Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 04, 1908, Image 3

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m -1 — THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 190ff EORG1A NEWS AND P ERSONAL Ik NOTES. T MONTEZUMA. Miss Myrtle Felton fcw from a visit to Mrs. A- C. Felton. Jr, in Macon. Mrs. C. D. Galla&er and Miss Mary •Westbrook visited Atlanta last wertt. Mrs. R. L. Xetherton and Miss Ann!* Ue Xetberton are In Macon. Mr. J. E. Reid has returned fttua a business trip to Atlanta. at tbe Mr. and Mrs. Belcher and children AlMt-, ©f Mrs. Laun Sic alb has returned to L-TTiWt^S^Shtrt. of Caines- tllf. TbL. is the attractive r ‘ Bme Waltoa t of Miss _ L FWsnatrtdLf# TVwai- ec.e. t« the curst ©FiMr^Kltty Atzjut- iu Lears Dudcnu Is the attracts* CuSroT Mra A. L Johnson. a IN Cuo Price is the curst of friends kn'ctaborstr- *£z o'clock dinner was As arith all entrrtafr- have retaroed to their lme at Mil- \ rtZZJZ* ' mU na. after a pleasant visit to .ttorirffp. fclSSS ?**"**—* sister. Mrs. Momaon. after iptaJat.^snUrr. Mrs. Caroline Pdsi at Hotel •one time in Griffin and Atlanta. ” Mrs. J. W. McKenzie and Mr*. W. I Mrs. Msoritr. «f Giemtea la the I*. McKenzie visited Macon this ereek. Srwat of htr sister. Mi*. Kitty Fltzpet- Mrs. E. B. Hamilton has spend ins several days in Jlacoa^ Mrs. Loviek Greer has retained fo # 7 ha t. H. Pace aria have next areek her home In Toft on. {hr Sptniahex SL C, to moke flat her m lira. G. F. Alford b rWtfcl !w flWL . ... . ... parent* Mr. and lira. J. S. Glboon.! “SVfJfcL 1 *££!£. Stunt*. the .Mrs. CaUaJirr. of SaBdorarlBe. 1» ;^ spending «vora! w«ka with Mr. awl ££ rfuSflKS xJL Mr*. Corbin Gallaher. • Mm. I_ H. TtnbcU uk! Mm Perry Mr. sad Mrs. Luke Gardner have MiMtlr wii ate vtsitin* friends in At- ffiveen up the Cnion Hotel'and nre l^wt «# th~ located at the Holt House. ” ••• Wttlty_arfgb» soe aetke ,1,^. «»., n_ a.,. i vmtura t»* Atlanta duxtuu toe mw •war. Mlsa Haid«e McKenzie has retuxaed sbe era! be the cwn of Mm James Mc- from Americas. CoOMck. Mrs. Oscar McKesocie baa returned Mrs. P. G. iTalker spent several days from BarnesvIUe, where she spent the a.Atton K v . Conner il w 1 Tlwwar-w® and baby have Mrs. Dora Frederick visited her Jgjgg*-®"* a Ttsit to nrtativm - daughters here last week. ALBANY. Mrs. T. EL Macltsby and Utile ml Elmo Lockett. *_ave returned home after a pleasant visit to Macau and Atlanta. Mrs. X. F. Tift entertained deUcht- fully at bridge Saturday afternoon at her home on Society street. ctunpU- mentary to Mrs. WSlard. of Falatka. Fla, who Is visiting at the home of acd Mm W. Llllfrf flfif*. after speaiilnir the with her a»u*t. Mm & F. Bctcham. has returned to her hame In Xerth Gmitk^. las re tuned kocne. hntt. has returned h«w. M. A Mustln atul M. L. Rich- via, too is vxsmng at u*e name ***| ter leave Monday for Xew Tut where Mrs. M. W. Tift, in Arcadia. Mrs. tbey-'yv» to pmtxw their hoUday stock K. R. Denison made the highest score “of end was presented with a lace collar. I libs Mary FMiK •*» retamed after Mrs. Willard, guest of honor, was pre-jja menth's visit to requires in Orocee scried with a lace collar. A drildoos• ^buntT- t wo .course luncheon was served after j the game. Those present were Mrs. | Willard. Mesdames H- W. McClure, jj c. i\ Thkrpen and two tittle girts SANDERSVILLE. J. D. Twigs*. W. S. Tarver. C. W. Lbiud Mm A. T. IL Jordan at Povts- Rawaon. W. J. McKeralL E. H. DM* J boro. JJlfon. S. H. Tift and X. F. Tift. Mt* Xuuri* .■ Mr. Im Hill Hail *!trr lEfniytS tt t. Kvcnl days km with Rhtim Mutto SnrtL “ M “ ™* t Pavisbore. returned to Macon. | BnthiT Mtdcny. of August*. Miase Dora Belle and Kathleen GO- jj Ti<nisjc Mfcwe Zrartih Edwards, bert entertained Saturday morning ntj Mr. and Mm I». TmsseU have hern the home of their parent*. Mr. and?guests off Mm Ci»rtTn*»n*r. Mrs. W. H. Gilbert, on North Jack* Mm Archer, of street. This was the second of a of Mm L EL Mm R R Ijorett has returned flwm a I ruest _ - liases Mary. Annie sad Etema Doolit tle. Of Brook** Sunn*, are visiting rrlia- tat ret turned to Waiibctt. Mr. Terry Kitchen*, of am vftKiter in the dtr Sunday. Miss lanar A then *»* i Traasborc fee- the week-eodL m™. S. R 3l x!fc. of Savunn of Mm C. R. Hndrlx several by*. "3K* and Mm'EL L Chaftfr. of Mitch- ell were guests of Mr. and Mm J. ~ serie* of parties signalizing the fi T Mt-'to~»lm R U MtUer at Tennille. but of Miss Kathleen Gilbert. Bridge ----- — was the diversion. Miss Margaret Tinofr von the prise, a raff. Deli cious luncheon wa* served after the game. Those present were Miss El len HUsman, of Texas: Misses Xella Vason. Willie Walters. Margaret Yan cey. May Nesbitt. Madge Nesbitt. An- ■ n!e Tarver. Victoria Collier. Mary On. MttcheUe Tieknor, Dor* Belle and Kathleen Gilbert. "A bam dance* will be tie next of the series of par ties tgven by the Misses Gilbert. Mrs. C. W. Arnold has returned heme from Columbus and Oak Moun tain Springs, where she has been spending several weeks. Mis* Stella Marks, who has been vL«1tlng In Chattanooga for some time, returned home this afternoon. Mrs. T. E. Manltsby and little am. ... Elmo Lockett, after spending t very jj Mm G^ pleasant visit In Americas. Macon Sft* s fiS*JS?*I r# 2 > J£f ** and Atlanta, have returned home *5”|i I ^ I m5!%s^lSnST'of TWvta- companled by Mrs. Maulttbys hn*h- hcJJ\S?ed 3P VSyS^T^CnQ^T er-ln-law. Mr. E. S. Manltsby. ©t Mm J. 1- Kelley visited her niece. KayetteevIUe. X. C. lln. John Kiff^wv. Miss Fannie Harrell returned horaej Mr. aad Mr* w. R IKll ef Warthen. wbw hsahAfis* 1 "*^ Mrs Mr. Ralph Ross, of Macon, has «*( Mbs («u Bird was la the city ever cepted a position here with the Par- the week-end hrflday. the guest of Miss Ler Railway News Company. ^•nteLwalrsrfo- * J '* — * “ Mr. and Mrs. A. V % Phillips.nnd| w 32f?'£*5& F i Miss Kathleen AlNs XTarHuen for the week-4 3Tm W 1. Tatui * froo an extended i relatives in . er tripe rbtlior visited at Ten- She returned visited at Sun Mm J. J. Harris kUwea City. Mm Jack Wehater In the city Mrs. H. F. Brimberry has retained from Atlanta, where she spent sev- * Mir^T^SSS^^raran. ^ «hV hsj: n few hours arith friend* ea route to Macon to attend the Wesleyan Fe male College. Mrs. E. D. Sheffield, of Americas. U the guest of her father. Dr. W. W. Bacon. Mrs. X. J. Oakley, of Ootambua. Ala, Is in the city a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coffey on Flint dmt Mrs. T. W. Hines 1* visiting rela tives for a few days in Oglethorpe. MADISON. Rev. and Mm Linton . talced at a naoa ‘ l»oaor of their talced at a moat drtfcfctful tamfcale m l*»or of their charming guest. Mba Ltawra Hardeman, of Atlanta. ~ ' “ Mm Lana SanraO had i tanka Every (UU i family of 3 sjsera i Quit* a panv Mr. Tharpe BaMwta to Ct next Toeeday to be present at fets riage to 3! las Sam Sue laagford on Tuesday ereatat. The wcddicy: wO take ^Si'cSSiw? 1 lauaedbtriy after the cenrr.ocy a urge reception will be ten dered Mr. and Mm Baldwin by the t rifle'* parent*. After their return tJ S West. The affair Madison Juflga atd Mm IL W. Baidwtr day jutr. Mbs A. Rflhjoo and daughter. guests ef Mrs. J. IL Albea. MW steel LoMKfoed. of Watklc^ylt^. will be a guest of Mr*. C IL Shetaatt while ea mate to Wrtrtlirfflr. Mir*-'* Clyde and Cornelia Smith and theftr guest. Miss ffOoenetL of Bafn- hrUge. were over ftwn TennlQe Sotur- and Mm I. M. Orrer. Mm R R Lorrett. Mm C. D. Shetnutt. Mm J. G. Hentertoe. Mm S. G. Lang. Mm C. on t* entertaining as of Cochran , v€ LaolsviOe. visited Mr. Ud Mm Oarl Hodges, of Mont- gumt Mm Mbs Detl Mr*. P- T. Mr. and race, are guests of Mr. and Mm Gross L j8* te B3»oe. ©f Toomshoro. Is visiting b Jlr f and Mrs. James Brooks, of Brutk’s Spring, have been attending the Cutnrvper n**ifc«. 3fba Lein Phfpp*. of Sparta. X. C.. Is fcs the city. Mbs May Hall, of Bartow, is tn the city. Mbs Ward., of Savannah, b la the city for a short tfere. - . Lneelt and E _ ; entertained at -tb Elms’* Wed wiae in honor of Mb* Emily f affair eras a surprise birth- Mbs West had been *oend- vtaa nl^ht with a fv>n«t sad ^ . Jututu bam* the follawtng The raetaber* of the damte* art ealoy- I guests bad arrived to ^xtecdeoarrmtob- r4 a th-noaMr MctHU ul Mraal;. Wwliaw >«- M_ rranaila aad £• <■ in -.he ka> ra, ct Hum ll«n.. * l* JCIpr. ^ TraaSB.. Altec UtOc Mr. H(U Flaw ra Ac beat at S-cJ»b aad Mattla . Haleb, of TcnnUtc. i-H. a. Jrf A. Irwtn. . R Holt. M. -aria. T. W. Hardwick. ! a mart b> birthday party. Mr. Meadimcs Jeff A Foster wa* five yean «M and many nt- G Jorrer. Heara tie frtead* cam* to wish Mm mack bap- [ Mm Hubert, of nteeaa aad a bur Ufa * *“** Mr. aad Mm Harare ^Mrr'^GedBhev! «f State »h*ea. b tn the ________ Mm STp^lSkl anbea. kmjsm lfc*. Puce. Mb* Peatma D^gba. M2a* Canye Rw. arfl Mr. Edgar Sv a. Mat.le May Baldwta. hwh - rwa win r* to Cnoyen FWw afteraooc to be the * 1 of Mlsa «art Soa lugbH —- - Henrjr Fitzpatrick. Mm. Mary Scnfcea and Mlm Katie Barnett at hradga Mm CkBb Price is at Albany atMnd- lag the taeetirg of the W. C. T. C„ which !« coamrlrg at that ybca. Miss Hattie Pottle dtr for s few day*. Mrs Sheppard, of Teaccsbem. !s 1% the UILLEDSEVILLE. Mm. Jeha J Bate** was the ^harming Bridce nub Ijoey Cohb i i the a:tiactive wed- end rj«?t of Jfba Carrie Faster. ■ Mr*. J. T. P. Austin ectertaM much CMb ta a moot flelgUfd Mr*. .Lt«s WBeon. w i ha* i n*R of Mre. J. T»* Sne^lzga. .umefl to ter korsm t= Atbata. Mm Too Pelre, who *ti *J the Wednesday Afternoon | j _ st her home on Jeffemn A street. The decoratlooe we p»im* and T j gender rod. the wore wJ* were hand- •+- fW*» pabtted ta pMwwd The tabie* for the' T —^ me were placed ta the parlor and HU- 4 way. a naiad courae waa served. Mr*.! I Barrett wore »n tncoerted ©•«** of white' ■WWHU rik. hand embrobleeed. . Mb* Marguerite Hfnea. ef TTasktagtoa. j ^ ♦ “DrT lBrkard~Laa*ar acd Mira Marion ^ Lamar, rf New Terfc. who have brb Y vbkbar Mr. w ! Mm Ladas J. ’ hand gaihrall* red. he Hfn**t af TTa*h Ga. Ss the guest of Mr*. Terrance Trea XT. Iariw J. Lamar vhfta* relatives esas J. Lantar., ^ of Allanti. U ^ VcLrw mi n« im, f*». of 1 ^ fm tko C«r. Beautify <se Complex'on n ra mil Nadi CREAK. tL. «— !’»• ’ o«*r.j* u. (knnti Xoc- a, «?r“ l l 1 It lioouii -TO* ul A- ' ™.< hr Mn u Ik* eol- V r3ra kto I IIT CMk ▼ -fioH—l 3t*co. TN*i *oi. il to ■->*»- » S3 exm ttl tLf c,* ywtL t *..< 5L can *- . by U».iir( «ngju er s**£L bf KA710KAL TO&ET OQu hab* -U«.! Edwa^l* ant Mbs R* 3* L:*f» fbr^e wfT? THE UNION THE BIG RUG STORE OF MACON THE UNION Are You Ready for Your Housefurnishings? Such as Art Squares, Rugs of all sizes to match, Portieres, Lace Curtains, Mattings, Shades, Hall and Stair Carpeting, Etc. RUGS AND ART SQUARES 9x12 Wilton Rugs (seamless) $42.50 9x12 Axminster Rugs $20.00 9x12 Nine Frame Tapestry Rugs $16.00 9x12 Seven Frame Tapestry Rugs $12.50 9x12 Bundhar Wiltou Rugs $37.50 SMYRNA RUGS 98 CENTS We will put on sale Thursday morning five hundred Smyrna Rugs, size 36x72 inches, Oriental nnd ..98c Floral designs, for choice PERSIAN AND ORIENTAL RUGS 27x54 Shervan $ 20.00 36x72 Shervan $ 25.00 36x72 Kazak $ 14.00 3x7 Bclouchistan $ 27.50 6x9 Seri hand $ 37.50 7x9 Seribund $ 48.00 11.11x9.2 Mahal $198.00 8.10x11.1 Mahal $147.50 10.6x8.1 Mahal $165.00 11.7x8.5 Mnlml $137.50 8.6x10.1 Mahal $195.00 $1.49 LACE CURTAINS ( 500 pair Loom Lace Curtains worth up to $2 Qn a pair, for choice /Ov 300 pair Net Madras and Laco Curtains, sold up to $3.00, for choice ' CHINA AND JAP MATTINGS Best and heaviest China Malting, fancy and O A white (put down) per yard «JvlL 85-pound China Matting, fancy nnd white, (put down) per yard These are a few specials—come and see the display, VUE HAVE LOWERED THE PRICES on all classes of good Merchandise. We don’t resort to “cheap” ^ ^ methods of advertising or offering a lot of junk, seconds and job lots, at what appears to be a cut price and then offer a a fake premium to induce your trade. We are recognized as the Store of Quality. Every article we sell is of the best and at the lowest profit prices. Wash Goods Section ALL CALICOES 5c—We are under the price by several cents a yard on these goods. The best made; ...5c we handle no others. In all styles PERCALES 7 l-2c—This is the grade you pay 10 cents to others. We have a very large stock of ✓ light and dark styles at I /2 C GINGHAMS 7 l-2c—Tn excellent styles, light nnd me dium in color. Fancy or solid colors. VI/ r' FLANNELETTES 10c—These are the extra wide Per sian stylos and Kimono Outings. You pay to -1 A other stores 15c; you pay to “The Union” only.. tvL WORSTED PLAIDS 10c—This is a great value; sells at 18c regularly. It comes in light or dark -1 A _ styles, including Scotch effects, our price is.... J.UL MANHATTAN SHIRT GOODS 15c—This is a very fine 25c Corded Madras, with black flocks or stripes 1 C over a white ground. Our price is XOC FRENCH PERCALES 10c—You pay 12 l-2c for this line of goods everywheer. These are 36 inches 1 A in width, beautiful styles, our price is only .... lvL FLEECED OUTING 10c—This is the extra superfine— none better; others say 12 l-2e. We say for 1 A _ any color, white or cream; in solid styles AUL, GALATEA CLOTH 15c—Tis sold by whnt is called a “reliable store” at 18e. We carry a good as- -J C _ sortment of styles and only ask you ADC FALL GINGHAMS 10c—We place on sale two cases of over 50 pieces of choice styles in Fall Ging- ...10c hams at only Fine Cotton Goods Specials SILK GINGHAMS 19c—This is n material yon can not buy from any of our competitors for less than 25 cents. It comes in Scotch Plaids and Cheeks. 19c Our price is MERCERIZED GINGHAMS 12 l-2o—You havo always paid 20c and 25c for this lino of goods. Wc only have them in white and black effects, but all new 12% c and pretty styles at BASKET! CLOTH 25c—This 'is nn extremely stylish cotton goods for Waists nnd for Children’s Blouses-or Suits. Jt comes in beautiful broken stylo A C plaids DIRECTOIRE CLOTH 50c—This is a beautiful soft satin material, 27 inches wide, in the best shades of the season, also white, cream, blue. 50c Onr price to he only SILK WEAVE POPLIN 25c—'Why should you pay oth er stores 35c for this material when you cun buy from “The Union” nnd save 10 cents n yard. Our assortment comprises block, white, cream, nnd all light A (T_ and dark colors, nnd onr price only -mDC BORDERED FLANNELETTES 12 l-2c—You nro charged 15c. and 18c for this class of merchandise by every firm in Macon. Why will you hay them when you enn save 5 l.-2c. a yard by trading nt “The -j OJ/ Union!” Our prico is only Aki /2 C WOOL MIXED PLAIDS 25c—No store in Macon will show this lino of plaids under 50c a yard—for this is tho- regular price of them, hut wo bought them clicnper by getting into the market when prices were off, 25c and our prico is Table Linens, Beddings, Towels, Etc. 35c TOWELS 25c—This is n pure Linen Towel, QfjQ extra largo size, all white and hemstitched, at. EXTRA SIZE TOWEL 10c—Wo luivo never put out a bargain in a Towel equal to this. It is very wide and long. Bought special price. Our -J A price Al/L MEDIUM SIZE TOWEL 5c—This is tho same quality as the large one, hut wo are to make a run on C it. Special for DC TABLE LINEN $1.00—For this price wo shall offer nn unprecedented value; full 72 inches wide, A A worth up to $1.50 yard. Snle price is only . ip A . UU TABLE LINEN 75o—Do you want valuos in Linens? If so, don’t miaa this event. Our price for 20 >7C pieces of good $1.00 Linen is only .A DC $1.00 BED SPREADS 75c—Only a fow (about two dozen) Hint are a little soiled, and tho lot is V^r- to go for the special price of DDL $1.50 BED SPREADS $1.00—-This is a beautiful grade in Dimity nnd Piquet effects. No store in Macon $1 show this Spread under $1.50, our price SPECIAL BARGAIN $1.25-We can offer for a fow days the biggest value yet sold in n Bod Spread, 1 .$1.25 fringed, for only NAPKINS 00c—For a special snle Napkin wo hirvo never sold a better one. Extra size Linen Napkins ...90c for NAPKINS FOR $1,50—Wo linvo fixed for the biggest Napkin sale ever seen in Macon. Our prices will save you monoy. In tho lot are Napkins worth up to $2.50. All for $1.50 M R ' JUHAN being in New York at this season of the year gives us precedent over the other firms of Macon to this effect, we are in touch with the latest creations in Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Furs, Ostrich Capes, T Boas, Etc. These goods are coming in great quantities daily by Express. We insist on your buying now. . Re- ♦ member the rush of the State Fair will be on in a few weeks. Get your shopping off your hands before that time —our prices and styles please everybody. Sheets, Cases, Domestics 15c 10-4 SHEETING 25c—This is tho best Pcppcroll goods. Everybody knows the brand. Our prico 25c PILLOW CASING 15c—The best that you pay 18c for. Our price is only ..- \., SHEETS 50c—Full size Sheets, regular made C A _ Special value at Dv/C 80c SHEETS 65c—This is tho best and cannot be had from any firm in the city for less than 80 / C „ cents. Onr price is ODC PILLOW CASES 10c—You pay for them to our com petitors 15 cents. We open a sale to soil goods. -1 A Onr price iB AUL. DOMESTICS 7 l-2c—This is a good bleaching nnd you pay 10 cents over the city for a grade no H \/ _ FRUIT*OF THE LOOM 9c—Of course you know that everybody charges 10 cents for this goods, A so wo say only DC ALPINE ROSE 10c—You know tho prico of -J A this goods is 12 l-2c. Our price to he only AUC INDIAN HEAD 8c—This is a double fold Indian Head or Linene, that sells for 10 cents, but our price will be CAMBRIC 8 l-2c—This is a Cambric that you have paid as much as 12 l-2c for, but at this sale tho ...8%c 8c price is Wool Dress Goods 50c MOHAIRS 25c—This prico wo mnko was never mado before on this class of morchnndiso. 25c Prico now PLAID MOHAIRS 50c—Now styles in Scotch Mohair 50c Plaids. Just tho catcrials for Waists or Children’s Dresses WOOL MATERIALS 75c—Wo cannot soli you unless you como in tho store to see wlmt wo offer. This is n range of Dress Goods worth up to $1.25 75c a yard, priced at REMNANTS WOOL DRESS GOODS at not more than one-half regular prices. Colors and black. BROADCLOTHS 85c—You can’t buy a yard in nny store in Macon for less than $1.00. Wo offer OCp a sale of the best shades at ODL DRESS GOODS 35c—You should sen the materials we offer for this price. Some worth up ns high as 1 (Tp 75c yard. Fancy, mixed or solid colors, at DDL MOHAIR, Etc., 50c—You should not throw away your money by paying from ]5c to 35a more n yard for these goods elsewhere.. Tt is a special lot of CAp fancies nnd solid colors nt D‘/L FOR $1.00—Wo shall offer the best Dress Goods bargain in the new weaves and fancy effects ever shown in the city, worth up to $1.50 a yard. $1.00 Price now Ribbon Sale 29c. ,29c ade, in 29c Wo offer nn extra wido Satin Ribbon such as tho “Direc- toiro” Girdles nre made of; width 6 inches, in white, black and colors; new shades. These are elegant for hat trimmings at Also 2-ynrd lengths of Tnffota Ribbon, 26c grade, in all shades, white or black, for tho two yards BELTINGS 40c AND 50c—AH colors in Moiro Ribbon Belting. This is a new shipment and you should see thee. They nro great. Silk Specials ROUGH SILK 29c—This is a quality that you aliraya pay 50c for, nnd wo have a full line of now OQf* shades, 27 inches wide, for a new price SILKS AT 39c—This is a bargain, yes, a true bargain. In fancy checks, plaids, rough weaves, 32 inches wide, etc. Worth in this pmrket 75 cents. 39c Our price is YARD WIDE TAFFETA 76c—This is a !$1.00 quality of Black Tnffota. Our October sale 75c prico is - SILK AT 69c—Do you want ’omt Wo havo got ’em, ami this lot is worth up to $1.25 a yard, but (nOr tho snle prico is only D 7V. CREPE DE CHINE 39c—We have an extra oftfr of a lot of these goods worth 75 cent# and 85 cents, ..39c Special prico now We gave notice last week that our buyer was in Now York, on his second buying trip for the firm, this season, and the elegant conceits in Ladies’ wearing ap parel, that he has recently bought are here. Novelties of every kind—Belts, Bags, Purser, Neck Fixings, Girdles, Directoire Sashes, Barrettes, Combs, tho latest in Gloves, Jewelry Fads, Neck Chains, Bagadiere(?) Ties, Ruffs, Feather Boaz, Swell Ribbons, etc. There is no place liko “The Union” for Novelties and Fancy Fixings. Here is where styles and fashions prevail. THE UNION DRY GOODS COMPANY ♦ ♦ t ♦ ♦ f X X ♦ ♦ -f ♦ t ♦ X ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ 25c t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t t ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ X ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ X l i | ! | x X C0oet£s«4 ob Pit* nre) i X+++♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦+♦♦♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ AA11A A Xs - ittasfci m a ' W . - ■ if- - .