The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 29, 1904, Image 8

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! THE MACON' TELEGRAPH : THURSDAY MORNTVG, .DECEMBER 29, ' 1504. none Hut the Heat You Gan Defy the aeverest kind of weather If you are pre• pared tor It.-this Is the place where you can get fixed up In such good fashion that these GOLD DAYS will not terrify you ••one ot the best things to keep you warm Is a Pul! Down Gap together with a pair of heavy Woolen or Undressed {lined) Gloves, and Good Warm Underwear These we have In all grades. Gaps*50c to 1.50 Gloves*$lto 2.50 Underwear*$1 to $6 lbs r Warm Wool Blankets 26 pairs Blankets, good wool, slightly soiled ; on the outside edges. "Semple Blankets," but not materially damaged. 12-4 California, which sold for 212.60. now $9.00 11-4 California, which sold for $10.00, now $7.50 11-4 California, which sold for lp.60, now $6.50 11-4 Wool Blanket, which sold for $7.60 and $6.60,now. .$5.00 10-4 Wool Blanket, which sold for $4.60, now.... $3.75 10-4 Wool mixed Blanket, which sold for $4.00, now... .$3.25 10- 4 Wool mixed Blanket, which sold for: $3.00, now... $2.25 . 11- 4 Gray, Tan and White Cotton Blanket for... $1.00 Big Line Comforts Good, fresh, fluffy, full size, nil cotton Comforts-, covered with fast colored Sllkoline and Satteen, for. $1.00, $1.60 $2.00 and $ 2 - M DOWN COMFORTS—Big sizes, full weight, covered with figured and solid Sllkoline, $6.00, $6.50, $7.60, $9,00* and $10.00 Now to use is the Time them . . . 4 ♦ 44a44+»+4-»»4-++^4*++++++++~»4~»»+++»+++++++++++44-+++> CANDY We nsk tho trade to boar in mind that wo nro headquarters for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ev ery day. Order of us and got fresh made goods. Wo soli only to doal- ers. Exclusively wholosalo. j Johnson King & Company, j Manufacturing Confectioners, • Macon, Ga. HERTZ COAL CO. Phono 033 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. Try Our PURE HEAVY WORK AHEAD FOR BIBB’S GRAND JURY Sessions Will Be Returned Next Mon day and Several Murders Are to Be Investigated—Superior Court Opens Three Weeks Later. The Blizzard is Here! Winter Caps weather and Winter Caps go hand in Despite the heavy work which has bean already done by the grand Jury of Bibb for the November term of the su perior court there Is still ahead for this body a great deal of Important work to be gtaken up when duties are resumed on next Mondky morning. The work which Is #to be done Is done during t3ie fall and It Is predicted that matters of Interest will require sessions of this body for several weeks. The mysterious killing of A. 1$. Cole, the telephone lineman, and the murder charge against Hal Schofield are to be among the first duties of the grand Jury on opening work Monday morn ing. There ane charge* of murder against more than one negro. Superior court will not be In session before the third week In January. When work begins the criminal branch will be handled and this will also af ford Important work. The criminal docket was not cleared during the fall and the work Which will be added by the deliberations of the grand Jury will require a long session. The civil branch will not be In ttie hands of the court before February. CENTRAL’S LIMITED CHICAGO TO FLORIDA Solid Vettibuled Train for Benefit of Peoplo of Frozen North to Enjoy Comfort of 8unny 8outh—Important Change In Schedules—No. 14 to Leavo Atlanta at 12:20 Midnight In stead of 1:40 a. m. The Central of Georgia railway an nounces that the Chicago and Florida limited will make Ita first trip south bound, leaving Chicago 1:15 p. m., Jan uary 0th, arriving Atlanta 10:33 a. m. and Macon 1.00 p. m., January 10 and St. Augustine 0:25 p. m., same day. The first trip northbound will be leav ing fit. Augustine 8:20 a. m., January 11th, Macon 4:20 p. m.. reaching At lanta 7:00 p. m., same day. and Chica go 4:30 p. m., the following day. This magnificent solid .vcstlbuled train will run dally after the above date until about April 15th, between Chicago and fit. Augustine, with sleep- LADIES AUXILIARY AT INDUSTRIAL HOME They Will Furnish Dinner Today for Boys end Girls at Which Will Be Present the Board of Trustees and General Mana ger—A Board Meeting. A dinner will he given the boys and girls of tho Georgia Industrial Home todsy by tho ladles’ auxiliary of this Institution and the board of trivitees, an well as all the ladles of the auxiliary will bo present. Manager Gunn will also be pres ent, and the occasion will be one of more than ordinary Interest to the board, tho president and the manager. There will he a meeting of the board of trustees of the horn* In the office of President E. J. Willingham this afternoon at 5 o’clock, at which* time Important Gourd at the time the home goes Into the hands of Manager Gunn. The reports will contain full Ini ns to the financial condition nt present. It will also show what >runrts have been gathered during the past months and a full account or the funds received and tho account of expenses since the death of Rev. W. E. Mumfocd. the founder. Manager Gunn returns to Atlanta to- fiMfifRI PPR HP flight for his family. He will be In u» .j * Macon on Saturday prepared to take up }>Slwecn fit. Louis and fit. Augus-t residence nt the homo In tho cottago tocjnecly occupied by the founder. Jila Pennsylvania Rye Six Years Old. ttnt. This train Is composed of Pull man drawing-room aleepors, observa tion library car, dining car, combina tion baggage«car and coach, dining car service a la carte. It Is steam heated, electric lighted, and Is the only solid train between Chi cago and Florida. It arrives and de parts at La Salle street station, Chi cago. In addition to this there will be sev eral Important changes In Central of Georgia railway schedules, effective Sunday, January 8th; Southwestern division train No. I for Columbus und Birmingham will leave Macon 3:35 a. nv, Instead of 3:45 n -y, ns heretofore: train No. 11 for Alt ,iy and Montgom ery will leave Mscon 8:45 n. m., Instead of 4:10 a. in., as heretofore: truln No. 1 leaving Macon 1:13 p. in., for Colum bus will be extended to Birmingham, arriving that point 10.15 p. m., mak ing connection with the Queen and .Crescent system, Frisco and Bout hern railway for the West; Train No. 8 from Albany will arrive Macon 7:51 a. m.; train No. 6 from Montgomery and Al bany will arrive Macon 4:i5 p. m., In stead of 4:05 p. m.. und train No. 2 from Birmingham and Columbus will arrive Macon 4:10 p. nv. Instead of 4:15 p. in. Mncon division train No. 14 will leave Atlluita 12:20 midnight, ar/lvlng Mncon 3:20 a in.; train No. 11 for Atlanta will leave Macon 8:20 a. m.. Instead of 8 a. m.; Chicago and Florida Limited for Atlanta will leave Macon 4:20 p. in., arriving there 7:00 p m.: train No. 15 will leave Mncon pV 4 .15 p. nv. making local stops, arriving W I Atlanta 7:55 p. m.; train No. 12 from U j Atlanta will arrive Macon 7:20 p. nu y? Instead of 7:25 p. nv. and train No. 4 U J will arrive Macon 11:20 Instead of s 17:25 midnight. Savannah division xfc j train No. 25 from Katonton and MU1- i cdgevllle will nrrtve Macon 8 -a. m. afe Instead of 7:50 n. m. & |SOUTHERN EXPRE83~ EMPLOYES Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honev and Tar ns a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey wnd Tar and refuse any substi tute offered as no other preparation will give the'same satisfaction. It Is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Co., druggists. RAILWAY CONDUCTORS TQ BE ENTERTAINED formerly occupied by the founder. H dptlcs begin at the homp on January 1. Doctors Could Not Help Her. "I hnd kidney . trouble for years,” writes Mrs. Kbvmond Conner of Bbel- ton. Wash., "in uN the (doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, ana tho very first dose gave me re lief and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure.” It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do ihls, goo4l health Is Impossibly. Bold by II. J. Members of the Ladies* Auxiliary Have Arranged for Joint Installation of Officers of Each Local Division—* Delightful Programmo Arranged for Tonight. The members of the Ladles' Auxill ary of the local'order of Railway Con ducftirs have arranged for the Joint in stallation of the officers of the two dlvlsons. No. 123 and 173. In Conduc tors’ hall on Poplar street tonight, the programme beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The affair will be delightful in Its every feature. There will be music by the ’Guttenberger orchestra, a fine supper, dancing and brief addresses by prominent speakers. The ladles of the auxiliary have at other times shown a rare grace of entertainment and the occasion tonight. In that respect, be surpassing. Not only the conduc tors and their families are Invited, but their friends as Veil. G r e e t i n We desire to extend to our friends and customers, our grateful appreciation of their liberal patronage and to wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year a Women love a clear, healthy com plexlon. Pure blood makes It. Bur dick Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Lamar & Co., druggists. SALVATION ARMY TO ENTERTAIN TODAY A Large Christmas Treo Will be Giv en tho Poor of the City—To be Placed at tho Hussar's Armory on Poplar Street Bibb Manufacturing Co,, Macon, Ga. Manufacturers of Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc. By The Gallon Express $2.75 Prepaid Four Full Quarts Express S3.GO Prepaid A Rich and Mellow Whis key just fine for making Egg Nog. flr j Entertained by Mr. Thomas Grier, the Solid for our Price-list $ L< **' r-,_. . ■ • '4 Mr. Thomii. Or!.-r. th. atent nt the 4 131311 Liquor LOllinilllV 45 Houtlwm Kxrree» Contr.tnir. Hnd one ' 1 J ifl nt the mn.i efficient of th, multluM of officer, of th, great Orjonliuion brought to hi. home nnd to hi. heart yesterday nil the employe, of Che lo cal office. At hi. re.ldonc. on Plum street, ho hnd prepared n moat boun- leou. .upper und It \vn» thoroughly enjoyed by every one preaenu The treating, of the«..tld* were tno.t cordially given, and a "hippy New Year" wa. the general tout. The AH mayor & 506, 5<iS, 510, 512 Fourth St. Mncon, Ga. • S Tonight at the armory of the Ma con Hussars on Poplar street the local members of the 8alvatton Army will give a mammoth Christmas tree to 600 roor children of the city. Through the funds of the association and by popu lar subscriptions the cost of fitting up the tree has been raised and the work era are ready to do what they can for the help of the deserving poor. Shoes, huts, toys and other articles have been ired and will be given away. Cap tain and Mrs. Hendierson' have made the arrangements arid hope to make the occasion a happy one. No Cass of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single Instance Where a cough or * cold -resulted In pneumonia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some un known preparation/which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards .recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refute any substitute offered. Sold by H. J. Lamar A Co., druggists. MANY CREDITORS CALLED FOR CHECKS ojooooocoooocoooooooovjoooooooocoooooooooooooccocxjcc > SUCCESS First National Paid Out $45,000 Yesterday on New Twenty Per Cent. Dividend. HEARING FOR WOMEN IN RECORDER’S COURT Dollie Flanders Wa. Surrendered by Her and ia in the Ba rack.—All Three Were Tried Before Recorder Nottingham and Decision Will bo Rendered Today. n IN THE CURE OF lie reiver. Sutler paid out upon lb© Utlonul twenty per cent, dividend j>t tho to tie- decorum, of ttil. Institution Notional Bank yesterday In check, of III.0W. The hank wan open from ►til t o'clock, end during the Mme tlto renter, ceiled steadily for the amount, lue them It will require some time to pay out hla dividend, as It hss with all others. • **d there will be some tn the hands of he receiver which will never ba halted or. There an check, tn th. bank which ecro for the flrat dividend of forty There are also some of the J of twenty-Ave per cei Dollie Flanders, one of the women who has been used several times as witness In the killing of A. D. Colo, was locked up yeeterday at police station at the order of Chief of Police Conner, after being notified by her bondsmen that they deelred to sur render her She will be held until the decision of Judge Nottingham la ren derctl In the charge of disorderly con duct against her. Annette Carter and Alice Babbitt were placed on trial before the re corder yesterday morning and the chargee against both of them were henrd. Judge Nottingham withheld his decision until this morning, this time they will know the result ot the trials. All Of the witnesses In the killing of the telephone lineman have been released and the women of Annette Carter's house are noyv being tried In recorder's court on chnrges of disor derly -onduct. There are charges of this character against nil three and tn addition to this there Is a charge ot running a disorderly house sgalnst Annette Carter. Annette Carter secured bondsmen for all three of the women on the charges held against them at police court and thrse are the only charges with which they art now having to deal. The women were represented In po Ilea court by Attorneys John R. Coop er and Matt. R. Freemen. Wltni In the case for the city were Detective Amerson and Chief Conner. They tes tified as to the character of the house and were questioned by Attorney Cooper ee to whether the women were not being prosecuted tn police oourt because they refused to testify In the killing of the lineman. The question was not allowed by the recorder. Cooper then stated that the women had nothing to do with the row be' tween the men and were not res pen stble for their conduct tn the house on the night when Cole was shot. Tha eases will be concluded today and the recorder's decision will be given out. divide 188,384 present dividend ment Qt (he or USO.W. This wm complete >utton ot over half a million tr*t National Bank since It arms Tho l’liomas St. Otlico. OOOOOvV.'CCCOCOCDDO^ ] time, tut it core romfceasek Not injuria At 75c Bouk. Write for Booklet, K it. BriXOL CsIfvrsHj W5*,-JVjS rer suffetm thus im am* Its greateit a4vo- itucrx Takes a lit- 3 to 6 bottks lex ■inr* 3 UK). v»a reqt.... ' the bank. rad* to Don't Use Poor Oil. F»r use on sewtng machines, bicy cles snd alt purposes requiring a line lubricant the best Is cheapest In tha end. Genuine Singer oil # can only ba obtained at linger atom Look (Or • red S. $U Ct rry street, Macon. Don't Give the Baby Dangerous Drugs, Th-re !• on* eats, tare and abso lutely barmleu rrmeuy Xoria- (ant’s ill*, ltu Baby Ease f HE WOKtO S BEST BtBY KEOICOlE. Gold hand. As there is plenty of us, it’s the best kind of a zero weather before WINTER PROPOSITION to have a good warm Cap where you can lay your hands on it when needed. We have all the good shapes for Men and Boys, Men’s Driving Caps and Storm Caps— 50c, 75c to $1.00 Boys’ School Caps, and every boy needs one. 50c to $1.50 We carry the best v.arioty in Caps you’ll find any where. Benson & Moore The Up-to-date Clothiers. SATISFACTION OR YOUR 1 MONEY-BACK MACON. ga. Beware of Imitations and Frauds We own ami control Willow Dale Pure Rye Which cannot bo purchased from others. More of this famous brand sold than all others combined- One Gallon of Willow Dale in Jug $2.45, Delivered. Four Full Quarts of Willow Dale $2.85, Delivered. ^ ♦ Quality High. Price Low. Best by Test ♦ A. &N.M. BLOCK, i Distillers, Hacon, Ga. Vt-M-4tM»**+-4 OTHER THINGS BESIDES JEWELS. Xmas is Coming There are lots of things In a Jewel ry Store that don't contain Jewell: lota of small. Inexpensive, artistic articles, suitable for presents that you won’t hardly think of unless you saw them. We have for this particular fall a beau tiful line ot small novelties at extreme ly moderate prices. You can not spend nn hour better than by taking n look around our stock. You are perfectly welcome to look as long as you like; buy when you get ready. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry St. Macon, Ga Drawn from the Wood! It makes little difference, however, how you get our Liquors, from the wood or from the bottle, as both are guaranteed to be absolutely pure and palatable. Our large stock of WINES AND LIQUORS gives smple scope for a pleasing election. The best distillers and wine growers of this anti forelsn countries are well repre sented here. Favor ua with an order. Old Joe Mercer Corn, stx-year-oui. one gallon Jug S2.76, delivered. Four full quarts, $3.00, delivered. Bartlett Pure Rye. one gallon Jug, $2.33. delivered. Four full quarts, $3.25, deliv ered. Genuine Mt. Vernon Rye, 8 years old. $3.73 tq gallon Jug- delivered. Four full a uarts. genuine Mu Veraon Rye. $4.00, altyered. • We are agents for Lewis’ ’€•; Duffy’s Pure Molt. Wilson’s Whiskies. Saxerad Cocktail. BcMitx snd Aurora beers. Writs 'ua for price list. SpeoUl prices oa whole* S3 CENTS EVERTWHIXL Bafr, Ease «aa»ita«-' - } C«„ Mace*. Sa. >s Sam & Ed Weichselbaum, 'PHONE 414 341 THIRD ST., MACON. GA. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Meteorological data furnished by the >cal office of the United States depart- i*nt of agriculture, weather bureau, for nty-four hours ending at 4 pw m.. time. , Thermograph Readings. .54:11 pm. • S-v i am. m. read 4.4 feet, a rise of 4.4 feet during the r * t twi nty-four hours being 7.4 feet above low water mark of 1104. The Oconee river at Mil!edge villa read 4.5 feet, a rlae of 17 feet during the past twenty-four hours. Th$ Oconee river at Dublin read M of a foot, a ri'.* of a.3 of a foot during tha .35 1 past twenty-four hours. ..»i 1 pm. ...tfcjwi'V V (L I K 4 1 ***** sciatica should not Chamberlain’s Pain apt relief from pain >:.e worth many by all drua- Fur