The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 28, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMRER 28, 1904. Ware & Leland, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Commission Brokers Cotton Grain Stocks Coffee Members— Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchango New York Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants* Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Private Wires to Principal Points N0W c/»°.r k ,. Office Macon Office 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth st. BANKS. E. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB, President. Cashier. V/. P, WHEELER, Asst. Cashier. Commercial and Savings Bank MACON, GA. Each year in the Bank's history has shown an increase in Surplus, Depos its and Cash Resources. ,Every accommodation granted de positors consistent with conservative banking. J.M. JOHNSTON, R. J. TAYLOR, President. Vice-President. L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Asst. Cashier. American National Bank „ MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. SfP'H' ••••••“. $350,000.00 Stockholders' Liability $250,000.00 Surplus $126,000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30 000 00 DlRErtTftpA ' J. M. Johnston, JL J. Taylor, W. M. Johnston, E. J. Willingham, Gen. Robt. Ober. R. A. Merritt. You cannot do better than put your account with the American National E&nk. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER. Cashier. Stephen Popper, A. H. Chappell, E. J. Willingham. Exchange Bank OF MACON, GA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABANISS. President* C. M. ORR. Cashier. DIRECTOR81 W. Cnbaniss, S. S. Dunlap, ftV. R. Rogers, A. L. Adams, A. D. Schofield, M. H. Taylor, W. D. La H. J. uamar, N. B. Corbin, J. H. Williams. Sam Mayer, . T. C. Burke. We solicit the business of mer chants, .planters and banks, offering them courtosy, promptness, safety, and liberality. The largest capital nnd surplus of any banK in Middle Money to Lend on Real Estate: COTTON MARKET STILL DECLINES Closed at a Loss of 26 and 34 Points BEARS ARE PRESSING Advanced at the Opening, Only to Re cede—January in New York Sold at 6.8B—Census Report Tomorrow Will Be of Important Effect on the Mar ket—Bears Claim It Will Show a Large Estimate of the Crop. LIVERPOOL spots closed 4.08 NEW YORK spots closed 7.35 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 711-16 THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market is weak and the prices ranged yesterday from 7 cents lor good middling, the lowest point of the season, to 6 cents for ordinary. The business at the warehouses was very light . Range of Prices. Middling ...7 Strict Middling 67* Middling Strict Low Middling Low Middling 6% Good Ordinary U\i Ordinary 6 Spot Cotton Movement. Recta. Ship. Bales. Ml 11* H Stock on Hand. Sept 1, 1804 734- Doc. 27, 1904 47.818 Dec. 27, 1903 5.390 Comparative Receipts In Macon. New York Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Doc. 27—THe bears were aggressive again In today's cotton mar Wt and after a quiet time at the opening the market ruled fairly active with prices breaking to below 7 cents for the near positions, and closing at practically the lowest 1 of the day. The opening was steady at an advnnce of 2 poIntH to a decline of 3 points'. Better cables than expected imparted steadiness to the early trading, but there was little nr no demand and after a quiet first hour, during which the bears seemed to be waiting for some support to develop and make a bulge to sell on, pressure became more marked. Later the selling for short account was swollen by liquidation as prices worked down, catching stop loss orders and, trad ing. which had beep restricted early by wire trouble, became more active. There seemed to he nothing li^the general news to encourage the decline, but the boars contended that the census report to be Issued tomorrow woqld. Indicate a crop fully as largo or larger than that foro- MACON BROKERAGE CO M. L. CORBETT, Secty A Treas. STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 418-420 Cherry st. 'Phone 533 Chamber of Commerce Building Correspondents of THE O'DELL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital 3200,000.00 Cincinnati. O. Quickest service In the South. We invite comparison. No Interest charged locks. All orders placed direct with the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful atetntion. Reference—Tho American National Bank, Macon. of tho most powerful kind. This was duo to the coming report tomorrow and tho feeling that a large showing would be made. Some looked for more tnan 11,550.- 000 bales gloners up to December 13th, and this would Indicate a crop of fully 12,500,000 bales to *be ginned In the final report. As there was no support of any kind, tho bear pressure M<l a decided effect upon prices. TUe average trader was on tho short side. There aeems to be no staying power and as bears now have the market In control, they will doubtless press their advantage until something romes up to turn the market. The mfcrket gets weaker ns It declines. On further sharp breaks wo would risk the buying side rather than the spiling STOCKS AND BONDS Only a Languid Interest and the Day's Market Merely a Nominal Affair*— Car Shortages Complained of. NEW YORK STOCK LETTER. NEW YORK. Dec. 27.—The stock ex change resumed business today aft^r tho three days’ holiday interval with only a languid Interest, and the day’s market but ; tlon. nominal affair. ~“s In accord tho samo statu of GRAIN AND PROVISIONS CHICAGO, unusual radlu strong wheat 27.- A cold wave of is the chief cause of a k'\t today. May detlv- k <\ and closed at the Corn is up tta!4c., d oats unchanged. Provisions on tne o' from Friday’s quotations. highest point 1 close were unchanged Open. High. Low. Clos. 1.13 1.12>4 1.14% 1.13% 93% 98% 46% 45% ■ 46% 8®:: tss pork— Miess _ JlUt May .12.62% 18,62% 12.57 .14% 99% 46% 8* n 31% .12.95 13.95 % 13.67% 12.87% 12.87% *•38 VT Jan. . . 6.47% 6.50 6.45 6.47% May . . 647% 6.77% 6.72% 6.75 Ware A. Leland’s Grain Letter. CHICAGO. Dec. 27.—.There was a high er start in wheat In sympathy with the advance In Minneapolis Saturday and then sentiment was made more bullish by a private Argentine ruble stating that wheat was damaged by frost There was selling early by commission houses and the Armour concern, while the Northwest bought freely with numerous buying or ders from outside, points. December moved up with May and enough strength was displayed to frighten shorts Into selling. * w the market — Ihe marketfiaf.... covering despite the. heavy Armour sell- ‘ appearing to be cop- tVoll rated comnierical paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank, 570 MULBERRY STREET. finally barely steady nto a net loss of 28a34 points, with January selling around 6.88. Sales were estimated at 306,000 bales. Receipts of cotton nt the ports today Wfre 34,797 bales against 61,044 boles last week and 65,131 hales last year. For the week 300.000 bales against 301,918 bales last week and 297.738 bales Inst year. Today’s receipts at New Orleans were 24.636 bales against 22,077 bales last year, and at Houston 16,954 bales ggalnst 15.472 last year. The Ports. _ ipectn- ™ iWa'I* expected to endure through the holiday week. Interested conjecture centers al most entirely on the fqtqro beyond tho ourrent week. ’ The c«M|4nnHPHHni A -.... which Is usually a feature of tho closing week of the year, Is entirely laoktni the present tlmo, and tho rates for money today worked appreciably lower. This condition In the money 1 mnrket As without doubt partly duo to tho extremely quiet speculation In stocks. While the stock market was but little more active today than during the dull session of last Friday, thq tone was strong. This was In accordance with tho tenor of tho news which was generally favorable to values. The views of traffic officials, both East qnd West, was practically In unison, tho steady expansion of traffic and tho prom ise of rather more business than they will be able to uttand to tor tho winter. Present car shortages are widely com plained of and tpo Impression Is given that any further demand for freight room will exco?d present capacity. Tbo rising tendency oI Ktoel products was still mtlhlo. The effective breaking of the th In Pennsylvania was a helpful factor. The crippling of the tylrq service by the storm aggravated dullness of bust ness. Tho day s advances ward held well and until tho closing, which was dull and firm. Bonds were firm. Total shaves, par value. 64.440,000. United States bonds —ere unchanged on nail. The totnl sales of stocks today were 481,000 shares. grated with the closing firm on May at about the top prices, with sentiment bull ish and Indications of prices working higher. Com—Sample lots wer* steady and un changed with plenty of buyers In the W arkct. December held ui» strong and hllo thore was selling of May rarly by elevator people, good commission house buying appeared—the largo arrivals not K being considered—-while the strength In Wheat was a hull help. Tho market was rather quiet, although n strong undertone revnUed. and we think thorn ' 1 the situation to warrant pui recessions. At New Orl NEW ORLEANS. 1 night rains caused a m uj>set all calculations. Gregor K. were the wii ?c. 27.—Over lay track and Toplo and ling favorites. First race, six furlongs—Girl From Dixie, 11 to 2, won; Long Days, 7 to 5, second; Dixie Andrews, 12 to 1, third. Time 1:17 3-5. Second race, mile—St Tammany. 5 to 1, won; Gay Boy, 7 to 10, second; Falernian, 4 to 1, third. Time 1:45. Third race, mile—The Trifler, 8 to 1, won; Pawtucket, 5 to 1, second; Mr. Jack. 60 to 1, third. Time, 1.471-5. Fourth race, six and one-half fur longs—handicap—Frontenane, 3 to 1, won; Matador, 10 to 1, second; Aatarl- ta, 11 to 5, third. Time 1:23 4-5. Fifth race, six furlongs—Topic, 0 to 6, won; Ed Tierney. 3 to 1, second; Tootsy Mack, 20 to 1, third. Time 1:17 3-6. Sixth race, seven furlongs—Gregor K.. 0 to 10, won; For Master. 20 to 1, second; Mayor Johnson, 15 to 1. third. Time 1:30. '£■ J. T. STEWART’S ,A. Poplar Railroad Bonus. Central of Ga. 1st mortgage 6 per cent. 1945 119 120 Central or Georgia collateral trust 6 pc.. IPS?.. 110 111 Central of Ga. consolidated...,Ill 113 Central of Ga. 1st Income 90 91 Central of Ga. 2d Income 71 72 Central of Ga. 3d Income 69 60 Ga. Southern A Florida 1st mortgage. 6 pc.. 1910 114 115 Georgia Railroad A Banking Co. 6% percent., 1910....;.......108 110 Ocean Steamship Co., lat 5 per cent.. 1910 ,,....'...105 106 Georgia Railroad fc Banking Co. 6 per cent.. 1»22 117 118 Georgia Si Alabama consols. 5 por esnt.. 1945........... 112% 113% Beaboard. 5 per e^nt 103 104 Southern R. R.. 6 pc.. 1944 118 119 nk thorn is enough nihases on OntK—Carlots considerably over, the ea- Thls Todny Todny Today * 1903. are welcome here and subject to her order only. Would it not be wise for you to prepare against the possibil ity of Illness, misfortune and ac cident? A little money put aside each week or month will grow into an account of surprlsng proportions if added to steadily. Why not begin today? Lack of money need not deter you—we accept deposits as small an a dollar. We pay 4 per cent, interest UNION SAVING8 BANK AND TRUST CO. Macon, Ga. M. &. B. RY Local and Through Schedules. Effective October 23. 1904. Depot Fifth and Pina Btreats. 31! STATIONS. I P M Lv. Ar. 4 1 Of Macon 4 33) Hofkcc 4 4: .... 8klr>perton .... 18):::::IKaB:::::: 5 09*.... Montpelier .... , 3 I7j Morans B 4o;I ' Ilf: 6 23 ... • 43 ... 6 52'... 7 1 lit. Djrss .... . CuJfoden .. , Yates villa . ... Upson ... . Thomaston . ,., Crest ... .. Thunder .. . Woodbury . pnelsons A M 'ill i l K8 "-n Nos 31 and 32 daily. Additions! Train Service.—Train No. SI loaves Macon at 6:4» a. m .. Mondays. * Wednesdays apd Fridays. No. 62 arrives Macon at I:8t p. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Springs Wo and Columbus Via 1*4 lijLv... Macon ...Arjl* jufi Train, arrive and .^rt from depot, corner Pine and Fifth afreets, at Macon, exant roadbed, quick time, go«*i service. WM. C. SHAW, Vice-President. a. M. gradv. Superintendent c. B. RHODES. Pass. Agent c. C. MERSHON, P, T. A.. k£u»n. Ga. THOS. H*> FREEMAN, Q. T. A.. Hotel Tuesday .... 64,797 61.044 55.131 23,040 Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Exports to France - Exports to continent 8.626 Exports to Japan Stock on hand all ports. .1,0?7,687 Since September 1, 1904— Consolidated receipts 5,757,158 Wxportirto Great Britain 2;048.055 Exports to France 475.502 Exports to continent.. 1.628,892 Exports ta Japan...: 62.998 Lxpprls to Mexico.. 13,393 Price, Receipts, Sales, Stocks. Tho Ports: | Pf Ice. I Recta. | Sales. | Stck. Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile , v . Savannah . . Norfolk . . . Baltimore . . New York .. Boston . . . Philadelphia Jacksonville . 7 8-l« 7 11-16 § 18294 14614 2067K2 435174 7)300 135242 17474 13716 20910 6482 118123 *6563 Interior Movement. Houston . . . .f7% C®.y: S-JEffu I.. 7 ’ 1 * Louisville . . .(7% Price, I Recta. | Sales. | Stck. Iiiil'i I 35452 >1 5680 MM . N £JSLY? rl i Cotton Futures. NEW YORK. Dec. 27 - Cotton futures opened steady and closed barely steady. Open. High. Low. Close. April May June July August ,... September , October ... December , 7.24 . 7.32 , 7.36 7.3.) 7.24 ’:!? 7.20 7.49 $ 7.60 6.88 jS 7.10 7.18 7.25 7.38 7.38 6.85 Spot cotton closed quiet 36 points low. 7 r io^ n ia/e , H n 943 U t l delI* rniddi,n * KUlf ’ Nsw Orleans Cotton Futures. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 27.—Cotton fu- Litoili May711a,2:J ^ . MT-STR 001 Cotton Future,. MVERTOOI,. Dee. 27.—Bpot cotton SJjlfji. Pft™« 2 point, higher: American middling t.08d.: low middling 3.Old.; good ordinary I.»0d.; ordinary S.tld. The ulea SL. ‘5*1^. * er ? S ' M0 «* which CM hale, wore for apeculatlon and ex- port, and Included I.7W balm Amerl Receipts were 0.000 bales. Including 1 bales American. Future, opened nulrt and closed hardy steady; American middling G. O C.: 9 Open. High. Low. Close. ran.-Feb. ..a.07 Jai _ ... ... Feb.-March 1.10 March-April 1.00 Aprtt-May 4.0* M*r-June 0.12 {Brar Aug.-8ept- Sept.-Oct 2c'-Nov. 1-1* NOV.-Dro 0.03 Dee.-/an m Hi 4.66 4.05 4.08 4.08 3 1:11 4.17 4.12 3.93 3.93 Orttans Cotton Letter. or nm p» vu rv«» a . . NEW ORI.EANB Dec. 27 -Bpot - cotton ctoae<f quiet and easier, gale# were 1.854 baiea, Inrlutling 500 bales to arr*- tatlons reduced * ‘ f utures opened steady with prices 2 to . mi .101 ..W; 8outhf,ru U> 341; roast Lins ..100>; Southern Ot. pM. Ofl^i Texas-PacMe .... *4^ gtchlsfl---.., t tebiaon pfd 101 tl. roast Lins llsltlmnre 60.... D. AO. pfd........ CanmllAQ Pso ....131^ cent, of h Jersey. 19°. Cbee. kOhlo nV* Chl>?n«n k Alton .. 4354 tllle. * Alton nft »1 Chic. krtt. Wn*... 9344 Chin fc!4. W 305'} Chic. M!t.*flt..P..119% Chic. M.hB.V. pfdlOI ChleTerm.fcTrne. 13. OUtoT.kTcna.pM 32'4 GA,0,kSt.T^uls. 91 rol.Svufhsrn .... WJs rol. fb). 1st. pfd... Mi Col. Ho. 31d, sM.. *1 Del. fc Hudson....D04* r>ol.,Mnlc.-We^t .330 Denror-O. ffrands •' 1 0l« Oenfsr-H.Q. pfd.. 884» Erlolst pfd...,,,. 74!. Eric On pfd 54li nocklnitTalUy... 6»K llnckinRVuI.pM.. 91 IlllnoU Cent 16444 IownOsnt 39 Iown Cent pfd.,., 65V4 Kans.Cltyjto..... mmmm e-naan*, iw* Manhattan f, 161 Va Hot gecartUea... W* Wetroplln. Il.Uy .U0J4 Wlnne*p.-8t !•. M M1nn>t.P.kd.fl.M H9 M.t.P.kH.M.M.pfd.147 -ssourl Pan ityi •sourl. K.-T.... 20-7 •sourl.K.-T.pM M'l Mexican Central. 3044 Nat.U.TI. of Mot V. H. R.of Ilex. pfd. *9M dewTefkOent....l44»5 Norfolk-Western . 79 Nor folk-W pfd... Ontarlo-Wssiern. « f "; Plttsb.,a0.k8t.C. 1» Readme.......... 7*44 Bead lo sis I pM... SOU Rendlnell Pfd... R9K Bock Island On... Mn Bock Isl. Co. pfd. nU 8t. L-U.Fm. 3d pM 66 fit. faille So. Wstn. 3*'4 6144 fit.L-8. pf>1 .... gsabeard com ... 1»‘i Heahoard pf 1 W!4 Georgia 4L Georgia 2\{ Fnlon Vac - 111 3 ! Union Poa pfd.... 961, Wabish.21% K. .2.60*il Wabash pfd 41‘4 whsol!ns-L.Erle.. 1«% WUcnnstnCsnV... 23 lTls.0eut. Pfd .... 43% Adams 936 American 90S Unttod Wslls Ksrso Amalgpitd.Cooper Am.Car Foundry., mi Am.CarFdrr.nM. UH Am. cotton All ... mi Am. Got. Oil pfd.. M American Ice 6% Amerlean lee pfd. 37% Am Lin. Ml 16% Am. Lin. PM pfd... *1 Am. IrfVTomotlre.. tt% Am. Locoraot nM103 Aro.ftmektlnakUfs *114 Am.8mUs.lrTl. pfd. 113 Am. kujrar Ufa.... UM Anaconda STln. OolOl Brooklyn Uap. Tr. 61 Col. Fuel * Iron. 43% Oonsolldate*! gas. 300% Corn Products.... 1054 Corn Prod.pM-... 11 Distillers' Recur.. 39% Oeoeral Eloctrlo.JM Intarnatnl. Par.or 24% Intrn. Papsr ptj.. 76% Intrn. Pump...... 37% Intro. Pomp pM. M Vatleoal Lead.... 31% North Amorloaa..|005, Part Ac Mali 4 i Po'jpls'a Has 106'% Pros*ed Rtoel Oar. 33If Preased B. C\r pfd 8354 PuUman Pal. Oaf.331 Kepubllu fl|»ol... 16 flopublloHtool pf 1 64^4 Rubber Ooods.... 2«% Rubber rtd.. pfd.. M Tonn. Coal k Iron 71% U. B. leather 14*4 D. B. Toother pM 101% D.B. Realty k Imp 70 D.B. Rubber...... 33% II. B. Rubber pfd 64% C. B. BtMl 23!| D. B.Bteolpld. .. 93% -Jffht ;orq firmer In sympathy with wheat, ttl- tBoUgU there was a disposition shown to will on tho advance. Provisions—Hors were in small supply nnd higher, causing strength early, eom- rnlselon houses buying, while there w:»a moderate selling by Western packers. There was good buying of lard, hut tho pnekers did not seem lo faVor any ad vances In product, although we noticed quiet buying of a good character. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. NSW YORK. Dec. 27.—The decline In cottoh today has stdpped what little bus iness was in progress, while the belief In still further declines tomorrow Is caus ing a great deni of uncertainty in the dry goods mnrket. Sellers, hoowver. havo not changed their ntttturo of flrmncsa COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK. Dec. 27.—Cotton seed oil was weak with good trndo at tho decllno. Prime crude lu barrels f.o.b, mills 17; prime summer yellow 21%a24%; off sum- mer yellow nominal; prime summer whlto 27a27%; prlmo winter yellow 27a27%. NAVAL STORES. CHARLESTON. Dec. 27.-Splrlts tur pentine nnd rosin markets, nothing doing. • WILMINGTON, Doc. J7.~8plrlts tur pentine market, nothing doing: receipts 17 casks. Uoaln stendy^Bt 2.46: receipts 89. Tar firm at 1.60; receipts 51. Crude turpentine firm at 2.30 to 3.70; receipts 159 barrets. SAVANNAH. Deo. 2?.—Spirits turpen tine market steady nt 50% cents; recelpst 535; snlcs 158; shipments 400. Rosin rfiin: receipts 1,762; sales 1 513: shipments 5.826. Closing, quota: A, R. C. 2.80; D 2.35; K. ,2.60ft62%: F. 2.62«in65; O. 2.70ft72%; H.-2.80«82%; I. 3.85; K. 4.30; M. 4.20; N. 4.60; Window Glass, 4.85; Water White, 5.15. Macon 6 pc.. 1923 118 Macon 6 per cent... 110 '' .- ih 5 pc.. 1909 108 Augusta, pree as to rata Inter est and maturity ino Atlanta, prlcu as to rata Infer- 100 121 .106 106 Lumber Quotations. (Corrected by Masses & Felton Lum. Co.) Common framing, sized 313 and up Common boards, rough 13 and up Common framing, rough 12 and up Dressed and matched flooring. .Ill to 31# Dressed and matched calling.... 10 to 18 Square edge weather hoarding.. 12 to 16 Bevel edge weather boarding 910 to 312.56 No. 1 sawed pine shingle*... .t2.9<) to $3.50 No. 2 sawed pine shingles.. .$1.60 to 32.00 No. 1 boat cypress shingles $4.0u Nuts and Fruits—WhoJesalo. (Quoted by Roush Produce Co.) LEMONS—Per box. $4.\)0. PEANUTS.y-North Carolina. 5%c. lb.: Virginia. 6%d. PRUNES—5 to 8c. por pm>'L APPLES—Per barrel. 82.7^. RAISINS—New crob. $1.76 box. BANANAS—Bunch. $1.50 to $1.73. ONIONS—Per bushel. 81.85. ORANGES. -Florid.. $2.60 box. CAnnAOE—'Virginia, ipound. NEW POTATOES—Vet- back. $2.00. SPANISH ONIONS—PePr croto, $1.73. TURNIPS—Per sack. $1.80. MACON LOCAL MARKETS. State of Georgia Donds. «1& 6: iSl::::::::::®* U! H Georgia 3% pc.. 1928 to 198^... 106 108 Local StocKs ana Donas. Wesleyan Female College, 7 pc., •denomnntion Jan’y and July coupons, price owing to unto of maturity 101 Macon Gai & Water consolf... 95 „ .. . Railroad stocht. Southwestern R. H. stock: 117 Georgia Railroad stock..268 Atlanta & West Point Railroad ' stock .......7..77;....165 Atlanta & West Point Railroad dctKinturc* 107 Augusta Se Savannah Railroad C.ti. M. rec 104 H C. H. 36. eoqpoa,..101 l 4 D. H bwu. reg. lSOiI O.p. OIJU. roa- UPi D*fl. iieli rag..109% g.S.newii. cod.106% Atchison,is. 103’^ A's-llustmsat is. 9i>: Atlantic const L..190 Colt k O, is Balt % 0.1%,.... 9efJ Osa.of Os. Is...,111% Css. orot.lst lao 93% Cea. of Os. 34 la . 78% (8U0. k North ns,. t ,R.I. 4Psc. ctAs 94;: 4 Hi. f,. goo. 1 «• Chicago loria. is. 0M4 Con.T >'»- 4s. 8* b 4 lUo Orsn-l (9 103 trie Prior LUntstoi Erie Geo- 4s 01% ftW.4D.atyI»tioaJ Hocking Vs! 114*111 L4 H unit Is..., lot Mbtsn gold i s ..106^ Minn. A Bt.L.1, ..W M. Kan 4 Tex it... 100% U. Kan k Tex Hi 82% If. 4G.GT.4s W/t Xst R. R. of Met. con. 4s.......... 93 N. Y.Cen. (*a.I%*. 101 N. J. Cea.sen.6s.. 196 Nor. Pselge <*....105% Nor FsoIOo. 15% Norfolk 4 Western ..161 l 4* Oregon Bbnrt lias is 4 rsrtlo .101 Psnn. Con. 8Ht...l07«4 Reading gsa'l 4s . 103% 8t. Louis 4 Ir M Mount*a coals. 116)4 Bt, L. 4 Ban Yt% i- cisco «s......... 19% Ht L.4B.W.1SU. . 97% Besbord A Lis..,. «4 5J Bouthsra F*o. 4*-. *4'4 boutbsra Rryls .119% Hundnrl OU C?4 Tax. 4 Pso. 1st*- ID4 ToL8t.L4W.As... 81% Onion Pacin') is ■. 106 54 On.Pse.ocnr.4t ...111% 0. 8. Steal. 3d Is.. 93* Wabash 1st* .117*4 Wabash l>tb. B... U'\ WhasU* Lk.X'is.. >3 Wlsoon. Ua. is.. 93 4 points lower thAn Friday.. .... .... financed by New York and continued to follow* that market down throughout the sessU*n the dr-rllr.e h»-rr> rx.(n» ti u t. »fnr*| oued at 11 o'clock tomorrow, Wi generally believed that it nan been dls7 ecu nice by today's trading. The market cloned quirt at the lowest figures of the aeoafon. Net loosen were from $6 to 22 points. _ Ware A Leland’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 37—Prices this morning were abou* —km — ' *" opening, but before started and before „ rwm prloea of the aaaeon were reached. March •oM at J.13 and January broke to 7 cents. Not since*the advance fn cotton started In 1899 has the price been as tow as ft IS? , Tbe I* *9. u » l a pn# rg toltoa for aato, aa w«U aa bear pfmure GEORGIA R. R. AND ATLANTIC COA8T LINE BcMuig, In r.ff. c« Vo. IS, *04. f&neX^i' 11 ^' T ” p , ! 1 «»Pl 1 Up 2 50a 129::::::: IliiS ’///.III n .111»pi”::::: •1 »£*cl-...... ::::::: •Dally, tdanday Trains arrive I only. I Dotty except W. W. HARD V/. C. RAC IN. *d w «v statl< n«. 5:15 p. m. CK, Cen’t Agt 8cl. Act. Georgia Southern Railroad com mon stock Seaboard, common..., 16 Seaboard, preferred 36 Southern ltullroad, pref 06 Southern Railroad, com 34 Special Inducements for the Holidays. Send in Your Orders now and Avoid the Rush. Express Prepaid 4 full quart# of our famous Old Glory Rye $$ 25 Ona Gallon Jug ,..$$ 00 (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quart# Old Kentucky Choice Ry* o# One gallon Jug $2 75 (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quarto Kentucky Belle Kyc.$2 78 Ona gallon Jug $2 60 (Express Prepaid.) 4 ful quarto Daua Special $$ 25 One gallon Jug...., 00 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Defiance Rye ...82 45 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Jug Marylan 1 Kyc.,..$$ 00 (Express Prepaid.) Ona gallon jug iwa stamp Corn..$2 15 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon jug two stamp Gln. # ..$2 86 We also pay expre** charges on all goods from $1 75 a gallon up (in juge)i[ providing order calls for no less than ♦wo gallons to one ..ddres%. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. KENTUCKY WHISKEY CO A. DAU8 i CO., Props. 520 Fourth Street Macon, Ga, Next to Uunion Pa*a*ng« r Ospot WHISKY—Rye, $1.10 to $3.50; .10 to $1.50; gin. 11.10 to $1.75; hrollr.a corn. $1.10 to $1.50; Georgia _Jgh wines, 31.28; nd sherry, 1 be. to $4: claret, $i to 0 a cose; American champagne. $7.6o to ' " case: cordials, $12 per doz.; cm. 1 J1 fiO WINE 7;,<* In 1,1, RPMi ll.Sfi per .... iittois, $7.60 per doz. Barona sodas. Co. iiarona ntdntca 7c. Domna oyster emokers, 6c. N. T). C. sodas. 614c. oinror ,n»r«. N. B C.. 7HC. Bxrcljlor o\.lcr, II,ic. AraOrtart c:i k.b, 8c. ■VCot cakes. 0c. HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE, IS NOW READY FOR THE HOLI&AY TRADE. SEND ALONG YOUR ORDERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE; No Express Paid On This. Express Paid on Thit. 1 Cal, Old Corn Silk Com $2 00 < Full (|tc. Old Edwnont Uye,.. .$4.0* X Cal. Old Key Stone Rye 2.00 1 Oat Jug. Old Edge ont Rye, 3.60 1 Gal. Old Peach Brandy 2 00 4 1,11,1 <|tH ' ow Horse Shoe Rye... 3.00 1 Gal. Old New England Rum.... 2.00 ] gal. Jug. Old Horse Shoe Rye....2.75 1 Cal. Old Holland Gin 2.00 * J. u l ^ tn> SJ2. J f (t _ C Jl"^ R >' u o'™ r*npn r*i« .. 1 Gal. Jug, Old Jeff Clark Rye.... 2.75 canon ns r ' ' G d Rum ,1,S0 per < Full Ots. Old Rig Horn Rye 2.90 gallon UP- l Gal. Jug, Old Big Horn Rye 2.50 luxpresa paid on two gallons or more 4 Full qts. Old Harvest Corn 3.00 $2.00 goods to same address In Jugs. 1 Gal. Jus. Old Harvest Corn 2.75 Ju£ and Bottle trade a specialty. Orders filled same day received. Everything as represented or money refunded. Departures Going North 3.05 A. M., through trsin to Cincin nati. carrying day coaches (with out change) and Pullman sleepers. uTlm— *' “— , vl, ‘ phis, A. M., local train, Macon to At- •<nts, carries nice day coaches and Pullman reservation car (seat rate to Atlanta 25 cents), to New via Washington, Baltimore and 1.35 P. M., through train Macon to Chattanooga, carrying Pullman •leepsrs from Macon to 8t. Louis. 7.30 Departures Going South 2.15 A. M„ through train to Jackson vllle. carrying day coaches with out change; also Pullman sleeper. This train also "* •• Sleeper to Orunswtck. Pullrr 9.05 train, Macon to . . . WP$,.jklng all the stops, connects at Jesup with train for Jacksonville, carrying nice coaches Pullman and Dining cars. 7 7A P; M„ local train, Macon to Ha laLV k,niv *H9# making all stops. ELEGANT SOUTHERN piNING CAR8 ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. !:10um—No. 14 from Uinrlnnutl, Chattanooga and Atlanta. 2:00nm—No. 13. from Jacksonville Rhlnswlck nnd Jesup. 8.2QHtn—No. 7, from IJawUlnHville. * ^ w v9:00am—No. 18, from New York, Birmingham nnd Atlanta. Ca D t f T- n!,|ra f 2:40pm—No. B. from Atlanta, Chattanooga nnd Ht. Lou to. 30. KV. II aids l {;JfS!2r:fc* 12* J ro S Yo /h Weahlngton and \ti .m i. V J I:l5ptn--N9. ip, from Brunswick, Wnyftroaa snd Jesup. » (Nn. IK itons nt Mnfrtn m mlhutes for dinner,) J. W. JAMISON City Ticket Agent _ O, R. PETTIT. Depot Ticket Aqent. 8 FREEMAN. Trav. Pass. Agent, Macon, Oa. CITY TICKET AND PAGSENGF.R OFFICE, ^G7 CHERRY STREET. TELEPHONE 42 4. (entml® Georgia EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS, UNION STATION. CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, GA. (Standard. 90th Meridian Time.) r»... •% Candy, in barrels, 6&c. fltlck candy In boxes. 4^c. Fancy broken mix boxes. 7a Mixed candy In pails. 6. 7 and In. Hsrdw«e»—wholesale. (Corrected bv Dnnlftp iTsrdwnra Ca) WF.i.I.nncKF.TS—14 per dozen. HOPR.JMaqtla, 1414c.; H.sel, lie.; cot- WTRF. -Rnrb 3Uc. pound. PLOW BTOCK8— Itarman, 00o.: Fer- ^Tima'-P^lnterlll Jl.lOi eeil.r, JS.50 neat. PI ions—florae. 84.28; mules $1.25. 1U T CKI£T8.—Paint, $1.70 doz.; whits tdar. tnre hoops. $3.20. CI1MNH.—'Trace. $4 to $6 doz. ,GUN .POWDER.—per keg. Austin crank ■hot. $51 h»«lf kegs. :3.i5: quarter kegs, • -.’.'a; L'lpont nnd Hazard smokeless, l, * w ’-'•kh, 811.86: quarter kegs. $5.75: _ misters. $1. less 25 i>or cent.; Troia* dorf sniokelevs powder, 1 lb. cans. si. ‘o-lb cans. tOo. lb. 4.66: champion ducking, quarter kegs, >amd. hlioVKT.fl.—$7 to 111 don. CARDS.—Cotton. 31.60 per doz. l*iow blades. 6c. per ll». IRON—pound bsset Bvrede, 4Hc. potmq. A\37.60 to 19 00 per dozer,. I.CAIj—Par. 7)4c. pound NAfl.H.—Wire. $2.40 keg, bass; cut 82.69 keg. b«se. Dry Ooodo—Wholeiaie. (Correrir-d by Tho Wnxeibnum Ca) mjRRTINQg—4-4, 6 to 8y*c. SR A ISLAND tc rilF.<!KH- -4 to CHo. orocerle* at Wholesale. (Correried by 8. it. Jaqurs & Tin titty Co.) These prffMg sro at wnoleottl* ami no* to consumsiv* 81 HATH—Pry salt riba 7% Kxtru short ribs 7(I 18-20-lb. rib bellies 8 lS-22-lb. rib selllns 8 25-30-lb. rib bellies 7% Any of the udovo cun, smoked at lo. advanca. HAMB—irancy sugar cured .....18 Standard sugar cured 12)4 Plenlo bams «(£ *2-ib: !« 2-lb. tins |v _ Flake white tierce* f The same addition for other sizes _ is on pure lard. COHN-Sacked whlto 65 „ No. 2 sacked mixed 65 Special quotations mads on carload OATS— 1 Texas rust proof.......86 White clipped.... 48 _ No 3 whlto.. 16 Special quotations on car lots. H A Y. - C ho' c, _. Im o _... ;; ... JS hralrla Mr I* „ Oaorgift hay 76 Brvtclal quotation* on car lots. BRAN—Pure wheat $1.20 Mixed bran 1.10 v _ T MBtfaltte::::;-:;; l:tt MEAT—Water ground Jullotle 68 ^ dteam ground. 67 FLOUR—Private stock pastry $6.25 5T 1:8 On.-h.lf patent BRIBT8—Hudnuts. t*ar. ' Huunuto, cask* 1,65 "“-feaxiSi!,-::::::::”::::::: Medium . 4 SUGAR—Standard granuUtod.!!lit*.STbo New Orleans clarified... 6*5 New York yellow ....5g 8TRUP.--Georgia cans z* « *w ^rk refined •w Orleans molasses.... COFFEE—Green Rio. ebolea.... Green Rio. medium Gr»n Rio. low grane Arbucktes’ roasted....... SALT.—ICO-lb. white *scks 100 lb. Burlap sacks...... Fine tab> ...77. Jji-lb. packets CHEESE.- IJrat full cream * One-pound cut# HIDES. (Corrected by O. Berad A Co.) Hint 16 to l€o Slit 12 tol2^c urwn an it all weights • to Green salt, not cured V{r Damaged hides, a '*— * *— Ge-it akin* F'leep akin* ...., Weaned, per lb.. "fit .....18 ..$8. ::.u4 ARRIVE. From Savannah and Augusta....* 3:30am From Savannah, Auguota, Cov ington and Mlllcdgovlllo • 1:10pm From Eatonton and MIMedgevlllo.t 7:50am From Madison and Athens * 7:15pm From Atlanta and Griffin *12:25am From Atlanta and Griffin. * 4:00am I i om Atl int.i. I linm.i-.lnn 11 M.irn From Atlanta. Thomaston.,..«.;* From Dlrmlnaham, Columbus... .•12:35am From Dlrmlngharn. Columbus....* 4;15pm From Montgomery, Andalusia, Florala. Albany *12:50am “rom Montgomery, Andalusia, Hartford. Albany.....:....;....* 4:03pm From Albany and Amerleus * 7:40am DEPART. For Savannah. Augusta, Dublin.*l2:55am For Gordon. Augusta. Savannah, Mllledut-vllle, Eatonton and Coyln^o" *'1:35«n For Madison and Athens For Qrjffln nnd Atlanta.. For Griffin and Atlar For Griffin ...... For Thomaston. Atlanta — - • * m Birntlnghi 1:30prr 1 4:25prr 1 For Columbus, Dlrmlngharn * 3:45an For Columbus. Montgomery • l:l3pn I'M AH).in y. Floral.I. Andalusia nnd Montgomery \ '.. 4:l0an For Albany. Hartford, Andalusia, Montoontery *11:30an For Amerleus nnd Albany * 7:35pn *Dally. fBxcept Sunday. Sleeping cars between Macon and Savannah on trains leaving Macon 12:65 a. m. and arriving Macon 3:30 a. m., between Macon and Atlanta and Chicago, it. Louis and Jacksonville. Fla., on train* leaving Macon 4:15 a in'; arriving Macon 12 23 a. m. Between Macon and Dlrmlngharn on trains leaving Macon 3:46 a. m., arriving Macon 12:35 a. m.; between Macon and Albany on trains leaving Macon 4:10 a. m“ arriving Macon 12:50 a. m.; from Atlanta on trains arriving Macon 4.00 a n>. Par lor car on train leaving Macon for Atlanta 1:30 p. m. and 11:35 n. m. train for Sa vannah. C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T. A., E. P. BONNER, D. T. A.. JOHN W. BLOUNT, T. P. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station Dry ftrdlng to value. .19 to 880 10 tofOC GEORGIA SOUTHERN «\r FLORIDA IlY. LOCAL TIME TABLE l$ffcctlvo October jj, 1004. MOtfTfl BOUND NO HT II HOUND O a 1 STATIONS * 1 4 | O P. 91. 5 (X) A. 91. 13 ^0 A. 91. 11 20 r.v. . Macon . « • Ar P. 91. 4 20 A. M. 1 A. 91. 3 50 11 25 0 IT 12 10 Lv . . . I-v :i :m .... 10 21 0 38 12 29 Lv . . (irovanln . . . Lv 3 on —la m r, sn 1 50 12 47 Lv . . Unudllla . . . Lv 2 47 2 28] 0 39 7 2f> 2 23 I in Lv . . Vienna . . . Lv 2 22 2 05 2 08j 9 10 7 4S 2 ‘12 1 45 Lv . • Cordclo . . . Lv 1 53 j 8 50 K 10 2 US Lv . . Amid , . . Lv 1 25 | 8 29 a 28 2 21 Lv . . Worth . . . Lv 111 ... .18 11 « 30 3 ic 2 30 Lv . . Aahburn . . . Lv 1 05 1 14 8 OS 0 25 :i 35 3 10 Lv . . Tilton . . . Lv 12 301 12 40] 7 30 0 51 •1 IS :i :ii Lv . . I/cnox . . . Lv i - 12 13 7 04 10 08 •i 20 3 44 Lv . . Sparks . . Adel . . . Lv 11 M 12 01 r, 52 in 11 4 30 3 40 Lv . . . Lv n ia II 57 0 46 11 1C .5 1(1 4 35 Ar . . Valdosta . . . Lv 11 0.5' 11 is li 00 V. kf. 5 20 4 45 Lv . , Valdosta . . . Ar 11 no: 11 0.5 A. M. 5 57 5 25 Lv . . Ilaylow . . . Lv 10 21 10 20 li 3' G IIJ Lv , . Fargo , . Baxter . . . Lv 0 38 j H 581 '* ;; ... 7 10 6 50 Lv . . . Lv 9 03 .... 7 se 7 12 Lv . . Cutler . . . Lv 8 37| 8 40| 7 56 8 35 7 32 8 10 Lv . Ar . . Crawford . . . Lv K 23 .... Jacksonville . . Lv 7 45} 7 A. M. P. M. A. U. ! ■' M-t 0 X HTA.TIONH * 1° A. 91. 5 20 P.M. 4 45 Lv . . Valdosta • A. M. | 10 52 P. 9f. 10 5oj 5 51 5 14 Lv . Lake Park . . Lv 10 23 lu Oh t) 45 10 22 G 08 G 34 5 28 5 53 . Jennings . . Jasper . White Springs . Lake City . . . Lv . . Lv 10 07j 9 r; 7 15 G 29 Lv . . . Lv 0 071 7 52 7 00 Lv . . . Lv 8 43 8 40 H 45 7 Si Lv . Lake Butler. . . Lv 7 58; 7 52) 0 or H 1G Sampson City . Hampton . . Crandln • . . Lv 7 31 7 28 0 23 8 30|Lv . . . Lv 7 ini 7 .... 10 m 10 06 10 50 0 05 Lv . . . Lv G 37 I. *>‘1 n 10 Lv . Flora home . . . Lv G 32 i] ir .. 0 50 jAr. . Palatka. . . . Lv G 00 5 soj A.M. P. 94. A. 91. j i 91 THE NEW SLEEPERS now running on Train* 3 and 4 between Macon and Jacksonville, via ValdotU, »re twelve aection Drawing- Room Buffet can, I’intsch ga, lighted, and up to ihe standard in all their ippointmenta. Theie tleepen are open for occupancy, leaving Macon, *t 9:30, and puaengera can remain in a'.ccptt until 7:00 a.m. on arrival at Macon. . ixmis, wo . ana caxato, 111. Nos. I and 2 ere solid trains betw^n Mscoa sod P^l^tx*. and carry Throu. Coach betwees Macon and Ja.ii’.&vtUe, HARRY HU