The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 27, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1504, > 3 ! EXQUISITE GIFTS | For New Year, Birthday or Wedding A thing of beauty is a Joy forever, and making selection is an easy matter when you have seen the wealth of magnificent goods displayed by Miss Henrietta Davis. FROM HAWKINSVILLE AND PULASKI COUNTY Heavy Dispensary Sales—Negro Kills Wife—Body of James Graham Found Cold in Death. SHE IS SHOWING Handsome Combs for the hair- jewelled and plain—tortoise shell and amber—Jet and cut steel. Evening Ornaments, suitable for high and low coiffures—in colors becoming to blondes and bru nettes. Hammered Brass—the rage In Swelldom. Massive Jardiniere, Umbrella Stands and Candlesticks. Besides carrying this elegant stock, Miss Davis is thoroughly , equipped with all modern appliances for treating the hair, skin and nails, and her holiday offer of 13 Treatments for 13 Electrical Treatments for. .$5.00 .$8.00 Is particularly attractive. A word to the wise is sufficient, and the Christmas shopper will find It well worth while to take the elevator at the Commercial Bank, and drop In for a visit to iliss Henrietta Davis, Fourth Moor - Phone 2562 children’s Haircutting and Manicuring for Gentlemen a Specialty, HAWKINSVILLE. Qa., Dec. 26.—'The sales of the Hawklnsville dispensary were about $1,500 on Christmas eve. the largest In its history. Henry Wallace, a negro, killed his wife, Henrietta, here yesterday ns the result of a drunken row. He fled and hus not been captured. Henrietta was an unusually efficient nurse and whs highly esteemed by the white people of the town. The body of James Graham, a high ly respected white farmer, was found stiff ami cold at the front gate of his home, nine miles eust of Cochran, Saturday morning, where he had evi dently been killed In the early part of Friday night. Graham stood well and .vns an excellent man when sober. He hud been on a Christmas drunk all the week and his family had left home fo^ safety. So he was at home alone when he was killed. He had not an enemy in the world so fur as Is known, and his mysterious killing Is liable to bring sensational developments. Walden, the young man who was shot by Mathis a few nights ago. is not doing so well, and his recovery Is somewhat doubtful. 4444 444 4+4H ♦♦ ♦♦ 4.4.4 4 4 Pianos and Organs the Very Best Such celebrated make* a* Weber, Sohmer & Co., Kranlch & Bach. Iver* & Pond, and Lester Pianos. All strictly highest grade. Estey Organs, Seybold Reed Pipe Organs. Pianos to rent. Tuning and repairing a specialty. ‘,(T All Instruments sold at lowest prices and on easy terms, F. A. Guttenberger& Co., 452, 2nd St OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lots of thing* In a Jewel ry Store that don’t contain Jewels; lots of small, inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless, you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line of small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend an hour better than by taking a look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look ns long as you like; buy when you get ready. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. ***** Dentists Say Gamble's Is Good J Druggists i Keep $ Gamble's 9 Gritless •§ Tooth * Powder 9 0n a a Handy S Shelf. * It is ^ Sold Every A, Hour $ Gflhoday. •“ ... HONORED REQUISITION. H. J. Cameron Wanted by the Officials of Montgomery, Ala. ATLANTA. Gh.. Dec. 26—Gov. Ter rell today honored a requisition drawn by Lieut.-Gov. R. M. Cunningham of Alabama upon the governor of Geor gia. for If. John Cameron, u white man, who Is wanted In Montgomery, Ain., to answev the charge of obtaining money under fnlse pretenses. Cameron has been located and arrested In Clarksville. Habersham county. It seems that some time ago he hod J. T3. Was wick of Montgomery to cash a worthless check for him amounting to $27. and thou left the state. He se cured the money from Waswlck, by represented that he had funds in the bank to meet the check when It was presented for payment. R. L. Johnston of Montgomery served the requisition papers upon the governor and when they were accepted and the usual form of service com pleted. Mr. Johnston left for Clarks ville tfc get his man. FIRED INTO CHURCH. Pastor and Two Others of Negro Con gregation Fatally Hurt. HANCEVILLE, Ala.. Dec. 26.—While a negro congrogation was holding a Christina* celebration In a church at Stout's Mountain, a mining camp near hero, a volley of shots was fired into the church from the outside. The Rev. Clay, the pastor, was shot through the hips and wlU die. Two other men were probably fatally' wounded. The other negroes flurried out of the build ing and run In every direction. Later the dead body of Henry Jett, a white miner, was found near the church with a revolver lying near by. It Is sup posed he was a member of the shoot ing party and was accidentally killed by one of his companions. John Jett, a brother of the dead man, and Ted Blackwell, both white miners, have been arrested In connection with the affair. RESPITE GRANTED. Whitely Williford Will Not Hang in Mitchell County Today. ATLANTA. On.. Dec. 26.—The hang ing of Whitely Williford In Mitchell county tomorrow for the murder of Hannon West, a white inon, will not. occur. This change In the programme Is due to the fact that this morning Governor Terrell granted a respite to the doomed man until Friday, January 13th, ho as to allow the board of par dons to look into the case. The Judge and solicitor of the court that tried Williford suggested the respite. It seems that Williford escaped from the convict camps of McRee Brothers in Lowndes county, and a rewarif of $25 was offered for his arrest. Williford was located In Mitchell county, and when a posse made an at tempt to arrest him, he shot and killed Harmon West and also wounded T. Cox. The bonrd of pardons will meet In Atlanta the first week In Jan uary and while It Is In session the Williford case will be considered and disposed of. It Is said that a strong effort will he made to have the sen tence commuted to life imprisonment. Steamer Still Aground. NEW YORK. Dec. 26.—The British steamer Drumelzler which went ashore on the Point of Fire Islnnd bar, two miles to the west of Fire Island light house last night In a blinding snow storm, is still hard aground. The ves sel left New York Sunday bound for Swansea and Havre, and when she struck was many miles out of her course. Wreckers were sent to her assist ance from this city, but their efforts to pull her off the bar have so far proved unavailing. Eczema, scald head, hives, ttchlness of the skin of any sort Instantly re lieved. permantly cured. Doan’s Oint ment. At any .drug store. Try Our PURE Douglas' New Officials. DOUGLAS, Ga.. Dec. 26.—While nothing but the best of good will, will go out with the retiring city adminis tration, which did good and instlng service with the means at hand, Doug las is Justly congratulating herself on the new board that will be sworn In on Monday, January 2, next. Mayor-elect C. E. Baker Is one of the most sound young business men in the city. Kb for the nldermen, F. Willis Dnrt, ex judge of both the city and superior courts, has built up a name and fame that rarely ever comes to one nt his nge: Dr. W. C. Bryan Is local surgeon •of the A. & B. railroad, and holds nn enviable reputation as a physician nnd business man; B. Preston, Moses Grif fin and S. Fales are the heads of the throe largest mercantile firms in the city, and It is jiafe to say that with these thorough business men nt her helm, Douglas will get every improve ment commensurate with her rapid growth and prosperity. Pennsylvania R; Six Years Old. By The Gallon Express $2.75 Prepaid Four Full Quarts Express $3.00 Prepaid A Rich and Mellow Whis key just fine for making Egg Nog. Send for our Price-list The Alfmayer & Fiatau Liquor Company & 506, 508, 510. 512 Fourth St. Macon, Ga. » Cheap Holiday Rates | Southern Railway One and one-third fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale to teachers and students of schools and colleges holding certificates December 17th to 24th inclusive; final limit January 8th, 1905. To the general public December 23rd, 24th, 25th and 31st, 1904, and January 1st. 1905 ; final limit January 4th, 1905. For further information call on any ticket agent. , G. R. PETTIT, J. W JAMISON, Dep. Ticket Agt. City Ticket Agt. JAflES FREE'IAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. 5G1 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Phone 424. "Neglected colds make fat grave yards.’ 1 Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Kyruf> helps men and women to a hap py. vigorous old ago. Eufauls, Ala. EUFAULA, Deo. 26.—Swan Ozletree arrived in the city yesterday from Mississippi, where he had been for several months. Archie Burt* returned this morning from Columbus. Mrs. Mamie Rachels of Coffee coun ty Is vlnltng the homo of J. J. T. Hatfield. L. J. Joiner of Albany was 1 In the city yesterday visiting old friends. L. C. Brown of Montgomery Is In the city on a visit. W. J. and Solan McLeod of Bates- vllle were In the city yesterday. L. M. Watson of Shreveport, La., is the guest of J. J. T. Hatfleld and family. This Is his first visit here In over 20 years. Taylor George of Benevolence was a visitor here yesterday. Misses Normal Teel and Louise Sparks of Morris Station were In the city yesterday. C. W. and Mrs. Worthy of Brown- wood were here yesterday. Walter Lee of Sprlngvale was in city yesterday. L. L. Caatillow of Cuthbert passed through yesterday # en route to Mont gomery to visit his sister. Nat Miller la speeding the Christ mas with his parents in Troy. Dr. Bridgeinsn of Hhetlmnn was In the 'city yesterday. Mrs. M. K. I^ewls returned to her home in Cuthbert yesterday after a visit io her son. Dr. I/ewls. Mrs. Martin of Clio arrived yeeter- diy nnd Is the guest of her father's family, Hon. A. B. Bush, of Cotton III11. T. B. Richards of Savannah Is In the ctM- today. He Is here visiting his b» »» * T/>n Richards, of Ray. A -Richards and two daughters fmm Huy are here today looking for Renta Claus. , J. D. Oliver of Oak Grove Is In the city. Enjoy Life Em/body want* to; hot when you're stricken down with Dublin. DUBLIN On.. Dec. 26.— Dr. David Har vard of Cochran was In the city u few days ngn, gm-st of ills brother, Mr. W. F. Harvard. Mr. .Roger Willis «yf Atlanta was n re nt visitor to Dublin. Mr. II. K. Graham of Alnmo was In the city n few days ago. Mr. II. D. Weaver of Hawklnsville wns in the city ono day this week. Mr. Charles II. Klttrcll of this city wns a recent visitor to Knndersvlllc. Cnpt. nnd Mrs. John H. Bnrrctt re turned to their home hi Kastman a few days ngn. after n visit of several Weeks to friends in the *'lty. Mrs. Anne Perry and daughter, Miss Mnrle Terry, have returned from a visit. ‘ ' Hnndersvlllo. Mrs. C. W. Hubbard of Macon Is vis iting In the city, guest of the family or Mr. Charles Vv. Brantley. Miss Ruth Hnrdctimn of M.ieon spending the holidays In Dublin, guest of Miss Rosalie Hinlth. Mrs. J. W. Robinson of Mlllcdgevlllo Is visiting In the city, guest of Mrs. veral days of hint guest of her sister, Mrs. J. 1C. Langford. Mltm Lula dhlpley has returnod to her homo In Atlanta. Mrs. Pratt Williams of Pembroke spending the holidays In the city, guest of her pu rents, Cnpt. und Mr*. * Mathews, Mr. I>. 8. Brandon I* spending a few lys with relatives nt Gloucester, Mas*. Mr*. M. V. Mahoney and children n._ spending a few days with relatives In Atlanta. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Langford are visit ing relatives nnd friends In Atlanta. . Mr*. R. F. Mnthl* hn* returned from a visit to Atlnntn. Mr*. O. H. William* Is back from trip to Macon. Mr*. Atv* P. Hilton left Sunday for Albany, where she will upend some time with relatives. Mr. J. A. Peacock In back from a trip to Atlanta. Mr. R. J. Twltty I* back from Hawkln*- vllle. Mr*. John W. llryno ha* returned from a nhort vlnlt to Mnron. Mr. JT R. Hinlth Jr., I* back from Wrtghtsvllle. Mr. uni! Mrs. William Pritchett were visitors^ to Macon a few day* nso. “ ‘ of Augusta Is DON’T FORGET We Show the Largest We Show the Best ** of every thing made for - Man or Boy IT IS A PARASITE ilng sMP and Finally, Falling Hair. The itching scalp, the fulling hair ml the dandruff that annoys are the York of a parlsltc hidden In the scalp. That parasite must be killed to cure dandruff; und the only preparation that will do that Is Newbro’s . Horplclde. ‘Destroy the cause, you remove the ef fect.” C. H. Reed, of Victor, Idaho, says: Myself and wife had dandruff and fall ing hair several years. Two bottles of Newbro’a Herplelde completely cured us. after several other preparations had failed." Makes hair grow glossy and soft as silk. Hundred* of other teatl- ontals Just as strong. Hold by all lending druggists. Sand 10 rents l/i stamps for sample to The Her- plcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. Lainar & La mar (Hoi Hoge’s old stand), Second and Mulberry streets. Died from Injurle*. ATLANTA, Gu„ Dec.. 26.—Clarence W. Magee, employed an a car coupler by the Seaboard Air Line, who fell from the top of n freight ear in the company’s yard* near thin city a few days ago, sustaining fatal Injuries, died lust night nt the Grady hospital. Ma ras on top of a car which wn* be ing ’’kicked’’ to a side track, when he fell, landing on hi* head. Ho died from concussion of the bruin. The young man wan twenty yearn of ago and was son of Conductor H. W. Mugeo of the Bcubourd. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very ox- pcnslve. Occasionally life itself I* the price of u mistake, but you’ll never be wrong If you take/Dr. King's New Life Pill* for Dyspepsia. Dizziness, Head ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 2Gc. at all drug store*. Butt* •Cheatham. WADLRY, Ga., Dec. 26.—On yester day Mr. John A. Butts and Mr*. L. A. Cheatham wore united In marriage. Mr. Butt* moved to this place from Thomuaton, his oldest daughter being the wife of Mr. R. A. Cheatham, a mer chant here. Mrs. Butts died a yenr ago. In April last Mr. L. A. Chfatlium died and now his widow has married Mr. Butts, father-in-law of her oldest non. Mr. and Mrs. Butts will continue to llvo hero. The Dannenberg Co. Mr. Rlgls Hoop* of Augusta In' visiting Grier* ''***' * u * - ® of aunt * Mr "' Charla* Akcrmsn, Ken., of Mnron wan In the city Haturduy nnd Htinday. Mrs. <Tin unrev (l, Brown of tSRNtmnn hu* been vtftttlng friends near Dublin for a few days. After * pending s f#.w day* In Dublin, guest of her non*. Messrs. Krnrst and Earn Camp. Mrs. 8. P. Hmlth linn turned to her home In Rwalnslioro. The following college students from Dublin are nt home for the holiday*. Miss Anna Buttle from Breiieau, MIhnoh Gusxie Belle ItnwlH, May lloldiiHoo nnd Katblene Peacock. C’ox College; Klolse Guyton, Wesleyan; Alva Unum. Agnes Scot t College; Rt in Ha odors and Minnie May Green. Girl* Normal nrjd Industrial School; Jamet Pritchett Bingham'* Mil. Itnry Hrhool; Kimrvt Hicks nnd Preston Rice Technologies! Hrhool; Bernard Rawls Georgia Military Academy; James T. Hmlth. Jr. Mcfr*r. A tin via Anderson Is mending a few days with relatives In Houtli Carolina. Minxes Hester lilll nnd Napple Davis were In the city a few days ago from Handersvtlle. guests of their nun*, Mies Cfllle P Johnston, Miss Ruth Miller Is spending a few day* nt Uorrlrtth. Miss l,e||!» Vinson |* visit|ng friends and relative* at Mllledgcvllle. Mr. A. P. Hilton Npent Honda y In Msr Head About to Burst From 8overe Bilious Attack. "I had a severs bilious attack nnd felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chninberlnln’s Htom- ach and Liver Tablots. I took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man nbd have bean feeling happy ever since," says Mr. J. W. Hmlth of Jullff. Texas. For blllous- ne**, stomach troubles und constipa tion those Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by all drug gists. _______ To Increase Capital. ATLANTA, Oa„ Dec. 26.--Secretary of Htnto Cook today granted an appli cation for an amendment to the char ter of the Bank of Calhoun, which allow* the capital stock of the b to be Increased from $35,000 to $go,ooo. The application wan signed by P. M Tate, president, of the Bank of Cal houn. Bank's Bond Accepted. ATLANTA. Ga.. Deo. 26—The bond of the Planter’s Bunk of Amerlcus, re cently appointed a state depository by Governor Terrell, was accepted. Here tofore Amerlcus ha* had two state de Bernard j posltorles, but now It has only one, the other bank having resigned a short time ago. Mrs. . Hchsufele was a recent vls- Mi Whitehurst nnd children art visit Ink re'stlven at Bartow. • Miss Cnlltc Johnf.ton »* visiting rela tlves nt Wayeaboro. Mr. Wm. Y. Itor to Mnron. Mr J .4. Auld of Mt. Vernon was in the dty ' ~ * — a rec*nt vl*ltor to Dublin. Mr. If. If. Coley and wife yer*. f m G°ot it»* a h*rd proposition, which is over- + come with ♦ MULLERS ♦ Prnvcriptfon 100,384 tlTta fMdkfae doe, thing*; has t record ♦ twee the war. , From 3 to 6 bottlm for oM cun, one or •wo for jrounjer ones. Take no wbeutete. . At draatwtt, 75c. Bottle. , Write tor Booklet. WM. II. UCL>j:n. t’clrentlr tbo. MW TOW K. In Con- H JHHL K*ndrlck of Rlrfrilrvlll* I* visiting In the cl tv, guest of relative*. Mr II. R. frwon of Atlanta 1* vlnlllng in the city, guest of his parents, Mr. nml Mrs. W. J train, Mr* J. K Hmlth. Jr., and Mrs J. K. 15tin li were recent visitors to Wright*- 'lib-, guest of the family of Judge A. F Daley. - Mr If V. Johnson I* spending a few 'by* with relatives at Bartow. . "* r *" standing a few day* with relatives In Ma^on. Ifr. Don W. Burch of Alamo was In the city a few days ago. Mr Richard Hamlet a Itlng relath Miss Eva in Mnvnnnnh Mis* Mnude Hightower, who Is teaching school at Vidalla, Is spending the holidays returned d wife are vis- — - -Jls, is visiting relatives In the city. Mr George V. Brinson ha from a visit to Waynesboro. Mrs. A. P, llekett of Wrlghtsdll’e was In the city a few days ngo Mrs J. J. Hubbard :$ spending a few dev* In Mnron. t MlfM E**le Rogers Is at home from the Girl* Normal nnd Industrial dr hoc! for g faw dnyn. Rev. G. it. Blsby of Coehran wns In the city this week. Mis* Ruth Hmlth In visiting relative* In lfnwrkln«Vtll* I* spending the h»d- Us># In Op Mine Ethel rhavoun tn a State Normal Keho<4 for Mr. Horace Overstreet visiting relatives la the home from tin the holidays. of Way cross u Holding Thoir Cotton. WADLEY. Oh., Dec. 26.—The recent slump In cotton has seriously crippled busitiesn In this section. A number of farmer* have cotton In the local ware house* here for which they refused nine cents per pound. Now they holding for a rlne. a thing they will hardly get unleas they curtail the acreage next year. Negro Kills Another. GEORGETOWN, Ga.. Dec. 26—While n crowd of negroes were gambling to day, shout a mile from town. Josh Davis nnd Ike Dale fell out over nickel. A few hot words were pass when Dnyin drew his pistol and shot Dale to death. Davis made good hln escape, a* only negroes were present and Is still at large. Won Prize Cakes. BUFAVLA. Ala., Dec. 2«-The Udl of the IJ. D. C. raffled off two lari and handsarne cakes Friday night, which brought them In a nice little sum. The cakes were won by Wood Moore and Dick Blair. Bend Your Orders f • = ■ for ===^ Whiskies, Wines, Etc. TO Etc. SA1 WEICHSELBAUM & MACK 451 Cherry St.—Phone 558—Macon, Ga. The oldest and most reliable Wholesale Whis ky Establishment in Georgia. They will re ceive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Lowest prices ofa II Complete stock of everything. ^4444 4♦♦4 41444 Along tho River of Time Wo nro quickly approaching tho Now Yoar. It 1* tho season for p 1 a n nIn g and good resolution*. Among your plan* lot un ndvlso you to Include tliu opening of a Savings Account. It Is an act that nil successful peo ple have perfortn- ed. It will mean much to you In safety, economy and standing with your fellows. We will show you how easily such a step can be tuken. EQUITABLE BANKING AND LOAN COMPANY, MACON, QA. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF ALL TRAINS IN MACON. Qtorpla Railroad, gor A«rwt« i *3:,;.: 4 15|.'*| u,|t( it, I* mi AugiiMt... .un fiftniin iin»»< i From Can Km jBUmta From Jo*....... i-1.■ i • On Jan. 1 we commence an- bther year of devo tion to your ner- vl e e. Whatever volop* toward tho Improvement of Photog raphy will be adopted here. Whatever uklll, care and ex pense can do to Improve your pic ture will lie em ployed. May w • enroll you on the list of pleased pat rons? MILNER'S 161 Cotton sve. Georgia Qc For Jaxvflle ... From Jaxvllle, For Falatka .. Pnlatkii . Vnitlorfta . From Vald’ta <1 Florida R 3 40.11 4 10p ». 11 Wa) 12 4f n .. 3 4On I 4 lOp .. * aopl L 11 Ku| Southern Railway. For Atlanta....! ? O'.nl S $0u| 1 Mp| . 3 iSaj 9 r -0a| ? 4dp| 2 ftnjl Ofiri 3 00a 1 Up 9 05ol 7 20p I* or Auan i • * * — i ■» Pm Atlan.l 4 Mali! 3A* For 8ni'annah..|ll Us 111 Ifal. Frm Savannah..I 3 30a| 1 lop). Pm nnwk’svtll* $ 10«| Arrh , 11 ar.iAthem 7 $®p| MUMei l 13$. Kntuni Coirn- A U • 3 »••• Blrtn Alby A Mont. « 10n|Dlrm Alby & Mont. 11 Me 1 Mont Athens M IH'dr-villi Eatonton . Tot A Mont 7 ICg 1 l>)p ovtngton 11 35n! D A 6. Bn Ar. Dublin.. 6;.* Ar. vidalla.. 7:1 Lv. Macon.. 6:( Ar. Dublin.. 3:: WRIGHTSVILLE AND TENNILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. Effective September Sitters NORTH OR NORTHWEST TUAVEL VIA THE “EVANSVILLE ROUTE” (L S T, II. & C S Ii. L) The host equipped and most direct line to Chicago and nil points reached via Chicago. Inquiries regarding rates, time, etc., addressed to rep resentatives givon bolow will receive prompt and courteous attention. T. F. Jeffries, G, P. & T. A, Evansville, Ind. I). II. Hillman, G. P. A.. Evansville, Ind. S. L. Parrott, D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.