The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 23, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1904. *Me96msaB9S6MQXIXl%lXlXmNXM6W* DON’T FORGET I That the place Xmas to buy your Gifts Is where you get the largest and most varied assortment We Show the Largest We Show the Best “ of every thing made for ■* Man or Boy Only 2 days to make your purchases 25 % Off FROM HAWKINSVILLE AND PULAS1K COUNTY Schools Close for Holidays—Mas be Celebrated—Immigrants Con Big Land Deal. LETTER FROM MORGAN. Con Read to g on Bath Robes, 8 Smoking Jackets 5 and Silver Mounted Suspenders The Dannenberg Co. Send Your Orders FOR Whiskies, Wines, Etc. Etc. to | SAN WE1GUSELBAUM & HACK X 451 Cherry St.—Phono 558—Macon, Ga. t —- - - ~ ! The oldest and most reliable Wholesale Whis ky Establishment in Georgia. They will re- $ ceive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran- t teed or money refunded. Lowest prices ofa li X Complete stock of everything. ♦ HAWKINSVILLE. Ga., Dec. 22.— The Hawkinavllle public schools closed Wednesday for the holidays to allow the teachers and scholars a ten days* vacation, school to resume Monday. January 2. The school, under the management of President T. G. Pol- hlll, Is In a flourishing condition and has a large roll of pupils. Will Celebrate Mass. Rev. Father Doyle of New York city, who Is lt\ Hawkinavllle for a while, will celebrate moss with a sermon an Christmas mornlnng at the county j court house. The general public is | Invited to the services, which begin at 9:30 o'clock. Immigration. North Georgia Immigrants continue to move to Pulaski county. Mr. T. A. Norris has arrived here with his fam ily,' he having bought a large tract of land known as tfle Spurlin property four mlleo west of the city. Big Land Sale. Col. T. C. Taylor has sold the Bar clay place of one thousand acres to Mr. J. D. Sewell of Franklin county. It is understood that a number of j other big land deals are being con sidered. all going to show that no sec tion of country can Justly claim over old Pulaski to be the "garden spot of the earth." Mr. Brown’s Farms. Hon. J. Pope Brown Is now having erected on several of his big farms at "Bronwood" substantial and up- to-date dwellings of good size. It Is Mr. Brown’s Intention to dot his im mense plantations with a number of dwellings that will attract the best class of farmers, thereby giving him a chance to, ns stated by him before, "Caucaslonlxe'* his lands and that sec tlon of the country. The work Is now under rapid headway. Morchants Busy. The merchants of Hawkinavllle are having all they can do this week to wait on the Christmas trade. Special merchants trade excursions are being run Into Hawkinavllle this week by the different railroads centering here at less than half fare rates, and the crowds are coming at full tilt to take advantage of cheap rates In order to do their holiday shopping in Hawk lnsville. Every store has employed all the extra help obtainable, and the busy inerchnnts are throwing out the biggest inducements possible to old Santa Claus, who seems to be spend ing more money now than any other man In the country. Fireworks nre burning day and night, and the city has on her holiday attire from hend to foot. Plant Improved. The Dispatch and News has Just In stalled one of the best, newest and most modern weekly newspaper out fits made, consisting of a large news paper press, folders. Jobbers, etc. The plant is run entirely by electricity. Various other Improvements necessa ry to operate a first-class newspaper plant have been added, which, with the same able management of Mr. J. J. Harvard ns publisher and Mr. Jo sephus Tarver as editor, gives Hawk lnsville a newspnper service of which ■he may well feel proud. H armon—Comer. c6RDEL0. Ga., Dec. 22.—At 7:30 o'clock last evening Mias Luclle Co married to Mr. Carl Harmot of Dixie, Ga., at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Comer, parents of the bride. Rev. O. W, Branch of Dixie performed the ceremony. Only Intimate friends and relatives of the bride and groom attended the marriage, as It was a quiet home af- OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lots of things in a Jewel ry Store that don’t contutn Jewels; lots of small. Inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking ft look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long as you like; buy when you get ready. % Uo-Ajl W'L wit UuMT W (ALtu- KUillW fwA bp Ujfar Q/wL (jet teCtlr W\jt w. tfa. I-.WmmvJ 2 v T ‘ an X Pinano England Society. CHARLESTON. H. C., Doc. 22.—'The elghty-flfth anniversary banquest of the New England Society was held tonight at Hotel St. John. Dr. \V. H. Me Elroy of New York responded to the toast "The Day We Colehraate." Congressman LeGare, Col. Cav..ilre. U. S. A., Capt. Berry. U. S. N., and others spoke. A letter from *J. P. Morgan was read, from which the following is taken: An especial reason why I regret my inability to attend your gathering Is the deep Interest I feel In the notable development of the South In education and commerce. During the past twenty years I have done what I could along hat •seemed to ine the most effective to foster and encourage the sub stantial progress which has Jieen made, ami I am especially desirous of co operating with efforts now making, and to be made In the future, to effect the continuance of that advancement. am satisfied that nothing can be more beneficial, than that hotter un derstanding among all good citizens of the country which springs from mutual acquaintance and fraternal feeling. "Consequently, while regretting t,hat I cannot he with you on Forefathers' day, I may say that I hope to go Routh during the coming winter, and. if It should continue to be your desire, it would afford me very great pleasure. Indeed, to stop over in your city, and possibly meet the members of your society. John Plerpont Morgan." PECULIAR DEATH. Killed by Explosion of One Pound'-- Gun Cartridge. DETROIT. Mich.. Dec. 22-Mrs. Thomas K. Barnes was killed today In her home at 253 Pine street, by the explosion of a "One-pounder" rapid Are gun cartridge, whleh It Is supposed she was using for a '!hrlstnrns preparations irirla * ” ‘ tne chle Of the dlstr trouble Perhaps llffe almost biu-k. adiiche and pondent; hut suffering or being restov- ry day covery, In a few days sfter taking your wonderful dwump-Root I began to feel better. I was out of health and run down gen erally: had no nppetltlte, was dlssy and suffered with headache most of the time. I did not realise that my kidneys wero the cause of my trouble, but somehow felt they might be. and ( begun taking Swamp-Root as above stated. There ,|s such a pleasant taste to Swamp-Knot, and It goes right to tho spot und drives hammer In the , „„ .. HUH tor her twobnby Klrli..' How the oxpln - . slon occurred Is not definitely known, ns fair. Miss Cnllle Comer, sister of the | „i, 0 wnH n j ono with the children, hut it is bride, was maid of honor. Roberts was best man. The young couple will remain In Cor- dele until after the holidays, when they I will leave for their future home at | Dixie, where Mr. Harmon Is a promi nent lumberman. other times. The cartridge had been In tho posses sion of the Barnes family for some ilmo nnd Is said to have been given to Mfs. Barnes by her brother. William Majrhew. a gunner In the United States navy, who Is thought to bo attached to the United Stntes torpedo station at Nowport News. The woman’s right hand wns tom off at ho wrist, her left hand was mutilated, mrt of tho cartridge penetrated her her heart and lungs, nnd nai’^ breast end her hack also cut by parts of the disease out of tho system. It has cured ine. making mo stronger nnd better til every way. and 1 cheerfully recommend It to all sufferers. Gratefully yours, MI18. A. U WALKEIl, 46 West I.Indon 8t., Atlanta, Ga. continually with hearing-down feel! utter exhaustion. Your poor health IrrltAble. and lit tlr thousands of Just broken-down womt ed to health and strength every < by the use of that wonderful dls*cov< Or. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Why Swamp-Root Gives Strength. Not only does Swamp-Root bring new life and activity to the kidneys the cause of the trouble, but by strengthening tho kidneys It nets tin :i general tonic and food for the entire constitution. The mild and extraordinary effect n the world-famous kidney nnd bladde: remedy, Swamp-Root, Is Boon realized It stands the highest for Its wonderfu cures of the most distressing cases, trial will convince any-one—and yo< may have a sample bottle sent free b mall. In taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swnmp-Ron you nfforrl natural help to Nature, fo Swamp-Root is the most perfect heal er and gentle aid to the kidneys tha has ever been discovered. Don’t mak any mistake, but remembers the nnm< Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Bingham, N. Y on every bottle. To Provo What SWAMP HOOT, tha Groat Kidney, Liver and Pladtlor Hoiuody Will do for YOli, lSvory Koailer of tho Tolcgrnpli May IIuvo u Sample Jlottlo VlillE by Mull. Retl-C Coni the best. Phone 223. The Redmond* Hassee Fuel Co. Gates* Evans. RUSSELLVILLE, Ga., Dec. 22—At. ........ ■ ....... th#» horn#* of Mr nnd Mr* Phi* Evans I htrtW'on the parlor and Bitting room. F.vl the nome or Mr. nna Mrs enns. fcvans dentIy „ h( , liad ,, 0Pn ,„. n rrnnglng the on Wednesday evening at 4 o clock, oc- I rurtnins In the archway *0 that the curred tho m irrlnge of their daughter, I oandlo of the tree would not set the cur- Willii tn Mr Franklin Emmett Gates * a »ng ° n Hrs. Using tho cartridge for a wum, to Mr. franklin Emmett uaies. 1 tnp , c | mmmor> n)w wn , instantly killed of MftCpn. Dr. J. W. Little of Macon I by the explosion that reunited. Nel«*h- perfomed the ceremony. Many rela- I bon-found Mrs. Barnes dead on the Horn tlves and friends witnessed the union fl ■ |MI | '"*“*'* of this populnr young couple. J The spacious home was decorated | hero from New York, with ferns and evergreens. Many useful and ornamental presents were given. the kitchen so that they would not soo exactly at the spot selected for tho Christ, mas tree. Mrs. Barnes nnd her husband had lived hern less than u year, coining WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New 8cientifio Treatment Restored His Hair. Baldness Is caused by dandruff, which Is caused by n germ. Kill the germ nnd It Is almost certain that hair will grow again. If the follicle has not been totally destroyed. Nels Peterson of Lime Spur, Mont., says: "I hail been bnlel six years, nnd had tried all kinds of 'cures.' but without any bene fit whatever, until I tried Herplclde. November 16. 1899. I began using Herplclde. and In three months a fine growth of hair covered my head com pletely." Ask your druggist for Her plclde. Everybody can have luxuriant, glossy hair. If Herplclde Is used thor oughly. Take no substitute. Sold by all leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Her plclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Lamar A La mar (Sol I logo’s old stand). Second and Mulberry streets. Revolution imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt nnd serious trouble tn your system Is EDITORIAL NOTICE—No matter how many doctor, you hove tried no matter how much money you may have apent on other medicine,, you owe It to youraelf. und to your family, to ut leant Rive Swamp-Root n trial. It, strongest friends todny u;„ those who had almost given up hope of ever be coming well ngatn. So successful 1, Swamp-Itoot In promptly curing oven the most distressing cases, that to prove its wonderful merits you may havo a namplo bottle and a book of valuable Information, both sent abMluetly ( freo by mall. Tho hook contains many nf the cured. Tho value and sm -. ces, of Bwump-Root ls so well known that our reuiler, are advised to send lor a sample bottle. In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., bo sure to say that you read this generous offer In the Macon "Dully Telegraph," The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this olter. .If you nre already convinced that Hwnmp-Root Is what you need, you enn purchase the re*u- Inr llfiy-ccnt nnd ono-ilollnr also bottles nt all drug stores everywhere. By a mistake in yester days Telegraph, it was made to appear that the Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co, nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach I would Cllt tile nrice of Hliv« ' upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly ' vuu,u tut INC Ul 1 luy dismember the troublesome causes. It let S Cel till ICS. As CVefy never falls to tone tbe stoinnch. regu- I Jfa late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate I Olie KflOWS tllC priCC Of the Liver, and clarify tho blood. Run I Hnylpr’c Hdicioim cnnfpr* down systems benefit particularly und 1 luyusr a UCIILIUUb LUI1ILL" nil the usual attending arher vanish I tiOPS is PCVCr Cllt. under Its searching and thorough ef- I . Accepted by Reavies. ASHEVILLE, N. C., Dec. 22.—Rov. Dr. R. F. Campbell, of Asheville, chair man of the committee appointed by the general assembly of the Southern Pres byterian church to elect a co-ordinate Into | secretary of foreign missions, has re ceived a telegram from the Rev. James O. Heavies, D. D., of Dallas, Texas, announcing his acceptance of the office of secretary, to which he was elected by the committee severnl weeks ftgo. »♦♦♦+♦»♦»♦ »+-+♦♦»♦+»» M + +4 »»♦»»♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • Exquisite Christinas Gifts j fectiveness. Electric Bitters Is oidy 50c.. and that In returned If It don’ give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by all druggists. THROUGH SERVICE Frisco Prepares for Entrance Southern Gulf Port. MOBILE. Ain.. Dec. 22.—A. J. David son. president of the Frisco system, has announced that through freight service will be Inaugurated between Kansas City and New Orleans on Jan uary *1. The Frisco hss long been pre paring for Its entrance Into a South ern gulf port The Frisco will enter New Orleans over the Mobile, and Ohio and New Orleans nnd Northwestern from which it has secured trackage rights. The Frisco will use Its own rails to Tupe lo. where It will make Tattnall 8quara Drug 8tor«. s near you as your ’Phone." ’Phone 866. Bust of La Fayotte. CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va.. Dec. 22. President Alderman, of the University of Virginia, has received a letter from Junction with I the French ambassador at Washing- the Mobile and Ohio nnd the "New Or- I ton announcing that hr had been In- leans nnd Northeastern from Mertdlnn atructed on behalf of hla government Mississippi. Passenger service will to present to the university a bust of not he Inaugurated for some time. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macou, Ua. Drink Paul Jones Pure Rye For Sale at ail the Leading Bars. Beddingfield & Co. Sole Agents. Phone 361. Visitors to Capitol. ATLANTA. Ga.. Dec. 22.—Judge John D. Crum of Baldwin, Hon. A. O. Blalock of Fayette, Hon. R. O. Dick inson of Clinch, Representative Henry !L Revlll of Mlrlwether and Judge J. E. Butler of Wilklnfkon were among the visitors at the state house today. Judge Butler Is the ordinary of tho county. After January 1 he will hold the office of Judge of the county court of Wilkinson county. He succeeds to the latter office Hon. John P. Chat- field, who has resigned for the purpose of entering the ministry. The two of fices were consolidated by an act of the legislature at Its session held last summer. The Redmond - Hassee Fuel Co., phone 223, Coal and Wood. VIRGINIA POLITICS | Isa Fayette, which Is expected to ar rive here within a few dnya. The bust reproduced from the original by Iloudon. Prominent Lawyer Killed. HUNTI NOTON, VV. Va., Dec, 22.— I. E. Christian, a leading lnwyer and partner of Joseph M. Handers, recently A thing of henuty is a Joy forever, nnd making i matter when you have seen the wealth of magntllc by Mite Honriotta Davis. 8HE IS SHOWING Handsome Combs for the hair— jewelled nnd plain—tortoise shell und umber—Jet and cut steel. nettes. Hammered Brass—the rage In 8wtlld< Massive Jardiniere, Umbrella Stands i high id Cnrtdlestlcks Besides carrying this elegant stock. Miss Davis is thoroughly J equipped with all modern appliances for treating tho hair, skin uu<! t nails, and her holiday offer of -f 13 Treatments for,... $5.00 X 13 Electrical Treatments for $8.00 T !a particularly attractive. X A word to the wise Is sufficient, and tho Christians shoppor win T find It well worth while to taka tho elovator at the Coro mere ul Bank, £ and drop In for a visit to X Hiss Henrietta Davis, 1 Fourth Floor - - Phone 2562 I Children’s Haircutting and Maniouring for Gentlemen a Specialty. ^ »♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4»4»♦»+♦♦♦•»» A Merry Christmas It la for the provident man and hla family. Comforta are many and Santa Claus la always sure-to make a visit to his cheery hearth. Put a nest egg Info the Equitable Ravings department for the children for their Christmas gifts and you will teach them habits of saving, and by the time they are of ago It will have rolled Jip Into a goodly sum. We pay 6 per cent Interest deposits. EQUITABLE BANKING & LOAN CO It I. by Pr.,ld.nt | “ JESSS MB’ .7^21 in Conf.r.ncs. WABHINOTON. Dec. 21.—Virginia politic, formed one topic of consider. tlon by the president today. He bad . . ... .. .. u conference with Repre.enti.llve ■"JL h ”(! h * n lndlcU,, ‘brough f *nir> IllHoi Wn .1.1*1 Vfnlto.1 I ChNStlSn • effort*. almost Instantly killed at Oceana to day by "Ken" Canterbury, who escaped to the mountains. A posse la In pur suit. Canterbury operated a gambling Demp, Judge Waddel of the United Btatea court and L. L. Lewis, 'United Htates district attorney for the eastern district of Virginia. The delegation Informed the president that an Import FOIl J CHRISTMAS* Try Our TEETH OF CHILDREN Pipes! Pipes! Nothing better fora Xmas present for a man. A full assortment in Mer- schaum and Briar Root. H. J. Lamar & Co. Two doors from the Ex change Bank. Cherry St. Wilson—Collier. VIENNA, Ga., Dec. 22.—!*st night at the home of Judge and Mra J. D. Hargrove Mr. W. O. Wilson was mar ried to Mias Bessie Collier, Rev W. L. Cults, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. Mr. Wilson Is the popular agent of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad at this place. Mia . . „ . . i Few mothers know how vitally Important ant conference of Republican leaders b tho MfC of a chlkJ - t flrlt lce!h . ^ of the state was to be held during the I 0 f the permanent set depends almost holidays at Roanoke and that an effort j-ujA. upon [J was to he made to securd unanimity * 1 v • at action In Virginia looking to a re organisation of the Republican party of the state. It Is proposed by the pro moters nf the conference to make the Republican organization un earnest and aggressive contestant for every state office. The president Indicated his ap- Ull Jlir ' -I’l' Ul HHU'.-IICI 1113 ttU- I , , . , . , i.. „ I.. _ proval nf tbo M-m. but Indict.,1. al.o accumulation of tartar,.yetbait., (tea from Hint h. P<mM Ink. no n.rt in vi»ini. pit does not Ktr.lch Iho enamel. Do not SOZODONT £ TOOTH POWDER s«d With SOZODONT Liquid, prevent. that he could takt no part In Virginia E rlt 7.V.. ,...1. political affair. In supporting one t*r- j ^oSonT 0 " Uby ,th * lnsUI 3 PORMHl LIQUID. POWDER, PA8TK. tlone or another. He expressed the | hope that Virginia Republicans would | get together and act aa a unit ELKO. ation. fa the alec id of Mrt At New Orlean*. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 22.—NIchol’e riding was a feature of today’s racing. The boy bad four mounts and landed three winners, finishing second with hla last mount Fox Mead and Reli ance were the only winning favorites. First race, six furlongs- <j to t. won: Little Jack II j, second: Dalesman, 11 -b Time. 1:14 4-5. * Merry P'oneer, 8 to 1, third. 1:44 4-6. Fourth race handicap mile an twenty yards—Kings Trophy, 18 to l won; De Resseke, even, second; Mata dor, 15 4 to L third. Time, 1.44. Fifth race, mile—Reliance, 2 to von; Mountebank. 6 to 1, second; Da! [jer. 6 to |*y Green. 18 to 5. third. Time, 1:44. 6, tblid. Sixth race, telling, six furlongs—€ j To Win, 1ft to 1. won; Orcen Gowi ary popular. They will make their iome at Vienna. — Z YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER J will not be complete w Jell-0 seven furlo The Huguenot, I Time e, 16 to 8, third. Du 1:44 2-! Second race, yox Mead. 9 to. 17 to J, second; Time, 1:282-6. _ . _ Third race, mile—Mae Hanlon. 12 to All the new book j, won; Court Maid, * to s, second; i and Stationery Co. il«. 7 to 1, third. 1 berr $1.50 Books at $125. cEvoy Book | CP New Bank Soon to Be In Op< Farm Labor Plentiful. ELKO. Ga., Dec. 22. The bank of | Elko will soon he the pride of Elko and , this serf ion. Charter fo» $25,000 has, ■■ been applied for. A very pretty stone ,f Mrs. J- D7 Har- j front building la In course of ere n.»n. Heard and la Farm labor Is plentiful. »o farmers report, only good effect brought about from low price cotton. C. E. Eubanks A Bro. are ere, ting a handsome and commodious two-story brick building. The friends of Rev. W. c. Wade will be glad to know that he ls convales cent, after several ninea- The college girls ar« arriving to spend Christmas with homefolkw Miss Julia Eubanks from Gain—*, ip- «Vjd Miss Lulu Mesns from Wesleyan have arrived. MDses ClytU ..nd wim* BufT from Mllledgevllle an 1 M!» Edna Kezar from Forsyth m* egpfcta) to morrow. Mr. J. H. Coffer of this place, who was so badly Injured by a freight train In Valdosta a few d*yn ago, has been brought home and la suffering greatly on account aomewh * of the move. Mrs. A. C. Pate sne : !*•» m try Lizzie Me^ns are vUUictg m MarehtLUvUis* 1=3 OFF on all our de without fpular dessert, which Award, Gold Medal, tuition. An artistic hat also pleases the f to prepare. 8fx tmon, Orange, Raap- Cbocolafe and Cber- ekage of each today r, 10c. When you n use Jell-0 JCB All ingredients In grocera Holiday Goods '£ PURL Pennsylvania Rye Six Years Old. By Tbe Gallon Express S‘2.75 Prepaid Four Fail Quarts Express t?:i.OO Prepaid A Rich and Mellow Whls- bg key just tine for making Egg Nog. Except Hoyler’s Candy and Cut Glass Will bo sold the balance this week at Ono-third off I Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. Send for our Price-list The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company. 506, 50b. 51a, s<2 Fourth St. Macon, Ga. NOTICE of Fli Macon, Qa Prompt Rtt nlK Ol'dcia to Mail M.EXANDEF 1 baqljr .pt, ti-Ji'. U-4 Uldt vi 4 1 Us OtCiCiUt !?«*•