The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 19, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACO^ TELEGRAPH : MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1904. S Christmas to be good requires a fine ly flavored, even tempered Whiskey. For this purpose we offer you Mount The Cream of Maryland. We bottle this famous old whiskey. Mellowed by age and is guaranteed 8 years old. When bottled by us you are absolute ly certain that you get the original goods. The Price— $1.00 per Quart S3.50 per Gallon Jug S3 75 for Four Full Quarts FARMERS DETERMINE TO HOLD THEIR COTTON the finishing touches to their hand some $6,000 home on Jackson Street. This Is one of the prettiest home in any small town In the South,. REPRESENTATIVES OF TWIGGS. WILKINSON, LAURENS AND PU LASKI COUNTIES WITH 1,000 UNSOLD BALES — RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING REDUCTION OF ACREAGE 25 PER CENT.—OR GANIZATION OF CLUBS URGED IN EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT— THE TELEGRAPH “THE FARMERS’ FRIEND." DUNVILLE. Go., Dec. H.—A meet ing of farmer* from Twiggs. Wilkin- son, Laurens and Pulaski counties was held here Saturday. The meeting was called to order at 2 o’clock. D. G. Hughes, Jr., was elect ed chairman and E. L. Wade, secretary. Mr. Hughes stated that the object of the meeting was to discuss the propo sition of the farmers withholding from the market the balance of,cotton now in their hands until the price advanc ed to a fair price; also for the discus sion of acreage for 1905 and thorough organization for present and future co operation. He thus declared the meet ing ready for business. The following resolutions were Introduced by Hon. I. N. Maxewell: "Whereas, cotton Is the great money crop of the South and the price has Second, That 10 cents is the mini mum price at which cotton can be pro duced nnd that this be our selling price/ Third, That we ask the co-operation of the banks and merchants in this effort to save millions of dollars to their patrons, the farmers, the produc ers, the tillers of the soil. Fourth, That we earnestly recom mend that the cotton acreage for 1905 be reduced 25 pef cent. Fifth,,That we organize agricultural clubs In every school district so as to be prepared for prompt and immediate action." These fesolutlons were discussed by Messrs. 'Wade, Maxewell, Milton, Spears and others. Hon. Dudley M. Hughes, president of the Georgia State Agricultural Society, befog present, mado a strong speech in favor of adoption and urging the im portance of agricultural clubs and thorough organization of the farmers for better business methods. He de- been serruptitiously reduced below the dared It was of paramount Importance We call the attention of the con suming’ trade to the fine seletion of Fine Whiskies and Beers Prompt attention to mail orders Our Rebate Tickets save you money cost of production by manufacturers, destructive, not only to agriculture but every branch of commerce In Georgia and the South, and believing the time has arrived when the farmers must either arise In combined action, face these despoilers with decision and de termination, declaring we are factors in pricing the product of our labor or renounce our capacity, ability and manhood. And believing it Is better for the South to lose her monopoly on that the cotton acreage of 1905 be largely reduced. Mr. Hughes’ speech was enthusias tically received and the resolutions wsfe unanimously adopted, amidst pro longed applause. Ap this meeting near the corner of four counties was composed number of progressive farmers from each county, representing. over one thousand bales of cotton unsold a mo tion was adopted that a copy of the cotton, rather than retain it at the , proceedings be sent to the papers In cost of bankruptcy and serfdom to j each county and. to The Macon Tele- Hawkinsville. HAWKINSVILLE. Ga.. Dec. 18.— Hon, J. J. Dennard of PIneview vis ited In the cltty n few days ago. Miss Elolse Hutchins has returned home from Savannah and Tcnnille, here she has been visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. T. S. Vinson of Cochran visited In the city recently. Mr. C. H. McKenzie of Montezuma hns returned home. Mr. W. M. Ivey and family of ,Tin- le.vson spent Sunday In the city with relatives. Mrs. W. E. Williams has returned from Vaughn. Ga. J. o. A. Cook and family left Wednesday for their future home In Columbus. Mr*. J. F. Register has returned to her home in Cochran. Mrs. Singletary is visiting In Ala bama. Rev. J. IT. Mather will arrive In a few dnys. He is the newly appointed pastor of the Methodist church. Mrs. VV. N. Parsons entertained the Matrons Club last Wednesday after noon and the large number of ladles who accepted her hospltnllty were en tertained by one of Hawklnsvllle's charming hostesses. The Parsons' residence Is admirably adapted for en tertaining. and on this occasion the entire lower floor, brilliantly lighted, was thrown open to the guests. The reception hnll and left parlor were gay In their decorations of holly nnd mistletoe, while In the parlor at the right of the entrance chrysanthemums and potted plants were used. The decorntlors In the dining room were red enrnntlons. Here Mrs. Martha Munford served punch, nnd here, too, was the brllllnntly lighted Christmas tree, from which each lady received her score card and a small red or green stocking filled with bon-bons, Mrs. T Lovcjoy being the Santa Claus. What Better For Your Boy than a Xmas presont of a good suit of Clothos? We will put on sale this week extraordinary values in boys Suits and Overcoats and you’ll do woll to see them THE DANNENBERfi CO. the grower; nnd that there Is profit in an eight million bale crop, but less in a twelve million bale crop to the pro ducer. Therefore, be it "Resolved, First. That for Immediate protection we withdraw* from the mar kets nil cotton on hand. graph, the farmers’ friend, with a re quest that they be published. Slo other business the meeting ad journed, subject to the call of the chair. D. H. HUGHES, JR.. Chnlrman. E. L. WADE, Secretary. HOLDING RECOMMENDED. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum Phone 414 361,3rd St., New Location, Macon, Ga Farmers of Spalding County Adopt Resolutions at Mass Meeting. GRIFFIN. Ga.. Dec. 18.—At a meet ing held in the city hall Friday, which was attended by about 150 of the most prominent cotton planters In this sec tion of the country. w*hlch was called in pursuance to the general call of Hon. Harvle Jordan of,-the Cotton Planters Association, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, on the 12th day of Decem ber, 1904, the secretary of agriculture of the United States issued an esti mate of the cotton crop for the year of 1904. which said report has caused decline in the price of cotton below the actual cost of production, therefore be NEWS NOTES FROM GEORGIA TOWNS Moultrie. MOULTRIE. G.. D*«\ 18.-*~One of the rtnst entertaining affairs of the season wns the house party this week nt "Kdite- wood.’’ the home of Judge and Mrs, W. S. Humphreys, given for Misses l*o i Russell, Willie Belle Mathews and Jennie Vercen. Dinner parties, luncheons nnd driving parties have been glvqn Ih guests.' Mrs. Shelley Humphreys ha . been spending the week at "Kdgewond" assisting In dTspensIng the hospitality far which this home Is so noted. ;Mrs. J. C. Tims whs. the hostess at .. pleasant nffnlr Thursday evening for her guest. Miss Mary Deulmm of Kuvntinnh. he was assisted In entertaining by Miss Jennie Vereen. Mrs, Mnthews rntertnlne 1'UlVJL That should not be neglected Is economy. Be generous but not reck less. A savings account is a great check on recklessness. The money In u bank doesn’t burn ns It does In the pocket. An account with the Equitable will save you lots of money that you would probably spend unnecessarily If you kept It In your pocket. It Is an ousy matter to start an account with EQUITABLE BANKING AND LOAN CO., - h, Pre * Resolved. That It Is the sense this meeting that nil cotton growers In the country do hold their cotton nt . . r--. • horn* or In bonded warehouses, until .JSuJhVeaVuVe, T "' w “ on * the price of cotton shall hnve reached the price of ten cents per pound. And be It further resolved, That the secretary do send a copy of these res olutions to Hon. Harvle Jordan, with the request that he hnve same pub lished In all cotton growing sections of the country; and snld resolutions be published In the Mldle Georgia Far mer. There seems to he n determined ef fort on the pnrt of the planters here to force the prices to a reasonable amount, and another meeting w ||| be held In the near future. 870 Second Street, Macon, Ga. Geo. A. Smith, President Holiday Excursion Rates Via Central of Georgia Railway One and one-third faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale to teachers and students ot schools and colleges, holding certificates, De cember 17th to 24th, inclusive; final limit January 8th, 1905. To the general public December 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 31st, 1904, and January 1st, 1905; final limit January 4th, 1905. For rates, schedules, and further particulars, call at City Ticket Office, 352 Second street, or address “Xmas is coming” Boau- ful lino rockers nt E. J. & P. D. Willingham’s. UNUSUAL CASE. Negro Claims Half Brother It Holding Him In State of Peonage, ATHENS. Ga., Dec. 18.— 1 There ha* been said a great deal about the white one of the teacher* In tho public ha* caused much regret, both In school and social circle*. Mbs Bhlpp lx a charm lug and cultured young woman nnd will be mlxffed In Moultrie. Ml** Lol* Hussell, who ha* been » guext of Mr*. Robert L. Bldpp nt "Tho Oak*’ nevernl drty*. ha* eon* to Tlnln bridge to be the gueat of friend* for tb< holiday*. Ml** Wltlle Hell* Mathew* will be the Ktnel Bhlpp In Amerlcu* for the Christmas neanon. ,Mr*. A. O’Qiilnn and daughter of Mayo. Fla. are gucet* of Mr. and Mr* Evan* Reynold*. Ml** Annie L®f McCord ha* gone to Jnckiion to spend f ~ * jgj tlve*. Ml** Pnl*v Joiner of Camilla, who he* been here visiting Mr*. W. L. Joiner, ha* to her rerent* at Wadeaboro, N. Mr*. W. II. Rugely In on a visit to her parents at Wetumka, Ala Mr*. Frnek O. Heard of Florida end Mi r W . M ,7- rmrins nnn Miss Kate McKensle. who have hern n» arhool In Atlanta are gue*t* of th< parent* Mr. and Mr* H. C McKenzie r /* rry nf N*tnbrldge and Mia* Kate JVoolard of Doertm are guest* of Ml** Jennie Vereen. men of the South holding the negro** ; }"hwr?t? 1 n * . .... Mi 1 Ml** Virginia Person* of Tnlbottorn, who ha* tw»*n with Mr. end Mr*. * ~ C. A. Dewberry, Citv Ticket and Pass. Agt. Jno. W. Blount, Traveling Pass. Agt. GOING WEST? If *o, be sure and see that your ticket read* via...* In n Rtate nf peonage, nnd many case* of that kind have found their way Into tho federal court*. There arft now pending many of these cane* In the several state*, awaiting the decision of the .urremo rourt of the United A tta7<, ?w r SSS>o%m"lSrta, teS Rtate* n* to whether or not the federal i iho guest of her daughter, Mr*. Floyd court* have Jurisdiction of the offense. I Johnson. Now come* Clarke county to the I V JTVfKJ* Thornn-ion spent front with « th4t I. entirely dlf- l.fift. B r ferent from any ever yet reported. It ! Gol. Pblny II. Hall of Vienna spent lasl In tho r.„ of ono negro who swear. SSeST JS ffinWrfWW. !5d that another negro I* holding him In it always dolixh;* hi* friend* to *es him a state of peonage. . Mis* a file flrnltb will leavn next week Yesterday afternoon Robert Chrl.- f^lW^th^holhSS: w,th' V Mr" P JSd topher. a negro man living near Mr*. Andrew Gipson flmfth. Blie Will be Whitehall In thi* county, through hi* neeomo«nl«*d by Mis* 3< rtrud.> Proctor attorney, Col. If. C. Tuck, of thin city, or For 2^ ■wore out * warrant before Judge Kln- nebrew. United Staten rommlsnloner, charging hi* half brother, Geo. Chrl* The Missouri Pacific Railway or Iron Mountain Route Th, Best Lioe to ARKANSAS. ARIZONA. CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, INDIAN TERRITORY, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, NEVADA. KANSAS. OREGON, OKLAHOMA. OLD MEXICO, TEXAS. UTAH, WASHINGTON, ANO WYOMING. LOW RATES TO TEXAS Oklahoma and IndianTerritory DECEMBER 13th AND 27th If you want to go 1 3 Train* Daily S:z0 A. M. From 3:00 P. M. MEMPHIS 11:15 P. M. I. E. REHLANDER. Traveling Passenger Agent, CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn topher, with the offense of peonage. Robert allegea that George I* compell ing him to work for him without any legal right to do so. and he ae*ka the aid of the federal court to make George let him go. This 1* probably the flrat case of the kind In the history of the nation. It ha* hitherto been considered c racial question, but here l* a case In which race cut* no figure, and In which two negroes are having It out with each other. The committal trial of the accused negro will be held before Judge Kln- nebrew within the next few day* nnd the development* of the case promise to be full of Interest. Milledgevlllf. MILLEDOEVILLE, Ga„ Dee. 18.— nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Allen Walker celebrated their silver wedding Thur* day evening from 6 to 10 o'clock, dur Ing which time a hundred and fifty or two hundred of tlydr friend* called. Many presents were received nnd hearty were the congratulation* tended them. The entire floor was thrown open nnd the warm glowing Area In each room threw soft light* over the hamlnome fern*, palm* nnd tall vane* of white chrysanthemums, making quite a contrast to the colt without. Assisting Mr*. Walker In re •elvlng were Mrs. Adolph Joseph, Mr*. Philip*. Mrs. H. A. Tlgner, Mr*. Will Hines and Mr*. Otto Com- Mrs. Walker’s gown was of gray Iridescent silk with rich old lace used upon It. Mr*. Phillip* wore a lovely blue crepe gown, Mr*. Joseph whltA silk, Mr*. Otto Comer red silk, Mr*. Tlgner grey crepe de chine. Mis* Bcurry, who presided over the punch howl, wore n dainty gown of green silk. An elegant buffet luncheon was served during the eveningi^lHHlHmHI Mrs. Henry C. Chance of Aligunla I* visiting her mother, Mr*. W. H. Rob erts, and will remnln In the city until after tho Newell-Rchultz wedding nt which *he 1* to be one of the attend ants Mis* Cnrlnne Crawford honored Ml** Dorothy Newell, one of (he bride* of next week, with a hnndkerchlef show Friday afternoon. Many dainty hiuid-mnde hnndkerchlef* were given A dainty salad course was served. Mesnr*. Frank and Henry Phillip* of Ht. Ixnil* were In the city this week visiting their parent*. Mr*. N. R. Ellison nnd little dnugh ter have joined Mr. Ellison In For syth. where he I* buying cotton. I On Tuendny afternoon Mis* Marie Whitaker will honor Mis* Katie Cone with a linen nhower, at her home near the city. Mis* Cone’* marriage to Mr. Kyle T. Alfrlend occur* December 12. Mr. A. A. Vaughn visited hi* wife Trouble in Moscow. MOSCOW, Dec. 18.—The police and Vidalia, VIDALIA, Dec. 18.—Ml«*e* Maude Hightower and Effle West, two of the assistant teachers of Vidalia Collegiate Institute, are taking the general ex aminations for teachers at Mount Ver non this week. Mr. C. T. Moxley hen Just returned from a visit to hts parents at Wadtey, j 04. Mr. T. W. Willetts and family hare recently moved here fro mBroxton. and will make this their home. Messrs. T A. Rockett and M. L. Clarke of Donovan, Ga., were here yesterday for the purpose of buying homes They like Vidalia and will. In a abort time, come with their fami lies to make this their future home. The following gentlemen are now erecting new dwellings: A. J. Wil liamson. Rev. E. L. Williamson. It. P. Scarborough. Vlvtor Merrlng and J. E. Brantley. All of these houses will add nnd little daughter this week, who are visiting relatives In Atlanta, Mr. Burnett Harris of Macon Is vis Itlng relatives In the city. At a meeting of tho chapter Masons Thursday night the following officers were elected: J. F. Bell, high priest T. M. Hnll. king; E. E. Bell, scribe K. C. Bullard, C. H.; John Stovall, P B.; W. IL Hnll. R. A. C.; A. J. Miller, master third veil; R T* p*y, master second veil: H. R. Jones, master first veil; Joseph Staley, treasurer Henry Goodman, secretary; A. Wall, sentinel. Mrs. Hid Edmonson of Meda who ha* been visiting relatives In the city, left a few days ago for Sparta. Mr. S. B. Tennant I* in Phlladel phln on business. Mr. Albert Jones la visiting his brother, Mr. W. Sidney Jones, In this city. Cspt. Richmond Pearson Hobnon lectures In the opera house tonight and quite a large reception will ho glv en him this evening from 8 to 7 o'clock by Miss Pauline Pearce at her lovely home on the Hill. The Christmas Bath may be—will be—a Holiday delight if wo have had the furnishing of your bathroom. Where Santa Claus pre sides And we provide and practice up on our long-tried skill, the resultant Is bath room comfort cleanliness nnd luxury to the last degree. Time yet If you get your order In promptly. Central Georgia numbing & Heating Company. I'lionc 2031. No. 159 Cotton Avc. OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas Is Coijiing There are lots of things In a Jewel ry Store that don’t contain Jowela; lots of small, Inexpensive, artistic nrtlcles. sultnble for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless you «nw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at Extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than l»y taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look ns long ns you like; buy when you get ready. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. HERTZ COAL CO. Phono 633 Prompt Deliveries oil Wood and Coal. —roit— 8 CHRISTMAS § Try Our rossarks today dispersed a d^monstra- J much to the appearance of Vidalia tlon of 8,000 student* who had assem- | Mr. Lyman Hall has recently fur- nled In the principal street* and In I nlshed a handsome ten room house front of the governor’s palace. Three hundred of the student* were arrest ed and sixty were Injured BabyJ *e skin can be [ftslljr Mr, hd free from s,ee*«*na. sorts i—. OoaLy tkeoseof i moot h»na ’ and every »Un u heiskells Ointment Kina & Ohphant, DruggiiW, Macsn, Ca anil la now occupying th. aamc. W, learn that Mra. Hall will take board- era for the achocl after the holiday!. Mr. E. 8. Horrlaon, Jr., bookkeeper for the oil mill, leave, Tuesday for Thomson. Ga., where he coca to be present at the twentyflfth marriage anniversary of his parents. Dr. and Mre. K. 8. Harriaon. Mra.W. F. Wllholt of Warrenton la visiting Dr. W. V. Wllholt. the efficient manager of the oil mill, this week. Mr. W. 8. Boatwright, who has mad so many friends In Vidalia during hl« stay here, leaves for hie home In Kouth Carolina next week, Mr. Boatwright la the hustling cotton buyer of vidalia. Mayor 8. B. Meadows la doing much for the development of the Inter*,t» of the town; he li now having Rail- road avenue clayed. When thl. work fg finished It will be of great benefit to the business men. Load and Kogasafcey ore putuoc uu uc^kidne: NO CURE PURE Pennsylvania Rye I Six Years Old, By The Gallon Express $2.75 Prepaid Fonr Full Quarls Express $3.00 Prepaid A Rich and Mellow Whis key just fine for making Egg Nog. a 8 8 * a * Loi •’bid Uj B*na ABNOIM 8.NNV0 •*IHO«t J®d 009 sx*up|){ *«»* JO uinjj gtintnsaj zu|wf pun sstps n« pus squin Xuiqoy 'poJI.I, ’••ntUUX AJStiMfl Xtdojd ‘MXtttia SAUlHfl 1SAXJD *ssp|s jo gosq UI SU|V,J SlU|«|daf05 JIAn sssss -*ia Xsupix n» so; Xpsujsj p»|j) pjo uo m Manchester Cloth. MANCHESTER. Doc. 18.—The mar ket for cotton goods was rsthsr more actlva last week, resulting from tho ■lightly Improved turnover, although greatly below recent figures. Several merchant* would place orders If mod- Send for our Price-list The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company 506, 508. 510, 512 Fourth St. Macon, Oa. manager of the alaamahlp transporta tion line has sent divers to the wreck erately early delivery were obtainable. I ^j’of "Z’seTen* mem^r."iff 'the rrr;£ r n r^ who perl,h - transseted both for India and rhlnal f<1 ln »he burning gteamer. for delivery next mid-summer. There ' Mr| . Tucker Injured, was more. Inquiry from some parts. nm n.. ,, .... T Bouth America occasionally leading. ATLANTA, Oa., Dee. Il.-Mra. T. There were moderate sales nt stand- IW. Tucker, who contlucta a large | ord articles. The Inquiry for yarns I boarding house at <7 East Hunter was mostly American. Tha demand I street fell from the back porch of her for cops was limited and business was I hou „ yesterday afternoon breaking gmall and unimportant I her |,f t wrist and ber right arm, and I cutting aaveral gashes In her head. It | I was at Mre. Tucker - , house that An- i drew A. Watllne. laat summer, shot In Resdinei, for ChrUtmu. ATHENS, Oa.. Dec. 1*.—The edu cational Institutions of tha state are getting ready to close for the Cbrlat- maa holidays. The University of Georgia will close on the >let Inetant, and Lucy Cobb Institute will close on the following day. This year the Chfiatmas holiday of tha University boys will rover Just one week, as they arc expected to report for duty on the 29th Inetant. Wrecked Steamer Found. NEW VORK. Dec. IS Early this morning the wreck of the Ill-feted 'lien Island was found with ot\ly the ■inoke-staik visible, near Hempstead harbor, Loos Is)end. Tho general and killed Frank B. Britt of Ms and for which crime he la now serving a six peers .rntenet In the Georgia penitentiary. Killed by Engine. ATLANTA. Ga., Dec. tl.—Will Par- ker, a negro, was killed about two o’clock this afternoon by on engine pulling a freight train In the yarde of the Georgia railroad near the Dolton street crossing.. He was crushed to death. It seems that ns Parker step ped out of the way of one train he got In front of another and woe crushed to death* ■aMSHMceata