The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 24, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORYTXG, DECEMBER 24, 1904. 3> NEWS IN VALDOSTA AND LOWNDES COUNTY The Gift for the One Away from Home Let the postman's knock greet the distant one on Christmas morning. Mail a gift of Nabisco Sugar Wafers; a gift not costly, but packed with joyous Yu!e--tide cheer. These delicious confections, of which you hear so much from everybody, are, for the season, clothed in merry Christmas garb of holly, green and gold, each package being accompanied by a card expressive of your good-will and sweet remembrance. What kindlier messenger could you send to all your friends than a Christmas package of Nabisco Sugar Wafers? Excitement Over Threatening Fire. Baptist Missionary Conference—Sub- Station to Be Established. ’Phons 1 T CTEWADT’C 4i6 306 I • 1 tv T? rill 1 *J Pnnlar Poplar St. HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE. IS NOW READY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. SEND ALONG YOUR ORDERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE: No Express Paid On This. 1 Gal. Old Corn Silk Corn 12.00 1 Gal. Old Key Stone Rye 2.00 l.Gal. Old Peach Brandy 2.00 1 Gal. Old New England Rum.... 2.00 1 Gal. Old Holland Gin 2.00 Xorn. Rye, Gin and Rum $1.50 per gallon up. Express paid on two gallons or more $2.00 goods to same address in Jugs. Jug and Bottle trade a specialty. Everything as represented or money refunded. Express Paid on This. 4 Full qts. Old Edgemont Rye....$4.00 1 Gal. Jug. Old Edgemont Rye.... 3.60 4 Full qts. Old Horse Shoe Rye... 3.00 1 Gal. Jug, Old Horse Shoe Rye....2.75 4 Full qts. Old Jeff Clark Rye 3.00 l Gal. Jug. Old Jeff Clark Rye.... 2.75 4 Full qts. Old Big Horn Rye .... 2.90 1 Gal. Jug. Old Big Horn Rye 2.50 4 Full qts. Old Harvest Corn 3.00 1 Gal. Jug. Old Harvest Corn 2.76 Orders filled same day received. INFORMATION BUREAU. TRAGEDY 1NACT0D AT SANDERSVILLE Citizen Kills Special Officer While Rosisting Vaccination and is Ar rested by Posse. Exquisite Christmas Gifts A thing of beauty Is a Joy forever, and making selection is an easy matter when you have seen the wealth of magnificent goods displayed by Miss Henrietta Davis. SHE IS SHOWING Handsomo Combs for the hair— Jewelled and plain—tortoise shell and amber—Jet and cut steel. Evening Ornaments, suitable for high and low coiffures—In colors becoming to blondes and bru- nettea. Seems That State Needs Ono to An swer Inquiries. ATLANTA. Dec. 23.—From the number of Inquiries made at the state house every day as to the resources of Georgia and what inducements are offered to home-seekers and investors to come to Georgia and make this state their home, there is ample evi dence of the fact that Georgia stands in need of a good information bu reau or a commission of some kind located at the capital to give people from a distance such information as is needed by them. Early in the lnst session of the leg islature a bill was introduced in the house having for Its purpose the cre ation of a board of immigration com missioners. to be composed of one member from each congressional dis trict, this board to elect a secretary, who was to be located at the state house, and required to advertise the resources of Georgia nnd put out In formation calculated to attract people to this state. The house passed the bill but made no provision for main taining the new department created by the measure. When it fame to the senate that body substituted for It a commission of immigration. But this wan defeated and the movement fell through. While the MU was under fire in the senate a rumor was circulated that if the new department was created and a commission of Immlgrntlon provided for. the place would be given to i prominent south Georgian. This ru mor seemed to some extent to wither the prospects of the department sought to be created, and toAiome ex tent may have contributed to the de feat of the measure. VALDOSTA. Ga., Dec. 23.—Therq as quite an excitement in the north ern part of the city this afternoon over fire which threatened half a dozen of Valdosta's new and handsome homes, The fire caught-In a sage field half a mile away and burned with groat fury until it reached the fences and out houses of the homes of Dr. R. P. Rose, Mr. Willis Lang. Mr. J. O. Cranford and Mr. 81 Bacon. The unfinished resi dence of Sheriff Passmore was also threatened. The flr6 department was called out and fifty or more people fought the flames back until they were subdued. The fire spread over more than one hundred acres and the wind swept It along like a inarching army, the line of fire being about a half a mile long. It took hard work to save premises in that section of the city. Missionary Conference. The Baptists of this section will hold their great missionary conference In this city beginning on Sunday. Janu ary 8. From three to four hundred delegates are expected to attend and homes are already being provided for them. The conference is to be unde the auspices of the Mercer Baptist As sociation. Among the prominent speakers, are expected to be here, is Dr. E. Y. Mullens, of Louisville. Ky., president of the Southern Theological Seminary, who will deliver three addresse missionary work. Dr. W. H. Smith, of Columbus. Dr. B. D. Ragsdale, of Ma con, Mr. B. W. Spillman and Rev. J. M. Frost, are nil down on the programme for addresses each day. The confer ence work is to' consist In entirely of prepared addresses, missionary rallies. Sunday school ^allies, etc. The Bap tists here are looking forward to the occasion with much interest. To Have Sub-Station. The postal authorities have decided to establish a sub-station in this city and it is to be located nenr the old Georgia Southern depot. The business of the postoffice here hns outgrown the present quarters and the present force. This year it will amount to about $21,- 000. There are fourteen men employed in the office and they are worked to their full capacity during office hours. The sub-station, which is to be estab lished on the first of January, will fur nish accommodations to a large number of citizens in the western part of tho city. SANDERSVILLE. Ga., Dec. 23.— Boss Garrett shot and killed Special Officer Gideon Mathis while resist ing arrest for compulsory vaccination at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon. Gar rett escaped, with a strong posse in pursuit. posse overtook Garrett one mile north of town. He attempted further fight and was shot through the thigh by Deputy Marshal Wilson, .arrested and lodged In Jail. Garrett also sustained a serious wound In the right side from the pistol of his first antagonist, Mathis, is thought he will not survive. The trouble which culminated In the fearful tragedy enacted here this af ternoon began two clays ago when Gar rett refused to be vaccinated by the physician assigned to his part of the city and It is alleged made threats. This afternon Officer Mathis, detailed for this special service, called upon Garrett at his place of business to rea son about the matter. Here some harsh, words were had, but Garrett seemed inclined to be willing to leave town, but did not and wag on the streets today, when Officer - Mathis, who had been instructed to arrest him, proceeded to do his duty with the above sad results. The shooting occurred to the rear of the stores on the north side of the square, in a street little used, and It lias not developed yet that there wa an eye witness to the beginning of the shooting. Garrett fired four shots two taking effect, both entering Mathis’s body, producing Instant death. Mathis fired two shots, one causing a severe wound In the right breast. Garrett walked nnd rut) about a mile from town where he was overtaken by a posse and, still refusing arrest, wail shot down by n member of the posse. His left hip was torn almost away by this shot. Garrett then surrendered and was returned to town and landed in Jail. Considerable excitement prevailed r a time. Garrett was known to be' fearless mnn and had been an officer himself. The inquest is in progress to night over the body of Mathis, while physicians arc in attendance upon Opr- vett. Mathis leaves n wife and four children nnd a large family of promi nent people, while Garrett, If he suc cumbs, will leave three small children. DON’T FORGET 1 " = ■ $ That the place to buy your ^ Xmas Gifts I Is whore you got tho largest and most varied $ assortment tR We Show the Largest § We Show the Best » B - of every thing made for - § Man or Boy Only 2 days to make your purchases 2g % Off on Bath Robes, Smoking; Jackets and Silver Mounted Suspenders Hanjmered Bra..—the rase In Swelldom. Maeslve Jardiniere, Umbrella Stands and Candlesticks. Besides carrying this elegant stock. Miss Davie Is thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances tor treating the hair, skin and nails, and her holiday olter of 13 Treatments for 45.00 13 Electrical Treatments for $3.00 Is particularly attractive. A word to the wlee la sufficient, and the Chrletmae ahopper will find It well worth while to take the elevator at the Commercial Bank, and drop In for a visit to Hiss Henrietta Davis, Fourth Floor - Phone 2562 Children's Haircutting and Manicuring for Gentlemen a Specialty. FOR 8 CHRISTMAS \ Try Our ).J. PURE Pennsylvania Rye Six Years Old. YOURS FOR A BRIGHT COMPLEXION. Hoalth’s Criterion Conferred by Han cock's Liquid Sulphur, Inactive glands of the face harbor ing minute dust particles, causes acne —the most prevalent facial blemish among ladles. An effective tonic for the akin. Hnn coca’s Liquid Sulphur enlivens the fa cial glands to action and affords bright complexion, thus enhancing natural beauty. Being Nature's greatest germicide, Hancock's Liquid Sulphur cures e mn. acne. Itch, herpes, ringworm, pim ples, prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh, canker and other ulcerated conditions of the mouth, nose, throat, scalp and eyelids. Burns and scalds have in It an effective remedy. Consult your druggist and writs for booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. WASHING WITHOUT WATER ryinq to Get Rid of Without Hsrplcide. Did you ever see any one trying to wash themselves without soap nr wa ter? If you did what would you say of him? It is every bit ns foollHh to try to got rid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald ness by feeding the germs which cause it, with Cantharldes, Vaseline. Glycer ine and similar substances which form the principle ingredients of most so- called Hair Vigors. Newbro's Herplcide Is successful be cause it attacks and kilts tho parasitic germ which feeds on the hulr roots. It Is the original and only genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by nil leading druggists. 8end 10 cents in stamps for sample to The Her plcide Co., Detroit. Mich. Lamar A La- mur (Sol Hoge's old stand), Second and Mulberry streets. Tattnall Square Drug Store. "As near you as yonr ’Phono.' Phone 364. Carrollton. CARROLLTON. Ga.. Dec. 23.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Fitts entertained at a "tacky" party Friday evening of the past week. It was a decidedly In formal affair and the costumes worn harmonized with the arrangements to perfection. There was never a more interesting and enjoyable 2 ocean I on here. Snowy cedar fasttoons predominated In the decorations of the parlor. A very appropriate background for the odd and fanny costumes was specially prepared. Early in the evening red lemonade and ginger cakes were served and the fol lowing course was peanuts nnd pop- The first prize for the most tacky ap pearance was won by Misa Lula Long, the second lady’s prize being taken by Miss Ammye Robinson. Mr. James Cheney won first gentleman's prize and Col. Ralph Adamson took second. Mrs. C. R. Turner nnd mother. Mrs. Sarah Meador of Dixie street are en tertaining their sister and duughter. Mrs. Robert Meador of Atlanta this week. Miss McKIbben, a popular young lady of McDonough. Ga., who has been visit ing here as the guest of Mrs. Charlie Patterson, returned home Tuesday. Troupes of college girls nnd boys are returning from the distant institutions to spend Xmas ut home with parents and friends. ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 28.—Governor Terrell last night appointed Hon. T. E. Patterson of Griffin solicitor of the city court of Griffin to succeed Hon. Joseph D. Boyd, whose term expires January 4th next. Mr. Boyd was not a candidate for reappointment. Until yesterday Hon. W. II. Beck was a can didate, and the fight between the two for the office has been quite spirited. ! It is said that within the last few days | the friends of Mr. Beck becames con- j vtneed that he was going to lose out j in the contest, and he realizing that t such was the case, telegraphed Govern- i or Terrell withdrawing his name from | further consideration. As soon as Mr. Beck retired from the content Governor Terrell made the appointment, believ ing It advisable to do so without fur ther delay. Two Negroes In Limbo. ATHENS. Gn., Dec. 23.—Yesterjn: afternoon Morgan Thomas nnd George Taylor, two negroes were arrested on the charge of assault with Intent to murder nnd also of robbery. Lewis' Dent, n negro man. swore out the warrant. It appears from Dent'? story that ns he was going hhrne few miles from Athens some time since he was assaulted and robbed by these two men. After one of them had knock ed him down he heard them say thut they would put his body on the Sea board Air Line railroad track and leave him to be run over by the first train that might come along. The 1 thing Dent remembers Is . when awoke the'next morning with his head hurting. He had been found on the track nnd curried home. The two ne groes are in Jail awaiting.their trial. Judge Butt Takes Oath. COLUMBUS, fin.. Doc. 23,—Judge Butt today went before the ordinary and took the oath of office for the four years to which he wan olected In Octo ber. A few weeks ago Judge Butt was critically ill but his condition now shotys great improvement. Of Interest to Mothers. Thousands of little ones die every year of croup. Most of them could hove been saved by a few dosi •’Qley’s Honey and Tar, and every family with children should keep It in the house. It contains no opiates sn ' Is safe and sure, Mrs. George II. Picket, Han Francisco, Cal., writes: "My baby had a dangerous attack of croup and we thought she would chokn to death, but one dose of Foley’s Honey nnd Tar relieved her at ortce alter other remedies had fulled. Wt are never a minute without It. In ths house." Sold by II. J. umnr ik Co., druggists. Atlanta Schools’ Holiday. ATLANTA. Ga.. Dec. 23,- The pub lic schools of the city closed . at 2 o’clock today to remain closed until January 2nd so as to give the children ample time In which to celebrate Christmas, Many of the teachers will take advantage of tin* holiday to at tend the annual session of the South ern Educational Association to bo held in Jacksonville, Fla. Special Prices On framed pictures today nt Coleman's. Merchant in Trouble. COLUMBUS. Gn., Dec, 23.—R. L. Merritt, a merchant of Fort Gaines. Ga., was brought here by Deputy Mar shal Blue today, charged with using the United States malls to defraud. The accusation Is brought by a Florida fish dealer. The preliminary trial was set for January 4. In the absence of the principal witness for the govern ment. Merritt was unable to give the temporary bond assessed him. Ti ,e Dannenberg Co. j Send Your Orders Whiskies = FOIt =■.■■■ : Wines, Etc. # Etc. —to [i n MAGI i 451 Cherry St.—Phone 558-Macoq, Ga. The oldest and most reliable Wholesale Whis ky Establishment In Georgia. They* will re ceive prompt attention. Satisfaction g’uaran- \ teed or money refunded. Lowest prices ofa II j Complete stock of everything. ♦ OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lots of thltiga In a Jewel ry Htore thut don’t contain Jewels; Iota of small, inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long us you like; buy when you get ready. J. II. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St Macon, (ia. By The Gallon Express $2.75 Prepaid Four Fall Quarts Express $3.00 Prepaid Elk, r Lodge for Cord.U. ATHENS Ga.. Bee. 23.—On the •v.ning of the 2Sth at Cordele a new lodge of Elk* will be In.tltuted. Tho exerclue* attendant upon the Institu tion of thla new lodge will he In charge of Dlatrlct Deputy Grand Exalted Rul er If. O. Michael and the work will bo done hy the Amertcua lodge. Thla will 1 be the fleat official visitation of Mr. ! Michael in ht« new capacity. He will vialt the Amertcua lodge on the even ing of the 29th. It la hfa Intention to I a number of lodgea during the I next few montha. A Rich and Mellow Whis key just fine for making Egg Nog. Tutt'sPills whatever he wishes. They prevent Just the thing for "Him", a flmoktng Jacket, 25 per cent discount today. BEN HON & MOOim Cave 8prinqs Politick, CAVE SPRINGS, Oa„ Dec. 23.—The white primary election of Inst week having resulted in a tic between Frank ■ Wright and Isaac Sewell for mayor, FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS.* S;a^ u 7xJ«V rde ^mSittee? An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. which today resulted In the nnml- I MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP nation of Mr. WNgbl by'n majority of twelve votes, this being his fifth con- ino. with vknyturrnvtills*. itHOoTJumi,, secutive term of office. Mr. Wright Is well known a* the exhibitor of his invention, the fly escape screen, at the recent State Fair. Those nominated for concilmen were: For recorder, Percy Culbert son; for members of the council, W. F. Gaines, Dr. A. W. Findlay, F. B. Scott, B. E. Williams nnd J. C. Morgan, Drink Paul Jones SICK HEADACHE, Send for our Price-list The AHmaver & Flatau Liquor Company '£ m DLYELOr rl.lSn 506, 508, 510, 512 Fourth St. Macon, Ga. * of "Imitate and nour* keen appetite, ami solid muscle coatcu.— ■ —* Take \o Substitute. Eltjantly sugar Firs at Hartwell, HARTWELL. Ga.. Dec. 23.—Fire broke out In the home of Dr. Arthur P. Hanie on East Howell street today. The fire originated In a room upatairc and got such headway that It was Im possible to extinguish the fire. The house was partially Insured. It was occupied by Dr. Hanie, Dr, Clarke, and I>r. Herndon. But very little furni ture was saved. Dr, Herndon had no insurance. Loss $500. Loss on house 12.000. Hard work saved a block on which are several nice brick stores and nales stables. Romantic Marriage. ATHENS, Os.. Dec. 23.—Quite a bit of romance was brought to light yes> 1 terday morning when It was announc ed that Mr. Otto Kberhart and Ml-* ! Bailie Bacoe had been married on No- ! vember 17th last and that the marriag* :ad been kept a secret until yesterday, i The marriage was performed at that 5 time by Rev. George B. Stone at the residence of Mr. W. R. Akin. Roth I young people are well known in this fc clt y. wuriu, ■ur« iwr MRS. 4 WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP; • A Mi T A X R KO OTHER KIN P. !*• Uau • UsUU. 1=3 OFF on all our Goods Except Huyler’s Candy and Cut Glass Will be sold the balance of this week at Ono-third off Jno, S. Hoge Drug Co. Macon, Ga. Prompt attention to Mail Orders. Pure Pye For Sale at all the Leading Bars. Beddingfield & Co. Sole Agents. Phone 361. (entrain Georgia RAILWAY EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS, UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, CA. (Standard 90th Meridian Time.) ARRIVE. v From 6avannah and Augusts....* 3:30am From Savannah, Augusts, Cov Ington From **' From Atlanta and Griffin......*12:Mam Atlanta and Griffin 4:00am Atlanta, Thomaston *11:10am From Atlanta. Thomaaton • 7:25pm gham, Columbua..•12:35am “ lumbu*.. ..* — Andalusia, on and Mllledycvliie * 1:10pm Eatonton and MMIetfgevlHe.t 7:50am Madleon and Athens * 7:15pm . Atlanta and Grlfflr From Atlanta and Griffin jeip i “ ,. _..i BlrmL... From Glrmlngham. Columbua..,.* 4:15pm From Montgomery, Andalusia, Fforala, Albany...., *12:50am From Montgomery, Andalusia, Hartford. Albany 4:05pm From Albany and Amertcua • 7:40am DEPART. Covmato For Milled For Madia For Grlfflr For AU and * For Alb i.*12:55am d .M1:35am :t L1SSS 1I8SS 4:25pm . 8:00am ..* 3:45am • 1:13pm 4:10am ind Jacktoo i. rn. Batv/i rfacon 12:35 y. fExcept Sunday, cara between Macon and Sava Macon 3:30 a. m.. between Ma /ills Fla., on tralna leaving h Macon and Birmingham on ; betweei Macon ; C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T. A.. E. JOHN W. BLOUNT. T. P. P. BONNER, D. T. A., ' *! . i £ t ; E, Ticket Offices, 352 Secoud St. and Inioa Station