The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 24, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24, 1904. Ware & Leiand, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Coffee Commission Brokers Cotton Grain Stocks Members— Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchange New York Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Private Wires to Principal Points New York Office Macon Office 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth st. COTTON MARKET HELD STEADY Was Very Little Change in Prices BUSINESS WAS SMALL BANKS. E. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB, President. Cashier. W. P. WHEELER, Asst. Cashier. Commercial and Savings Bank Sales on the New York Exchange of Only 100,000 Bales—The Market Dull Because of the Holiday Time—Port Receipts Show Only Small Variation From the Previous Year—Better Spot ""Deniand in the South. 4 LIVERPOOL spots closed 4.04 NEW YORK spots closed 7.60 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 7 3-16 MACON, GA. Each year In the Bank’s history has Shown an Increase In Surplus, Depos its and Cash Resources. Every accommodation granted de positors consistent with conservative banking. J.M. JOHNSTON, ft. J. TAYLOR, P resident. Vico-President L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY. Asst. Cashier. American National Bank MACON, GEORGIA. 'UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY; Capital $250,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability $250,000.00 Surplus S12b.000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30,000.00 DIRECTORS. J. M. Johnston, Stephen Popper, OEL J. Taylor, A. K. Chappell, W. M. Johnston, E. J. Willingham, Gen. RobL Ober. It. A. Merritt, You cannot do bettev than put your account with the American National Bank. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER. Cashier. Exchange Bank OF MACON; QA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. VV. CABANISS. President, C. M. ORR. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. Cabaniss, S. S. Dunlap, THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market was quiet yesterday and the transactions were small, comparatively. Tnere was practl cally no variation in prices from those of the previous day. C. B. Willingham, Cotton Factor MACON, GEORGIA. Ship mo your cotton and get .file best returns. Weekly Movement. This Last . y< Port receipts- 301,918 i > nada 48’917 Sou mill takings (eat)., 63,000 Stock gain int. towns.... 13.742 301,611 ■ 31.858 63,000 Into sight for week 400,093 397,181 Total Crop Movement. Port receipt* 6,629,308 4,933.351 To mills and Canada.... 458,209 Sou. mill takings (eat). 761,000 Int, atek. ex. Sept. 1.,.. 638.634 Range of Prices. Good Middling .. Strict Middling .. Middling Strict Low Middling Low Middling Good Ordinary Ordinary ... Clean Stains Red Stains lng. The holidays will ba followed by the bureau glnners’ report on Wednesday. Tho Into sight figures compared with last week are bearish, but compared with lost year aro extremely bearish. In the trading January opened 4 points up at 7.18, gained a point. then reacted to «.13, and fim.lly recovered to 7.18. The mar ket closed quiet with net gains of from 2 to 4 points. Liverpool Cotton Statistics. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 23.—Following aro the weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of all kinds Total sales of American.... English spinners' taking*. Total exports Impirts of all kinds Imports of American Stock of all kinds ♦••••741.000 Stock of American ....686,000 Quantity afloat of all kinds... 741,000 Quantity afloat of American 402,000 TotnJ sales on speculation 3,600 Total Bales to exporters 8,600 Hester’s Weekly Cotton Statement. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23.—Secretary Hester’s weekly New Orleans Cotton Ex- Into sight for season....7,487.151 6,672,348 8.344 bales added to port receipts for the season. Wore <8. Leland’s Weekly Cotton Review. NEW YORK, Dec. 23.—'We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Rales. 37.000 34,000 73.000 7,000 .......184,000 sr? Spot Cotton Movement. Dec; 17, 1904. Dee. 19. 1904 516 Dec. 20, 1904 529 Dec. 21. 1904 515 Dec. 22, 1304.. RectK. Shin. Sales. Dec. 23, 1904 428 Stock on Hand, Sept. 1, 1004 Dec. 23. 1904 Dec. 23. 1904 .. 754 ..17,641 .. 5.390 Comparative Receipts In Macon. Dec. 23. 1904 76,379 Dec. 23, 1903 62.225 New York Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. 23.—The cotton mar ket ruled narrow and Irregular with Anal prices showing little change. There was decrease under last year of 14,000 and an Increase over tho same period year before last of 213,000. the same days of last year 1,082.000 and ahead of the same driyu year before last of 1.273.000. _ , The amount brought Into sight during the past week hau been 380.476 bales against 412.688 bales for the same seven days last year and 364,134 boles year be fore last. The movement since Septenmer 1 shows receipts at all United States ports to bo 6,637,194 against 4,882,952 bales last year. Overland across the Mississippi. Ohio Tho wishes are not backed with as much confidence as was the case a year og" when ootton was selling at 14 cents, apT -^ “'i —W * J “' -j| mone: all making a great deal of rv. Hut at least there la good health, d digest Ion and a great deal to bo thankful for In other ways. We have omitted to mention that there la also hope which at all times Is an Important element In tho cotton market. The crop may be a big one. prices may go somo lower, but out of it nil will come a chance to make money before tho year of 1905 Is very old. And. then, there is the consolation of thinking how very much worse things might have boon. There Is evidently a contest of some kind going on in the present market. For tne first time since tho downward movement began tho hear party la meet lng with something like persistent resist nnce. This started from the buying by the continent, and has been continued through purohases by tho larger spot In terests in this country, and enough cotton has been taken from tho market to start reactions that were rather uncomforta ble to shorts. In order to exert pressure, very large lines of cotton have come on the market. and last evening, just when the market was under way to close con siderably higher, one of the largest opera tors of tho oenr party came into tho *lt In person and sold 15,000 bales of March in the effort to drive prices to a lower level. The contest was resumed this morning, and while jrlces have not ad LHnBiiA sou,ssl against ob*.msi , Interior stocks In excess of those ehld st the close of tho commercial year 649.278 against 468,189 last year; Southern mill HBUIIINI 1110,109 IUBI ,YC0I . pmiuroiii lillU takings 843,000 against 767,866 last year, 770.092 year before Inst. R. Rogers, A. L. Adams, A. D. Schofield, M. H. Taylor, W- £>. Lamar. H. J. Lamar, N. B. Corbin, J. H. Williams. 8am Mayer, T. C. Burke. We solicit the business of mer chants, planters and banks, offering them courtosy, promptness, safety, end liberality. The largest capital nnd surplus of any bank in Middle Georgia. somo covering hy shorts, for ■ holidays and some buying by spot people. On tho other hand, certain Vicar Interests appeared, adding moderately to their lines* Money to Lend on leading to tho deduction that they pected a bearish glnnern' report next Wednesday, or one day after the market re-opens following the Christmas holi days. The opening was steady at an advance of 2a5 points In response to firmer cables. Following the call prices worked up to n net advance of about n to s points! on covering and reports of a little better spot demand In the South, but at the advance leuding professionals sold more aggressively, and prices l *•« middle ses sion fluctuated between night’s dos ing and a # net decline of 1 to 2 points. Real Estate. Well ratod commerioal paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. ware 53.290 bales alfalnat 44,931 bales last week and 34,577 bales last year. For the week 303,000 bales against 328.303 Macon Savings Bank, 670 MULBERRY STREET. CHILDREN’S SAVING8. Are as carefully guarded fie re as are the large accounts. You could not make your child or grandchild a wiser Christmas pres ent than the gift of one of our pass-books. This may be secured by the deposit of as little as ono dollar. The ownership of a pass-book gives a child a feeling of self-re liance and teaches him the value of money early in life. This is an in valuable lesson nnd a life-long habit of saving—the way to pros perity—Is sure to follow. We pay 4 per cent interest. Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. M. & B. RY Local and Through Schedules. Effective October 23. 1804. Depot Fifth and Pins Streets. Ill STATIONS. P M II.v. 4 101 Macon 4 38 flofkee .. 4 421.... SHpperton 1« WB:: 5 09 .... Montpelier i 17 Morans . $ Dyas ... 6 07 . I ft 1 • 6 « • 6 62}. YatesvtUe , .. Upson ... Thomaaton , .... Crest ... ... Thunder .. .... Woodbury , If • 25 Harris ... 43 .... Odessadal# , 7 63!.... MountvlUs 8 .14}.... Robertson X .if .... naecruwii .... 3 jilAr.. LaGranse ..Lr P Ml No. 31 and 72 dally- Warm •prin^a. and. Columftua via > ; 8.60;at.. Columbus .TLyI <30| dSS"l« fMSM’Sftfla: B 5fi nt c r «w? u ^.-'l?5i« " rT ‘~ o. M. GRADY. Superintendent. ^ C. B. RHODES. Gen. Pm Agent. C. C. MERSHON. D. T. A., Macon. Ga. the total thus far for tho season 4,073,175 against 3,545,788 last year. The total takings of American mills, North, South nnd Canada than fnr for tho vanced to any extent, the market Itself shown a decided different phase from any presented In some weeks. Prices have declined to a point where holders of cotton In tho South absolutely refuse to consider offers. As a result, tho movoment this week promises to ho in the neighborhood of 375,000 bales as compared with 412,000 bales last year. There are very large commitments for January delivery nnd If the grower of cotton in the South persists In this refusal to tell his cotton at a sacrifice, there may be very interesting developments In an Other six weeks. While It la not within the power of any Individual to say just where the turn cotton is to come from, this much can bo said with confidence. The bears wll bo short at the bottom and tho turn wll ns Inevitable as It was in January this year. It will take a lonjrer tlmo will lose Just ns much money. This Is i Inevitable ns thnt speculation wan made simple. Cotton is now selling In the South at what Is regnrdcd as tho Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday 66.567 69.631 70,661 54.784 45,449 48,711 52,072 56.330 45.656 57,475 34,057 70 fifit 63.290 44,931 34.577 H/,072 Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts,. 53,200 303,403 Exports to Great Britain.. 33,226 150.553 Exports to France 16.031 42,546 Exports to continent 11,078 68,995 Exports to Japan 8,000 5,400 Exports to Mexico 1,029 1,029 Stock on hand all ports. .1,081,560 — responding period last season of 57,623 bales. Including stocks left ovor at tho ports and the Interior towns from the last crop, and the number of bales brought Into sight thus fnr for the new crop, the supply to date Is 7.746.930 agnlnst 6,671,055 for the same period lost year. Hester'* World’* Visible Supply. NEW ORLEANS, Deo. 23.—Secretary Hester’s statement of the world s visible supply of cotton, Issued todav. shows tho total vlslhlo to be 4,566.127 against 4,448.- 312 last week and 3,941,863 last year. Of this tho totnl of American cotton Is 3.843,- 127 against 3.778.312 last week and 3.331,- 853 last year; and of all other kinds, in cluding Egypt Tlrosll, India, etc.. 723,000 against 670.000 last week and 610,000 bale* last year. Of the world's vlslhlo supply of cotton, there Is now afloat nnd held In Great Britain and continental Europe 2,329,000 ngnlnst 2,066.000 last year: in Egypt 190.- 000 against 203,000 last year; in India 281.000 against 164,000 Inst year, and In the United States 1,766.000 bales agalm 1,457.000 last year. Hubbard Bros. A Co.’s Cotton Lstter. NEW YORK, Dec. 21—Our market opened with sales of March at 7.29-40-41- 42. and after selling at 7.45-7.35. ruled at 7.36 at 1 p. m. Today's market In Liv erpool was affected by the same aggress ive selling that wns the Mature of tho market here during tho last two minutes yesterday afternoon, our mnrket opening with a steady tone nnd higher prices un cost of production. Wo cannot expu.. .. recovery from tho recent demoralisation quickly as ono might hope, but that recovery will soon be d ._, watched for. Some of tho most conserv ative people In the cotton trado uro pick ing up distant futures. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Consolidated receipts 5,637.194 Exports to Great Britain 2.033.742 Exports to Franco 450.272 Exports to continent 1,485.724 Exports ter Japan 30,010 Exports to Mexico 13,393 Price, Receipts, 8ales, Stocks. Tho Ports; 1 Price. |Rocts.|Bulcs.| Stck. Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile . . . Savannah . . Charleston ... Wilmington . Norfolk Baltimore . Philadelphia .. Brunswick . . . Newport News. Ban Francisco, .202182 22501416280 ““ 66478 Covering by Shorts Caused Strength in Whoat—Cori and Oats up—Provis ions Unchanged.' dor covering before the holidays, together with some fnvsstmant buying. Then an- “ ggtesslvo soiling 7 movement set •n the local traders thought foro- Thln is the only support that ecmes to resist the pressure, but upon the mnrket prices. Macon Brokerage Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.—The cotton fu turo market Is quiet now, but naturally .... In view of tho holidays , Interests show n disposition to buy .. little cotton, nnd the receipts in many bales short of those of last year. New Orleans at tho moment Is holding steady nnd the Southern houses are cnrrylnk quite n lot of cotton bought In this mar 12932 I hot recently. The cotton mnrket Is now 17650 1?* the lowest price^of the ^season and Interior Movement. ,=.V# | Price.'Herts.'Hales.! Ktek I 96741 14831 JOfSj 3063 1800 7% 79735 91233 134610 Wilmington—Add 1.604 bales to net re ceipts this week. , Baltimore—Add 8,345 bales to net re ceipts since Heptember 1. Nsw York Cotton Futures. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.—Cotton futures opened firm and closed steady. Open. High. Low. Close. May Juris July August .. 7.22 .. 7.28 .. 7.40 .. 7.48 .. 7.52 .. 7.60 .. 7.66 7.65 the flouth Is no doubt selling the uctimi stuff below tho cost, of production this year, Inasmuch ns It is claimed that nl ners aro buying on ft moderoto scale, nnd nn Increase In the demand Is looked for In some qunrters. Inasmuch ns the dry goods markets show a decided Improve ment. Comparative Cotton Statement. NEW YORK. Dec. 23 —The following Net port receipts... 1904 • • Rect*. since Hept. 1 5,637.194 4,986,979 Exports for week 258,523 263,10? Exports since £ept. 1.. .4,033,!41 8,620.606 Stock all IT. S. ports.... 1,081.660 920,861 Stock all Int. towns.... 73M°8 Stock at Liverpool 741,000 Amn. afloat for O. B.... 402.000 328,000 Net Receipts at All Ports. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.—The followln) are the totul net receipts'of cotton at al. ports since September 1: Bales. Galveston 1,674.531 New Orleans Mobile ... Savannah , __ Charleston in ,.1,357.204 ... 198,680 ...1,180,730 MACON BROKERAGE CO BANK CLEARINGS. STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 418-420 Cherry at. Chamber of Commerce Building <\>rr- s;,..:wh*ntf* of THE O’DELL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital $200,000.00 Oinclnnitl. O. Comparative Figures for tho Week End* lng December 22. NEW YORK, Dec. 23.—Tho following table, complied by Bradstreet, shows tho bank clearings at a number of the prin cipal cities of tbe United States for tho week ended December 32, with the per- *Phon© 633 centag© of Increase and decrease aa com pared with tho eorronponding week last year. Sixty-three toher cities are In cluded In the totals: line. Dec. Now York 12,025,200,430... .41.6 Chicago 196,415,173....12.2 Boston 143,253.052.... 16.7 Special Inducements the Holidays. Send in Your Orders now and Avoid the Rush. Quickest service In the South. We 1 1‘hlladeinhla ... 128,764,241....13.0 invite comparison. No Interest charged I pjLjfJJjJj ?S*i22*?Ii*** nn stnrV-* All neders nlneed direct with I a.„ ...... on stocks. All orders placed direct with I sKneiseo' the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt | Baltimore and careful atetntlon. . . Cincinnati Reference—The American National Kansas City.... 45,027.480....10.3 30.052.168.... 12.8 Bank, Macon. Go. Richmond .. that a considerable Increase in business should take place in view of such “ ***- ,HavaBnah snouta iftKo pmee in v;on uv "“V** 1 Fort^Wneth list and It la natural that sellers should ^? 1 r _ t nt \ vort " hold firmly to prices. I Nashville “*' Norfolk Augusta .. 23,111,713 24.968.438.. ..10.5 11.827.775.. ..16.8 6.603,272 9 3.041.634....15.2 4.432.018....11.8 4.949.410.. ..— 5.229.116.. ..43.3 3,837.348 COTTON SEED. OtL. . AUKUBia NEW YORK, Dec. 23.—Cotton seed oil Birmingham ... was barely steady with a moderate trade. J Knoxville . Primo crude in barrels f.o.b. mills 17H; I Mi2? n R ®°* prime summer yellow 24Via25; off sum- I WgJ® ••*••• • •• iner yellow nominal; prime summer white Vi ri -m viu^ “* 23%; primo winter yellow 28. Ilouston 3.142.872.. ..25.1 1.888.666.. .. 1.781.240 1.495.471.. ..13.0 1.411.701.. .. 1.1 1.182.604.. .. 650.791 800,773.... 7.4 NAVAL STORES. CHARLESTON. Dec. 23.—Spirits tur- | pontine and rosin markets, nothing doing. 922.158....29.3 13.652.469.... 12,816.000.... 8.6 1,434,181.... Totals U. S....$2,577:771.311....29.3 Outside N. Y.. 052,ISO,881..,. 11.2 Canada 64.263.850....29.5 z/3. iar nrm ai i.w; rvccipin i Crude tuniontlne firm at 2.30 to I 3.70; recelpts_12l. MACON LOCAL MARKET8. fF.TeO; G. V6“• H?2.72W? fi.26! QCOr « l * «*" 1915 ' * M ° »»«* K, 4.00: M, 4.30; N, 4.30; Window GlftS3, 1 Local StocKs ana Donas. 4.V5; Water White, '6.16. ' STOCKS AND BONDS Wealeyan Female College, T do., I denoronatlon Jan’y and July coupons, price owing to data , . of maturity 103 ill | Acme Brewing Co.... -...100 103 [R*o»i Generally an Idle Condition—Dullne.e I floiul,w<«rtm! , H! r )°* t atock'*?‘.. .117 Wa. Profound-Market Had a Strong Hv°eS? — Railroad Undertone—Closing Firm. NEW YORK 8TOCK LETTER. ■iftdek . ........... ... T - Atianta ft West Point Railroad dobenturea 167 Augusta ft Savannah Railroad ■took 117 Georgia Southern ft Florida 1st preferred stock 09 I Georgia Southern Railroad 2d irirerred i * oemlble' In tho" movement. Tho usual forecasts of the week’s currency move- ■ "«* C.® nf P On. ooniolldatad:!! I ill . . - • nifd Lith C t e JPJmn£S MMuJMfMntsnnd^Astiih* I S #n l r 'M of t*®. l*t income 00 and should ba nnd sub-treasury requirements rt »nd eatab- central of On. 2d Income 71 ^ -SMS I £ rn<r "-' °L 0n - M Income CHICAGO, Dec. 23.—Cocverlng shorts preparatory to the Christmas re cess caused strength In wheat today. May wheat closed •'Uft%c, up. Corn nnd oats each show a gain of Ui Provisions on tho cloi to 3c. higher. uose were unchanged Opsn. High. Low. Clos. Wheat— Doc. May NEW YORK Dec. 21.—There was little In today's stock mnrket to call for com-I ___ mont. Tho Ilstlcssenss and neglect of I preferred stock 69 tho trading amounted to absoluto Idle- Georgia Southern Railroad com ness for long Intervals. mon stock ...30 Aside from the profound dullness, the Seaboard, common, 16 principal feature of «he u)" rVn t «'«•» J Seaboard, preferred 86 strong undertone. There was no yield | Southern Railroad, pr«f... in the tendency at any hardening proems established u number of fair advances. News was of little Im pnrtance nnd Its Influence was not dls< I Southern Railroad, com 34 per cent.. 1945 Georgia '13T.. ......119 120 Express Prepaid 4 full quarts of our famous Old Glory Rye $3 25* One Gallon Jug 53 00 (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quarts Old Kentucky Choice Rye $3 oo One gallon jug 22 75 (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quarts Kentucky Bellu Rye.32 7i> One gallon jug... 32 50 (Express Prepaid.) 4 ful quarts Daus Special.... One gallon Jug. (Express Prepaid.) Qne gallon Defiance Rye<..... (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Jug Maryland Rye....33 00 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Jug two stamp Corn. .32 15 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Jug two st tmp Gin..'. .3? 25 We also pay express charge* on all goods from $1.75 a gallon up (in jugs), providing order oalls for no less than two gallons to one address. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. .33 00 .32 43 KENTUCKY WHISKEY CO A. DAUS ft CO., Props. 520 Fourth Streot. Macon. Ga. Next to Uunion Passenger Depot. GEORGIA, Bibb County.—The Savings Hunk & Trust Company Ga., guardian for Emma A K represents to this court tha . 69 sign changes In the loan Item af this time Ga Sn hrrn ft Florida "is? problematical, but there wns been no mertauie ? nc 1*10 11 Georgia Railroad A hanking Cn. that which caused last weeks large | 6Vb per cent.. 1910 "...10 114 115 n. represents to IP9V _________ discharged tho said trust, nnd has filed application for letters of dismiss' ‘ therefore, to notify nil porn ,...108 110 I per iwiu .... I Ocear. Htonmship Co., 1st 6 per The stnte of the money market effect- I cent. 1910 .105 'Hilly qiiM" mi IntoiTMl* In nhowln*. of a.orcm Uallroiut ft Hanking Cn. hank statements nt this time. Money 1*1 5 per oeut., 1922...., " difficult to place on call, and tho tenders I Georgia A Alabama consols, on time are growing more and more len- per cent., 1945 112U 11SU lent regarding collateral. in--. * * 2.. Reports of railroad earnings further Rood showings. The dull..HI tho mnrket continued up to the closing City Donas. which was very firm. The dullness of tho Macon 4% ps.. If25 107 murket continued up to the closing, which I Macon 5 pc.. 1023 115 was very Arm. I Macon 6 psr cent 110 Total sales of bonds, par value, $2,875,- I Savannah 5 pc., 190? ....103 0, Augusta, pree na to rate Intsr- The total sales of stocks today wore eat and maturity .......100 288,700 shares. Atlanta, price ns to rats Inter* 1 ind maturity 100 Columbus, 5 pc.. 1909 .....105 cerned, to file objections. „ havn, on or before tho first Mo January. 1905, or else letters of slon will then be granted. Tha this office to be appointed tho person of Mildred Plunkett of lfi county, Ga.. an orphan child nf C. I Plunkett, deceased, this Is th», notify all persons concerned. th;.t h npllcntlon will be hr.inl on tie- (ii •fonday In January, 1005. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. jm Corn- Doc. May May . .12.85 6.86, Lard Jnn. . . May , . 7.10' Short Itlbs— Jan. . . 6.40 . 1.11 1.12J4 l.lOU 1.1044 : W*Bi ‘-a* ' ill : i\*< im isa aa . 4S»! • 4»H 45H : iil US I R .12.6214 12.57U 12.45 12.5754 .87$ 12.7754 13.87$ May 6.4744 6.35 6.4744 6.6744 6.75 6.65 6.75 The more favorable Outlook In the South west, the weather being better, is hav ing somo effort on the bulls, hut on the other hand, the smaller receipts In tho more favorable attl- the seaboard combine to disturb the views of the bears In some cases. However, In vlow of the thro*» days’ adjournment. the market today Is likely to be narrow and of a scalping nature with the pit In- ■Mliraiely In — control. For n long tlnua to express bullish views. In the corn pit yeg^-rday there was continued Helling, for The account of a Canadian Poo ....13054 Ceni. of h Jereay.1*) (•he*, k Ohio 474-6 (Thtoago k Alton .. 42S Chin, k Alton ntd. 7* Chin. *nt. Wn\.. 31V6 Chin k h. W 001 nhleTftrm.fcTrn*. 13 OhtnT.fcTrn*. pM 9J G.,q. 1 a*8i.i4uts. csessxzz m Col. Bo. lit. pfd... f0'4 Ool. Bo. 3M. Sfd.. »6 floutherarao 684< 131 106 Boutharn n> 3*46 I , Lumber Boutbern ny. pM. 06$ (Corrected hy Mas T#xa»-Paeino .... 944$ Common framing, nd up sited........$1| !ommon board*, roiigh 12 and up 12 nnd up , 111 to 911 resHed nnd matched calling.... JO to }8 ,__rs edge wtather boarding.. 12 to 11 level edge weather boarding 110 to $12.60 1 sawed pine shingles. ...|2,9<) to IS.Si) ig - prominent provision element. the corn was fairly well taken nnd tho Denror-It. Grand* Denv*r-n,O. pfd.. *1 Erl* ••.... *• Frio let pfd 74 Erie 3n pfd 6*46 nocking Valley... 01 HookingT*l.pfd.. 9* Illinois Dsn* 1MJ4 lowaOent 3.»L lownOontpfd.... 6644 Jtao*.air?• Kan*, fitly Ba pfd. 61*4 UmUTlfi*-HMhf.l9HJ4 Manhattan it.....169 list. Bociirltles... 79 Ustroplln. il.Rf.110S mnn*ap.-8t f. 06 Mlnn.^t.P.a0.fl.M M M.H.P.4B,H.M.pfd.l*7 HUnour! Pao lOfM Missouri,K.-T,... 0O\2 Uliiourl.K.-T.ptd 61$ Mexican Gsntrel. MM Nat. n.It. of Motm •••• H.n.R.of Hex.pfd, 99% «lowrerkOeni....II3% Norfolk - Western . 7*li Norfolk-F Pfd... “ Tr»lsdo,«t.L-7Vsst 30 Tol,Ht.T..-W**tpfd B3V4 Pnlon Pad - ROM Union Patu pfd.... t® Wah**h ?1J4 Waha*b pfd wu^lsfnOML ‘ 3144 I f* 0 * 2 sawed 'pine shingles.. .$150 to $2 66 Wll?oSiSM 45 No. 1 beat cypress shingles $4.0i> Nuts and Fruits—Wholesale. (Quoted by Roush I'reduco Co.) LEMONS —Per box. S«.<»0. PEANUTS—North Carolina. 644c. lb. Virginia. «*c. PRUNES.—6 to 80. por pot's 1 APPLES.—Per barrH. 12.7^. RAISINS.—New crop, 11.76 box. BANANAS.—Bunch, $1.50 to $1.75. ON IOm-rP«L bush#l,^l ; 2i. GEORGIA, Dlbb County.—John .1 lllg- ..Inon. administrator ••state <>f Wlllium Hlgglsoti, late of said county. dec<a«<»d. having filed his application In this offlca for leave to noil 7% acres of bind, sit uated In Godfrey district. Illbb county. ”1., belonging to said estate, and being ■rt of lot of laud No. 06, about 344 miles from Mscon, Ga.. and on tho enst side of tho Houston road. This is. therefore, to notify nil persons tntcrcMted that Ids anpllcatlon will bo hoard on the firut Monday in January, 1906. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. Adams...... .••••?50 American 90f United Btatea HJJ Well* Fargo 30] Am*lgmtd.Ooop*r M Am.Car Foundry.. 84* Am.fiar Fdrf.nM. W Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cot. Oil PMI^" American Ice..... oj4 Amerleaa Ice pfd. 37>6 Am Tin. Dll ... Notice Is hereby given by tho under signed, Emily Potter Hammond and Ak- neg Cuyler, both rcnldonts of th< (tv of Ms If (more, In tha state of Mxryl;imi. us executrices of the estate of Ml 'd ^lppl Cuyler. deceased. Inte of said city, of our Intention to transfer fourteen (14) shai.*a of the raplfcU stock of tho Southwestern Railroad Company of Georgia, standing on the books of tne said company In the name of Mississippi Cuyler, niter the ex piration of four weeks’ publication there- CA HBAGB.—Virginia, 144c. pound. NEW POTATOES.—per sank, $2 .... In accordance with the General Assembly of Georgia December ll. 1193^ Am. Locomnt. nfdlOQn Ara.Smeltlngfcnrg MM Ara.Bmltg.fcltpfa.llIH Am. hugar Hfg....»41/, SPANISH ONIONS,—PePr crate, $1.75. TURNIPS.—Per sock, $1.50. moderate ireale. probably In view of tho substantial Inerease (n the export de mand reported by the seaboard. The Eastern interests bought a fair line of May corn, and It Is sntd that they nre car rying fair lines. The Indications, how- point to a narrow market for the promises to continue so. The provision trade Is slo# and there Is little prospect of any Increase In tho trade until after the holidays. There Is *’’’ onslderable of switching of January Mill stuff for Mnv. Ware A Leland’s Grain Letter. September 7.71 7.71 October 7.70 7.70 December 7.15 7.20 7.g2 7.62 7.67 . 8 f pt » < 2tf ton .?L?r # * d Quiet; middling uo- !? 1 7.60; middling gulf 7.83; sales 1.200 Norfolk Baltimore . New York . Boston ... Newport News........ Philadelp] bales. Cotton Futures. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23.—Cotton fu- Jofjs finn. December 7.19a21; January 7.24a2«; March 7 lla22; April 7.37a39; M^y 7.42*43; June 7.47a40 8ea Island Cotton. from last week. CHARLESTON. Dec. 23 —Sea Island Receipts, 870; exports by rail. 228; sales. 437: stock, 3.269. Mar ket quiet; fully fine 25c.; extra fine, 27c. - jrly'rSP 0 ' Cotton Future*. .. MyptPOOL. D;c. 23 -Spot cotton In limited demand; prices 4 points lower; American middling 4.04d.: low middling 3.92d.; rood ordinary 3.78d.; ordinary 3.62d. The sales of the day were* 5 •)<*> of which 1,000 bales speculation and export, and fnclnded 4,700 bales American. Receipts were 36.000 bales. Including 29,960 bales American. Futures opened and closed quiet; Amer ican middling G. O. C.: Open. High. Low. Close Jan.-Feb 3.96 Peb.-March 4.00 March-April 4.06 April-May 4.OH May-Juno .......4.11 Jnne-Jtily 4.14 July-Atig. 4.15 -Bept 4.16 3.06 3.94 3.94 f.M 3.94 3.0* Philadelphia Brunswick Fcrnsndlna Pensacola Port Arthur Port Townsend Ban Francisco Portland. Ore Ell Paso Eagle Paas Laredo Minor ports 465,788 26.46X 11.044 31,160 1,442 4,645 123,566 12,877 91,4*4 69,831 CHICAGO. Dec, 28—We look for IM other good slxed Increase In tho visible, po^slhlv shout 1,300.000 bushels; North west stocks will Increase 1 500.000 bushels for the week; fhe cash demand Is very slow at Minneapolis. A continental ca ble said that there was fears of the duty being raised on American wheat and eorn* The trade wns very light, but with a strong tone prevailing, although Decem ber wns very erratic, but shorts In May were disposed to cover, following rather than pronounced buying by commission bouses and unfavorable weather In Ar- 17.881 32,129 4.981 2.4*8 4.862 4.862 Total , 5.637,104 Weekly Interior Cotton Town*. . mr 668|.... Athena r.«M90o! 222 Atlanta I7«i .254212877 .... Branham 294 870 .... Charlotte 7C 397 3971.... Columbia 1 .. 938; 938 .... Columbus. Ga. ...17 3218’1*70.1370 Columbus, Ulau.. C\ 2376 1402 1402 Dallas !. .. . '3156125621.... j Greenville |>I6 4147 .... Greenwood, B. C. .... 664* 2*7 $77 Helena .77 |. 3**t!*!6tL... Little Rock §> '6*62i6872 3140 Aug.* Sept-Oct. GEORGIA. Bibb County—Thomas H. Freeman living applied'for letters of guardianship of tbs person and property of Frank O. Freeman of Bibb county. Oft.. adult person, but of this Is. therefore, to nmtfr ail Interested ttiat his application C..M. WILEY, Ordinary. Oct.-No Nov.-Dec. Dee,-Jan. quiet; sale* of 2.2^0 bales. Including'654 c*ay thsmasiva ovsr la* holiday period, Mscon WH Meridian ... Montgomery . 2)12 *76^2443 .... Nashville , Natch ex Newberry ... Raleigh Rems Beima Shreveport 1*81 2832 4103 . 64 *26 436i.. 147! 140 .. ih6M 606.', 10597 5276 2U8V7 26002 17472 24*; 7 41664 Vicksburg ... Yazoo City... iiit!../. 5160 294S{.... >;« nzi mi v>n 22M|.. gentlna. The strength In corn was » bull help and towards the close there was a rush to buv May. with sentiment quite bullish, but It may develop that floating short Interest has been driven In. al though there Is still a chance for. holiday -There was sellln gof’the futures slon house deman and large purchases of May by Armour. Seaboard clearances were very heavy nnd will Increase from r.ow on. There was good buying, al though the movement was large, but with the belief that corn Is going to he wanted at good prices. It makes us fel bullish M]the situation and we would favor pur* HdemMe May for sals at 21 Hr., twit It was more than well absorbed. Provision*—-Hogs were weak; stocks show some Increase. 11,000 neV pork, 2R.OOO old: lard 38.000 tierces: ribs 14.000.- >00 pounds. Packers old ribs and lard, hut towards the dose considerable strength developed with shorts covering We vkbMH8 merry Christmas and a happy New Year. THE DRV GOODS MARKET. FALL RIVKR. !><• «, Ha!** In feature of the week’s trading wss s de •line of V0c. In the general market from * fa a NewYork Cotton E«chanoe Statistics. NEW YORK. I*’- 23 —The following statistics on the movement _of cotton for the week ending KrH •>' December 23. were complied by tlx .New York Cotton Excoange; — 1 3*eent basis ft tone of the mar— 8 thus far shading of prlr^s by sellers oda Is prartlcally at a standsIIH for the lime being and the seller. :>» well as buyer, yt fjnn to take IltrL 1^otewstl In »hc forcing of business After the .holiday season, h- a ever. It 1* anticipated mtab.,aaA8t.b. ?* ■ tUe<Hnr.., Hit Readlnslst Pfd,j 1 tPH’k 1 nock isi. co, pM. *e Bt.b-8.Fni. 2*1 pfd 07 st.r/»til«Bo. Wsta. 7* atT-He.Wstn.pfd. 66% at. LA. Frn.lsi pfd Koshoerd com,... Heaboard pfd Anecon-la Min. fiolOO Brook 1 rn Bap. Tr. 00 Ool, Fn*i Mg - Iron.. **?4 I Consolidated CM.IMI4 | Srn'jteo, 13.50; Mack.) Corn Products... Oeoerel Kleotrle.JM'-i InMrnatnl. 1’aper zt'l Intrn. Paper pfd.. 76)t Intrn. Pump, Liquors—Whoitssie (Corrected by Wolrhaclbauw >VIIIBKY.—Rye, $1.10 to *0 to $1.60; gin. 11.10 to $1.75. North —_ $1.10 to $1.60; Georgia wif^iL—73c. to $5; high wines $1.38; ..»rt and sherry, 7bc. to $4: claret. $1 to 10 a case; American chimpasno. $7.60 to Is.10 per case; cordials, $12 OEOnGIA, Bibb County.—It Anderson, guardian Mins Janie ■ having nppllcd to me for leave to J certain nouse and lot, alttuied in Vlnevlllc. Illbb cotmty. Ga.. belonging to Ih.jmM •Ml»« 4»nl- K. Trcmtreiiin for Ilm |nf paying d»ibts and for her nmin- biltcie. i per dox. per dox. Intro. Pump pfd. 80 Kettonel Lead..., Berth American.. Pacific Mali .. People’s Oes tOf Pressed Rteel Oer. 8*K Pressed B. Oar pfd *016 I Pullman Pel. dsr.93* lUptthllo HI eel.. purpose tenanre nnd supp> to notify all persona Interested thit h anpllcallon will be heard on tho fir: Monday In January. 10o'». C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. Barone sodas. 60. Barone menace. ?o. Barone oyster crackers, lo. N. B. C. sodas, • He. Ginger snsps, N. It. C., 7Hc. Kxcelslnr ovster, 7 He. gepublle Htsel pfd 67 fluhber (binds....» MX | Rubber Od.. pfd.. W i lr« Tens, fioel k Iren 7IX 11. fl. laatber pfd 10lX I U.B. Realty ft Imp 76 U. B. Rubber Ili'4 niICK IjRIlUJ, ••• w Stick csndv In boxen. *Hc. B iney broken mix boxes, 7c. ixtd candy In pail*. 6. 7 and 8a . B. Rubber pfd. 74 U.B.M. rev 104 v 1.9. J*, uoupoo,, O.N.uewte. rev ,...|64H r.iao'f 11.. 1*0% V..1O0H re.106$ U.H. oe* Atchison, (ea. is. 10JM ** 04$ V. ftO.aT.4a 9*H Ret. R. R. of Net. eon. 4s..., Mk N.Y.Oea. lOtV^ Balt, ft O. a^s.. Oea. Of O*. 1I0K Oen. of tit. let lac w Con. of*iv 3d I* . nn Ohee. ft Okie *Hel07»; Chic, ft Alt. J^e... *3$ “ Ohio, ft North sea teraeon. 7e..,..lMH u.,lt.LftPvhie ... 81$ C..U.I. ft Pee. el le C.,a,0.ftdt.L.(en. 4*. ...•; I01M tv* rena. *a. MU Fob-4a. 74$ Clilce <0 Coo. Toh-iaB^PB Col. Mouihera 44. fiL Col. Fuel »a Uft HI) Ur*a4 4« fOili Erie Prior Uen4el0}a| Erie dan. 4* MV? PLW.ft D. City !*t I97W Hocking Vel 4 1-3*111% LAN Unff 4s..*, fi>J- 4 Mbtao gold 4 s V. B. Bteel Wi\ ^ n I”""! ..iJ I liOI'l: JUnn'H. 14%c.: tf.ul, Uc Winr.—JUrti pound. VIXiW BTOCKST— Itnrroon. 10c.: F.r- Pnlntedrt tl.Ni eeder. IS &l2-xr MU I n, BHOKS -Hor». M.M: mul»« 14.25 .Tiit r i. w ni'CKKTB—P»int, |l.70 do«.i whl I*---?"..—• I ..dor, l.r, poop,. 12.20 rllMNH —rr.rt, n to :i d<«. OlIN Kiwiwn.-hr V«*. Aurttn crack lot, )fi h«lt koto I2..5; ouirtor km. •hot, 15; h«» •«*«, I2..5; o 12.25; Dupont »na ![>»rd tmokolt half k.ip* 11115; quarter kopa, iS.fl; k,(>. >1116; quarter ken, . ■ eamatora. II, lea, 16 poreant.; Troll- dorf powder, 1-lb. cana, 11; . Iff.lh cana, *0o. lb. Nor Poeico. aa.... 111.60; champion ducklnf, quarter kan, Norfolk kWeatiro borTfl. ... ■ u IM HHOVKLSj—IT to ill don. hort Uno I CAUDS.-^lottnn, It.SO po <a~k rortlo ... ,.10iU I flow blndea. 6c. per lb. t^S£V”wiS l ' nuna b * M! ^ neodlaggea’lie .10354 ft-ft’iCB.—I7.W to $9 00 per dozen Bl. 1-ouis ft lri» I.KAI).—Bar. 7H»*. pound. Houafa ooaia. 116*4 I NAIL8.—Wire. $2.40 keg, baM . . |2.»o keg, base. per lox. Bt. L. ft Bas Frsa- eUce *e..„„••. BM KL.ftflCw.lai*.., 07 % Beabord k L4*..,. — , Bouthera Fee. *«.. *4J< I lVjuth*ra Uwy l*. .110 Btandard Oil 600 , Tex. ft Foe. late. U0K Tol.Bi.LftW.ta.. Oaten PaslBe M..I06K I CB.Pac.osaT.4* ...110] 0. B. Bteel, 36 K.. 93 Vs.Osr.Uh.Ue ... Dr-y aoods—Whoftiife. (Corrected by The Waxelbsum Ca) SlfKKTINGS.—4-4, • to I He. DRILLINOfl-d H s7 He. J ICKINGB.—4H to lie BA ISLAND.—4H to 7Hc. CHECKS.—4 to IHc. BLEACHINOS.—4 to 8c. iHUNTB.—4 to 4 %c. arocerlet at V/holea»le. p(d!!ll3H I (Corrected by B. R. Jsquss ft Tinsley Co.) ,.-.-.117*2 I These prtevs are at wnolesol* and not • I to cunsumetv MEAT* - Dry salt ribs...,. 7H Extra short ribs.............. 7>« 18-2'Mb. rib bellies 18-22-lh. rib scllies 26-80-lb. rib bellies 7% Any or the uoovs cut*, smoked at le advance. HAMB.-F»ncy sugar cured Co.'s Weekly fievtew of Trade tomorrow will say: f>emund for holiday goods has exceeded expectation*, but trade In staple mer- I T Afin Jl^«nev~t'lefcea nhhndla.- !> a.uaomhly quiet, llualncaa Um «| h , L„ conditions are satlnfactory, however,’ -' - manufacturing plants producing freer r .*e|y, I except where insufficient water supply I restricts operations, and a large volume 1 I-lb. tins. of option trading was recorded for the week st th« leading commodity exchanges. Dispatches from the Isadli | •** - - encouraging. Flake whits tlercss The earns addition for other sixes as on purr lad I quotation* mads os carload Dispatches from the leading c|Ue* are CORN—Hacked whltfl „ # .. I No, 3 tacked mixed.. Traffic returns continue favorable, rail- I Special way earnings for December thus far ex- 1 feeding lost year's by 7.6 per cent. Con- dltlomt In the cotton goods market am calculated to Induce conservatism and trading is restricted to Immediate re quirements. Prices hre. fairly well main, talned. Failures th'.a week number 2J1 against 284 last roar. No. i wnite Special quotations on car iota. HAJ.— 1 Choice timothy No. 1 timothy Closer hay 2*ralrta hay WILEY, Ordinary. M. L. QEORQIA, Dlbb County.—T II Went Smith, lata of saM county, d*- C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA R. R. Macon. .|* 8 NA|* 4 20p't 5 l .... Mlirgllel 9 45af IjL, Lv. Camak..( 11 44a| 7 0. r >;> (Cent. iitn*)l I Ar. Augusta.| 1 20p| 8 3jp Ka«»- tlms)l ^ l u Anvntftfl e 0' r ,| V. August I .... Fiorehj e Lr. Fuyel'fi* Ar I’eters’rg Ar Rlch'ond Ar Waah’ton Ar Baltl’ore. 9 flip}. tdunday only. X Dally Trains rirrivc from Au t main line at 10:35 a From Camnk and way at Georgia hay ... t*r* r s-*i quotations i BRAN —Pure wheat . Mixed bran .. I<- MEAL-Wat. Htea FLOUR.-I’rlvnte stock j Royal Owl stand i No. 1 patent..... One-half patent.. Straights Low grade BRISTS.—Hudnuts. barn Hud nuts, casks.. RICE.—Fanci Choice he: Medium . 6. so 6.40 5.36 rhead .. 3.75 1.45 Lo SUGAR .SI* SALT.—160-lb HIDES (Corrected by Dry dint nernd * Co.)