The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 21, 1904, Image 8

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8 TITE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1904. NONE BUT THE BEST. $ 0 1 \ Ui Yournans and Stetson's Hats. Strousc liro.'a High Art Clothing Sunday is CHRISTMAS Saturday IZvcryhody--except those who take our advice and buy now will be down town Rushing Pulling Pushing »fL.t Fighting to get that gift they had about overlooked. Have you bought yet? Or will you be down Saturday? COMP. \'OW“Look over our stock--wc arc certainly prepared lor you. Is he your husband T fluy him a Hath• robe. We have some bcautlcs“Hldcr- tlown Crash, $5.00 to $15.00. Or some Underwear at $1.00 to $5.00 per Suit. Is he your brother? Get him a nice lJm‘ brclla or Walking Cane, $2.50 to S/5.00, or Handkerchiefs, look at these fine lin er ones, 0 In a pretty box, $1.501 others 25c to $1.50 each. Is lie your sweetheart? Buy hlm“the very thlng“7t Black Silk Pull Dress Muf fler, $1.50 to $5.00, or a pair of Glovcsi wouldn't He enjoy a pair of Dent’s, though? $2.00 and $2.50 a pair. 5 WE TAKE PERIODICAL TICKETS. Your Presents Found Here. We want you to be present here every (lay for the next four—time is growing more precious each day. Probably you may not be fully de cided on the gifts. Let us help you. For the Ladies. Cheffou Capes, Chef- fou Ruches, Lace Col lars, Collar and Cuffs Sets of lace or em broidery, Neckwear, Belts, Hosiery and Gloves, Handkerchiefs and Bags, Umbrellas and Raincoats, Tailor Suits and Coats, Furs, Sweaters and Kimo- nas. Dressing Cases, Manacure Sets,French and Oriental Hand Painted China Bas kets and fancy articles of numerous kinds. For the Hen. Dress Suit Cases, Men’s Trunks, Loung ing Robes, Smoking Jackets, Smoking Sets, Traveling Toilet Sets, Hat and Clothes Brushes, Gold Scarf Pins, Fancy Neckwear, I Gloves and Socks, Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, Collar and Cuffs Boxes, Militdry Brushss, Fancy Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, Cigar Boxes. »-» ♦♦♦♦>»++********* ♦♦+++++4-»+'»4'»»444 ♦ »4♦ ♦♦ ♦ SC AND Y Wo ask the trade to boar in mind that wo aro headquarters “for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ov- ory day. Order of us and got fresh mado goods. Wo soil only to deal ers. Exclusively wholesale. We are open for trade every night this week. The store is not so crowded then any you will find shopping much more satisfactory. COL A. T. HOLT GETS CHRISTMAS CAKE Tho Forty-Third Annual Remember* ance From an Old Virginia Home. An Aftermath of the War Time. MACON—ATLANTA. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON FRATERNITY WON Defeated All Competitor. In Mercer’s Annual Tennie Tourney and Now Holds Championship — Final Gama Played Yesterday Afternoon. After a number of postponements on account of rain and pold the final game of Mercer’a tennis tournament was played yesterday between the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the Fhl Delta Theta teams. The match was handily taken by the S. A. E.'s In two straight seta. Score: 6-4; 6-2. The result proved quite a surprise. Those who had bqen supporting the S. A. E.’s from the open, lng of the tournament were surprised at the play yeaterday. No matter to what point Capers and Nichols, the two Theta players, smsahed the ball, either Ogburn or Welker were on hand to receive IL After five minutes of play had expired It was seen that the Thetas were outclassed, both at ser vice and In the returns. The Kappa Alpha court, upon which the match was played, was In good condition and the attendance was large and fully appre ciated the play. Great interest was centered In the outcome of the game aa the two teams have for yeara been rivals. Up to the opening of yesterday's match the Thetas' team had a percentage of 1000 having defeated in turn five of the other clubs entered. Tho winners also entered the match with a clean record. Now that the tournament has been completed the governing board of Mer cer's Tennis Association will begin the task of arranging for a trl-meet be tween the champlonahlp teams in doubles of Emory College. Mercer, and the University of Georgia. Overtures for such a meet have been made in previous years but little has been the result The main object of the tourna ment Just completed was to arouse In terest In the sport nmong the Mercer- lans so that a triangular contest, should one be arranged, would be firmly backed by the student body. As soon as the students return to college at the expiration of the Christ mas holidays the secretary of the gov erning board will bo instructed to cor respond with the tennis men of Georgia and Emory In order to ascertain Just how those Institutions view the pro posed meet. Mercer wishes to play in Macon and It is very probable that the teams will meet here. SUGGESTIONS NECKWEAR. Th* safe way to buy "smart” Neckwear is to buy it from the store that knows "smart neck* wear.” 50c. to $3.50. For His MUFFLERS. In the large square shapes, Bar- athea, Grosgram and English Rep. i n all the new designs. Nothin g would please him bet- ter. $1.00 to $3.50. Christmas Gift SMOKING JACKETS. Not the kind you will find at a "dry floods” stoic, but made for first class clothing store trade and by Alfred Benjamin & Co. $5.00 to $12.50. SILK SUSPENDERS. With German silver buckles, all shades and colors, $1.00. At With sterling silver and gold- plated buckles, $1.50 to $3.50. Benson & Moore’s BATH ROBE8, SUIT CASES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES. To= day BAGS AND GRIPS, HALF HOSE, UNDERWEAR, SILK UMBRELLAS. Tattnall Square Drug Store. "Aa near you aa your 'Phone.” 'Phone 866. FACULTY WILL GIVE AN ENTERTAINMENT Col. A. T. Holt received yeaterday hla forty-third annual Chrlatmaa cako from the Couch family of Petersburg. Va. It came from Mlaa Mattie Couch, who wae a very little child when Col. Holt, aa a wounded aoldler, was cared for by the family. The affection then developed haa abided and now that hit old frlenda of the household have puaaed away, the annual gift of the Chrlatmaa rake to Cal. Holt. Instituted by her elders, la ronttnued In the name kindly spirit. For Lsdlss, The Rllver Queen, something In house slippers, neat, nice and warm at 11.76. Others get more. LE8TER-WHITNEY SHOE CO. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. 1 Johnson-King & Company, : Manufacturing Confectioners, * Macon, Ga. Architects, Contractors and Builders. Your attention la tailed to the fact that. In addition to our Concrete Building Blocks. we are manufacturing ft**, *’\ If* and IS” Hexagonal Tiling for Interior and exterior work; Window and Door Bills; Lintels. Skew-hacks, Kty'itOMa, Column Hass* and Capa. But treat-caps, steps of any length, and ail other work of this kina, w# aro alao prepared to execute promptly or der* for ornamental work of any deeign. Your patronage it solicited. Bibb Stone & Tlltujr Company. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUI LOINO. MACON, GA.' PHONE J7B. HERTZ COAL CO. Phone U83 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. HOLIDAY GIFTS Meteorological data furnished by the local office of the United St iles il« pert inent agriculture, eeatlur bureau, for the 24 hours ending ut 4 — .h Thermograph entrai timo. Readings. ft pm...41)11 pm..35! ft sm..2ft;il am. 43 8 pm...44T2 mn..34i * am..2*112 m ..4ft 7 pm...41] 1 am..3l! 7 am..30| l pm. &n ft pm.. .40 2 am. .311 II am. .32! 2 pm. !*2 ft pm...37 3 am..30' ft am-.3ftl 3 pm.. 13 - - I...34I 4 ~ 10 pm. am..2ft!l0 am..40! 4 pm. M River The Ocmulgee river at Macon at 7 a m. read l.ft feet, no change during the past twenty-four hours, being 2.ft feet above low water mark of 1004. The Oconee river at Mllledgeville read 2 0 feet, a (all of 0.3 of a foot during the past twenty-four hours The Oconee river at Dublin read O.ft of a foot, no change during the past twen ty-four hours The Ocmulgee river at Abbeville read 2 3 feet, no change during the past twen. Tho Two Clubs Will Meet Tomorrow in a Bowling Match. Macon meets Atlanta tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In a bowling game nnd the local club will do its beat to wipe away her former defeat. The two teama met for- the first time Ih the race for champlonahlp last Wednesday evening ond the local club waa beaten. Tomor row* Macon hopes to turn the tables. December 29th haa been set for the next game In which'nil the eight clubs will take part at ojice, A Priqhtened Horse, Running. like made down the afreet, dumping the occupant^ ; or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salvo handy, and there's none as good ns Rucklen** Arnica Halve. Burns, Cuts. Sores, Eczema and Piles disappear quickly- under Us soothing effect. 25c.' at all drug stores. NEGRO BICYQLIST Collided With a Wagon and Was Badly Shaken Up—Taken to Hospital. William Wells, a negro youth about eighteen years of ah*.'.while riding a bicycle along Cotton cavcnue near tho corner of Cherry street, collided with a Mtllvery wagon yesterday morning and was knocked from bis wheel. He was carried to the city hospital, where U w*aa seen that he ■«waft more scared than Injured. Footballs, Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags, 8kates. Drums at McEvoy Book ft Stationery Co. A GOLD PRIZE. Teachers at tho Georgia Acndomy of tho Blind Have Arranged an Inter esting Programme for This Evening —Publio Invited. THERE'S great satisfaction in knowing when you've bought a present for a man, that he couldn’t have improved on it had ho have bought it him* self, . __ . ^ v __ f Sensible, Lasting Presents. IF YOU WISH TO BE CAREFUL AND ECONOMICAL IN YOUR PUR. CHASES FOR XMAS PRESENTS AND AT THE SAME TIME SELECT FROM A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE VERY NEWEST AND BEST, YOU HAD BETTER START AT ONCE FOR OUR STORE. OUR LATEST NOVELTIES AND CHOICEST BARGAINS WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON’.T PUT IT OFF, COME NOW. WILL KEEP YOUR PURCHASES AND DELIVER WHEN WANTED. An entertainment that I* to consist of vocal and Instrumental music and recitations will be riven this evening at 7:30 o'clock by tho faculty cf tha Georgia Academy for the blind. Those whoae names appear upon the pro gramme have prepared their num bers fully and expect to give an en tertainment well worth seeing and hearing. The public is Invited. MACON. FA. For the best cigars go to Lamar it Lamar’s. An Article In Burnt Wood. Mias May Donahue, the daughter of Mr*. Annie Donahue, and the niece of Mrs. Maggie Donahue. Is showing remarkable talent In burnt-wood work. She has Just completed upon n disc a free-hand copy of Rosa Bon- heur’s famous picture of the three horses and the lines an£ shading show the artist hand. Miss Donahue won three premiums at the recent state fair for both burnt-wood and em broidery. Beware of Imitations and Frauds We own and control Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot bo purchased from others. More this famous brand sold than all others combined* One Gallon of Willow Dale in Jug $2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale $2.85, Delivered. | N X Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test and sores of any kind, cau3cCi by any kind of accident, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, sprain*, etc., are best treated by tho immediate ap plication of HAMLINS And And men akin. M ar\ ••wfl Chan Azali “ Wa then in tho dust of the road again ; the teama we met, and the country- ; and the long highway, with sun- * spread as thick as butter on try bread, Our cares behind, and hearts ahead. "Out to old Aunt r’s” "James Whitcomb Riley” th Studies From Nature” “Howard Christy.” "The Love of “The Master Violin ” s Chaperon.” “A Journev jf Christmas." “A chocked iir ” Mail ore. rs nromntlv THU J. W. BURKE CO. This great, soothing, curative remedy relieves pain, reduce] swelling and inflammation, and heals up all open wounds and sores. It is tbs on: perfect, mod em dressing, or treatment, for a wound. Its quick use will posi tively prevent blood poisoning. Always keep it at h:ind. Says Mrs. Jc: -o Turn*, of Eliz abeth, Ky.: "My little boy wss badly burned on both legs, which were so drawn out of stupa that he could not oven crawl. I tried many remedies without relief, but finally Hamlin* Wizard Oil made d perfect euro, and he can now walk and run. We thought wc j'.ould have to amputate both his j laa, and MUalwHrihiVted Oil. Iris life.'” Price idc and $1 CO Hold rtd rivoo-.u .ided by ALL DRUGGISTS Will ba Given to tha Highe.t Macon Rowler. Whon tho aoaton* campaign In the Southeastern bowling league haa been wound up the local bowler who hao the highest average during the season and has worked out In *0 per rent, of the games. wUI be presented with a handsome gold medal. The oner la made to encourage the playert on Moron'* club. The ’donor I* Inter ested In the work of the league and I* ’ very anxloue to oee Macon land tho flrat place aa she did In baseball The rare for this medal will un- I doubtedly be a hard fought one. 1 Napier. Taylor. Baldwin, Evans, Mer ritt and others are out for the prise and each of thle quintet mils an aver age game of IIS pins. DEATH OF MRS. J. 8. McGHEE. A Beloved Christian Woman Poises to Her Reward. News that reached the city yeeter- I day.snnouncing the cad death of Mrs | J. 8. MrGhee has caused much sorrow j to the friend* of the family. The de- crated wae well known and loved by all with whom she earn* In contact. She wme the wife of County Commla- ! tinner J. 8. McGhee, who ha* ably 1 served our county for years, and was | 111 her aerenty-nlnth year. Accom- 1 panted by her voungeet eon ah* went J to White Sulphur Springs. Fla.. In I September for her health. On their re turn they visited her daughter at j Pixie, aa. At this place, her condition | became worse and aoon death had claimed her. Mrs. MrGhee leaves a husband, three eon* and one daughter: j they aro Messrs. Perry. Jimmie and J. S. McGhee. Jr., of Macon, and Mrs. ! Ella Taylcr of Dtxto. ] Mrs. McGhee waa of a genial, happy I disposition always, ready and cheerful j to nepond to her Matter's cause. She I waa a member of the Primitive Bap- tlat church for over a quarter of a * century. Prior to her marriage, she ! **• * ***** Mantle Basetnor* and waa j reared In Jones county. Her many I frlenda share their touching sympathy w Ith tb* member* of tho family in their aad hour of grief. Tho remains reached th# city this morning at VSO over the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad and were ’ enstdencu on tho Houston **- funeral arrangement* will announced later. THERE’S HEALTH iN Lemon Juice Varioua experiment* by em inent scientists have proven the great value of lemons in de stroying the germs of typhoid and other fevers. Germs of diseases are deposited in the system by the failure of the bowels to act regularly. MOZ- LEY’S LEMON ELIXIR is an ideal laxative, made from the juice of pure lemons, and has no equal for oleaneing the eye- tern of all impurities.. It acts promptly on the bowels, liver end kidneys, and does not gripe or cause any unpleasantness. 60 cents per bottle at all drug stores. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. A. & N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, Macon, Ga. hOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO Bibb Manufacturing Co. Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of • Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc; IS and 20 Thomas St. New York Office. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO taken to th I nconceivable i MPOSStBLEM ncomprehensibieiii Jnu. S. Hoge Drug Co. AGENTS. Macon, Ga. Orders by ma*l have prompt sttentic PERSONAL. Mre. E. T. B, Glenn and h*r elater. rs. R. J. Carr, have (one to Atlanta to attend the consecration of IVan Knight, recently appointed bishop of Cuba. Mine Albrrta O’Hara, w!H return to day from Washington. Qtw to spend th** holidays with her parents. She has beea attending the school of the Sla ters of Ft. Joseph and aha & fine record of scholarship. Mr and Mrs. Morris Happ an- noftnets the engagement of tkatr daugfc!*.- Florlne to Mr. Morris Michael of Athena, Ga. They be at home to their friends on Sunday af ternoon. Jan. 1st, at their residence, 321 New street. Mr. G. H. Benner, who, with hU brother, Mr. J. H. Benner, went re cently to Columbia, Tenm. to vtelt their dying rnoth-r, returned to the city yesterday. His mother died Dec. 12 at the age of 34. Mr. Benner during hie stay at his old home became much tn‘pT*?*ej with the agricultural pros perity of the section. I* « better Ute than never, and If you hare r.e-. *r .*• a BLUE RIBBON L* and Vanilla Extracts. NOW U a (c.d t;n*.e to try iheok