Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 05, 1908, Image 8
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY, MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1903 I—i Closed Today On account of holiday our store will be Closed until 5:30 O’clock This afternoon Star Clothing Co. DAVE WACHTEL MORE TROUBLE FORJHIS MAN •0 IT WOULD SEEM FROM WHAT HAPPENED AT THE BIBB COUNTY JAIL YESTERDAY. The troubles of young A. L. Wood, who has boon in the Bibb county Jail WARDEN WALKER MAKESAPPEAL To the Comfortable People in Behalf of the Poor and Unprovided— Refute any Beggar, The coming of tho cold weather brings to mind the tact that the poor for some time awaiting trial In the of the city mutt be locked after, and United States courts for using the Warden Walker, of the ^Craranlaed malls for fraudulent purposes, aa! Charities, aska that those of the peo- charged, it being claimed that he was' plo who have laid in their winter sup* engaged In some kind of a scheme by j plies of coal and wood, and who are which he solicited money through the I provided In other ways against the mall, for an -nierprl*, that had no j f'xiitenrp m+rtn tn miiitiniv j forget that thin ar« people who ha\e *£SS.r Attorney tairoM. of ! »•*»> f provirtin*. and won.d auffr- » organised body to look , after them. All that la asked of the comfortable IWlIUlljr flll’trnry nnilUiU, I \ • - H wain* boro, was at the Jail to Wood. Ho had quite a long corner- • satlon with him In ref«*renc« to an* I y_ ’ ~ other matter, and warrant, for Woo/1 to ! * will follow the return of Mr. Salfold! '****• „?d v tr, his horn#. i ,ft etr dues of ono dollar per montn. Bom. month* a,o. .0 Mr. Saftold J* *'" ‘‘SnnvTt'SIS -S’"? ,£* 5 m ' townsmen, received u letter signed El der T. Htyles. dated at Grayniount. sklng that he be sent SSS. Mr. Dur* < n sent only 9K0, but sent It to Htlli* .j}ore. there being no postoffice where the letter said It was wanted sent. About tho same time another towns* man received a similar letter from Grayniount. asking for the loan of 335. This request was made of Mr. Johd Stlth. Both Mr. Durden With are members of thi bureh of which Mr. Styles (nunm or wnmi Air. aiyi dor, and of course he was and Mr. Baptist Is an el* Icoma to anything they had. and when ho wrote to them for the loan of a little monoy he got it. Neither Mr. Durden nor Mr. Stlth heard anything of Elder Styles until the meeting of the association of Emanuel county last Friday. Being all good (Baptists, they all met there, and In the course of the talk the elder was asked If hr rerelvrd tho money all right. Elder Styles was at tt-a as to any money being received, and then ft enme out about tho money being asked for and promptly sent. It was news to the elder, and this brought on more tnlk. Tho three saw that ♦ here had hern some monkey business «omewher»\ snd by comparing notes they somehow happened to think thst •hey had rc*d of a young mail named Wood being In Jail Jn Macon for trouble about money matters. They Nature Calls To Warmer Clothes- Yon’d better heed the warning and-avoid n danger ous cold. Clothing bills are'easier to pay, than doctor’s jbills—and a new suit or overcoat much pleasanter to take than pills and cough medicines. ;■* t, ? 5 With pills and medicines—some are more effective :than others—so with clothes—6omo are*nyidc simply to : 'sell—others to serve. - Alfred Benjamin & Co. make the snperior kind. The kind that please at the start—and serve ta the finish. Workmanship that is never under any circumstances slighted. . Styles adapted to the requirements of men of crit ical taste. Prices as low as usually demanded elsewhere for ordinary clothes. $15.00 TO $35.00 We are exclusive sellers in Macon. any Buffering on the part of the poor. will be here si long an the ’world Htanda. They are an much a part *>f every city an the streets or the river. The street* are cleaned occasionally, and the rIYcr rises occasionally, but both are here and likely to stay. Warden Walker want* to rid the city of all beggars, not only because they are g nuisance, but because as long as they are allowed on the streets the more difficult It becomes to maintain the society. He In met by merchants who tell him that they pay dues to keep the beggars off the streets, and yet the streets are Tull of them. These beggars keep out of the way of the pollc**. and they slip into '.he tonight, stores and offices*-' The task of aiding * " the society lie* with the business men. They are asked to positively refuse evefy appllapthn for aid, as tho society can attend to every case. In the meantime Warden Walker asks thst every man who can. become a member of the Vrganlzed Charities. A.T THE pv vjranU “CLASSMATES. M The fun In “Classmates." ed h ip which Had a Clote Call. Mr*. Ada L. Cr»»om. the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vaughn. Miss, says: “For several months I suffered with a severe cough, ploydd ' an< * consumption seemed to hnv« |t Norman Hackett. supported by b.. ,-JRH lent company, will appear at the Brand tonight, is us evident aa arc the strongly accentuated scenes of pathos and realism. Hubby Humble, the funmaker of tho piece. Is a modern fat boy drawn from - life by Mr. Be Mllle and excellently poi* , traved by Willard Louis, who delights 1/oulrt Is a born comedian and has a fund of unctuous humor, and makes j the matter and do some Investigating. The result was the visit yesterday of Mr. Haffoid to the Whb county jail. 1 the Interview with the voting pitn- Just Is not knowi left the Jail that he won nts In stId at this Interview tit when Mr. Haffold told Jailor Hubbard end a couple of war- voting Wood. Put Your Account With The American National Bank of Macon The Largest Bank in Middle Georgia! Capital $500,000.00 Surplus (earned) $300,000.00 Liberal Treatment and Courteous Attention to all. R. J. TAYLOR. President R. W. TOHNSTON, V.-P. L, P. HILLYER. Vice-P™. OSCAR E. DOOLY.Caihier. This would Indicate that he had gdod ground* for believing young Wood to be the man who signed the appealing letters to -Messrs. Durden and Stlth. and nlso signed the name of Elder Htvles on the checks to have them cashed. Young Wood’s father vs* 'r Majn. to see him some time ago. nnd derided It was best for him to rersaJn in tall »bst he might be cured of bis Rive "I suffered habitually from constipa tion. Doan’s Tleffulet* relieved and strengthened the bowel* *n that they have been regular ever since."—A. EX Davis, grace. Sulphur Springs. Tex. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO Sam Weicliselbaum & Mack P. O. Box 163 Jacksonville, Fla. Tho Mack Boy* will give thorn prompt and careful attention. Noto the following. All express prepaid: XXX Superior Rye, |M0 gall. Jug, 4 quarts.. Six year old Corn. U 00 gall. Jug. 4 quarts Mount Vernon Rye, 14.00 gall, jug, 4 quarts Our Choice Rye, $MC gall. Jug. 4 quarts ... Anderson Co. Bourbon, four quarts White Milt., bottled In band, four quarts •» Lewis' 14. four quarts mark label, four quarts I year old Corn, foul quarts - $4.50 $5.50 $400 $4 50 $000 The*© are only a few of our many good things. Send us a trial order. All the standard brands of BEER at lowest prices. Write for price list. SAM WEIOHSELBAUM & MAOK, Jacksonville, Fla. REGULAR OFFICERS ELECTED— WILL STUDY THE NATIONAL QUESTIONS. The latent form of student activity which Mercer la credited with having. Is n Democratic Club. n»w about a week old. ft I* a tlvo affair und has borne fruits already, uh the recep tion given Inst Saturday night to Mr. Kern, candidate for the vice presidency will testify. The club also made a good showing at the speaking, both by virtue or members nnd enthusiasm dis played. During the jarly part of last week, several students, who by reading the dally papers, keep in touch with cur rent affairs, got together and with this a* a nucleus formed a democratic und the hypocritical snobbishness of his . rival, Bert Stafford. AlT0. FIELD. j Al. O. Field Is the original producer for , the minstrel stage. The past fifteen ... . , years be has been tho only successful t .it 'Dr. Kin*', N'.iv Discovery. 1 ho- Producer of tli. n.lniitrrl profcwlon. Tho , ffan .taking It. and thwe bottle, ef. ^‘"J^^W have^eJIy been ferted a complete cure." The famo of JKdJSJS"* ° Vei 0r rchtt * h ot * FIt,d ' this life saving cough nnd cold remedy i This setison'e offering of the Al. G. and lung and throat healer Is world I Field Greater Minstrels Is the outcome wide. Fold at all drug stores, 50c and ! “f months of wearisome work and $1.00. Trial bottle free. i thought. All new snd all good Is the claim made for tho production. The particular part In which Mr. Field , PUIGKV'motorman SMS SsSvj® - '! BY SEVERE BLOWffiSKtaHnS'S fads snd foibles are the butt of the tokes, We Invite Your Account. Macon s New National Bank Under United States Supervision. Managed by large board directors, ,'omposed pf sixteen successful repre sentative business men. Commercial National Bank E. Y. Mallary, Pres.; Cecil Morgan, V. Pres.; J. J. Cobb, V. P.; W. P. Wheeler, Asst, to Pres.; E. N, Lewb, Cashier. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. t—When Mo. torman J. A. Gilbrrt^bn an K. and W. car acted as his own street car fender yesterday hi* s^vrd tho life of J. W. Heath, a visitor to Savannah, from Bloomlngdab*. Ga., who unwit tingly waJked onto the track when the oar wanted the right of way. Motorman Gilbert's act was more the result of quick thinking than of heroism, though a big clement of brnv- ery was mixed up with Ills knowledge or the only thing to do to save tho »fo of the man his car seemed des tined to run over. The visitor, be- cause h« did not know the car was close to him and because he was pay ing no attention to the motorman's cries. W’sa helpless and would have been run down If left to himself. As the car was within a few Inches of the man Motorman Gilbert leaned forward over the dash hoard and upper cut the human bar to his ear’s pro gress. He delivered the blow with his open hand and the visitor took tho floor—which In this Instance was West Broad street. He stayed down for the count of nine, but refused to re- i new tho conflict, glad enough that the car did not put a atop producer o on him. Motorman Gilbert could think of no other way to save the man’s life ex cept to knock him of(j4p* track. There wns no time for ptrjaaslnn or gentle methods and so thf,- motorman Just used strength and "fended" the visitor to a safe place outside 1hc car trark. The man was hardly hurt at nil from the sum of his narrow esenpe. the effects of his sudden contact with the ground and was able to walk from Motorman Gilbert received Congrat ulations upon hi* nerve nnd presence of mind. Heath thanking him for de- ’Opening the Campaign" is the title of the great laugh producer In which Al. G. , Field. Doc Quigley and Tommy Donnelly ' play the leading parts, assisted hv twen ty other entertainers. They will bo “HUMAN HEARTS." "Human Hearts," tho melodramatic! success announced at tho Grand on Frl- i day. October 9, appeals to every class of; play-goers. It deals with a story that; teems the heart Interest from beginning to end. Tom Logan, an honest young 1 blacksmith in the Arkansas hills, falls in i love with and marries a reformed cotifl- denre woman. The dull country life (•alls - * — -- - “ “ ' f< ... She accidentally meets her! ormer lover and •’pal." Without any t Just cause they conspire together to i ruin Tom and kill him If necessary. The I woman calls him white her accomplice conceals himself. The father of Tom ro- siionds and Is mistaken for the young blacksmith. Ho !« fatally stabbed by the umhushed man. Tom, coming out to see where his father 1*. Is accused by tho adventures* and her "pal" Of the murder. He Is finally sentenced on that ehnrge. Hut bis friends ultimately' establish his innocence nnd he Is released. Hefrlbu- lion overtakes his villainous and mur derous accusers. No play of Us kind pos sesses a stronger plot or mors sensa- tj—ni i-H/i-nr* Tl»f» aerimi* element Is *r mingled with comedy, forming a rombt- itut.oii iliui never tuns ‘to touch a respon sive chord In the hearts of play-goera Company Is coming to tJ at the Grand Opera Houi week of October 12 this I* not heard that the Manhattan Opera — — jn, clty to pi a y [ouse during the remind them that the big company of opera favorites In the south are approaching their en gagement In this city. During the week of the light operas to * * - Dlavolo,” “IJoh< club which membership will embrace | llverlng the blow that saved him In- almost the entire student body. I Jqry nnd possibly death. A number The following aru officers of tflo of spectators saw the near-accldent. club: - ■ President.—A. A. Himmona. Me- i Douough. Vice President.—J. M. Lord, Com merce. Secretary.— If. H. Hogan, Agnes. Treasurer.—R. E. Hardaway, New- nan. The club has the endorsement of ths president and faculty, so thst on any and every possible occasion., It will ontrlbute It* best to the furthering .f democratic principles both In state nnd national politics. The Mercer Democratic Club ta a branch of many club* which hnvo re cently been formed In different col lege* and universities In every part of the United Slate*. Literature touch ing on many questions of national Im portance will be sent to the local club from headquarters nnd a class will be formed for such men as desire to study the tariff question. tru»ts and others. WASHINGTON. Oct. 4.—It Is be- ltovcd here that some important change In the makeup of rti© repub lican national committee will be an nounced early In t*.ie week. President Roosevelt Is behind the plan for a change, but he waa strongly advised at a cabinet meeting to refrain from having the change a spectacular on** Reports here have it that the light ning will strike either Chairman Hitchcock or Treasurer Sheldon, but. In either ease, the effort will be mnJe to -hava the change made tn such a manner •» to have It appear voluntary on the part of the officer leaving. will bo “Fra “PIrate* of l Manager Robert A. Kane and hla elev singers and cornel: •Pirate# of Penxance.” and “Marthn.’ artists, capable singers and comely chorus will Im* welcomed In this city with open arms, for newspaper clippings from other cities In the south where tnc com- E ny has mready played, say Manage.* ine’i company Is really excellent. The prims donna of the company la Miss Kittle Nice Perlc. while the mczxo soprano and comedienne I* Miss Hsxr] Claude Amaden, besides handling the has* role with no little de gree of excellencs, removes all the dry ness out of the lines and makss every body reallv laugh over any. situation he attempts to unravel. The leading tenor Is Charleston Fulton, thoroughly known as the Ideal romantic tenor. Gus Vaughan Is the baritone artist, who Is scrump- tlo ml y good, may It be so expressed. Wilbur Cox Is second romedlan. Wnl- roles that shows his cleverness In light The chorus Is the prise ring of the ..low. It I* extremely difficult to secure a pretty chorus, hut Manager Kane haa done so. Besides the pretty girls In the ■n Oyster Season Now Open We are headquarters for Oysters, Fish' and-Fresh Meats. Oysters all the time. Your orders solicited. Phones 242—951. W. L. Henry Co. Out of town orders receive prompt attention. : KAPLAN £r SNETMAN CONFIDENTIAL PAWNBROKERS 612-14 Poplar St. NUFFOED H M-H K-H-r H-M-H-t-H-M-I IM-K-M-l-i-H-H-H-H-H-H C. B. WILLINGHAM COTTON FACTOR Ship Me Your Cotton and Get the Best Returns . MACON GEORGIA manr wwmw. prav.^u> ru , neMl „ trte t, il0n , from no other be. ths Manhattan Open Company cho* c jj 0 nl». so splendidly equipped with hu man structure are they. K-l-l-H-l v-' Leh, pr.s.i J, H. Don,hue. V Pro. ; J.rom. H.rm.n, t«c.-Tr,t>. BEDINGFIELD & CO., P. O. BOX ,0M. JACKSONVILLE, • FLORIDA. MAIL ORDER HOUSE MUMM'S EXTRA RYE !. : 4 Full Quarts 5.60 ■ 12 Full Quarts $14.00 ■ 1 Gallon Jug $ 5.20 T. B. R. WHISKEY “Sour Mash” ' 4 Full Qunrts $ 3.50 12 Full Qunrts $ 9 50 1 Gallon Jug $ 3.20 BEDINGFIELD’S POP CORN WHISKEY 4 Full Quarts ' S 2.95 12 Full Quarts $ 6.00 1 Gallon Jug ,..f 2.65 EXPRESS PAID ON ALL THE ABOVE GOODS Wo Are Sole Agents For Cook’s Celebrated Beers WPITE FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST MtMH-H+i-i-H-i-!iiiiiiiiihiihiimmimi 7 he Macon Coca-Cola Bottling Company Cordially Invite You to Call and See Their Plant in Active Operation WEDNESDAY EVENING OCT. 7, 1908. 7 to 10 O’clock . } Music Refreshments 474-476 Fourth Street LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED At 4:30 this afternoon the doors of the Lyric theater will be thrown open for the first performance under the management of Messrs. Bandy, who will operate this house on the same plan that has proven _ so popular at Savannah. Augusta alrd 11 other eltlee In which they are Interested. It Is expected that the acts on the opening bill will come Into Instant favor with Macon audlencea ns this luis been their record In every city they have ap peared since leaving Chicago eight weeks "^Gilbert Barony Is a character Imperso nator who stands In a class all to him self. there la no other art like It. The three Kelly* do singing, talking, dancing and then some more dancing. Baby Kelly’s buck and wing darning is a revelation. Veda and Qulntsrouw do stunts on the rolling gtobe which seem well nish Impossible. A better halsnccd bill could hardly be gotten together. Gsumont's animated pictures wilt form part of the program. Matinees 4:30 to 4:30. Night* T.IO to 10:30. NATIONAL LEAGUE ' CTNCINVATT. r Oct. 4.-The I l«*sehall season ..♦* brought to today by Cincinnati defeating St. In tht Held events l^bert established ! new record cf 11 seconds flat In around tho tares. Moran was ‘It: accurate throwing. Bcore: R H K. i Cincinnati ono 'o3l ei*-3 St Mak '.««• 4*9 109—1 Kwlng and Seidel: ityoadr* and Mo. an. Tlhte. 1:45. Umpire. Ow^ua. 123 Phone, Birch.Hardware Co. T. Rico J. P. StPw.irt. H. T. Fielder. Sell most everything AMERICAN LEAGUE ST. LOUIS, Oct 4.—The first gam* of the aeries between St. Louts and Cleve land today resulted tn a tl« and lasted «. even innings before darkness stopped the contest. The acore was S to S. St. Louis made two runs In the third and one In the fourth Inning. In the lift h. sixth and seventh. Cleve land scored by timely hitting. Two games wll| be ployed tomorrow. Score: R.H.B, St. Louis 002 100 000 00-2 7 I Cleveland 000 011 100 00-3 13 2 _ Pelty and Stephens: Rhoades. Berger, Joss and N. Clarke. Time, 2:15. O'Lough- Itn and Kgan. A HAPPY HOME t 1, one where health abounds. ' With Impure blood there can not be good health. Wlthadl,ordered LIVER there cannot be iood blood. Tutt’sPls revivify the torpid UVERandreator* Ita natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure Hood. i— Puhe Mood means health. Health means ha-pincss. Take no Substitute. All Drucj'-tt*.