The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 24, 1904, Image 8

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V { THE MACON TEI.ECRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1904. 1IJ Your Last Chance! 'T/s The Day Before Christmas And maybe there wont be some around today. to buy your gifts for your loved ones and friends. Our store will bo crowded all day today, but we can wait on you. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YBTT HERE’S THE PLAGE. IF YOU CAN’T COMB TODAY About Half Price Why GOME TONIGHT, we will bo open until 12 o’clock. ARiontf other things you might get BROTHER•• A pair ofiPalamas, plain or lanoy, SI.50 to $5.00: or an Eiderdown Gown, fine for the coming cold weather, 50c to $1.00. A nice Salt, of Undcrwcar*‘We have quite a large assortment of the very beat, all colors, all weights: $1 to $6 per suit. HE would cn/oy a White Vest or a Pancy Waistcoat. Look at our stock, they are all best gradaof goods, made to fit and last. Single or double breasted. New lot lu.ttn, $2.50'to $7.50. Our stock of Shirts Is very complete, may pretty designs In colored shirts, dlf • derent gratles of white ones. All are of the best -makes, cuffs detached or attaclw ed as yottprefer, $1.00 to $3.00. BRING YOUR PBRIODIGAL TICKET BOOK 3fc :dFS for many of the most popular and ap propriate presents. Open until 10 p. m. Our Store Closed All Day Monday. ADJUDICATION OF PLANT ESTATE (Continued from pego S.) CANDY The First National Hank of Mncon, through ita Receiver, Immediately en tered suit against the anld MeCnw Manufacturing Company on notea ag gregating $150,000.00, endorned by It. H. Plant, aald bank declining to give any extension to the anld McCaw Man ufacturing Company, or to enter Into any re-organisation plan with the oth er creditor*. Your receiver entered Mult agalnnt the First National Hank of Mnron to recover the mints trans ferred to aald Flrat National Hank by the aald !l. II. riant, doing business aa I. C. Plant'a Hon, a few tlaya prevloua to the filing of the bankruptcy proceed- Inga, which ault reaulted In a aettle- ment and decree by which anld Flrat Nntlonul Hank returned In kind to your receiver, notea and checka turned over to It nn aforesaid, aggregating $N7,008.&R. and aald bank agreed to al low the McCaw Manufacturing Com pany time to arrange and pay Its out- Mtamllng ohligntlnnn. to aald bank and thua relieve the eatate of R. H. Plant In bankruptcy of any liability on the amount of note* sued for endorsed by anld Plant. As a pari of the paper re turned to your receiver aa aforeaaid were checka end nntea of the McCaw Manufacturing Company, aggregating $60,000.00, which your receiver was en abled to ofT-aot agulnat the deposit of I to declare the said stoi'k of R. H. the sold McCaw Manufacturing Com- | held In said company nggrei puny without loss to gencrnl creditors. Wo nsk tho trado to boar in mind tlint wo oro headquarters for all kinds of enndios. Our big faotory is fully equipped and running ov- ery day. Order of us and got frosh in ado goods. We sell only to deal ers. Exclusively wholesale. ♦ • Johnson=King & Company, Manufacturing Confectioners, Macon, Ga. The Christmas Bath * Holiday dslight It Ihs furnishing of your ier* Kent* Claus pro- and prank*, up skill. Ihs resultant ork ileanllnea. and : degree. Tima er In promptly. Central (ieorgia Phahtag & Heating Company. I'li in. I0.M). No. 159 Cotton Ave. and at the same time enable the McC.iw Manufacturing Company to reduce Its Indebtedness In that amount. After tho settlement and decree In ild suits, the McCaw Manufacturing Company, on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1904. completed Its re-organiza tion. having reduced Its Indebtedness hi. U aald R. II. Plant wiih liable from $1,Or,4.000.00 to $H31 000.09. That of the Id amount og $631,000, a 111 the creditors had agreed to grant the ex tension ssked for with the exception Of creditors holding notes aggregating $75,000.00. The said W. & McCaw. president of said company, reported to your re« elver that the company *nad exhausted every possible means to brtui sold creditors Into the re-organi sation plan, and that said creditors hsd absolutely declined. That the American Exchange National Hank of New York and the Merchants Nation al Hank of New York had agreed that they would advance 70 cents In the dol lar nn these said notes of $75,000.00, ml place them In the re-organization, •nd take their chance of collecting the sine provided they could be bought for that sum. The aald MeCnw stated, as shewn by his affidavit on file In this esse, that he was absolutely unable to raise the balance of $18,590 and unless It was paid the plan of settlement would fall through. Your receiver with his Attorney Marlon Erwin. esq., went to New York, investigated the matter carefully, am) found that these state- ments were true, and hv and with the approval and consent of the" attorney: fur the petitioning creditors aa afore said, and Meaars. A. I* Miller, Dessau Harris and Harris and II. Felton llatcher. attorneys for the executors of R. H. Plant, presented a petition to the court to bo allowed to complete this settlement and pay the said dif ference of $16,560.00. Your receiver was enabled however to reduce this difference to Sl6.9ti0.00, the said upiount of 116.900.00 being the entire consideration paid out by your receiver from the assets of the •state to be released from liability on f SOUTHE A Quick Cure*" 0 tor COUGHS COLDS ALLAN'S LUNQ BALSAM TRAINS INTO AND OUT OF MACON. GEORGIA. rt*ct Dec. 4. 1904. Departures Going North Departures Going South 15 to Jackson* *9 dijr coaches with* Sleeper to Drv viur. carrying aa> out change; alio P ■ » carries Pullm 8-30 ! a, Macen te At* day coaches and at ion car (teat * cents), te New Baltimore and i.35 train Macen to arrylng Pullman aeon te it. Leuie- 7.3$ n from Macon to nice day coaches. KLIGAST SCt * HERN DINING C Arrival of !: Ideas—Nn. 14 1 |.jja»-No So.*Ry. Trains i niiEl?, £ J. W JAMlfcOS CITY TICKF - trvAS t . « L > '.‘•‘irs r, t 9.05 a. M., local train. Macen Brunswick, nicking nil th« .to, .. I connects at Jctup with train for 1-3 Off on all our -IHoliday Goods 7.20 Except Huyler’s Candy and Cut Glass Will bo sold tho balance of this week at One-third off notes endorsed by the aald Plant ag gregating $1,054,000.00. besides preserv ing to the estate stock In the said Mc Caw Mnnufactulng Company aggregat ing $490,000 which now has an oppor tunity of becoming a valuable asset of the estate. Meetings were held of the creditors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company at which your receiver and his counsel were present, and Mr. 8. J. Stubbs of Macon, (la., an experienced and suc cessful saw-mill and timber man, and 11. P. Smart of Savannah, (la., a suc cessful and experienced saw-mill and timber man. were selected by the cred itors as a committee to Investigate the nffalrs of the Red Cypress Lumber Company, and to report on its assets and liabilities. The said committee filed their report on the 20th dny of June, 1904. setting out In detail the properties of the com- pi ly, Its-assets and liabilities. Ac cording to their report and estimate the company should be able on n six years' run to pay nil of Its liabilities of $820,055.12. Including its capital stock of $200,000.00, and have a surplus profit and property of $431,685.71. This sur plus excluding the capital stock Is a liability, W011I4 be Increased to $631,- 585.71, of which the Plant estate would own 90 per cent, or $566,427.14. Of this Indebtedness of the Red Cypress Lum ber Company, the said R. II. Plant was endorser to the amount of $548,500.00, ns shown by the snlil report of the ex pert accountants, and the attorneys for the receivers of the Red Cypress Lum ber Company eornmetnvd proceedings company aggregating $180,000.00 as a full liability to the creditors on the ground that the same had not been paid for, making a total liability claimed against the estate of R. H. Plant In bankruptcy of $728,500. Realising that this fine piece of prop erty would be, through lack of Im mediate flintnclnl aid. and If allowed to go through bankruptcy, wrecked and no benefit over be derived from the same for the benefit of the estate in bankruptcy of the said Plant, nnd that the said estate would be depleated by reuson of said endorsed notes amount ing to $648,500.00, by dividends thcicon. and with the threatened litigation over the liability claimed by reason of said stock of $180,000.00 us aforesaid unless a ro*organlxntlon could be perfected. Your receiver on the 25th day of June. 1904. made n proposition of settlement to the creditors of th«i said Red Cypress Lumber Company, but raid proposition was not acceptable to the majority of said creditors, and after long consul tation nnd much consideration, was modified on the 2nd day of November. 1904, at n meeting of said creditors, and approved by the committee of creditors. This proposition In brief provided that all claims against the estute of R. H. Plant In bankruptcy, by reason of the endorsement of notes aggregat ing at *«U1 date $544,500.00, and any claim of llabbltly by reason of said stock amounting to $180,000 should be Nil »sed. Your receiver agreed to take up notes Tfom turtles who refused to enter the teplenient, at an outlay of $65,566.69, of which amount the sum of $56,183.78 was to be put In the re-organtxatlon plan on the same basis with other creditors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company. Resides making available as an asset the sum of $26,607.9$ held by certain banks on deposit to the credit of the said Plant, and applied as nn off-set ou notes of the Red Cyp- rcia Lumber Company held by them and endorsed by said Plant, us herein after more fully set out. which added to the sum of $566,183.78 makes the total to' be put In the re-organisation by the said receiver $82,791.71. being practically equal to tte entire outlay. The agreement further provided that whatever ahould be left after the pay tnent of the Indebtedness of the Red Cyprese Lumber Company, should come back to Us stockholders, of which the estate In bankruptcy of Plant repre 1 sent* 90 per cent. The creditors to make an extension | of five years, secured by a mortgage on the.asaets of the companty, con* dltioned after one year upon the com pany proving successful In operation. This proposition of settlement aa | agreed upon by the committee of credi tors was submitted to the creditor*. And In order that an opoprtualty be given to carry the settlement to com pletion. the attorney* for the petHlerv* tng creditor* a* aforesaid moved the court, that the adjudication be deferred until *H**r fully opportunity to carry out said settlement. Said settlement was finally perfected on the 2nd day of December. 1804. and reported to the the aforesaid liability of the Red Cy pres* LWJber Company and its credi tors wmrfd bo Jricr< to 25 per ceat.. that 25 per cent, of th* total llabiJtty by ro:wx>r. of the endorsed notes of $548,509 of the Rod Cypress Lumber Company' would have Utken from the asset* of'the estate $127,500, and If the claim of *ald creditors nr. to liability foF the erubscrtptlon of stock, amount ing to $180*000 had been nu^talraeti. It would have token from the general fund the further sum of $45,000. Certain bank* creditors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company, held depos it# to the credit of R. IL Plant, aggre gating $26,607.93. which sum the afore said banks, under the general banker's lien, claimed by them applied to the notes of the Red Cypress Lumber Com pany, but under the said plan of set tlement your receiver Is entitled to put in this sum as a creditor of the Red Cypress Lumber Company, and with every reasonable prospect of saving the entire sum to the benefit of the estate In bankruptcy of Robert H. Plant. If no reorganization had taken place this off-set would have been lost in the naira manner os the sum withdrawn by reason of the' endorsements as aforesaid. The aforesaid settlements have eaved the general creditors of Robert H. Plant the- sum of $337,760, which would otherwise have been -withdrawn, and in addition has obviated any possibility of the loss by reason of the claim against the stock as aforesaid, which would have amounted to $45,000, but your receiver Is of the opinion that said claim as against said stock could have teen successfully defended. The aforesaid offsets amounting to $26,607.93 have been made available as an asset in addition to the aforesaid sum df $337,760, and your receiver esti mates that the dividend distributable to the remaining general creditors of the estate In bankruptcy will approxi mate 331-3 per cent. This amount will be increased by whatever sum may hereafter be realized by reason of the Interest of the estate In bankruptcy in the $490,000 of stock of the McCaw Manufacturing Company, and what ever may be realized from the Red Cy press Lumber Company after Its debts are paid, should the estimates and re port of the expert timber and lumber men os aforesaid, be to any extent real ized. Your receiver and his attorneys have been constantly engaged In consum mating these aforesaid settlements In connection with the officers of the McCaw Manufacturing Company, nnd the committee of creditors of the Red Cypress Lumber Company, aided by the attorneys of record for the peti tioning creditors. It .ha* been necessary to keep up an extensive correspondence, and required many personal interviews with credi tors to bring about a successful con- mi rnmathon. Your receiver feels satisfied that the Immense Investment and enterprise of the McCaw Manufacturing Company has been preserved. That otherwise thin Immense manufacturing establish ment with an inv" 'tment approximat ing $1,600,000, and employing over 250 men, many of whom are skilled labor ers. with many people dependent upon them, would have been ruined, and that with an adjudication following the payment of the large Insurance fund Into the hnnds of your receiver, that the Immediate prospect of a dividend would have absolutely defeated all chance of making there settlements. Tho Red Cypress Lumber Company had Just reached a paying basis at the time of the bankruptcy of the said Plant, and otherwise the immense In vestment In this business nnd years of labor would have brought no benefit whatever to the general creditors of the estate In bankruptcy of the said Robert H. Plant. Respectfully submitted. N. R. CORBIN, Receiver in bankruptcy of the estate of Robert H. Plant. Big Line of Smoking Jackets and House Coats 25% Off Today They are Benjamin & Co.’s, the highest grades sold in ITacon. Benson & Moore, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, Sensible, Lasting Presents. Yinevilie and Huguenin Heights Residents. IF YOU WISH TO BE CAREFUL AND ECONOMICAL IN YOUR PUR CHASES FOR XMAS PRESENTS AND AT THE SAME TIME SELECT FROM A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE VERY NEWEST AND BEST, YOU HAD BETTER START AT ONCE FOR OUR STORE. OUR LATEST NOVELTIES AND CHOICEST BARGAINS WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON’.T PUT IT OFF, COME NOW. WILL KEEP YOUR PURCHASES AND DELIVER WHEN WANTED. | We OAvn and control t For your convenience we will make ' special tripe both this morning und fternoon. Phone us your order* nnd we will send them out to you on our special wagon*, put 011 today just for you. THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PA CIFIC TEA CO. Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot bo purchasod from others. More of this famous brand sold than all others combined. Sentenced for Larceny. The city court was engaged yester day with several criminal cased heard without Juries and ns a result two ne groes w'ere sentenced to terms of imprisonment upon m'sdemeanor j charges. Will Thomas was given six months • on a charge of simple larceny. George j Gray was sentenced to seven months | on the gnng on n charge of larceny ; from the house. One other negro and ■ two white men were before the court 1 on charges of which they were nc- ! quitted. Six cases were cleared from the docket during the morning. One Gallon of Willow Dale in Jug....; .$2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale $2.85, Delivered. t Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test I A. &N. M. BLOCK, Distillers, riacon, Ga. Doctors Could Not Hslp Her. j had kidney trouble for years,** writes.Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shel ton. Wash., “and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, nnd the very flr*t dose gave me re lief and l am now cured. 1 cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate tho poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good hculth Is Impossible. Hold by H. J. Lunar A Co., druggists. Star Safety Razors. King & Oliphant. Involuntary Bankruptcy. . An Involnt.ry petition in bank ruptcy was filet! In the United State, court yeaterduy uguln.t the Morgan drug store of Brunswick by the Ln- tn»r. Taylor and Riley Drug Company of this city and other creditor.. Sev eral thousand dollars will be Involved In the suit. Judge Speer appointed United State. M.nhal George White ns custodian. HERTZ COAL CO. Phone 033 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO Jno. S. Hoge Drug Co. ourt. C,.ct Ticks* Ac M. Ga. EMtV STREET. Macon, Ga. Prompt attention to Mail Orders. Tour reojlrwestimated the net u- r'li to be distributed to creditor, after th. Insurance money had bMn collect- ad as . r -reanld. at IINMI. Including the lUbtltttee by reason of the en> determents aa aforeaaid with no aet- tlementa mmJe. that the dividend to creditor. nt Itt maximum would bo 19 par cent. That tho distributive share of the McCaw >t inuf.cturtng Compa ny creditor, at It per cent would hra taken from th. oaaeta. the eum of tlCO.IM In round neuron That by m»- -*n tf *-ild McCaw Uanufsctu-toe Company »-ttl-vnent. th. maximum dividend payable to creditor. Including Bibb Manufacturing Co. Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc: 18 and 20 Thomas St. New York Office. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. contogieol data furnished by the •Om ec the lrafted State* depart- agriculture, weather bureau, for the :rt ending at 4 r. m.. rentrU time. Thermograph Readings. The Oemulm river at Macoa at 7 a aa read 1.4 feet, a fall of 0.1 of a foot during the past twenty-four hour*, be ing 2.1 feet above low water mark of poet tweaty-four boors. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very ex* per.alve. Occasionally life itself la the price of a mistake, but you'll wrong if you take Dc. King** New Life Pills tor Dyspepsia, Dlzzir.e^-. Head ache, Liver or Bowel tioubles. Thev ore gentle yet thorough. 25c. at all drug store*. Xti« Bcvti. P clurei S*.at j a -y, Fir.cs; line we here ever shovfl. McEVOY BOOK A STATIONERY CO