Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 03, 1908, Image 5

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1908 I'VE BEEN PREACHING cold weather for two months, and now events lmvc Juatlfled twy prophecy. If you’ve hern caught with your stove down, don’t blame me—let me put It up before tho weather gets colder. JA8. C. GORMLY. ' Phone 5S1. 320 Third 8t. HEIMATH HALL 64g Walnut Street. Regular mesle (or men and women 29 cents. Buslneu women 19 c^nte. Breakfast 7 tc • a. m. Dinner 12 to 1:30 p. m. Supper 6:30 to 7:io. A free rest mom: convenient for Qjt* of-town shoppers. Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native nnd Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phone 351. MOVING? PHONE Jones Dray Line THEY WILL MOVE YOU. Residenoe Phone 549. MR. DOO GUNN is no longer with JONES, GUNN & JONES, und this big horse and mule emporium will In the nil lire bo run bv Mr. Ben L. Jones and his son, Mr. W. H. Jones. FOR SALE. Six hundred, sixty-seven acres, of level clay land. In Idah state of cultivation. Fourteen mui<*s on place. Good dwelling, plenty tenant houses; plenty good labor: good water. Healthy: close churoh and schools; has telephone. Situated on B. A. L. Railroad, near Flalna. Oil Ap ply to R. B. OLIVER. | lea Wordl WANTED WANTED-By two young men. one or two furnished or unfurnished rooms with board, close In; private family pre ferred. M. S. W. WANTED—C<w»«tibl party for threo connecting rooms snd large hall, first floor. 288 Washington ave. WANTED—Loan of a on tmlm- proved suburban property; will p»y quarterly, pay eight per opnt., for full length of time. Address ’ f Good dollat- eral.” cara Telegraph. WANTED—Dy whit, pofltlon nurse or to clean up rooms. Nurse, car,* Telegraph. WANTED-Young mnn. good linger, for pnrluor In vaudeville act. Address R. P., 467 Spring at. WANTED—To buy good second-hand typewriter. Address Typewriter. LOTS* of bargains at Iltihn’s Fire Bale. 4i9 cherry st. \ PHONE NO S48. The Pure Flood Grocery Co., for best and freshest groceries; everything new. C. W. Rice, Mgr. WANTED—To buy some secondhand carpets and furniture. Ring 1841. WANTED—To ptirohtae a Part or all of vour real estate and rental buslneax. Ans. ’’Real Estate.” rare Telegraph. WANTED—Position; have had aeven years’ experience In general store, In managing capacity past three years; references. Address ^Experience.” cars Telegraph. RICE BIRDS, fresh country egg« and . Melons; all kinds of fresh fish. Dan iel A lllaslngame. » SALESMAN WANTED—To take ordera hi Georgia direct to the consumer for one of tho oldest famous wholesale liquor houses In the Blue Grass Regions of Kentucky. Address R. H. Btrsder A Son. Mall Ordor Department. Lexington, Ky. IF _ TOUrTroof leaks call on G T. Doug- laa; all metal roofs repaired or painted. R72 Poplar at. JUST OPENED, a barrel of queen olives. Oscar Rradley. FOR RENT Non flENT—Thr**. or four room, for light housekeeping on second floor, RIO New et. Apply J. If. D., care of Tela- graph. Foil RENT-Desirable rooms In Ylne- vllle. Phone 2747-J. Non nnNT-noom», flr.t floor, or unfurnished. Ring 1629. NOIt nENT-Hor.n-rooni hoUM.4Mr.l- hmin »t. Apply J. O. Dum... 674 O.I.- thorps et. KALAMAZOO eelenr, peara, appkw. prnehea and svervthlng good and clean to eat. M. Bloch, 41. ALT. GOODS being sanrlflcefl at Huhofa Fire Hale. 461 Cherry. iron RENT—Nip. l-roor. ootur. M.nt- prlhir ml rhMp to MRrig* forty. A. llrlUrir. flolt .VO.. Napl«r H.llfllU. FOR RENT—No. SI8 MOdlson at; will nut In repairs; mar bath tub. papering. Teleithona N. U Newman at poatofflc*. FOR RENT -Three or foer room* for light housekeeping In best part of city. Phone 2426-L. FOR RENT-416 Dimesn ave.; B-rootn house 11440: two small farms. Colum bus rosd. Oeo. A. Willie. RICE RIRDB, fr.rh oounlry «a chlrk.n.; .11 kln.l. of fr..h flih. Du- lei A Iltaslngante. FOR RFJNT- Beautiful room for oaa or two young men, one block from Tele phone Exchange. No. 116 Second at. FOR~R*NT—more and residence .corner Telfair and Elm sta. Apply Handem. at Backer Furniture Co. FOR RENT-Five-room cottage Beach rifKrK'TMfSs et. H. L. Hart*, corner Orange and For syth eta. FOR RENT-Two choice apartment*. Niwsro Flats; lights water heat flirntshrd. Apply at office I^on fl. Dure. Fourth National Bonk Bldg. I WILL reat the aooond floor of my resi dence to young men, furnished qr un furnished; tnre» minutes walk to buM- ne*n center; modern conveniences. Ad dress Alex., cars Telegraph; references exchanged. FOR RENT—Twa A! ground floor offices In Washington Mock; steam heat ehd Janitor, all convenience#. Apply to Ma con Savings Bank. FOR RENT—One wmrehou*# on Sixth st, fronts side track. Apply Park Hotel. FOR RENT OR BALE—New. modern 6- room onttaga, I.ynn Avg, VlnevtUe: will sell cheap. Arthur B. Harris, SIS Vinaville Ave. FOR RENT—I win rent two renneetlng front room#, furnished or unfurnished, to young men or a couple without chil dren. I am hi two minutes* walk to buil- neee oenter. have bo children In the houee. private residence; modern conven iences; reference* exchanged. Addrtee Jj*. B. W„ core Telegraph. STYLE Is Only ••Hat Deep” The swaggerestsuit and the smartest “(reins" are absolutely nullified by the wrong “top.” There’s more to a hat than the fur that’s in it, just as there’s more to the suit than the cloth that’s in it. It’s style that counts. We have to our credit more “hits" in creation of clever styles than any other store. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 SOME OF OUR PRICES Best Granulated Sugar. 25-lb. sack Best Patent Flour Good Rice. IS pounds Compound LArd. 10 pounds Tomatoes, large cans Heinz’s Sauer Kraut (fresh shipment), per quart Sour Pickles (fresh shipment) per quart Helns’s India Relish Heinz's Table Sauce Helnz'a Tomato Ketchup Eddy & Eddy's Pepper Sauce. 25c sUe Lima Beans, In cans. 3 for String Beans, In cans. 3 for Succotash, 15c size These are only a few. Ring 290 or 325 for anything not quoted. Macon Cash Grocery Co. Phones 290—325. 670 Poplar St. Fixing Up Wo are having everything put in shape to handle the greatly increased business which we are getting every day Our store will be considerably tom up for a few days on account of putting in new walls, etc., but we will be better prepared than ever in a few days to handle your orders. We will make some special offer ings just as soon as our remodeling is completed, which will be only a few days. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company IMPORTERS, COFFEE ROASTERS, DISTRIBUTORS. For Sale For Rent $750.00. $15.00—5-room house near Mercer, one of the best lots on Huguenln Heights. $22.60—Vlnevlll# cottage. $$,750.00 $25.00—Cottage on Carling Avenue. Desirable home in VJncvllle; all con- Huguenln Heights, yenlences. Terms. SBBOOOO $25.00—Vlnevllle cottage; all conveni ences. City home, on line; well located; good terras. $45.00—Hardeman Ave. home, I rooms. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 206. 607 Cherry St. FOR SALE A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. No. 461 Third Street. ’Phone 360. For Sale 510 acres; fine farming land, on# mile from Holton on Southern Rail- roid. 50 acres original forest; fine bold spring, hounded on one side by Ocmuigee river. A snap. 20t-acre farm at Moran, on M. A B. Railroad. 325 acre* near Forsyth. Ga. Seven room dwelling and 10 acre# «ear city. Can make It 25 acres; min eral water; high state cultivation; plenty of fruit and (lowers; best thinff around Macon. 115-acre farm near city. Private funds on long time at 7 per cent Come to see me. It will do you .good. Geo. W. Duncan, Mgr. Mulbtrry St. WANTED Jfff* two medium cried nild.ucM FOR SALE •Olondidlir Improved pluUUon SK.'SKS S7„,S*Ur Uo A^, M !2 JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY GEORGIA. Bibb County.—Hattie Brooks having made application tor R. L. Ander son. county administrator, to be appelated administrator on estate nt Richard Brown, late of said county, deceased; this I*, therefore, to notify all persons Interete* that her application win he heard on the first Monday in October. IV*. C. M. WILET, Ordinary. Tonight to Speak in the Au ditorium on the Issues of the Campaign MEETING OF LAST NIGHT Hon. John W. K«m Will be Met at the Depot by m Delegation of Citizens and Escorted to the Hotel Lanier, and From There to the Auditorium. Hon. John W. Kern, the democratic candidate for the vice presidency of the United States, will arrive In Macon by the Central railroad thla evening at 7:35 o’clock. He will bo met at tho union depot by a committee of citizens and escort ed to the Hotel Lenlcr for a light lunch. He will then be escorted to the auditorium, where tho speaking will take place. Mr. Kern will he Introduced by Hon. Jos. H. Hall, chairman of the Bibb County Democratic Club. Resides Mr. Kern, the only other speaker will be Mr. Carl Hutcheson, of Atlanta. Tho members of the executive com mittee anil the reception committee of tho club will occupy seats on the stage. In reserved seats will be the Mercer Bryan and Kern Club, one hundred strong, with newly composed yells for Bryan and Kern. The club will march from Mercer University to the Hotel Lanier, and will accompany Mr. Kern, acting as a body escort, to tho audi torium. By reason of Important engagements which will require all'his time for the national campaign committee, Senator Bacon cannot speak tonight. He has Just arrived In the city and Is to go north at once to work in the'Interests of tlje democratic candidates. Governor-elect Joseph M. Brown ar rives at 1 o’clock this morning from Albany to attend the meeting st the auditorium tonight. Ex-Governor Ter rell will arrive this morning for the same purpose, and both of these gen tlemen will be the guests at the (Brown House of Judge Robert Hodges. Mr. Kern will be the guest during his stay In Macon of Hon. Charles L. Bartlett. He will remain In the city until 6 o’clock tomorrow evening, when be will proceed to Asheville, N. C. There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Bibb County Demo cratic Club In the city court room of the courthouse Isst night, with Hon. Jos. H. Hall presiding. The chairman stated that all ar rangements had been made for the speaking and the reception and enter tainment of Mr. Kern. Tho band and carriages had been arranged for, and that further details could not be at tended to until further advlrea from Atlanta could be had thla morning. It was decided to appoint a com mittee for the reception of the visitors and the Kern party, and to make all the arrangements necessary The fol lowing constitute that committee: Senator A. O. ITacon. Congressman Bartlett, Judge Hodges. Roland Rills. R. J. Taylor. Jesse Harris. Lawton. W. W. Solomon. Claud FMes, Judge John P. Ross Walter J. Grace. The members of this committee will meet at the office of Judge Bartlett, acting chairman of the committee, at 10 o’clock this morning and also at 4 o'clock this afternoon, so ns to ar range for the reception nnd welcome of the distinguished guests and visi tors. Short and enthusiastic speeches, all urging a big outpouring of the demo crats of the county on tho 3d of No vember. were made by Chairman Hall. Judge Bartlett. Judge Hodges, P. K. Gambrell. Claud Estes, Fred R. Mar lin and others. In the course of his remarks Chair man Hall said that there were 4.109 democrats registered In »Blhb county. The BEST In material, work and style (fit guaranteed the best, too!) Albert McKay. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before the courthouse door in Macon, Oa., between the legal hours of ssls, on the first Tuesday In October. Hod, the following described tract* of land situated In the Rutland District of Id county nnd belonging tp the_estate .. or ■“ of V. Bsl| Brown, oa.. deceased, to-wlt: Bibb County, • less, In said 100 acres of land, more county district, nnd lying on the enst side of the old Southwestern Railroad and being the eastern half of lot of land No. 202; also, «0 acres of land, more or less, situated In ssld Rlhh County and said. Holland District, snd being the south west corner of lot of land No. 20t, said land to be sold for the purpose of paving of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In Bank ruptcy. In tne Matter of C. J. Toole, ■ Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy^^j To the creditors of c. J. Toole, of Ma con. In the County of Bibb, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt Notice Is hereby gl day of October. A. D . . Toole was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and the first meeting of his creditors will bo held nt Mscon. In Bibb County. Georgia, at the Grand Opera House Build ing. on the 12th dsy of October, A. D. Ho*, at 9:30 o’clock In the forenoon, at which time the ssld eredltors may at tend .prove their claims, appoint a true- This October 2. 190* NOTICE of First Meeting of Cred'fer*. In tho District Coip-t of the United Plates for the Western Division rf »>•* Rniiii*rn District of Georgia. To Bank- In the Matter of G. W. Brig- man. Bnnkr ipt. To the rredlto mntv of Bibb, and dls- YANCEY GARTER WAS SPEECHLESS Because of a Very Sore Throat and Sent His Rearets to the Few Who Had ' Assembled to Hear Him | Speak. Some few curiously disposed persons I'llO i the tupcrloi o'clock Inst night, the hour at which i „ .tout'ymmi’mnn bit?-! "'Oman’s organism. It quickly calls . ue or the tnhif,. hut no'attention to trouble by aching. It oouu im found who prepared to with other symptoms, such ns Jentlfy him ns the candidate i ’ • • r • • •• At 15 minutes |i ly writing at < s o’etoek nhotit 2& nervousness, hrniluohc, pains in tho Bibb voter, entered the room, took rent, loins, Weight ill the lower port of maii wrmir«' , 'nt l,l t1io ! inti!.’ "App.rently! Uie hotly, that ti woman’s feminine recognizing the fact that It was i 1 *“ *«' him to sny something, tile young .... organism iummIk immcriuitoattontion. " ! In such cases llu* one sure remedy v*mill go to the hotel and, » * uw «»»»»»••«» scmwwj delaying Mr. farter. liilWIIlCIl Speedily IVinoVPH till! G&USe, “‘rf. •••..■SSaS’ “JJJJj »iid restores the feminine organism that! to a healthy, normal condition is a?K»ut the mhiut . hlniM-If at the table and without Ing hat mid In n conversation:!I t< SiiJSSt'L’SB. h-A.'hu, W? ,T\ LYDIA E. PIN GIN AM’S oim Who wished to communicate with LrfAsiaim on"h'm' : ut ,'!M' h> ' ’"‘""" VEGETABLE COMPOUND •rhv 55. mnro or tons, nitib vot.ri th«r« Mrs. Will Yountf, of <1 Columbia ’ mormuo'”** " n<1 i Ave., Rockland, Me, gaya: A representative of The Telegraph In-! “ I was troubled for along time with treduced himself to the spokesman snd dreadful backaches and a pain in my SltEui irllw ”* Ki”s™vn*rk »'■}«• •■><> WM tnlMrabta in everyway. American, temporarily detached for field I doctored until I waa discouraged and service with Mr. Carter In Georgia for, thought I would never |fet well. I read the present cantpelgn. . what Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Mr. Davis said thnt Mr. Carter and his. o+k-l. on a entourage. Ineluding ex-Congressman had done tor A ® t . h,r * d Howard, of Alabama, had been at Ath- decided to try it; after taking three ens In the morning, but Mr. Carter. I bottles I can truly aay that I never felt though billed to speak there, bad unt^M..]. u mv ]|f.N done so. Mr. Carter, he said, bad nnf 10 ™ 1 *“ m * ,lf * „ , abscess behind one ear which so affected Mr*. Augustus LVOU, of KaatEarL LnLiu' nw V.e h was °not u in "a* eondiuon "to | Tn., writes to Mrs. Ptokham: mpalgn. and he (Mr. Davis) | M I had very severe backaches, and this morning, where ] a very unwise to attempt pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, 0*22* iff hil'iM »"d •>“ ■>” appetite. Lytlla E. Hot- .horo Mr. e.rt«r I, MH V'f'fit' Compound cured mo lie thought of Mr. Carter’s and made uio feel like a new woman.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. ""■ tULS 1 For thirty years Lydia E. I’ink- Mr. r r>" vis said although n resident of ham's Vegetable Compound, mudo Postell to Lecture 8unday 8ohool Ctase. Mr. Jehu G. Postell will deliver a lecture before the adult Bible Class rf Mulberry Street Methodist Sunday srhool tomorrow morning. His theme on this occasion will be, "Soul Culture nnd Spiritual Growth." Mr. Postell la well known ns a gifted lecturer on re ligion* themes and the subject select ed for tomorrow Is one of his favorites. Men’s and Womon’s Fall Regals; an elgeant stock just in. Parks & Everott. IN THE CHURCHES First Baptist Church, E. C. Dargnn, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Thla la "Rally Day," and a largo attendance of mem bers and friends of the school Is earn estly desired. Morning worship will be held at 11 o’clock, with observance of the Lord’* Supper end a short nd- dross by t’Mo pastor on 'The Genesis of Love. Night service will begin at 7:30. Sermon on ‘The Commenda tion of Lave." Vinaville Presbyterian. Sunday school 9:30 a, m. T. S. Low ry, superintendent. Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by tho pastor. Rev. Charles P. Cable. All are cor dially Invited to attend these services. Centenary Church. Rev. John E. Seals, pastor. Clnss meeting 10 a. m. Epwortb League, Junior. 10 a. m.; Senior 0:45 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. by pastor, with communion service. 7:30 p. m. by Rev. L. L. Plekett, D. D., of Louis ville. the noted Temperance evangelist. Sunday school 3:30 p. ro. Mr. Fmnk Mnllnry will speak to the Bible 8t. Paul’s Church. College and Forsyth streets. The Rev. John M. Northrop, priest nffl- datlng. Servlees for sixteenth Sun day after Trinity. 7:30 enrlv celehra Primitive Baptist. Services It a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday. Songs 10:30 and 7 o'clock. Mrs.WinsIow’s Soothinp; Syrup Hi- been used for over BITTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES •ho CHILD SOFTENS the OHMS. AL LAYS all PAIN: CURES WIND COLIC snd ts the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In every n;«rt of ths world. Be sure snd ssk for •'Mr- - low’s Soothing Syrup," and takJiWMH •r kind Twenty-five coots a, bottle,| Art, AN j snd ask for ’ ting Syrup," and toko i Twenty-ffye rants a . 1 rant owl under the Food and Drugs . June 10th. 1904. SerleJNumher 1CM OLD AND WELL TRIBD BEMEDY. Trying to Best the Gambling Bank. The charm of roulette at Monte Car lo Is apparent, the fascination and ex citement are bound to hold you as they did tne during my lucky daya. Then, too, there la the gorgeous beauty of the rooms themselves, tho crowd of people nil Intent on the play, and the prodigious rums of money over in view—the unified activity, the action of combined thought In one di rection. Each play# upon the sensee until (I rare not how strong your or dinary will) you fall prey to a tempta tion hoyond your power of resistance. To In* captain of your own soul Tn thla place In Indeed an arduous feat. I mjw the strong and the wc-ak alike en thralled -many people of many lands; and I think there w»-re more woqen than men. Borne played the game with d"flnltc system, some In the most erratic manner. The same fate over took all. At roulette, roughly, the bank wlna three per rent of all the money staked. As you play, thla hard mathematical fact la establishing Itself against you. Th< You may win nt the first. Indeed many wobif times. All your winnings first get back to the bank, end then your pock- _ ... .... et will pay nt least this subtle three Mscon, InDlbb roun-| p#r cent for all your fine aport of many trl'-t aforesaid. » bankrupt. Notice l« herebv given ibat on the ?i*d dsy of October. A. T» 190*. the said G. \V Brigman w»s duly adtudhnted bank rupt. snd the flr«f mefllnr of M« cred- ‘ r.crTCT————— It Is so simple, cned I even i» ih. .t, which time the said creditors may attend, ,h " r,,ar '^• ve.irK mm nroflts t>. the - trustee. their claims, appoint , ... stamlne the bankrupt, end transact other bustnsoa as may properly come before s*ld meeting. The bankrupt (g reoulred to be present on that day for ej3 amlnstlon. ALEXANDER BBOITtFIT. M Octofc., rlST ,n B "‘ rUB,Cr ' the place yearly reapa profit* to the tune of over one and a half million pounds sterling? The fateful zero take# your money, mathematically, once In thlrty-alx spina of the wheel; In the long reckoning It always appears and each time tho hank rakes in th* stakes —My Arthur Hew UL in The Bohemian Magazine. from roota and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who havo been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indigos- tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Police (*oupt The Black Outcast. It find Iwcn bo long since Rlowfoot Hal Lad been In court that the offi cers had almost forgotten her. and then Sal laid charjged In appearance. Time waa when It was about ns much as any officer wanted ns n day’s task to ar rest her, but the ravages of cocaine, and Hal was no ordinary anlffer, (nod almost taken tho starch out of her. She was charged with being drunk and disorderly, the old, old charge, and n tho officer testified that he found drunk and lying on tho street, she did not Hash her bleary eyes nt him ns in tiie old days. She smiled wearily, probably thinking of the many time* uho gave the officers nil they wanted in the way of resistance nnd fight. ’Judge, dishyer cote halnt wot hit usen ter bo. 1 halnt ben byern sem e w'lsky went out'n surculation, hut Iser ben hyeerln’ f’oni Lit. Do times Is sho changed. Dey tell inn dat you flno ’em fifteen dollars Jlss fur er plain ol’ drunk, an’ w’en hit eorno ter flglitln’ ycr Jlss stick bit t«r 'otn hot’n hobby. Hit usen ter be, Jedgc, w’en daro wuzzer plenty scads lyin’ ’roun’ loose an’ yer didn't hafter wuk less yer wants ter, dat do Judge fine yer two dollnra’n er ha’f, doan keer h drunk yet gits; but of yer letcher foot slip now, dey tells mo dat hits Kqty bar de do’. In dem times dls chile nx nunm-r ycr any odds. Effer feel Ink glttln’ drunk I glta drunk; offer feels Ink flghtln* 1 fights. Rome er dene po- know bow I usen ter mekkum hit do grit. In dem days offer coodn't git lleker nuff on Bridge Row, I tt gith hit on Fote Street. Homo er drse poleecea ’member de time w’on Henry Hammon' usen ter have do dances down dar on Fote Htraet, an’ dey ’mem bers how I usen ter cut do pidgin wing i' de buck wing an’ sashay nil ’roun’ dem niggers. Dan w’enner gits mad nn’ draws mer rasser, dem niggers sho did flew out’n de do*. Den w’on de po- comes nn’ dey eeed me, dey nay, Sal. w’y donteher go on home an’ quttcher foollshln’. Dey knnwed dat w’en dey tackle me dey had dare ban’s full, an' donteher furglt bit. Dey heap rudder dat I go home 'dout tekken me ter de calaboose. Dem day* twamt nuffln ter drink upper bottle er lleker an* feel freeh In da mawnln’ Hit wus good llckov In dern days Twamt nunner dlabor hot siuff dat dey sells berhln* yer beck deeo days. Ditlher stuff dey sells ter yer now slnt lleker. Hits nlsen, nuffln but rank plsen. An* dlsner nlgh-bearl Glmine dishwater, gimme slops, gimme pot lleker, but donteher gimme nigh-bear. Whar I ben? Whar yer reekon I ben? I alnt ben steepin’ In no bald wtd w’lto sheets an’ w’lte klvver. 1 tells yer dat. Anncr alnt ben eailn* eyes- ters’n fruit rake nsever. Meka no dlffunre whar 7 ben. Dat my Ma nias. Ise glad I lien erway w’en dey runs de lleker out. kase l JIhs know dar wooder ben er mighty slghter fuss fo day took mer las’ drnm erway Tom me. I dun quits rightin' kaae mer lalgs la weak an’ nuT unms Is weak anner glttln’ ol* nn’ feeble, an’ ef yar wants ter put me on do chalngnng las put mo dar. De needn't be skeerder me now, ksse Ise lakkcr lam’ now. All I kin do Is ter rlcnolec* wot I usen ter do wld do poleeees w’enner V wusser ex gooder man’s es any vum, an’ dey knows hit too. Need'n fine me no money, Jcdge, kase I alnt gutter rlnt—Jlaa aen’ me ter de gang, anner doan keer fur how long yer sen* me. De laa’ plact I sleep wus under de railroad bridge, an* do wedder git tin* too col’ fur ter Bleep dar any longer. Dey kalnt do nuffln ter mo now repp’n ter kill me. anner alnter skoerd t* r die. W’enner pusson goes rhoo wot I gone thoo. nn' glttln* ol’ an’ faebtn Ink ! Is, dey kalnt kill yer too toon.’’ old officers remembered . Hhe had given some of them some awful tussles In the past, but now that ahe waa a hns-heen. even though ahe ha/1 been a terror, they were willing to forgive. Hho «waa harmless now, and they were glad that for the black outcast. A Wholtsoma Tonlo H0R8F0RD’8 ACID PHOSPHATE. Especially recommended for the re lief qf that tired feeling during spring FOR RENT—Large 10-room residence, •Ingle family. $M- two families, fSO each. Apply Dr. Hinkle. N’T-sTalii in Park Hotel stable. Apply Mrs. B. L. Hendrick. Park Hotel. 8INGER and Wheeler A Wilson tewing machines f«»r rash or on eaey terms. Cnll at 5«S Cherry at. and get prices. FOR HALE—Automobile for sale; 24 h. p.. 4 cylinder, runabout, good as new; cost I2.S00; cheap for cash. 171 Cotton —.. Mac on. Oa. e ». buggy and at firmnan'a WKU.tKivroil'iprtnT D»I«t Bolter, for sale only at C. O. Moorn’a Phene 441. FOR PALE—A gentle harness. Can he i table on Poplar st ”tst VSL m pTr;^*! J , i SLS?: , ‘ r * MONET TO LEND on real oetato, repay able monthly. J. J. Oobh, Commerdal 4k Pavings Diutk. delay; see us at once. Taylor. Citizens National Bank "sm.* «s»srv. a n u .«, 4 HlloitTHAND Is the greatest help to a iNinltlnn. Stanley’s IhisIneM College has placed 19 students In good paying IHiNlllotis In Maeon nlnnn within the hut few weeks. Enter our night class. FOX RIVER butter, fresh every morn ing bv express. SI 1-lc per poind. Osear Rradley. PAfeREft‘1 HAIR BALSAM Ctcnai ul tvitUM li« hata )V.■•••*« . ^ ^ Curt, V » i«i f i n Pcujum 1 FOR SALE FOR HALE—I/>ta —I/»ts of odds and ends at prlee. liuhn’a Firs Sole. 45» RICE'S salted peanuts and tea square chips, fresh at all dealom. FOUND RICE’S isiltod peanuts and tea Srpjare chips, fresh at oil dealers. MONEY TO LOAN. ‘W STILL ^mother sis rh tn prices. Hu ha’s LOST LOST—Betwen Rogers ave. and the Em pire Store, a gold belt buckle. Finder III kindly return to Miss Bessie Wool- folk. care the Empire Htore. WEBTERN and Georgia beef, pork, veai and mutton, w. D. Barnes. Phone KiS. PERSONAL. College Hill Grocery. BEEF. PORK, yea] and mutton; also and oysters. W. D. Bai ia£ KALAMAZOO celiry and Cape Cod ersn- berrles. Freeh arrival of each at Oa- *“ Bradley’s FREBH FISH and oysters. W. D. Barnes, MRS. BARNES’ Millinery has moved to SCO Second st. three doors east, form- •ly McKay's. Exclusive agency Knox its. now on display. MEN’H and women's fall Regale, on ele gant stork Just In. Parks A Everest. CRARH. shrimp and Brunswick oysters Daniel A Blaslngame. MISCELLANEOUS ON’T forget that the Htthn Fire Rain Is still on; bargains galore. 469 Cherry street. PHONE NO. I4S, The Pure Food Grocery Co., for best and freshest groceries; everything new. C. W. Rice, Mgr. KALAMAZOO celnry. pears, npples. penrhes and everything good and clean to eat. M. nioch, 48. FREBH arrival of cauliflower, heed let tuce and Tokay grapes at Oanar Brad ley’s. Parks A Everett. HOLLAND Mllchner Herring, sauerkraut and Meperlln Hwlss cheese. Oscar nmdley. at Daniel A 1 Farms for Sale 2I2U acres In Crawford County: ftwe miles f-nm Knoxville; good Improveraents; $2.35e.oo. 103% acres, three and a half mikes fro tnRobfTt*. 1 mho Apwittry of Ahe second growth pine, ILMHO. X44U acres on Flint River, contain# ima (Inc river posture, $8,000.00. M meres In Bibb County on mala pabllo road, six miles out, close to scNom and church; plenty of running water and lure Improvements, which could not be re placed for I2.to0.00; we sell for IA28Q.M. The Georgia Loan & Trust Company 80S Mulberry Street. FOR SALE A well located place of property eoa- nlottng of 7 houses renting tor $4MVV K r month, at $4,600.00. Can carry a in of $$.000.00 on It for three yearn at 7 per cent. Will be glad to have you call at our office for one of our rent list#. B. A. WISE 358 Second St. $6,500 Thla amount will buy residence M7 Madison street, the home of Mr. J. F. Minton, who Is leaving the city. This place ha# aeven rooms and two large holla. It has every modern ormven- Itnce and l» elegantly fitted through out with cabinet manteia If you are In the market tor a home do not over look thla. _ MINTON-MORGAN CO. ■ RmI E.Ut. 418 Ch.rry 8trMt. VhMi* UK,