The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 18, 1904, Image 6

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER i8, 1904. Christmas to he good requires si fine ly flavored,even tempered Whiskey For this purpose we offer you Mount Vernon « >v The Cream of Maryland. We bottle uj this famous old whiskey. Mellowed ft by sifje and is guaranteed 8 years old. $ When bottled by us you aroabsolute- 5 Iv certain that you get the original p goods. The Price— ^ 91.00 per Quart <v 93.50 per Gallon Jug ^ 93 75 for Four Full Quarts ^ We csill the attention of the oon- ^ suming trade to tlie line seletion of 4$ Fine Wlilskles and Beers. « Prompt attention to mafl orders $ Our Rebate Tickets save you money $ | Sam & Ed Weichselbaum 2 Plione414 jn 361,3rd St., New Location, Macon, Ga ♦ \ Exquisite Christmas Gifts A thing of beauty la a Joy forever, and making selection la an aaay differ when you have seen the wealth of magnificent goods displayed v Miss Henrietta Davis. 4 SHE 18 SHOWING 4 4 Handsome Comha for the hair— Evening Ornaments, suitable for ± Jewelled and plaln-tortolae ehell 'HA"*!"* , ° w eoloi-a 4 ? becoming to blondes and bru- 4 and amber—Jet and cut ateel. nettea. T Hammered Prase—the rage In Bwelldom. 4 Massive Jardiniere, Umbrella Htands and Candlestick*. ♦ 4 Hesldes carrying thla elegant atnek. Mias Davis Is thoroughly T equipped with all modern appliances for treating the hair, akin and 4 nails, and her holiday offer of 4 $ 13 Tr.atm.nU tor 35.00 X 15 Elootrlool Tr.atment. (or 33.00 I la particularly attractive. I t . wo ?. 1 '** l * "ufflclrnt, anil th. Chriatmna rh«l>por will ♦ And H well worth whllr to taka thr rlrvutor at iltr CommarcMl Itank, . I nd drop In for a to l Hiss Henrietta Davis, ♦ Fourth Floor - Phone 2562 ♦ Children'* Haircutting and Manieuring for Gentlemen a Specialty. »+44444«444« •nail Evening Bridge Party. Mr. and Mrs. MInter Wimberly en tertained at a small bridge party on Friday evening, at which the prize, a lolet vase, was won by MY*. J. F. Hanson. After the game a hot sup per was served in courses. The parlors were decorated with cut flowers and Mr. and Mrs. Wimberly dispensed a charming hospitality, af fording their guests a most enjoyable evening. OGOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | Lawson Brown. Mrs. Jones was also ’ presented with the guest prize, a pretty white .and bold bonbon dish. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS f ; ogogoogocgoogggoogoggooggo Mrs. B. D. Adams will give a large reception after the holidays. The Thallan Cotillion Club will give their holiday dance on Friday evening. December 36. Miss Pattsn and Mis* Tye. Miss Lydia Patten of Wllkesbarre. Ph.. and Miss Myrtle Tye of Atlanta, vilf he with Mrs. Turpin until Monday and will receive Informally this after noon, and evening. They will be as sisted In receiving by Miss Kate Crump and Miss Annie Laurie Bhaw. Morning Bridge Party for Mrs. Pickett. Mrs. J. F. Hanson, who Is enter taining at a series of small card par ties. was hostess at two the past week, the first a bridge party and luncheon Monday morning In honor of Mrs. Smith Pickett whose many friends in Macon are delighted at her presence In the city. On Monday morning there vere two tables of players, and a de licious hot luncheon was served when the game was finished. Ensign Hayne Ellis and Bride Recip- ienta of C'nrming Social Attentions. Ensign 4>nc Fill*, of the United States Navy, and Miss Hally America Long, whose marriage was celebrated i brilliant wedding at the First Christian church In Kansas City on Baturday afternoon, at 6 o’clock, have h'cen showered with delightful atten tions the past week, in the way of din ners, luncheons, box parties and so on. and Miss Long herself entertained at dinner for her bridal party. The groom's mother. Mrs. Robert Coleman, his aunt. Mrs. William Lee Kllla and brother, Mr. William l>e Hills, have gone on to Kansas City, and were present at the wedding of this populnr you rig Macon lie whose many warm friends here are wishing for him and his charming bride all passible happiness. There were seven table for the game, which wan an interesting one. Mr*. Callaway Entertains. Mrs. t Merrell Callaway entertained at bridge on Thursday afternoon the Young Matrons* Bridge Club, the func tion being a very enjoable one to the members of th# club, who were her guests, Mrs. Duckworth w«U entertain them at their next meeting In January. Informal Party. Mrs. Walter Houser entertained few friends most pleasantly nt bridge on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Parsons was awarded the first prize, « beauti ful box of paper, and afterwards de licious refreshments were served. Among those present were Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Jesse W. Rates. Mrs. Cook- erly. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eads. Mr. and Mrs. Parson. Miss Taylor. Mr. Ed. Plorcc and Mr. Rooss Ilolsenbeck. Christmas Cantata at Mt. do Salts Academy. The young ladles of Mt. de Bale* hom ' on afternoon at » o'clock Mork roraf,H rr^roUoo" boa heel j f " r «“ «**- made for the entertainment Hnd those vho attend cannot fall to be pleased. J The object of the play Is to add to the l building fund. The friends of Mt. d* ; Free Kindergarten Exercieee. The Free Kindergartens will have their closing exercises to celebrate Christmaa as follows The Parent Kindergartens will have Its celebration on Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock. Miss Emily Gyles Is the principal in charge, with Miss Annie Laurie Garfield and Miss Re becca Grist at assistants Special friends have donated a gift to each child, as well aa fruits and candies. The little onf*s of the kindergartens have made their own decorations and gifts to their parents. The friends and patrons are most cordially Invited to come out and enjoy the afternoon with the little ones. The Willingham Kindergarten have its celebration given by the Clo ver Circle of College street girls Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. This kindergarten has Miss Nellie Berley as principal in charge, with Miss Pau line Brarlet and Miss Busle Griffin as assistants. The children have been busy for weeks preparing the room decorattlans and the gifts to parents. The public is most cordially Invited to come and sec the children and their work. For Vinsville Orphan Home. On Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Bunshlne Boclety of Tattnall aqunre will give an entertainment and Christ mas tree at the residence of Mrs. Da vid Hill, for the benefit of the Vlne- vllle Orphan Home dinner and Chrlst- A small admission fee of ten cents will be charged and every child receive a present from the tree. An additions! attraction will be tables where home-made candles will be sold. F.very one Is cordially Invited to nt tend, especially thf children, as the entertainment will he a very Interest ing one. and besides the pleasure af forded them thqy„,CAn feel that they are contributing to the pleasure and happiness of other children less fortu nate than themselves. Mrs, Hill want* every member of the Bunshlne Society to meet at her Brilliant Euchre Party. Judge and Mrs. William H. Felton and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dun can entertained at a large and bril liant euchre party on Wednesday evening, invitations having been Is sued to about one hundred and fifty guests. The function was given at the Fel ton residence and while a very large affair, was one of the most thoroughly enjoyable ones of the week. The card tables were arranged In the picture gallery and In the dining room, both handsome apartments, and the game of progressive euchre was played with much Interest by the com pany. Three prizes were given, the gentle men’s being won by Mr. William Mc- Ewen Johnston, and the ladies' by MFs. N. R. Wlnshlp. The lone hand prize went to Mrs. Andrew Hasell After the game was concluded a hot supper was served In several courses. Mrs. Clarke Guest of Honor. compliment to Mrs. James Tru man Clarke was the bridge luncheon given for her on Thursday by Mrs. J. Hanson. There were four tables for the game at which two prizes were given. Mrs. W. D. Griffith won the first, a pearl brooch, and the guest prize, present ed to Mrs. Clarke, was a beautiful basket of holly tied with crimson rib bon. The decorations were pink roses. The luncheon was s,erved In several bourses. THE XX™ CENTURY SEWING MACHINE and Its pupils will no doubt vines their Interest In this Institution by lining the auditorium to Its Hmt. Tickets 50 cents. Meeting of Brush and Psneil Club. The nrusb and Pencil Flub met oft Hnturdny afternoon at Miss Eva Wrlg* ley's studio. Miss Maude IIIII hnd chnrge of the pregrtm. The artist studied wnn J. McNeill Whistler, and several Interesting articles were read. The progrnm wss ss follows: "A Few of the Various Whistlers 1 Hsve Known”—Miss Fvn Wrlgley. "Borne Venice Rc**ellectlons—Mrs. Ed. Rysls. Artists of the city were present to enjoy the program. Progressive Euohrs Club. Mr. end Mrs. H. M. Wortham enter tained the Progressive Euchre Club on Thursday evening. The game was played In the two parlors, which were decorated with vases of white roses and fern, the color scheme of white ntid green being car ried out. Al the game of progressive euchre Mr. 8. U. Jsque* won the gentlemen’s prise, a cigar box of mahogany. The ladles' prise, a tall Bohemian glass comport, wa* won bv Mrs. Felton. The game was followed by a course supper, which was served In the din ing room and In the loggls, the guests being seated nt two long tables. The centerpiece for each table wa* a tall silver loving cup filled with Kalserln Augusta Victoria rosM. and j the candles and shades of white and green on the csnde’abra correspon ding. The toggle win very attractive mill beautiful with palms und hanging baskets. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ellis Entertain. On Tuesday *v*nlng Mr. snd Mrs. Roland- Ellis entertained the Rrldge club, of which thky are members, at one of the ehjoygble card parties of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pearson will en tertain the club at their next meeting. St. Paul's Guild to Have Cake Sale. The Indies of Bt. PauI's Guild will have a cake sale In the basement of the church on Friday afternoon, the 2Jrd Instant, from 3 to 5 o'clock. They will sell all kinds of cakes and home made bread. All thoso who wish to buy their Christmas cake will find their money well Invested by patron ising them. Rosebud Circle Give Christmas Tree. The Rosebud Circle of the Kinder garten Association gave a Chrlstmsa tree at the residence of Mrs. Robert H. Bmlth on Friday afternoon, for the benefit of the South Macon Kinder garten school, of which Miss Emily Giles Is principal. The girls to whom the success of the affair Is largely due, are Misses Winnie Mae nnd Fannie Mnnghnni Hill, Viola Plant.- Lllllnn Solomon. Margaret Smith- These girls worked indefatigahly for the nffalr, and their efforts were crowned with success, aa quite a nice sum was real ised. The Circle Is doing a good work as they are supporting the South Mncon school by their own efforts, unaided by any one else. Mr. Kohler and Hospital Fund. Mr. Kohlsr. proprietor of the Colo nial bowling alley, who hns on other occasions materially assited the young women composing the hospital auxil iary, In raising funds for that inatl- tultlon, has with characteristic gener osity. proposed to let them have charge of the Colonial on Monday the 26th. throughout the day. and evening, giv ing them the entire proceeds to aug ment the hospital fund. This will be a splendid opportunity to give pleas ure all around, ns almost every one loves to bowl, and pleasing cue's self In this instance, will greatly pleaae these young women, who so thorough ly have nt heart the welfare of the city hospitnl, nnd who labor so unselfishly to keep it up. At this holiday i son every one feels inclined to do good, and patronizing the bowling al ley that day will certainly be one avenue In which our good Intentions, nnd impulses may be properly direct cd. Throughout the day and evening some of the young matrons and young Indies of the auxllllory will be at the Colon In I as chaperones, nnd they will be delighted If the alleys are in con stant use. There will be quite a num her of our college boys and girls at home for the holidays, and many bou • ling parties might lie made up for th especial occasion. In honor of then young people, beside* numbers of par ties which the society people who Joy bowling might give. Let ull cun. patronize them, nnd swell the hospital fund. OOOGCOGOCCOOCOGCOOCOCGOOCO WEDDINGS OOOOOOOOOeOOOOOCOOOOOOOODO Wedding of Miss Adams and Mr. Shep pard. The wedding of Miss Mary Wells Adnms and Mr. Charles Robert Shep pard of Augusta will be celebrated at beautiful home ceremony on the evening of tho 21st. and Is a very In teresting event to the large circle of friends of this popular young woman in Macon. There will be a number of out-of- town guests In attendance, some of whom have already arrived. uomy. lie generous but not rock- j'k on recklessness The money in ket. An account with the Equitable ....j nd unnecessarily with EQUITA ULE UANKING AND LOAN°CoJ ron. Ga. Geo. A. Smith. President. ' Holiday Excursion Rates \ Vi. Central of Georgia Railway One and one-third faro for the round trip Tickets on sale to teaohers and student* ot schools and colleges, holding certificates, De cember 17th to 24th, inclusive; final limit January -Sth, 1905. To the general public December 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 31st, 1904, and January let, 1905; final limit January 4th, 1005. - for rate*, schedules, and further particulars, Mr. Walter i* ***ln Host. Mr. Walter Turpin entertained at a beautiful card party on Wednesday evening after the Barrett-Horne wed ding. in honor of the b**ldal party, nnd Miss Louise Todd uml Miss Myrtle Tye of Atlnntn. Mis* Todd of Atlanta. MIm Loutar Tmld of Atlanta wa, th. honor *u.,t nt a d.ltahtfiil ,moll Drltl^o P«rty on Thumday evonln., Klx-.n by- M'„ Annie Hannon End Mice Ctalre Ripley. Ml«» Todd woe presented with the .ue.t rrlie which was a copy of “The Meequemdern.” Captain Heb.on Entertained, Since hi. arrival In Mucon Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson hue been ehowii many «ocl»l attention,. Euchre wae played at ,t, tablet, nnd I r , ‘ ob fi "°, n - nt «»talr>oa at vcore w.. her, by Annie Pace and Eu- ** »«• genln Turpin. | \ The ft rat prlie. an oval water color, I p . _ . wa. won by MIm Ruw.ll. who ; alio captured the lone bond prtae. a _ h * ' r><, r 'K , '«r TVorre.a dub eu- copy of The Oeoraianr - I n.I? T * ur » <1 »> r evenln*. tho Mr. Charlie Williams won tho gen- “ P „ wol > b > Mre. Dave Wlt- prlae. a muffler. **T* »‘«P»«en Popper and Mra. !J"7 U axeibaum cut for the lone- i hand prlie. and the connotation prlie . went to Mre. Popper. The party - u large and very plcaeant anc. i Bridge Whi.t Nine! I: ¥ m - F‘. Steven, waa hostess at 1e! f “ *""" ca rd party on Krl- i 2** wh »n »he entertained the Bridge Whi.t Nine. whk.* i° r n,0,lf of ,h * P»»V "•••'« »h te and ttremv After a very Inter- ! brl< >*»- • hot eupper <,,n,n « won- The ***** *»* '»'« with a lunch eat of E.” J . rt * ,n * Hungarian work. I U* cun ml T *'"* a **" * Uv * r lov - I * CUp ? r '' wltt, Augusta Victor!. I * n ' X ' A * *“!***■* and shads* o £*<r ia '*' >r ’ * Uver »"<i krm-r 1 , “'!•" l " i,, f °r twelve. Mrs. ste ‘Hug three extra gueata fo blrh followed the game About twenty.four guests were en tertained at this function, whlcn waa delightful and beautiful In every par ticular. Mrs. Augustas Jonss Complimented. Mrs. Augustas Jones of Jackson. Mlsa, a as the honor guest at a pretty card party by Mra. Jordan Masses on Wednesday afternoon. The first and lone hand prises were won by Mrs. Duckworth and Mrs. !S T o Dessert 1 More Attractive qThe highest type of FAMILY SEWING MACHINE—the embodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITY—the ACME of CONVENIENCE. q Still another feature is the OSCILLATING HOOK, a device assuring absolutely correct motion for making A PERFECT LOCK-STITCH; avoid ing variable speed and reducing friction. Sold Only at Singer Stores, 563 Cherry St., MACON, GA. Architects, Contractors and Builders. Your attention is called to the fact that, In addition to our Concrete Building Blocks, we are manufacturing fi”, 8”, 12” and 18" Hexagonal Tiling for interior and exterior work; Window and Door Sills; Lintels, Skew-backs, Key-stones. Column Bases and Caps, Buttress-caps, steps of-any length, and all other work of this kind. We are also propared to execute promptly or ders for ornamental work of any design. Your patronage *s solicited. Bibb Stone & Tiling Company. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. MACON, GA. PHONE 270. OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lot* of things in a Jewel ry Store that don’t'contain Jewels; lots of small, inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won't haroly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long as you like; buy when you get ready. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga Drink Pure Rye For Sale at all the Leading Bars. Bedingfield & Co, Sole Agents. Phone 361. Phone 633 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. Barrett-Home Wedding. The marriage of Mini Adelaide Eli sabeth Horne nnd Mr. John J. Barrett of Miltedgevilte wn* celebrated at homo on Wednesday afternoon, the 14th, at 5 . o'clock. Rev. James R. Lawrence, rector of Bt. Barnabas, officiating. The decorations were elaborate. The Christmas Idea was carried out In nli the details, the color scheme of red and green prevailing in each apart ment. except the large drawing room where the ceremony took place, where only white nnd green wer used. At one end of this room a chancel was found of tail palms reaching to the calling In the center, with those of graduating helg’-.ti form!n~ an arch of green as a b-u-kground for the white raised altar, the base of wh>h waa banked with palms, tfhd twined with smllax and surmounted by chyttnl cathedral candelabra, each holding five lighted, while tapers, with white ptv’de* or.d with vases of carnet Ion?. Just above this waa a beautiful glitter ing Christmas star under which the of ficiating minister stood, and In front of It were the two white satin cushions on which the couple knelt. The man tel waa banked with white carnations end fern, tall cut glass vases of the same flower* and white roses were arranged on the tables, long spray* of weeteoiaii. City Ticket Office, 352 coiui street, C. A. Dewberry, jcCit\ Iket and Pass. Agt. Jno. W. Blount. Traveling Pass. Agt. i Jcli-Q rc-fuc-. better mak* la tars miautn I fniKhm Inf. b.itar tiring tat nltruri.uo I rv- to thr h.Mt Lr At I utjr, Hug "•I Aft.mewn P.rty. WOMa Sp«rk« Wi. V PWty , nd thoroa.1 •utlfui tank . nrrunl - Owrf* Dun s *ta tail geld c EfeC&S’' Vl|~ ^ u I'd*"- rrG.- J. *u— 1 ‘ 7. «*■** THIS IS THE SEASON FOR R08BFR/FJ! PUT FOUR MONEY INTO A SANK smllax gracefully draped the wall*, the I windows, and the chandelier, under which wa* tied with a bow of white *atln ribbon, a large bunch of mlstel- toe, with It* white waxen berries, and white bells and mingled with the greensry every where were small GhrlBtmas bells made of white Immor- ! telles. The folding doom were draped I with portler* formed of ropea of sml’ax ■ and caught back with white r’bVn j tied In h!g bow*. In the drawing r^o*-* ‘and In the second parlor. v.'he r * ? •> ! decoration* were red and rr »'a* r I hows were red. Bmllax dr • • the ! walls In this room also and inter I npersed with the vln*** were be’Is of j red immortelle* These were suspend* I ed Yrom the chandelier, and «l*o r. wrreath of holly carnation* further ac centuated the crimson In the color I scheme, which wa* completed by tal? pedestal lnmpa with crimson shades. ! The red and green color scheme wm* i also carried out In the music room and j library. ; Quite a number of relatives and In timate friends besides out of toww guest* were present to witness the j nuptials, and nt 5 o’clock the hour j named for the ceremony. Lohengrin's J wedding march, was rendered by ‘ Guttbnberger’s orchestra. announced the entrance of the Valdai party, two ' llttla maids' Annie Page, and Eugenia J Turpin, preceding them with white ribbons, and forming an aisle to the Improvised altar, where the groom and his best man. Mr. Julian Brown of Fatenton. and Rev. Mr. Lawrenco awaited them. The ceremony was very beautiful and Impressive, uniting these two young people for life, the flower song being softly rendered as a violin solo. The attendant* were Mi** Annie Laurie Shaw, maid of honor, MIm Kate Crump, and Miss Lydia Patten of Pennsylvania, bride* malde*. and the groomsmen were Mr. Hugh Cline of MHledgeville. and Dr. J. J. Stone of Hawkinsville. The bride wore an exquisite prin- cesse gown of white crepe de chine, hand made, with panels of pin tucks, and trimmed in roe point lace, and rope* of Roman pearls. The corsage also waa finished with a bertha of the same lace, and ropes of pearls. Her leng tulle veil wa* caught with a sprag of forget-me-nots, fastened with a diamond and pearl pin. a gift from the groom and she carried a shower bouquet of bride roses with long streamers of white tulle. Mis* Shaw wore e gown of green crope de chine, made In Marie Antoi nette style with shirred front panel, and corsage finished with raffle of lib erty silk, and deep girdle of the same. Her flowers were red carnations with streamers of pale green satin ribbon. Mis* Patten was gowned in a white Continued on page eight. A Spot in your memory of this Christmas sea son will always re main green. If you take thl* advice. It Is to open a Saving Account even if you have only one dollar to start with. No man ever regretted such an agt. Neith er will you. In bus- ines* transactions there are two im portant factors. 8sfety and Profit. We loan on first mortgage. Never lost a dollar! We pay 6 per cent Interest on depos it* Compounding semi-annually. Equitable Banking and Loan Co. 170 Second Strete, Macon, Ga. j A , Reflection o f the holiday VV spirit is shown in ] | the large number )J of people who come to us daily. They come in ex pectant. and go out joyful. They have’ probably heard of our Photographs They may be very doubtful about our ability t o make a handsome picture of them. They are pleas antly surprised, as you will be when you see our work. HILNER’S STUDIO 101 Cotton Are. Phone Oil.