The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 30, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1904. t Ware & Leland, * CHICAGO—NEW YORK Commission Brokers Cotton Grain Stocks a Members— Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cotton Exchanga New Ycrk Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants* Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Private Wires to Principal Points New York Office Macon Office 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth st. COTTON MARKET AT LOW LEVEL BANKS. Closed at Only Slightly-Bc- low Previous Day E. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB, President. Cashier. W. P. WHEELER, Asst. Cashier. Commercial and Savings Bank MACON, GA. Each year In the Bank’s history has shown an Increase hi Surplus. Depos its and Cash Resources. Every accommodation granted de positors consistent with conservative banking. J.M. JOHNSTON, tt. J. TAYLOR, President. Vico-PresidenL L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Asst. Cashier. American National Bank MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capita! $250,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability 11150,000.00 Surplus $12c.000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30,000,00 DIRECTORS. J. M. Johnston. Stephen Popper, R. J. Taylor, .A. E. Chappell. W. M. Johnston. E. J. Willingham, Gen. Robt. Ober. K. A. Merritt. You cannot do better than put your account with the American National Eank. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. NO SNAP TO BUYING All Parties Seem Disposed to Let Things Sag—Liverpool Cables Were Better Than Expected—European Trado Believes There Will be a Minimum Crop of About 13,000,000 Bales—No Radical Chango in Price of Dry Goods. MACON BROKERAGE CO LIVERPOOL spots closed .....3.63 NEW YORK spots closed 6.85 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 6'/ a THE LOCAL MARKET. Tho Macon cotton market was weak yesterday, and Good Middling sold at only 6%. Ordinary went to 6%, and for the tlrst time In many a long day did the fig ure “6” appear in the quotations for any grade. Range of Prices. Middling «ft Strict Low Middling Low Middling Good Ordinary Ordinary »• Spot Cotton Movement. Recta. Ship. Sales. Dec. 29. 1904 73 Stock on Hand. Sept. 1, 1904... Dee. 29, 1904.. Dee. 20, 1003 Comparative Receipts In Macon. STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 41S-420 Cherry st. 'Phono 533 Chamber of Commerce Building Correspondents of THE O'DLLL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital $200,000.00 Cincinnati, O. Quickest service In the South. Wft Invite comparison. No Interest charged on stocks. All orders placed direct with the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful attention. Reference—The American National Bank, Macon. Ga. Excelsior o' Assorted cn Sugar coke leneo in the 1’ennaylvnnla group was .» ini i.'mhp of-yesterday in the dividend the Pennsylvania Company, which used hopes of an indulgent policy to- ards stockholders of alt tho subsidiary companies of that great isystem. Tho great riso in Reading's not earnings for November was tbs Incitement to raise the price of that stock and Erie. There were Cream rumors that Missouri. Kansas und Texas stick was about to bo placed on the dividend Stick list. Reports were current that tho long, expected S<v:them Pacific refunding would bo undertaken nt an early date and this, coupled with the aggressive rise of Northern Securities on the curb to a new high record. Was tho ground for ad vancing the Pacific and Trans-continental group in concert. In the late dealings the market took on a semblance of buoy ancy and closed strong. Ronds were firm. Total sales, par vnlua. $«\ United States 2s and old 4s advanced ft per cent, on the call. The total sales of stocks today were 1,026,200 shares. 8c. mixed in palls. lOo. randy. In barn Is. «Up. an dr in boxes. C\c. broken mix boxes. 7c. Mixed candy In palls. 6. 7 and Sc. -vvhotesnie. ROPE JManUa. 14V Tljfcs.—ralntedfl $2.80; cedar, $3.60 Exchange Bank I ' OF MACON, GA. . STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABANISS. President C. M. ORR- Cashier. DIRECTORS: J. W. Cabaniss, S. S. Dunlap, W. R. Rogers, H. J. umar, A. L. Adams, N. B. Corbin, A. D. Schofield, J. H. Williams. M. H. Taylor, Sam Mayer, W. D. Lamar, T. C. Burke. We solicit the business of mer chants, planter# and banks, offering them courtesy, promptness, safety, and liberality. The largest capital and surplus of any banK in Middle Georgia. Money to Lend on Real Estate: Well ratod commorical paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank, 670 MULBERRY STREET. ....$94 tlons reached still lower levels during to day’s trading, but the market was less aetlvo and there was less excitement with not results showing only slight losses on the active positions. The open ing was steady with August unchanged and the other positions 1 to 7 points lower, which was rather better than due on the Liverpool cables. Private ad vices from abroad stated that the Euro pean trade placed practically the same construction on tho glnners* report ns It had received on this side, namely, that It reflected a minimum crop of around 13,*100.000 bales, hncl ofttclnl quotations In the English market at tho time of the local opening wero 18 to 20 points net lower, while spot cotton lost 29 points. But while there wns enough covering by smaller shorts to steady tho opening of tho local market. It soon developed that there was little snap to the nuying and prices following tho call sagged oft to a net loss of nbout 11a 13 points, under bear pressure and talk of n slump In tho Southern spot situation. Around midday covering Increased nnd there was n rnlly of about 7 or 8 points from the lowest, but tho market broke ngnln In the early afternoon, and nt the lowest level showed a net loss of some 14 to 15 points on active positions, with January soiling at 6.35, March at 6.52. Toward the close certain Wall street houses sent in buying orders; room shorts covered and most of the los* was recovered, tho marxet being steady, with final prices Indicating an advance of t point on August nnd Octohor. while the nearer positions were 3 to 5 points lower. Sales of futures were estimated at 600.1)00 bales. Receipts of cotton at the ports today were 40 364 b'*ic« ngalnat 46 136 be»es last week and 46,290 bales last year. For the week 300.000 bales nsnlnst 301.918 bales last week nnd 207,738 bales last year. Today's receipts r.t New Orleans wore 12.763 bnles .agnlnst 23.405 bales Inst year, and at Houston 6,763'bates against 4,757 bales last year. The Ports. nnd the market closed steady with net gains of 1 to 2 points. Hubbard Bros. &. Co.’s Cotton* Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—Our market opened with sales of March at 0.69-60-61- 61, and after selling at 6.65-6.52, ruled steady at 6.57 at l P- m. A covering demand absorbed the offerings at the de cline this morning, bringing about a reac tion from the low point of ten points, but there has been as yet little outside de mand for Investment. The trade has not yet fully recovered from the effects of tho staggering return of tho glnners report, ns given by tho census bureau. We doubt If there will be any short sell ing of Any moment, ns the reports are* too light and Europe may soon nsk for «omo corroboration of the large estimates in the movement. There l» a tendency to look for a sharp reaction upwards before tho holidays on the belief that the European demand will increase and that It Is not safe to follow the decline further. .At present the trade IS unable to grasp just what the census estimates mean with cotton at or below cost of production. Tho spot market was quiet at 15 points de cline. Ware & Leland’* Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. 2*.—The effect of the glnners’ report In cotton had not all hern spent yesterday. This morning further declines of 10 to 15 points wero scored, and the market showed nbout ns little re sistance at 6.70 for May ns It did at 7.70, 8.70 or 9.70. Of course, this is always the Way. The market will look slekest the day It reaches the bottom for the year or mny be for yenrs to come. Rut It must be admitted that the market was very weak and that Inducements to buy were few. as far as the situation went. It la simply n question of time now. No one knows, hut that prices will be lower than ever before and wo mq.v see 5 cents Just as people aro talking how. Rut there Is never any guide in such a market ns this nnd all one knows Is that cotton is selling below the cost of production and that from this price some day there will be big money In cotton ns an Investment. There Is no inducement to buy as a speculation until the buyer Intends to follow the market down and Is willing to stfiy. There Is no longer any bull factor In cot ton. Planters have cotton to sell out. nnd there la nothing to prevent n rally hero some day that will startle shorts It Is the time to use somo caution nnd on n good brenk to buy. __ tt.20. UHATNS —Trnro. ($4 to >6 do*. GUN POWDER.—Per l<cg. Austin crack Canndtan Cent. Chae. Chl -age k \Uon .. *t Chic, k Alton pM. J*® Chle. hdt. Wn\.. Mmppgppp 4*341 wbeellrc-Lnrt#.. I* 1 * Chle Ik !t. W 2"‘ , t i WUeentln Coat... W« rhi<\ Mii.fcst..r..il3'4; wis. oout. PM . Chle. M.JkB.P. pfdlMN Adame m*. If* Chle Term. ATrn*. l- t OhlcT.ATrn*. pM C..a.C.A9t.boule. J] Col.Southern .... Col. 80.1st. pf*l... ?9ft Ool. Ho. 9M. Aft!.. ST Pel. A Hudson., im * - ... ,.w. OrtVIlSUO are welcome here and subject to her order only. Would It not be wise for you to prepare against the possibil ity of lllnefis, misfortune and ac cident? A little money put nslde onrh week or month will grow Into an account of surprisng proportions if added to steadily. Why not begin today? Lack of money need not deter you—we accept deposits as small as a dollar. We pay *4 per rent Interest. UNION SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. This Today Today Today wk. last wk. 1903. 1902 Tuesday .... 54.797 61 044 65.131 23.040 Wednesday . 43.737 51.916 60.438 62.088 Thursday ... 40.864 44.136 40,290 55,131 Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. American AXES.—17.50 to $9 00 per dozen. LEA D.—Rnr, 7ftc. pound. NAIT.8.—Wire, $2.40 $2.50 keg, base. keg, base; cut GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Col. 80.1st. pf*l. m MMMifeJ r>.I..MoH.-W.»t .»» D*nT«r-n. Orande Denrer-H.0. pfd.. MS FrlMst pfd Frle In pfd ®®'« Booklet 7alley... »1 HockingVat.pfd.. {J Illinois ont 1«S TownOont lownCent.nM..., K»n».iltrHo..... W KMM.Cit,ln.pM-MM Manhattan Mot. Securities... MetropUn. 8t.Ry.lW !ftnnaap.-8t. f-.. • M WK M.H.P AM.H.M.pfd.147** Missouri Pad 107ft Missouri,R.-T.... W Missouri,K.-T.pM J4ft M ox Irvin Central. 91 , Nat.U.R. of Met.. .... M.n.R.of Mox.pfd. 40ft dew York Cent. ...144ft Korfolk-Wastorn. Wft Hortolk-W pfd... W Ontario-Western. 41ft Pennsylvania l»4ft l'ltt*b..0.G. ASt. L. J7ft Heading Wft Bead in gist pfd... J1 Brad In* 1-1 pfd... Jlft Sock Island Oo... «J6ft Itock Is!. Co. pfd. J4ft Bt.Ti-8.Vrn. 2d pf** * ft ' Ht.fjOultSo. WsUlJ —. 8tI.8o.wstn.pfd. 67 eu.-a.rrn.ut ptd .. Seaboard com.... henltonrd pfd Amalgmtd.Oopper 73ft Am.Car Foundry.. 4* Am.Car Pdry.nM, i[*ft Am. Cotton Oil ... Mft Am. Cot. Oil pfd.. 9® American Ice ®ft American Ice pfd. 37 Am T.ln. Oil l»ft Am. Lin. OR pfd... *7 Ana. liooomottra.. A®ft Am. L>comoL ofdl°*ft Am.BmeittngkRff Am.8mltg.Aitpfd.ln Dry Goods—Wholesale. . rected by Tho Wsxelbuur BHBETINOS.—4-4, 5 to 6ftc. DRILY.I NOB.—8Ua7ftr. TICKINGS —4ft to 12a Union Pacific R. R Co. AND Southern Pacific Co. THE TWO BEST AND MOST. DIRECT ROUTES TO CALIFORNIA AND THE PACIFIC COAST. Lowest Rates. Fastest Trains. GEORGIA R. R. AND ATLANTIC COA8T LINE Schedule* In EfToot No. 13. ‘04. • 4 20pif 5 16ait 2 55a 6 29p! 6 29a 4 20a 7 0oj>| 8 15a 8 3jp[ 9 50a For particulars addreas, J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent, 13 Peachtree St, Atlanta, Ga, G. W. F.LY, T. P. A. R» O. BEAN. T. P. A. 6 05a 7 46a •Dally, ^Sunday only. IDally except inch* y. Trains arrive from Augusta and point* V/. W. HARDWICK, Gen’l Aflt. W. C. RAGIN, Sol. Aflt. SR- SOUTHERN Am. Sugar Kfg....J44 Anaconda Min. O0II8 Brooklyn Rap. Tr. Wft Ool. Fuel k iron.. 49ft Conaolldated gaa.904 Corn Product*..., lift Corn Prod.ofd.,, Distillers' fteour. General Electric. Tnternatnt. Paper Intrn. Paper pfd.. 77 Intrn. rump...... J* Intrn. Pump pfd. M National Lead,... 93 North Amortoan..l01 Pacific Mall 45ft People's Gas.,...*19® Unexpected Decrease of World’s Avail able Wheat 8tocke Strengthened Market—Corn and Oats Unchanged —Provisions Off. CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—The expected de crease of tho world's avnliable stocks strengthened the wheat mnrket today, I.ight "prlmarjjijttfir'^* - “ ~ igj* *—* - tional support, *ddi- dose, May wheat was up ftc.. corn and oats are unchanged. Provisions on tho clone were from 2ft to 7ftc. lower. Open. High. Low. Clos. ir.. le.JMft per 93ft Groceries at Wholessia. ^orrurled by B^R. Js.quea & Tlnnley Co.) Theso Dfirsia Tiro at wnoloauU and not to conMumete* MEATS.—Dry salt ribs 7ft Extra short ribs 7ft 18-20-lb. rib bellies S 18-22-lb. rin xelflcs 8 25-39-lb. rib belllea 7ft Any of the uoove cuts, smoked ut lc. advance. IIAMH.--Fancy sugar cured ,...13 Standard sugar cured.. • 12V ItepnblloStoal pfd 71 Rubber Goods.... 97^ Rubber fid., pfd.. *3 Tone. Cost k Iron 7»ft H. 8. Leather 14ft U. 8. leather pfd 101ft P.8. Realty * Imp 7S KU —I Picnic name LAUD.—Fancy tierces 7ft 60-lb. tubs 7ft 80-lb. tubs 8 5-lb. this 8ft 3-lb. tins 8ft Floko white tierces G The scire addition for other sixes as on pure lanl. CORN—Backod white................ .65 No. 2 Hacked mixed 63 Special quotations mads on carload lots. OATS.—Texas rust proof 56 mite clipped 43 No. 3 white 4S Special quotation* on car lots. HAY.—Choice timothy No. 1 timothy Clover hay Prnlrlo nay Georgia hny 8penal quotations on car lots. wheat $1.20 ‘irun 1.10 I’ocl; fec-l 1.30 1.10 BRAN.—1 Mlxei Jerse; 90 Deparlures Going North 1 A" A f\' . I hroiiqh to Ciinn- ,\lin natl, carrying day coaches (with- out change) and Pullman sleepers. Also. Pullman Sleeper to Kanssi City via Birmingham and Mem- 8.30 A. M., local train. Macon to At lanta. carries nice day coaches and Pullman reservation car (seat rate to Atlanta 25 cents), to New York via Washington. Baltimore and Philadelphia. 1.35 sleepers from Macon to 6t. Louis. 7.30 Departures Going South 2.15 A. M., through train tc vllle. carrying day coat out change; also Pullm; This train also carries Pull ckson- ^ with* Sleeper to Brunswick. 9.05 connects at Jenup with Jacksonville, carrying nlc« Pullman and Dining cars 7.20 ELEGANT SOUTHERN DINING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. elnnatl, Chntti Arrival of y||E I 9:00nm—No. 16, from Now York. Blrmlngh c_ n„ T- c 2:40pm—No. 8, from Atlanta. OhAttflnn.ura mi >0. KV. IT a HIS \ f*.15ptn—No. 10, from New York. \v i* uv. 11 hind ) _N„. 15. from Itrw.-wi. k. (No. 15 stops at Macon 20 minutes for d J. W. JAMI80N, City Ticket Agent. JAMES FREEMAN. Trsv. Pn__ CITY TICKET AND PASSENGER OFFIC R. PETTIT. Depot Ticket Agent. Vqent. Ma “~ JW. 697 I TELEPHONE 42 4. 567 CHERRY STREET. tu'140ft ....108ft U.,..106ft meat— Dec. . Mny . Doc. !$ Oat*— Doc. . . 29ft 29ft 29ft 29ft 5^:: HI 111 ill ill 11:88 8 ?:£» _Jiy . . Mess Fork— Jan. . .12.55 12.55 May . .12.87ft 12.87ft Short Rlbi Jan. May Export* to France Export* to continent 9,413 Export* to Japan 10,768 Stock on hand all port*. .1,101,876 Slnre September 1, 1904— Consolidated receipts Exports to Great Britain.. Export* to France... Exports to continent Exports to Japan Export* to Mexico 5,841.841 2,069,795 ...... 476.466 1,645.393 63,756 13,393 Price, Receipts. Sales, Stocks. The Ports; | Price. I Recta. |Sales. | fitek. Mobile . . . Savannah , , Charleston . Wilmington 6001 72426 701138557 3001 37R39 Interior Movement. Bt. Louis *..*...16?^ Cincinnati .... .... Louisville . .. .|7ft 700(113259 35897 3217 M. & B. RY Local and Through Schedules. Effective October 22. 1904. Depot Fifth and Pint Street*. .11 STATIONS. | P M !Lv. Ar. 4 101 Macon 4 S3! Hofkee 4 42!.... Sklppmon .... 4 491 Hardy* 4 69 Llzella 5 09'.... Montpelier .... i M:::::. R 401 Cniloden 6 551.... Yatesvllie .... i ai::::-*iSBSSoi‘ « 42 Crest 6 52 Thunder 7 OR!.... Woodbury 7 1ft Snelson* 7 7 261 Harris | 7 7 431.... Odes***-’ 7 Monr .. laUr;.BBSS.'iiLtii l*. Ml | A M 22 AM 11 15 10 52 10 42 151! • « S S? r-:::: i?{ te~i I Additional Train Ser\-Ice.—Train Nc ^ leave* Macon at 4:45 a. m., Mondays Wednetdav* and Friday*. No. 62 arrivea Macon at S;26 p. m., Tuesdays, Thurodsva *nd Saturday*. opened steady and efoaed steady. Open, High. Ix>w. Close. to noli wheat at the start, due to what ivy. a ....* bought yesterdny wns thrown over, but It was well absorbed, Armour's brok er taking the bulk of It, supposed to bo largely In tho way of covering shorts. There was a sharp recovery, small Argon, tine estimates and the decrease in tho world’* visible figuring an a bullish factor. In view of tho fact that nonn of the big favor* higher - . . - . .. . jwer, with of ferings light and a good demand. There wan selling early on fine weather and tho big receipt* but offering* were well tok en, nil bough the market was dull with December rather slow. On breaks wo fa vor purchases of May. Oats—Receipts again very light. With snmple lot* steady to firm with n good demand, trade being light and tho market without feature. Provision*—Hog* were In very small supply with shipments of me*ts and lard over last year, but there wns selling hy the Cudahy* and English houses, with some liquidation In January stuff, due to fear* of liberal deliveries, lard especially. Price* may work lower, hut we would not ho Surprised to witness sharp rallies. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.-No radical rhnnge la noticeable In the price of dry goods as a result of the decline In cotton price*. Buyers, however, showed praetf March . April .. May ... June .. July ... August 6.53 , 6.59 , 6.70 6.46 6.55 6.62 6.70 6.76 6.65 5:55 Bpot rott° n clo.M quiet IS point, to«- er: mMdlln* upland. ».»»; ml.Mlln, ,u!f 7.10; sales none. New Orleans Cotton Futures. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 29-Cotton fu ture* quiet and steady. December 6.29 nominal; January 4.39s40; February 6.45 to 6.46; March 4 J3a64; April 6.57*59. r wVtegP. 001 . Cotton Futures. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 2^—Spot cotton In fair demand; prices 29 points lowers American middling 2.624.; low middling JK** 1 ordinary « *7d.; ordinary 3.21d. The isles of the day were R006 hales, of which 2.000 hale* were for spec ulation *nd export, and included 9.490 bale* American. Receipts were 46 000 hale* Including 45,600 bales American. Future* opened easier and dosed fever. Ish; American middling G. O. C.: Open. High. Low. Close. Warm Springs and Columbus Vis Wood bur*. IP Ml 4 l9.Lv.,, Mscon 7 OS' Ar. W oodbut ‘ 23 Ar..W. Sprit 156!Ar.. Cotumbi , . I 161 oodbnry .Lv[ 8 151 ~..Lvf 7 Ml • Lv; 6 29| Trains arrive and depart from depot, sorner Pine and Fifth street*, at Macon! Regent roadbed quick tlm*. ro-d service. WM. C- SHAW. Vlce-lycaldent. O. M. GRADY, Superintendent, c. B. RHODES. G*n. l*aMM. Agent C C ME' >HON, D. T. A. .'li f. Oo- rHOS. FRF Jan.-Feb 2.52 I ’eb.-March 2.66 (arch-April 2.44 April-May 2.67 Majr-June 2.72 June-July Au J.’-Set Sept-Od 1.64 3.52 2.6 9.60 2.5? 2.6. *.66 3.61 3.ft *•67 3.45 3.65 if m 2.76 J.76 *.7| *^64 alo I:*? 2.62 3.51 2.61 demand, hut at lower rates. w»n» were 4,850 hale*. Including 2,660 bales to arrive. Quotation* reduced ftc. Future* opened easier with price* 2 to 6 point* down and by neon the active month* had declined 9 to lo point*. New York we* 3 to 9 points lower and Liver pool dosed from 14 to 2* KngMsh point* down. I-ocnlly. during the afternoon- there was a recovery wWch oent price* up a few point* above tW opening, and a point or two shove yesterday's finals. J*j oprped 2 point* down at 4.24. dec-ln 4.2®. w*u! uo to 4.4U. and finally de; a p#Ust to (.$>. To* txa<Lof ws* 0.8.1*. rsc...,^.l(Hft t’.S. 3s, eoap«m...l0l , t V M.nswit. re*.. 119ft II. H. new 4s I V. H. old in reg V. 8. old Is cou AtohIson, Ron. IS. 133ft A •* UUHtmonS ♦*. 94ft Atlantic const L.. 190ft Halt, k 0. is uni; Balt. A O. 3fto.... M> Oon. of fit. 6s....112* On. Of n. 1st laa 92-4 Oon.oIOn. 2d la . 13J Olios, k Ohio «9ialOA Ohlc. * Alt. 3ftt... 12' th.ll.* J.nsw is.. UlOft aM.*4i.r.Ren.i«.iii Ohio. * M or lb was ter n oon. 7s 119ft g,,n.i.fcpie.4s... 82ft (SO. is 101ft CtilonRO Term. is. M Con.Tob- is. , 77 J 24'/ urinn.* fitTr-i*... vt M. Kan* Tax is... 101 II. Kan * Tax 31s. Mft M. AO.aT.4s 91ft NaC R. It. of Hot. con. 4a 91ft N. Y.Con. ftn.3ft«. 101ft J. J. Cen.* Nor. Faclflo is.,..108 “ Paolflo. *■.... 15ft 101ft I SUGAR— Standard granulated.. Oregon 'short Una 4» & Turtle tlft , . 1 SYnUP.—Ocorgla b* lil» Grand 11 102ft Iris Prior Won 4oloift Erto Oon. «* 91 FLW.*D. City 1st 108ft Hocking Valias.. Ill ” >y rt-.ucu inctii.i Rclluulo stock food MEATr—Water ground Jullotte. ^ Steam ground 67 FLOUR.—Private atocL pnatry $6.25 Royal Owl atandard 6.90 No. 1 patent 6.80 One-nnlf patent 5.40 Htralghta 5.35 Low grade 3.50 BRI8T8.— Huunuta. barrel* 3.73 Hudnuta. cask* 1.65 RICE.—Fnticy head 6 Choice head 5 \foilmtn 4 K d r.ft Penn. Oon. ifts.‘..l01h hasdlnggea'l if.. l®9/< 6t. Louis * Iron HounVa 00a )s. Ill Bt. L. * Saa t'raa- rises4s 91 8t.L.Afi.W.Isto. •• Mft 1 Koabord A Lis..,. M New Georgia EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS, UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, GA. (Stundsrd. 00th Meridian Time.) ARRIVE. From Savannah and Augusta....• 3:30an From Savannah, Augusta, Cov ington and Mllladgsvlll* * 1i10prr Btandard Oil. JH Tex. * Paa. lsu.190 83ft Onlna Paolfl i id.. 106ft On Fse.eent.ii ...Uiv 0. B. Steal, 94 fla. Ya.Car.Oh.Ov) .... yfd.. 113ft . 114ft 03 ft COFFEE -Orcon Rio. choice 13 «ir- «-n Ki" m- iIIiipi 12 flren Rio. low grade 11 ArbtickleH' roasted 13.79 BALT.—100-lb. white sack* 48 100-lb. Rurlnp nuck*. 46 Fine tnb!- $2 00 2 ft-l»* pnekets 3 CHXBSlC—licst full cream lift One-pound outs..14 hTderT” (Corrected hy G. Dernd ft Co.) Dry flint 15 to 14c Dry salt 13 to 12ftq Green aalt. *11 weights 8ft to 9fto Green snlt, not cured 6fto Damaged bids*, according to value. _ To*»t skins 10 to 3Bo ’'teen aklns 10 to 6O0 Washed, per lb... it ed 20 to SO 'rom Eatonton nnii Mllledaevlllo.+ 7s50arr lasses 14 , r - r om Madison and Athens * 7i15pn From Atlanta and Griffin. From Atlanta and QrlfMn.. From Atlanta, Thornnston. From Atlanta. Thomaston. From Olrmlngha From D'rmlngha From Montgomery, Ai Florala, .Albany J rom Montgomary, Andalusia, Hartford, Albany From Albany and Amsrleus. IC-, )U IVM...I"* , . 1926 115 llfl . GeorpIS Railroad, pc., 1915, $500 104ft 105ft Fof Augusta.....T l 35a| 4 lbpifS BBaJlB 15a 1 Frm August....11065all0 00p(,. 1 Fre - “ ** * * “ “ ‘ MACON LOCAL MARKET8. state of Georgia Bonds. Georgia 4ft pc.. 1915 114ft 115ft Georgia 4ft pc.. 1122.... W...1M 121 Georgia 3ft pc.. 1926 to WJ... 109 lot Georgia 4 no. *— Georgia 2ft p Local StocKs anq .Bonds. Wesleyan Female CollegO. 7 pc., denomnation Jan'y nnd July coupons, price owing to date of maturity 103 Acme Brewing Co 100 McCaw Manf'g Co i 1*0 Macon Oa# A water consols... M R) Houthwestern L Georgia Railroad stock.. 266 Atlsn's* A West Point Itallrond stock 165 Atlanta A West Point Ilullroad debenture* M7 Augusta A Bavnnnah Kai'roid stuck 117 Georgia Southern A Florida 1st preferred stock 99 Georgia Southern Railroad 2d preferred stock 69 Oaorgia Southern Railroad com mon stock 10 Reubosrd, common 16 Bssbosrd, preferred 16 Southern Railroad, prof........ 94 Routhnrn Railroad, corn 24 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF ALL TRAINS IN MACON. tom Camak .it 5 16p|t 3 15p|... I For Jax 1 | From JngvUls. H For Pslatka | U Frm Pslatka For Valdotta From Vald’ta 3 40a 11 30a 3 40a 4 k)p 11 m 4 top 12 4Ga 4 lOp Southern Railway. . For Atlanta....! 7 06al J Wnl. J llpl 7 j Km Atlanta....! 2 l'»nl 9 60al ? 4#p| / l For Jax J J I From Jnx.. v ...l > 0*)a . For Ttrunsw rk. 2 16n Km Brunswick. 3 60r | For llawk’BvliUl 9 06a ~ Central of Gcorqtu Railway. I For Atlnn.i 4 16*1 8 «H)fil 1 *0pl 4 2r.p|.,,. 9 05* Ftn Hawk’svlllel > 20a| 1 Hpl....,,!,...,. ftatlroad Bonatt Central of Gs. 1st mortgage 6 per cent.. 1945 ........Ill Central of Georgia collateral trust 6 pc.. 1937 110 ... Central of Ga. consolidate*!... .111 112 .,119 120 rally Interest and on goods which they war® desirous of securing, tho diffi culty of making deliveries has prevented business. The majority of sellers, .how ever. maintain an Independent attitude a* their line* ar® well conditions. COTTON 8EED OIL. NEW YORK, pee. 29.—Trade in cotton •ed oil was active again today, nnd tnn market week at lower price*, following cotton. Prime crude In barrels f.o.b. mill* 1*ft; prime summer yellow 23fts24 “ NAVAL 8TORB8. 8AVANNAH, Deo. 29.—Spirits turpen- r.c market steady at 41«4 to 69 cents; fcejpts 368; sales 892; shipments 500. Rosin firm; receipts 2.915; sales 2,292; shipments 7,872. Closing, quote: A. B, C. 2.62ft; D. 2.67ft; B. 2.61ft; F, 2.67ft G. 2 76; IT2.90; Ct.SS; K. 4760; M. 4.*5 N. i.60; Window Glass. 4.95; Water Whit*. 5.15. CHARLESTON, Dec. 29.—Spirit* tur- psfitln® and rosin markets, nothing doing. WILMINGTON. Dee. 29-Spirit* tur pentine market, nothing doing; receipt* 4 raskt. Rosin steady at 2.4d; receipts 7, Tar firm at 1-60; receipts 22. Crude turpentine firm at 2.20 to 3.70; receipts Central of Ga. 1st Income.,,... 90 Central of Ga. 2d Income)t.... 71 Central of Ga. 3d incom®, 69 Oo. Southern A Florida 1st „ mortgage 6 pc., lift. 114 Georgia Itallrond A Banking Co. 4ft per cent, 1910 108 Ocean Steamship Ca, 1st 6 per^ Georgia Railroad A Banking Co 6 per cant., 1922 lit Georgia A Alabama consols. 4 per cent., 1946..,. 11 Senboard. 6 per cent Southern R. R., 6 pc.. 1944. ,lby A Mont. 4 10a| Blfm. A C?plm.*l2 85a Ibittr 1 !?. n . t : MfiSSMSS did ovlngton ... 1115a!Covington ... imp 4:05pn 7:40ao f 01 Gord< r Millrdgev Covin,• j tor For Mllledc For Mad I n 1 T luirnanton. Atlanta For Albany, Florala, Andali and Montgomery For Albany Hertford, Andalu Montgomsry For Americas nnd Albany... * 11:35am I 7:30pm * 9:10am fl.OOarr 345ar 1:1Jpr leaving Macon 12:53 a. m j and Chicago, St. Loult ,1 ; arriving Macon 12:25 Macon 3:45 a. m., arriving; • Dally, tExcept Sunday. Glecplng cars botwaen Macon and Savannah on and arriving Macon 3:30 *. m. t between Macon and and Jacksonville. FI*., on trains Icavlno Macon 4: a. m. Between Macon and Birmingham on train* leaving rvtacon Macon 12:35 a. m.s between Macon nnd Albany on train* leaving M.?< arriving Macon 12:50 a. rfi.j from Atlanta on trains arriving Macon 4.00 a. rn. Par lor car on train leaving Macon for Atlanta 1:30 p. m. nnd 11:35 a. m. train for Sa- yaAflAfi C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T. A.. E. P. BONNER, D. T. A., JOHN W. BLOUNT, T. P. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station GEORGIA SOUTHERN FLORIDA RY. LOCAL TIM E TABLE ft I vovlngton ,.118 City Bonos. 11*6 :::« - .110 S aeon 4ft ps . scon 6 pc.. 1923... aeon f, per rent... Bi Savannah 6 pc.. 1909 ....192 AuguMta, pree as to rate Inter est and maturity 106 Atlspts. prtre as to rate Inier- ter and maturity ....166 Columbus. 5 pc.. 1909 101 Lumber Quotations. (Corrected by Masse® * l'Hton Lnn Common framing, tiled..,.....til For LaGrnnge, W. SpgV. UblumUus [For lAGrange, accommodation... 4:45am I Frm X^aOrange. W. Spg*, Colum...ll:l6am From I^Orsnge. «crommodstIon,. 3:10pm M„ D. A 8. Railway. Ly. Macon.. 2:10pm f.v. vtdalia.. 7:10sm Ar. Dublin., f:24pm Ar. Dublin.. S:4Ssm Ar. vldslla.. 7:10pm **“ Lv. Macon.. « o-) n m Ar. Dublin.. 9:25am 1«4 IWRIQHT8VILLE AND TENNILLE 1U RAILROAD COMPANY. Effective September 11, 1904. STOCKS AND BONDS —Mor of Ne 'ntive Advance In Prices y Market Very Easy—Report Stocks in the Dividend List. NEV/ YORK STOCK LETTER. and matched Dressed and w»emd j Square *^1g® weather h Ileyel edge weather boa No. 1 sawed pine thing No. 3 sawed pin® shin No. 1 bent cypress shir vl up and up ' »$!■ X lift :a $12.54 12 9)10 23.56 ...11.60 to$2 06 Gut* sod Krufts—Whtt'itssls. (Quoted by Rpush Pyoduc® f ’o.> LEMONS.—Per box, *4.00, PEANUTS—North Carolina, |Uc. Ib.': I'.rjrtMs. sv 4 e. w Fltl'NES.—I to 8c. per pm>1. APPLES Per 1- irrv-i 7.C RAlglNH New crop 11 ", l!.».NANA8. -Kur.rii, ll.f.o to I1.7J. ONIONS Per bushel, $1.28. ORANGE J FI- ri-J . U box. GARBAGE —Virginia, 1 ftc. pound. NEW POTATOr. 11 P. r rack. $* «6. citem-nt cr th» today and the movement I >• igr.s of spccuiatlv*- ex- | | .Magtlor.sry conseoueoos* I '•n tW traders buying f-^r 1 srith no Imporunt obau> > In th® wi Tr.® t ' 4 t • money market wo* noonred ‘\*ry fnday. which mdltloB wgwswnttti y lots ! bsum’ tr. Mark.) -)@ > 11 60; Georgia Igh wines. 11.32; U rl:,r*t, 14 to *7 .tt to 2 42j 7 52 2 62 8 04 2 02 f 14 2 20 •• 26 18 40 3 S3 If 61 HMI ... 8 42l 9 62...Spring Haven.. “ h| i Oil $>er‘ - ester , 2 ftj 9 I. ..... ill 8::::: I i» , <• « I« » M fuk.... ... HaWKlntvtilQ ... I I I 4 rA MIP M . 10 40 5 10 - 10 10 3 00 - 10 22 4 52 - 10 6$ 4 40 . 10 02 4 12 * 61 4 22 9 40 4 11 » 20 14 00 [•3 44 ! J 2 5 22 in ir, stl I a I » t «T Lv A MU* M P MIA '^—Arrive. )-!vw™. CONNECTIONS. TennOle—with Central of Georgia. Au gusta Southern and Bsndentvlll® Rail Brawton- With Central of Georgia Rail way tOcc!‘*+ Division). Dublin—With 51aron. Dublin 4r Sayan ash R. It. and Dublin 4k Soulhwesten Railroad. Empire—With Southern Railway. Hasrklnsvllle—With Hawklmvill® tk Florida Southern and South#* n Railway For further Information regarding rat® schedule#, write or apply to C. c. DALEY, Com. Agt , Hawklni W. j. KESSLER, rom. Agt., DuMtn, O H. V. MAHONEY, Oea. Pas*. Ag' THE NEW SLEEPERS no;v running on Train* 3 an ! 4 between Macon and Jacksonvi % via VfldoY.a. twelve te< \u,n Drawmg- Room Buffet car*, Fintschgas lightod, a standard Ut fill *Hcir appointrnenti. These ileeprn are open for occopan at 9:30 p.m., and passengen cm Ftn 7:00 a.m. on arrival at Macon. up to the Pullman Ma a-! carry Through