The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 21, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ai, 1904. W. G. SOLOHON & CO. We offer subject to tale: lO.OC'O City Msi'on 4 per cent- bonds due 1825 to 1834. 30,000 City or Columbus r°r rant, bonds, due 1931. 10,000 Macon Gas & Water consols, due 19W. » We ■■ COTTON MARKET IN BEARS’ GRASP They Continue to Maintain Their Position BANKS. DECLINE IN LIVERPOOL E. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB, President. Cashier. W. P. WHEELER, Aaat. Csanier. Commercial ami Savings Bank MACON, GA. Each year In the Bank's history has shown an Increase in Surplus, Depos Its and Cash Resources. * Every accommodation (ranted do posltors consistent with conservative banking. LIVERPOOL spots closed NEW YORK spots closed NEW ORLEANS spots closed., J.M. JOHNSTON, K. J. TAYLOR, President. Vico-President. L. P. HILLVER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Asst. Cashier. American National Bank MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital $250,000.00 Stockholders' Liability $250,000.00 Surplus $126,000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30,000.00 DIRECTORS. J. M. Johnston, Stephen Popper, R. J. Taylor, A. E, Chsppell, W. M. Johnston, EL J. Willingham, Gen. Robt. Ober. It. A. Merritt. You cannot do better than put your account with the American National Call on. or address L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. Exchange Bank ( OF MACON, GA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABANISS. President C. M. ORR. Cashier. DIRECTORS; J. W. Cabaniss, S. S. Dunlap, •W. “ “ " “ — ....4.13 ....7.70 .. 7 B*16 THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market was very weak and • very dull yesterday. The re ceipts continue to increase, but the record shipments and sales Indicates a per sistent determination of the planters n°l sell at present prices. The receipts the Macon market for^the four months the present season are larger than the receipts of the Macon market in any pre vious twelve-months of a season In recent years. s Range of Prices. Good Middling T- Strict Middling 7Via# Middling 7a' Strict Low Middling 7 Low Middling Qbod' Ordinary 6tf Spot Cotton Movement. Roots. Ship. Dee. 17. 1904 685 182 Dec. 19. 1904 516 178 Dec. 20, 1904 529 188 Stock on Hand. Sept. 1. 1904 Dee. 20. 1904 Dec. 20, 1903 R. Rogors, A. L. Adams, A. D. Schofield, M. H. Taylor, W. D. Lamar. .. __ _. We solicit the business chants, planters and banks, ... Lamar, N. B. Corbin, J. H. Williams. Sam Mayer, T. C. Burke. ? msr offering them courtosy, oromptnoss, and liberality. The largest and surplus of any ban* in Middle . Georgia. safety, -fp, 1 *' Money to Lend on Real Estate. Well rated commerical paper and very low ratos on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank 670 MULBERRY STREET. Depet Fifth and Pine 'Streets. 311 STATIONS. P 31 ILv. Ar. 4 101 Macon 4 St Sofkee 4 421.... SkTpperton .... 4 491 Hardys 4 59 Ltzella 6 09 .... Montpeflar .... 5 27 Mornns 5 27 Dyne 5 401 Culfoden 6 65 .... Yntenvlll# 6 23 J 6 43 . 6 62 . 7 Ynt . Upson .. Thomaaton .. Crest .. . Thunder Woodbury . Snelaona .. Harris Odessadole ..... Mountvllle .... { 04 .... Robertson .... 161 Ar.. LaGrange ..Lv P Ml A Ml " > M i. 10 05 19 55 9 42 9 2* 9 13 8 r,s Nos 31 and 12 dally. Additional Train Service.—Train No. leaves Macon at a. m., Monde,_ Wednesdays and Fridays. No. 62 arrives t «:50 p. m.. Tuesdays. Thursdays Mscon at 3:50 p. i and Saturdays. Warm 8prlnns and Columbus Via Woodbury. t^lilLv... Macon ...Aril* M* »60|Ar.. Columbus ..Lvl «101 corner _ .— ,: ^ , c TO s d H b S,VW.. , |S??;,SSSt.“ rv ' s ‘ 8 . M. GRADY. Su|>ei1ntendent. . B. RHODES. Gen. Pass. Agent .. C. C. MER8HON. P. T. A., Macon, <Ja. GEORGIA R. R Lv. Macon..|* 8 35*1* 4 20p>f 615a LV. Miirg*lle| 9 45*| 6 2Spi 6 29a| Lv. Catnak.,1 11 44a| 7 0^>| S 15a (Cent. time)| , Ar. Augusta.| 120p| S35p| 9 60a (East, time)! * Lv. Augusta! Lv. Florence 7 25p' Lv. Payetilc 9 54p .... Ar Prten'rg JOOal.... Ar Rlch ond 3 43a,.... Ar Wash'ton 7 3Aa .... Ar Boltrore. 9(Km .... Ar PhlUdel. 1125pi.... ArN. York. 163p| •Daily, fdunday only. jDolIy except Trains arrive from,Augusta and points MACON BROKERAGE CO S. D. JONES. d That ths Slump is Due to a B ief That the Southern Holders of the Aotual Cotton Will Be Compell ed to Let Go Soon and That Thero Will Be a Break in the Spot Markets —A Serious Situation. STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 418-420 Cherry et. ’Phone 533 Chamber of Commerce Building Correspondents of THE O’DELL COMPANY, Incorporated. Capital $200,000.00 Cincinnati, O. Quickest service In the South. We invite comparison. No Interest charged on stocks. All orders placed direct with the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful atetntlon. Reference—The American National Bank. Macon. Go. *.16.726 . 6,507 New York Cotton Letter, NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—There was con tinned bear pressure In the cotton market, and -while during the the ses sion a little covering promoted steadiness and a slight rally, the general ruling * * ‘ ‘ rlth trading “ M. L. CORBETT, Secty A Treat. The cash di* 'an<l the Ho business. is abroad is regarded as It was figured that there -t now for any material In- export trade tn this country, and continues fair, however, r houses are doing a fair ...—Sentlmen rather bearish In cables. The rec< and this In the corn pit _ - May shorts r. The trade was not professionals generally about 9al0 points on futures and of 14 ilnts oh spot cotton, which seemed to in decreasing demund. ,Following the cn|l hero the market sold off still further, reaching a net decline of about llalB •olnts. At this level or around' 7.30 for r anuary. covering was attracted on the theory that after a decline of about $2 a hair In a couple of days, a reaction was due, and it seemed official announce ment of the first Installment of tho gln- nera’ report, which was expected this week, would not be published until Wednesday. December 28th, encouraged talk of a temporary upturn if nothing more, prior to the Christmas holidays. After working up to about 7:39 for Jon- try and 7.55 for March, or a little over, the Initial figures, however, the market broke sharply. There seemed to be noth ing In the nenra to explain the Increased offerings, which were credited to local In good demand, but influenced by unfa vorable Liverpool and New York markets, was 3-19o. lower. Sales were 6,600 bales, Including 3.900 bales to arrive. „ , Futures opened dull and 7 to 8 points down In sympathy with spots and the de cline in other leading centers. The trend of prices was distinctly downward. Ono of tho leading bulls made an efforlt to check the downward movement by bid ding for blocks of 5.000 to 25.000 bales, but thia action had but little effect on the course of prices; with the exception of tho shorts, while that theso offers were being made, the market was compara tively quiet. January opened 7 points down at 7.29, sold down to 7.12 nnd finally recovered 2 points to 7.14. The other active months experienced similar ilvict- uatlons. Tho market closed quiet with net losses of 19 to 25 points. Ware A Leland’a Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. 26.—The break below 7.60 for January' cotton was attended with another break this morning, and January sold at 7.28 before the afternoon. There was more short selling than there has been In some time. Professionals have bee waiting for the market to break to 7.60. and were all ready to sell short. That is. between 7.50 and 7.70. the situa tion seemed very uncertain, but when the price broke through the low figures thero was general confidence In lower prices. Professionals have some very definite Ideas at times and there waa enough sell ing today to catch stop orders and has ten the- break. With the market weak and In new ground, there torn* absolutely nothing In the situation to Induce buying and the support today waa as poor as tt was yesterday. The light receipts seemed to have a weakening effect on prices rather than otherwise and the market was weaker than for day's. Reports from the South showed cotton for sale. We will have a decline now until tho market gets oversold again and shorts cover. It may be that January will have to get nearer 7 cents before ft is to be bought. There will bo January deliveries in an other weak!. Macon Brokerage Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—There Was an easy opening to the cotton market today, first prices being 5 to 10 polntfl lower in consequence of further bear pressurr and liquidation by. tired .longs. Tho weak ness at Liverpool encouraged tho bfnrn. The Southern spot news was less encour aging. and since offerings of actual cotton showed a tendency to increase in some cases, lower prices worn predicted. On **ie lower levels during the day there was xmaeqiHMK c of weaker is wer« more liberal the selling pressure, excellent support and ■I 1 a tendency to resist bearish developments. Commission houses were fair buyers. There was a substan tial decrease in contract stocks and this * .■ .<-i: ..g. d tin- 1 m. . v\ Imi- st the same tin inclined to covi large and the were in control , Oats were quiet and toe market gener ally steady. The receipts were fair, but country offerings were smaller than for me time rast. Provisions, while easier at tho start, were supported during the day by pack ers. The trade, however, was slow. THE DRY GOODS MARKHT. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—Buying ip the „.-y goods market must necessarily be limited to small proportions until after the first of the year, and tt la a question whether business will commence Imme diately after that date. No Intimation of any willingness on the rart of sellers or manufacturers to make r.inooroions Is ev ident. as it is plain to be seen that there is little necessity of forcing business, mills as ft rule being well sold ahead. COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—Ootton as steady with n moderate trade. Pram, crude In barrels f.b.b. mills 17att; prime summer yellow 25aU: off summer.yellow nominal; prime summer white 28; prime winter yellow 28. NAVAL 0TORE8. WILMINGTON, t)ec. 20.—Spirits tur- pentlne market firm at 49 cents; receipt* 11 casks. Rosin, nothing doing; receipts 212. Tsr firm nt 1.60; receipts 221. Crude turpentine firm at 2.30 to 3.70; re ceipts 69. SAVANNAS. Dec. fft<—Sjfirtt* turpen tine market Urm nt 30 cents; receipts 665; sales shipments 105. RdJjln firm; receipts 8.370; sales 1.957; shipments f (losing, quote: A. H, C. 2.60; I). 2.«-•«*. K. 2.55; F. 2 57U: C. JL60; II* l.'mfcatl; I 3.16; K. 4.00! Sr. 4.3l»: .N.i. 50;'Window Ola an. 4.75: Wafer White. 5.15., CHARLESTON, Dec. 20.—Spirit* tur pentine and rosln'markefa, nothing doing.) STOCKS AND BONDS Strength of Market Due to Light Of ferlng of Stocks—The Closing Tone Was Firm—Bonds Wero Firm, Also. were caught and January broke to 7.19 with Msreli selling nt 7.35. and tho gen eral list showing a net decline of about 24 to 26 points. • Townrd tbo close there was enough covering to help prices a point or two and the final tono was steady at ft net loss of 22aS8 points. Bales wero estimated at 500.000 bates. The decline nt Liverpool was attributed by private cable* to hedging sales and ‘laxandrla liquidation. Locally there etned nothing aside from bear pressure to account for tho decline, aside, of course, from the liquidation caused by. the losses and prediction* of a break In the I r>{ rn irlo f Receipts or cotton st the ports todnv were 66,667 bale*, against 69.6J1 bales last week and 70.C61 imlrs last 'year. For th* w/w>k 300.000 bale** amlnst 926.305 bales Inst yi-eek and 301.314 balsa last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans were 19.875 hair* ngalnst 27,402 hales last year. and nt Houston 14,248 bales against weak nnd the closing was nt the lowest of the day. Tho receipts wero fairly big hut the total ran about tho totals of last year. The outside trade waa well distrib uted on both sides of ths account. Hubbard Bros. A Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—Our market opened with sales of March at 7.62-53, and after selling at 7.53-53, rilled at 7.64 it 1 p. m. Our cables states that several .’allures In Alexandria today, which cre ated a panicky feeling In Liverpool all. of the morning, and that the rally of the afternoon waa due to buying by the largest houses. This buying on ths basis of 4d. Is probably the beglnlnng of an in vestment demand abroad, as It marks a point when foreign spinners can bo ex pected to commence to lay in tv renerve supply. Here heavy selling, apparently for outside parties, gave an opportunity for covering on ths part of the bear par ty nnd for spinners;to buy at the lowest point. , There was not the same demand i ron; the latter ns on the Inst break to "% rents, as they were not then so upset by large crop estimates us they .appear to be today. The census bureau states they will Issue their first part of the gln- ners’ report on December 201 h. The trade assume that they have had difficulty In obtaining Information from the glnners, who are reported to bo unwilling to fur nish the desired Information. I-oeal sen timent continues very bearish. The i market was quiet at 20 points decline. This Today Today Today wk. Inst wk. 1903. 1902. 16.516 35.540 64.784 46.288 Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts.. Stock on hand all ports. .1,042,167 23.681 23.403 2,400 Since September 1. 1904— Consolidated receints Exports to Great Britain..., Exports to France Exports to continent Exports to Japan Exports to Mexico ...6.482,904 ...1,969.063 ... 431.407 ...1.450.133 .... 47.010 ... 13.364 Price. Receipts, Sales. Stocks. The Ports: | Piice.lRects.lSsles.I Btek. New Orleans .17 XVnklU " <7 Wilmington . Boston . . . .17.90 Philadelphia ..17.95 Port Arthur Jacksonville. Smi Ul It MV I 7910! 10031167196 6221 1 94808 221! 21251 109471 51761 992).. Interior Movement. Houston Augusta Memphis v-S St Loots 17% Cincinnati Louisville . . .17% I PrlcO'IReets IBsles.J Rtck f 14248! 27461 98644 14VV 110U 96001 24431 14001134674 New York Cotton Futures. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—Cotton futures opened easy and closed steady. Open. High. Low. Close. ■I. mam urn at 1$>:__ ... ... ... From Camak and wav stations, 5:15 p. m. W. W. HARDWICK, Gen’l Agt. W. C. RAOIN. Sol. Agt. NORTH OR NORTHWEST TRAVEL VIA THE “EVANSVILLE ROUTE” (E & T. II. & C. & E L) The best equipped and most direct line to Chicago aod all points reached via Chicago. Inquiries regarding rates, time, etc., addressed to rep resentatives given below will receive prompt and courteous attention. T. F. Jeffries, G. P. <fc T. A, Evansville, Ind. * D. H. Hillman, G. P. A.. Evansville, Ind. S. L. Parrott, P. P. A., All uillttj (Jii. vtSSSL Krbruary March ,. Anri! ... M»jr .... Juno ... July .... August . 7.19 7.48 7.85 7.6*1 7.67 7.71 , 7.77 7.77 7.19 7.29 7.35 7.48 7.47 7.67 1:8 7.12 7.15 7.16 sr: middling uplands middling gulf 7.55; ml.. 44 Mm. New Orison* Cotton Futures. NEW ORLEANS. Dec 2*1.-Gotton fu ♦urcs steady. December 7.14 bid; Janus 7.14«18; February 7.20n22; March 7.2^ April 7.34*36; May 7.4»a41; Juno 7.45*47 July 7.50*51. Liverpool Cotton Futures UVERPodlT Dm. SO-Spot cotton qnlrt: prior. 14 point. Inw.r: Am.ric.n mlrtdllnc 1 11.! ; low nil<MMni 4.Old.; .nod ordinary 3.37d.; ordinary 3.71d. Tho sale** or the day were 6.066 bales, of which 760 batef were for speculation and export, and included 4..on bales American. Re ceipts were 24.000 bales, Iseludlng 21.761 boles American. Futures opened easy and do American middling G. O. c.: Open. High. Low. Close. Jan.-Feb 4.S7 Feb.-March 4.69 March-April 4.14 Aprtl-May 4.12 May-Jm 4.26 June-July .......4.22 July-Aug. 4.24 Aug.-Kept 4.24 KepL-OcL -- OrL-Nov —— Nov.-Dee, 4.61 Dec.-Jsn. ...*....4.64 NEW YORK STOCK LETTER. .NEW YORK. Dec. 20 —The strength in today’s dull risrket was due'to the very light offerings. Tbs dullness was really, profound nt times aiul waa largely con centrated in a few active shares. Thero la a pretty general agreement call loan rate seems to sag instead of o stiffen as the end of tho year ap- irouches. and tittle Itidone at as high as per cent. Along with the general agree- ..lent In the probability or dull trading until after tho new year, there are nu merous expressions ot confidence In hlgh- tm prices' when tho market does become -Ive. The movement In York Central to day, accompanied by no news of any direct bearing on the property, was of considerable effect on. tho whole of the day’s narrow market. The restoration of dividend rates on Lake Erto and Western ^referred and on Indiana, Illinois and .’own were fnvorabte Incidents. There was some realising in the United States Steel stocks on the additional advances in prices of produafs. Southern Parlfin 33.320.000. Uni tod States ! changed on call. The total sales of stocks today wero All. Coa«t Uno ..153'i Baltimore b O....160K 1 P. fcO.pfd MU Canadian Pen ....1*9* r*nt. ot B J®r*ey.|80 Oh**. fcOhlo 4«B Chicago b Allen .. 49H r.hlo. AAltonpft. 16 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Lower Prices oF Wheat Duo to tho Liverpool Grain Market—Corn Was Down nnd Oats and Provisions Un- changed. CHICAGO. Dec. 20.—The weakness of the Liverpool grain market was the main cause of Sower pribes todnv In the wheat pit hero. At the close May wheat was off %r. Corn la down %c., and oats are practically unchanged. Provisions on the close were practical ly unchanged from yesterday. Open. High. Low. Cl os. M Ware A Lsland’s Grain Latter. CHICAGO. Dec. 20.—Thera was a rush to sell wheat st the start, due to unex plained weakness In Liverpool, denoting larger Argentine offerings, while the r»- celpta were again lower In the Northwest with stocks Increasing heavily. Com mission houses had buying orders ind with a demand springing up for December offerings were so small that they allowed of 2 cents advance that started shorts to covering in May. The cash situation Is very weak. There to an absence of de mand here for good milling wheat, and we fall to see how prices can bo advanced, unless through manipulation. We took for a dull market, and while December may go to a premium over May again, wo still think that the latter month should be sold on fell hard spota. Com—Liverpool was Ua%d. lower on ie weakness In wheat. The car lots were ere again lower, but will show a felling off for tomorrow and resulted In sample offerings not being so large and from Western Illinois shipments falling off. The cash market was **rong at yester day’s top prices nnd 15C.009 bushel* sold for export. Trading in the futures was very light although there was fairly good buying of May around 46 cents. From what we can learn, wo are of the opinion that the movement will decrease consid erably after December sales are filled and^would favor purchases on all races Gats—Car Iota were under estimated and will run smaller, hut the e»*h market was dull, although steady, with bright, oats In demand. Changes were but slight In May and July, and wo look for a dull holiday market. Provisions—Hogs were slow, while ship merits of lard and meats were In excess of lost year. Cudahy sold May rih there was buyirr of Hrd by an Ei„ houso. with trade only light and mostly in the way of changing from January to May. Qrokcrag* Co.’s Ors!n Letter, CHICAGO pee. 20 — Extram- weakness I tho Ln*H%h wh«at market -ame as a distinct surprise to the local traders to day. Naturally then- was heavy liquids tlon early In the day, Th*r* was g< support on the decline, and there wa_ . substantial recovery an* during the be! anre of the day there wer*- Itemsting declines and advances In consequent!* of a disposition on the part of certain oi fjssional* to work along scalping lln Commission hon-*** were good buyer* 1 -, wheat during th# d»v. and U was estlLj mated that •.►me ,f ty,* Kastem holders were adding to their hn*« in th ‘ they already carrytnr about ts eoa 40* bushel* end they aranow * tton wher* »will b* conin' t port their station. The do*™ « r 't generally U father o.. tie foreign situauot* in viow ot tho good Ware & Leland, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Commission Brokers Cotton Grain Stocks Coffee Members— Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchango New York Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Privito Wires to Principal Points New York Office Mscon Office 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth st. stock 155 Atlanta & West Point Railroad debentures 107 Augusta & Savannah ’Railroad ■tuck 117 Georgia Soutliern & Florida 1st preferred stock 99 Georgia Southern RaUread 2d ^preferred stock 69 Georgia Southern Railroad obtn mon stock —30 Seaboard, common 16 Seaboard, praferred 36 Southern Railroad, prof........ 96 Southern Rallrond, com...—... 84 wmnu oi on. rooriRUK*. n pet* cent. 1945 ....,.••.119 120 Cenfral of Georgia collateral -ust 6 pc.. 1937.. 110 111 trat-'of Ga. consolidated....Ill 111 _-.tral.of Oa^lrft income 90 91 Central of Ga. 2d Income 71 73 Central of .On. 3d Income 69 60 *Ga. Southern & Honda 1st mortgage. 6 pc.. 19w........114 115 Georgia Railroad * Banltlrm Co. 614 per Cffht.. 1910.......77...103 110 Ocean Hfenmsblp Co.. 1st 6 per .cent.. 1910 JL. ,101 106 Georgia Railroad fc Banking On. 6 per cent.. 1922 117 1 IS Georgia A Alabama consols. 6 per cent.. 1945., ,'....112# 1134 Seaboard, r. pot'cent ......103 104 Southern' R5k.. 6 pc.. 1946T.... .118 119 Mneom44 ps.. C l*ft‘*???^ 107 ICS Macon*6 po.. 1931 115 114 Macon 6 per cent 110 111 Savannah 5 po.. 1907.... 103 104 Auguata, pfoe as to rate -inter est and maturity :....ioo 123 Atlanta, pnee at* to rate Itttlra tor.nnd maturity100 121 Columbus, po.. 1909?-. »106 106 Away Above Everything And You Know It’s Value. Lewis 66 In Original Cases Con taining 4 FULL QUARTS EXPRESS PREPAID Lumber Quotations. (Corrected by Msniee'/t Felton Lum. Co.> Common framing, pIbM *.913 and up .Common boards, rough Ill and up Common framing, rough It and un Dressed nnd matched flooring. .911 lo :i* Dre*»***d »ml m>»enM rol" Square wrair,- • Bevel edge weather board No. 1 cawed plnp nhlhtflea....32.90 to 13.60 No. 2 sawed pine shingles.. .91.80to $2.oo No. 1 best cypress shingles 94.Ov flooring, .lino 31* 'Quine.... 10 to 18 'o&rdtns.. 12 to 16 ralng. Ilfl to 112.86 by .. LEMONS.—Per box. $4.00. PKANUTS — North Carolina. 64c. Ib.j Virginia. 6i»o. PRUNES.—5 Jo 8o. perporsd. APPLES.—’V* barrel. 32.7lf. RAIKINR.—N*w crop, 21.75 box. UANANA8.—Bunch. SI.60 to 11.71, ONIONS —Per bushel, 21.35. ORANGES.—Florid... |2.50 x bOX. CAHnAOE —Virginia. 140. pound. NEW rOTATqf.B.-Ftor sank. 13.00. SPANrSH ONIONS —F*Pr crato, |1.73. TURNIPS.—Per sack, 91.60. Liquors—Wholeaate. (Corrected by Weichaelbaura A Mack.) WHISKY.—Rye. 31.10 to 33.80; com. 1.10 to 91.60; gin. 21.10 to 31.75; North Cnrollr.n corn. 31.10 to 31.60; Georgia corn. 31.90. WINE.—73c. to 3S; high wines. 31.22: tort and sherry, 7bc. toll: claret. 34 to 10 a case; American champagne. 37.60 to IJG.60 per cane; cordials, 912 per do*.; billots. 97.60 por dot. ChlcTarm.kTrn*. 134 OhlcT.fcTrna. pf*l 314 Louis. 904 Col.Southern .... Col. Bo. 1st. pfd... Ool. Do. 31d, Sid.. W Pel. k lludsun... 1174 Dsi..Lssb.-w#*t .330 .j Denvor-n. Grand# 314 DeuTer-IUO. pfd.. 8*’■ File »7?6 Frlelat pfd 7* n pfd. H, -.nt Volley... SSH HookleffVal.pfd.. 91 jj Illinois Onl 1*4*4 lovaOsnt «'l.... 334 K ana. City Bo 3*4 I an *. City Ba pfd. 63 LMilSTllls-Kaahv.HOH Manhattan 6 ....1R Met. fiSSfirlMss... 79 Met rep) Is. «LUy.lM?i Min neap.-fit. !•.- M Mlnn.BtP.OB.B.M 0OU M.K rkfl.N.M.pfd.UlL Bon them Poe 644 jRoiithern H> 3*4 BouthernRr. pfd. 164 Tntnu-Porlflo,... *4'1 | TolMo.SLL-W#*t 8»4 Tol.Bt.T--Wea»pf<J M4 Dolen Pan . H34 Union Pac. pfd.... **4 Wahoah,... 23. Wabaah pfd (34 who*Prg-I-Frte.. 13U WlesensloOshL.. 314 Wip.Oeut. PM .... «*S A^m. American........ Unlto-1 Stow* If® Weil* tan \ Amalgmtd.Cooper TO Am.Car Foundry.. 3® Am.Car Fdrr ofd. Am. cotton Oil ... *6 Am. (V»t. oil pfd.. *3 Amorlcan Ice..... Amerleau Ice pfd. **4 Am Un. oil US Am. Un. Oil pfd... ••••L ,Ara. I/jcomotlr*.. 3(4 Am. Jy»coraot. nMlOTV. Am.SraeiUnrAltfs *1*4 | Aro.Bmltg.An.pfd.113 Am. Bff Antcon-iollln. OolOl Brooklyn Uan.Tr. (O'; Ool. Fuel k from.. («td OoneolldMtei gna.301 1 i I Ora Products.... 3l'd Com Prod pfd....,7t‘j kbtstUlsrs* Bscur-. 3744 Tinrona SQfigg, 6c. Barona nicnacs. 7c. Rarona oyster crackers. 6c. N. R. C. sodas. 64o. Ginger snaps, N. R. C., 74C Excelsior meter, 74c. Assorted caacs. to. 8ugar cakes. 3c. Gsndv. Crsnm mixed randy In palls. 10c. Stick Candy, in barrels, 64c- Stick candy in boxes. 64c. Fancy broken mix V 0 **”- 7c. Mixed candy in pniTe. 6. 7 nnd 8a Hardware—wnotssals. (Corrected by Dunlap Hardware Ca) Wr.I.T.nUCKETS—34 per doxen. ROPE JManUn, 144c.; Hesel, 11c.; cot- WIRE.—Barb. tUe. pound. PLOW STOCKfC—Ilarmnn, 90e.j Fer- gueon, 10c. TI7I1S—PalntmJO l».«0: Mdar. «S.M nest. SHOE8.—Horse. 34.26; mules 94.25. BUCKETS.—Paint. 31.70 dos.; white cod nr. thro hoops. 33.10. CHAINS —Trace, |4 to |6 dor. OUN POWDER.—Per l<*g. Austin crack hot. 91; half kegs. 32.76: quarter keg*. 3.2a; Dupont nnd Hazard nmokelen*, mlf kegs. III. 16: quarter keg*, la.16; •lb. eanlsteni. 91. Ic»a 26 por rent.; Trol*- orf eniokeleas powder, 1-lb. cans. 31; 0-lh. c*ns. 90u. lb. fl.5(U champion ducking, quarter kegs, ilHbvKM »7 to 111 aon. CARDS.—(lotion, 34.60 per dos. plow blades. 6c. per lb. IRON.—24c. pound base: Bwedo. 44a pound. A\*:s.-37.60 to 39 00 per doren. LEAD—Par. 74c. sound. NAILS —Wire, 13.50 barrel; cut, 12.60 Intrn. PnmppM. Nntlonal 7/eod.... | Worth American..101 Pacin'? Mall,r. r*rOn* , Mlas'iurl.R.-T.pM M Mexican Central. 304 Met V.n.n.of Met.pfd. *oa I NawTork Oent....!(l4 Pressed Steel Norfelk-Westefn. tf Nforfoik-W pfd... 01 Ontario-Western. iV* renneyiyael* 1374 Plttab.,0.0.Aflt.L. 76 Reeding 76; Read Insist pfd... J* Readtnt31 pfl... «i - Rock leland Oo... 374 tuwk 1*1. Di. pfd. *«4 tLl^fi.rrn. 3d pfd *3V, (LUntsBe. Wstn. 344 iLT.le.wstn.pfd. TO RLL-8.rrn.letpM .... He*board com..., 1*4 II TO m 1074 eel Oar. 3V2 *04 Heaboard pfd. Presaed B. Otv-pM Pullman Pat (far.331 RepqMl't httol,..- I*4 lUpilhliaSteet pfd <6 Hilhber Goode.... 344 Rubber (Id., pfd*. *4 Tenn. Coal blren 7IW U. B. feather ItV U. H. feather nfd IQIl; U.B. Realty k Imp U. P. Rubber 33 1. B. Rubber pfd. '. B. Steel. I. R. R’sel pld . .. *34 feetmghousvFl ‘“* Weetera Union.. Dry QooQs—V/holeaeie. (Corro<-tt<i by Tho \v.i>' ibaum Co.) SHEETINGS.—4»4, 6 to 64o. DIU LUNGS.-4 4a 74c. TICKINGS.-44 to 1*0 BE A ISLAND.—4ty to 74c. CHECK^—d to 64c. BLEACHINOfl.—4 to 8a PRINTS.—4 to 4%c. ... _ TjafierCa) Three uGh<ui are ai v/nolesal* and not tera; ..1. rib, * Extra short ribs 7> 16-2d-lb. rib bellies • 18-if-lb. rib gellles 8 26-30-lb. rtb bellies 1% Any or the aoove cuts, etnoked at Tills Extrcmly low price avIII hold good for this week only : : : : : Order Now Our complete lino of Wines and Whiskies comprises a largo assort ment of Domestic and Imported Port Wine, Catawba Wine, Sherry Wine, Blackberry Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Imported Champagnes, Hcnnessy M a r t i 1 e Brandy. Mail Orders Promptly Pilled. Our Rebate Tickets Save You Money. Sam & Ed Weichselbaum Phone 414 New Location, 3(>13rd St., Macon, Ga. % HOLMES JOHNSON CO. 311 Ocmulgec Street. Telephone 73 COAL Jellico, Blue Gem and other Coals. Exclusive Agents for Brilliant, Eureka and Etna GEORGIA SOUTHERN <& FLORIDA RY. LOCAL TIME TABLE HOOTI1 HOUND BONDS. Mips*...11P2 ’Wot.rmn Ine.. IV/. P.B.46, re< 1044 Minn.4»RLL4* ... *74 C.B.3a, eorx>0...1'l . M. faa * Tit 41... 10> O.B newi*. ref. I3d'i .Vf. BanRTexlU, o.f. oidu. cen. r.i y. to C-l n«»n. "*••!«}$ Nftk K. n. of Mnt. O.R B.»n. o»».IO«5< ,t«bl.oa. ..a, «.*»!•; ® AtlOStU Ooaat L . 9*4 I6R4 A'vlJ'Mtmeit U .1 m tt. J. cea.*en.6«. . Mor. Ftelfl'j 4«....I96U S •L'StfUfc™ Norfolk k W««t«ra i*ol (a 161 Oregon Abort Un^ Balt, k O. (*.. Balt, k O. 3>;«. Gea.ofGa. H. On. of u.Ut lao *1 On. of Ci v 31 la . 73’4 Oh*«. k Okie 44*1*74 Cble. fc AIL J4«... *2 Lh.h.A j.n*v«f.. 10*4 C.M.A4t.r.*#n.4«.lTO Ohio, k Northwo«. ura cos. 7*.....12* U..R.I.AFv%«« ... TO a,ILL Arabella *»U C.,a,G.fcdt.L.f*o. B«q Chl'tac'i’rerm. it Oea.Tob.46.... Col. ffodthera Col. yuel ’*. .. I AHlo dr»a4 f rla Prior Mm 4c 1*1% ! v*.Ci EriaOnn. 4* 91% PLW.fcD.tlty I*t 1*74 w*ba*h Mocking V*( 41-9*1114 U'abaaa ] LfcMUoU 4#.... WhnaLa Mhtaa gold4n ..IM4 (wiaooo. MACON LOCAL MARKETS. 1TO fc Parti. Penn. Con. 3U«.. Kea'llnr g«n*l i% ht. ;«,*!• a Iroi Monura o->u it. U|u Mt. I.. * Baa ?r*a- ;u:v. M .3 »*.**.,. *f. *14 ! Union PaotSs «a..194M ... Pvt.oea. it ...lllR (1 ICi c. 8. B’.eel. 24 It., tlj \ le. advfcnca. . cv 66-lb. tubs... 10-lb. tub* I Flaks white tlerran $ 6 Th* asrre addition for other nlxa* aa on pure Inrd. CORN-Sackml white 66 No. 2 Marked mixed 65 Frerlai quotation* mads 00 carload OATH .—Texas rust proof.••••*•••....66 Whit** clipped.. 48 No 3 whits 46 Special quotations on cor (ola. HAY.—Choke timothy 96 No. 1 timothy....... •••••If Clov»r hay 66 Prairie hay 70 Georgia hay 76 N/>*' 1 ti quotations on car lots. _ BRAN.—Pure wh*at 11.26 Mlx^a bran 1.16 Jcraey crock f#*1.. l.M Reliable stock fund 1.10 MEAI#—Water ground Juliette.. ritrarr ground _ FLOUR —Private stock pastry $6.25 Royal Owl ntandara.......... 6.90 No. 1 patent 6.80 On»-haif patent 6.40 Straight* |F BRiBTs'firiuis^l-biiiiii:::::::::: it IfudnutM. caeka 1.0 Fanpr bend « Medium***^ f SUGAR—HU retard granulated.\Y.V.\.6% R ew Orleans clarified.. ew York yellow BTRUP Georgia cane.. New York refined New Orleans mdaaset., COFFEE.—Green !Uo. eh ' Green Rio, medfu J'/Tcctlvo October aj, njof. STATIONS Macon • . . / Kathleen . 1 Grovanta • • . I Un ad ilia . . . L Vienna • .1.1 Cordelo ^ ,y. L Arab! • Worth • . Aihburn • . Tifton • • Lenox $ . Sparks • . Add . . Valdoeta . , Valdosta • . I lay lot? . . Fargo ., . Raxtcr • . Cutler • . Crawford . Jacksonville Non Til HOUND (i P. M. I A. M. I A. M. 4 20 3 50 11 25 :j 241 10 21 3 06| f 2 28 2 08 2 47 2 22] 2 05 1 25, 1 11;. 1 0.S| U 10 8 50 H 20 ' 8 14 14 8 08 12 301 12 40 7 30 12 0b VI 13 7 04 11 54 ; 12 01 r, 5: 11 48 11 57 «» 4i 11 05 11 15 (i.00 11 00 11 05 10 21 10 2(» 0 3b: 0 44 8 58 8 37 8 20 7 45; 0 03 8 40 8 231 .... , Valdosta • Lake Park . Jennings . Jasper . White Springs . Lake City . Lake Butler. Sampson City • Hampton • . Grandin • Florahome . . Palatka. . u to | 9 07 8 43 7 58 7 7 19 (i 37 1" 07 9 4J 9 0b 8 40 7 521 7 28 .... 7 oh; r> 21 5 50' r. vi. i RICE.- 11% pc.. Local SteCKt ana •aloyan Female College, onomnation Jaa’y agd oupons, t*rlee owing l< f maturity me Drawing Co... r Caw ManfiCe... “ it Water < ■ r,y Railroad v Atlaxua d West 1'olnt Arbueklca roosted..... SALT.—100-lb. white sacks..,. 100-lb. Burlap sacks Hn» table |2.O' 2H-lb. packets 3 CHEEfiET—Beat full cream 134| One-pound cuts........••••...14 HIDES. ' (Corrected by O. Bernd it Co.) Dry flint If to 1<c Dry salt U to 1246c Green salt all weights........ OH to *V4c Green salt, not ctrrsd* Damaged hide*, according t G*'#t skins 8'$eep skins Washed, per lb...... THE NEW SLEEPERS now running on Trains 3 and 4 between Macon and Jacksonville, via Valdosu, arc twelve acetion Drawing- Room Buffet cart, Fin uhg-' '.:ghted, and up to the Pullman standard in all their appoint menu. These ilcepert sre open lor occupancy, leaving Macon, at 9:30 p.m., and passenger! can remain in sleeper until 7;oo a.m. on arrival at Macon. J. )1. RAFFTERY. D P, A . C. B. RHODES HARRY BURNS. T. P A .