The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 21, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH} WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1904. 5 POPULAR ENGINEER DEAD IN COLUMBUS lr. Will Calloway, Well Known in Macon and Prominent Member of Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers, Died Suddenly—Remains Will be Buried in Macon. Here's a ‘Bumper, Let it be a thumper, Night, morning or noon, December or June— Any old time— Whi.sK.ey "Bottled in Bond The golden grain of Old Kentucky turned into youth, good cheer and gladness. Age and purity guaranteed by the U. S. Government. Jls%for Old "Barbee. You’ll know you're getting it, if government stamp is over cork. . Jno. T. Barbee & Co., Louisville, Ky. The many friends of Mr. Will Calla way will be pained to learn of his sud den death which occurred at Colum bus yesterday evening. Mr. Callaway had been complaining for several weeks but It was thought to be noth ing serious. He was a well known engineer on the Columbus divlson of the Central Railway and a universal favorite among the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, belonging to that order. He had JUBt gotten his engine In pro per shape for his regular run, which was to leave Columbus at 7 o’clock yesterday evening, when he was seen to faint and lose consciousness which he never regained. Everything that kind friends and loving hands cold do, as well as medl- Dr. Lyon’s PERFECT Used, by people of refinement tor over a quarter of a century PREPARED DY cf. tlon went to the public property com mittee. R. Freeman presented a petition for the remission of fine Imposed on Tom Farris In recorder's court This petition went to the police committee. account of the Interest in the meeting of council a large number of visitors were present ln«t night. They remained until the selection of chief of police and the chief of the fire de partment. As soon as this duty i over they left. ENTERTAINMENT BY MT. DE SALES STUDENTS cal skill, was of nd avail. Will Calla way was known throughout the city, this being his birth place. He was u son of the lamented J. T. Callaway, Sr., who for many years was one of the firm of Wlnshlp & Callaway, clothiers. He was a brother of Mrs. Mattie C. Riley of Perry, Ga.. and a half brother of Mr. Leonard Callaway and Miss Lucy Callaway of Macon. His remains will arrive In Macon at 4 o’clock this afternoon from Colum bus and the Anal arrangements of his funeral will appear in tomorrow’s 1b- sue. An honorary escort of the B. L. E., Columbus divlson, will act as escort to Macon with his remains. Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. AGENTS. Macon, Ga. Orders by mail have prompt attention HANDSOME PREMIUMS ON §40,000 SEWER BONDS COUNCIL CONFIRMED SALE AT PREMIUM OF 1J£ PER CENT. TO W. G. SOLOMON & CO., OF THIS CITY—SEVEN BIDS WERE MADE- PLANS OF SEWER SYSTEMS IN NEW TERRITORY NOW BEING DRAWN—BIDS SOON TO BE ASKED ON CpNSTRUCTION OF SEWERS. . Nothing In recent years has demon strated so splendidly the confidence that Macon people have In the bright future of their city as the biddlng-in of the $40,000 sewer bon3s by a Macon firm against all outside competition. These sewer bonds are for the new ly annexed territory to the city of Ma con. The highest bidder was W. G. Solomon & Co., who paid a premium of 1ft per cent The sale was confirmed at the meet ing of council last night. When the bids were opened it was found that there were seven of them, that of Sol omon & Co. being the highest. Partic ipating In the bid were two Chicago Arms, N. W. Harris & Co. nnd Season- good & Mayer; J. W. Dickey of Au gusta, the Supreme Lodge of tho Knights of Pythias; the Macon Sav ings bank; and Robinson & Co., of At lanta. Theso bonds bear four per cent. In terest, payable quarterly. Principal A Reflection o f the holiday spirit is shown in the large number of people who come to us daily, They come in ex pectant, and go out joyful. They have probably heard of our I’hotogruplis They may be very doubtful abou our ability t o make a handsome picture of them, They arc pleas antly surprised, as you will bt when you see our work. niLNER’S STUDIO 101 Cotton Are, Phone Oil Seventy=five Years Old, Catarrh of the Bowels Cured Captain James Johnson, Retired Army Officer Dying of Old Acjo. Says TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorent*’* Laxa- tivo Bitter* Has Him as Well and Strong as 20 Yeats Ago. payable rs follows: $2,000 annually from 1910 to 1919 Inclusive, $1,000 an nually from 1920 to 1929 Inclusive, and $2,000 annually from 1930 to 1934 in elusive. The sale of these bonds was delayed on account of the appeal case of To ney and others in the supreme court of the United States. Since the city at torney returned from Washington with the vlotory for the city In this case, the bonds have been advertised and bids were opened yesterday by the mayor when It was found that the highest bid was 1% per cent, premium. The city engineer Is now drawing the plans for the sewer system In the new territory. He will submit plans for both Huguenin Heights and Vine- vllle and the‘work of placing the sew ers will be pushed forward as rapidly ns possible. Bids for tho construction of the sow ers will be advertised as soon as plnns are In the hands of the mayor. This will require only a short time and It Is expected that within one month work will begin. Interesting programme Will be Ren dered at the Musio Hall of the In stitution Tonight at 8 O'clock- Young Ladies Expect a Largo tendance. _______ The young ladles of ML de Bales Academy will give an entertainment tonight at 8 o'clock. A glance at tho programme will convince the most ex acting that a pleasant two hours will bo spent In the music hall of the In stitution. All the numbers have been carefully rehearsed and the young ladles expect to be greeted by a large audience of their relatives, friends and all others who wish to aid them. In augmenting the building fund of Mt de Sales Academy. Tickets may be bought at the door—60 cents each. Below Is appended the entire pro gramme which will be rendered. The programme follows: Characters. Mabel MIsh Lida Nash. Mollle Miss Nellie Bruner. Aunt Rachel....Miss Helen Marshall. Santa Claus....Mr. Joseph Campbell. Scene I. J. Brahms "Hungarian Dance.” Misses Marie Josaey nnd Frankie Williams. Scene II. Reading "Ave Marla.” Miss Clara Belle Peavy. Rainbow Drill. Class of Physical Culture. A Merry Christmas It Is for tne provident man nnd hie family, Comfortn are many nnd Santa Claus is always .sure to make a. visit to hla cheery hearth. Put a nnst egg Into the Equitable Savlnga deportment for the children for their Christman gifts and you will teach them habita of saving, and by the time they are of age it will have rolled up Into a goodly sum. We pay 6 per cent Interest on deposits. EQUITABLE BANKING A LOAN CO Send Your Orders FOR FAIR DIRECTORS WILL MEET TODAY TAXES MUST BE PAID ON FUNDS OF PLANT ESTATE COUNCIL PASSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SIX MONTHS’ AS SESSMENT ON MONEY IN RECEIVER CORBIN'S HANDS—AL DERMAN MASSEE IS MADE MAYOR PRO TEM.—A NEW COUN CIL COMMITTEE ON CORPORATIONS AND LEGISLATION. Special Inducements for the Holidays. Send in Your Orders now and Avoid the Rush. ff?l Express Prepaid 4 lull QU«rt» ot our famoua 014 Glory ** One Gallon jug I* (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quart* Old Kentucky Cholco Rye ** •• On. gallon Jus »2 7* (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quart. Kentucky Bell. Rye.*! 75 On. fallen Jug.'.I! M (Expres. Prepaid.) 4 ful quarts Dau* Special, ** ! One gallon Jug 00 (Expres. Prepaid.) On. gallon Defiance Rye *2 45 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Jug Maryland Rye....*! #0 (Expreas Prepaid.) on. gallon Jug tsro atamp Corn..*2 IS (Express Prepaid.) On. gallon Jug tsro atamp Gin... .*i 25 W. also pay express charges on all goods from *1.76 a gallon up (in jugs), providing order calls for no !•** than • two gallons t. one address WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. A resolution svns passed In the city council last night which called for tho collection ot taxes on the funds of the IL H. Plant estate now In the hand, ot Receiver N. B. Corbin. The resolution specified a period of six months and was presented by Alderman Masses. Alderman Jones offered a second and the resolution was passed without op position. This action of council requires thnt tho city marshal proceed at once with the. collection of tho taxes at the reg ular city rate. Mayor Smith announced near the end ot the session that he had failed to ask for the election of a mayor pro tern. At this suggestion Alderman Massee was nominated for the place and the vote was taken. A11 members cast their ballot* for him. No other member of council was nominated. Ho la to serve for one year, A report from Recorder Nottingham for the year showed a total of 4.795 cases tried and the collection of fines amounting to *26,1*9. The total funda going Into the city treasury from this source after all remission of fines and suspension of fines amounted to *14.640. There wa. a lengthy report from Chief Sanitary Inepector John C. Deltx showing tho work of the year In this department He stated that ho had done the beat possible work with the force of labor and preparation In the way of team, and Implements. Th. city sexton', report for tho month showed the collection of funds amounting to *24t.*0. That of the clerk of the market for th. week showed an amount of (56.15. The bills ordered paid Included an open council bill from Wilder and Paullln on the auditorium for *2,000. There wa. also a bill from the Game- well Fire Alarm and Telegraph Com pany for above one thousand dollar* for material. There la yet to l>e paid to the contractors on the auditorium an amonnt of *5,000. All the bills were ordered paid. Alderman Damour asked and se cured th. privilege of selling two horse, of th. fir. department Thev will be advertised for ten days and aold to th* highest bidder. Alderman Chestney stated thnt the committee on cemeteries had at the close of th. year an amount of over (2,000 to It. credit after summing all accounts. Alderman, Massee wanted to know If the funds collected tram the sale of lots should be.placed to th. credit of the committee and com plained that he had been forced to cut off the Insurance monev on the I buildings at th. park from th. credit of th. committee on public property. Alderman Jonea presented a reso lution for the alteration of an ordin ance wni-a provi thr KENTUCKY WHISKEY A. OAU3 * wQ.. frspa. CO ( Deep Seated Coughs Curc4 by ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM JJl streets. He wished the horns chare- ed on account of tho opening of the trading season. Alderman Massee was also In favor of the amendment and asked that the rules be suspend ed for Its passago. When u vote was taken fc.r the suit pension of the ruies Alderinnn Red mond objected and the amendment will follow the regular course, went to the committee on ord'mmcea nnd resolutions. The rules for the government of council for the Incoming year were udopted at tho seorion. Aldermen Massee asked for the striking of ntlo 16 which provided for the fining of members of council whe were absent without reasonable excused. Ho made a motion which was favored by Al dermnn Jones who furnished ih< second. There was some discussion as to what persons it would affect. Aider- man Massee snid members of council could notJ>e forced to pay fines thus imposed because of the statement In the charter that every member should receive hi* fee for attendance. The rule was struck by n vote. All othor rules as discussed at a previous meet Ing were then adopted The mayor stated that he wished the creation of another regular commit tee of council and upon this announce ment there was a motion for the nam lng of such committee. This Is to be a committee on corporations and login lotion. Mayor Smith was given the power to name the committee and this will be done today. Attention was called to a verbal] agreement between the contractors on the auditorium and a council com mittee for the removal of the city prison. He said that the prison was not safe at present and stated that the contractors had said they had done their work according to agreement and the suggestion was made that the com mlttee on public property be given the privilege of doing work amounting to about $76. The committee asked the privilege and It was granted. They will have the work done on the bar racks in order to make it more safe where a recent escape was attempted. Mr. Henry Horne presented a peti tion for the Improvement of a lane running from Orange to Maple street He stated that five feet of his own property would be deeded to the cMy for the purpose of widening the lane and asked for the Improvement while the preeent convict force wa* working the street* of Macon. The petition was referred to the street committee. The G. 8. & V. railway company asked for the privilege of building side track from Fifth street across Oglethorpe and Oak streets In order have some warehouses erect'd. The petition was signed by the general sup erintendent. It went to the street com mlttee. The city attorney r*tx>rt*d the dls missal of the suit of jSfgfoth against the mayor and council In the city the court. He also reported the settle ment of the suit of the .bond romml*- slon of the city sgalnet the mayor and council by the payment of the sum for which the communion sued the city. He also reported the settlement of a suit for damages against the city In ■n arrest which wee made by officers Kirby and Plunkett. M. M. Marshal offered $100 for the lease of land on the city ti*»r The directors of the Macon Fair Asso ciation will meet at 6:10 o’clock'thls aft ernoon at their offices in the Exchange Bank building. A report will he mride showing the exact financial condition of ilio association. While tho figures are re served tlmt tho directors msy be the first to see them. It Is believed that the showing will be one most gratifying to nil those who are Interested In tyo perpetua tion of the fair in Mafon. TO REPRESENT MERCER. At the 100th Anniversary of the Uni versity of South Carolina. Acting President W. H. Kirkpat rick and Prof. J. 8. Murray woro onterday choRcn by the faculty Mercer University to represent thin institution at tho one hundredth air nlversnry of the University of South Curollna which will be celebrated cn Jim. 7th in Columbia. This will bo an occasion of great Interest In the state of South Cnrullm and will bo Inrgely attended by mem rs of faculties In Southern InstUti- tlms. Prof. Murray was formerly member of the faculty of tho Unlvr ’.ty of South Carolina nnd will find many pleasures awaiting htin on tho trip In January. CAPTAIN JAMES JOHNSTON. [ am 76 years old and for some time have been suffering all the ills of advancing old age. I was weak, thin, nervous, run-down; my stomach gave me considerable trouble, and my sleep was so broken that I was Just as tired when I got up In the morning ns was when I went to bed. Doctors said my constitution was breaking up result of old age, and that I might look for a nervous collapse and tho end at any moment. They pre scribed a tonic nnd a stimulant. bought a bottle of TO-NI-TA, began taking it ns directed, nnd the effect wa* instant. I slept better, my digestion Improved, nml I began to pick up In flesh. TO-NI-TA seemed to tone up my whole system, and I was soon as strong, vigorous and healthy, mentally nnd physically, ns I was 20 years ago. I can now walk long distances without getting tired. I have taken no other medicine, so that to TO-NI-TA alone I owo my life nnd health. It brings to tho aged the buoyancy nnd hopefulness of youth, nnd should be known to the whole world, especially to those whoso falling strength requires the rejuve nating powers It possesses." Yours thankfully', James Johnston, 246A Monroe Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Thnt every one mny test Its wonder ful curative properties, Dr. Lorentx, the discoverer of TO-NI-TA 1 , has made a special arrangement thnt ev ery reader of The Telegraph mny re ceive a sample bottle <*f to ni-ta by mall free, together with his medl cal booklet. Write Dr. Lorent* Medi cal Co., 462 Fifth Ave,, New York. Whiskies, Wines, Etc. Etc. TO Sill 1EIG1SELIAHII MCI 461 Cherry St.—Phone 56S—Macon, Ga. PROF. HOLMEO ATTEND8 Hancock's Liquid 8ulphur Heals Entire Class of Ills. Employed In bathing, It confers the tone and exhilaration which always ac company the healthful action of the ftktn. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, softens and clarifies the facial skin and Im parts a clear, brilliant complexion. As Nature's greatest germicide. It Is tho true, effective and lasting remedy for aene, burn* and scalds, canker, rn- tarrh, diphtheria, Itch, pimple*, prickly bent, ringworm, nnd soreness of scalp, nose, eyelids, mouth or throut. Leading druggists sell It. Descriptive booklet on the nature, use and effects of this standard remedy will be mailed to any address by Hancock Liquid Sul phur Compnny, Baltimore, M4. Fine Line Fsnoy China. New stock to open Wednesday. McEvny Book St Stationery Co. Offioer Improves, Officer W. I. Johnson of the police force who has been confined to his room for several weeks on account of Illness wishes to thank the members of the fire and police department* end the city officials who havo «o kindly shown many favors. He Is out again and will he on duty within a few days, When you want a good smoko, drop in at Lamar & Lamar's. Session* of 8outhern Intercollegiate Ath letlo Association In Auburn. Prof. 15. T. Holmes of the chair of Latin nnd chairman of the Athletic Council of Mercer University, will leave today to he In attendance upon the oration* of the Hnuthnm IntercoHegUito Athletio Asso ciation, which begin in Auburn, Ala., ot row morning. i la the tenth meeting of this organ Isntlnn, nnd will be sn Important session on account of the net-eanlty of handling summer ball, whirl) 1ms Involved the member* of so many team* of the col lege* belonging to the association. fleers will be elected ut this session: W. L. Dudley, dean of the medical depart ment of Vanderbilt University, has served as president of the association for the entire ten year*, and during **■“ time tho membership has grown to V ty-two institutions. We have the best assort ed stock of Gent’s Pocket Books, Bill Books, Card Cases, Bill Rolls and Tray cling Cases ever shown in this city. H. J. Lamar & Co Two Doors from tho Exchango Dank. PERSONAL. TRIAL OF "VEGGEMEN." Alleged Lawbreakers Bsfors Courts on Various Charges. BALTIMORE. Dec. 20.—Tea of the al- leged "yeggemen," arrested here two weeks ago; were given hearing* before Police Magistrate Ochs today, Three of them wer* turned over to the United State* authorities and committed to Jail for further hearings by United States Commissioner Roger*; *lx were held for tho action of the Authorities of Charles and Carrol! counties and one. Win. Rowe, Was dlamlRFed. Those who appeared before Commis sioner Rogers ana were held for a further hearing, together with the charge* ngnlnst them, were James Sherwood, charged with robbing the postofflce at Itowdoln, Me., on July 19. 1904: James King, charged with robbing the j'.-tofflr. a Statu. S. C.. In November, J90S. and John Adam*, who, It Is alleged, broke into the boatoffice at Manaafta*. Va., on November U. 1*01. po»rofflc* Inepector Hooten of Charleston, f* C., swore out the warrant* against th* three men. each of whorv several olio***. Evidence Is being lected ag*ir.*i oth* r m* m»**r* of the by tho United At* tea author!Mag. The six prisoner* who were held by Juatiaa Ochs for the action of th* Charles and Carroll counties authorities on tht charge of robbing the Southern Mayry land Savings Bank at La Plata on No ventber 24 ls*t, and the attempted robbei »rf the Mount Airy tank on FMo'-mber sire recorded on the police docket* as Wi Hmith, Newark. N. J.; John Collin*. Wll mlngtor.. S. C-: John Btr.lrh, r'hldagn, Frank Hum* New Haven. Conn., and Joe. Oabtgher end Uw Camp, who g.«vc Bal timore as their residence. The oldest and most reliable Wholesale Whis ky Establishment in Georgia. They will re ceive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Lowest prices ofa il Complete stock of everything. BY THE - Seaboard Air Line Railway All To — points East and South, Including North and South Carolina and Virginia points. DATES OF SALE For The Public Students and Teachers Dec. 23rd, 24th, 26th, 31st, Docomber tho 17th, to the 1904. And Jan. 1st 1906 with 24th, 1901 inclusive, with final limit Jail. 4th, 1905. final limit to Jan. 4th, 1905. Ask Your Ticket Agent to Route You Over This Line. For Further Information Apply to W. E. Christain, A. G. P. A. R. M. Coffey, T. P. A. Ill PcachtrccSt. Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN Fred Reuter of Atlanta Is at the Hotel Lanier. 8. II. Prank of Onlsda, N. T., Is at the Hotel Lanier. J. R. Porter of Nsshvtlla Is among tho«a at th* Hotel Lanltr. A. A. Marshall of Albany Is at the note) Lanier. Herman Myers of davannsh was at the lintel Isimler yesterday. Vaughn Knox nf New York Is registered st the lintel Lanier. L. Clay and Oen. W. Feldman of fta vanneh were In the city yesterday stop* ping at the Hotel Lanier. W. P. Baldwin, Mrs. K. R Baldwin and Idles Ethel Baldwin of Marshsllvllle were In the city yesterday, guest* of the Hotel I*anler. Messrs. Greene F. Johnson. M. 8. Ben ton, F. M. Jordan and A. K. Jordan are *n th* city on business. making their leadquartem at the Hotel Lanier. Mr. James Andarson, who has been In the West, making Texaa his home for the past four yomra, returned yrnirrrtny to noend some time with relatives In this dty. Mr. Henry B. Reese, an engineer of the Mexican National railroad, formerly of kloron and Athens. Is In the city visiting il* former friends. Mr. Reese has been n Mexico for three year* and has been mrd at work making surveys and building bridges. He has an- abiding faith In the country a* a land ot promise. "Manipulators," Not "Manufacturers." To The Telegraph; In behalf of the cotton growers' convention, held at Dan ville. I denlra to thank you for the promi nence you gave our mooting. There wee one mistake, however, namely: It read, "the price has be*n surruptltioualy re duced below the cost of production by manufacturers." It should read, haa been surreptitiously reduced below the ooat of production by manipulator*. We believe the manufacturers would prefer a stable price of 10 cents per pound and would not enter Into a combine to bankrupt the farmer*. Again thanking you. I srn, moat re spectfully, Departures Going North o o'- A M. through tram to Clnr.ln- A lh nstl, carrying Jay cosehes 'with w,ww out change) end Pullman sleeper* Alto. Pullman Sleeper to Kan*a- City via Birmingham and Mem phi*. A. M., local trA'ri. Macon to At lanto, carries nice day coaches am Pullman reservation car (teat rate to Atlanta 29 cents), to New 8.30 Departures Going South 2.15 P A. M., through train to Jackson ville carrying day coachat with, out change; alto Pullman sleeper. Thle train alto carries Pullman to Oruntwlck. 1J5 7.30 r R* M., through train Macon to Chattanooga, carrying Pullman sleeper* from Macon to 8t. Louis. 9.05 7.20 pi.ll/. TLt p«U< u&y morning in the presence of a'few friend*. Mr. L. Bryant of flomeroet, Ky.. and Mrs. Linton of Dixie, O*.. were united In marriage, the Rev. J. M. Glenn of thi Flret Btrect Methodist church officiating Mr Bryant Is a former retddoni of Ma con. having been In tho employ of th Georgia Bmjthern and Florida road, ajv la now holding an Important position will the Cincinnati Bouthem. Mrs. Linton l_ an attractive young woman, the center of a targe circle of friend*. The young couple will spend A few win. Mr. A. Bryant of Berry. Ga.. ‘ n, «g to ELEGANT SOUTHERN DINING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. * • a e 1:10am—NO. J» from Gin- mrmti. *natianoog Arrival of ■; * 9:00*m—No. 1JL from New York,JMrrofnghan So.Ry. Trains) 40pm—No. n. from Atlanta. Ch “pm—No, lo, from New York, pm—No. 16, from Brunswick, (No. J6 stops at Macon 20 r J, W. JAMISON. City Ticket Aa ^RAMC^FREE^ifj e . n TSBr , CITY TICKET AND PASSENGER OFFICIi O. R. PETTIT. Depot Ticket Agent. (entral° f Georgia RAILWAY EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAIN8. UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS. MACON, GA. (Standard. 90th M,rldl«n Time.) ARRIVE. From Savannah and Auflvit. ...* 3:10am From Savannah. Augu.ta, Cov- Ington and MUIsdaevlii*....... From Estonton and Mllledgeviile.t 7:50*m From Madison and Athena.. • 7:14pm From Atlanta and Orlffln..... • .*12-25sm From Atlanta and Griffin m * >Mm From Atlanta. Thomaston.......•11:10am From Atlanta Thomaston * 7:29pm Prom Birmingham, Columbus. ...•12;35am From Birmingham. Columbus ...• 4:19pm Frcm Montgomery, And-'—- FI or i ony And* day* With Mr. A. Bryant father of the .groom, befoi , Alba ny and Americas, tlx •12:50a • 4:05p and Montgomery For Albany Hartfor •11il5am .♦ 7:30pm .* t:10am .• 4:15am .• 1:30pm • 4:24pm 8:00am • j:Jkm • 4 10am m J ** U /. e*lt Aim a m ; arriving Macon 12:24 in-1 Macon 3 a m., arriving in* leaving Ma.on 4:10 a. m , riving Micon 4.00 a m. Par ana 11.35 a. rn. tram for 3a- E. P. BONNER, D. T. A., P. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station