Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 04, 1908, Image 10

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TITE MACON DAILY TELEGBAPII: SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, ITJOS t GEORGIA nERSONAL j ill NEWS AND \ NOTES. ! VI-» Hr-.wn Kfidaj n.o.lilnx i host«»s**>- BrUlgi •mJnic tii#» M» g*nt Giar* waa tto* .' (or Mia * lirown n l Min Woodward ••-•••• piayod HAWKINSVILLE. Dr. *nd Ifr*. A. A. FrnJth announce th® oic«i«m»nt of tn.:r daughter. Matt la Tharps, to Mr Richard Waik«T Hiatts. the marrta* n "-ur at th* Horn/ of tho t.rl i- on Not.rnbrr 17 Mi** ftmlth 1* one of ll**vkJnavllle'H moat popular and a« <v»mpU*hod young lad la*. Whll. Mr Kit it I* ona of th* loading young bus Hu .•« city, bHng : daughtr, aeon. are with Mss. Emma Jordan. I’rofaaaor #j. It. Morton apent the w«ek-end with Atlanta friend* Mr Arl- Roby left till* week for .r Atlanta, where h* goes tu ft sum* blsj;,, entjy eofBptotad home an thrown open fof the first time with In* Hi own a* honoree. Other small af- i dm were given for Mini lirown In the renlngB. Airs C. O. Hummer* gave rjutt* a large j _. r* cave f, u i party Krldayr xfwrn'x.n for Mm re I'addlmrd awl Mim Mattie 1 firm of j Winfred. the rdrn h«H taken pOa- vv.*.- |.r« ( «hi -erve.J pretty new home ou'Miene* Kiith'thio Mumm*r« and U>-i i Roger*. Delirious cream and . uk« id Milan Faulkner. ^ htl „ rf ... •nor, la M'lnlic.llo i „ ' l 0 ' J*owell-1*0Ihill l >rug Editor Tyson of tl, nar w*a In the rjty F Aetlh any. I la M. Roby visited Mach# t Mrr II. la vialtlng relative* in the * ity. Mr*. II. L. 1/titnar and children, of Favllle. nre visiting Mrs If. liulllriK- ton. near the i Mitchell, of Finlay**) •pent Monday iri th Mr*. K. H. Tayl. saver* 1 days ctl- aft- •ling ! has signed hi* •tiling Mi Ml- laid w Mrs inghtit returned to her home in M Mr* J. rr. Reeve Of .1 FI*.. who ha* he* f , vi* ting t Mr*. Oharlty AmDnmn, ha to har how'-. Mr. T. H. Hendrick* ha hla family to Ma«on. Mr. Wnrren I/>ve haa r* prMiltlOn In the post off h - e. n copied it position with the IJvlu Cotton < *11 Com pan Mis* Annie L* •• M relative:. In Oclllu. Mr. J. N. Iiennjinl. of JMnevlcw. •pent Monday In the city. Mr. T. K. I.ovejoy spent Monday In Atlanta. Co|. ||. F. T .aw son *pent Monday In Macon on husineoN. I mn; Mrr. Faria* hn* rented the hoarding wee hwi*e on the comer of Urnml ami Lumpkin street*, and will lake po*. session October 1. MU* Mat He Sut ton. who heretofore run this hoarding hnusa. will move to Atlanta Mlm* Nina McDuffie Is visiting In MclUe Mr. Ilarry Wvnae. #»f Cochran, spent Sunday here with friends. Messrs. Ale* Keith. Will SrhailfDr and Robert Rutherford, of Dublin. sj>ent Hundxy In the city. MtSa Clyde Willis I- visiting rela tive* and friends In Chattanooga Mr. L. r. Ilagnn has necaptai h position with Mr. K. D. Richardson Mr. Ale* Rojer will lenvo Wednes day for Atlanta to begin a <».ur*** In d« ntlatrv. Me. jo n J Anderson left Tuesday for Atlanta to resume a course In the Atlanta College of Physician* nnd Burgeon*. Richard Dr Lamar I* ft Tuesday for New Orleans where he will begin » medical course In Tnlnne Pnlverslty r!e Danher. of Mac i'or* Chapman. tilth left In urned froni|„r friend* In Montezuma. im flirHffh lllrkson and May lulled Mrs. H. M. Hickson. * Chapel thl* we* k. urtna Hanksto ug » few daya J. H. Rainey. Av of Blrm r-iils. Mr Mis* Mary Th Red th*. family Mr M A. .1 I! |. Wondtni *r« l£?il ' till take |*la 111 dork. • soon. I* I'riselll* Htr<iud Is spending .reeks with l*r. and Mr*. M. f Atlanta, vis- Clarke In Mii*»n Mr. j- W. J5K3^'' N. Hedge*, flrady A. Me*» Smith and Harry M Houser left this •r Atlanta to nhuitnc their rdildl* * at th<- Georgia. School of Tech nology. ROBERTA. Miss I.ula Dozier, of Flovllln. I* the attractive giiczt of her sister. Mr*. lien F. Walker. Mr*. Hugh Ilankston hn* returned from a vl*lt to Fort Valloy. Mrs. J. li. l/iwc Is home again from o visit to relative* at Yntenvllhv Mrs M. H. Cnrnea visited Fort Val ley recently MONTICELLO. Miss Clairs Qlnlfoulllct h i* returned to Macon nflrr a visit to Mis* Minnie Denton. Mis* Annie Kingman, of James. 1* with her sister. Mr*. Ran Malone. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Bullard are back from Mill* Igevllle. Nickel Club had an enjoyable Mr ling with Ml* D. T. Pj ha* Id Itei i'd from Mis* Florence Farrar, nf Alkcntnn was the recent guest of Montleidh relative*. Mrs. Thnm**. of Jackson. Is on « visit to Mrs Jim Ijine. Miss Hattie Kate Burney, dorn. I* the guest of Mr* Ml»s Hub} Weaver,ha* vlngton after a visit to Mis* Ruby i Itu eturtieit KzHI Mr* Bessie Malone entertained at "4r afternoon Mr*. Doyle Campbell won the first prize. Judge A. H. Malone I* hack from Mac Mr Te*a< ntlve Mollle The next ting of he Nlokoel It Person* ertalned nt Club will he with M Miss Augusta G 4:" Hi.turday afternoon in honor of Ml** Katie Iteck Thontpmut. or Mans field. whit Is the gui nI of Ml** Hallle Jordan. Mr. Will Itldley has returned to lllllsltor.. after a visit to Mr. and Mrs II. V. Robinson. Miss Hints Hmlth. of Newborn, was the guest recently of Montlt-ello rela tive*. Mr Sam Cohen nnd Master* T<eon and J*Ml|p Cohen »l»e|lt the neek-end with Kit onion relative*. Ml Me* DIP m and Annie Nell Fr*n- lln hav returned to Mansfield after a visit to Mrs, Doyle Campbell An Informal d.ittie wan enjoynd by tbe young people this week. Mr J L. Benton m*de a hii«lnva« trip to Macon Mis* Agnes T^verettc has returned to Fntonton after a visit to friend* Mm. Fleming Jordan nnd young Dent made a builnes* trlj. to /chulon thl* week. Mrs. R. P. Lowe, of Knoxville, visited Roberta. The ladles of Knoxville gave a birthday party f<»r the benefit of the Mcthodl t parsonage of that place, m it little sum was raised. Mis* |«e»» Kills has returned from Mlanta. where she has been purchna- Iiir fall millinery. Misses pearl Wright and Beulah chninplon are on a husloe** trip to At lanta. Mis* Pearl ifnrrls I* visiting Pres- Mr. J. K. Wnlker has accepted posit Ion ns teacher of shorthand In the Hcbooi nf Telegraphy atid Buxine D AflNFSVILLE. Ml** Martha Brown, of Hawklnsvltlc. who ha* been the guest of Mrs. Tom Mtirnhev. left for a visit to .twice I.. Miller* family In Mnron. Miss Itiowu H vlsli was n iontlmml roiimt of gutety. Ib-r iHistes*. Mrs Tom M'wphev. gave a niornhig <*rd party Tuesday Mlddlehrook*. Ilopklri* Hospital for trei Me hell and Prlsrll . hr Misses Lily it Priscilla tftmud. A beau-- slx HuPi Min tlnmphie \ndei lornlng Ales. (*. II. enloyahle hri«lge i Top poor# was itnl Mi* Kd. Cook. ii*slst«d In serving jrse by Mrs. Tom Mi • Kile Murphey. Those MM* Blown. Mrs. Hn liter Miovln Stephens. Mrs. Mr*. «*. II. pel due. Mrs. r. Mrs. Mabel Cotter. Mrs. rs Relit Hunt. Mrs. Seneca A MeCrarv. Mrs. I* !.. id Mi Idge party for Mis* mlsil t nurse wns crlved a beauti ful ilcck of cards Those present yes: Mrs ib.uKc Mltchdl. Mrs. C. 11. Hum phrey. Mrs. Tom Murphey, Mrs. Heneca Mull Mis Retd Hunt. Mrs. (lalnrr Tur ner. Miss Neltl" Lee Or»«T. Miss tirms WomUnul Miss H.ilomc Redding. Miss vnttileen Terser. Miss Bobhls Matthews md Ml*s Nettle Mnttliews. Thursday tMeimsin Miss Hmwn was again hnnores \ itti Mrs. .1. A. McCrary a* hostess. Hits beautiful home was decora ted with oscs nnd golden rod. Top score was n»ile l.y Mrs Kd Cook end Mr*. Tom Murphey. Mis* Brown was given a beau- veil b> color picture. ’Punch it the game. Thursday Miss Kvelvn Collier, id cake followed the game. ‘ enlng Mrs Krle entertained thro* ts 8MITHVILLE. surprise to their friend* last Sunday. They left home to take a ride and drove to the residence of Mr. nnd Mr*. R. I*. Halter, where Judge r?en. C. I-Mward.* wn* waiting, and in a very short time pronounced tho word* ( that made them man anil wife. Miss, Pipkin* Is the eldest daughter of Prof, j Pipkins who taught the Hinlthvllle j high school last year, and Mr. Pariah ts engaged In the turpentine business j near here. After their mnrringo they! drove hrn-k to the home of the young! lady, and Informed the family of the marriage, receiver the paternal hie**-! Ing nnd left for their future home *ev- I era I miles out from town. Mix* Maggie Burton, who spent the summer with her grandparents left ! for her home in Laflrange. Little Hilda, the sweet little daughter of Mr. nnd Sirs. Win, Fort McAfee, who has been critically III for several weeks l* now convalescent, much to the delight of her many friends. Mr*. Maggie McManus Is visiting relatives In Macon, nfter a delightful visit to her sister, Mrs. J. D. 'Burton. In Laflrange. Mrs. T. R. McMIohael nnd Ml*.* Julia McMIchaol are visiting friends at Macon nnd Myron. Mr. Carl McDonald left for Atlan ta to resume hi* studies at the Tech. Miss Mary Lizzie Ansley spent the week-end with friend* In Dawson. Mrs. Nell Hook* and children of Ailuma Station, spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. F. McAfee. Mrs. W. D. Well* visited relative* In Amerlcus. FITZGERALD. Mrs. J. A OrKTIn and sons. Ballard anil Jules, left this week for Macon, where they will make thotr future hhme. Miss Marie flrlner. Mr* Grif fin's daughter, left on the same date to make here homo fit Cordele for the present. Mr. nnd Mr. J. fl. Wall, who were recently married nt Indian Spring, are nt home In Fitzgerald. Mrs. \V. (1. Rmadhurst entertained the ladles of the Presbyterian Society very pleasantly nt her home on South Grant street last Thursday afternoon. lire Chief Wllkerson. wife ami children have returned from George. Where thev Visited with the family of K II. Wllkerson. Mr*. Lulu It. Hyman Is entertaining for the winter he.r niece. Mins Vern White, of Grand Rapid*. Mich. Agent Nelson Norris, of the A. D and A. Railroad, has returned from an extended trip to Washington. t>. C. nnd other Kastern point*, where he •rnpnuicd by Mr*. Norris nnd Ml** ttnsala. have ratumed from visit to Crnwfordavllle. Indiana. Mir* Ray Jones Is being entertained ... Valdosta thl* week by her sister. Ml** Luclle Jones. Mr*. George White Is visiting rel ative* in Cordole. (Continued on Page Three.) THE VOLUNTEERS PIANO FOR SALE! The Beautiful Corl Piano Exhibited in the Window of TheLesserDry Goods Store Will be Sold to the One O ffering the Most for it. The Corl Piano is one of ike finest instruments on the market today. Although it is a comparatively unknown piano in this section it has be come very popular everywhere it has been sold. The regular price is $600.00 but this sample piano in Lesser's window will be sold to the highest bidder October the sixth.. No matter how little or how much is bid, the highest bidder will get the piano. If may sell for a reasonable price and it may not bring enough to pay the freight—it depends on circumstances. If anybody who knows a good piano from a cheap one comes along and takes the time to inspect this instrument, that person will bid a fair price. But if anybody thinks it is a cheap piano, it may not bring thirty cents. It will positively be sold to the highest bidder on October 6th, 1908. if you need a ptano be sure to put in a bid at once. Write the amount you wish to bid and your name and address on a piece of paper, seal in envelope securely and deposit it in box at Lesser’s store. Unseated bids will not be considered. SPECIAL EXCHANGE OFFER The Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, 417 Second Street, Macon, offers to give the purchaser of the piano in Lesser's window the privilege of making an exchange for any upright piano they handle, including Chickering, Mathushek, I vers & Pond, Ilose, Haddorff and Lester. Read Their Letter and Be Convinced: —cib— CMICKERIH5 VOSE. SMITH & NIXON C6TEV KOHLER A CAMPBELf IVCRS & POND LUDDEN & SATES CLUB PIANO MATHUSHEK LESTER. -T- LJJ DDKAt&BATES ZAVANSBH.CB CAPITAL A SURPLUS SJ25 000 Sopt, 26, 1908. Mr. J.P.Sharp, Mgr., \ - , Luddon & Bates S. II, H. Macon, Ga. Dear Mr. Sharp:- 1 Relative to the Corl piano oxhlbitcd in the window of tho Lessor Dry Goods Store, you can't possibly say too much in its favor:In your advertising. Wo have boon handling the Corl,in Savannah and Jacksonville over since it was first put on tho market and customers who purchase it aro delighted with tne instrument, vfo consider tho Corl piano ono of tho best instruments wo havo over itandlod and havo decided to make it ono of our loaders, . Tho piano in Lessor's window i3 being sold in thi3 unique way in order to attract to the Corl tne attention of everybody who can possibly bo interested in something exceptionally fine in tho way of a piano. Aftor this sale is over tno Corl will bo sold by us at tho same price it is sold in all parts of tne United States - $600. You aro hereby autlioricod to exchange pianos with tho purciiasor of tno Corl in Lessors window, giving any Upright piano wo nandlo for it, including such well known.makes as tno Chickoring, Mathushek, Ivjrs 4 Pond, Voso and Lostor. Havo it understood witn tho lucky bidder that oxohange must be made bofon October the IOtn. 1903. (Wo believe tho bids aro to- bo opened October tho 6tn,) as wo don't want tho piano to bo used if an exchange is dosirod, Your3 very truly, LUDDEN & BATES S.M.H. By- • U >‘ ou *> id the highest for the Corl Piano in Lesser’s window and wish to exchange for an ter known make, you will have choice of the world’s best makes. 6 IOr aa older and tet ' PUT IN YOUR BID TODAY SPECIAL: Out of town people will have the same chance as those livinjr in Macon Mail U J . LESSER DRY GOODS STORE, Macon, Ga. Mark envelope, “Piano Bid,’’ so^it woTt be opened by mhl^