The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 18, 1904, Image 13

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1904.- 5 THERE’S WISDOM IN BUYING CHRISTMAS GIFTS HERE Practical, useful and appropriate suggestions for the Christmas shopper will be found in our magnificent display of Holiday Goods next week. Each department will be in Holiday attire, contributing its quota in making up this grand Uletide sale, and presenting opportunities that will mark for all time to come the one great bargain event of the pre=Holiday season. Fine Furs A practical and useful gift can be found among our line of special Holiday Umbrellas and from one-third to one-half better value than ordinarily offered. It comes about through a special purchase of Umbrella handles— the sample line of a large manufacteurer. We had them fitted to Umbrellas made according to our own specification, built with Paragon Frames and covered with various grades of silk in keeping with the grade of handles. Some are natural wood, others are mounted with Sterling Silver and Gold and are priced as follows: $10.00 values, pure silk Taffeta, tape edge $4.98 $7.50 values, pure silk Taffeta, tape edge $3.48 $5.00 values, pure silk Taffeta, tape edge $2.48 $1.50 values, Gloria Cloth or twilled Serge $1.00 Fancy Scarfs and Pillow Shams Drawn Work Renaisance and Embroidered Scarfs, Center Pieces and Pillow Shams; all sizes and shapes, from the smallest squares, 6x6 up to 45x451 Scarfs, 18x22 up^ to 18x54. Price range from 10c QQ That Remnant Sale More good values have been secured at this remnant sale than any other similar sale ever conducted. At the end of each week we gather all short lengths from the various departments, measure them and price them for quick sell ing. New attractions go ort Monday morning and you'll have a chance to get a bargain if early selections are made. Fine Silk Fans Fine white and delicately tinted Fans for eveqing; plain or lace trimmed; carved sticks of wood or Ivory, just a nice and suitable present for Christmas and at a cost not beyond the reach of a modest purse. We are showing an elegant and varied assortment recently bought, so that we can offer some very exceptional values at (PC AA from 50 cents each up to $u>UU Christmas Handkerchiefs For men, women and children in great variety and in endless quantity. Children’s white and colored OP „ hemstitched borders at per dozen OJC Men’s white and colored hemstitched E _ borders, each vJL Men’s all-linen white hemstitched Handkcr- A A _ chiefs, each 1UC Men’s fine all-linen soft bleached hemstitch,^<4 AA Handkerchiefs; worth 25c each, six for J)JLUU Men’s fine white linen Handkerchiefs, soft (PH AA finished, ready for use, 35c each, or six for.... 4)4,UU Ladies’ hemstitched Embroidered Handker- A A chiefs; worth 12cents each, for 1UC Ladies’ all-linen hemstitched Embroidered A E_ Handkerchiefs; worth igc each, for IOC Ladies’ all-linen Hand Embroidered hemstitched Hand kerchiefs; put up in neat boxes (six to the (Jf P t box), at per box 4)1.0 V Ladies’ Sheer Linen Hand Embroidered Hemstitched and Lace Borders in a variety of elegant styles. 50c, 75c, Sl.OO, SI. 50 Great Clearance Sale of Suits, Coats and Furs! Lowest Prices of the Season Go in Effect Honday SuWs 'Sot §$05m\s < 5oT§\§.$0 Values that shrewd buyers will be quick to recognize. Garments representing the smartest style cre ations of America’s most reliable makers and which have won great est favor among best dressers have been subjected to most morciless and humiliating reductions. They aro models that wore expected to sell at from $37.50 to $45.00, but on account of unfavorable condi tions that have existed for the past few weeks and pursuant to our es tablished method to carry nothing over from one season to anothor we have grouped all high grado suits that were formerly $37.50 to $45.00 and placed them undor one uniform price quick clear ance, viz, Another attractive lot are thoso $25.00 to $30.00 suits that have been exceedingly popular on ac count of their stylo olegancoos, per fection of fit and high character of lino Choviots, Panamas and Broad cloths in popular shados of Brown and Blue, Blaok, and stylish mix tures. 40 inch tiglit-fltting Coats, 22 inch blouso ofTects, 26 inch tight Coats, severo fitting and loose back effects; Skirts nino and clov en gorod, high kilt ploats, all ologantly tailored. Reduced for quick $19.80 '5'uifc *5vors S>r&a\ A recent purchase of a manufacturer’s sample line added to our already extensive stock, gives us too many Furs, and to make a clean sweep of the entire line we have gone through and made a reduction on each and every piece, thereby presenting a rare opportunity to secure a practical and useful Christmas gift at a price that means one-third better value than can be found elsewhere. The collection includes the latest shapes and rarest skins—Sable, Isabella and Black Foxes, Mink, Marten, and CRH Lynx—Scarfs and Muffs, $10.00 each to 14) tJU Sable, Oposum, Electric Seal and Baum Marten Scarfs, $2.75 each to $7.50. Make early selections and procure choicest styles and best values. CAoaks Coats for Misses, from 8 to 12 years, of fine light weight Kersey in the popular browns, blues, tans and castors, made by an exclusive manufacturer of Misses’ Garments, and possessing those distinctive and attractive features that have always characterized our Misses’ Cloaks. Prices begin at $5.00 (M E and range up to Jllv) Ladies’ and Childrens’ Knit Sweaters Ladies’ Ready-Made Waists Norfolks, Blouses and Sweaters have undergone a spec ial price trimming to clear out all grades, from the cheapest to the best. $5.00 values for $3.98 $3.50 values for $1.98 $3.50 values for $2.98 $2.00 values for $1.25 The celebrated Opera Waists, the perfection of fit, ele gance and style; woolen, silk and washable fabrics, reduced for quick clearance. $ 7.50 values for....$5.40 $5.00 values for $3.98 $10.00 values for... .$6.50 $3.50 values for $2.98 Ladies’ Neckwear The newest creations of the most reputable makers arc here in great variety, affording ample scope far many se lections. Christmas shoppers can solve their troubles in many instances if the line is inspected early. Embroidered Stocks, Embroidered Turnovers, Tailor- made Stocks, Four-in-I lands, Jobots and Wind- <£Q AA sors, in a price range of from 25 cents each up tojjO. UU Gloves tor Gifts Never heard of a woman having too many Gloves, did you? Can't make a mistake in giving them iff they are the right kind; otherwise they would fall short>of pleasing the recipient. It is a well-known fact that our Gloves have no equal. We secure a high glove standard that insures satis faction. Foster lacing gloves in all the new AA colors for the season at, per pair ,.4) laUU Foster Lacing or two-clasp Trefouse, all colors at, per pair $1.50 Stylish Belts Wido Crush Belts of excellent quality Liberty, Pcau de Soie and Taffeta Silk, including browns, blues, greens, reds, orange and black; worth 75 cents each, to run /A. special next week High novelties in Belts and superior quality silk in all the new colors and plaid combinations, with CQ C A richest designs in buckles, 75 cents each up to.. JIJ. JU BELT BUCKLES—New shipment latest TP novelties in gilt and gunmetal, 25c each up to 4) 1. / J Hosiery Sale A great Hosiery stock composed exclusively of' the celebrated Onyx brand, including staples and novelties, put up in attractive packages for Christmas, 3, 6 or 12 pair in a box, ami priced specially for this week’s sale. Children's Fast Black Ribbed Hose; worth 19c A E per pair to run special, in sizes6to 7)4,at IOC Ladies’ fine Gauge Hose, fast black, regular AC- made, plain or fleece lined, at per pair L JG Ladies' fine Gauge Hose; worth 35c per (f-J AA pair, put up 3 pair to the box, for 4) I • UU Ladies’ fine Lisle—plain or lace effects, in E rt _ new and elegant patterns, per pair uUL Fine Lisle Thread and Silk Embroidered or(PQ Art Lace effects, 50 cents per pair to tJ)0*UU A Sale of Silks Colored Taffeta Silks in.neat figure effects for waists or shirtwaist suits, in a variety of new colorings and /C. designs, thrown on the bargain counter at Fine Shopping Bags No finer or more complete line was evxcr shown In this market. The shapes are varied and includes the most popu lar and desirable leathers that can be found and represent all the colors most in demand this season. 50 cents each up to A group of atxiut IOO new shapes with braided leather or strap handles; worth 75 cents each; put on E rt _ sale for next week at JUG $30 THE W. A. DOODY COMPANY AT THE HOTELS Mr. W. O. Terrell of Atlanta, brother of Georgia's chief executive, was In Macon yesterday. Mr. Terrell was registered at the Brown house. He Is prominently connected with the New Tork Life. Mr. L. A. Meyers, district manager of the R. J. Reynolds tobacco firm of Winston, N. C., paid the city a visit Saturday. Mr. Meyers was during his Ktay in Macon a guest at the Brown house. Messrs. O. E. Scott and M. J. Snow, tobacco men of North Carolina, were registered at the Brown house yeater day. Among well known Georgians who stopped at the Brown house yesterday ■were D. H. Hayes of Atlanta. Thomas Camp of Atlanta, J. H. Turner of Sparta, J. R. Anderson of Savannah; 1 Horace Wright of Halcyondale, Dave Hirderd of Cochran, and Meaara. J. W. Oberry. 8. J, Marx and Mrs. J. N. Gar rett of Hawklnatille. Speaking of the coming opening n! the tourlet season, a well known hotel man said yesterday: "So far but a very few Northern tourists have passed through the South on their way to Florida. Nearly all of those who have made the trip have been women. We hardly expect the bulk of those Mor- lda-bound until after New Tear's day. But after the 1st of January the rail roads and the hotels will be busy, rule the traffic Is not at Us best till about the last of January. Those who make It s rule to spend their winters In the South like to spend the holidays at home, no matter how cold It may be. They desire to have s few days for sleighing and a good taste of the Northern snows before starting for the PERSONAL. Miss -Beatrlc Elder of Indian Spring la visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert L. Smith, on Madison street. The ladles of the Temple Guild will have a cake sale at the residence of Mrs. Sam Allmayer Thursday after noon from S to 5. Public Invited. Mrs. Is Goldman has returned from Augusta. She went to attend the fu neral of Mr. Dave Herts. Mr. Geo. U Mason, who has spent the last three years In New Tork. has returned to Mscon and this will be bis permanent home. The moment you taste desserts fla vored with Blue Ribbon Lemon ar Va nilla you will appreciate their purity, strength and dellcarcy. WOLIHIN CHAPTER. Officers for the Ensuing Yssr Were Elected. Wolthln Chaptsr. Ms Royal Arch Ms- son*. elected offices for lies ss follows; J. T. Davison. II. I*.: It. G. Hyman. K.; H. H. Hopson, 8.; M. Ilapp. treasurer; W. W. Solomon, secretary; A. L. Dasher. C. t. fm. AajjfWreffc M. Winn. M. 2d V.; W. W. Barron. M. 1st V.: Waites, sentinel. The former publication showed the i O. Hyman as that of H. • tlala aro corrected. In buy In* eye-gU* sea. Jt is well to consider personal appearance as well ss correct lenses. Spratling, the opti cian. by carrying a complete stock. Is able to meet the above requirements. Corner Cherry street snd Cotton av- The Redmond - Hassee Fuel Co. Coal. Phone 223. Military to Attend Services. on’s thn milH flat d services at the First Bap h this morning st 11 o'clock The Macon Volunteers, the Huzzan snd the Floyd Rifles have been order ed out In full dress and the staff ant members of each company will marcl from their respective armories to th< church. Arrangements have bcei made to saal the members of tha com Coal sold at summer prices iu the winter time. The Empire Coal Co. Phone 130. Weddlnn of Interest. _ Macon people* who know Miss Kate M. Holder ss a young lady who attended col lege here snd afterwards made her homo In the city, will be IntereMted to I*»'irn of wmlsr 11 In Chicago. Thn couple will make their future home In that city. Mr. Bpnuldlng I, the Western reprerenta. live of the Empire mills of Atlnnt*. Bureau, Automatic Tray and Dress Trunks, from $6.00 to $3.00, at Macon Trunk Co. Gulf Current Strenuous. NORFOLK. Vm, Dec. 17.—Captain Hadden of the British steamer Mon mouth. which arrived here today, re ported at the hydrographic ofTh*- that the gulf stream current Is running I north at a rate of eighty miles a day " 4K -* -mthbound sailing vessels numbers t*y the ylng northbound •head of their chedule :liars go to LAtiur ft T. W. LAWSON. A stock exchange has a perfectly le gitimate function In a country's busi ness mechanism. It Is n place where market can hot on the Instant ascer tained and the dally list of quotations Is therefore universally consulted for Information and guidance. If Mr. Law- son's sensational performances are merely the tactics of a conscienceless raider who without warrsnt of fact or reason assails values and hammers down prices, then It would seem that that the gentlemen who stand before the country as the pillars of the vast Investment structure owe It to their own reputations and to the comfort and security of the inventing public to expose his baseless assertions. If on the other hand the recent range of se curity prices was reached through ma nipulative processes quite unrelated to earning power and actual value, If the market was Indeed a house of cards, then Mr. Law won is performing a pub lic service, even though Incidentally he may be lining his own pockets. Ho long ns New York city maintains a Ktock Exchange that Is open to such raids os have caused the violent fluc tuations of the past week, ambitions that may anywhere be cherished to make It the financial centre of the world will be Justly ridiculed. A cen tre Involves the Idea of balance and stability. A financial centre Is a place where movements snd changes should be the the resultant of a multitude of forces. Quoted prices In all its mar kets should represent With an ap proach to accuracy the world’s aver age, the normal level. The Time* has refused to publish Mr. Lawson's advertisements. As a Justifying measure for their froift Its columns It Is sufficient to thi£ The Times Is not that ktrd of newspaper; those responelble for Its character and contents do not care to make that kind of newspaper. The Times does not believe the chirr"* which Mr. Lawsott rruk> s against «ori.« of the great*»t corpcranona Jn the country, corporations managed by Hoards of Trustees Including many of the chief men In the country, men In whom the public boa entire confidence, men who are the custodians of hun dreds of millions of the people's sav ings.' If The Times did believe Mr. Lawson's charges It would print the results, not In Its advertising columns, but upon Its news pages, os Informa tion It which be a newspapers duty to lay before Its readers.—Editorial from New York Times. Meet mo at tho Skating Rink Monday, 19th, at 2:30. New War Doge. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17.-S«cret*ry Morion today approved the recom mendation or the naval hoard on con struction for the award of the contract for the conatructlon of the armored cruisers Montana and North Carolina to the Newport Newa Shipbuilding Company, at tta bid of tl,r.76.000 for each veaael, and tha contract for tha conatructlon of the batlleahlp New Hampahire to tha New Tork Ship- building company, at Ita hid of IJ.47*,- The Redmond - Massee Fuel Co. Vulcan Black smith Coal. Phone 223. pay your atate, county and poll taxes by December 20th and aava coeta and Internet Wood Alcohol's Work. ASHLAND. Ky, Dec. 17.—A report has reached hare that Captain Spriggs and live others of the craw of a push boat from Preston burg, ar* dead ut the mouth of Beaver Creek, Onto the effects of drinking wood alcohol. Sev eral others of the crew who drank of i reported out of dan- AFTER TOBACCO TRUST. Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco Growers In 8es«lon. LTNCHBirRO. Va„ Dee. 17r-The oxecutlve committee of the Interstate Tobacco Grow era* Association of Vir ginia nnd North Carolina met today at South Boaton and took steps to secure the curtailment of the tobacco crop next year of at laaat SO per cent. In order to wage an active fight against the American Tobacco company. The territory embraced In the association la the old Bright belt of the two states nnd represent ten thousand planters. Tha rarmera are to be Importuned to grow diversified crops In order that they may be In poaltlon to dictate to (he t runts. H. C. Adams, of Charlotte county, fa president of the association, which has grown with wonderful rapidity nines Ita organisation last spring. , Summer piiceH on coal, all the best grades. The Empire Coal Co. Phone 13«. Deputy Syveton’s Death. PAMS, Per. 17. —Revolting details of the flomwlr rendition* preceding Deputy [ Byveton‘» death continue to flood the newspaper*. According to deposition* made by Madame Oyvatoa before the ex amining magistrate, It boa been definitely Axeertained that Ijeputy dyveton com mitted suicide by Inhaling gi* nnd In order to avert a scandal. Madame Hyvn- ton admitted to Ihe magistrate that she. ■ammgn'hft h fi&y° of* her h hnshMnd*a« to ink* I rate papers. rs :haum and Briar R »t Pipes of finest qual ity. H. J. Lamar & Co. 7 Doo from th* Exchange Bank. Christmas Without TEETH. No man should qo without teeth; no woman can afford to. I lave Crowns and Bridges made anil avoid the use of afttfidal teeth. < >f course you will vifit l)r. Lanier - Dental al’rlors and have your teeth examined by expert' Crown and Bric!;;e workmen before you decide who shal do your dentistry. Take Somnoforeme for painless extraction of teeth. I’hone 627 for Dr. LANIER, or Dr. Meldrim American Dental Parlors, 618 Cherry Street I*f/ your J tafe. cicmty and poll tnt-1 by P" : l>cr 20th u.:.d iv.t costs and Interest,