The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 31, 1904, Image 7

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C. B. Wiliinghai Cotton Factor Cotton Gra Members— Chicago Pc New* York L New Ycrk Cof| New* Orleans! ?t. Louis M*»| Milwaukee Private Wires Sfct'*' jSOl i*i New York Office L1 w | ; ••• % || :L Much Smaller Tl\in a Year Ago—Gin- ners Report Disappointing to the Smaller Shorts—Subjected to Some Criticisms—Holiday for tho Next Three Days in all tho Leading Mar kets of tho World. Phono roe Building ...ts of COMPANY. . $2CC,000.00 . . IroSti, O. sralclsest aervlco In the South. We invite comparison. No interest charged on stocks. All orders ptaced direct witn the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful atetntion. Reference—The American National Bank. Macon. Go. VERPOOL spots closed.... w YORK spots closed.... W ORLEANS spots dosed, .......3.77 ©.95 Each year In the shown an increase In I Its and Cash Resource- Every accommodatkl rositors consistent wll banking. THE LOCAL f/ 4.RKET. Macon cotton mhrket was so ex- iiely quiet yesterlay as to indicate Its life, as in other markets, had be- • extinct. Only one bale of rotten sold, and only nine, bales received. , of rouiso, Hold as thejrS A were evlous day. s 554 J.M. JOHNSTON, President. t. P. HILLYER, OSCAR E. DOOLY, A! _ American National Hank MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. "Capital . $250,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability... . 5250,000.00 b.jrplus $125 000.00 undivided Profits .* “ i, DIRECTORS.! _ M. Johnston, Stephat R. J. Taylor, A. K. ' Iftpl k\V. It. Jobnston, K. J. Wllllngfc ■Gen. RobL Ober. i>. A. Merritt. r You cannot do better than put your rtccount with the Ammicnn National' Rank. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER. Cashier. Exchange Bank OF MACON, GA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABAMSS. President C. M. ORR: Cashier. DIRECTORS: J. W. Cabaniss, S. S. Dunlap, <V. R. Rooers. *■ ■ Reno, of Prices. ^Middling J Middling *5 1 Spot Cotton Movement. ■ Re?ta. Ship. Sales. Dec. 27 *“ Dec.~28,\ «AAi Macon Brokerage Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—There was a rel atively Arm opening to tho c.atten future market today with tho first prices* at an advance of 12 to 38 points. This rise was considered a poor response to tho Ann advices from tho English market New Orleans seemed to be rather bear- ishly inclined and houses with Southern connections were sellers of tho staple here. The market was fairly active, but there were periods of hesitancy in con- sequenco of the holiday tomorrow* and i ,, , Monday. Tho demand enmo principally Dilip 1TIG V° ul COttiOn fttlCl get from shorts, in that tho bulls gave very I r J* little support. There was much con- I fllcting talk regarding tho glnners* report, r but it was generally accepted that the i 3p Is of record-breaking proportions. -..d that there will bo more than < cotton tp go around. In view protracted adjournment, opinions were I not freely ottered during the day. Hester’s Weekly Statement. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 30.—Secre tary Hester’s weekly cotton statement Issued today shows for tho thirty days of December a decrease under’ last | year of 32,000 and an increase over the same period year before last of I R,C " P( J.' n . M * C °"V7 R 5 ronsumptl % «*-«« R, Rogers, m. L. Adams, A. D. Schofield, M. H. Taylor, W. D. Lama H. J. uamar, N. B. Corbin, J. H. Williams. 8am Mayer, T. C. Burke. Wo solicit the business of mer chants, planters and banks, offering them courtosy, promptness, safety, and liberality. The largest capital nnd surplus of any banK in Middle Georgia. Money to Lend on Real Estate. Well rated commerical paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. ' Macon Savings Ba 670 MULBERRY STREET. shorts, ■■■■ •port showii bales nnd ma some covering) York«r. NEW V\)KK, Dec. 30,—lho colton mar- ket was nluch less active.lbut while vory irregular, Writs steadier c*t the whole, closing today with a moderate rally of recent losses. The opening was firm at an advnlico of 12a20 poilpts, which was hardly a full response to lho cable# re porting an 1 advance of ]2n»8 points for futures and\ of 14 points Mr spot cotton In tho English market, white private ca bles rooortetl small flotithernfolTerings and fresh buying! ns a cause of vthe strength. After the will hero there wUa a gradual renewal of bl?nr pressure. at1d by midday prices had sagged off to about or a llttlo under tho clotsing level of yesterday. Tho Anal statement of the ginne*^’ report was Issued at mhiday. It little disappointing,to , who Bad been slightly have bet.. . HR ■ . In a general way it had effect, howlever. although the market during the aVtemoon ruled generally steadier on a llemand that was credited to Wall street shorts nnd tvas finally very steady, iil-t ID to 14 polints higher. Sales wero estlilnated at 250,00f bales. Tho Jnto-sigll t. figures for \ the week came to only 3616,300 bales against 424.276 bales last year,! nnd tho outlook for re- - immediate future seemed to be light, but Ithls doen not seem to bo ht.vlng the effect. of discrediting the tin ners’ report, altlhough that document is meeting with sonve criticism. Tho market will be closed trlmorrow (Saturday) and will not reopen ubntll Tuesday, after New Tear’#. The Liverpool . Orleans, will nlso Receipts of cntfOn at the were 80,061 bales week and 41,761 week 240.000 bn. last week and . nnd at Houston fis" bales last your, Thel This I wk.T MACON, GEORGIA. the best returns. STOCKS AND BONDS Reaction Duo to Causes of a Peculiar Character—Various Explanation! Closing Was Easy. NEW YORK STOCK LETTER. have elapsed the nggreagte Is ahead | »**t did not materially Impair the conti- of the same days of last year 1.063.000, denco in the outlook upon the New Year and ahead at the name day. year b?- ’“^gSSTlniimrat?: for call money fore last 1,276.000. | touched today was r* per cent. The usual The amount brought Into-slght dur- I estimates by bonkers Indlcato that tho In- in* th. pact week ha. been 341.037 «“?„•' bales against 368.4 02 for the seven tion and leave a margin of gain of up- days last year and 338.909 year before wards of $4,000,000. The changes to .no 25. The movement alnee September 'ifkV to "CTiSE 1, shows receipt# at all United States I owing to the annua) settlements, it is ports to be 5,871.402 against R.166,717 not probable that any deep anxiety over lant year. Overland across the Miss- the money market wn. reflected In the lsslppl, Ohio and Potomac rivers to prciflt-takln, on tho J Northern ‘ mills nnd Canada 496,004 rise was a more likely i TT. ’excess stocks in excess of those held at tho I Wee jif t „ n< i j n which profit-taking tnado nn close of the commercial year 665,634 early impression today, against 474,953 last year; Southern Amalgamated Copper displayed rather in. mtAA/t sii 7ti acutely the reactionary effect of the mills takings 893,000 against 811,713 Hp^.uiativo operations which caused Its last year. wide advance of yesterday, dome disap- The total movement since Septcm- Pojntment wiw caused to the failure to • n no.> fii’ii mmimit 6 na‘* 06R I ^all off tlio Now England textile trade her l*t la 7.9.6,060 against t»,86-,t»BS Btr|ket Th0 various movements wero abandoned on the reaction. Last prices inn mu a i ii, ti, 11 lam »»«• .'«ii iifunoj touched today was 6 per cent. The usual New Orleans Cotton Letter. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 30.—Spot cotton steady and in goal demand. Sales were 6,100 bales. Including 1,000 bales to rive. Quotations unchanged Futures opened from 5 to 8 points up, Improved S points additional. b|it grad- uafiy receded 10 to 15 nolnta on llquida- - 1 ®*® • ______ iy . a a I NEW YORIC Deo 30.—Today’s reaction tion of weak longs. Later in tho day For the 121 days of the season that I j n Htockfl received various explanations. buying orders were quite Plentiful and • - -• * * *•“ mag resulted in sending ^prices U P. j® tho highest figures df the aewlon jmWf improvement in New York and Liverpool. The census bureau glnner# report, com plete to December 13 was Pf#ted at 11 o’clock, but had no efteot on the m»rk«L In the trading January opened 8 up at 6.47. sold un to 6.60. decllgot;|w 6.35. and finally advanced to <* 49 / o Jhe closing was very firm, showing net gains of 9 to 11 points. Hubbard Bros. A Co.’s Cotton Letter NEW YORK. Dec. SO -Our market opened with sales of March at 6.74-75-76- 77/and after selling nt <..b2-b.77. ruled at 6.71 at 1 p. m. Short covering has been tho feature of the day. brought about by the strength In Liverpool and the light receipts, which did not tally with the large glnners’ report. This demand has b^on In evidence from time to time, sup porting the market at all weak periods and giving a good undertone, which 1ms not bean before this week. Some In vestment buying was also noticed, but not on a broad scale. Spinners wero not In evidence, tenders wero made of some 90 bales which were quickly absorbed a carrying difference by tho spot houses. With tho pending of tho New Year, wo anticipate that the comparative lv light movement will bring in eontl nental buying. , The spot market was quiet at to points advance. Sales for Ft he JJi flking aftd lnvcntor7 storm^^Fenther and tho flurry In cottoi^pxve been additional chilling luflucj\ Rather lest than tho usual annual clearing sales have occurred because of tho notable absence of stocks of finished goods pressing for sales. Col lections show some effect from the re cent heavy circulation of money in retail lines In enlarged receipts. Industry Is of notably large volume for this season of the year, especially In Iron and steel and kindred lines of manufacture. The cotton goods man ufacturing trade, however, has been again unsettled by tho slump In cotton to below cost of production. Southorn trade feels the slump in cotton keenly,, but there Is a dlspost tion to believe that the South will not OTrMn ^ sacrifice its product at below cost of | R choice'heac production. Business failures for the week end ing December 29 number 218, against 209 In the like week in 1903. White clipped. MEAL—Water ground Julietta Bteam ground FLOOR.—Private .dock puatry I Royal Owl standard No. l patent One-half patent.... Choice head . Medium . ... Low grade SUGAR—Standard granulated........ New Orleans clarified 6*1 New York yellow r >‘( Georgia cano 21 New York refined.- New Orleans molass’ 20 t Print Cloth Market. PAM. RIVER, Mm,., Dec, 30,-Snt.n I COFFHE.-Ore.n^itto^cholco,....... In tho print cloth market for tho week are estimated at 60.000 pieces. Buyers hhve shown but little Inter- | ’ est in the’ market here during tho Gren Rio. low grade Arbuckles’ roasted ,13.79 BALT.—100-lb. white sacks 48 100-lb. Burlap Backs.. 4« Fine tab!* $2.o;» 236-lb. packets * / cm ••$ »•*** inu>»»«7L iit*v iiuiiiik mu i 2V4-lb rackets week. Regulars are being held firmly I CIlEESFk—Best full"... at 2%. with wide and narrow orders | One-pound cuts, at that basis. It !h exported that be fore the new year Is far advanced the market will tako on a change for the I Dry flint**.T.\ C . V better and It Is firmly helleved that Dry salt the buyer 1* low * be obliged to come into the market very soon in order to supply necessl ties. ...14 HIDES. (Corrected by O. Cernd. A Co.) *~‘ 16 to!6o ..... ... - „ —.IHiiiiiSSP 1* to 13443 R »o 0 k that he will ii roon B, 1 weights 8V4 to n»*o siocK, mat ne wni nreen wilt, not cured 6<>.o . *«*« .*,« pi Damaged hides, according to value. Oo-it skins P’leep skins Washed, per lb .10 to 35c MACON LOCAL MARKETS. Foreign exports for the week have | were lh ® lowest, and tho been 175,734 against 142,872 least, year, making the total thus far for the sea- closlng was easy. Gtati of Georgia Bonds. Georgia 4U pc.. 1913 114% 115% ~ ., 1922 120 1** pc.. 1928 to 1935... 106 1 926 .l ..116 116 1915, $500 104% 105% day; March closed ot 6.70, last year hoik d 11 Receipts at All Ports. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.—Tho following are the total receipts of cotton at all !« New Orleans M|>0,899 Savannah I.U2.849 Charleston 168,926 Wilmington ??2'5$5 Norfolk New York 12.499 Boston Newport News l.o33 Philadelphia 5,707 Brunswick 128,983 Femnndlna and Jacksonville 18.710 Pensacola 91,444 Port Arthur ... 69,831 Port Townsend 20t 552 San Francisco 42.887 Portland. Ore 4.981 El Paso 750 Eagle Pass 2.488 Lan>do Minor ports son 4.248,918 against 3,888,660 last year. The total takings of American mills, North, South nnd Canada thus far for the season have been 2,057,104 against 1,852,474 last year. Stocks at the seaboard and the were unchanged on call. Stocks at the seaboard ana tno I *tl cos*ti,ine ,.m«4 twenty-nine leading Southern Interior Baltimore kO...,J0'% centers have Increased during the | B. k o. |»M....... JJH week 42,429 bales against an increase 4!?5 Jerwy.lS>4 during the corresponding period last I *ohto 48 senson of 98,828. Ot.l;«." *MWn «« Including Btockn left over nt Port, tbje. **{**J9”; m whM ,, ni . r „ and interior towns from the last crop! nhlo*n. w 90^[ ~ and the number of bales brought into I cnie. Mll.k 8J..P.. 1 flight thus far from the new crop, the SS'AmfilTriSI'MM tgiSS supply to date Is 8,088.027 against I ontoT.kTrna. t*M 23% 7,030,757 for the same period last year. a.o..o.*a».TxmU. rnl.Moathorn .... Hester’. Vi.ibl. Supply. Z.VifA:. It NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 30.—Secre- I d.i, fcnud.o»....'•« tnry Hester’s statement of the world’s MK visible supply of cotton Issued today I Denv®r-n.O. pfd, “ shows the total visible to bo 4,663,664 Jri*. Southern Vac M*- Southern U)....* a 38*•, Houtbern 0». pM. 16 -3 Texae-Paolflo..., 8A'i Tot**do,9t.L-Weet 8W4 Tol.9t.T«-WoetpN 83m Pnlmj fae , Unton Pan. pfd... Wshssb Wnbash pfd Georgia 4._ , . . Georgia 8% pc.. 19! Georgia 4 pc , 1926 Georgia 2% pc., 191 Local StocKt ana Bond#. Wesleyan Female College, f pc.. denomnntion Jan'y and July coupons, price owing to dato of maturity 10i, Anne Brewing Co.,.. 106 -fcCaw Munf'g Col.. ..........180 Macon Gas & Water console... 9a , Railroad StocKt. Southwestern R. it. stock 117 Georgia Railroad stock 255 ‘ittan’u ic West Point llallroarl stock 155 Atlanta * West Point Railroad ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Will bo sold before the court house door, In Macon. Bibb county, X \l\ Total 5,871,402 dales last 1 tho weelT ending Friday, December 30: 1904. 1903. Net port receipts 214.208 291.697 Receipts alnco Sept. 1.. .5.371,402 6,227,676 Exports for week 171.486'. 211,846 Exports since Sept. 1...4,204,566 3,732.687 Stock nil U., 8. ports.... 1,058.612 939,167 Stock at interior towns.. 752.882 515.186 Stock nt Liverpool 834.000 OlS.OOt Amn. afloat for O. B.... 320,000 244,000 Weekly Interior Cotton Town*. .. 37W against'4,B«6,m lust (Week end'3,961,- I SI# In pM'."!'." »» 719 last year. Of this the total of I Hocktni;7alley... 90 American cotton Is 3,910,664 against I 3,843,127 tast week, and 3.341,719 last VowsCtaM. !::".'.: year; and of all other kinds including iowsO.nt.pfd.... ««'-< Egypt. Brasil. India, etc,, 763.000 1 Ksns.rttyns.». m against 723,000 last week, and 820,000 gS'jtf&fcjjfciSa last year. I unnh.unn f. Of the world's visible supply of cot- He*, geeutitlts... «{4 - , ton now afloat and held In Great puuiiers Am.Oar Foundry.. 3*f6 Am.Oar FdrT.ofd. V4 Am. cotton Oil ... JJ* Am. Cot. Oil pfd.. 95 American To" Amnrlesn les pfd. 37 Am T.1n. oil Am. T,tn. Oil pfd... 37 Am. Looomottve.. 3* Am. Locomot. pfd 101 ■ stock jump Georgia Southern & Florida 1st preferred etock 99 Georgia Southorn Railroad 2d preferred stock *.. 69 Georgia Southorn Railroad enm mon stock 30 Seaboard, common 16 Seaboard, preferred 36 Southern Railroad, pref 96 97 Southern Railroad, com 34 36 ii'inr, in ivihuoii. moo county, un., on ms flrsf Tuesday In January, 1905, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the es tate of E. I*. Holmes, deceused, to-wit: A tract of land, situuted In the Ylnevllle district of-Bibb county. On., contolnlnj; one-fourth of un aero, mart) or less, and bounded north by a 40-foot‘ street, east by land formerly owned by Thomas Holmes, south by a 10-foot alley, west by land of Daniel I* Smith, fronting 70 feet onsnid 40-foot street, and extending back 146 feet. Deed to gald' deceased recorded In clerk’s office, book AJ, folio 551, with all tho improvements thereon. Also, a tract of land :n said Vinevllle districts, bounded on tho’north by n 40- foot street (a continuation of Fourth ave nue), east by lot owned by said estate, south by a 10-foot alley, vyest by lot form erly owned by L. Cl. Garey. being a part of the Anderson Conner property, sab! lot being 70 feet front and running hack 146 feet. Deed to said deceased recorded in- clerk’s office, book "S.” folio .%4. Said described real estate sold for tho purpose Of paying debts «nd for distribution among the heirs. Terms Of sale cash. HOWARD M. OMiTM, Administrator Estato E. P. Hoime« J .De ceased, 119 54,1 . »y 43.787 1 Thursday ... .40.364 Friday X0.061 ' ry»pc A WOMAN'S SAVINGS are welcome here and subject tqJ" her order only. '!• Would it not be wise for you! to prepare against the possible I ity of illness, misfortune and ao- \ cldent? V A little money put nslde each’ week or month will grow into an account of surprisng proportions If added to steadily. Why not begin today? Lack of money need not deter you—we accept deposits ns small as a dollar. We pay 4 per cent Interest UNION SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Macon, Ga. Exports to Franc* 1 *....! Exports to continent.! Exports to Japan.)...! Stock on hand all port| Exports to Great BrlC Exports to France Exports to Mexico. Price, Receipts. Pal Albany Athena Atlanta Branham Columbia Columbus. Ga.. g nl«un., Miss.. alias Eufaula Greenville Or'nw’d, S. C.. Helena Little Rock.... Macon Meridian Montgomery ... Nashville Natchex Newberry ..... Raleigh Rome Selma ... Shreveport .... Vicksburg Yazoo City...,, Galveston . . .16% ,N«*w.Orleans .w% 1011 von now ihhuh ••• *-*• i ,»i nn .. n a» 04 Britain and continental Europe 2,355,- J j$f| n n.«t.i\A*4.ft.M 89 against 2,083,000 last year; In I u.s.r As.H.M.pfd.14? Egypt 190.000 against 214.000 last I SJ«2222J« {‘‘t*''“w year; In India 308,000 against 185.000 j yi ai0 „ r |)K’*t M last year . i. 1 ISA AAR lust tisar ■ ... SI V.ll.n.of Mex.pfd, 40 dewYerk Oent....l42' GRAIN AND PROVISIONS | Ontirlo-Weewro. ...j Pennsylvanls 138!« lMtUh..O.O,fcSt.L. 77^ Prominent Wheat Holders Liquidation I ‘pit,',', vi 4 Wiped Out Advance in Wheat-( « 3321 Corn, Oats and Proviaona Practically J^IeLOyrifl. 19463 5570 8526 72X4 16942 5220 19210 36199 17 29 24344 41863 1697 17630 i835 23108 Unohangad. CHICAGO. Dec. 30.—Heavy liquidation by a prominent bolder today entirely viped out a vance In. wheat rfeea. The market' cT< hU-ouIbBo. Watn, 8tf.8e.WslH.p/d. #7 8t.L8.rrs.Ulpf$ ..! Hsaboard com ... 1*14 seabeafd pM *7% Am. Locomet. pMwj Am.Smeitto gSBff f*W Am.Smlta.hlt.pM. 113 Am. Huger Bfff....J*9% ADacondaMln. OolOO Brooklyn lUp.Tr. 014 Oi»l. Fuel M Iron.. 47 Consolidated gM.loy! <!ernPro4lucts.... 91? Corn ITod.nfd.... W Ptatlllera’ Recur., Oeneral Bleotrio,. 187; Internatnt. Parer 93 Intrn. Paper pfd., 7®n Intrn. Pump 3* Intrn. PurapoM. hs Rational I.ea4.... 34S Rortli Amerto«a,.I°° Pacific Mall 44 People's (leu 107% PreiBd*! Rtoel Ctr. 39 Preiaed fi. Ctr pM Pullman Pal. ckr.135 Reptihlin HI Ml,... 17 RepablleSteBl ptd 7014 Rubber Onoda.... 97 Rubber Od.. pfd.. 93 Tonn. Coal k Iron 71Vf U. B. Leather Wl IJ. H. I/i»tber nfd lOl^i U.H, Itenlty hlmp 77 U. fl. Rubber .,.,, npi tt. H. Rubber pfd. « U.S, Steel,.,.90% U. S.BVselpld..... 99% WsettnghnuM Et.190 wsBteruUnion... n% 110 Railroad oonai. Central of Gn. 1st mortgage per cent., 1946 Central or Georgia collutei trust 5 pc., 1937 Central of On. consolidated.'...111 Central of Do. 1st Income 90 Central of Ga. 2d Income 71 Centrul of Ga. Id Income 69 Ga. Southorn Sc Florida 1st mortgage. 5 pe., ltllO 11.4 Georgia lUllrond A Banking Co. 6% per cent.. 1910 ......108 Ooenr. Steamship Co., lat 6 per cent., 1910 105 Georgia Rallrond A Banking Co. 6 per cent.. 1922 117 Georgia A Alabama consols. X per cent., 1945.. ,,,,.112< Seaboard, 5 per cent... 103 Southern R. R . 5 pc.. 1944 118 City Bonaa. n 6 per cent.. 110 Savannah 6 pc.. 190F..*...... .103 Augusta, pree nn to TSte Inter-* eat nnd maturity. 100 Atlanta, price ns to rate Inter- ter and maturity ,...100 Colurnbua. 5 pc.. 1009.....,,,..10$ wiped out cnlly unchanged. ;7o«cd weak with I.I& B. RY Win I Bronswicl Houston Augusta Memphis L Tt T.ouia L iMttetvtilk r Nr r^orm^ontK and provision* were prsctl-1 R ^ fulul , ng ren.’Oi': Ifer.nene <■ 77 ..-»t***gcd. I * eoapoa.T.intti xrei.Oen.lBt is<i.. 94% jr.—*1 n a ;{■ res.......194H Minn.Xr fit.f«4s ... '*7 Open. High. Low. Clos-1 Sl£ «au «SS«wmnI• 8f|M M. **» * Te« la.. 100% ‘ If. Kan * Teg a lt. 8«W it. ftO.aT.4i 9714 rontmon framing, sized.. Common boards, rough y. -imlng. ’ mnti Igo weather bnai .weather board! sawed aawed —MMR beat cypress rhlngies GEORGIA, Dlbb County.—Under and by virtue of un order of the court of ordinary of said county. 1 will sell at public outcry,, licfore the court house door ot said epun- y *-*-. irlng the legal hours of sale, on ths f J ■H Tuesday In January, 1806. to lho highest bidder for cash, the following de- acrlhed property, to-wlt: That tract of land situated in tho county of Bibb, unit slate of Georgia, In the 481st district G. M., of said county, and also known as the Godfrey district, and said tract of land being a fractional part of lot of land number twenty-seven (27), and containing one acre, and bounded on tho north by the Columbus wagon road, nnd on the south by the Jess In Smith lands, and being the same tract of land deeded on the 28th day of November. 1870. to Charles if. Flowers by Frederick B.’ Woodson, said d«ed recorded in office clerk of the superior court of Blbl> county. On., in book V, folio 342. Also, that tract or parcel of land lying being In ths county of Bibb and state . / Georgia, situated In tho south west fewer <»/ a nlnetv-fivo a ■ ’ t ' ^ land ttn.) and known on tho L. \Y. »u- bola plat of survey of 1871 a* lot number | (92) ninety-two, said lot fronting on north ill I side of Colurnbua road two hundred and 1U * *1 fourteen feet (214), and fronting on first street, ns laid out In said plat or survey one hundred and seventy-three feet and six Inches, and running east from,First 313 nnd up j street two hundred nnd six feet, and then - - -— qlummad No. Local and Through Schedules. Effective October 21. 1904. Depot Fifth and Pine Streets. '.’ January .<« y&St.1 June ....I | p «' r STATION8. 1 al:”;:: tSSS IJ 4 69 Lizella ; I 5 09 .... Montpelier . 1 6 40 Cullodcn .. «* 8- 6 23 .... Thomaston . 1 € 43; Crest ... | € 52 Thunder .. ’ 7 Woodbury . {WBrJ j 7 43 .... Odesnadale . J 7 01.... Mountvllle . n .»4'.... Robertson . I 8 15.Ar.. LaGrange . . AM . 11 15 . 10 52 I 10 42 |0 34 -0 18-51 tl and 82 dally. . Additional Train Service.—Train No* leaves Macon at «:4S a. m., Monda Wedne^Kya and Fridays. No. 62 am Inrnn *t J’.irt n. rr> >n..r_‘i Warm Spring, and Colurnbua VI* fj’filLv... Maron ...Arit M 1 1 OSiXr. Wondbury .T.v { is J Y 2*!Ar. •'W'- Bprtn*.. .Lvl 7 to) f-1 50!Ar.Columbaa ..Lvl I 20J raina arrive end depart from depot. Pine and Fifth street a, at Macon, t roadbed quick time, good aerrlca. C. SHAW. Vlce-Preiiaent. B ' rTIC ** M. GRADY, Superintendent. " ?bODE|. OrL FlM. Agent. MERSHON, D. T. A.. Maccc. G FREEMAN, C. Hotel Spot ( ' c mid > £‘f; aai • Nun. NEW Ol turea ate; uanr 6.4 S.SiaMS; ... 6.79x81; Ju< BAVANb cotton: Nt lions un^hJ CHARLH cotton, f to Great bv. ra ■' Aron hales inclu Futures steady; Am Jan.-Feb. . Peb.-Mhrch L March-AprUl IMS. • Sept.-Oct. grt,-K«. New York Cotton Exchange Statistics. NEW YORK, Dec. SO.—‘The following statistics on the movement of cotton for the weak ending Friday, December 30, were . mplled by the New York Cotton Exchange: Weekly Movement. This T.ast Port Moelpt. Il$«« r 2S7.7M To mill* snd Canada 41,763 641.819 Bou. mill takings (est.).... 65.000 65.000 Stock gain Int. towns 12,242 7,208 Into sight for week 158,849 4*247270 Total Crop Movement. Port receipts 5,864.672 5,250,689 To mllle and Canada.... 499.972 444.138 Hou. mill takings feat.).. 826.000 828,000 Int. stek ex. Sept. 1 650,876 473,807 Into sight for season... .7,843,620 6,996,624 Ware A Leland’s Weekly Cotton Review. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.—Two vears ago nt this time cotton was nailing In New Y«rk at 8 cents per pound. Had anyone made the prediction then within a year cotton would be selling at 17% cents and within Ter-! tlrr* than a year after would be selling gt 4% cents. It Is needless to would have been looked ted with Insanity. This „ . d at practically 6% cents - - w York market as compared with 7% cents a week ago. That is u — - In January of the year of 1904, cot sold In New York at 17% cents and In r Orleans at 18% cents and In Decern- r of the same year sold at 4% cents, e events leading up to the low prices the present week are too well known , need repetition. On the 28th fnst., fie third Installment of the census fig ’s on cotton ginned In the Routh showed is 1M99.603 bales ginned on the 18th he month, which represents anywhere 13 609.440 bales to 13.800.000 bales, figures were so large that a panic general demonstration followed, re ore rcvernl million bales of cotton he Booth still unsold and It seemed though the holder of evenr hale was trained to sell futures at the same ant. Prices have crashed to a flg- th«t is not only tho lowest since but that Is way below the actual of growing cotton on plantation*, ay it seemed a* though holders of * tried to sell. The fact of the mat- that the speculator has In reality, >tton for the grower, ns the grower still seems to regard- prices as r to suit bis Idea*. Thla Is shown . ridiculously *mall movement. He there teems to be nothing as yet 1 —mptexlon of the cotton market 1 attract apeeulatfve buying for prices and yet everyone knows >n any commodity gets below the roductlon. it is simply a question the Inevitable advance takes ht nothing as certain In l of Investment as the gntd- of anv Indentruotlbl* rom an excessively low price. This to he e*ld of the market now ada of the bear speculator, who g prices as relentlessly low nt •-.tor made them high In year. That Is. that the ' if a thing of specula- downward swing may 6 cents or 8 can guesz *otton ir now on In- profits are certain, may long be de al! a prosperous and Dec. i May , July , rn~ Dec. May July its— Dec. May July Mess l»o « ’ ; BS B a Jan. . .12.45 12.47% 12.36 May . .12.77% 12.82% 12.76 Short Jan. May Ua- V7S 7.00 88 21% 12.37% 12.77% 4.77% 7.02% | 6.37% 6.87% r .~...»04H 0.B.4I. 194H C.H.U. ootipon...lOlH 0. M.newts, re* . 13014 | IT. B. new 4s cou ino’4 U.H. old 4b r«f- ..100k U.H. old is cou... 104 k Atchison. f«Q. tB. lo.l A•allu#tm#a«,4e. vit, Atlantic COM4 L..10IH Halt, ft O. it 1031; Balt, ft O. »%•.... 96)4 OBO.of Ot. U....MV4 0«d. of*. lae 93 0en.efOa.3J In . 13); ciios. ft Ohio *Hsitrt cuic. a All. 3%e... nu th.u.ft — c.t(.i$*)t.r.e«n.4i. Oble. ft North sea tern con. 1e HI U.,U.1; ... sivi C.,11.1. A Pac. el S» t.,a,0. t ^t.L.fon, 4B 101 ChloaseTarm. t«. 84 .!• In Inti I l»l" «f Dlbb county, a a. '1 ho IJ!!?! ‘Jz. 1 /!**.** ’ ' l t0 t0 .V-a I Dubnll Plst or survry l-eort.a In oft r« clerk of the superior court of Bibb county, Ga., In book GO, folio 377. Also, five (6) seres of lot No 385. lying In tho shape of a square, and adlolninK the Innds of O. M. Hevray, Jane Gaston, .51. (fy Nute and Frulte—Wholessio, (Quoted by Roush — T,EMONH.—Pe * ■h Frodu x, 84.00. Carollr uce Co.) .Nat R. It. ot ilex. eon. 4s siw N.Y.cen. fsq.a%e.10tk N. J. Con.tan. 6B.. 13(1)1 Nor. Poclfle is...,100 N«r PeolQe. ns.... 18% PKANt’TH—North 'Curollns. (Mo. Ib.l Athort LuiidyT aTw. Brooks"nn'i Juliii pI tlxrt - ' iunty. Hnlo proporty will b" s.l'l sfl ths prop- tv of ths .stats of C. II., lots Wflrs A Uslsnd’s Orsln Lsttsr. „ CHICAGO, Use. 3Q.—Ther. vra* A Stronc I c, D .’pob-ts 77 opsnln* In wheat on hlithrr IAvarpool. I o,|, g, 0 tbsra ,s. n small r.o.ipts, with th. hoiisf thst tho I ool. 1’oeUs crop would Ilsur, out small.r than tho I pstuoaraolt, iojh government .report. | Erl. Prior U.ui.miy Oregon Hhort Mae Is ft Portle...,,. 97^ Penn. Ooo. 8%e..,109) Rtadlng xea'l te.. 103; Ht. Louis ft Irua Mount*a QOu is. 117 Hi, L. ft Ban frati* riaeo ta 90)< BLL.ftB.W.|at«. .. •! Rsribord k Lie..,, t* Boulhera Fan.««.. *4)^ Sout&srnjtwy ts..l3<>>4 Standard *011 898 Tax. ft Pan. 1it».:i90U Tol.BI.L.ftF.ti... 83% Colon Pactfl’j Do.Pae.ooSv. C. B. Steel, Yn.Cxr.CU.Ue.TIWH - pfd..110% Wabash )su HI Wabaeh li«b. B... tty. Wheat. It Lk.X’4e.. Wleooa. Con. IS.. 9« . JIUNB8.—8 to 8c. P«r pmtad. AP1M.KH —Per barrel, $2.7jC RAIBINB.—New crop. 81.75 box. BANANAS—Hunch. $1.60 to $1. ONIONB —Per bushel, $125. ORANOWfi.—florid... $2.60 box. CABBAGE.-—Virginia. l%o. poun NEW POTATOES.—T*«r sack. I-- .. SPANIHH ONIONS.—I’ePr crate, $1.71. TURNIPS.—Per Buck. $1.80. Llquon (Corrected by Wulchselbaum A ] 'willSKY.—Rye. $1.10 to l$!To; $1^0 to ILBO^gln. $1.10 to 11.78: ..... Cnrollt.s corn, $1.19 to $1.89; Georgia | her two ml C °WINl’.—7Sc. to_ a $5; ht^h wines, $l..llj nPesid county,"deceased,” for* the purpose nt paying the debts of said estate, and for distribution. R. L. ANDERSON, _ Administrator of tho Estate of C. II. Flowers. GEORGIA, Bibb County.—The apprals- . f>. appointed to set aside a/^elvo North I months' support to Johanna Nortba and -- * j, eP t Wo minor children out of the estate of Carey Northern, late of Bibb county, win*.—ten. to liisn wiiim. *•>••• i f|u. der*’MS«d. luivlng filed th'.lr return port and sherry. 78c. to 14: claret. $4 to Jn < h j B office, this 1*. therefore, to notify $10 a case: American ebsmpagno. $7.60 tQ pemons concerned to file their objoe- f|«% W-£•••; fn* dn "' p€r dot,, ttons, if any they have, on or liefore the bitters. $7.60 p^r do*. I flrat Monday in Jsnunry. 1995, why the iein-J 4*,. 104% O&v.U ...114'i M, 24 le.. OJ' DANK CLEARING!). were heavy buyers, in rant otusiae iraao i vi ..." ^ was on a larger scale than has been wit. yf.w kD. Clty let ,ok nessed in this market for a long time, and Rocwin- vslVL. lit * enough strength developed to start short ftJr nnlSsdli^’iopi on the run. Liberal selling orders sp- }j * '*• neared In May at $1.16 and above, with | Moahateon gld 4.108 , the impression prevailing that some ot it was tor Wall #treel account. The sea board clearances were under ln*t week, the Modern Miller was bearish on tho winter wheat situation and considering | Comparative •tatementjif Bank Clearings following shows tho J the prin- V -tstes for tho week ending December 29. with the per centage of increase and decrease a» com pared with tho corresponding week last Klxty-two other cities nre ln- In the totals; Inc. Dec. New York $1.245.162,223... .22.1 j sodas, 8c. Huron* nicwnca. To. ■ ■ ■ Huron* oyster rrnrkera, 4c. "N. II. a sodam^M^H^H Ginger imapii, Kxeetafor o\ r 1 e snortod can# . ugnr cake*. 8c. r^rc.' •x-&* ths BV.nlnK-up proue.. thst wss ronu In Many Cltlts. through with. It wss no wonflsr ih.t I NI5W YOltK. I).n. 30.—Ths prices wnrkurt off. Th.r# Is nn question | tshln, compiled by flrsd,treat, i but that thn market will bs worked up bank cl.anng, at s number o, ...turn of "Rid appralflAr« should not made tlis Judgment of this court. C, M. WILBY. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Dlbb County.—John J.HIb* ^ son. administrator ,»t«t« of Wtlllam tsalson. Istfl of said county, dscesn.d. | linvlnt fll.d bis nppllcatlon In this ortlc* for l«svo to sail 7*1 serss nt land, slt- uatsd In Godfrey district. Hlbb county. Os., holnnslns to said .fltst*. and b*las i, I part of Int of land No. K, shout Ih miles I from Maooii, (Is., and on tho east sldn ' / tho Houston road. Thi. Is. tborofnro, to notify nil p.roons lnterr«t.d thst his nppllrstlon will bo hoard on tho first Monday In J.nn. % , Qrd|nJry , again, although would favor sales. . SI ... . Com—There waa covering by shorts rentoge of fnerea** and deeri by the provision crowd, but the Armour | pared with the rorreepondln houses was a free seller of May. We look year. ... _ - -— rluded_ in the total* ht with of- I Chicago for a dull market, hut would favor pur chases on dips. Gate—Receipts continue light ferlngs small. May was Inclined to show Boston strength In sympathy with wheat* while Philadelphia ... there was covering In a small way by the | Ht. Louis....... local shorts. . ... Pittsburg Provisions—The market wss Inclined to Han Francisco.. wards weakness with operations mostly Baltimore In (he way of changing from January Cincinnati to May. We feel friendly to, pork and Kansas City.,., ribs. And although sentiment Is bearish, New Orleans,., we believe that purchsses on a scale down Tx>ulsvllle ...... will prove profitable. I Memphis 1 Richmond _ „ Washington ... NF.W YORK. IWc. 30—Rnjrth* In dry gMyimsh ..... tods n.. been practically suspended and JJft Worth.... although more or lew Inquiry Kjflnf I aSSKft.--H ■ made it Is simply for price revisions Nsghyllle which are hot forthcoming. Belief* argue Augusta^..... that under the present sotd-ap rcmdltionu Birmingham ... * tn,,1 'p71ce. h * , w?ci!uV'^ 0 t h J« 1 *ct additions business. an; makldg new , would not affect COTTON 8EED OIL. . _ NEW YORK. Dec. I0.-£otto n seed oil g( was week. Prime crude In barrels f.o.b. mills 14a%; prime summer yellow 2/% 1 to 22%: off summer yellow nominal; prime summer white 26%r low 24%*27. LUtU^Rock.... Chattanooga V.# Jacksonville ... Houston alveeton harleeton 105,47$. 142..., 14..T 102.671.460.. .. 4.6 112.804.212.. ..16.8 44 205,264..,. 8.4 27,712.057.... 8.6 21.638,1 1 *).., ,20.4 19.448.479.. .. 12.2 l9.Ml.SSd... .IS. I 17.148.581.. .. 1.4 19.841.846.. .. 10.2 8,890.026....17.8 6,688 4**.... 4.9 1.913.161.. ..— 1,1 3,419.68*....16.1 3.214.780.. ., 10.8 8.962.720.. ..19.1 2.767.941.. .. 11.2 2.242.180.. ..22.2 t,87tiii....n.4 1.417.476.. ..28.5 864.727.. .. 1.1 810.9*1.... 27.8 216.690.. .. 26.0 720.645.. ..16.9 700.221.. ..22.1 13,941.191.... 10,108,000.,. .12.2 1,002.426..., 1.6 Cnam mixed rnndv In palls. !»a Slick Gandy. In barrels, »Hc. Httek randy In iKixefl. ».ic, S .ncy broken mix box«». 7e. lied oandy In palls. 6. 7 and Is. Hardwe.p—wnote.el.. fGorreeted hv nimlan Hard'sers Co.) WBT.l.m'GKKTB.-H per dosen. ItORK JManits. 1«t4e,i Hesel, llo.i 001- WIRR— Rnrb. SV»e. pound. ^oyneio-to™., «o i M vS& i fe^y; o... l Painted II 31.10! eedar. I1.W the aald Idl.s Janie K. Tmutnmi t. purpnito of paying debts and for hi HOUR— Horse, H.33: mules 14.3*. it'CKirrs-Paint. >1,70 dox.; white ar, tore hoops. 33.70 ril’i'powhi shot. 30; half kegs. P ! kKr« 1-1 b, canisters, 21. 1 ■ifv WbokelOT cans. 90a hoops, is.20. jj|r»ce, 84 to ff . iF 1 uwv 11.78: n Hazard smolfMMS, nkeg*. 15.75; Anderson, guardian Ml«s Janie man. having applied to^roj, ♦‘2.JSSU “ ‘‘in! nouse and lot, situated “ belonging to r urpose of paytng debts nnd for her maln- ennnee and support; this la. .lR® r v n . r ’* < to notify all persons Interested that ms applies tion will lie hear*! on the firii Monday In January. 1905. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. QEORGIA. Dlbb County.—' —' per csnlT; Trois- I having applied to powder, l-lb. cans, 11; | uisnship. of. the j if.i 1 81.60; champion ducking, quarter kegs, sffcv y.—T.* B West ..... _ letters or guar- persow and property of -17 to $11 dox. C A RDfi.-5|*qtton." :Y.6d per dog: flow blade*, k. per lb. IRON.—34$c. pound bags: Swede, 4H«- PO Ah"w.H.-37.M to 3) 00 por doxsr,. NAHJI.- - wire. ^2.^0 1Un keg. bass; 13.(0 keg, base. gHBETINGi, Tulle 'Smith.' orphan of 'Milton Smith, lam of said county, deceased, this In, thflrcfnre, to notify nil persons con- rerned to fllo objections. If any they have, , on or before the Itrst Monday In January. 1305, or else letters will then be Issued as naked for. c. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA R. R. fc*27; prime winter yel- Totals V. B-...$2.820,6$6,884... .17.6 Outside N Y... 766.374 609....11.9 Total Canada... 41.720.021..,. 12.2 X* DRILLING!!.—6%*7%c. JLl TICKINOB.—4% to lzo “ bra WI.ANDe—4% to CHECKS.—4 to 5%e. IlLBACmNGS.—4 to liUNTH.—4 to 4%c. NAVAL STORES. CHARLESTON, Dec. 2»—HpJrlta tur pentine and rosin markets, nothing doing. RAVANNAIf. Dec.. 29.—Spirits turpen-, tine market firm at 42% cents; yscelpta 345; sales 493; shipment* 44 Rosta firm; receipts 1.192; sales $,W1: shipments 684, •f’loelng. quote; * ‘ Brsditrssfs Review. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.—Rradstreot’s tomorrow will say: Distributive trade generally Is marking time while past results and future prospects are sub jects of consideration. A period of r. * . .a tn. w m, r> i marked, even unexpected, activity In 4.46; Window Glass, 4.86; r White', I holiday good# of higher than usual quality has brought to a close a year 2 57% If. 2. ■mprr.i B, <?. 2 St U J?. U ’r^tuaiir.c r. 2.if; K. 4.64: K. tln*r marked nothing doing; r»**Ipts 51 casks. Rosin steady at 2.40: re*-dpts 498. Tsr firm at 1.60; receipts |R. rnid* Cirpenttaj lino at 2.86 to 8.70; receipt! which because of market Improvement LARD.-^Fni In the last quarter has ended bettor than it begun and certainly In far bet ter chaps than seemed poMlble at ths Grocer?** at Y/Ttoletats. (Correc ted by 8. R. Joquss A Tinsley Co. These ortecs are at wnotesals and not salt ribs 7% Extra short ribs 7% I Ar Fstsjn^rir 18-2*)-lb. rib bellies 8 | Ar JUd}*”” 1 18-22-lb. rib sell les > 25-20-lb. 7k# bell les 7% Any ot the aoove cuts, smoked at le. ad vanes. HAMB -Fancy sugar ci»f*d 12 dtundard sugar cured ....12*4 ricnlc hams 8% 7% e tZ Lv. Macon .. • 8 3r,.T * 4 20p t 1 Lv. MiU'fillSf 9 46al 6 20p) t Lv. Camak..| U44a| 7 05p| l (Cent, time)) I I Ar. Augusta.| 1 20p| tlspl (k^st. time) Lv. Augusta] 2 28pj (••• Lv. Florence 7 26p! I • • ■ Lv. Fayet'Be 9 54p| •ancy •lb. tubs 80-lb, tubs..,,. 6-lb. tins *-lb. tin* Ar Wash’tcnj 7 20a|. Ar llalti’ore.I 9 6M. "M •Daily. tHumlay Sunday. Trains arrive l im Augu <i:ia ». v on main lino From Csmak an_ „ W W. HARO WICK, C»i I A at. V/. C. RAGIN, Sol. Aat.