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The Macon Daily Telegraph
DAILY, $7.00 A YEAR.
The Great Ready-to-Wea?r Floor of The Big Store Being the Largest Distributer of Fashionable Garments Hereabouts and Growing More Popular
Each Season Carries a •Si'iOch Twice the Size of Any Other Concern in This Territory and Each Garment New and the Season's Latest Styles.
Real Correct Things in Ready-to-Wear Goods, Millinery, Dress Goods and
Novelties Special Priced—Sale of Great Auction Purchases Rugs, Blankets, Etc.
You Must Come to The Big Store Monday for Best Merchandise for the Least Money—If You Are Buying Here, You Are Saving—Do You Save?
Recent purchases made by our buyers (constant!;
regular prices quoted by usual stores, with ease. \
quantities not even approached in <
Some Facts Concerning This Store
As Georgia's Oreutcst Merchandiser* this Institution has access
to every producing sourcQ in tlio world; from the largest manufactu
rers to the moBt exclusive craftsmen.
Orders placed by us In almost every line are usually the most
Important from this territory, thug securing the first soloctlon and
tho lowest possible cost prices. . . _ . ..
What this position In file msrket means to the publlo 1* best tow
by tho presont remarkable completeness, and the distinctive charac
ter of our great stock* and tho unequalled value-giving of this store.
We want you und overy other citizen of Georgia to know the
store and benefit from the low pricing which you will find always
In evidence.
other stores hereabouts, thus obtaining a price unknown
The saving we've made on Ready-to-Wear Goods, Dress Goods, Rugs, Blankets, Etc., will
go direct to our customers in Special Sales of which tomorrow’s event is a very important one.
Can you be here ? If not send somebody to benefit from the special pricing.
Remember These Special Prices are for Monday’s Selling.
For the Real Swell Styles in
Dresses, Suits, Etc., You Should
Come Here Tomorrow, and You
Will Save, too.
Tho smartest new cfTectH In Tailored Suits: the long coal/:,
the new and popular wcuves of material uro hero In a wider
variety than can be found elsewhere In Middle Georgia. To see
our Suita and noto tho prices mouns a sale In nearly every case.
Ono can but note the extreme low pricing so foreign In most
stores. We want you to see these Suits find Dresses tomorrow;
the pleasure la oura to show you. whether purchasing or look
ing. Come.
Another Distinct Triumph—Greatest Business
We Have Yet Done
This Inst crowning triumph of onrMillincry showing and selling
confirms our supremacy gained throe seasons ngo, (our fust in tho busi
ness) and which wo hold completely today.
Not only do wo handle tho largost number of Imported French Mod
els, hut they are so conclusively stylish ns to represent tho latest word
in Paris models. Can you wonder at the enthusinsmt Can you consuro
us for our pride in the achievement? OUR OWN CREATIONS nro hardly
second in stylishness though they are much less in price.
We Imvo a corps of expert designers, artists in their owif right nnd
there are none superior in tho South. 1
if you want the best styles to lie had in Huts at tho least posuibio
price you should try this store Monday.
$15 Black Cheviot Suits $8.98
ladles' excellent Talloted Sulla, newc*t fall style . of all wool
cheviot (black only): made long coat gtyle, full Hare i
and plaited Rklrts; actual 115 suits In till regular sizes <fc Q QQ
as a great special tomorrow we say tho suit...... *pu.7U
$15 and $18 Tailored Suits$9.98
Broadcloth and Mixtures; long coats, full flare skirts <bQ Oft
the bist colors and black at ipy.VO
For $14.98 Suits Worth $20.00
Fine cloth and mlxturo Suits, the latest long coats and flare skirts,
all popular colors;,special value giving of $20.00 d? I A QQ
Suits tomorrow for only..... i ^...v 1
Tailored Suits at $17.98
The kind you would pay $2500 for elsewhere; the dressy long
coat style so fashionable this season; suits are of plain Cloth nrvl
mixture materials; the right colors and real 1 7 QQ
charming styles; choice of this lot • • • -'O
$24.98 Buys $35.00 Values
Suits that would readily command $35.00 oro on sale here for
$24.08; many smartest models und colors* we’vo marked some
for quick selling worth $35.00, ono day $24 98
At $29.98 Suits Worth $40.00
If you want something grand In a suit fhu should soo tho $40.00
values we’ll sell for only $29.98; they’re black and colors of Broad
cloth; also pretty mlxturo effects; new style coats
and skirts; they'll make you enthusiastic About <t?Q QQ
them; priced at
A grand variety of the fnshfonnble things In Waist* are ready
for Monday’s showing and wiling. We aro ready with th* mott
charming styles nnd nil priced economically . r -- , .
You never have seen In a Macon store such a comprehensive
collection of what Is best for the season; nil the style effects and
colors and price In each Instunce Is very low at
$3.98 to $24.98 the Garment
Great Specials
These ntt extraordinary *nd should not bt
, overlooked j by nny means. Read below:
35c Undermuslins 19c
These lire knitted Undorvests and Drawers,
In Jodies' and misses sizes splendid weight
ko.xIm; worm apodal 1
price, , gurmont 1
40c Undermuslins 19c
Muslin iindergnrment* In this lot ‘worth
fo 40c gari'icnt; nlc®ly made Corset Cov®ra
nnd drawers, trimmed and tuck«d 1 Q r
style, garment 1
Child’s Drawers 6c
Madu of good quality muslin for all alia
children, from 1 to 10 years; garments
that are worth 12 l-2c; (limit G pair) at...v*L
New Panama Skirts at
$4.98 Instead of $8.00
For Monday special we’ll offer great bar
gains In Skirts. There are over twenty styles
to aelect from, mndo of all wool chiffon Pana
ma, brown, blue nnd black nnd fancy styles,
plnltnd nnd flare models: {real $8.00 A QQ
Skirts tor one day’s sailing at only...™*' u
$2.98 for $5.00 Values
in Silk Petticoats
T*ieso are of good heavy taffeta Silk, black
and colors, mado full and with deep flounce;
worth $5.00, but tomorrow choice O QQ
of this lot
A special purchase enables us to otter to the ladles Yif this terri
tory a great value in Silk Suits tomorrOWr they’re In colors of
navy, black, brown and green; very latest stylos, with long
sleeves and made of fine chiffon taffeta; real value d?Q QQ
of the suits aro $18.00, but you get thdm for only ‘P7.7U
Swell Satin Costumes, $18.98»
$22.98, $24.98, $29.98, $34.98
The ntw ’’Dlreetolre” adaptions, the stunning costumes of
fine satin In black and nil colors: we’vo a beautiful line of these
satin dresses to show you at the above prices tomorrow nnd
would be very glad to have you look at them.
Misses and Junior Suits at $7.S8,
While 50 of these last Monday we shall aell Actual $3.00 Waists
of ecru color net. modi- In very pretty designs nnd In all regular
sizes; a special off* ring for one duy for 4; 1 AQ
choice 1
ladles, wo offer you a great opportunity to purchns
serviceable Raincoat at un almost Insignificant price;
purchase here tomorrow these popular garments
in small and wide stripes; also solid black at
Blankets! Comforts!!
From Our Big Auction Purchase.
Blanket Bargains
These prices are le™ than manufacturers’ wholesale prices.
Read below nnd come:
White Oermnnbi 12-4 Jllankets with colored borders; 1 QQ
mills price pair $2.60, ours •
White Germania BB. 12-4 »81anketa. colored bordered 1 CO
stylos, mills price $2.00, ours 1 •* /v/
White Australian W.lfi.B, 11-4 Blankets; mills price 9 QQ
pair $3.00, our price..,...,.
Gray Australian W.D.D.p.’ Blankets; mills price O TC
$2.76, our price, pair
Fine plsld Blankets, new effects, all wool and heavy, A AQ
at pair
Left-Overs From Last Season
Greatly Sacrificed
Th« an* from last season’s stock: some perfectly clean; others
slightly shop ntUfnedi nil nre wool and good wool, white and
colored borders; regular IG and *7 goods; some few $5 “2 QQ
quality; alt to close quick tor pair, only J*y\y
For thin price' we’ll close nut to first comers splendid fine all-
wool white Blankets left overs from last season, Just to closo
them fawt: they're $8 ’0 nnd $9 qualities and C QQ
cheap r.t regular prices an l«<rg a.* lot lasts, pair, choice 7.7U
Comforts Cheap
Almost a cur lot" 1 of Fomfo'rt* wit] be sold In our retail de
partments at onri* n: ytry low prices as follows:
$1.25 Comforts, good < .v, rs nrni nilr-rm; our price QO .
Is only
$1.60 Comforts, neat floral ct
$2.f)0 Comforts, floral design,
cotton fillers for.
$2.60 Com forts, good snttlne
cotton fillers
$3.00 Comforts, best design. .'Uittlnc covers,)filled with
good cotton at.... .....L
Enormous Auction Purchase of
Alexander Smith Sons Co. En
ables Us to Give Great Bargains
By far the largest Rug stock In Macon Is gathered hero. Bale
after balo of the newest, best Rugs were bought nt tho recent
New York auction sale of the above concern. You can save big
money by buying here tomorrow.
Alexander Hmllh-Axmlnstcr Rugs In 27x54-lnch size; 9 1 Q
$3.00 kind, our prlco T* 1 7
Alexander Smllh-Axmlnlster Rugs In 18x36-lnch QAp
slxo; $1.39 kind, our price ssJl*
Alexander Smlth-Axmlkster Rugs In S6x72-lnch 2 40
alxe; $5.00 kind, our price ■ ,,U7
Alexander Smith-Hall Runners In $-18 feet else; 7 QA
$10.00 kind, our price /
Alexander Smith-Hall Runners In $xl6 feet size; Q AQ
$12.50 kina, our price /, ” /
Alexander Hmlth-Axmlr.ster Art Squares In 0x9 feet 1 7 QQ
slxo; regular $16.50, our price I4..yu
Alexander Smith-Axmlnster Art Squares In 8'/ixl0t4 1 Q QQ
feet; regular prlco $25, our price 1
Alexander Hmlth-Axmlnster Art Squares In 9x12 I Q QQ
feet; regular price $30. our price »
Alexander Hmlth-Nepperhan Art Squares In 8>4x 1G*4 1 9 QA
feet slxe; regular price $16.60, our price i
Alexander Hmlth-Nepperhan Art Squares In 9x12 feet 1 C AQ
size; regular price $20, our price 1 y
Alexander Smith-Wilton Velvet Art Squares In 9x12 7 A
feet size; regular price $17.60, our price ,J\J
Alexander Smith-Manor Art Hqusree In $xll feet size; 1 Q QQ
regular price $16, our price IV/.7U
Ingrain Art Squares
$6.50 Ingrain Art Squares good designs, 0x9 feet; A AQ
special sale at only
$7.50 Ingrain Art Squares 9x1016 feet size; our special A QQ
price Is 7-70
$8.00 Ingrain Art Squares 1x12 feet slxe; on special C CQ
sale here at
* r ' a Poput.r Woolen. arc sold hero at all times for less prices than ol««-
cSSUSrN%&»ijB^riTif^S^-”’" throw out ,pcclal 10,8 of new good “ 81
39c Gray Panama at 25c
It’s splendid for every day or economical weai, school wear, etc., yard wide
.j5c gray panama for,.,,...,....,, C
75c 45-inch Mohair at 50c
85c 45-inch Mohair at 69c
Black, navy and brotvn heavy M<.hnir for Skirts. Suits, etc., fine all wool, worth £Q_
85c, full 4o Inches wide; tomorrow at yard D/C
$1.00 52-inch Panama at 79c
n.sutlful quality ,1.00 Panama, n.u-y, brown ana blsck, durable, all wool kind 7Q_
tomorrow’ at yard..Y,.. 1 .... / yC
75c Woolens at 50c
antJ f .' r 1 »' rown u ^*- offer a great opportunity to procure stylish new
®f ason 8 *t a very low price. Dozens of pretty weaves and popular
r°th ar -' n r?. W ° n i . r ' r !f’ for yard: * otT ?e of these a re easily C Q_
Wash Goods Bargains
GOOD CALICOES, 1^o - We are always under other A 1
rtor«*s on prices; lights or dark patterns hcro, ( y«rd “ l-^C
PERCALES, 7c—This |« the grade you pay 10c to othfra; 7^
we have a very large stock of light or dark styles nt /C
CIHGHAMS, 7c—In excellent styles, light and medium 7_
In color; fancy or solid colors; we only usk you. / C
FT.ANNELETTES, 9c—These are the extra wide P«l*slan
styles and Klinona Outings; you pay to other stores 16c; Q„
you pov to u-? only ,..'C
WORSTED PLAIDS, 9c—This Is a great value; sells nt 18c
regularly; It comes dark'styles, Inducing Scotch effects; Q„
our price is yC
SHIRT GOODS—A very fine Corded Madras with 1 7 I
Mark etrlneg over a white ground; our prlcg Is ■ 1 -4-C
PERCALES, 9o—You pay 1 *$4c for tnls line of goods every
where; three are 26 Inches In width, beautiful styles;
«>ur [. ce la only sC
GILK WEAVE POPLIN. 15c—Why should you pay other stores
26<* for this material when yon can save 10 cents a yard? Our
assortment comprises light and dark colors, and IC„
our rrlco only I JC
BORDERED FLANNELETTES. 10c—You are charged 15c for
this class cf merchandise elsewhere;; our price |A
Is only I UC
overs, cotton fillers, fer
, xattinc covers, splendid
covers, tlowercd designs,
•Faille'’ Silk; regu*
the dannenberg company