The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 18, 1904, Image 8

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Tup MACON TELEGRAPH; SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1904. None but the Best A Bath Robe Outfit For a Christmas Present would he nlcci'Wouldn't It? Wc have them all In CR7lSH*»conslstlni} of Rohe. Slippers, Rags and Towcl”$5.00 to SIO.OO. Eiderdown Robca**S5 to Crash Rohcs»*S5 to $IO. L We Take Periodical Tickets \ Continued from p*g« olx. We nsk tho trade to boar in mind that we are headquarters for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ev ery day. Order of us and get fresh made goods. We sell only to deal ers. Exclusively wholesale. JohnsofhKing Manufacturing & Company, Confectioners, Macon, Ga. organdie made in 1810 style. with shir red front panel, and overeklrt finished with. valencleunlea lace and tiny bowa of white satin ribbon. The bodice wds Aniahed with the white aatln ribbon and high green girdle of aatln, and ehe carried white carnations with ribbons. Miss Crump's gown, which was in 18JO style also, was of white moussel ine over taffeta, the shirt trimmed with deep epaulettes of lace edged with ruf fles of mousseline, and a green girdle. Her flowers like the other brides maids were white carnations tied with green ribbon. After the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments were served in the dining room, which was decorated in.the Christmas colors also, and from the chandelier. red bells and holly were suspended a cloth of exquisite drawn work, and had for Its centerpiece a miniature Christmas tree with , tinsel decorations, and many lighted red and white tapers. In the center of the table, and around the tree, a large star was formed of delicate vines df simlax. At each point a silver candlestick with lighted can dle, shaded with red outlined the five points of the star, and between these points were cut glass vases Ailed with red carnations. The place cards were In form of stars, and decorated with sprigs of holly done In water colors, and the receptacles for the brides cake, with which the guests were presented^, were dainty white satin cornucopias laced with ribbon, and decorated wreaths of holly hnndpalnted. In the form of red rqsc*. and of white doves on a crlm*oiK*backgroi»nd the leas were frozen. At 7:30 after changing her bridal robe for a going nyray gown. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett left for Atlanta, and from thence wen to Madison, where they will be at home to their friends for some time. The brides traveling gown was a dark blue Panama cloth trim med with Persian bands, and worn with a shirt waist of plaid silk. Her blue velvet hat corresponded with the gown, and was trimmed In red roses. Among a number of out of tow guests at the wedding were Mr. an Mrs. Barrett, the groom’s parents, and his sisters. Misses Mary and Laura Barrett of Mllledgevlllo, Mr. and Mrs. Compton of Atlanta, Miss Louise Todd nnd Miss Myrtle Tye of Atlanta. Mr and Mrs. Charles Barrett of Mllicdge vllle, Miss Lydia Patten of Wilkes barre, Pa.. Miss Edna Pope, Dr. J. J, Stone of Hawklnsvllle. Mr. Julian Brown of Entonton, Mr. Hugh Clin* of Mllledgevlllo and others. Christmas Wreaths. The girls at the Mum ford Home will furnish holly wreaths at most reasonable rates. Orders can be tele phoned to the matron sf the Home and will be promptly Ailed. p .Sr J. T. STEWART’S J- Poplar Sf.‘ HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE, IS NOW READY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. SEND ALONG YOUR OR DERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINEt No Expr,.« Paid On This. 1 0,1. Old Corn Silk Corn 15 00 1 Gal. Old K«y Blona Rya 1.00 1 Oal. Old Poach Brandy 3.00 1 Oal. Old Now Encland Rum.... 1.00 1 n»l. Old’Holland otn 1.00 Corn, Rye. Gin nnd Rum 11.10 par gallon up. Exprraa paid on two gallon* nr mora 12.0 ' good, to noma addroaa In Juga. due nnd llo! II. trada a specialty. Buy your friend Case or a Club Bag. Macon Trunk Co. Suit Kv.rj thing as rapraaantad ar monay refunded. Express Paid on This. 4 Full qt*. Old Kdkemont Rye....$4.00 1 Gal. Jug. Old Edgatnont Rye.... 3.60 4 Full qlx. Old Horse Shoe Rye... 3.00 1 Oal. Jug, Old Iloraa Shoo Rye. ...2.73 1 Full qts. Old Jeff Clark Rye 3.00 1 Gal. Jug. Old JeR Clark Rye.... 2.73 4 Full qla. Old Big Horn Rye 2.90 1 Gal. Jug. Old nig Horn Rye..... 2.60 4 Full qts. Old Harvest Com 3.00 1 Oal. Jug, Old Harvest Corn 1.76 Orders titled same day received. OOOOCOOOOOCOGOCOOOOGOOGGCO ° MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. ° BooooooocooooogcoogoocoggS 44 4q 444444 4*4 44444#4444444444444444444 I+44-4-4444-44-4-44444 I Cheap Holiday Rates! 7 I j Southern Railway Ono and one-third faro for the round trip Tickets on sale to teachors and students of schools nnd colleges holding certificates December 17th to 24th inclusive ; final limit January 8th, 11)05. To the'general public .December 23rd, 24th, and 31st,- 1904, and January 1st. 1905; final limit January 4th, 1905. For further information call on any ticket agent. Q. R. PETTIT, J. W JAMISON, Dep. Ticket Agt. City Tickot Agt. JAflES FRHE r lAN, Trav. l’uss. Agt. 501 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Phone 424. Mr*. Mr K wen Johnston hun reutrned from a vlnlt tn Naw York. MIhh Knthorlno Black, of Auguntrf, la viaitlng Mra. Frank Conte*. Mr*. Baxter Jone* har returned from Forsyth, where *ho visited Mrs, Lyle. MI«n Kthol Jonen I* enjoying a de lightful vlnlt at College Park with Mrs. Lyle. Ml** Idoulsp Well* nnd Mr. Theo Well*, of Hnvnnnnh. will npend the holiday* with Mr*. Ham Hoge. Mrs. J. N. Talley and eon* are visit ing Mr. and Mr*. H. II. Talley In Vnldoatn. Miss Elizabeth BolfeuHlet returned Wednesday from a delightful visit to Ml*a Minnie Benton at Montleello. Mr*. H. M. Wortham will entertain the Bridge Whim nine on Tuesday afternoon. Mra. J. W. Bates will entertain a few friend* on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mr*. Augu*tu* Jones. Mr. and Mr*. C. p. Pearson will en tertain the Bridge Whist Club on th* Arst Wednesday In January. Mlrs Camilla Lamar will probably return from Valdosta Monday, where she has been attending the house par ty given by Mtss Lewis Hon. Charles L. Purtlctt returns home this week for the holidays, and early In the New Year he and Mrs. Bartlett will go to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carling leave Tuesday for New York to spend the holiday* with relatives. They will prolukbly be gone some week*. Mrs. Mallory Hunt Taylor. Jr., will entertain at a card parly on Wednes day In honor of Miss Josephine Shaw, whose wedding occur* on the 38th. Mrs. Cola H. Peete will entertain at an nfternoon tea on Friday. Decem ber 30th. ut which Mr*. John A. Scldon will be the honor guent. The Young Martens’ Bridge Club will be entertained by Mr*. Hubert Duckworth on Tuesday, the 2nd of January. Mrs. C. D. Russell has returned from Bsvannnh where, she has been 1 or several weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Glover. Miss Dora Comba of Wesleyan Fe male College will spend the Chrietmas holidays with Mrs. Alex B. fiubers on Orange street Miss’Behofleld and Miss Ethel Jones were guests at a large card party on Friday afternoon, given by Miss Emma Robinson of Atlanta. Mr. and Mr*. J, W. Bates and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cookerly are among the Macon people who will spend the holidays In Atlanta. Mr. And Mrs. Walter Btevens and Miss Marie Steven* have returned from Baltimore. Mr*. Stevens being somewhat Ipiproved in health. Mrs. Ilah Dunlap Jordan returned Thureday from Atlanta, where she was the guest for a few day* of the Misses Tompkins. Mr*. J. F. Hahson and little grand son. master Fletcher Hanson., Jr., left Saturday for Baltimore to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Young J. Garrett Mr. George Duncan, Jr., returns Tuesday from Sewanee. Tenn., for the holidays, and will spend his vacation of three months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan. Mr. Ion Simmons of Charleston, S. C. and Mr, Charles R. Sheppard of Augusta arrive today and will be here until the latter's wedding on Wednes day. Mr. Charles Harris, who has been a guest at Miss Pearl Lewis* house party in Valdosta, Is now in Macon and will be with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Harris during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Birch left today for New York, where they will spend some time and al*o visit their daugh ter. Mis* Leila Birch, who Is at school ln**Wushlngton. Mitis Hazel Conrad entertained In formally, Friday evening at her home on Northern Heights. The rooms were tastefully oeeorted with bamboo, holly and pot plariYa, Ml* Sarah Wsdley of Bollngbroke, who In tfie guent of the Ml**e* Paul In Atlanta, was complimented with a 5 o'clock tea by her hostess on Tues day afternoon. . Mrs. Julia Smith of Handersvllle. and little Mins Jennie Adam*, arrived In the city yesterday and will he here until the Hheppard-Adam* wedding, whfeh they came over to attend. Mis* ^ Lucy - Hines of Atlanta, who will be an attendant at the Sheppard— Adam* wedding on th" 21*t. arrived in Macon Saturday and will be tho guest- of Miss Adams until after tho wedding. Mrs. Smith Pickett returned to her home In Atlnnta Saturday after a de lightful vlnlt to MaJ. and Mr*. J. F. Hannon. Mrs. Pickett was the honor guest at quite n number of card parties during her stay In Macon. Mrs. Henry Lee Barfield will enter tain nt an afternoon tea on Friday, December 23rd, at a party for little tot*, the occasion being the 3rd birth day of her little daughter, Emily Bayne BarAeld. »" ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willingham will entertain for their daughter. Miss Eula Willingham,,on Friday, the 23rd. Miss Virginia Willingham and Mr. Broadus Willingham, Jr., will enter tain at a party for young people on the evening of the 27th. Mrs. Ralph Northrut of Marietta Will be with Cora Burr this week, which will be pleasant hews to the muny friends of this populns young matron. MU* Ityirr ill entertain at c&rd* In her honor on Friday after noon. Miss Lydia Patterson of Wllkesbarre, Pa., nnd Miss Myrtle Tye of Atlanta, who have been the guests ot Mr*. Tur pin, leave tomorrow for their .home*, after a delightful stay in the city, dur ing which they have been charmingly entertained, and have been the honor guests at several function*. Miss Louise Todd ha* returned to her home in Atlanta after n brief, but de lightful visit to friend* In Macon. Mis* Todd came down to attend the Horne- Barrett wedding on Wednesday, and also to l»e present nt the card party given by Mr. Wjilter Turpin that ev ening, at which she was an hon?r guest. Mrs. Florence Brown Reeve* and Mr*. W. B. Reeve* and little son ar rived this week from New York, and pay. But an -appointment as social aide to the president carries with It not a little eclat and one of its great est advantage* Met* in the opportunity it brings for meeting on the easiest nnd most agreeable terms people of the highest distinction. For In the course of n season great number* of notabilities—eminent and Influential men and beautiful and clever women —flow through the drawing room* and partake of the hospitality of the his toric mansion. Whenever the president gives a dinner there is always one of the social nldes on hand to receive the guests. It would not be consistent with etiquette for Mr. nnd Mr*. Roosevelt to await, like ordinary folk*, the ar rival of the people Invited, greeting them ns thev came In. They are obliged, whether they wish It or not. to nssutne a quasi royal formality. They do not come down-stairs until nil the guest* are assembled and the latter are received In the Red Room by the young officer who greets them as the representative of „lhe president, Introduces them to each other, nnd does ’whatever else he can to make thing* go pleasantly. When 8 o'clock, the dinner hour, ar rives the social aide goes up-«tnlr*. in form* Mr. nnd Mr*. Roosevelt thnt the guest* are awltlng and escort* tliem- down-stnlrs—not Into the Red Room, however, but Into the Blue . Room. Then he ushers the people by ones and twos from the Red Room into the Blue, nnd present* them to the presi dent nnd his wife. As *ooh o* this formnllty has been completed Mr. Roosevelt offer* ht* right arm to the lady whom. -- previously nrrangrd. he I* to take In to dinner: Mrs. Roosevelt take* the arm of the g>ntle- mnn who has been assigned 'to her and the other* follow. The soclnl aide hrlngr up the roar with the lady provided for him. But at large entertainment* of the kind, where perhaps three or four of the young officers nre on duty, they are not always expected to Jain the guent* In the banquet hall, hut after helping with the preliminaries, may go home or to the club for their own dinner. These young men serve under the direction of Col. Charles S. Bromwell. Mr. Roosevelt’* military aide, official ly so designated. He Is the master of ceremonies nt the White House, nnd . Immediately under him Is Major 111 1)0 with Mm. Henry Lee airfield | Charlex McCawley. nf the marine for eonie time. Lnler Mra. Brown and I corpx, to whom hun been delegated the little aon will vlalt relatlvea In Monte- management of moxt of the xoelnl aumn, her old home. They expect to htialneea of the patabllahmcnt. It In Col. upend the winter South. Bromwell who at public receptlona. a« wi.. on New Year's Day Introduces each Mis* Josephine Jonea artlteri laat [ individual to the president, while night from Nw York and will *pend . Major McCrawlay makes the presen the holidays with her parents. Mr. nnd i tat Ions to Mrs. Roosevelt. Mrs. Benjamin Jones, returning to It Is the chief business of the social New York on the 10th of January, aides on such occasions to keep the Mias Jones has been intending Ml*. ] croud ma/ be KcovlUe's schot Fifth avenue. Sensible., Lasting: Presents. IF YOU WISH TO BE CAREFUL AND ECONOMICAL IN YOUR PUR CHASES FOR XMAS PRESENTS ANb AT THE SAME TIME SELEC.T FROM A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE VERY NEV/EST AND BEST, YOU HAD BETTER START AT ONCE FOR OUR STORE. OUR LATEST NOVELTIES AND CHOICEST BARGAINS WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON’.T PUT IT OFF, COME NOW. WILL KEEP YOU,R PURCHASES AND DELIVER WHEN WANTED. v HvlACON LADIES GOLD WATCHES ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ? COQOOoCDOOGOOOCOOGCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOC ( Bibb Manufacturing Co., Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of Cheer received at the White IIou*e, they go ; ™ ■ i and Inform the President that he is , .... . . -| awaited, nnd. on his arrival In the East What 3 more useful ana Room (or one of the other drawing- 1 ... , r\ ~ rooms, chosen for the purpose.) they' appreciated than a Suit Ga^O present the people to him. If Mr*, j niuh Raw Roosevelt give* a mush ale. they tell i ur vauu Ji the RU „ lH where to go. see that they i .Macon Trunk Co. are seated, nnd make sure that those | who ought to have front seats are not! deposited in the rear. H i M r\ c c\ tip Dai imp ii pit I Lieut. Granville R. Fortescue I* a ANDSOiUfc YOUNG MEN cousin of Mr. Roosevelt. He enlisted ' as a private In n cavalry regiment at the outbreak of the Spanish war. and In February. 1901. he was appointed second lieutenant in the regular army. Only the other day he got into a scrape In San Francisco, being arrested for riotous behavior: hut the war depart ment chose to regard it as a Joke con sidering that a young man Just back from the Philippine* was excusable for Indulging In a certain amount of reck less hilarity. Lieut. Harry R. Lay Is a Washington -MUCH IN DEMAND APPOINTED MILITARY AND NA VAL AIDES FOR WHITE HOUSE. Price* That Go to Handsome and Popular Young Men in tho Army and Navy-—Eclat Attaching to tho Appointment*—Some of the Duties Required of Social Aides. Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc. Ni; and w Y or! JO Thomas St. Ofl’ico. illDxvinii-... • -- . .. JSC JS3C J.Cwv GCOOOOOMWOC Ov-SOC CC .C 0 eoeial aiqee at ine While w ¥ zzTfSSZJ'z Lemon Juice Four lucky young men have Just been appointed an social aides at the White House for the are Lieut. Roscosl navy. Lieut. Harry Randolph Lay. of the marine corps, and Lieut*. Dsn T. Moore and Granville R. Fortescue. of the army. These assignments of duty, the older* ot which are regarded as ex tremely enviable, are distributed not ss rewards for military service per formed hut merely In recognition of the persons! popularity and agree- sbleness of the recipients. Grizzled veterans are not chosen for work of this kind A socle! side to the presi dent should be good-looking, clever, well mannered and self- possessed: he should *l*o he voung. experienced tn the usage* of polite society and be yond criticism in the matter of attire. Above all, he should look well In uni form. All of these qualities dlattng- Good reliable time pieces by first class makers in good gold cases. Not the cheapest but tho BEST. H you want something good go to L. O. STEVENS, 366 Second Street. ♦ Beware of Imitations ♦ and Frauds. .... ♦ * We own and control l Willow Dale Pure Rye ♦ - ♦ Which cannot be purchased from others. More o 1 X this famous brand sold than all others combined* ♦ ♦ T One Galtcn of Willow Dale in Jug......$2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale $2X5, Delivered. ♦ V 4- t Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test THERE’S HEALTH IN he four officer* aba it mention- Various « osriments by em inent scientist* have proven the great value of lemons in de stroying the germs of typhoid and other fevers. Germs of diseases are deposited in the system by the .failure of the bowele to act regularly. MOZ- LEY'S LEMON ELIXIR is an ideal laxative, made from the juice of pure lemons, end has no equal for cleansing the eye- tem of all impurities,. It acte promptly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, and does not gripe or cause any unpleasantness. 50 cents per bottle at all drug stores- Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Made of Lemons. A. & N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, Hacon, Ga. boy and a Princeton graduate. He was appointed from civil life live years ago to a. lieutenancy In the marine corps and he will be a captain within a few weeks. Though only 28 years old he has seen a good deal of service, taking part in the campaign of ltOO In China, and subsequently sharing the dangers of a number of land rights In Luson. Lieut. Rpsooe C. Bulm«r Is two years older. He whs graduated from Annap olis m the class of 18t*. and has al ready seen nine year* of sea service. Just befors coming to Washington be had charge of the navy rifle team at Sea Girt. He la one of the most popu lar men In the navy. Lieut. Dan T. Moore is a tail and handsome young fellow of 27. Ke was appointed a second lieutenant tn a regiment of Connecticut infantry soon after the war with Spain broke oat, .and six months later he received a commission in the regular army. At present he is attached to the ar tillery corps. The White House social. aides are expected to give help of whatever kind may be demanded of them In the busi ness of entertaining. They may have to serve as beaux on occasions where special escort or attentions of one kind or another are required by young la- dies—especially If tho latter happen to he house guests of Mrs. Roosevelt's. If the president goes anywhere, under circumstance* where formaline* of one kind or another are involved, they must be on hand to help things along. In short they are to make themselves generally useful and their reward con- slats chiefly in the prestige their po- altlon gives them and in the social Ad vantages it confers. Rene Bache. Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack. *T had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was* about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. I took a done of them after supper hnd the next day feit like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since." say* Mr. J. \V. Smith of Jullff. Texas. For bilious ness. stomach troubles and constipa tion these Tablets have no equal. Price 28 cents. For sola by all drug-