The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 31, 1904, Image 1

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEOR GIA—FAIR AND SOMEWHAT WARMER SATURDAY; INCREASING CLOUDINESS: LIGHT WINDS, MOSTLY WEST. ’ *> E3TA&.ISHED IN 1826. MACON, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1904. DAILY—$7.00 A YEAR IN \ i'OI!i) WITH CENSUS BUREAU pinners tnd Farmers Wish to Woik in Harmony (THE COT ION ESTIMATES ‘letter From Secretary Con nell Mole l’ublio MB. NORTHV. COMPLAINT Dallas Man Unable to Follow Reason ing of Those Who .me.y ne it Will be to Their Interest to Do Away With Present System—Taylor'j Communi cation is Quoted. crop is totally incorrect. Those re ports are as far wrong as anything l w. Many glnnors did not count tlioir bales correctly, often adding many hundred bales more than they had In reality ginned. In many 'in stances the number of bales ginned was guessed at. I have come to the conclusion that I and the other glnners were churopa for giving out the re ports.” TO CONTIUNE STRIKE. DALLAS, Tex., Dec. |ng letter was Issued Connell, secretary of Ginners* Association, the glnners and forme .—The follow- >dny by J. H. the National declaring that are in accord ensus bureau in its cotton ■with the Estimates: “Mr. North in today's Washington dispatches complains to Congressman Burleson without cause i^gardlng the disposition of. the National Glnners* Association to destroy the work of the Census bureau. Hero and chore farm ers ore found who declare that the census cotton estimates h .\ * been hurtful to the grower’s interests, but no large organization of farmers have expressed themselves as indicated in Mr. North’s statement. As secretary of the National Cotton Glnners’ As sociation, |n session at Shreveport this month, I am prepared! to state posi tively that no criticism of the bureau’s work was permitted to pass, though some" severe strictures were • offered for consideration. No Such Intention. “Just why Mr. North should assume that It is the object of the. National Ginners’ Association ,to gather in formation regarding the amount of cotton produced in advance of*the re port is beyond my understanding, and at variance with the intention of the association. There is certainly In the constitution and bylaws of the" Na tional Cotton Glnners* Association nothing to justify the fear* expressed by Mr. North, when he<says': “But I confess myself unable to fol low the reasoning which leads the growers, and through them the gln ners, to imagine that tt will be to their advantage to r*entroy the nystom, etc. ••:•*. J - A. lAl >r. the president of the National Glnners’ AssdciatloYi, In Atlanta today, holding a meeting of the ginnbrs 6t that section, but r will tiuote his Tetter of December '27, ad dressed to Mr. North from this ofTlce, Iwhlch will refuto the nnuuinptlons contained In the communication ad dressed to Mr. Burleson: Mr. Taylor’s Letter. ” ‘DALLAS*. Tex.. Dec. 27, 1904.—Mr. S. N. D. North, Director pf Census Bureau, Washington—Dear Sir: you will probably have noticed In the press, the glnners are organizing with a view of getting out a report for themselves similar to the one you get out. We will use every endeavor to , make yqitr report more perfect, " 'We are having our reports sworn to and think this will make glnners more particular than they have been In their former reports. We will en courage them to still make reports to you when asked for. Wo will nsk for a report :»t the same time and the two reports rt|ould agree. We, as glnners. have thlst Information and will compile it and will benefit by It. If we can, In regard to making our report publl?. I must say that we have no desire to do this ahead of you. We will be glad to arrange with you so as to work In har mony. I will try to come to Washing ton in the near future and talk the matter over with you. Youra very truly, ” ‘J. A. TAYLOR, President, ‘"National Ginners Association. “Mr. Taylor's letter cannot be mis understood, and it seems probable that the ginners* association can do much to improve the report put out in future by the census burcan.” Labor Unions at Fall River Will Keep up Contest. PALL RIVER, Mass.,.Dec. SO.—The labor unions Involved since last July In a strike against a 12Vi per cent, re duction in wages in the cotton mills of the city, today, by a vote of approxi mately three to one, approved a con tinuance of the contest. The vote of the unions was 1,401 for ivgM against continuing the strike. T/, The call for meetings of theMmions to vote on a continuance of the contest was prompted by agitation of the ques tion whether the employes should re turn to work for the winter under the reduction and renew the strike later if wages were not advanced. It was also stated in mill circles that the majority of the union men were ready to return to work but that the leaders were keeping them frcun do ing so. Accordingly It was decided to submit the question to a vote today, with the result that in a total of 1.821 ballots cast there wns a majority of 971 in favor of continuing. This wns the first formal vote taken on the ques tion since the action of the unions In July inaugurating the strike. The re suit of today’s vote is a general disap pointment to business men. who had hoped for an ending of the trouble. There is still some question ns to whnt extent It will be considered bind ing by the great body of non-union help. There is believed to be some possibility that the unorganized ope ratives may gradually go back and thus slowly end the strike. S. E. A. ELECTS ITS OFFICERS .T. II. Van Sickle of Balti more Heads Teachers GEORGIA MEN HONORED They Get Vice-Presidency and Secretaryship "It is out for t It stimuli exertion puttlni nets of the period before the said that no man could go t iho country and lay his he lo ad of any yinglo child Here Is a Lamar, a Vance, II111. a Hampton or a Bock.” o business of the school “to * these splendid children and lent into i •• great leaders.” t on. he behoved In universal for r.o other reason, that for him X sufficient one. •« taring'that the finest things •nc only b tho education of Governor Aycock said: Lucatlon that finds and brings •» tho noblest and the best, tea these best to the utmost •i'll tulle: lopment by competition COTTON GINNED. Final Bulletin on Amount up to De comber 13 8hows 11,971,477. WASHINGTON. Dec. 30.—The final bulletin of the census bureau on cotton ginned In the United States up to De cember 13. places the number of bales at 11.971.477. counting round bales as half bales. The items are: 11,747,403 square; 276.692 round and 85,728 Island. The total number of nil kinds of bales reported was 12,109.823. The totals reported for the previous states EVERY BALLOT BOX IN DENVER TO BE OPENED weeping Investigation of Alleged Frauds Ordered by the Supremo Court of Colorado. DENVER, Col., Dec. 30.—Stretching its hand so as to .cast a shadow over every* man and woman in any way im plicated .In .election fraunds of the city and county of Denver on or before or after Nov. 3, the supreme court today ordered an* investigation so sweeping in its scope that every phase of the election may bo scrutinized and every thing that bears in apy way upon It may be made known by judicial In quiry. Alva Adams, Democratic candidate for governor, who appeared from the returijs (o be. elected,'.btlt who declared that he does not want the office taint ed with -fraud, asked the court to open every Denevr ballot box, but the order of the court goes beyond the mero examination of the ballots and pro vides.for an Investigation of. the reg istration lists, tho campaign expendi tures and, in brief, all election mat ters. Attorney Samuel W. Bedford for Adams and Attorney Henry J. Hersey for tho Republicans, asked the court to make its order of such hreddth that the court need not stop at nnything in the investigation. The court said that what it meant to do and Instruct cd the lawyers to agree upon the wording of the order and present It to the court for npproval next Tuesday. As there are two hundred and four ballot boxes, it is evident that several months will be consumed In the ex amination by the two handwriting ex pert* who have been appointed for this work. It Is expected Jhat the court will be asked to moke an order placing special workers nt tho court house to guard the registration books until such time as the investigation is made. F. A. Williams, chairman of the Re publican committee, has published the following statement over his signa ture: “Our investigation Into the conduct of the recent election in Denver has developed the fact that approximately 20.000 fraudulent votes were cast or counted for Alva Adams In this city. There is now no reasonable doubt that Governor Peabody and the entlro Republican state ticket was fairly elected on November 8 by the votes of a large majority of the legal vdters of this state.” Republicans, ns well as Democrats, admit that the opening of all the Den ver boxes complicates the political sit uatlon in Colorado, but believe that it means there will be no serious trouble as predicted. It was announced late today that the Republican plan to unseat Dem ocratlc senators had been modified and that possibly only Senators Borne and Healy, who were seated by Democratic majority on contests two years ago, would be turned out. It also was reported that on the advice of influential Republicans the proposition to memorialize the United States' senate to unseat Senator Tell er would be abandoned. PROMINENT SPEAKERS Governor Aycock of North Carolina Disfcussos Education of the Masses, and Hon. Peter W. Meldrim of Sa vannah Makes an Appeal for the Negro. _______ JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 30.— The first session of the Southern Ed ucational Association today discussed tho Forward movement, which was participated in by Superintendent of Public Schools Merrdtt of Georgia, Su perintendent Hill ot South Carolina, President O. B. Mattin, state super intendent of education of South Caro lina; President Charles Mclver of the Sthte Normal School df North Caroli na, Dr. Purington of Jho University of West Virginia, Dr. Abercrombie of Alabama and Dr. Andrew Shedd of thq University of Florida. Governor Aycock of North Carolina occupied box during the session and followed the proceedings closely. He spoke at the evening session. Tho attendance Is large and the Interest in the work is active. At the afternoon session) the Flor ida State Teachers Association elect ed the following officers: i Stato Teachers’ Officers. President—A. A. Murphree, pres! dent of Florida State College, Talla hassee. Vice-President—Mrs, Mary Sydney Johnson, of the State/ Normal School nt De Fun lak. ,* Secretary—.y.r». Kellum of Gaines ville. y Treasurer—J. M. McCIung Tampa. H. J. Kendall. Mulberry; R. M. Ray. Flnnt City, and George Scott of Starke were chosen as members of the exec utive committee. Miami was selected as the place for holding the next annual meeting. While the Southern Educational As sociation held no regular afternoon session, a number of its departments met and listened to addresses. The committee appointed for tho purpose reported a constitution nnd by-laws which will be acted on nt tho session of the association tomorrow. At tho meeetihg of the department of superintendence, papers were read by Superintendent R. Phillips of Levy county, Fla.,' on “Things Not Seen,' and by Lawton B. Evans of Augusta, Go., on the' securing and training of competent teacherM^^HI^^HHHIB The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: 8. E. A. Officers. President—J. H. Van Sickle, BdUl more. Vice-President—Lawton B. Evans, Augusta, Ga. Secretary—Allen J. Barwlck, super intendent of city schools, Thomnsvlllc, Georgia. Two prominent speakers consumed the time of the night session. One of them was Governor Aycock of North Carolina, who spoke on “The Educn Alabama 1,329.936: Arkansas 769. 783; Florida 75,713: Georgia 1,796.195 Indian Territory 431.969; Kentucky 1, 252; Louisiana 8C3.193: Mississippi 1 415,824: Missouri 39,653; North Caro lina 659.135: Oklahoma 294.041; flouth Carolina 1.085,725; Tennessee 271,670; Texas 3.030.433; Virginia 15,101. These figures covey the reports made by the agents of the census bureau up to December 13. last, and are the total for that canvass. Up to the same- date Ip 1903, 86.8 of the entire crop had, . , .. .. . _ , b«*n Blnn.<1. wMIe in 1902. S4 p*r J ,n hl * hMd and man 1 . THE GARRISON UR AGAINST IT Japanese Publish. Russian Evidence. A CAPTURED LETTER Fort Arthur Defenders in Last Extremity others just .is well trained as them selves nnd It gives to us the noblest and most appreciative audiences. When this thought shall become the guiding thought of (he South nnd our ohool teacher.-. ahull work r.ll tho time to their utmost until fc-xery son and daughter of th<* South is the thing that God Intended—then nnd not till then shall we take our rightful rlacc In the American Union.'?' To fio that, he said In conclusion, would cost much money, toll and sacrifice^ but everything that wns worth while always did cost*much and the finest things could be secured only at the hijfcbest pri< and then only when paid for in advance. Mr. Moldrim's Speech, Tho other speaker was Hon. P. W. Meldrim, chairman of the State In dustrial College of Georgia, a gentle man who ., advocai ■ ..n«» argument in favor of the education of the negro along proper lln»« has made him more than an interesting figure in his stato nnd in other state* where his influence has spread nnd permeated. Mr. Mel drim spoke tonight for the negro. It was a plain and practical appeal for the negro’s education along lines which would be of the greatest benefit to him and to the state. ISOLATION IS COMPLETE ‘mbf south of Bhakhe bridge, the firi o’clock In the ev ment of the Jap: fectlve. The Jn slowly with sh shells and did v Activity CHE FOG. E British steamer Cant from Vladivostok, rape Vlad . 30, HAS CHADV/ICK END. Anothe Who Find —Cashier O. . M. Trover nk of Con- New York Negro Tragedy. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—One man is lead, another has a serious bullet had been ginned up to that dat There.will be two more cai one taking the work up to Jan next and a final one up to aomq March. ■ 31 1 vasses. th< wry 16 in date In Tv “Chumps,” Says Taylor. •ther is under arrest charged with shooting, as a result of a quarrel a negro lodging house in West enty-ninth street during the night. > prisoner's wife is detained by the Ice as a witness. All the parties In affair are negroes. The dead man «' Cassius Green, about 39 years old. one with a bullet in hif head says in John Brown. 35 years old. of 7226 lman street, Philadelphia, and toner is Sterling Green. Sterling I arrested after a chase on Broad ly after he had made a threatening ratio with ft revolve, in a saloon. T Mifeased that a quarrel. the quarrel of tion of the Masses.” The other was P. w. Meldrim. chairman of the Gcor gla State .Industrial College, whose subject was “Industrial Education. Governor Aycock spoke for over hour and thirty minutes nnd held his hearers ns Jacksonville audiences are seldom held. He has a way of ex pressing himself and impressing his thoughts upon his hearers which Is distinctively his own. and no one can move his hearers with him In his va rious and often thonging moods with greater effect. After quoting from a tribute paid the people of the South by the late Henntor Hoar In an address delivered nt Charleston a few years ago in which he predicted that u great and magnifi cent future for the country was to be based in large part on the strength and beauty of the South, Governor Aycock said; Tho 8outh’s Part, “The question now arises among us, however, ns to whether, despite this prediction, we have any large part in the life of this nation and if not, how can we secure and make good our proper share In the affairs of the coun try?” It seemed said Governor Aycock, that today “we have less cfTect upon the thought nnd action of the nation than nt any period of our history.” Before the civil war. he added. Southern statesmen directed the policies of the nation and filled the largest place in the eye of the people. They wrote few books but their speeches illuminated every subject which they touched and set the fashion of political thought, but “In this day It is not too much to say that what any Southern man thfnka of political.questions or govern mental duty carries final settlement.” . The only remedy for the South’s loss of power in the nation, he declared, was unlversal'ed- ucation. The people of the South must build their own foundation of charac ter, temperament and inherited traits. Continuing, he said: “We must not repud Lite, but devel op: we must seek out and appreciate our own distinctive tmlt* our own tra ditions, our deep rooted tendencies and read our destiny in their interpreta tion. We must put av. t y vain-glory and,boosting and take an impartial in ventory' of nil the thing* we have and are; end these things ran come to us only through the training of all our citizenship.” Work of the Schools. Governor Aycock call'd attention to tbe fact that the South today had its Hills, its Lamars. Its Becks. Its Vests, its Vances and iu Hamptons, “all of 1 Story of Bank' Themselves in T CLEVELAND. Dec. SI C. Lillie and President of the First National 1 neaut. Ohio, were placed under arrest at Canncaut today hy United States Marshal Chandler upon a warrant charging the bankers With d violation of the national banking laws, the spe cific charge In Mr. Ljllie’s case being the making of n false entry In tho books of the bank, changing the sum of 3233,605 to read'3228,605. Mr. Traver is charged In the wnrrant with being an accomplice of the cashier In tho alleged falsifying. The First National Bank of Con- neuut cioaed Its door nearly two weeks ago after u run upon Tt the previous day. The bank has n capital stock ot 350.000. The cause of the run. the bankers said nt the time, wns that the report-had gntned currency that Mrs Chadwick had -"'.'led in -curlnj lit,!. lull;- ri-.tll it. The Kin! *»I f "Ml deny holding any rkadwlcji pi,nor, Mrs. Chadwick's Measurements. CLEVELAND. O., Dec. 30.—Bertll- llon measurements were taken of Mrs. Chadwick today by n • government secret service expert. The purpose of the system Is the Identification of criminals. When Mme. de Vcro was arrested In Lucas county 15 years ago she wus subjected to the measure ments and those records are on file. Tho present measurements of Mrs. Chadwick will be compared with tho do Vero record. Dr. C. Aldrich, the alienist, again called at the county Jail to see Mrs. Chadwick today, but upon Instructions Issued by United' Ftutas Marshal Chandler, he was refused Admittance. Dr. Aldrich stated that ho -was making a study of Mrs. Chadwick upon the re quest of her counsel, J., P. Dawlcy. Several other matters developed In the Chadwick case today that seem to Indicate Insanity as hor almost cer tain line of defense. It was learned that Dr. If. C. Bynum, superintendent of the Massillon state hospital for the Insane, made un examination of the woman last Tuesday. Dr. Bynum's visit was kept secret at the time. He is one of the ablest an<) best known practical alienists and specialists In Insanity In Ohio. No Method of Communication With Outside World—Fuel Almost Unob tainable, and Soldiers Cannot Keep Their Bodies Warm—Impregnable Dofonses Now a Myth. TOKIO, Dec. 30.—(Evening.)—The navy department published tonight a letter written by a man on tho battle ship Sevastopol, which had fallen Into the hands of the Japanese. Following is tho text of tho letter: “The fortress cannot resist after De cember. The progress of the enemy is reducing our principal line .of outer defenses Is not fully known, but it Is Irresistible. We are sadly disappointed over the non-nrrivnl of the second Pacific squadron, and, are dally nearing our miserable end. Gen. Stocssel's so-called Impregnn ble line of outer defences Is now i myth. With 203-Metre IIIll lost, ths fall of Port Arthur cannot bo avoided. Its capture by the Japanese means Jhe full of tho town, howover strong tho other defences. “The new town Is nt the mercy of tho enemy’s fire. The old town alone Is dafcndnble, and here alone may re sistance be prolonged. “Two-thirds of the defenders of 203- Metre IIIll were lost. “The Sevastopol, which was exposed to the enemy’s flro In thO day time, left the harbor on tho night of De cember 8, without being towed. She enrried only 111. Instond of her com plement of 660 souls. When she.went out i;ho hnd her nets down, btifl* was struck twice by the enemy’s torpedoes nnd wns beached, irreparably damaged. Gen. Rtoessel highly prnlsed tho of ficers and crew of the ship. “Fuel is almost unobtainable, nnd it is Impossible to keep our bodies warm. c Isolation Comploto. “Wo no longer have a wireless tele graph system and have no means of tok. 6 P . m.—The t. Just arrived ta great activ ity there In naval circles, every effort being made to complete the drydock before the arrival of the second divis ion of the Pacific squadron. I.lnny mines have been removed because the harbor will soon he closed with ice. The cruisers now in port never leave the harbor. A passage through the ice will have to be freshly made when Ad miral Skrydloff attempts to Join Ad miral Rojestvensky. 'PatWn's Illness Denied. ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 30.—The ar office absolutely denies the report in circulation to tho effect Hint Gen. Kuropntkln is ill. The rumor? that the Russian com mander-in-chief is about to assume the offensive are not confirmed by the general staff, where It is pointed out that with the thermometer nt zero It Is Impossible io begin a movement on n largo scale without the risk of ap palling horrors. MYERS SAYS HE DIDN’T SAY IT Jacksonville Man Denies Making Statement QUESTION OF VERACITY .linl^e Twiggs Writes Let ter to Attorney Levy Japs Fenr Mines. LONDON, Dec. 31.—A dispatch from Cho Foo to the Dally Telegraph says: "A messenger from Port Arthur states that the Japanese hnve mounted eight guns commanding positions north of the Etse forts, hut they suffered heavy losses by tho Russian fire! “The Russians have abandoned the new town, but the Japanese have been unable to occupy It because of fear that it has been mined.” REPRESENTATIVE IS SHOT BY HIS WIFE A VERY QUEER MIXIJP Prominent Naval Stores Operator Who is Alleged to Have Claimed That Ho Witnessed Caesar Young's Death Denies Assertion and Leaves Savan nah Attornoy in Tangle, ^ SAVANNA I t Myers, a nav 30. -W. B., Mrs. William R. Schley Puts Bullet Into Her Husband, Who May Ro- covor from Wound. COLUMBUS, Go.. Dec. 30.—Thero was great excitement In Chattahoo chee county, eleven miles cu|it of, Co lumbus, today on nccount of tbe shoot ing of Wm. K. Schley, n prominent planter nnd late representative to tho legislature, by his wife. Tho shooting occurred nt tho Bchley home about six o'clock this morning nnd tho whole country was wild with rumors of various kinds. The place he- iBula id It th« full I i rtlculd hnd ' info DIPLOMATIC SERVICE. Important Changes Decided Upon by President Roosevelt. WASHINGTON. Dec. 80.-President Roosevelt has decided fipot^neveral changes In the diplomatic service. Joseph II. Choate, ambassador to the court of 8t. James, will be succeeded by Whltelaw Reid, proprietor of the New York Tribune, Gen. Horace Por ter, ambassador to France, 'will retire from that post. His successor has been chpsen, but cannot be announced. Charlemunge Tower, ambassador to Germany; Robert 8. McCormick, am bassador to Russia, and Bellamy Htorr, Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, will continue at their respective posts. As to the smbassadorshlp to Italy, nothing of n definite nature can be said now. The probabilities are that Am bassador Meyer will remain In Rome. Gen. Powell Clayton, ambassador to Mexico, will be succeeded by Edwin H. Conger, now minister to China. Minister Conger wlfl be succeeded at the court of Pekin by William W. Rockhlll. John K. Gowdy, consul-general at Paris, will be succeeded by. Frank II. Mason, who Is now i consul-general at . w. . In succession to Mr. Mason, weight in tneir | JohR Lewis Griffiths of Indianapolis wUI ^ nomtd. tion for a leni “It is Impossible to smuggle ammu nition. The captain of the King Ar thur brought only barley. “There is a largo hols In the hull of the Sevastopol nnd she la complete ly disabled. All that rcmulns. for those on board her Is to do their ut most in repulsing tho enemy’s attacks. “The enemy's torpedo boats came close to the Hepnstopol nnd attacked her ns If they were going through ordinary maneuvers. “Should the Sevastopol sink we aro to land nt n place already decided up on. All nre, however, prepared to fight to the very last. On us of tho Sevastopol depends the duty of retain ing the honor of the navy and avoiding the shame and humiliation of threat ened starvation. We would rather die than be thus shamed. "From Dec. l tho enemy’s 10-Inch shells began to fall on the-deck of Jho Sevastopol and some of them pierced through the decks to the bottom of the ■ship. “Who Is responsible for the fate wo face? It Is he who did not give In structions for the prevention of a Japanese landing on the Liao Tung peninsula.” Lsw Declared Unconstitutional. CHARLESTON, fL O, Dec. 30.—In the United States circuit court today Judge Brawley filed an opinion and order declaring unconstitutional the law recently pissed by the South Car olina constitution prohibiting the ship ment or transportation of shad fish beyond the limits of the state. A test case has been made, the complainants preferring fish for shipment to the Southern Express Company, ond upon the refusal of the latter to handle the same, action was brought, with the result mentioned. In his opinion Judge Brawley brought out the r...t that the lsw did not confine its mandates to fish caught In South Cat lm waters and was therefore in opposition to the interstate < omtqerce clause of the fed eral constitution, - the left brt ut half! I the n that h€ of thO John H. that Mye declared h nl that Na Now that J Attorney Lev Nan. telling told him, M) with a statem er snId ho ?n that he was Judge had advised tho Rihtung Fort, HEADQUARTERS OF THE JAPA NESE ARMY BEFORE PORT AR TIIUR. via Pusan, Dec. 80.—Rlhlung fort, captured yesterday, Is the Inrg est and strongest of the eastern forts. Tunnels were cut through solid rock nnd two tons of dynamite were used to blow up the walls. The spectacle was magnificent and the work of the assaulters was splendid. Half the garrison was killed by the explosion of the first charge. The remainder of tho Russians made a stubborn resistance. Four heavy guns, seven rapid-firing guns ond two machine guns were cap tured. ns well an 30 quick-firing guns which were stored In the fort. Togo and Ksmimurs, TOKIO, Dec. 30, ll n. m.—Admiral Togo and Vice Admiral Knmlmurn with their staffs, arrived at the Shlm- hassl station today. Their Journey from Korea to Toklo was a continuous ovation. The city was gaily decora ted with flags, lanterns und new year's decorations. The quiet gray bearded Admiral To go. In a, blue service uniform, seemed embarrassed at the noisy ovation. Rear Admiral Shimamura, chief of staff, laughingly elbowed forward Vice Ad miral Kamimurn. The junior officers tried to dear the woy. but the crowd closed In on Admiral Togo and they were frequently forced to push the crowd backward in on endeavor to dear the reaching hands. Finally Admiral Togo and Vice Ad miral Kamtrnun were freed from their enthusiastic admirers and surrounded by officers they reached the carriage sent by the emperor to the' station to convey th4 distinguished party to the palace. As Admiral Togo appeared a great shout arose, hats were thrown In Ihe air, srms were raised and “Banzai” followed "Banzai.” Admiral Togo and Vice Admiral Kamlmura will probably remain In To- kio about one week for the purpose of consulting with the general stuff and perfecting plans for future operations. Japs Bombarded. 8IAPANTIA. via Mukden, Dec. 80 — Russian artillery engaged In on action ANOTHER FRIEND. found. Mr. Schley Is resting well un der stimulants and unlesti Internal hemorrhages begin he may uncover? It is said that Mr. Schley bus of late been drinking very heavily and that he made things very unpleasant at home while In that condition, but when sober is nn exceptionally fine man. Relatives who visited tbe Hclficy home today state that Mrs. Schley did not Intend to shoot her husband. He was trying to strike her with a chair, he said, "to make her shut her mouth,” ,nnd she seeing a revolver lying on tho table seized It to frighten him off and It went off accidentally. She Is -proa- trated over the affnlr. hley stands well In the community, bring one of tho wealthiest men in tho county. He has a large family. BISHOP TALBOT’S CASE. Herbert Noble Talk* nf Intimidation In tho Repudiation. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 30.—Herbert Noble of New York, one of the leading figures In the controversy between Blshpp Talbot and Dr. I. N. Irvine, who held a secret conference here to day on the case, said tonight that In timidation hud been u met Iced In gat ing the Huntingdon signors to repu diate the presentment against the bishop. “The friends of Bishop Talbot.” h said, “had nn agent at work, nnd w know who this ngfcnt Is, We have hn detectives on the case, and tomorrow wo will make a statement and dlscloi all the facts to the public. “We know this agent has done h best to break the power of the pre- sentement nnd these repudiations are tho result. “Even Is the Huntingdon signers do Insist upon repudiating the present ment, It will not Invulldntn the Instru ment, which even then would have more signers than are necessary.” Opinion Is still divided as to wheth er tho board of Inquiry owing to a new canon going Into effect on January 1, will have the right to take up tho case. It Is now believed that nothing will be done until the board meets on Jan uary 10, when the members of that body will themselves decides the ques tion. * Bishop Talbot held ft conference to day at Sunbury, Pa., with Col. C. M. Clement, who Is an attorney nnd who has been close to the bishop nil through the trouble he has had with Dr. Ir vine. After the conference. Bishop Talbot would not talk. All that Col. Clement would say was: “At present I have nothing to say, hut I may be able to glvs a statement a little later.” 8chooner Palmer‘Safe. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—The new big flve-fn&etcd schooner Singleton Pal mer, which salted from Boston for Newport News December 6 and con cerning whose safety much fear has been felt, wns riding at anchor, safe and apparently uninjured, on last Wednesday off the Maryland const. This report wan made today by the captain of the schooner John B. Coyle, which arrived here todty. The cep- tain said that fts far as he could sec the Palmer had not suffered an a result of the boisterous wen ther. The Pal mer was lying about 'thirty miles *'> 11th-southwest of winter quarter al.oala, Offer May Ir to NEW YORK, the nctrnss. has * In any amount u; lease of Nan I Tombs prison w; harked with th ■ 11 1" l" MIf « i dins Irwin i.iiD Tombs prison k nddresHCd to the the announceme minutes after M When District tentton was calls he said he had i ni.r €.• the pr was 3‘. Jury'n disngreeme cd without bail. An Arka LITTLE ROCK Ing the din, N< * his ln- relatlves r Arthur Hite fac to prove Murder, >«•<• 30 Armed * l by tho .i-.llrm end Vlr- «» Riddick, of today arrested tes county for f Jamei; Rut- e ears ago an ax county Pope, b ■«a».d wanted all-ced mur- <* died Shout » claimed, • Lull he re- »'otter about •*. Sheriff N. C., with A Hiwcial «*’ Mhl- *W thta * Jesse d JiScuS- fire fence <111-4 his '’ope then ucide by pea are <n(t pros- <ern Alft-