—Bley dee. Velocipedes. Trtcvcie*. Autopedea Coaaters Bey # ch ** p “ FRE8H KISH and oysttrs all the time. G. P. Clarke A Co OYSTERS, all kind., at CI.ARKE'8. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. Our Special Prices Finest Cream Cheese. n lb JR New Oa Cane Syrup, u gal 35 Apple Vinegar, n gal 20 Ilnet Head Tllce. h Th 05 Octason Soup. 6 for 26 II nml Hu polio, a rake 07 V6 Sugar Cured Hum. a lb 11(4 Sugar Cured Shoulder, a lb OS Breakfast Hlrlpa (brat quality), a Ih. 1.1 U New Nuts. nll'klnd*. lb. \b Florida Oranges, a dog.., •..20 Hnldwln Apnl-vt a pk sr Dried Figs 1 -It*, bricks, a lb 11 Heedeil Rnlslna, a pkg 0$ l-J Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg..oh 1.* New Ferulan Dates, per lb g 1.3 fleet Quality prunes, a It* 07U California Evaporated Pearhea. a IteM Three Crown Raisin* a lb 10 van Ciimp'i Hoop* (all klnda), a can..09 Van Camp* Pork attO lteana. a ran..09 V#H Cninp'a purr Cream, a ran 09 Poyal Salad 1>reaatng. a bottle 20 Irlah Potatoes, a pk 15 ’Phone 2039. J. R. Odom. MEDICAL, ATTENTION LADIER-Nokemo pnsltlv*. » erav.itt., cure. I.ucorrhra .nil mh.r <11,oh«rgra; ut. .nil plraunt: month'. nrrpnlil. on. dollar: hook In rr»r. Morul.nil t'h.mlral Co.. It, K«.t 24th It.. Now York, N. T. LOST AND FOUND. BPRCIAIdt- Ring bologna, thlrk bologna, fro.h bund Miami, frnh errva- Ini. wrln.rwurat. Ilvarwunt. kn.i-kwurot, nmitkisl wmnkrd longua. ko,hrr br.f f it .tnffrit Mli htenn go... and Imnortod Oarmnn.loom lirra.t. Ch». ilrl.m.r, phono 4a. IvAllUK CANS Mlmon .Irak only 24c, par , ran at Onrar llr.utlry’- AOMINIgTRATOE'B SALE. Util bo aold hoforr thr court houim door, In M.i-on Itlhh county. On. on th. 8r.t Tii-mtnv In Jammry, IMS. between the Jr..I hour, of *ile th. following ,le. .crIheit rral rat.te belonging to th. oa- Into of I. P. Holme, i-.ecraied, to-wlt: A tract of tend. .Itiutcd In th.vln.vlll. di.trlcl of Itlhh county. On., containing ime-fourth of an nrra. moro or lorn, and hounded north hi n 40-foot at met. e.,t bv land formerly owned by Thom.. Ilolmem wuith hy u 10-toot alley went hy land of Daniel !.. Smith fronting 70 feet onraid JO.foot street, and -xtenillng b«ck 145 feat. Deed to Mid recorde.l In clerk . otTIce. book AJ, folio S51. with all the Improvement, thereon. , AJ4o. n tract of land in Mtd Vln.ville rllitrlcta. hounvlevl on th. north hy a 40- foot .treat In eontlnuatton of Fourth ave- nu.) east hy lot owned by n td ratal, •outh hy n 14-foot .tier, wrat by lot form! •rty owned hy t. G. Glarey. being a part of th. Anderaon Conner property, raid Sot being TO frat front and running back US fdot IWiI f.« MW 1.1 .le.vaaaa.t I « »*• 1. 1 . v • • ir.ii Bnti running Mi'K Trat. IVe.t to Mid decease.! recorded In clerk a ..fflee, twik "N." folio 344. Bald described real eatate sold for th. corpora of paying debt, and for distribute among th* helm Term* of rale raah . . . . HOWARD M. SMITH, Administrator Kotate K. r. Holmes. Dc- nnrad. •trant 1st. 11.000 Cl ora la oil-room rnttig, 1,100 l-raom l-.tory rraldence. Spring •traoL near Mulberry 4.000 Two Soto rach to frat frontage, Spring soar Mulberry atraoL H. Horne, Rcale Estate, Insurance and Loans. 5*3 M Bikers iiru’L I-bon. i5l Joa.OOOTHE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEYOOOOO+. | I9C — lyc — 19c _ 19c iqc _ 19C — 19c | Nabisco Sale 1 Tho little gift i, often worth more th»n the 3 ♦ Rik °> co * t It’* the little token th»t carries with 3 tl a message from the heart and fill* the .lav with 3 X Gladness. 1 ln> week each package will be en- ♦ circled with a Ito”. under whiclt is a 3 5 mistletoe card to carrv the inessane. ; I OUR PRICK 19c A PACKAGE THIS WEEK- 3 X Don’t forget to send us vour order. ] ♦ — , ,oc - '9C — 19c — IOC — IQC — IOC 3 o ' -Wat.-h f..r a vilttable ontpem in tomorrow's Telecraph. " ♦ ut u out, a** it will aiifi.'jr only once, < j The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. i -♦♦♦♦♦♦♦THE MOST Oh THE BEST FOR THE LEAST. MONEY+++4.3 ALL SECTIONS SHOW ACTIVITY Bright Prospects for Bnsi- uess in 1905 SIZED UP THE SITUATION Th* Manufacturers' Record Gives Glowing Condition of the Farming Interest* of the Country and 8pe- oially Refers to Situation of Cotton Planters in Connection with Low Price of Cotton. BALTIMORE. Md.. Dec. 1«.—From leading manufacturers, machlnery- maJcera of all kinds and business meri generally throughout the country let ters bearing on the buslnesu outlook as they see it are published In this week's Issue o' the Manufacturers' Record, which says, commenting up on them: "In not a single letter is there a note of pessimism. Manufacturers In the North. In the central West, In the far West and In the South alike tell the •tory of Increasing business activity and of the brighr prospects for 1905. Throughout' the land optimism based on a foundation as firm as the rocks prevails, and rightly eo. "The farms of the country have yielded a total value of products of over $5,000,000,000, and never before have the agricultural interests of all sections been In such good financial condition. The sudden drop in cotton comes after largely more than one- half of the crop has passed out of the hands of the farmers, and It Is not at all probable that even the balance will be sold at present prices. Practically out of debt, with considerable surplim accumulated durlnr the last three or four years of high prices, the South ern cotton-grower is in position to withhold much of his cotton for high er prices. Moreover, the South has raised an exceedingly lArge grain crop. The total value of the diversi fied products of Southern farms Is about $1,000,000,000. or nearly twice oa much as the $600,000,000 which Its cotton brings, the aggregate of cotton and all other farm, products In the South being about $1,700,000,000. tin der such conditions the Southern farmer, notwithstanding the tempor ary decline In cotton, heavy ns It Is. will continue more prosperous than ever before. The Western farmers are also enjoying great prosperity. "Turning from the agricultural con ditions to Industrial Interests, activity nnd prosperity are everywhere in evi dence. Once more the tide has turned In the Iron am: steel Interests, and we have entered upon a period which bids to be of long duration nnd of exceed ing heavy production nnd consumption of Iron and steel. The cotton goods trade will soon adjust Itself, and al- rendv there ore signs of Improvement In that Industry. Taking a broad sweep of the whole country. It Is con servative to »say that there has never been a time when every condition whs more favorable for great business ac tivity and abounding prosperltv. There hnve been times in »the past when the West was prosperous nnd the South was poor; other times when the West was prosperous and the'West suffering from low prices of wheat nnd corn; hut today every section shares In the universal activity and prosperity. A special phase of this prosperity Is mentioned In lioston correspondence of the Manufacturers' Record as fol lows: "It Is doubtful If any one feature of New England’s development Is more striking, considered In Its bearings on the {(ability of Its people and the ro«k- rooted foundation of character which It denotes, than Is the marvellous showing the statlstlcn of Its savings hanks make; nor Is there nnythlng In New England the South can more ad vantageously emulate and adopt for her own than'the Ingrained traits of frugality and thrift which these fig ures reveal. With a population of not over 6.000.000. there are about 3,000.000 open accounts In the 424 live savings banks of New Knglard nnd In the 120 trust companies which have savings hank departments, while the total de posits In these banks foot up the enor mous sum of $1,146.503.665.A3. The anvlngs banks deposits proper, ac cording to the last reports of the com missioners of the vsrtous New England statea. amount to $1,060,022,630.15. The reporta of all the stntes except Con necticut clearly Indicate which of the trust company deposits are savings nnd which are general. Leaving out altogether the $12,341. >82.54 which con stitute Connecticut trust companv de- postls, and from such Individual re ports as are made, it seems unlikely that more than two-thirds of this sum should be regnrded aa general depos its. but leaving Connecticut's trust companv deposits out of the total en tirely. and it Is found that the savings banks deposits of N«w England are mor* than $1,134,000,000. "New England owns more than one- tenth of all the deposits the savings banks of the world contain, nnd more than ons-thlrd of all thnt the banks In the United States show, white the number of her depositors is more than 40 per cent, of nil that are credited to the*whole of the United States. "In New England the savings de posits represent an average of more than $180 for every man. woman and child In that section, and outside of New England the overnr* deposit per Inhabitant la than |26.» Huyler's Christmas Novelties. King d. Oliphant. Atlanta Rif!«* Rsna*. *,.i TI L ANTA * !«.—The Atlanta Ride Range Association held a meet Ing last nlghL The e«r*»»*»ttt«''» nn- polnted to secure a location for the new range made Its report In which It was stated that a site for a range had been secured near the city, and that work woutd he commenced at once to place the range In condition for use the coming summer, MtlLdorai", K. of P. Elect Officer,. Mtt.T RDORVILUt Cl a., Dec. to—At a ravont meet In, of the K. of P. the following officer* were elected for the next at, month,: rhxndlor Com* nwndor. R. H. Woollen: Vic. chan- 2“"'.^ Sanford: Prelate V. a P»tl: Vrater of Work.. C. W Rlchtra: . i,t UFlntutc*. T«te Harper: it aa. ter of Exchrajtt.r, O. A. Barr: Mtat.r at Arm,, c. F. Greene; Keeper of Record, and Srala, J. J. Wootten: Truafee. w R. Harper: Inner Guard ° uur Guir ' 1 - j - f - FJo Reward for Potter. ATLANTA. Dec. 16—City Marshal JTi Z , \T n * r Davtsboro has wrlt- VIL1. lt r r . to of Police# Ball of ln formtng him that the re- • * r»L.? fr * r * s< for ***** »rre#t of Maro N, Fot.rr the Aharon#Ins b#nk cash. tSirara !. h ^ n to Si,6#6. The yt#r State that It |g believed that Potter got sway with I26.660. He has n*.?* month. Potter U Ef tllM ”Hng » year# of age. six |7uJj 404 w * l €?* al>cul m HAVE HOLIDAY AT CONVICT CAMPS Prison Commission Issues Circular Letter to Wardens of Camps Calling Attention to This Matter. ATLANTA, Dec. 16.—A11 of the state's convict# will get a'day'# rest at Christmas. Today Secretary Yan cey of th* prison commission sent out a circular letter to the wardens of mil of the convict camps in the state where felony convicts are worked, call ing their attention to the action of the commission in thla matter. The cir cular reads as follows: "Dear Sir: It is the rule of the commission that the state convicts shall have one day of rest, or holiday for Christmas, and as Christmas comes on Sunday this year, they hold that the convicts shall have either Satur day, or Monday for holiday. It has been customary for the contractor to provide an extra dinner for the men on this day, and they trust the cus tom will be observed this year. See that the men have the day of rest as indicated." Huylers-i-A large Xmas stock. King Resolutions of Respect. HAWKINSVILLE. Ga.. Dec. 16.—A committee appointed by the city coun cil to draft resolutions on the death of Alderman J. C. Hendley, offers the following for publication: "Whereas, death has invaded our mldHt nnd taken from our number an alderman und mayor pro tem.. the Hon. J. C. Hendley, be It resolved, "1. That In his death- the council has lost one of its moat enterprising, progressive, honorable, upright, ac commodating and generous of its members. "3. That the cJtv of Hawkinsvllle In his death lost one of her most thor ough sagacious and far-seeing of her business men. That the council of the city has lost one of her most painstaking, prompt, efficient, zealous and watchful of Its members. "Lnr.tly, be^ft resolved, that out of respect for his memory, a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the city of Hawkinsvllle, nnd. further, that the same be pub lished." Of Interest to Mothers. Thousands of little ones die every year of croup. Most of them could have been saved by a few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar, and every family with children should keep It In the house. It contains no opiates and Is safe and sure. Mrs. George H. Picket. San Francisco. Cal., writes: “My baby had a dangerous attack of croup nnd we thought she would choke to death, but one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her nt once after other remedies had failed. We nre never a minute without It In the house." Sold by H. J. Lamar & Co., druggists. RAILROAD COMMISSION Arlington Man Gets Rate on Cotton 8hipment—Oil Cases Not Dis posed of. ATLANTA. Dec. 16.—The railroad commission of Georgia after being In session two days adjourned this nTter- noon. J. S. Cowart of Arlington was given a rate of six cents per Hundred or thirty centy cents per bale on the cotton coming from the Munger Press operated by him at Arlington. This rate was offered Mr. Cowart by tho Central of Georgia to Savannah and Brunswick, who at first declined to ac cept It. but later agreed to it at the suggestion of the hoard. This rate, however. Is only temporary. The oil cases of the Walton Oil ompnny. and the CConyers Oil Com pany were not disposed of. No Case of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single Instance where a cough or cold resulted In pneumonia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chance* with some un known preparation which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from n cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. Bold by H. J. Lamar & Co., druggists. Calhoun to Have a Nations! Bank. CALHOUN. On.. Doc. 16.—The Rink of Calhoun will be made a national bank January 1 next. It ie one of the strongest Institutions of Its kind In the state. It will bo capitalized at $50,000. Fruit growers of north Georgia met In Rome recently nnd elected Cot O. N. Starr of this place president. Byrd Barnnelle killed six wild tur keys at one shot on his place near here yesterday. Slain by Dispensary Constable. Charlotte. N .C.. Dec. 16.—A special to the Observer from Florence, S. C.. says Dispensary Constable Rowell shot and Instantly killed Joe Blount an Atlantic Coast Line detective, here early tonight over a personal matter. Rowell was drunk. Money For 8chool Teachers. ATLANTA. Dec. 16.—The echool teachers of the state nre going to get the money due them for their services In time to use it In Christmas shop ping. Governor Terrell has drawn his warrant on the treasury for $256,000 In favor of State School Commissioner W. B. Merritt, and this will be sent out tomorrow. The checks were all made out previous to drawing the war rant Ex-Convict Sues State for Damages. ATLANTA, Dec. 16.—James Edwards of Fulton county, who has served a sentence of six years In the peniten tiary for the crime of perjury, has filed a claim with the prison commis sioners for damages from wounds re ceived while eerving h!s time at the state farm. It seems that while making an ef fort to escape, one of the guards shot Edwards In the legs. Negro Executed in 8outh Carolina. CHARLESTON. S. Cra Dec. 16— A special to the News and Courier from Chester. 8. C.. says Will Hardin, a ne gro who brutally murdered hta aged father-in-law last September, was legally executed by hanging at noon today. He seemed to have neither fear nor remorse and went to the ecaffold »H«nt and sullen. Don’t Give tHo Baby Dangerous Drugs. There is one sate, sore and abeo- SttHSTiri"- 8 * *“•“* Baby Ease THE WORLD** KIT 84BT MEDICI4E. Cora* rarar font ot txraal »n<5 raorara* irambl.. .Gap ratrrak. U* .trap, mMratwDlM ht S3 CENTS EVERYWHERE. I* Baby Ease MueUi Mum, 6a. THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT For Wife, Mother, Daughter Sister or Sweetheart By this Sign you may know and will find Singer Stores Everywhere These Machines are never sold to dealers. Only from Maker to User A small payment down, the rest at convenient intervals. Four different Kinds and a wide range of prices to suit. Select Now-Delivery when wanted Get the Best and you g*et the Sing’er 563 CHERRY STREET. MACON, GA. WE OFFER Desirable home in Vineville; eight rooms, fine loca tion, that can be bought for $4,250. If loan is wanted, could arrange upon reasonable cash payment. Money to loan on good real estate. * o MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate. WRITE ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. , WILLINGHAM & CONE, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. Phone 444. 355 Second Street Rainey & Callaghan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRESH FISH. OYSTERS. PRODUCE, POULTRY, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, KALAMAZOO CELERY, EGGS. ICE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OF- TOWN ORDERS. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN •Phone. 288 and 888 486 First SL GEORGIA, Bibb County.—The Union Savlnen Bunk A Truitt Company ot Mn- con, (I... gttnrdl.n for Emma. A. Kupfer- m«n. represents to thl. court that It his discharged tho said trust, and has tiled application for letters of dismission. Thl. la, therefore, to notify nil persons con cerned, to file objections, if nny they have, on or before the first Monday In January 1M5. or else letters of dismis sion will then be granted. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Mr*. M. A. Tharpe havln, (lied her application In this offlc. to bs appointed yutrdlmn of the person of Mildred Plunkett of Bibb county. Oa.. nn orphan child of C. R, riunkett. deceased, this Is therefore, to notify all person* concerned, that her application will be heard on the first Monday In January, no:,. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary, Notice Is hereby given by the under- slgned, Emily Potter Hammond and Ag nes Cuyler, both residents of the city of Baltimore, in the stele of Maryland, as executrices of the estate of Mississippi Cuyler, deceased, late of said city, of our Intention to transfer fourteen ftt) shares of th. capital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company of Georgia, standing on the books of the said company In the name of Mississippi Cuyler. alter the ex piation of four weeks' publication there of. In accordance with the act of the SS2b.r A !H£!l * ow “''’ upI ’ rov '■ , EMILY POTTER HAMMOND, AGNES CUYLER, Executrices of Estate of Mississippi cuy- l.r. Deceased. OEORGIA, Bibb County.—Robnt L. Anderson, guardian Mia. Jam. E. Trout man. having applied to m. for leave .to hu' 1 "* and lot. situated in \ Insvlllc Bibb county. O... belonging to tne said Miss Janie E. Troutman, for the purpose of paying d*bts and for her main tenance and support; this Is. therefore, to notify all persons Interested that hie application will be heard on the first Monday In January. 1005. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Bibb County.—T. B. West having applied to me for letters of guar, dlanshlp of the person and property of JUH# F. Smith, orphan of MUton E. 8mlth. late of said county, deceased, this Is. therefore, to notify nil persons con cerned to Ale objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In January. iSkU°for ! “ leU#r * wUI then >» ued u C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Bibb County.—The apprats. ers appointed to set aside a twelve months support to Johsnr.a Northern and her two minor children out of the estate of Carey Northern, late of Bibb county Ga. deerssed. having filed their return In this office, this Is, therefore, to notify aJt persons concerned to file their objec tions. If sny they have, on or before the first Monday Jn January, lOOS. why the return of sold appraisers should not be made*the Judgment of this court. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Bibb County—Thomas H. Freeman having applied for letter# of SB.1? , m SS35k*S sKFfeg tnurratra that hlg rartieatlra wfflS heart on th. firm Mon Ora jn Jscu.rv »«• C. M. WILEY. Ortln.ry7’ . FOR SALE. . Flra-rocm hora. and good six. lot an cl* ltna Erat Macon. 1204: 4-roctn house, Chappel at-, t.SO; 5-room houra on cor line. South Mv-.n. tor I1.0M: ( .era. trad «t°ra_a*adw«nm£jfec 11.0007mUSS bora*. Ban.vtew, for ITtS; 14 lot. for 12* rach. If sold e t one: wood yard and mra chtawry and * rooms for rant; for ssic. 5-reon. houra. Odra st.. Urge tot It «£ J. L- ETHRIDOE. H.rdlmin BldoT’ REAL ESTATE. Foe Sale—acres and 4-room houra at McCrary's store. 2 mite, on VirivajI Raul. Win moke ttrat-rtara suburban For Rent—8-room houra and 7 acre, c tand .t outing Club. J „i:.. oiT^jS terra t.n mtlra front SCocci Q- 54. DAVi*. 454 6.4400 6L Nice lot on Coleman Ave. in first class lo cation can be bought on reasonable terms at $800,00 I have also a corner lot that is very choice at $1000,00 One or two houses are on my list for rent yet. flake inquiry. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Amorican National Bank Bldg. For Sale The beautifully located suburban home generally known as the "Jaques Farm ” four and & half miles from the city, on Forsyth road. This farm con sists of 80 acres, nice orchards, hot houses, etc. Fine bold spring and branch on the place. Has splendid Im provements In way of 8-room dwell ing and all necessary out houses; com manding a fine view of the surround ing country, within one half mile of electric car line. The right man can make a fortune dairying and trucking. This Is a "Jim Dandy” and will have to be Inspected to be appreciated. Good reasons for selling. For particulars call on or address, Duncan Real Estate Exchange Home Money to Loan on Mortgage. $1,300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK. On Improved City Property. Throe five years. GEORGIA LAND & TITLE CO. 370 Second Street. J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 007 129 Cotton *vi MACON. GA. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 353 Third St Telephone No. 77. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College 8t_ 7 rooms....145.00 No. 121 High St.. 7 rooms (8.00 TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS To Iran on Improved city property, Money In it, fcuJt—aa doUvj’,