The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 24, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH i SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER' 24, 1904. One Cent a Word I WANTED—A chance to do tutoring; high school studies preferred. Apply Of fice, *’ Macon Telegraph. 8. quail, live and dressed turkeys, hens, fries ana broilers. Rainey & Callaghan. • CASH paid for your household and kitch en furniture. W. J. Robinson, Vinevllie Branch, ’Phone 670. Wright's. Third 3t Nut Grower Co., Poulan, Ga. change position; flv ^efrei best of refrences. Address Box 1/8 quick. RABBITS! RABBITS!! RABBITS!!!— > Fresh lot Just received at Rainey & Cal laghan’s. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; shortest and most thorough method; practical experience, careful instructions, little expene, board nnrl tools provided; come now and complete during busy sea son; catalogue free. ” 1 Orleans, I lege. New < Molcr Barber Col FOR RENT. PISTOLS, revolvers and Are arras of all descriptions and sizes at Ooldn— Pawn Shop. SHAD, SHAD, SHAD—Just received. fresh shipment of fine shad. Rhlney & Callaghan. alf C conveniences; best locality in city. X Y. Z., care Telegraph. 1-incn oak lumner. Bouna, common quality, good for any building where strength is required; price 612 f.o.b. cars Macon. Apply to Wirt W. Hallam. Room r. U’nihlnvtnn UlrtnU Mncnn.. On. 'l’hnnn FOR SALE—Two 3-room houses and lots on Fort Hill 6200.00 each. W. C. Witt, S16 Main st.. East Macon. ney & Callaghan. A BARGAIN—6500.00 will buy a Cadillno automobile; tonneau, etc., goes with this. Address Auto, care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Gentle horse two buggies, agon and dunm *■“““* told at once. C. BALE—Several shares Wlnn-Johnaon Co. rtnek: 50c. on dollar. Business, cars Telegraph. SAUER KRAUT, dill pickles and Holland mlichner herring at Oscar Bradloy*- FOR SALE—Damaged com for hog feet cheap, good feed. O. O. A. Daughtry, Third st. TURKEYS! TURKEYS!! TURKEYS!!!— Immense stock of those for Christmas; any weigh! (than. ht you wunt. Rainey & Calls- KID DOLLS, Jointed dolls. Beck's Pianos, doll heads, toys of all kinds, at Wald's, •Phone 571. LET US book your order for Xmas tur key, oysters, flsh, celery. lettuce, berries, etc. Clarke's Fli Market. Poultry EGOS! EGGS!! EGGS!!!—We easily head the list In quantity and quality eggs sold In Macon. Rainey & Callaghan. BUY YOUR Xmas cakes from Merkel. TWO BARS of Octagon soap free toda; QUAIL, dressed poultry, headed lettuce, celery, cranberries, etc. Flournoy “ McKenna. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of ever; nor' bank script ion; guitars, necordeons, .>anJoe, mandolins, hurr -- '" - Goldman's Pawn Shop. y de- follns. FOR CHRISTMAS—Bicycles. Velocipedes. Tricycles, Autopedes. Coasters, Boy' Wagons, Doll Carriages, &etc., cheap o B. 8. Parmelee's. FRESH FISH and oysters all the time G. P. Clarke * Co. PINEAPPLES—Any size, any price; also fine variety of apples and oranges. Ral ney & Callaghan. MISCELLANEOUS. Christmas Shopping ADJUDICATION OF THE R. H. PLANT ESTATE 'GIFT' that ^ yield j j atij~ ' ffaction by the ' 7 hand/at. Chrht giving jhoald' genuine, jo pajj r tho imitation and choojc ' XUaterman'j Ideal Made easy and inexpensive at Cole man’s, where the best in Books,Sta tionery, Fountain Pens, Pictures, Calendars, Games, suitable for Xmas presents can be found in large quantities. Mail orders promptly filled. ORDER OF COURT YESTERDAY CONFIRMED AGREEMENT OF CRED- ITORS RELIEVING BANKRUPTCY FUND OF $1,900,000 OF SECOND. ARY LIABILITIES AND RECEIVER CORBIN REPORTS THAT DIV. IDENDS WILL REACH 331-3 PER CENT.—JUDGE SPEER WILL TAKE UP QUESTION OF ADJUDICATION THIS MORNING AT TEN O’CLOCK. .$ . The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 316-320 Second st. Santa Claus Last Call We hope to see all our friends and customer® In today! have plenty of salesmen and lota of Presents Suitable for Old and Young Almost any pries.. Com. in early and look the place over. You will find moro things to suit you for the various gifts to bo mado than ever before. We really believe our store oontalns a BETTER SELECTION AND MORE VARIED LINE than oan be found anywhere else. McEvoy Book & Stationery Co. 572 CHERRY STREET. Cold Facts. Today if you aro wise, call and get some of those beautiful things that have for Christmas.. We don’t claim to have the whole of Christendom under our roof, but when it comes to Artiatio Frame® and Beautiful Piotur®®, we are the people.. In fact, you can’t find suoh goods anywhere else in middle Georgia.. Come today and come early. I W. Lamar Williams, “MACON’S ONLY ART STORE.” 107 COTTON AVENUE. LOST AND FOUND. ir's open face gold watch, set diamond: gold and platenum i diamonds. Finder will be well LOST—Lady’ with one diamond fob set with dlamom— - .—- ---- rewarded by leaving at Max Morris Drug Store. afford. Rainey & < LOST—A Phllomnthean pin on Cotton avo, or Second st.. Dec. 22. Reward If returned to this office, 8. tiaIs G. W. O.: will pay liberal reward for Us return. Call at Macon Telegraph office. knives for Christmas presents. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS!!!— Finest quality "Plants” and '’Selects” for broiling and frying: stew oysters in abundance for stuffing the turkey. Rainey & Callaghan. OurSpecial Prices Finest Cream Cheese, a lb 15 New Ga. Cane Syrup, a gal 66 Apple Vinegar, a gal......... 2 Best Head Rice, a lb C Soap, & for.mill.66 Hand Bapollo, a cake.. 07% Sugar Cured Ham. a lb 11% Sugar Cured Shoulder, a lb..... 09 Breakfast Strips (beat quality), a lb. 13% New Nuts, all kinds, tb ...16 Florida Oranges, a doz 20 Baldwin Apples, a pk 36 nrjed Figs. I-lb. bricks, a lb 11 * Raisins, a pkg OS 1-6 Reedod Raisins, a pkg OS 1-6 t serially Cleaned Currants, a pkg. .08 1-6 ew Persian Dates, per lb 8 1-6 eat Quality Prunes, a lb 07% California Evaporated reaches, a lb..10 Best Three Crown Rnl.slna a lb 10 Van Comp's Bouna (all kinds), a ean..o» Van Camp's Pork and Beans, a can..<>9 Van Camp’s Pure Cream, a can 09 Royal Salad Dressing, a bottle 20 Irish Potatoes, a pk 25 Rainey & Callaghan, A LARGE LINE of pistols and guns at Balkeom’s Hardware Store. uo to Rainey & PINK MALAGA grapes. New York ap ples, sweet Florid* oranges, tangarlnes. grape fruit. Ran .Bias ooeoanuta. bananas, lemons, pineapple. the largest, sweetest nuts In the efty; large cluster raisins. Flournoy & McKenna. THE NUT GROWER—Official organ Na tional Nut Growers’ Association; sample copies free. J. F. Wilson, editor, Pou- Just right, fully ripe. Rainey & Callaghan. HOT ROLL8 everys afternoon. APPLES, oranges, bananas, coeoanuts and Periodical Tickets. Oscar Bradley. w pack : McKenn AIR RIFLES of all kinds for the boys at DRESSED TURKEYS, hens, fries, broil ers; also fresh oysters, fish, game, cele ry. fruits and vegetables. Rainey A r laghan. COURSE DINNER—For this you will need fish. Remember Retney A Calls ghan. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS, FRESH VEGETABLES—We are head quarters for these; ask tor what you want. Rainey A “ TURKEY8, TURKEYS, TURKEYS. Live and dressed. MEMORY MEETING AT MACON Y. M. C. A. The usual order at the men’s meet ing tomorrow afternoon at the Young Men’s Christian Association building will be changed. Instead of an address there will be an Informal "Memory meeting.” In which all will have an op portunity to participate. The service will be In charge of General Secretary McFadden, beginning at 4 p. m. and continuing until r* o'clock. Strangers aro cordially Invited. Mr. Roy W. Harrlng, physical direc tor at the Y. M. C. A., left this morn Ing, accompanied by Mrs. Harrlng to spend n few dAys at Demlrost, Ga., with Mrs. Harrlng'® parents. You can’t make a mis take if you send her ‘‘Huy iers.” Kinjr & Oliphant. Lowe—Gilbert, EUFAULA, Ala., Dec. 23.—J. P. Lowe whh married last night at A:80 o’clock to Miss Evle Gilbert st her broth- Dr. Gilbert, on Randolph street. The ceremony was performed by Dr. M. B. Wharton. Mr. Lowe Im a former Macon traveling salesman, but Is now the pro. prletor of tho St. Jullen, one of Ku- faula'n leading hotels. He ha® made many friends since he Identified him nelf with EufAUla. and the friends ho has here and elsewhere who are num erous. extend heartiest congratulations. Miss Gilbert belong® to one of the oldest and best known families In Eu- faula and she number® her friend® by her acquaintance®. Eczema, scald head, hives. Itrhlness of the skin of any sort Instantly re< lleved. permantly cured. Doan's Olnt- Phone 2035. J. R. Odom. 1 ment - At iny <,n “ ,,or *- MONEY Come Today All kinds of fresh OYSTERS received twice daily. Cranberries and Celery All kinds of FISH. Give us your orders. Will receive prompt attention. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN Phone. 21S and 851 4S« Ftrat SL Don’t Wait Until Christmas Rush We make Loans on Pianos, Organs, Furniture, Horses and Carriages. "Hereto to the land which gave me birth, Hero’s to the flag sho flies; Here’s to her sons—the best of earth, Here’a to her smiling skies. Here's to a heart which beats for mo, True n-> tin* stjrs nil vo; Here’s to the day when mine the’l Here’s to the girl I love.” be. Accounts payable.. McCaw Manufacturing Co. on unpaid stock Due other banks order was signed by Judge Emory Speer in the United States court yesterday morning which con firmed an agreement among the cred itors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company whereby that concern la re organised and relieved of further legal procedure In connection with the lia bilities of R. H. Plant's estate. The signing of this order perfected the plan of Receiver Corbin and hla attor neys, the attorneys for the creditor® and all parties Interested, which re lieves the Plant bankruptcy fund of 61,900,000, or about 45 per cent, of the secondary liabilities. Tho agreement which hn® been reached among the creditors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company and that which was reached some weeks ugo In the McCaw Manufacturing Company practically relieved the Plant estate of the Immense amount of pa per upon which R. H. Plant was In dorser and cleared the way for pro ceeding® which will now mean the speedy winding up of the affair® In litigation and a distribution of the funds now In the hands of Receiver Corbin. This morning nt 10 o’clock tho mat ter of adjudication will be taken up before Judge Speer. Upon the signing of the order confirming the agreement amonr the creditors of the lied Cy press Lumber Company yenterday At torney Thomas B. Felder moved for a consideration of adjudication at once. To this Judev Spoer replied: "Tho receiver, Mr. N. B. Corbin, with co-operation of n i the counsel and all the parties' at Interest, having relieved the Plant bankruptcy fund of 45 per cent, of Its Indebtedness, that Is, 61.900,000 of his secondary liabilities, adjudication in bankruptcy should nt once he had and the fund® on hand divided among the creditors. I will assign the question of adjudication for tomorrow morning nat 10 o’clock.” Attorney® for Receiver Corbin filed paper In tho court late yesterday evening which contains a full account of the transactions whereby the agree ments have been reached In tho re organization of the McCaw and the Red Cypress concerns. This contain® the statement from the receiver that the dividend now in sight for the creditors will reach approximately 33 1-3 per cent, with tho additional fund to be realized from an Invest ment of 6490,000 yet In the McCaw Manufacturing Company and a fund to be gathered from the Red Cypress Lumber Compuny, should the estimate of expert lumbermen be justified. It 1® now stated that the agreement among the creditor® of both concern® according to the plan® of Receiver Corbin hn® rnlsed the dividend® from approximately 26 per cent, to some thing like 36. The agreement ton- firmed In tho Red Cypres® case yes terday wa®, by consensus of opinion, the mean® of saving over 6200,000 to the creditor*. According to the direction of Judge Speer, procedure will follow these set tlement® at the Hcsslon of this morning and the adjudication will be discussed at the hour set. The paper containing facts «■ net forth by Receiver Corbin In working out the settlement up to tho present time and probably one of tho moat !n- terestlng paper® filed since the finan cial collapse of May 16 follows: In the District Court of tho United States for the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia—F. B. Stubbs nt al. vs. Robert H. Plant, bankrupt: L. W. Grace et al. v«. Rob ert H. Plant, bankrupt. Petition for Involuntary adjudication, No. 462. and equitable petition. Consolidated cause®. Petition for Involuntary ad judication No. 463, and equitable pe tition. To the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of said court: Now comes N. !J. Corbin, receiver In the above stated consolidated causes, and respectfully shows the court, thftt In as much as an adjustment of the affairs of the McCaw Manufacturing Company, and of the Red Cypress Lumber Company hnve been successfully consummated, by which settlements an Immense lia bility nguinst the estate of Robert H. Plant baa been relieved, and large suma saved for the general creditors of the suld estate in bankruptcy, your receiv er deems It proper to report to the court as a part of the record In said cause the various steps taken by your receiver, and WIs, attorneys of record, Krwln A Callaway, aided by the attor neys for the petitioning creditors In sold cause, Messrs. Mlnter Wimberly. Akerman A Akerman and Lane A Park, representing L. W. Groce et al., and T. 8. Felder, representing F. B. Stubbs et nt., to bring about said set tlements. Your receiver was appointed receiv er In the above stated catnips on the 16th day of May, 1904. and Immediate ly proceeded to ascertain the extent of the liabilities, and the amount of tho asaeta of the said Robert If. Plant. Un der an order of court expert account ants were employed to aid In this Ini vostlgation. According to the report of sgld accountants, verified by the In vestigations of your receiver and his attorneys, the liabilities In the aggre gate were as follows: Individual depositors 61.122,615.45 Enjoy the Christmas Tide I 8,849.17 80,000.00 Eat, drink and be merry ! Quaff the toast, and gather round the punch-bowl. But be sure that in mixing you use ...62,241,299.78 endorsed ’tTy RJLPlant.6 348,500.00 Claim by receiver of the Red LI PPM AN’S PRIVATE STOCK Pure Rye Whiskey. Notes of McCaw Manufactur ing Co. endorsed by R. H. Plant 1,054,000.00 Assessment called by comp- It is absolutely unexcelled, and tho price is $1.00 a bottle. stock of tho First National con, estimated., 67,200.00 87,000.00 Total liabilities 51.147.999.78 WE OFFER The assets of the said estate aggre gated In market value about 6146,000, outside of the stock owned by the said Plnnt In the McCaw Manufacturing Company and the Red Cypress Lum ber Company, and certnin life Insur ance policies on the life of the said Robert H. Plant, which wero turned over to your receiver. A large part of the naRets Included In the valuation of 6145,000 were pledged to secure vari ous Indebtedness of the said riant, as Is 3et forth fully In the report of the expert accountants filed in this cause. Shortly after the appointment of your receiver, the death of Robert H. Plant converted life Insurance policies into claims against the Insurance com panies amounting to 6736,458.70. It was deemed best for many reasons by the nforessld attorneys and counsel for the petitioning creditors and by the attorneys for your receiver, Messrs. Erwin & Callaway, thnt tho said claims against said Insurance compa nlea should be collected and turned over to your receiver previous to any adjudication In bankruptcy. In order to collect snld policies, the Insurance companies required proofs of claim to be signed Jointly by the executors, who qualified under the will of the said Plnnt, and by your receiver, as the re ceiver in bankruptcy of tho said Rob ert II. Plant; and also required that all checks and receipts be endorsed and signed In the same manner. After the claims were adjusted by sold Insurance companies and the I fly Fonso, 6to 1, won; Always Faithful, For Sale by GABE L1PPMAN, 604 Fourth Street, r ' ► • ’Phone i Desirable home in Vincville; eight rooms, fine loca tion, that can be bought for $4,250. * If loan is wanted, could arrange upon reasonable cash payment. Money to loan on good real estate. o MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate. WRITE ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. !li WILLINGHAM & CONE, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. Phone 444. 355 Second Street checks sent forward, the executors of the estate of the snld Robert H. Plant declined and refused to indorse and make available the checks that hnd been lent out by ,nl,l Ineurunm com- I ^pcondAitarliaT V to” r.^‘hVrd! panles until the sold Robert II. Plant L, i«ii9.k ehould hnvo been adjudicated a bank- | pUh ra™. rupt. As above stated, for sufficient legal reasons, the attorneys for the 25 to 1, second; Gigantic, 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:57. Fourth race, six. furlongs, handicap— Dick Bernard, 7 to 5, won; Frontennnc, petitioning creditors resisted any nd Judication of the said Plnnt ns a bank rupt until after these funds were nil turned over to your receiver, and on tho 21st day of June. 1904, vour re ceiver filed a proceeding in this court to require said executors of the estate of the said Robert H. Plnnt to Indorse snld cheeks received from said Insur ance companies, and turn them over to your receiver, nnd after nnswer be ing filed by the executors nnd full hearing had. said executors were or dered to Indorse said checks nnd turn them over to your receiver, and on the 29th day of June. 1904, the full sum Fifth race, mllo and a quarter, sell ing—Brooklyn, 13 to 6, won; Bessie McCarthy, 3 to 1, second; Homestead, 7 to 2, third. Time, 2.09 1-6. Sixth race, mile—Jake Greenberg, 2 to 1, won; St. Tammany, 15 to 1. sec ond; Ahola, 2 to 5, third. Time, 1:42 4-6, Open TUI 12 O'elook Tonight. MoEVOY BOOK & STATIONERY CO. of $726,456.70 was turned over to your I ness. Rho was the eldest daughter of receivers freed from all the claims of | Ca]>t. and Mrs. Johjn C, t McNab and the said executors of the said Robert * ” |l|l “ H. Plant to any Interest therein what soever. On the 30th dny of June, 1904, the Investigations of the said expert ac countants having been completed, your receiver then ascertained In detail that Thomas Ryan. * , tt . , CHICAGO. Dec. 28.—Thomas Ryan, the estate of said Plant was llnble by for j^ny y< . ftr( , | n the employ of the renson of Indorsements of the notes I Associated Preas and widely known of the McCaw Manufacturing Com- um ong telegraphera na one of the moat pony and similar contingent claims highly skilled operators living, died to an amount aggregating 61.926,- h, flre today. Deceased was bom In 700. In addition to Its direct lla- ntaunton, Va* and has relatives at hllltles to depositors and credltoiw of Richmond. Vs. the the bonk In the sum of 62.241,- 1 299.78. and If allowed to share In the distribution of the estate would ah- ,0 l;Vn V, con.u^t!r , wuh , ^h. wh I ^,-1 eraoke, drop in nt Lamar* Easily Borrowed Easily Paid . . All business strictly confidential. Drop us a postal and our man will call at your Home. H. C. Hamrick Mgr. Corner 4th and Boundary sts. COOGGCOOOOOGOGGOOGCGGOOGGCOGOCOGOGOGOCGGGCOOGQOOOOOO < XMAS DINNER Not too lot# to Mod uo your ordor,.. We , r « running »«tr, w« B . on., .nd can deliver your order, promptly today or to night.. Extra to Hrv. you promptly at our .tore. Bring or phon, your order* to us. Don't forgot, .xtro Trading Stamp, free Don’t .poll your fino dinner by terving p-or coffee, but ord.r some of our Doliciou, Java and Mocha and you will havo a feeling of ootis- faction when your rap„t 1* over. Ju,t call phone 940 and wo will do tho ret. FOR DESSERT Plum Pudding, Fancy California Pe Plumtp Pineapple Chunk*, Apricots, and Cherries, Bartlett Peart, of other good things. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. OOCOOOOOOOOCOCOOOQCOOOOOOO*"OOOOOOOOOOCOODOOOCO n OOOOQtl STOPS CHILLS CURES COLDS Painkiller 1-3 Off on all our Holiday Goods Except Huyler’s Candy and Cut Glass Will be sold tho balance of this week at One-third off Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. Macon, Oa. Prompt attention to Mail Orders. Mrs. John D. Godwin. EUFAULA, Ala., Doc. 23.—This j morning at 3 o’clock at her home on Orange street, Mrs. Mary McNab God win dlM after about two months 111 wire of Mr. John D. Ootlwln. Speolal Prices | On framed picture* today at Coleman’s. J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407. Room 19, American Natl. Bank Bldg., MACON, GA. Insure Now! Christmas Is cqmlng with It* crackers and bonfires and your : fire- ! , more than double. I’ll house or furniture, store anything lnsuruble. I repr«*?»ent tho AETNA OF HARTFORD, THE NORTHERN OF LONDON, THE NIAGARA OF NEW YORK, THE LONDON OF ENGLAND. When you want a good dent of the McCaw Manufacturing Lamar 8. Company, your receiver was ndvlaed that the company was solvent, and would be nhle to pfty Its liabilities. If given sufficient time, hut thnt with out such additional lime, they would FOR BALE. out suen HUUIUVII.I I.iue, m«y w.mj.w I fJ? rJirt^or enVe mt. ^ \ |1|1M. - ligations, aryl would naturally forced Into bankruptcy. It was de termined by the attorneys for tju* pe. tltldplng creditors as afroesald lh con sul IM Ion with your receiver, thnt snld attorney^ vrould not ask for an adju- acraa, near HtimmerAeld, $1,100. 1 acr land on railroad for manufactory. 9-roonr 2-htory house, close In, 66,700. L. ETHRIDGE. Hardeman Oldg. diestIon of the said Plant In bank ruptcy, but would move tho court to postpone any sueh adjudication until FOR 8ALE. Five-room house, dote In; owner, has .. _ I m ...» mid McOnV Manufacturing I left rlty. —.nt. to’.af; o r .(™. »’“"j: Company could have an opportunity to | t -* 0 * No, ? h '_ - 111 company couin novo an I00 errra land. mule, wugon. him,.., rnorgnnlae It, hu«ln..», and after your I ,| ( K-k and barret. |Vio. On. acr. rcclvcr nnould m»ke effort, to a«ttl« W ood yard bem mnehlnrry, for rent or nnd ndjuflt th, nffalr* of the Bed Cy- | ,ale. pr-nx Lumber Compuny, for th, rea- | J. C. ETHRIDQE, Hardeman Bldg, ■on that If th, adjudication look pine, and on Immediate dividend mndo nvnllabl, thnt mild creditor, holding Indnrred paper would decline (o enter Into any rnorgnnliatlon whatever, un til after they hnd proven claim. In bankruptcy ngalnat the oitato of 9e I I ...For Sale... A well located store leased for 5 years nets 7 per cent. Price (aid Plan* by reeenn of eehl Indorae- mente. and by thue protertlnn- their own Internet deplete the auet, other- wire distributable emong other cred. Itor. to the full extent of the Mid In domemente. If forced Into bankruptcy, the Me- Caw Manufacturing Company could not have paid It. clelmn In full, and the Ucd Cyprenn Lumber Company be Ing nlreody In Ibe hnnd. of receiver. In bnnkrupt<-y wouM not he able to pay It, elalihe In full, therehv rnu.lng a complete lone to the other general creditor, of the eatata of llnbert If. Plant of the entire amount, with drawn by r.anon of dividend, for the Indnraementa on Mid note* of raid companle.. In cnee of hankrutpey the etock of . . ■. , the^ McCaw Marrri/oct^urin*^^corntrany | Reale Estate, Insurance and Loans, $6000,00 H. Horne, No bettor companies can ha found. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, American National Bank Bldg. For Sale The beautifully located suburban home generally known aa tho .!aqi#» Farm.” four and a half inllos from tho city, on Forsyth road. This farm mn- slats of 80 acres, nice orchards, hot houses, etc. Fin® bold spring •m«l branch on the* place. Has splendid im provements In way of 6-room dwell ing and all necessary out houses: com manding a fine view of the unround ing country, within one half mile of electric car line, The right m.m ran make a fortune dairying n i trucking. This Is a "Jim Dandy” and will have to Inspected to reasons for selling, call on or address. tppr Duncan Real Estate Exchange Home Money to Loen Geo. B. Turpin Soiw REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 303 Third St. Telephone No. 77. to the amount H3..000 owned by said Plant would be a total loei, and the valuable Internet of laid Plant In the Red Cypr»H» Lumber Company to the I extent of SO p»r rent, of It. entire etork would llkewie, ha a >omplet. loss. Continued on page eight. $I,600.00 No C... ef Pneumonia on Record. Will buy a rlr* home In Hugu.nln We do not know of n ilngle tnitanc* H.lghta, con .luting of • good two «to- where a rough or rold r.ault.d In I £7. elx-room dwelling on deeirabl* lot. pneumonia or eoneumptlon when I Term*. $100 each, balance on long tlm* Foley'a Honey and Tar had been taken. I yearly payment, and reaaonable Inter- It cure* cough, and cold* perfectly, eo I tat. A fine opportunity for a perron do not take chance, with some tin- I ef moderate me&ne. Homo la now known preparation which may contain 1 rented at 11$ per month and would opiate., which cauee conotlpatlon, _ condition that retarda recovery from a colt}. Auk for Foley - . Honey and Tar and refua* any aubafltuta offered. Bold by H. J. Lamar dt Co., drugglata. malt, a good InveatmanL $1,500.00 Will buy a .tor and 4-room dwell I Ing combined, on corner of Third am *$.—Fruit, I Arch .treat.; all In good condition; At New Orleena NEW ORLEANB. Deo. Auromneter and Ahola were the bent- ] eloeo In, convenient to bualneea, a good en favorite, today. I ,tand. and a corner that will Incrcaao Flrat race, .even hirlong^-Sl., t to I In value. 1. won; Oexconne, a to 1, .econd; Fruit, 14 to K. third. Time, l:!l. Reeond race, elx furlong.—Little Jock Horner. IS to i. won; Mtladl Love • to gccond: Hadducae, IS to 1. third Time. 1:14 3-t. Third race, mil* and an eighth—La- Georgia Loan & Trust Co. Lean*, Real Estate and ln*L 665 Mulberry StreeL DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College SL, 7 room No. Ill High 8L, 7 rooms. .645.09 . 35-00 TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS Improved city property. Money In the bank—i REAL ESTATE F - 5?a!< *• 'f 0 - room hoc* * and 634 it re* of lard .it M K.rov’a id*.re on For- ylli <• « mile from Crump .i P*rm»> Six .U* M*«on. ThW| d Kcurth »! FOR RENT 1 »* -••••„ V