The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 21, 1904, Image 6

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER at, 1904. One Cent a Word Advsrlls&ment* under ths heads of Wanted, F'or Sale, For Rent. Loti, Found, Personal, Miscellaneous Etc, •nserted in thia department for 1c per word for each imus.. No notice will be .nterted for leet than 16 cento. Remit* tanctk of $1 and lose may be made in postage etamoe. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS At Geiemar'e Fancy Grocery Stora. Frrah Country Less prr do*..........2^« Fancy Bata Butter * l *• FI neat New York Cream Cheese at per pound 16c Dime Brand Milk, 2 cans for. 16c Prune*, flne foods, per pound ac Cleaned Currants, per package Sc gtedek KSaK^per package\*.! V.!!!!!! ljc London Layer Raisins, per pound 10c Fancy Dates, per pound.... Sc Paper Shell Almonds, per pound l*e English Walnut*, per pound 16c PraaU Nut*. per pound. 16c Fancy Pecans, per pound 16c Nabisco't. per no* |*c Cranberries per quart lw DouWeOrcen Trading Bumps with every dollar's worth of gooda you pur* C ** C ’CHAS. OEISMAR. 'Fhons 46. WANTED. TOOXO COUPLE want* hoard, close in. with private family. Address E. B. J nire Toipcrarih. WANTED—Olrl who, th. confection.ry hu.lnew Apply at one* J. Ctaerlo Co.. «52 Ch.rry ,£. WANTED—A position aa mana*«r of a full farm; have had acral year. «»- nerlenee; can furnl.h good reference, H., WANTED—By rhe first. two or threo room, for llaht housekeeping In nlco part of clly. E. M. D., carr Telegraph. or 'Phone 191. beat or refrenc WALD bakep your fruit cakes. 'Phona 761. ■ m WANTED—A sober, rellehl. printer: one who mn anatat In .dltorl.l work; l'.ol wages nr liberal proposition to the right parly. Address J. II. Bussey, dylvnnla, C ractloaJ experience, careful Instruct Ions, ttle expene. board and tools provided; New Orleans. La. FOR RKNT—Two connected rooms. Ap. ply *03 Oglethorpe at. in R. Ellis. Architect. description! fawn flnop, Chrlstfuas *“ " ^ - 'GIFT tf.uf ' yields satis • Tfaction by the ntf/ut. Christ- moj giving should > t genuine, jo pass /m/tat/on and choose*j Ideal Made easy and inexpensive at Cole man's, where the best in Books,Sta tionery, Fountain Pens, Pictures, Calendars, Games, suitable for Xmas presents can be found in !arp;e quantities. Mail orders promptly filled. The T. A. Coleman jjk Book & Printing Co. ’ W 316-320 Second st. GRANVILLE 0. CONNER IS CHIEF OF POLICE ELECTED TO SUCCEED CHIEF PATRICK MURPHY WITH ONE DIS- SEATING VOTE IN COUNCIL—APPRECIATION OF CHIEF MUR PHY EXPRESSED IN PR ESSEN TATION OF GOLD HEADED CANE. FIRE CHIEF L. M. JONES RE-ELECTED WITHOUT OPPOSITION- ALL MEMBERS OF BOTH FORCES RETAINED, WHILE CHIEF MURPHY IS LIEUTENANT. Grenville chief of p« for the en, elon of the member, o $1.50 Books $1.25 Special Edition Simple Life 2SC. All the new fiction gift books, Poets, Bibles in fine bind ings. Nothing nicer for a gift than a nice hook. Calendar or picture. Wd have all Ihe new and popular pictures, water colors. Christy pictures, etc. McEvoy Book & Stat’y Co. 572 Cherry Street. All Your Troubles About Xma* preaenta can be easily settled by coining to us. It la use less to enumerate the many thing" that we have, ns our reputation for nice gooda, la well-known far heyond the borders of Macon. When It comes to framing pictures, that la our huslnesa. and the, people say we know It. Our name on any picture Is a guarantee “that It la the correct thing.” W. Lamar Williams, " The Frome Maker ” 107 COTTON AVENUE. and LOST AND FOUND. 8TRAYKD or stolen from my lot at Tootneboro, On., on the night of Deo. 13th, one sorrel horse mule shout 3 years old. and one small sorrel mare about JO years old; will give ten dollars reward for (heir delivery at Toomaboro. A. L. 1'lerco. LOST—Yesterday a red cow with both horns sawed off. Finder will return to Lee Wages. 262 Maplo st.. and get reward. * berry st.. next postoff FOR nBNT—Three or four furnished room* for light housekeeping: upstairs, all conveniences; best locality In city. X. Y. Z., care Telegraph. ntTTTRRlNR. batter than country butter, and^ coats only 20c. pound at Oscar TRY * c p LONO’B home-made blackberry wine for Christmas; It I" S years old and absolutely pure; |2.0o per 'Phone M>I. BUY YOUR Chrli D. McKay A Co LIST VB book : turkeys from J. nTes. etc. Clarke's Pish A ltiultry TAKKN UP—One red cow with horn* sawed off; owner can test same hy paying cnsti. 2127 Beyond at. BTRAYKD—From 232 Maple at., red cow; horns sawed even with head. Informa tion gladly received by clerk of market. 11.60 REWARIKIM In the lobby of Hotel Lanier Cafe gold Rosary herds with crons. Return to hotel office and receive reward. OurSpecial Prices IS al 36 ant for pantrulai UR Xmas cakes from Merkel. pecan IK*., almond 26c. CHIUSTMA gw*. FOR CHRI8TMA8—IMcycIcs. Velocipedes. wli'n’vDolf Carriiges, S. 8. Parmelea s. p F 4 K ^ 1 £% A ,d cS y,Ur * ® U lht t,m *' FOR SALK. FOR BALK—One r latest improved hnlf price cash f o Hutchinson. FHR8H CQOB 27U eenU Henry Piatt, Ill Poplar market. mill. Finest Cream Cheese, a lb New (la. Cana Byrup. a gal. Apple vinegar, a gal 10 Rest Head Rice, a Tb »**• Octagon Moap, 6 for t\ Hand Bapolio, a cake.. 07lt Sugar Cured Ham. a lb 11H Hugar Cured Shoulder. a lb 03 Breakfast Strips (best quality), a lb. 1 tty New Nuta. all Kinds. lb 16^ Florida Oranges, a do* 20 Baldwin Apples, a pk SR Dried Fin I-lb. brleka. a lb It Seeded Retains, a pkg OR 1-2 Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg. .03 1-3 New Persian Datea. per lb 3 l-S Heat Quality Prunes, n lb *>74 California Rvaporated Peachea. a Beat Three Crown llslslns a |h 10 van Camp's Botins mil kinds), a can. .03 Van Camp's Pork ami Beans, a can..60 Van Camp’s Pure Cream, a can.. “*— Royal Salad Dressing, a bottle. Irish Potatoes, a pk An Atlanta Robbery. ATLANTA. Ou.. Dec. 20 —The Peach- tree residence of J. K. Orr. one of At lanta's wealthiest merchants, was entered In broad daylight today and robbed of tween three nnd four thousand dollars worth of Jewelry. The robbery was per petrated In the upstairs living rooms while the member* of Ihe family were down stairs, Hnd was the clever work of a stylishly dressed young white man. The affair Is a mystery, the robber seemingly having completely baffled all efforts of tho police to locate him. 'Phona 2066. J. R. Odom. FOR SALK. Five-room house, close in: owner has left city, wants to sell; price. 12.600. Northern *- — “—**- — sell 100 1 lock. ati K n wood yard sale. J. C. ETHRIDGE, Hardeman BMq. _ . . RIAL ESTATE. For Bale—New 6-room House and 6U seres of land at McBlroy’a store on For syth road, on* mile from Crumps Park. 81* lots In South Macon, between Third end Fourth st., Itasset's-Hlll. FOR RKNT—6-room house and 7 acres of land at Outing Club, ; miles from city. Q. M. DAVIS. 4M Second Street. Toys, Dolls, Games. Klegnnt lino children's books. McEvoy Book A Stationery Co. NEW YORK, Dec-; 2f>.—NenW«M mem hers of group eight of the New York Blate Bankers' Association, comprising the lending men of flnnnrc of N«*w York city and vicinity attended their groups fifteenth annual banquet at the Waldorf- Astoria tonight. Among the sneakers was President 'I- dsrmnn of the University of Virginia, who spoke to the toast ''Practical Idealism.” Those present Included: J. Plerpont 6lor- gnn, Hamilton Fish, assistant tt<-.u.uu-i u* the United States: Read Admiral Jos. B. Ceghlau and Morrla K. Jessup. THE MOST DESIRABLE Unsurpassed Ichocoiat's Jno. S. lloge Drug Co. AGENTS. Macon, Go. Order, by moil hovo prompt attention. -♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦TH* MOAT OP THK BEAT FOR THE LEAAT MONEY. 444004O-- •do. ratio, oto., mod* b ;♦ 1.4 U ^ . ' 1 ,:V;*•'• : 3K1J: miscellaneous an kinds of candles. FAT LIVE TURKEY! McKay ACo, Phoce HOT ROLLS every* i riiRJBTMAA PR ESI .dX'wsiAs r^.OUPON. Mrs. ,rom Men,ui ' ”■ ,o • 4a,ur - • -Tv | The Great Atlantis i Pacific Tea Co. ' L --—' ..v.A.-gu 3,1.. C. Conner was chosen lc« of the city of Macon Ing two years at the ses- Ity council last night. All council voted for him In except Alderman Damour, on-elect Leon Dure, who /as absent Alderman Damour pre- emed the name of Arthur Golden and oted for him. Mr. Conner was nominated for the chiefs place by Alderman Massee. He merely presented the name with no remarks. A second was found m Al derman Jones. While nomination* were still open Alderman Damour arose and stated that he wished to place before council the name of Mr. Golden. In doing this he spoke in very high praise of him. “He may not have his college educa tion and he may not be familiar with the Lord's Prayer.’’ said the speaker, “but he is as brave as a lion and as fearless as any man on the Macon force.” “He knOws 'Now I Lay Me Down to Bleep."’ replied Alderman Jones. When the vote was taken all mem bers of council coat their ballots for G. C. Conner except Alderman Da mour and the absent member. Mayor Smith then' presented Ihe name of Chief Murphy to fill the va cancy in lieutenant's place by the promotion of Mr. Conner. He also pre sented the names of Lieutenants Grace nnd Mosely In their places. Then the names of alt the men on the force were read by the mayor for con firmation. There was not a single change reeommendedd In the present force. Alderman Chestney asked at this point if there was any objection to the list as submitted by the mayor for confirmation. He said if there was none, every member of council should forever thereafter hold his peace. Alderman Jones arose and said: “I suppose these remarks are directed at me. I know* something should be done in order to secure good service on the police force. Something simi lar to a civil service examination should be held and the men should be subjected to this before coming on the force. If not this, then some oth er method shuld be pursued.. I don’t know the names of the tpen who are sometimes negligent, but I can see instances of the failure of some of the members to do their duty. A railroad was torn up In this town the other night nnd no member of the force found the men who did the work. There was a man on the beat, I believe.'* When Alderman Chestney again arose nnd insisted that the Investiga tion should be made nnd the men who had come short ns to duty should be made known, there was an interfer ence by a motion for the confirmation of the appointments to the positions on the force. All appointments were confirmed. Reeord of Chief Murphy. Alderman McKenna then presented s resolution relative to the record of Chief Murphy. He spoke in very high praise of the retiring official and then read the resolution, which was as fol lows: Wherrns. Chief Patrick Murphy has rendered the city of Macon thirty-four years of faithful and efficient service ss s patrolman, lieutenant, and chief, And does not desire to stand for re- election. be It Resolved. That the mayor and council ainesrely appreciate the long and valuable service rendered the po lios department and the city of Ma con. and be It further Resolved, That hi* honor, the may or. be authorised and directed to pre sent to Chief Murphy on behalf of the mayor nnd council a gold headed cane as a token of the respect and esteem In which he Is held by us." In presenting* the resolutions Aider- man McKenna also spoke of the new chief in terms of praise. The mayor. In presenting the resolution for the vote of council, asked that every mem ber rise ns he voted and this was done. All fnember* voted for the adoption of Ihe resolution. The police department of the city stands for the ensuing two years ss follows: Chief of Police—Granville C. Conner. Lieutenants—-Patrick Murphy. L. W. Grace. C. W. Moseley. Patrolmen—L. M. Avant. A vent. W. T. Amerson. N. B. Bryan, W. T. Bmnan. J. W. Callaway, c E. Chambless. J. A. Davis. C. L. Da via, C. n. Drew. W. G. Daniel. E. E. Dent. O. R. Griffin. J. F. Grace, A. Gol den. R. E. Glenn. V. H. Holloman. J. M Herndon. L. H. Hicks. W. E. Ham tin. R. Hackney. C. E. Hamilton. T. R. Jones. C. Jenkins. J. G. Jackson. R. Knight. 8. H. Knight. J. A. Klr- L. Lavender. W. Moseley. R. H. chell. C. F. Pierce. . C. Plunkett. O. Reddy. J R Robinson. W. B. nev. H Smallwood. T. B. Simpson. !* Smith. M. J. Thompson. Homlr ed. A. J. Wilson. J. T. Wilson, W. Tsun. Colored patrolman. L. K. field.. C. H. Bennett, W. W. Bigby T. J. Bishop, J. R. Bragg. C. L. Collins. A. F. Dovlln, H. M. Drow, E. I. Er win, T. B. Feagln. J. 8. Fretwell, W. H. Funderburk. H. E. Gibson. F. H. Hammock. J.'R. Harper, J. F. Herrington, E. N. Holder, C. W. Hub bard, J. R. Hudson. B. Johnson. Geo. Joiner, J. R. Jordan, W. A. Jordan, W. R. Kent. J. H. Lawless, J. A. McCowan. C. A. McCrary, J. A. Mc Mullen, R. L. McWilliams, R. Martin, L. A. Miller. E. O. Minor. W. R. Moseley. W. B. Norton. J. Parker, P, A. Raby, J. M. Rainey. J. F. Roquemore. C. H.-'Schmidt. R. M. Short. J. JC. Smallwood. C. E. Smith, H. B. Smith, W. H. Stembrldge. B. F. Sutton. D. C. Sutton. W. Thompson. J. F. Wester. H. J. Wil liams, J., H. C. Williams, J. G. v Wil liams. L. L. Williams. P. H. Williams, A. M. Wyche, substitute, E. H. Hagen. Board of Health. The mayor then presented the board of health for confirmation, also remains unchanged and is follows: Dr. R. B. Barron. Dr. H. J Williams, Dr. Max. Jackson, Dr. O. H Weaver, J. W. Cabaniss, Chas. Wach tel. Nathan D. May. Cemetery Committee. The Citizen's Cemetery committee was the same as last year. The mem bers are as follows: C. B. Willing ham, J. W. Cabaniss, N. E. Harris, J. N. Neel. THE A BEST CHRISTMAS GIFi For Wife, Mother, Daughter Sister or Sweetheart By this Sign you may know and will find Singer Stores Everywhere These Machines are never sold to dealers. Only from Maker to User A small payment down, the rest at convenient intervals. Four different Kinds and a wide range of prices to suit. Select Now -Delivery when wanted Get the Best and you get the Singer 563 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GA. Meet me at the Skating Rink at 2:30 p m. today. Drldqe Wat Unsafe. CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Dec. 20—The coroner# Jury in the inquest over the victims of the suspension bridge disaster have brought In a verdict declaring that the bridge was In an unsafe condition, and that there was gross negligence on the part of all the officials of Charleston In the care and maintenance, and - repairs of the bridge since January 30. 1806. to the day of the disaster. The Jury how ever. was unable to fix the responsibility for the disaster on any particular officer or set of officiate. ’Phons 306 J. T. l ’S 416 Poplar St. HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE. IS NOW HOLIDAY TRADE. SEND ALONG YOUR OR OERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE: No Express Paid On This. 1 Gal. Old Corn Silk Corn $2.00 1 Gal. Old Key Stone Rye 2.0f 1 Gal. Old Peach Brandy........ 2.0 1 Gal. Old New England Rum.... 2.00 1 Gal. Old Holland Gin 2.00 Corn, Rye, Gin and Rum $1.50 per gallon up. Express paid on two gallons or more $2.00 good* to same address in Jugs. Jug and Bottle trade a specialty. Express Paid on This. 4 Full qta. Old Edgemont Rye....$4.04 1 Gal. Jug, Old Edgemont Rye.... 3 64 Full qts, Old Horse Shoe Rye... 3.04 Gal. Jug, Old Horse Shoe Rye... .2.74 I Full qts, Old Jeff Clark Rye..... 304 \ Gnl. Jug, Old Jeff Clark Rye.... 2 7! 4 Full qts, Old Big Horn Rye 2.94 1 Gal. Jug. Old Big Horn Rye 2 r I 4 Full qts, Old Harvest Corn 3.04 1 Gal. Jug. Old Harvest Corn 2.TI Orders filled same day received Everything as rspresented or money refunded. Revoiution imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system Is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember tho troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under Its searching nnd thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 60c.. and that la returned If It don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by all druggists. Portugal's Disastrous Storm. LISBON. Dec. 20.—A disastrous storm which suddenly burst on the northern coast of Portugal, has csvsed grsat loss of life. From reports already received eighteen fishermen were drowned at Fl- guern nnd six hundred others have been rendered destitute. A ferry boat plying J nou, 5 °{ thr Mondego river was capsixed and fourteen persons were drowned. In the Lelxoes basin near Opor to. five boots were sunk nnd flv# per sona drowned. Desirable home in Vineville; eight rooms, fine loca- * tion, that can be bought for $4,250. If loan is wanted, could arrange upon reasonable cash payment. Money to loan on good real estate. MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate. WRITE ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. WILLINGHAM & CONE, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. Phone 444. 355 Second Street Try some of Lamar it La mar’s cigars. They are al ways fresh. Ginners Adjourn. DALITS. T*x„ Dec. 20.—The Na tional Dinners' organization which waa formed here yesterday has ad journed subject to the call of the pres ident. A resolution waa voted down today providing for a decrease^ cotton Acreage next year. "Always buy from head quarters.’’ EH J. & P. D. Willingham the leading Fur niture and Carpet house of Georgia. Peace in Paraguay. WASHINGTON. Dec 20—A cable gram has been received at the state department from the acting American consul at Assunctan. Paraguay, stat ing that the revolution hin been'suc cessful and that peace has been pro claimed. Rainey & Callaghan, TURKEYS, TURKEYS, TURKEYS. Live and dressed. All kind* of fresh OYSTERS received twice daily. Cranberries and Celery All kind* of FISH. Give us your orders. Will receive prompt attention. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN j 'Phones 233 and 863 468 First St. J. B. mils, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 129 Cotton avo« MACON, GA. Si, 600.00 An e'egant selection Sal ad Dishes, Hates, Olivs. wm 0U J. a nlct nome m nuguema Dishes, Cake Plates, Choc- IIe| ahi». comisttng of a good two .te- olnte Pots, Tea Sets, Cel- 1 * ’ l ’ t ' room on d ” lr * bl * ,ot ery Dishes, Va^es, Etc. H. J. Lamar & Co. Two Door* from the Exchange Bank. ameraries—B. A. neon. John Travers Sergeant*—Tho*. H ittlng. —John Smallwood, Baldwin, J. B. Expelled Prom ’Chsnoet NEW YORK. Dec. 26.—The expulsion of John W. Ritchie from the New York Stock Exchange was announced on the exchange today. Mr- Ritchie was expelled by the board of governors on the ground that he had been guilty of irregular trading. Cured of Asthma After Years of Terrible Suffering, Officer—C. C. Hampton. | ^ ^ en May. Mary Josephine Bc:y, Floyd Knob, Ind. t was then taken writ. >: “Alter iufferlng untold asenies man McKenna arose and for 32 years from Asthma, I c d by the present chief to sue- j Scjjlffo Extra IN ADDITION TO COUPON. Memos In presenting the name Jones he waa also com pi l- n Jones arose and P*ld a xte to the service of the p part men t “We hara the between Chicago and Fort 'id he. after stating that he numbers of departments in nt cl nstta fire Asthma Cure. I used to bo _ bad that I could not move without h> Ip.but I can now do all mjr own work.** Another writes: “My little boy7 years old hai boon a sufferer for several years, some* tine* »o bad off that we could not hold h!a In b<‘d. * • • f r him to br.-athc hi* lasL Doctors did hla no p <>d and we had almost given np In despair, when throuch accident we ho i,rd of Schu mann's Cure, tried It and It | almost lusUDUyrslIevsdhla.** Mrs. D. C. J arris Elbow 1*. O., Vo. Sold by all druggists at SOc and 61.00. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. LEAST VvMi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» mg. \v. a B*j-ra $1,300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK, n improved City Property. Thr ^GEORGIA LAND & TITLE C 370 Seccrc Street. Terms. $300 cash, balance on long time yearly payments and reasonable inter- ext. A flne opportunity for a person *f moderate means. House Is now rented at 316 per month and would make a good Investment. $1,500.00 Will buy a ator and 4-room'dwell ing combined, on comer of Third and Arch streets; all In good condition; close In. convenient to business, a good stand, and a corner that will Increase In vahie. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Loans, Rest Estate and Insurance. 566 Mulberry Street. ...For Sale... Insure Now! Christmas Is coming with Its fire crackers and bonflrea and your risk is more than double. I'll write yous house or furniture, store or stock os anything Insurable. I represent the AETNA OF HARTFORD, THE NORTHERN OF LONDON, THE NIAGARA OF NEV/ YORK, THE LONDON OF ENGLAND. No belter companies esn be found. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, American National Bank Bldg. For Sale The beautifully located suburban home generally known as the ‘‘Jaoues Farm." four and a half rallea from tha elty, on Forsyth road. Thia farm con sists of SO acres, nice orchards, hot houses, etc. Fine bold spring and branch on the place. Has splendid Im- e rovements In way of t-room dwell- ig and all necessary out houses; com manding a flne view of the surround ing country, within one half mile of electric car line. The right man can make a fortune dairying and trucking. This Is a “Jim Dandy” and will have to bs Inspected to be appreciated. Good rensons for selling. For particular, call on or address. Duncan Real Estate Exchange Home Money to Loan on Mortgage. A well located store leased for 5 years nets 7 per cent. Price $6000,00 B. Horne, Reale Estate, Insurance ! TEN thousand dollars Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 353 Third St. Telephone No. 77. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. 272 College St.. 7 rooms....645.00 131 High SL, 7 rooms...... 66.66 and Loans. | Mioey la l&e bexj^-oo dsUjf*