The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 29, 1904, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH) TJU'RSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1904. 8 Time is Money Save it by using the “Majestic” Loose Leaf Ledger. It eliminates all dead accounts, and simplifies tlio work of the bookkeeper. Simple, yet right in construction; locks securely with key ; handsomely bound. Let us show you. COATES=V!NSON WEDDING AT WALDEN The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. SOLE MACON AGENTS 1905 Printing; Give us an opportunity to make a price on your next job. We will please you In price, promptness and workmanship. Blank Books 1905 Diaries McEvoy Book & Staty. Co. 572 Cherry St 1 One Cent a Word I & Advertisements under the heads of Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Personal, Miscellaneous, Eto*, inserted in this department for 1o per v/crd for each issue.. No notiee will be inserted for less than 15 cents. Remit* tances of $1 and less may be made in postage stamps. LOST—Gold signet ring marked with In* tlala G. W. G.; will pay liberal reward for its return. Call at Macon Telegraph office. LOST—Dark chestnut sorrel maro with . white snot on forehead. Return oi ‘phone to W. H. Willis & Co., ’Phono 621 reward to finder. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants posi tion; strictly sober; will give former employers as reference. Address N., care Tolegraph. WHITE BEAVER HATS at half price. Newman Millinery Co. iWANTED^-A white or a colored cook. Apply 360 Orange st. WANTED—Boarders to occupy a nice room. 759 Poplar st., ’Phone 2514. WANTED—To rent, two or three unfur nished rooms for housekeeping; good locality, private family preferred. Ad dress J. T. M., care Telegraph. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms. Apply 244 Washington ave., or ’phone 8599. REMEMBER, one-third off on all ready- to-wear hats and untrlmmed shapes. FOR RENT—One room with kitchen and dining room privileges to couple without children. "Closo In, care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Three or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping; upstair®, all conveniences; best locality In city. X. Y. Z., care Telegraph. FOR SALE. GEORGIA CANE ayrup, self-raising and plain buckwheat and Fox River butter. Oscar Bradley. BIO BARGAINS In trimmed hat®. Now- man Millinery Co. TWO CARLOADS of extra good mules of all size® Just received; also good supply of all, kinds of home®. Waterman &. Co. ® New Brick Stables, Fourth at PERSONAL. THE BEST 25-cent meal for a quarter ever served In Mtocon. Empire Restau rant. ‘J ALL. UNTRIMMED »hape» one-third off. Newman Milllnory Co. SPANISH mackerel, trom. nnd a fine lino of nil other snld nnd fresh water fish at jttney & Callaghan's. FRESH FISH and oysters all the time. G. P. Clarke A Co. SAUER KRAUT, dill ptekles, Holland mllehner herring, tho flneit In tho city. Oscar Bradley. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. MUSIC TEACHING—Violin and Mando lin. Apply to MIm Matthews, 565 Wal nut st. NEWMAN MILLINERY CO. Wg cut price sale. MISCELLANEOUS. 8TRAYED—From our lot. No. 218 Spring st.. one big black maro mule nnd one black mare horse. Liberal reward If re turned to Merritt & Co., 463 Third st. Ready to Serve You 1 With Prices Not Equaled In . City. Quaker Oat Meal, a pkg 10 Grape Nut. a pkg 12 : Eagle Brand Milk, & can 15 and f Occas of Mr. Richard Julian Coates, wipal of Macon High School, ss Mary Vinson—A Notable . Richard Julian Coates, the prln- | clpal of the Macon High Bchool, and | Miss Mary Vinson of Walden, occur- j red Tuesday at Liberty chapel, the Methodist church of the bride’s home, j The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. J. T. Ainsworth. The church beautifully decorated with a wealth of Chrlstmns greenery and the . ceremony wub Impressive in every re- j spect. Miss Ala Avant was the maid of honor and Mr. Charles B. Coates, the! brother of the groo’m, was the best man. Messrs. George B. and Frank' B. Coates, brothers of the groom, were the ushers. There were also present Mr. Howard Coates of Hawklnsvlllo. private secretary to Congressman Lewis, and Mr. John T. Coates, broth ers. Thus there were six brothers In participating in the rite, which lacked nothing in brilliant environ ment. The organist was Mts. Will Mfddlebrooks. with Miss Florence Niles as the violin accompanist and the music was admirable. Little Misses Sarah Franklin Willis and Annie Holmes were the flower girls. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Marvin Vinson, of Lake City* Fla. She was dressed in a going- away gown of brown and carried white roses. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Coates left Tor a visit to Florida, but will return to Macon by Jnn. 2, and make their home with Mrs. John T. Coates, at 360 Orange street. MISS SHAW WEDDED TO MR. STETSON The Event a Brilliant Home Affair- Large Attendance of Relatives and Friends of Both Families, A Priqhtened Horse, Running like made down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It bohooves overybody to have a reliable Salve handy, and there’s none as good as Bucklen’s. Arnica Salve. Burns, Cut*, Sores, Eczema nnd Piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c. at nil drug stores. ■KI* ... - I :«* Unc&nvossed Sugar Cured Ham, a lb. 11U ITncanvnssed Sugar Cured Shoulder,.09 Pure Loaf l*nrd, 10 lbs 95 Lard, compound, a lb 07U Best Patent Flour, a sek R0 Water Ground Meal, a bush 76 Extra Fancy Ga. Cane Syrup, a gal..35 Irish Potatoes, a pk 25 Extra Fancy Head Rice, a lb 06 Low Grade Rice, a lb 03 Large Can Tomatoes, a doz 90 Small Can Tomatoes, a doz 70 Dessert Peaches a can 10 Fancy Sugar Corn, a can 10 J. R. Odom. Phone 2035. PROGRAM OF LESSONS FOR TEACHERS’ UNION Topics Have Been Assigned for Next Quarter—Members y/lll Meet This Aft ernoon at Lecture Rooms of the First Baptist Church. RETAIL CLERKS’ UNION ELECTS OFFiCERS Mr. W. A. Pearce Chosen President- Rousing Annual Meeting—Other La bor Organizations Urge Union Salesmen in All 8tores for Benefit of Owners. Rainey & Callaghan, TURKEYS, TURKEYS, TURKEYS. Live and dresaed. All kind, of fresh OYSTERS received twioe daily. Cranberries and Celery AM kind, of FISH. Give us your orders. Will receive prompt attention. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN ‘Phones 233 and 358 ,56 First St. BIX cokes Octagon Soap Wo Egg*, per doion New Toyk eream cheese, per pound..13o Large eonoealmon sunk, per eon....20c Hond-pocked tomatoes, per con 12He 3-pound can tomatnei, per can too 2-pound can tomotneo. per con 08o Quaker Oat Flskea. per pkir.......... 10c Oocar Bradley. OSTRICH one-third off. SHAD! SHAD! SHAD!—The fine*t over brought to Macon at Rainey & Calla ghan'*. DRESSED TURKEYS, hena, friea. broil- era: aUo freah oyatera. B«h, game, cela- ry fruits and vegetables. Rainey A Cal laghan. MONEY Come at Once Don’t Wait! Wc mate Loans on Pianos, Organs, Furniture, Horses and Carriages. Easily Borrowed Easily Paid . . All business strictly confidential. Drop tis a postal and our man will call at your Home. H. C. Hamrick Mgr. Corner 4th and Boundary sts. The meeting of the Teachers’ Union will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In tho lecture room of the First Baptist church. Miss Anna Smith nnd Miss Lula Fulghum will teach the lessons. The following Is the programme for tho qusrterL Dec. 29. Lesson 1—’’Christ the Life and Light of Men.” Primary... 1 Miss Lula Fulghum Senior Miss Anna Smith Jan. 6. Lesson 2—“The WitnosM of John tho Baptist to Jesus,” Primary Miss Mary Qulnkcr -jenlor... .Mr. E. Y. M.allnry Jan. 12. Lesson 3—Jesus Wins His First Disciple,” Primnry Mias Mary Smith Senior.. Rev. W. L. Wnlker Jan. 19. Lesson 4—The First Miracle in Cano,” Primary... Mrs. If. M. Sharp Senior Mrs. J. H. L Gerillno Jan. 26. Lesson 6—"Jesus and Nlco- demus,” Primnry......Miss Kathleen Holllmnn Junior Mrs. J. L. Jsssop Feb. 2. Lesson 6—Jesus at Jacob's Well/’ Primary Mies Eunice Whltehond Senior Mrs. Herbert Brown Feb. 9. Lesson 7—’’The Second Miracle In Cana," * Primary Mrs. T. J, Bishop * * irmedlate Mrs. O. P. Oostln . Lesson 8—"Jesus at the Tort of Bethesda,” Primary Mrs. O. C. Moxley Senior Miss Margaret McEvoy Feb. 23. Lesson 9—"The Miracle of the Loaves,” Primary ;Mrs. Turner Sheppard Junior Mro. F. L. Malkry March 2. Treason 10—"Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles.” Primary Miss Jesale St rover Senior Col. Arthur Dasher March 9. Lesson 11—The Slavery of 8!n.* r Primary Miss Birdie Respew Senior... Miss Lula Gins?. March 16. Lesson 12—“Healing of the Man Bom linn®,’* Primary Miss Millie Cobb Senior Miss McNeil March 23. Review Suggestion. Primary Mrs. Anola P. Wheeler Intermediate Mrs. Leila Gerdine The members of the Retail Clarks' Union held a rousing meeting in Odd Fellows hall last night, with Mr. 6. E. McKenna in the chair. The an nual election of officers occurred re sulting as follows: W. A. Pearce, president; 8. E. Mc Kenna. post president; J. T. Perry, first vice president; L. S. McLendon, see- ond vice president; J. O. Macmillan, recording secretary; J. T. Pearce, financial secretary; W. R. Herndon, treasurer; H. J. Mercer, guardian; J. W. White, guide. Relief Committee: J. O. Macmillan, chairman; W. A. Pearce, J. T. Perry. Grievance Committee: S. B. Mc Kenna, H. I. Smart, Miss Leno Wash burn. Trustees: Mrs. A. Dennlok, E. 8. Wright, J. D. Strong. Auditing Committee:. L. 8. McLen don, Homer Mercer, J. W. Wright. A complaint was received from oth- lahor organizations that some clerks had dropped out of the clerks* union for non-payment of duos, etc., and tho opinion was expressed that by so doing the clerks Injured their em ployers who are In favor of union la bor. The clerks* union, ns .one of Its officers said to a Telegraph reporter, Is quite satisfied that the Macon mer chants prefer union clerks, and that the labor men desire to purchase only of those who carry union cards In their pockets. The marriage of Miss Josephine Moulton Shaw to Mr. Eugene W. Stet son was solemnized last evening at 8 o’clock at the home of tho bride’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Checkley Shaw on College street. The services were performed by Rev. William Boh- ler Walker, rector of Christ church. The services were attended by a large number of the relatives and friends of both families. Tho residence was profusely decorat ed with Christmas holly and mistle toe. the parlor being especially fitted up for the occasion. Shortly after 8 o’clock the bridal party entered the parlor to the notes of Lohengrin's wedding march ren dered by Guttenberger's orchestra. Messrs. William Checkley Hhaw, Jr., and John 8. Stewart led tho party, fol lowed by the groom and hia best man, Mr. Pato Stetson. Little Miss Nona Rhnw, slater Of the bride, followed, car rying the marriage book. Miss Helen Shaw, maid of honor, pml Miss Anne Dell. Shaw, best girl, followed Mina Nona and preceded the bride. Tho ushers were Messrs. Wlnshlp Caba- nl»s, Eden Tnylor, Jr., Holmes Mason and 8. R. Jnques. Jr. Tho (lowers nnd bouquets were red nnd the bride and her attendants were dressed In white satlh. Miss Shaw wore a circlet of pearls and diamonds, tho gift of the groom, und her gown was trimmed with old lace. She wore a tulle veil and carried orange blos soms. Among those present from out of town were Mr. pavld'Stewart of Bal timore, brother <?f Mrs. Shaw, Mr. John Rldgely, Mr. Pavld S. Rhlgely, Miss Helen Stewart Rldgely of Baltimore, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Dudley M. Hughes of Danville. Mr. nn$ Mrs. Stetson left last night for Florida where they will spend some time before returning to Fitzgerald, where Mr. Stetson la In the banking business. Tho father of the bride is Mr. Wm. Checkley Blmw, the vice president and general manager of the Georgia South cm and the groom Is the son of the late J. P. Stetson, formerly vice pres ident of the American National bank of Macon. A Fine Investment for You if you want a homo. Only cost $3,000.00. You cannot boat it at tho price. This is sit uated in tho vory best residence locality. Loan if desired. All forms of insurance. Monoy to loan on Real Estato. WILLINGHAM & CONE, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. Phone 444. 355 Second Street Tuskegea Invites Teddy. TUSKEGEE. Ala., Dec. 28.—The city council of the. town of Tuskegee unan imously passed a resolution today In viting President Roosevelt to visit Tuskegee on his Southern trip, and has appointed a committee of three to pre sent the Invitation in person. Thin Invitation Is In addlton to tho one already extended by the Tuskegee Institute for negroes located at this place, of which Booker T. Washington president. Craig Now Rear Admiral. WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.—The re tirement today of Rear Admiral Silas Terry resulted in the promotion of Cnpt. Joseph E. Craig to he roar ad miral. The latter has been relieved from duty us captain of the navy yard Norfolk. Vn., nnd will be given an other command commensurate with hi®, advanced rank. PERSONAL. Bilious Colio Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy ns noon as the first Indication of the disease appears and a threatened at tack mny be warded off. Hundreds of people who arc subject to attacks of bilious colic use the remedy In this way with perfect success. For sale by all druggists. Mr. J. K. Lyle of Atlanta Is regis tered at the Plaza, Dr. W. A. O’Daniel of Bullards, Ga., Is registered at the Plaza. Mr. A. L Powell of Cordelo was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Sidney J. Bush returned to the city yesterday from Eastman, where she spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Judge C. B. Murrell. Mr. James J. Ornwford, who makes headquarters at the riuzo, returned to the city yesterday from Tennessee, where he has been spending the holi day* with home folks. While awuy Mr. Crawford enjoyed a Mg deer hunt. Mr, Abbott Ta Swlhson, for five year* conhected with the street rail way system of Mncnn. has gone to Goldsboro, At New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 28.—Lur.i- llghtcr was tho only auccessful favor ite today. Muro’s rldo on Joe Lesser, favorite In the Inst race, was not satis factory to the stewards and will be In vestigated. First race, mile—lampoon. R to 1, worr; Knowledge, 8 to 1, second; Ara- chue, 9 to 1, third. Time 1:48 2-5. Second race, mile and n quarter— I*arly Fonse, 2 to 1, won; Bessie Mc Carthy, 7 to 2. second; Swift Wing, & to 1, third. Time 2:10 4-5. Tlhrd taco, fivo furlongs—Esterre, 6 to 1, won; Belle Indian, 60 to 1, sec ond; Queen Rose, 11 to 5, third. Time 1:114-5. ' Fourth rsce, mile and sixteenth- handicap— Lurallghter. 13 to 10, won; Extol, C to 1, second; Rankin, 0 to 2, third. Time 1:601-5. Fifth race, five furlongs—Fannette, 4 to i, won; Torlo, .15 to l, second Yellow Hammer, 8 to 1, third. Tlmo 1:03 1-6. Sixth race, mile nnd 70 yards—Mid shipman. S to 1, won: Dr. Ournsey, 40 to 1, second; Joe Lesser, 1 to 2, third. Time 1:47 1-5. Head About to Burst From Severo . Bilious Attack. **I had a severe bilious attack nnd felt like my head was about to burst whon I got hold of i free sample of ChamberlAln's fitom nrh and Liver Tablets. I took i dose of them after supper nnd the next day felt like a new man nnd have been feeling happy ever since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Jullff. Texas. For bilious ness, stomach troubles nnd constipa tion these Tablets have no equal. Price 23 cents. For sale by nil drug gists. DEATHS CHRISTMAS VICTIMS ARE GETTING BETTER The men who were victim* of ehoot In* affray* that oocurrcd Monday nf- ternoon and night nnd who were car ried to tho city hospital were reported much Improved last night and will In the courah of a week be able to leave the Institution. All Of the Injured penionn will doubtle*e recover, thu* leaving Chrlatmaa fatllltlea number ed at two. The police of the county are collect lng evidence against nap-nee who par tlclpated in the ahnotlnf ecrape. Mon dny and arre«ta are expected. At A demon'll race track, nnd nt the Pat' toraon quartern, the negroe* were con elderably aroused over tho action* of men of their race and will probably aee that somethin* te done. Mr*. Cdwandra Harper, WASHINGTON, Gn„ Dee. 2*,—New* ggHgPSPIB. ha* Jurt reached Washington of tho former work ae a iurveyor. It may l>o death of Mr*. Carxandra Harper nt her I MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY. «++m* | ,hat In tho .firing ho will return to ITOme alx mil + Georgia and engage In the raining of T been. In which he ha* proved himtolf JUST RECEIVED Another Shipment of those Delightfully Delicious Nabisco Wafers 19c Per Package ♦ This is our special price for the Holiday season. ♦ Send us your order now. ! CORN SALE I W« have just received a targe shipment of Corn ♦ and will make a special price, good every day this ♦ week: Iona Corn, per can 7$ Sultana Corn, per can 9 - A. & P. Fancy Maine Corn, per can... 10 Now is the time to send us your order ♦ I The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. ♦ *111111 l'“° MOST OF TMB BEST FOR THE LEA5T ■ an adept, utilising In Macon the natur. at flora of the swamp. Particular homekeepor* who have uaed lilue Ribbon Vanilla Extract longest like It beat. It Improve* with acquaintance. Y**rty.Woodruff. At the residence of the bride** pa* rent*. Mr. and Mr*. R. M. Woodruff, at 7»« Walnut atroet laot night, Ml** Nel lie May Woodruff and Mr. John T. Yenrty were married. Rev w. N. Ainsworth of the Mulberry Htreel Methodlat church officiating. The bride I* one of the meet charming of young women, nnd the groom a young man of high character. Identified with E. B. Harris & Co. X MOSTCTTEftV or-, : J* CEt«nmo "v or\ of town. gha ha® In bad health tor the post yonr and her death wa* not unexpected. She was the widow of tho Into Dr, W. Q. Harper nnd was about 80 years of age. She Is survived by three sons and four daughters. Mrs. KatV-ryn Hill. Mrs. J. A. Terry. Miss Wlh'rd Harper of this plop* and Mrs. Barrett of Ml Hedge vllle. The funeral ] j* will take pineo . tomorrow morning from Smyrna church. Joel W. Latimer. / WASHINGTON. On.. Doc. £1—Mr. Joel W Latimer died this momfng af ter a lingering Illness ef more than two months. He wa® a prominent and highly respected citizen and the entire community la grieved nt hi* untimely death. Mr Latimer would have been 29 year* old next March r:*i -raj, the eldest eon of Mr. and Mr®. Luka Lotl- nfer of thi* counfv. Twelve years ;igo he married Mlsa Addle corner of Oalne-ivflle, who survives him. J »l»H» Fitters ss J. R. Sauesey, Jr. SAVANNAH, Ga.. I>e 0 . |g._Joa- him Itodcllff® Knuaaey, Jr., died today ifter several y*aru of Invnlldigm. He uf locomotor nttaxiu whirr, though had rendered him In - apabie nit walk- ,«r. had not Incapacitated hi* mental apa'lty and he pained hit practice f law with a* great as before e wa* afflicted. A!rrv**» i r , to the Imo of his death hr ■ r* t>usy In hfs *rofe«sUm. Hr wa* . mrmr,- r of the aw firm of .Sau^r^y A Hu and t graduate of Emory »Allege. His vidow and two childxcu aurvivt him. Blunders ure somettmrs very ex pensive. Occasionally life Itself !■ tho price of a mistake, but you’ll never bo wrong If you take Dr. King's New I„lf< Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head ache, Liver or Bowel trouble®. TI are gentle yet thorough. 26c. at drug ®tores. Unknown 8team«r in DlttroRi. NORFOLK. Va., Dec. 28. -Halt* by heavy seas that have been lathed to fury by the 40 mile gale, an unknown Ntenmcr lies helpless on the Inner dli mond shoals, eight miles off Cape Hat terns tonight, and faint lights ae«,p now nnd then «urry a message to th life saving corps on ahore that there nrc human lives uboard the wrecked cruft that cannot be saved until wind nnd sen have calmed sufficiently to al low the surf boats to bn Inunched. The obssrvtr of the United States weather bureau nt Hnttcrns saw tho steamer when the fog lifted shortly before noon today. At that time she appeared to bo In dl«tre®s nnd Inter wnn seen that she had grounded on the Inner shoal, known to mariners as "Heirs Hole” In the graveyard of ship ping. The heavy seas careened the veai on her beams ami a 3 o’clock this nf ternonn she wris lying on her side with seas washing nil over her. The smoke that her funnel emitted early In the day was no longer dis cernible and It was then supposed th; her fires had been extinguished by water filling the hull. The steamer has three masts nnd one funnel. Her engines and hollers arc aft and tho funnel is between t' main mast and ni!z::en masts. From her description It Is thought she mi of the fruit liners that ply be tween Went Indian ports und Haiti more or New York. At 8 o’clock tonight the observer Slatterns reportel that the life saving crews of several stations along tho Carolina roast In the vicinity of Hat terns were ready on the beach launch their surf boats the • minute the wind and tide had nbnted suffl elently to allow them to. At that time the wind hnd dropped from 40 to miles sn hour. The report states thst st sunset th® vessel hnd apparently righted herself somewhat nnd that If the wind and sea did not Incerase there was a good chance of her remaining Intact until morning. If thla Is the case th® life savers will be sble to reach her. FOR SALE j If I can do so on or by Jon. 1st. I will sell five nice cottages, renting at |9.00 each or $45.00 per month, al $4,250 CHRI5TMAS C0ME5 BUT ONCE A YEAfV* Bur /rcoMes UNLE5S YOU HAVE A INK Account These houses are in good cenfllton, on car line, occupied by white tenants. They will make a first-class Jnveet- ment. If not sold by above mentioned date I shall make other arrangements and the property will not bo for sale af this figure. - 3 tA - y Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, American National Bank Bldg. For Sale The beautifully located auburban home generally known as tho "Jnques Farm." four nnd a half miles from the city, on Forsyth rond. This farm con sists of 80 acres, nice orchard®, hot houses, etc. Fine bold spring and branch on the place. Han splendid Im provements In way of 8-room dwell ing nnd all necessary out houses; com manding a flno view of tho surroun L lng country, within or.e half mile of electric car lino. The right man can make a fortuno dairying and trurktng. This la a "Jim Dandy** and will have to bo Inspected to be appreciated. Good reasons for selling. For particular® call on or address, Duncan Real Estate Exchange me Money to Loan on Mortgage. Special Inducements for the Holidays. Send in Your Orders now and Avoid (lie Rush. H. Horne, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 563 Mulberry Street. Phone 154. FOR RENT. Seven-room i nue, Vlnevlile. bix-roorn cottug** high stnte of eultiv University. List of real estate furnished on appllc offerings, for sale Si,600.00 Express Prepaid full quarts of our famous Old Glory Ryo $3 21 One Gallon Jug .....83 00 (Exprsst Prepaid.) 4 full quart® old Kentucky Choice Rye $3 00 One gallon Jug. 83 7b (Express Prepaid.) 4 full quart® Kentucky Bell® Rye.$2 75 On® gallon Ju/ 92 50 (Express Prepaid.) 4 ful qunrtit Dau® Special $3 26 Ono gailon jug *,...$1 00 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon Defiance Rya... $2 45 (Express Prepaid.) Ona gallon Jug Maryland Rye....ft 00 (Express Prepaid.) One gallon jug two Ntsmp Corn..$2 II (Exprtes Prepaid.) One gallon Jug two stamp Gin....92 26 We aleo pay express charges on all goods from $1.75 a gallon up (In jug*)» providing order calls for no lees than ♦wo gallons to one address. V/RITE FOR CATALOGUE. KENTUCKY WHISKEY CO A. DAU8 &. CO., Prop*. 520 Fourth Street. Macon, Qa. Next to Uunion Passenger Depot. ry. TarniN, |300 cash, v*-:irlv J..'\ II.-II'M . A flno oppo odernto men i.-i.i.'i ,.i p.-i lake a good lnvc '•■nth und would $1,500.00 Will buy :v *tor and 4-room dwell ing combined, on cornet • r Third and Arch streets; oil la good . ondiMon; • - n • ..i ..•!!!• nf to l.'jMlur .-1 good stand, nnd a txrner that will increase In value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., Loans, Real Entate and Insurance. 565 Mulberry Street. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 353 Third Qt. Telephone No. 77. NOTICI the t> E of Flret Meeting of Credit! .. litore. in ^■f/lstrlrt court of the Unite*! Statu®, for th* Southern IHatrkt erf Oecrgta, Western Division, In Itanhru) DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College FL. 7 room®. ...946.99 No. 131 High Ft., 7 rooms.66.09 TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR8 To loan on ImprevM ♦'lty property* M -f.ey In tho bank—no d*li\y. he Matter of Q. In Bankruptcy. To tiie creditor® of T<y®n»boro, In the cou and dletrfrt aforesaid. Notice I® hereby gl I*. Pie FOR OVER SIXTY YEAR3.» An Old and Well-Trlc-d Remody. MRS. WIN SLOW 1 SOOTHING SYPUP l.uhRiM-.y il> I SfilT, WINSLOW'S ' SOOTHING » IWvu* SYRUP, ,y ,.°V£ nber, A. ) L. Pierre of I y of Wilkinson, \ bankrupt: I that on the 27th I ■r.. mi, th.- Mil Ro lulv adjudicated hank- I nd that the flret meeting of hie I 1 will be held at Macon. In Bibb I •— Georgia.- on the 7th day of Jan- I » D.. IM5. «t IS o’clock tn the fore- I it which time the mid creditors I (tend, prove their rliims, appoint J I lee. examine the bankrupt, and I ou t »uch Other buxtnee® as may I Mi J. B. Hills, . FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, *~* Telephone 407. am 19, American Natl. Bank Bldg* MACON, GA. REAL ESTATE FOR 6ALE. •■■r «<m hou.-rr .ind 1 r y: :&• DAVIS. 456 Chewy St»