The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 18, 1904, Image 14

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TH^ MACON TELEGRAPH : SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1904. »•»>♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 44444^-44»4f »+4 MR. DOOLEY j On the Simple Life. By F. P. DUNNE. (Copyright, by McClure, lip* * Co.) "Well, Chee. Wegner bee been havin’ th' floe old time over here," eeld Mr. Dooley. "Ie tbet th' men thet wrote th' nue- Ic?" esked Mr. Henneeeey. "No,'' eeld Mr. Dooley; "thet wee Cel. Thle le Chee. Wegner en' he'e th' euthor Iv th' two hundred thou- eandth hook thet Prleldlnt Roeenfelt hee reed elnee th' flret Iv November. •Tie celled 'Th' Simple Life.' He eud- den't And It In Frence eo he come look in' fr It emong th' elmple en' peethrel people In thle counthry. He found It. He come over In e lerge but elmple chip Iv twlnty thoueen' elmple horee pcwer en' tended In th' elmple village Iv New York where he war met be e comity Iv elmple little vlllege lade en' leeeee en' eecorted to th' elmple Wei dorf en' Inatelled In e room elmply decoreted In purple plueh. Thet eve nln' he attlnded e meetln' iv th' Fifth Av'noo Female Simplicity Club. A lady wearln' e collar Iv dlmon'e whoee value wee elmply febuloue recited pee- eegee fr'm Th' Simple Life.’ Afther thle n elmtile cupper Iv terrapin an' champagne wee eervrd. He thin took m elmple Pullman thr.iin to Wneh'nton where he iytlr,ded a reyclpllon ut which e leny Iv th' diplomatic core, which la all that le left Iv diplomacy nowadeye, poked th' wife Iv e con- greeeman with a lorgnette fr golu' Into eupper ahead Iv her. I-ater he waa reycelved be th' elmple prleldlnt who eeld to him: 'Chee,,' ha eeye, •I’ve been preecbln' ye're book to me countbryman,' he eeye. ‘Simplicity an' e ethrong navy le th' watchword Iv thle edmlnletratlon." he eeye. •'Since thin Chee. hee been whoopin’ up th' elmple life. They've ahnwed him Ivrythlng elmple we have. He'e eeen th' aabway, th' dhralnege canal, th’ etock eichange. Tom Laweon. dawn D. Rockefeller an' Mre. Chadwick He'e looped th’ loope, ehot th' ehoote, had e ride In e pathrol wagon, played th' raeee en’ met Dave Hill. Th' lee 1 eeen Iv him he wee climbin' Into e private car In e fur-lined coat an' a plug hat. Whin he gnea home to hie elmple life In Parle, he'e gnln' to have a ticker put In hie etudy. He le un- dherehtud to favor cellin' copper on hulgea. "I haven't reed hie bonk but Hogan eeye It'e a good wen an' I'm goln' to reed It either I've reed th' Bible an' Emereon which Mike Aheern rloom- mended to me th' year Iv th' hlg Are. Th' Idee le thet no matlher whet ye ar-re. ye muat he elmple. If ye're rich, he elmply rich; If ye’re poor, he almply poor; If ye're neyether, neyetlier but bo elmple. about It. Ye don't have to be gln'roue to be elmple. He mekee a ethrong pint Iv thet. tn-eard* to Rueeell Sega.) It len't nl< leery to open yo're puree, eaya Chee. If ye're a mleer. be a elmple mlaer. It ain't tealntlal to be poor to be elmple A poor man walkin' th' ethreele le far lore elmple then A rich men lollin' hack In hie carriage en' Agurln' out elmple Inthreat on hte cuff. Th' poor man le envloua IV th' rich men hut th’ rich man le not envloua Iv th' poor men. If ye're a dower, eeye ha tie e flower. If ye're a hur-rd be a htir-rd. If a horee a horee. If a mule a mule. If e humln'a hur-rd a huntin' bur-rd, If e pole cat a pole cat. If a men a men. Rut elweya be elmple be It aver eo complex. "Th' on'y thing Hogan an' I oon't make out fr'm th’ hook la whet le alm- pllclty. I may be a almpletnn. 11 In- nlrry. hut I don't know. Father Tom Burke waa forty yearn wrlttln' a hook on ‘almpllrlty* en' he nlver got beyond th' Aret alnllnce which wee: ‘It la elmply Impoaelble to deAne elm- pltctty.' u ain't elmple to be poor. It ain’t elmple to be without clothee. It ain't elmple to be ploue or eober. Ye're pretty elmple to believe all I tell ye hut ye may not bo aa elmple ae 1 think an' hope. A. lie may be ae elm- pie ae th' Ihruth. Th' fact Iv th' met- ther la that tit' m!e thruth la nlver elmple. What we call Ihruth an' paw around fr'in hand to hand la only ■ kind Iv Iv a currency lhat we uee fr'm convenience. There ure n good manny counterfeiter* a th' counterfeiter* nine' vulatlon. I haven't nnuy nutation thet 1 take In ir tellechool ti MORE CIVIL WORK SET FOR HEARING The City Court Will Continuo Hearing Upon th# Civil Docket Until Tues day—Several Important Case* for First Week in January* his wife put on inaufTrable airs an' had such bad table manners that thla here pathrlte waa compelled to leave th’ room an* run home to put It down In hla diary. “An* there ye ar-rt. Th* more I think, th' lesa simple simplicity be come*. 8aya Wagner via Hogan, a man ahud be like a lamp an’ th more light he sheds th’ betther men he la. That's th’ throuble with ivrybody that thrle* to advise me to be something I can't. Whin I run him into a corner an' say: 'Come cn now an’ make good. Show me th' way,' he tells me I'm a lamp, or a three, or a snow-flake blown be th’ winds, or a hur-rd in a glided cage, or a paint bruah or s ship, or something else. But says I: 'I'm none iv these flne things. I’m a kind iv a man an* I’m not mtnttoued in th* botany or th’ rqall ordher list Tell me what I muat do.’ An’ he looks me In th’ eye an’ says he: ’Be a man.' An’ there ye ar-re. If a man'a a lamp. It's because he smokes, don’t show up well in th' sunlight an* will wan day be blown out. There ar-re other simple uses fr lamps besides glvln* light which Is wan iv th* poor est things they do nowadays. Roth- rhlld (tirades in thin, th Herman im- pror thinks they sr-re on’y useful to throw at his Inlmles. an' my business is to All thim with karosene. "No, air, they ain’t snny simple life. There’s on’y life. It's a kind Iv an ob stacle race, fllnnln' replntln' slimin’ replntln'. Some can Jump high; some can't Jump at all. Thim that Jump highest have farthest to fall. Those that go farthest are ruled-off fr foulin’ A man's no more thin a man an’ he has as manny things in-him, anny wan Iv thim lt'ble to go wrong without a mo ment's notice, ss sll th’ InJInes, tools, lumps an’ other hardware figures Iv speech In a prise pome. He has to make hls clumsy repairs while undher full headway. Lucky man if he stag gers Into port without havin' caused too manny shipwrecks on th’ way over. It isn't th' most succissful passage that has caused th* most shipwrecks. Ye set. Hlnnlssy I’m a kind iv a Chaa. Wagner mesllf on’y betherr He gets his out iv a Fr-rench head an’ I got mine out Iv th’ third reader that a lit tle boy left in here who came fr a pint Iv simple refrlshments fr hls father's comqlex thirst." "I don't think ye know* such about It," said Mr. Henneaaee. "I know more about th* sample life,' said Mr. Dooley. Work In the civil branch of the city court was set for two days of the pres ent week yesterday morning. After Tuesday there is no other work for hearing before the holidays. There will be nothing heard until Monday, January 2, when the work of the ses sion of Tuesday Is finished. The civil work will lasf through the first week In January. This time will be devoted to the cases set for hearing at yesterday's session. The docket shows much heavier work than has been done during the past week. A number of the cases are Im portant ones and will occupy a great deal of time. The arrangement of cases is as follows: Monday, December 19, 1904. Weichselbaum vs. Jones et al. Umar et al., executors, vs. Lamar. Taylor A. Riley Drug Co. Tuesday, December 20, 1904, Fearless Dishwasher Co. vs. New comb. Monday, January 2, 1905. Thompson Co. vs. Kellers. Cable Co. vs. Crump. Hheppard vs. Cagle. Holmes vs. Cllsby. Walla vs. Manchester Manufacturing Co. Tuesday, January 3, 1905. Grey Lumber Co. vs. Harris et al. , Ober's 8on’K Co. vs. Huzlenurst. Hightower vs. Macon Hallway and Light Company. Kt. Louis Htone Masons, etc., vs. Georgia Quincy Granite Co. Waters vs. Central of Georgia Rail way Co. Wednesday, January 4, 1905. Dannenherg vs. mayor and council. Nlenateln. vs.. Central, of. Georgia Railway Co. Bernstein vs. Central of Georgia HAllway Co. Merritt vs. Burkeye Oil Co. Commercial Collecting Agency vs. Wright et nl. Thursday, January 5, 1905. Fengin vs. Htetson Lumber Co. Johnson vs. Odum et al. Gates vs. 8chau. Ethridge, executrix, vs. Crump. Tinker vs. Macon Gaslight and Wa ter Co. FROM MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, TO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.’s Special XMAS Dividends We have imported the very finest selected Teas, Coffees and Groceries for the Holiday Trade. The A & P purchasing agents have visit.ed almost every nook and corner in the world in search of the finest food products, .and they are happy to state that they have been more than successful. Every package warranted A No. 1. None better. lot The Redmond - flassee Fuel Co. Blue Gem, Jel- lico and Alabama Coal. Phone 223. Books Mako Good Presents. We have them from the simplest linen A. B. C. book to the nicest edi tions de luxe. New fiction. Fine bind ings. Poets. Have never had a nicer line.. MrRvoy Book A Btat'y Co. DUPONT 0UERRY SAYS ITS A “FALSEHOOD” Was Highly Incensed at Reading Jour nal's Publication That Wesleyan Girls Wsre to Meet Y. M. C. A. Boys In • Basket Ball Game—His State ment. 1 Kpeaklrtg last night of the article printed under a double-column head In the Saturday Issue of the Atlanta Jour nal. President DuPont Ouerry of Wes leyan said: ,• "The statement In the Atlanta Jour nal of this afternoon that the girls of Wesleyan are to play basket ball with young gentlemen la a falsehood. Please publish this. (Hlgned) "DtiPONT GITKRRY.' Tha above statement waa the out come perns pa of a misapprehension on the part of the Journal. The Tele graph printed yesterday morning statement that two teams of the Y. M .O. A. would appear In a game Mon day afternoon before the students of Wesleyan and Invited guests. Proha- nanny Iv thim over me In- bly the Journal understood that the air Ivory day un' pass out girls were to meet the boys. » Iv th* counterfeits I Khould such a game have been clous metal In thim ployed there would never have been on y they don't bear | an end made of ‘t. Basket boll lacks •’I'- a good deal of the fierceness of footbnU le is s mpliclty an- but there Is still n deal of "roughing 1 CojUsh wurrud J If* in the game. When one or tw think )t over. 81m- j the pluyerg clash actual scrimmages '•* . n * v « i usually take place. Basket hall Is sll an dimple.. 1 don't i right In Its place, but when the two about bein’ simple, j sexes meet In a game It would be one muktt me that way. j that would draw spectators for many mpHcity but I can't j miles to see. especially If the partici pant* were to be members of a female school and members of the Y. M. C. A. fei b much |i Lord didn't i Imagine i put me ha ir full line of all brands of cigars, and always fresh can be found ot lea- mar A leamar'a. Fancy Apples, a lb 10c Faper-shell Almonds, a lb 20c Walnuts *....180 Large Brazil Nuts, lb..12c Sicily Filbert, a lb 12c Fancy Pecans, a lb 12c 8myrna Figs, a pkg....10c Hallow! Dates, a pkg... 6c Figs in Basket, basket.20c R. & R. Plum Pud ding, a lb .23c Greenbaum’s Plum Pud ding, a can .10c Grandmother Plum Pud ding 20c None-8uch Minoe Meat. a package 10c Poultry Seasoning Bell's 10c Thyme, 8age, Marjoram and Savory 02c Prunes, 90-100, a lb.... 5o XMAS COUPON Cut out this Coupon. Present It at our store and by buying One Dollar's worth or more of goods, you will re- celve20 8 & H Green Trading Stamps Free, besides the regular stamps and extra stamps given on sales. Good from Monday. Dec. 19. to Saturday, Dec. 24. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. This Counon not good after Pec. Prunes, 50-60, a lb 7o Prunes, French Oregon. 30-40, a lb 10c Raisins, Grandmother seeded, carton, 3 for.25c Raisins, London layer 3- crown, a lb 10c Raisins, London I«y«rk4- crown, a lb 12y*© Raisins, imported Sultana, a lb. carton 12c Currants, Grandmother cleaned, carton, 3 for 25c Chariot Brand Apricots, a lb 12c Chariot Brand Peaches, a lb .12c Very Best Citron, a lb..15c Lemon Peel, a lb 15c Orange Peel, a lb 15c Fanoy Apricots, loose, a lb 12c Fancy Peaches, loose, V The Redmond - Hassee Fuel Co. Coal. Phone 223. THE LARGEST AND FINEST LINE OF CUT GLASS IN THE CITY. JNO. S. HOGE DRUG CO. THE MERCERIAN. An Attractive Issue Just Out Full of Interesting Matter. The December number of the Mer- eerlan has been published and Is now In circulation. This issue Is a largo one and contains valuable contribu tions from several students aa well as Interesting stories and poems from George Hubert Clarke. Bridges Hinith. Harry Stillwell Edward* and William Call Jones. The selection of material, the qual ity of productions, and the general make-up In the Mercertan contribute to (hls Issue In such manner as make it worthy of the peruaal of the reading public. The present Issue reveals the Mercerlan steadily forging to the fore front among Houthein college maga zines. There is un expression of taste and a general literary bearing in this number which makes the msgastne more than a college publication. There 1s an Indication in tnta ns well as ail issues of the pnat three years of a high appreciation of the literary aide of student life at Mercer, and numbers of young men are using this magnslne as «n organism of what they hope to term literature In later work. Best Freshly Roasted 20 Stamps Free with 1 lb. of 35c Coffee (Java and Moca) 15 Stamps Free with 1 lb. Delicious 30c Coffee 10 Stamps Free with 1 lb. very beat 25c Coffee in the U. 8. emus. Wagner T«?ll me, t’h.ui., how to lead th* simple life. Tell me. Tha>- dore Roeenfelt, simple foul, what 1 must da I'll go aa far aa yo like. Hand out th’ rayrelpt I'll make me- alif a simple man tf 1 have to baka In • slow oven to do It What'll 1 do? Throw away th' superflootles says Ho. gar. yut iv Chaa. hla book. But what * r ’re th’ BUperiluotlca* I’ll turn out th* Illcthrlc light, shut off th’ furnace an’ deathroy th* cash raygister be which complex macheen 1 keep mesllf fr’m fobbin* mesllf. But am I anny more simple because !*m boldin' out on me sllf with frozen fingers be s tallow dip? Waa th* wurruUS tver anny more sim ple thin it la today? I doubt It. I bet ye there was a good dale Iv talk about Adam an’ Eve dbresain’ ostentatlonaly •n* havin’ th* King Iv HelJIum’s ances- thor to supper with thim. Hogan was readin* me out Iv a book th* other day about th’ simple fathers Iv th* coun thry. It wui a tur-rble shock to me. This fellow says that Robert Morris who I supposed sacrificed hla fortune Pr liberty. InJooced th* govermtnt to pay good money fr bed; Jawn Adams * - *d to n >kt a kingdom tv th* counthry; while ae fr George Wash'- t he acted like u coai-oll Jawuny * he " .ut to th* White House, an' Nunnnlly’s candy for Christmas. A fine assort, ment and plenty of it. Taylor’s All-Night Drug Store. YESTCKDATrilyEATHER. Meteorological data furnished by the loo*I office of the rutted Sintra depart* ment of agriculture, weather bureau, for the twenty-four hours ending at 4 p. m*. central time. Thermograph Reading. ' 11 pm..« l am .10 11 pin «* ..**'12 mn..4r. * am **•“* . 41* t am..43 7 am • pm. , • pra. ..43 3 am..42' 9 i 1# pm...43, 4 am..41 10 i Seasoned )ak tad irine wood. eut any length, well split for rooking. Ill M'ks for heaters The Empire Coal Co. Flione 130. River Report. The Ocmulsee river at Macon at 7 a. «• read 1.Sleet a fall of #.l of a foot during th# post twenty-four hours betas l.t feet shove low water mark of Ilf* The (Vonee river *1 MUIedveviUe i 3.3 feet, a fall of * 3 of s foot during twenty-four hours. Woodmen Elect Officers. OULTR1K. Oa.. Dec. 17,—At tht ting recently the Woodsmen of t rid held their annual election L We ■on. C. Cs C. 3. Pre\ Applewhite, hanker; , •rk; J. H. McHargue. Perry, secretary Dodd aad J. 8. 1 An elegant selection Salad Dishes, Plates, Olive Dishes. Cake Plntes, Cho colate Pots. Tea Sets, Cel ery Dishes, Vases, etc. H. .!. Lamar & Co. Two Door* from the Exchange Bank. The Redmond - Massee Fuel Co. Vulcan Black smith Coal. Phone 233. NO ANSWER RECEIVED BY POST OFFICE MEN Additional halp Wanted for the Holi days by tho local oHic»—Last Yaar Raquost for Extra Holp Waa Not Mode but it Will be Badly Neadad Thie Tima. Officials at tbs Macon pootoftlco are anxiously awaiting a reply to their request for additional help during the Christmas holidays. A few days ago tha request for additional help waa I made to the headquarters at Washing ton. aa It la lit their hands to say whether or not more men can be taken on to help in the handling of Chrlst- mas mall and packages. Last year no such request was made, but some time ago It waa perceived that the cruah this season woukl call for extra jgj hands—hence the call. <■ From the present indications the I jE postoffice will be filled with Christmas IB !■ 1 ■ l parcels and packages by Thursday. ■ > Already a few bundles have been re- j i • celved and have been delivered, but I not until the Utter part of the week I will the rush actually fafcgln. Then I from all sections of the country will begin to pour Into the local office gifts I 1 of one kind or another. The handling j I of the increased mall will call for ad- I dittonal help, as the present force would be unable to attend to ft In the I limited time. A fine assortment of! Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Traveling Cases in Seal, Sea Lion or Alligator, ranging in price from S3 00 to 5.25.00. H. J. Lamar & Co. Tvs0 Deere frem the E*chnnjt, 6 Stamps Free with 1 lb. flne 20; Coffee 60 Stamps Free with an 18 Oz. can of A & P Baking Pow der 50c Absolutely Pure. Ask for complete catalogue Teas, Cof fees and Groceries. Best on the market. 20. Stamps Free with a large bottle of A & P Extracts or Flavors 25c No cakes, pudding or pies complete without A & P Extracts and Flavors. You Save 25 to 40 Per Cent by Buying of the A & P Stores. The Finest New-Crop TEAS 25 Stamps Free with 1 lb. extra flne 60c Teas FANCY ELGIN CREAMERY £ 28c Granulated Choice Head Sugar Rice 5*M c lb 5c lb Confectioners Nabisco Wafers XXXX Sugar 19c at Cost This Week Finest Cream Cheese 15c a Pound 20 Stamps Free with 1 lb. very best 50c Teas , In th« U. 8. Any kind. 15 Stamps Free with 1 lb. of fine 40c Teas 25 Stamps Free with 1 lb. ot ' 60c Teas (Caddy Thea-Nectar) “Home, Sweet Home” FURNISH IT EASILY AND ELEGANTLY. DO IT WITHOUT COST. Tho Premiums Given Free for “S. & H.” Green Trading Stamps con stitute everything in the way of merchandise needed to furnish and or nament a home. The “stamps” are obtainable from thousands of repre sentative merchants every where—as a discount—an inducement—for cash trade. They cost you nothing. They’re your due. They are valua ble, and failure to obtain them is waste. Another Valuable Aid Soap Wrappers, Trade Marks, Labels, Tobacco Coupons, Tags, Etc. Take them to the S. & H. Green Trading Stamp Store, 203 Cotton Ave., and they will give you S. & H. Green Trading Stamps for them. r ...The Great... Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE AND GROCERY HOUSE IN THE WORLD—250 STORES IN U. S—008 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA.