The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 28, 1904, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1504. The One Resolution for 1905 is to know and choose the best—then, when it cornea to the choice of confections, you will not hesitate a moment in selecting NABISCO SUGAR WAFERS A BATCH OF NEWS FROM EUFAULA, ALA. Upon them correct form has set the crown of ap-. proval, certifying to their goodness by unreserved ac ceptance for banquet, luncheon, tea—for any occasion where exquisite dessert confections are desired. \ NABISCO Sugar Wafers are made in tire following flavors—vanilla, chocolate, lemon, orange and mint. FESTI NO -Anothe r confection to please the eye and charm the palate—an airy texture of shell shaped like an almond and concealing a kernel of delicately flavored cream. » NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY EUFAULA, Ala., Doc. 27.—Ike Daniel was shot and killed yesterday at 1 o'clock by Josh Davis near George town. They were in a "skin game" and a dispute arose over a small amount, which resulted in the shoot ing and killing of Davis. To Play With Macon. Lee Hamilton. Eufaula’s crock base ball pitcher, has accepted a contract to play with Macon the coming season. McLendon Appointed Deputy. Clerk B. C. Cox of the circuit court has appointed A. M. McLendon his deputy. Mr. McLendon will have his office In Kufaula at the court house. He has served In this capacity before and his appointment meets with the approval of all. Sykes* Beasley. Mr. J. T. Sykes, a railroad man, was married yesterday at 10 o'clock to Miss Mamie Beasley at her home In Pratt station. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr. Gillls In the presence of a few invited friends and the relatives of the contracting parties. They are both popular young people and have the best wishes of their numerous frtendi. Personals. Mrs. Sidney R. Green Is spending the holidays In Zebulon with her parents. Judge and Mrs. J. W. Means. Mnlcomb and Richard Thomaa are here from Dawson spending the holi days. Salvation Army Meetings. Several members of the Salvation Army are here from Atlanta. They are holding services daily. Settled His Case. Sol Long, colored, who had a case docketed against him in Judge Clay ton’s court for using ohscene lan guage In the presence of ladles, settled the case by paying costs. TAKING STOCK IF YOU NEED anything in Clothing or Furnishing Goods NOW is your time to invest. We are willing to swap dollars! Are you? i The Dannenberg Co. | NEWS IN CUTHBERT AND RANDOLPH COUNTY A Quiet Christmas—Baptist Church to Support Missionary— Masonic Chap- tor Elects Officers. OAKWOOD TRAGEDY. Jess Wofford Dead and Chief of Police In Dangerous Condition. GAINESVILLE, Ga., Dec. 27.—In an effort to arrest Jess Wofford, Charley Holland, Fred Westmoreland apd a young man named Patterson at Oak- wood late last night. Bob Puckett, chief of police of that town, was shot through the bowels, and as he fell he shot Jess Wofford through the stom ach. The latter this afternoon died, while Puckett Is in a dagorous condi tion. The men were drinking and rowdy, and when Puckett endeavored to quiet them a light followed with the above result. Patterson, Holland and Westmoreland were lodged in Jail at Galnesvlllo at noon todny. The little town six miles south of Gnlnesvllle Is terribly wrought up over the tragedy. Redeemed Stato Bonds. ATLANTA, Oa.. Dec. 27.—State Treasurer Park today redeemed three bonds of the value of $1,000 each that whin Issued were made payable In 1896. The bonds were held by David J. Tate of New York. The check for the bonds with the Interest amounted to $R,S10. These bonds have been car ried from year to year by the treasurer in his annual statements, and were put down as missing. The payment of the three bonds wipes out of existence all outstanding debts of the state that are overdue. SHOT WITH WAD. Peculiar and Possibly Fatal Accident to New York Salesman. ATLANTA, Ga.. Dec. 27.—Max Sil verman, traveling salesman for a New York house, Is In the Grady hospital here In a- serious condition, with the paper wadding from a blank pistol cartridge in his right lung, as a re sult of having been accidentally shot by Sol Groodzlnsky. The accident Is one of the moBt peculiar the hospltnl authorities have had to deal with for some time. - The pistol was tired at close range, and so great was the force of the shot that the wadding from the shell went entirely through Silver- man's thick clothing, tore through the body and penetrated the right lung. Physicians are not yet able to tell whether the wound will prove fatal. COLLIER RELEASED. Coronor’s Jury Frees Terrell County Man Charged With Killing Nogro. DAWSON, Ga., Dec. 27.—News was received In Dawson today that Mr. R. W. Collier, who was arrested for the killing of a negro In Dougherty county Saturday, was by a coroner's jury dis charged today. Mr. Collier belongs to one of Terrell county's most prominent families, and the news of his release will be received with pleasure by his many friends here. 8enator Hudson Has 8mallpox. AMERICU8. Oa.. Dec. 27 —State Sena tor Thomaa O. Hudson is confined at his plantation borne near Americus with what la reported as smallpox, recently developed. Happily, the attack ta of mild form and Senator Hudson hopes his Iso lation will be of short durutlon. The malady was probe My contracted by con tact with some negro laborer who had the disease. This Is the only case of smallpox developed «ln this vicinity. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very ex pensive. Occasionally life itself In the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong If you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at all drug stores. Charged With Assault. GAINESVILLE, Ga., Dec. 27.—Geo. Coffee, agent for the Southern railway at Bellton, thirteen miles north Gainesville, was lodged In Jail her© to day on a warrant charging him with criminal assault upon Mrs. Isabella Ravage, daughter of M. J. Coley of Polkville district, this county. The crime wss alleged to have occurred Sunday afternoon between Bellton and the woman’s father'!. The woman’s character la alleged not to be good, and Coffee’s friends allege thftt the warrant was sworn out to extort money from him. Georgia-North Carolina Debate. ATHENS, Ga., Dec. 27.—The ques tion for debate between the represen tatives of the University of Georgia and the University of North Carolina In their annual intercollegiate debate which will be held next April, has been chosen. It Is, Resolved, That the best Interests of the United Htates are opposed to the permanent acqui sition of Eastern colonies, except coal ing stations." Georgia has the affirm ative or Democratic side of the ques tion. The men who are to represent Georgia In this debate will be chtfsen soon and will at once begin to prepare themselves for the contest with their Carolina competitors. x BOILER EXPL03I0N. One Man Killed and Building and Ma chinery Wrecked at Covington. COV1NOTON, Oa.. Dfc, 27.—The boilers at the electric light plant ex ploded early this morning killing the fireman, Mr. J. L. McCollough, and completely wrecking the building and all machinery. Debris Is scattered for more than 100 yards In every direction. It Is a great wonder that other poople and bufldlngs In tho vicinity were out Injured.' One boiler was blown 100 yards. Mc Collough'* body was badly mangled by falling brick and horribly burned by escaping steam. He leaves a wife and three children. Negro Razor’s Work ATHENS, Ga., Dec. 27.—Last night In a negro house on Hull street a ne gro named Jim Swinger was cut by another negro whose name is un known. The wounded negro was slash ed across the throat with a razor, the Securing Funds for Road. ATHENS, Ga.. Deo; 27.—Tb® Chamber of Commerce committee In charge of the work of getting up the fund for the new railroad from Athens to Jefferson has In hand now nearly sixteen of the necessary twenty thou* and dollars. The cormhtttae Is confl dent that the remaining sum will be raised at once and that the roud will be under construction within the next 60 duys. It is expected that the new road will be completed and In opera tion by January, 1906. CUTHBERT, Ga., Dsc. 27.—Christ mas passed off In Cuthbert without uny fights, fires and fatalities. In fact It wan one of the most enjoyable seasons spent In many years. In addition to this, the merchant* did the best pusl- nes* enjoyed In many yearo. . To Support Missionary. The Cuthbert Baptist church took good step forward when she undertook the entire support of a missionary In the foreign Held at Its conference Run- day. The missionary to whose sup port she will contribute Is the Rev. R. Stephens, a Georgian, who is now stntloned In China. This new work will call for $500 to $800 extra contri butions from the membership, but the readiness In which the subscriptions were deceived showed a commendable sen! and Jlbor/tJUy. The pastor of the church, Rev. I. A. White, who was deeply Interested In this undertaking, deserve* much credit for this step of his church. Masons Eleot Officors. Cuthbert chapter, Royal Arch Ma sons. bus elected the following offlc for the noxt MuHonlc year: C. O. Math ews, H. P.; J. W. Stanford, Jr., K.; E. W. Childs, 8; I* R. Chustaln, C. H. F. Moody, I*. 8.; O. E. Knighton, II A. C\; T. A. nass, treasurer: W. R Stanford, secretary; I*. W. Ellis, G Y. Moore and J. T. Peak. M. V.; II It. Brown, 8. These officers were In stalled tonight, after which an oyster supper was served. A Good Year. The year ending has been one of the best Cuthbert linn ever enjoyed. New citizens, new buildings, new enter prises and Improvements, generally, have been many. Enough indications are ahead to show that this will be kept up oven better, during the next yenr, which promises many good things Including many citizens, new buildings and new enterprises. $250 Reward Offered, ATLANTA. Ga., Dec. 27.—Governor Terrell today Issued an order au thorlzlng the secretary of state to offer a reward of $250 for the arrest and d< livery to the sheriff of Jones county of the unknown person or persons who wound being fully six Inches long, and J on the night of Dec. 18, 1904, set fire his head was almost severed. Luckily to and caused to be destroyed the gin the large artery was missed, his neck | house on the plantation of R. 8. Run being quite fleshy and for that reaaon sell. In Jones county. Along with the he escaped with his life. He refuses I machinery a large quantity of cotton to say who it wss cut him. and cotton seed was destroysd. LA GRIPPE-PNEUMONIA So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened and unable to resist disease. Foleys Honey-Tar not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do riot take chances with some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. EXQUISITE GIFTS For New Year, Birthday or Wedding A thing of beauty 1* a Joy forever, and making selection la an matter when you have seen the wealth of magnlflcent goods display*; by Miss Henrietta Davis. SHE IS SHOWING Handsome Combs for the hair— Jewelled and plain—tortoise shell and amber—Jet and cut steel. Evening Ornamorits, suitable for high and low coiffures—In colors becoming to blondes and bru nettes. Hammered Brass—the rage In Swolldom. Massive Jardiniere, Umbrella Stands and Candlestick*. Besides carrying this elegant stock. Miss Davis 1m thornughlv equipped with all modern appliances Tor trentlng the hair, skin and nails, and her holiday offer of 13 Treatments for..... 13 Eleotrioal Treatments for. .$8.00 fs particularly attractive. A word to the wise Is sufficient, and the Christmas shopper will find It well worth while to take tho .elovutor at tho Commercial Bank, and drop In for a visit to Hiss Henrietta Davis, Fourth Floor - Phone 2562 Children's Haircutting and Manicuring for Gontlemer. a Specialty. HOLMES JOHNSON CO. 311 Ocmulgcc Street. Telephone 73 COAL Jellico, Blue Gem and other Coals. Exclusive Agents for Brilliant, Eureka and Etna Accidentally Killed. OCI1LA, Oa., Dec. 27.~Mr. Reason Dormlny, a highly esteemed planter living a few miles from this place, was accidentally killed this morning whll on hls return from bird hunting. Dormlny and a relative of hls had been shooting birds during tho morning, and while they were nearing the home of the deceased Mr. Dormlny started to walk across come chips where wood choppers had been at work when he slipped and fell, hls shot gun falling from hls hand end discharging, the en tire discharge entering hls right Aide and passing through the body, causing Instant death. Mr. Dormlny leaves a wife and five children to mourn hls un timely demise. . 8hot Himself In Foot. ATHKN8, Oa., Dec. 27.—Yesterday morning Mr. John Davis, a well- known citizen of Athena, thought he henrd some one trying to rob hls ehlcken houee. He got up and taking hls shot gun went out Into the yard to catch the thief. As he stepped into the yard In some way hls finger prex**d the trigger of the gun and the load of shot went into hls foot. Part of hls foot was blown off by the load of shot and he was very painfully wounded. Send Your Orders FOR Whiskies, Wines, Etc. Etc. -TO- SAM WEICHSEL6AUM & MACK f 451 Cherry St.—Phone 568—Macon, Ga. t I bad z bad case of La Grippe about ten years ago which left my Lungs so weak that I have been troubled more or less every winter since until I used FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and my Lungs no longer trouble me.—J. H. BROWNING, D.D.S., Orrick, Mo. Three suc»—25c, 5-- # $1.00. The 50-ccnt size contains two and one half times as much as the small size and tL> L 1 x * 1 Refuse Substitutes. SOLD DID RECOMMENDED BY G. VACHER, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: “My wife had a very severe case of La Grippe, and it left her with s very bad cough. She tried a bottle of FOLF.Y’S HONEY AND TAR and it gave immediate relief.” Negro Cuts Another. WASHINGTON, Oa.. Dec. 27.—In a drunken frolic Charley Gaines, colored, cut the throat of another negro, who ns a result is not ezpected to live. Gaines was already under bond for $50 for having shot and seriously wounded a man about a month ago. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Meteorological data furnished by the loot! office of the United State* depart ment of agriculture, weether bureau, for the rwen»-.four hour* ending at 4 p. nt, central time. thermograph Reading*. The oldest and most reliable Wholesale Whls- \ ky Establishment in Georgia. They will re- ; ccive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran- t teed or money refunded. Lowest prices ofa II J Complete stock of everything. Once A Year tentlon because the bouse la < most hermetically sealed, and s-w-: has an opportunity to do Its deadly work. Your health depen u on tho condition of your plumbing. ;.nd nr, one can put it In ord**r better than tho CENTRAL GA. PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. ’Phone 2036. No. 159 Cotton Ave. II. J. LAMAR & CO., Di'Uggists, near Exckaugo Rank* 6 pm ..76111 pm..«4| ft am..*1111 sm..*T * pm.. .49:12 mn. .43 * am ..*4! 12 m ..71 7 pm.. 47i 1 am..M 1 7 am..SO 1 pm..*9 z pm.. .441 2 am. .*21 • am..*11 2 pm. .42 9 pm...44 8 am .41! 9 *m..«*l * pm..f>7 in pm...4ft| 4 am..41114 am..*41 4 pm..14 River Report. The Ocmulgre river at Macon st 7 a. m, read 2.0 fr*t. a rim of 0.$ of a foot during the past twenty-four hours, t S.o feet Above low watigr mark of 19 The Orotie* river st MHUNSgevW# reed I l.l feet, no change during the past twen- I ty-fotir hour*. I The Otsoee river at DuMtt) read 4.ft I of a foot, a rise of e.I of a foot during ti>« I twtxit/'fou/ LvuJ*, Bn «f to 0. 78 Christmas Savings Accounts! 10 fortun- Money nt six Inter* compounded seml- >111 double Iteeif sn .1 utile \: >, with u». Equitable Banking & Loan Compan fico. A Smith, Pr«*Ht. __ 370 Second Street, Ga,