The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 23, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1904. I One Cent a Word | WANTED. DETECTIVE—Our secret service men good money; good men wanted everywhere; experience unnecessary; give references. Address American Detective Association, Indianapolis, Ind. THE VOICE of the turkey 1m stilled; ho -^toady the roasting pan. Oscar • credit. purchase either caar WANTED—Everybody In Macon to send us their orders for nuts, raisins, figs, dates, plum pudding, fancy crackers, etc., today; don't forget to ask for Qreen Trading Stamns. free. The Great * tic ft Pacific Tea Co. ; Atlan- WANTED. SITUATION—Exprt commer cial and Job printer wants situation; men looking for a cheap printer do not answer this, union. Address B. G. W. Telegraph. GIFT' that ? yields ffaction by the 1 f hantifat. Christ- 11 r ' mas giving should' be genuine, so pass the imitation and choose ' Waterman's Idea! Christmas Shopping Made easy and inexpensive at Cole man’s, where the best in Books.Sta- tionery, Fountain Pens, Pictures, Calendars, Games, suitable for Xmas presents can be found in large quantities. Mail orders promptly filled. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 316-320 Second st. MURPHY MAKES ■ACTUAL REPORT Work of Macon’s Police De partment for 1!)04j 4*,028 ARRESTS MADE Expenditures of Department for Year Amounted to $47,214.77—Council's Appropriation for Department Waa $45,110— Member* of Force Were Complimented for Service During Time by Retiring Chief. pea 8, Ga., for their price. WANTED—Steady, Indufltrious printer to take charge of small Job office. The Nut Grower Co., Poulan, Ga. come of Nazareth. M. C. Balkcom satth WANTED—Expert change position; best of refrences. Address Box rt bookkeeper desires to “ " »erlence: 8 quick. WALD bakes your fruit cakes. ’Phono 751. CHRISTMAS GOODIES—Florida oranges and grape fruit, fancy apples, almonds, pocane. Brazils, walnuts. Alberts table raisins, dates, flgs, etc. Oscar Bradley. I. . uiuiuuRu nifinou, practical experience*, careful Instructions, little expone, board and tools provided; - provided; come now and complete during busy son; catalogue fret*. Moler Barber lege, New Orleans, Ln. OSCAR BRADLEY, GROCERIES—Peri odical Oscar Bradley—Groceries; Pe riodical Tickets. Oscar Bradlty—Grocer ies; Periodical Tickets. Oscar Bradley— Grocories; Periodical Tickets. Oscar Brad ley—Groceries; Periodical Tickets. Oscar Bradley—Groceries: Periodical Tlokets. Oscar Bradley—Groceries; Periodical FOR RENT—New store, corner First and Cherry; elegant suite front offices. Curran R. Ellis. Architect. want. Rainey St Caliaghnn. PISTOLS, revolvers nnd Are arms of all descriptions and sizes at Goldman’s Pawn Shop. DOLLS and doll carriages at Wald, Mul berry it., next postoffice. ’Phone 571. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES—Save money on them by using Perlodlcul Tickets. Oscar Bradley. I OR RENT—Three or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping; upstairs, nil conveniences; best locality in city. N- Y. Z.. care Telegraph. this. Address Auto, earn Telegraph. HOW WOULD a dozen rose hushes do for a gift to a (lower-loving friend; we have them, choice ones, from $1.00 to $4.00 per dozen. Chas. N. Woodruff, Florist. 1 orders of groceries. St., or ’Phono 3600. bargal 3606. upright show FOR SALE—Gentle horse two buggies. wagon and dump cart and harrow; must be sold at once. C. Sheridan, dr. to Wlri IV. Hallam, Room 6. Washington Block, Macon. Oa.,-'Phone 027. new pack California BALE—Several shares Winn-Jnhnson Co. stock; 60c. on dollar. Buslaess, caro Telegraph. years ago, with a $650 stock. nt Oscnr Bradley’s. KID DOLLS, Jointed dolls. Beck’s pianos, doll bonds, toys of all kinds, st Wald’s, •Phone 371. COURSE DINNER—For this you will need Ash. Remember Rainey & Calla ghan. PERSONAL. berry and Third sts. (Cheatham Drug ft Peed Co.’s corner), a complete stock of fireworks, consisting of Roman Candles, Bkv Rockets. Torpedoes. Sand Crackers, Fird Crackers Dynamites, Negro Chasers. Stars and Colored Lights: nil fresh stock nnd prices as low as anybodys, and your patronage Is solicited. Walter L. Cheat- QUAIL, dressed poultry, headed lettuce. .— *—* r< * c> piournoy ft LET US book your order for Xmas tur key, oysters, fish, celery, lettuce, cron berries, etc. Clarke's Fish ft Pi Market. J J MERCER, the Jeweler, ts giving 'ticket with each dollar purchase which entitles the holder to a chance on the lady’s forty dollar gold watch to be given away on January' 1st: see Sunday’s ad Y^rtlsrment for particular*. BUY YOUR Christmas turkeys from J. D. McKay ft Co. BUY YOT'R Xmas cakes from Merkel. CHRI8TMA8 buyer* would do well to see oiir stock of plants, suitable for gifts- rice ferns, oalmr. etc., from 13c. upwardi Chas. N. Woodruff. Florist. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS!!!— Finest quality ''Plants’ and "Selects for broiling and frying; stew oysters In abundance for stuffing the turkey. Rainey ft Callaghan- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS—Colonial Brass Fenders and Andirons. Bee them at T. YVALD‘8 fruit cake, pound ettu. tba bast la tbs city. Only 2 Days Before Xmas Better hurry to the popular store, where they have so many nice Xmas goods. Books by the bushel, from the little picture books to the fine gift Illus trated books and Bibles. A11 the new $1.50 books at $1.25. Elegant Line Children’s Books Nice Pictures 25c. to $25.00. Pome very flne pictures and mirrors to go at bargains. Lots of Toys, Dolls, Drums, Homs, etc.. In our annex. McEvoy Book & Stationery Co. 572 Cherry St. All Your Troubles About Xmas presents can be easily settled by coming to us. It Is use less to enumerate the many things that we have, as our reputation for nlco goods. Is well-known far beyond the borders of Macon. When It comes to framing pictures, that Is our business, and the people say we know it. Our name on eny picture is a guarantee “that it is the correct thing.” W. Lamar Williams, “ The Frame Maker” 107 COTTON AVENUE. PRISONER GETS NOVEL PRESENTS Judge Speer Yesterday Gave Federal Prisoner His Liberty and Then Said He Wished to Mnko Him a Christ- mas Present to Wife. Ex-Chief Patrick Murphy of the Macon police force submitted to the mayor his annual report for the year Just closed yesterday morning. This is a full report showing arrests, na ture of, cases, and the work of each month. This report is complimentary to the members of the force and contains the statement that the men have been faithful to their duty. During the past twelve months 4,028 arrests have been rande. This shows 105 cases more than last yeAr. “This shows,” says Chief Murphy In the re port, “there has been no lack of dili gence on the part of the department.” The communication shows that the appropriation of the mayor nnd coun cil for the year was spent nnd in ad dition to thin an amount of $2,104.77. The appropriation from count'll for tho police department was $45,110. Chief Murphy shows by his report that he has expended during 1004 the sum of $47,214.77. Tho fines Imposed In recorder’s court for the year, according to the report, were $27,028.15. Of this amount $16,- 179.40 was paid, $1,718.50 was suspend ed and $542.85 W’aa remitted. The Police Court. Chief Murphy was complimentary to the men who have been under him on the force during tho year. He de votes a paragraph to their general con duct and deportment which Is as fol lows; ’’The men have maintained a high standard of official conduct and per sonal deportment. They have tried to Judge Speer yesterday suspended the sentence of the Sidney T. Grant, a white farmer from Rowland, Ga., who was serving out a term in prison in Bibb county* Jail for Illicit dlatllllnr. He was sent home a free man to spend the holidays with his family. Grant was sentenced during the spring term of the federal court in Macon this year. The sentence was passed and the prisoner was allowed to go home and make his crop and then return to serve It out. On the first day of December, according to the order of the* court, he appeared In Ma con nnd was locked up to spend the required time in prison. He had spent all of the month of December in prison up to yesterday when Judge Speer ordered him released and made the statement to the man as was given his freedom: “I send you home as a Christmas present to your wife.” Grant left for home after having served out 22 days In Bibb jail on tho charge. Judge Speer haft Imposed a fine of $100 upon him and gave the alternative of serving two months In Jail. Ho has satisfied the court and now at home to spend the holidays with a happy family. All the New and Fine Books. $1.50 books for $1,25. McKvoy Book nnd Stationery Co. Christmas Candies Get the best for a Xmas present. We have It here. Allegritti and Lyons Can dles, [in beautiful boxes. n. J. Lamar & Co., Two doors from the Ex change Bank. Cherry St. YESTERDAY’S WEATHER. MUSICAT. INSTRUMENTS of every da- scrlptlon; guitars, nccordeons, violins, — doling harmonicas, etc., at MUSICAL IN8TRUCTION8. CHRISTMAS PIES—Get your mince moat nnd canned pumpkin from Oscar Brad ley. FOR CHRISTMAS—BIcyclea. Velocipedes. Trlrydee, Autoprdea. Coasters, Boy's Wagons, Doll Carriages, ftetc., cheap nt 8. 8. Parmolcn’s. FRESH FISH and oysters all the time. G. P. Clarke ft Co. PINEAPPLES— Any size, any price; also flne variety of apples und oranges. Rai ney ft Caliaghnn. BLANK CARTRIDGES of nil kinds at Rnlkrom's Hardware Store. CRANRERRiuS and California celery, se lect quantities ordered Hpoclally for Christmas trade. Oscar Bradley. MISCELLANEOUS. PINK MALAGA grapes. New York ap- plen, sweet FlnrlrU oranges, tnngarines, grape fruit, San Hina roconnuts, hnnunns, lomons. pineapple, the largest, sweetest nuts In the elty; largo cluster raisins. Flournoy ft McKenna. ANYTHING made of holly Isn’t necessa- sarlly a holly wreath; If you want some rajil first-elnss holly wreath*, well-made with plenty of herrles. come or ’phone us. Chas. N. Woodruff. Florist. CELERY! CELERY!! CELERY!!!—The finest stock only and plenty of It. Rai ney ft Callaghan. A LARGE LINE of pistols and guns at Rjilkcom's Hardware Store BUTTERINB better than country butter and costs only 20c. per pound. Oscar Bradley. THE NUT GROWER—Official organ Na tional Nut Growers’ Association; samp!* copies free. J. F. Wilson, editor, Pou lan. On. GOBBLE! GOBBLE! GOBBLE!—Turkeys. fat and tender, coming for your Christ mas dinner. Oscar Bradley. FAT LIVE TURKEYS, nice Georgia beef und pork, fresh country eggs. J. D. McKay ft Co.. ’Phone 726. HOT ROLLS every* afternoon. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS—Braaa and wrourht Iron fire screens. See them at T. C. Burke’s. RABBITS! RABBITS!! RABBITS!!!— Fresh lot Just received at Rainey ft Cal laghan's. AIR RIFLES of all kinds for the boys at Goldman'*. TOYS of all kinds at Wald’s. Mulberry st., next postoffice, 'Phone 671. DRESSED TURKEYS, hens, fries, broil ers; also fresh oysters, fish. game, cele ry. fruit# and vegetables. Rainey ft Cal laghan. EGOS! EGGS!! EGOS!!!—Wo oanlly hoad tho lint Ir. quantity nnd quality egg* cold In Maoon. Italney tk Callaghan. WILD DUCKS, qunll, live and drossed qt turkeys, hens, frU & Caliaghnn. broilers. Rainey mllchner herring nnd Periodical Tickets. Oscar Bradley. LOST AND FOUND. will pay liberal reward TURKEYS! TURKEYS!! TURKEYS!!!-- Immense stock of these for Christmas; any weight you want. Rainey ft Calla ghan. OurSpecial Prices 15 Finest Cream Cheese, a lb New Ga. Cane Syrup, a gal 35 Apple Vinegar, a gal 30 Best Head Rico, a Tb 05 Octagon Boap, 6 for..., 25 Hand Supollo, a cake o7t$ Sugar Cured Ham. a lb 11*4 Sugar Cured Shoulder, a lb (19 Breakfast Strips (best quality), a Ib.lSft New Nuts, all kinds, lb 15 Florida Oranges, a doc 29 Baldwin Apples, a pk 16 Dried Pica. 1-lb. bricks, a lb 11 Seeded Raisins, a pkg 08 1-3 Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg. .98 1-3 New Persian Dates, per lb • 1.3 Best Quality Prunes, a lb 9714 California Evaporated Peaches, a lb..10 Beet Three Crown Raisins^ a lb 10 Van Camp’s Soups fall kinds), a can..09 Van Cnmp’s Pork snd Deans, a can..09 Van Camp’s Pure Creum. a can 09 Royal Salad Dreasing, a bottle 20 Irish Potatoes, a pk ....25 'Phone 2035. J. R. Odom. FOR SALE. Five-room houx. clo*. In; owner ban left city, wantn to cell; price, 13.640. Northern mnn wnnt. to go North, will .ill too acre. Innd, mule, wagon, hnrnce., lock, .took and barrel. ,100. One acre wood yard, barn rn.chln.ry, for rent or J. C. ETHRIDGE, Hardeman Bldg. Fight Will be Bitter. Thogn who will peralat In cloning their earn ugnlnat the continual recoin mendatlon of Dr, Klng-a New Din covery for Conaumptlon, will have long nnd bitter fight with their trouble,, If not ended earlier fntnl termination. Ilend what Benll of Heat!,. Mlaa.. hue any: "I-ant fnll toy wife had every nymptom of conaumptlon. Hha took Dr. Klng-a New Dlacovery after everything elae had failed. Improve, ment came nt once und four bottle, entirely cured her." Guaranteed nil drugglate. Price 60c. and Trial bottlea free. Launoh’t Long Voyage. MOBILE. Ain., Deo. 22.—Th. little open decker gaaollne launch Slanma today atarted on her voyage of 1,800 mile, acroaa the gulf of Mexico to Honduran. The Slanma la In com mand of Capt. Baird and her craw of four. Hhe come from Detroit down the Mlaataalppl to New Orleana and She will atop at Tampa. and Havana. ONLY ONE MORE DAY Just one more day, and Christmas will be here. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Come today and let us send out your order for Nuts; all kinds at lowest prices. Raisins, 5 pound packages for 50c Figs, the finest ever put up, pound baskets ........ 20c Dates, pound packages 6c Plum Pudding for Xmas dinner 20c Nabisco Wafers, a package 19c Flavoring Extracts, for cake or cream, 2 ounce bottle 25c (20 sumps given with each bottle thi» week.) Your Xmas dinner will not be complete without A. & P. Delicious Coffee, Fancy A. & P. Elgin Creamery Butter, Salad Dressing, etc. Try a can of our Poultry Seasoning. EXTRA STAMPS WITH TEA, COFFEE, EXTRACT, Etc, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. IMPORTERS AXD COFFEE ROASTERS. ad by 11.00. THE ORANGE AND GREEN Dacambar laaua Juat Out—la Attractive and Full of Good Thlnga. The current laaua of the Orange and Oregn. Greaham High achool'a month- ly magazine la a neway and attrnctlva work; It shown great cart In tha pie paratlon of the article, and apeaki well of It, bualnoaa 'manager. The editor, hava written upon timely aub lecta. No doubt thin laaua will he pur' chaaed by many of the Macon gradu atea of the achool. It la on aale the printer,. The Redmond - flassee Fuel Co. Blue Jem, Jel lico and Alabama Coal AFTER THIRTY-FOUR YEARS pin...67111 pm..40 pm...31112 inn..3s 7 nm...5o) 1 am. ..16 8 pm...48 2 am..34 9 pm...44 3 am. .34 10 pm...42| 4 am..32 6 am. .11(11 am..66 s am..31 2 pm..63 :: pm..|| 4 pm..63 . Rlvar Report. , Th rJam7J?t.Woh7Vi. uring the past twenty-four hours, ir 2.5 feet above low water mark of past twenty-four hours. The Oconee river ut Dublin read 0.6 of a foot, a fall of 9.2 of a foot during tho past twenty-four hours. Meteorological dnts furnished by tho local office of the United States depart- perform their duty faithfully and well Sl’SluMnTat'TXJ.W and l thank them most alncerely for Thermograph Readlno*. their efforts In this direction and for their courtesy to me. My remarks are equally applicable to member* of the detective department.” Number of Arrestt. The number of arrests for each month was as follows: January 416, February 349, March 317, April 306. May 252. Juno 301, July 353, August 327, September 351, Octo her 363, November 421, December 272— total 4.928 This la an average of not quite 336 arrests per month. Tha largest num her of arrests was made In tha month of November, towlt 421, and the small cst number was in the month of May, 252. Color and Sex of Parsons Arretted. White males 1,338, white females 71, colored males 1,6(13, colored females 656. There were 625 more colored males arrested than white males, nnd 585 more colored females than white fe males. Patrol Wagon and Ambulance. Number of runs by patrol wagon 1,865; number of runs by ambulance 115—total 1,980. Number of m!le« traveled by patrol wagon 2,943; number of mile* traveled by nmbulnnre 221—total 3,ICC, In conclusion Chief Murphy thanks Chulrnmn Williams and Aldermen Happ and Chestney of the polico com mlitee for their cordial and constant co-operation In the work and flnnlly thunks nre offered alt tha aldermen for their kindness. Referring to th* mayor the chiefs report contained the expression of deep gratitude for the many favors shown, and the high appreciation of generous and considerate treatment. "Hero’stiotHe land which gave mo blrth f Hero's to the flag she flies; Here’s to her sons—the best of earth, Here's to her smiling skies. Hero's to a heart which beats for me, True as the stars above; Here's to the day when mino aho’ll be, Here’a to the girl I love." Enjoy the Christmas Tide! Eat, drink and be merry! Quaff tho toast, and gather round the punch-bowl. But be sure that in mixing you use LI PPM AN’S PRIVATE STOCK Pure Rye Whiskey. It is absolutely unoxcelled, and tho price is $1.00 a bottle. For Sale by GABE LI PPM AN, 504 Fourth Street, 1 • L 'Phone 699. WE OFFER Desirable home in Vineville; eight rooms, fine loca tion, that can be bought for $4,250. If loan is wanted, could arrange upon reasonable cash payment. Money to loan on good real estate. o MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate. WRITE ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. WILLINGHAM & CONE, real estate, insurance and loans. Phone 444. 355 Second Street Tho only place in Macon whoro you can got Coffeo tho day it is roasted. Flournoy & McKenna. Am.ricu.’ Molldny Money, AMEHICII8. On., Deo. 22.—Tha vol ume of holiday money ilrculatlng In Amerlru* wnn considerably lncrenaud today when the city outhorltlao ordered tho payment ot tho ontlro December pay rolla In advance that employe! might have their money (or Chrlotman. School tenohera, aldermen, fireman, po. linemen, In (act nil nt tho hundred or more emplnyoa wore paid In tull. In addition to thla tho Intoreat due upon the city-, bonded Indebtedneaa In Junu- nry wna llkewlre paid In ndvanne. Dna. plte Ihn alump In cotton vnluaa money la plcnlltul hern and Amerlcua mor- chnnta are having on egcellent Christ- mao trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL PUPILS WILL GIVE CANTATA To ho Hold Thla Evening ot Conover Mualo Hall on Cotton Avanue— Fifty Children In tho Ca.t—No Ad- mission Fee la Chargsd and Publio Is Invited. _____ Tho Christian church Sunday achool will give a contain tonight at Conover Mualo Hall, over tho Coble Company, nn Cotton avenue. The cantata la en- tided “Bnnta China- Mlaalnn." The commlttea In charge la eompoeed a( Meademea D. N. L*wl», W. H. Hopnr, Edouard llaasalberg, Mlaa Annie I,u Ruaaell and Mlaa Pearl Dewberry. Protoenor Kdouurd lleaaelherg haa perannn! eupervlalon and direction of tho mualc. Thero will bo no charga (or udmlaalon nnd the public la cor. dally Invited. The entertainment will begin ot I o'clock. Thero are over nfty children In the caat and they have been carefully trained for ieveral week*. J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 129 Cotton avo. MACON, GA. Red-C Coal the best. Phone 223. The Red- mond-flassee Fuel Co. The Maple, Lynohlng. HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Dec. 22.—John Tjnrnar wme arraated tonight on on In dictment returned by the recent United Rtotea grand jury charging conaplracy In the lynching of lloruco Maplee. Bevoral Indictment. In thlo case were found by the grand Jury and. 00 for, three arreata havo been mode. T. M. Rlgglaa and Robert Powell ore out on IS,090 boride. When you want a good smoke, drop in at Lamar & Lamar’s. Rainey & Callaghan, TURKEY8, TURKEY8, TURKEY8. Live and dressed. All kinds of fresh OYSTERS received twioa daily. Cranbarrlea and Celery All kinds of FI8H. Qlve us your orders. Will raeelva prompt attention. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN Phono* 221 and 152 452 Flret St. Mr. Georg. Littleton Returns to Maaon to Find Many Changes. Mr. a on. Littleton, who left Macon In 1174. arrived here under tho gul dance of Mr. J. M. Mallory of the On tral R. R.. today. For 20 years ha hoa been In Teaai and came back to Oeor gla far tho flret time and found that the Brown Houae block had been built op and that Vineville bad boon annex ed to Macon. Ho left hora with only IIM In hla pocket He bought 611 acrea of land In Knnle, Texas. Today he com-- hack and finds that ho la wealthy, with a bank account that he doean't boaet of. He took advantage of the rlae In price, and held hit pro- party and only sold off Juat enough to moke It valuable. War 12 ymra he fed his flocka on tho plain., but when town Iota began to bo valuable he! them Mr. Littleton lo about 65 old and a well preserved man. “Before our stock U picked over” buy a nico Xmm pres ent for your sweetheart at E, J, 6i P. L). Willingham’*. 1=3 OFF on all our Holiday Goods Except Huyler’s Candy and Cut Glass Will bo sold the balance of this woek at Ono-third off Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. Macon, Ga. Prompt attontion to Mail Orders. By a mistake In yester days Telegraph, It w a s made to appear that the Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. would cut the price of Huy ler’s Candies. As every one knows the price of Huyler’s delicious confec tions is never cut. $1,600.00 Will buy a nice home In Hugucnln Heights, consleting of a good two ito- ry. olg-room dwelling on desirable lot. Terms, 2200 caah. balance on long time yearly payment* nnd reaeonable Inter- est. A line opportunity for o person „f moderate means. House la now rontod st 116 per month and would make a good Investment. $1,500.00 Will buy a etor and 4-room dwell- Ing combined, on corner of Third end Arch streets; all In good condition; close In. convenient to business, a good aland, and a corner that will Increase In value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Loam, Real Estate and Insurance. 565 Mulberry 8treeL Insure Now! Chrlatmaa la coming with Its fire crackers and bonfire* ami your rl*k Is more than double. I’ll write your houae or furniture, (tore or dock or anything Insurable. I represent tho AETNA OF HARTFORD, THE NORTHERN OF LONDON, THE NIAGARA OF NEW YORK, THE LONDON OF ENGLAND. No better companies ran bo found. Frank B. West, REAL E8TATE AND INSURANCE, American National Dank Bldg. For Sale Tho beautifully located suburban home generally known as th# "Jnquo* Farm." four and a half mile* from Urn city, on Foreyth road. Thl* farm con- elate of 10 acre*, nice orchards, hot houae*. etc. Fin* bold *prlng and branch on the place. Has splendid Im provement* In way of 8-room dwell ing and all necessary out houaea; com manding a lino view of tha surround- Ing country, within one half mils of electric car line. Tho right man can make a fortune dairying and trucking. This lo a "Jim Dandy" and will have to bo ln»peeted to bo appreciated. Good reasoni for selling. For particulars call on or address, Duncan Real Estate Exchange Home Money to Loan on Mortgage. ...For Sale... A well located store leased for 5 years nets 7 per cent. Price $6000,00 H. Horne, Reale Estate, Insurance and Loans. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 353 Third St. Telephon. No. 77. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 Col!*** SL. 7 room*....245 CO No. Ut High 8L, 7 room* 55 50 TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR8 To loan on Improved city property. Mcnoy In the hank no d-l*y. DIAL ESTAT!