Newspaper Page Text
Well, we don't do if quite that quick, but we have every facility for fully meeting any demand that can possibly be made upon us for the
Of All Grades of COAL and WOOD of All Kinds!
In addition to owning the greatest sufficiency of teams for handling a large amount of business daily under normal conditions, we have arrangements for calling
info our service, at the shortest notice, practically an unlimited number of outside teams• Hence we can and do guarantee the promptest delivery always, of all or
ders, no matter how large or how urgent.
Phone 211
General Manager
No order too small and none too large. Ask those who have done business with us about the qualify
of our fuel and our methods. Let what they say determine whether you will be safe to buy of us.
Phone 211
Sec. and Treas.
*nrf Procaeda Direct to Haadquartara of
the National Democratic Oom-
t mlttea.
turning from *<-hnol,
fore-mentioned artlel
ful elm. ahot a brad Into tha horae'e
United rttetea Senator Heron will leave
Mu--. tiiia mom In# at 7:30 o'clock
u.i ti.r Southern Railway for Washing
ton end after spending « day at the
,.i oo ’ gnvwrmparital business, will
OMoaed dlNN I to the headiiunrtcre nf thn
i. r.«w t itta national committee In Now
|f'l**rau»ry to ts-glnnlng a speak-
m* campaign in bnhaif of Bryan and
hf v«*rtl daya a an Buna tor Bacon reoalr-
>>i n i-' qtam from National Chairman
Mi. v. • kin* him If he would speak In
ike atari* ef Now York. New Jersey.
Ponne. tMtt and Rhode Island. The aen-
iioi r. I'.iod that ha would gladly do ao.
Ki;»* then a press dispatch from Chic*-
m kistAd that Senator Heron would be
to apeak In the middle west,
ilegrain quoted Chairman Mack
-V.. .it* confident of Ohio and In
dtsn* t ut wo prop”** to keep up tho hot
(..*( kind of n light to hold our i"*al-
(inn noth Mr. Unran and Mr. KernL
• til K In Ohio and Indiana, and tho
commiiuci la urr-anglng speaking dates
jorBeaat or Baron, of Georgia; former
Henator Carmack. of Tennessee; Senator
I >siMei. of Virginia, and Oovvmar John
A. Jooukm. of Minnesota, and several
ether rromlnent apeakcra.
•'While we are planning thla vigorous
fight in thn middle weat them will he
n.» let up to the effort* wo are tnuklng
tn t rirg New York Into the democratic
column though many nf the national
*y>iumltte*meo have aasored me that
We r»n Win without the Kmplrs HtaU.”
Senator Baron goes to New York pre
pared and willing to apeak In either the
•eat or ml Idle west, aa the national com-
mttiee may i.i-
senator l«acon la a splendid campaign*
»r. lie 1* a epeaker nf groat force and
•ffeettvsneoa. and hla thorough knowledge
*r sit nations! questions. and hla long
In public aftalra make him a
the stump. Tho cause of de-
will he greatly strengthened
the senator speaks in this cam
We are making a run on mill
blocks at $125. Get a supply
ns the price will soon advanco.
Redmond Mm-siv Fuel Co.
Phones 100 and 223.
Daihe* Through tha Streets on Runaway
Btni and Goes to Dinner.
ha- ■
tool bey. on Indian rubber
brad ar* about three aa
rd on tha principal atreeta of
^r:iT.rr wagon ef the Macon
r Club «ni standing In front of
rn.. on college street yesterday
; waittaff for the driver Co return.
m ef a group of email bo ye re
produced th* be-
i and taking care-
J Into tho horae'e
tin nk.
The linrss maddettad with pain, started
on a record-tirraklpg run down College
street. Ill front of Wesleyan, turned
down Wanliitiguin avenue, and made a
flash down I’oplur street to Fourth, made
* compieje cfrcle of thejjrowu House
hloek, and then calmly walked Into Bran-
an s atahle on Poplar street and nalgh-
ed loudly for hla dinner.
the wagon Itself was entirely uninjured
after lia mad dash through the atreeta.
An Offer Backed Up by Ono of
tho Most Roputablo Con
cerns in Rochester.
Wo will either cure you of constipa
tion nr pay for all medicine used dur
ing the trial. You pay ua nothing
If we fall. That's m mighty broad
statement, and we mean every word of
It. Wo will hack It up with our own
liersottal reputation, too. Could any
thing he more fair >nd secure for
The moat scientific, common sans*
treatment la Roxkll orderlies. Their
active principle la a very re. ent scien
tific discovery that la odorleaa. color
less and taateleaa; very pronounced,
gentle and jdeaaent In Its action, and
particularly agreeable In every way.
Thla Ingredient does not cause anv
diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence or griping.
Itexall Orderlies tire na pleasant to
take as candy and are particularly
good for children and delicate persona.
If you suffer from chronic or habitual
constipation, or the associate or de
pendent chronic nllmenta, wo urge you
to try Itexall Orderlies at our risk.
Remember. you can only get them at
our store. The Taylor-'Rayne Drug
suffering great pain. He waa hastened
to Macon In a buggy and placed tin-
dor treatment.
Tho boy developed a 'high fever yes
terday as the result of tho bite, but
the swelling of th* Injured limb has
subsided to an extent.
John Tucker, tho ten-year-old oon
nf Mrs. Georgia Tucker, who rtsldea
near Holton, waa bitten by a rattle
snake yesterday morning, and it la
feared that blood poison wilt develop.
The Itoy -had been sent out b> drive
In pigs that Imd wandered on a neigh -
bur's land, and while passing through
the pasture he atupped upon a snake
that lay colled behind a large tuft of
grass. Instantly the snake struck. Its
venomous rang* piercing the lads
right leg about two Inshea above the
ankle. Tin* boy did not loee hie pree-
enco nf mind, but attacked the rattier
with a stout stick and soon killed It.
By the time he reached home and in
formed hla mother of what had hap
pened. hla leg had swollen to almost
double Ha natural slat, and he waa
Fivo competent salespeople.
Apply today.
W. A. Doody Oo.
it Dance of tha Season at tho Log
abln Club.
.. delightful affair of the week-end In
Macon society will bs the opening dance
••f tits season at thn l<og Cabin Club,
which will tie given nn Saturday evening,
the 10th.
During the aummer the club haa been
greatly Improved and other Improvcn
are contemplated still, and the ae
promises to tie a moat onjoyable one to
the members,
Thla la the first regular dance, begin
nlng the aeries that will occur semi
monthly t'lioiighnut the sesootl. and will
he anticipated with pleasure.
Interesting Washington Wadding In tha
Near Future.
Macon relatives and friends nf the
hrlde-lect and her family wilt he Inter
ested In I he follow In* Invltatlr —
have been Issued::^
about the two apurtments, where tables
were arranged for the game of ‘'41.*'
The acor% card* were cleverly hand-
painted. representing a miniature shoe,
and store waa kepi with tiny golden but
’ihe afternoon was a thoroughly enjoy-
to the young women Invited to
meat Miss Baldwin, delicious refresh
ments following the IntereaUng game.
Clover Chain Circle Entertained.
Mias Marie Adams entertained the
Clover Chain Circle very delightfully
at her home on College street Monday
afternoon. There was a business meet
lug of the circle first, and this wna fol
lowed by an Interesting game at
which Miss Leila Rogers won the
These bright, charming girls are al
ready beginning their fall work for the
Free Kindergarten of which they are
special patronesses, and for which they
have worked Indefatlgably.
Those present on Monday afternoon
•re Miss Leila Rogers Miss Julia
Goodwin. Mias Estelle Wright. Miss
Carllc Rcahdrntt. Miss Virginia Ho
wards, Mias Leila Mne Watson. Miss
I.ucllo Rny, Miss Elisabeth Solomon
Miss Leila Artope. Miss Metta Cub-
hedge. Miss Lola Wright. Miss Ruth
Oberry, Miss Louise White.
Mr. 0. R. Glenn. Jr* to Wad Mias Mary
Myrtie Corkar.
Macon friends of both of the young
people will be Interested In the engage
ment and approaching marriage of
Mias Mary Mvrtis Corker nml Mr G.
one which <1!®****. Jr., of Atlanta.
1 Their wadding will be a pretty event
the marriage of their daughter. Carotins
Benjamin Agee
»v evening. October
St. Mark’s Eplace-
21. I Ml. at X o'clock, _
pnl church. Washington. D. C-”
.Mis* Hv\tt t« a dsuvhte- if the late
Mr Judaon Hyatt, so wet| and populatiy
known during his lifetime, and who had
hundreds of friends throughout Georgia
and her mother, aa Miaa Carrie Greens.
Of tl
of rnrt Valley, waa
the mist
beautiful gtrla An the stats.
Ths daughter has Inherited
er's beauty, for the la one of
sat girls lu Washington city, , ..._
family haa lived f«»r years, and where
she has been reader and sJucated aur-
roumb-d by a charming cnterls of friends.
About a ysar ago her picture appeared-
Ity, where the
loveliest kids tn a group of
beauties In the heautp sec
tion of tho "Washington Timas.’* Ml"*
of Wednesday, Novomber the 4th. and
a number of Macon relatives and
friends of both will attend. Ths bride
and groom-to-be both formerly lived In
Macon and much pleasant Interest la
felt In tbs announcement.
Of Interest to Macon Relatives and
Tho following from ths Now York
Herald of October lat will be read with
Intereat by Macon relatives and friends:
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Thursday.—Mlaa
Helen Louisa Douw, the youngest
daughter of the late Col. John Do
Peyster Douw, waa married this after
noon In Christ Church to Dr. Herman
Vedder Mynderse. of Schenectady.
Miss Douw wore a gown of white
mvasallne satin, heavily trimmed with
duchess lace, and a large whlto hat.
ftkTBLiirJSTSJSufft r. ,,h w*
Washington recently, when bar engage-i *J rB ; £‘ d ** n . *£ n< * 0, I’
menl wa* announced. 8he la a nleoe of: England; Mrs.* William Ten Broeck
Mrs. Prank O. Houser, of this city, and Mynderse. of Schenectady, and Miaa
£S» °y»ar TT u i , '’«2. and friends hero ato. Anne Douw Townaend. of Garden City
ln '“It- I- who wore blue *own. end c.r-
Mr. Bowl.. Krooni-to-be, bolnnnI r '"* P ,n * • **>« hrldo «u
of the heat and moat prominent | * w *y her brother, Mr. Chaa,
In Wnshington. cashier or the Q. Douw.
* National Hank In that city, and! Tho usher* were Messrs. Krtwln Me-
i r L2L! orthy of ,h# Clellan, of I^ndon; Elmer Mill mine.
Morris Douw Ferris and Edward Nleoll
Townaend, Jr. The beat man waa Mr.
William Ten Broeck Mynderse, brother
of the bridegroom.
There waa a reception at the homo
of the bride. No. 124 Academy street.
The bride, who la descended front a
long line of soldiers, cut the wedding
la In e. ^
bride he haa won.
Beautiful Afternoon Party for MUi Bald
Mm B. W. Murrah nnd her slater, MUa
Ruth Hardeman, were Joint host*ease at
- * «ly afternoon pasty on . Monday
lonor of the latter’e
i In hot
' a charming visit-
lanta. who la Just
or In thn
Miss Baldwin was gowned for tha af
ternoon In a pretty pale gray iUk, trim-
mod with bands of Persian embroidery.
Miaa Hardeman wore a gown of golden
to! •;«•««• w«»m a sown of goT
brown mesaafine trimmed with lace.
The parlors warn bright and attractive.
decorated with great rluatera of golden
glow, nnd golden rod arranged artisti
cally In vaaee and big brass Jardinieres
cake with the awqrd used by the great
grandfather. John De Peyetcr Douw.
The wine used for the toast drunk to
the newly married couple waa made
S ara ago by the bride's mother, Mrs
arrlanna Chandler Lcnman Douw es
pecially for tha occasion of her daugh-
ter'g marriage. The cake, made by tho
bride's sister. Mrs. M. F. D. Ferris.
waa after a reclp® of her great-grand- Alex. Logan, of New York; Mrs. Henry
_ rtth . r Battey. of Roms, Oa.. and Mra. Ripley
molIier * A. Cllsby, of Chicago.
After returning home from their wed- — - -
ding Journey Dr. and Mrs. Mypderse MAKES HOMELY WOMEN PRETTY,
wm reside In Dr. Mi nder..', home. L ^
Lake Hill. Scotia. N. Y.
The bride la a first cousin of Mrs. ,
H. McHatton. and on their mother*
aide are gr*at-granddaughte¥a of the
late Senator James Lanmon. also Judge
of the United States court of Connecti
cut, and great-great-granddaughter of
Gov. Griswold, and great-great-grand
daughter of Wolcott of cononlul daya In
John Do Poyster Douw, her father
was a direct descendant of the first
patriots of New Amsterdam and Miss
Douw la connected with the best and
oldest of Dutch families in New York.
An Announcement of Intereat to Macon
Mr. and Mra. Edwin Miller Nix an
nounce tha engagement of their sister,
Nellie Reinhart, to Mr. Wofford Fel
ton Edwards, tho marriage to tako
place on October 16th.
Miss Nix Is a young woman of ex
ceptional charm and Is much loved by
an enviable circle of Atlanta friends.
She Is possessed of a rare soprano
voice, having on many occasions thrill
ed all lovers of music who attend All
Saints Episcopal Church.
Mr. Edwards Is a young man of un
questioned character and great busi
ness ability, and has born for ten years
closely Identified with Atlanta's bank
ing world through the Atlanta Na
tional Hank. Mr. Edwards has for
merly visited Macon, being a brother
of Mrs. Alexander Akerman. who will
ho hostess to th® bride and groom dur
ing their honeymoon.
is Balnfl la
Nerfleei WeBtflhg.. .
Mr. and Mra. Calder Reynard Willing
ham have Issued Invitations to the mar
rlage of their daughter. Ruth, and Mr. ■
Marmaduke WIIHama Norfleet, which will j
take place at a brilliant wedding, on the
evening of Wednesday, th# 2i*t of Oe-1
tober. at I o’clock, at the Flrat Baptist j
The ceremoqy at the church, which will
be performed by the rastor, Rev. E. C.
Dargan. will be followed by a large and
beautiful reception at the residence of.
Mr. and Mrs. Calder B. Willingham. 8r..
on College atreet. . I
The charming bride-to-be. who will be
attended bv a beautiful bevy of young
women. *wlU entertain n number of them
ns house guests beforo her wedding, and
the week preceding tt will be quite gay. j
Club Meetings to *»• Resume^
Thla afternoon Mrs. John B. Harwell
will entertain the member* ot the »]«>-•
villa Domino Club at her home, on Vine-
- pi
ty If her complexion Is bad. Orlno
Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion
and clears sallow blotched complexions
by stimulating the liver and bowels.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
nauseate or gripe and is mild and
pleasant to take. Remember the name
ORINO and refuse tq accept any sub
stitute. II. J. Lamar & Co., near
Fourth National Bank, agenta.
Miss Norlne Cooper, of Commerce. Ga.,
rlio will bn a bridesmaid at the wedding
of Miss lima Mitchell and Mr. Abney, of
Athens, on the 14th. arrives today nnd
will be Miss Mitchell's guest until after
‘he wedding.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham have
i Tcr-
moved to their new home •
race In Vinevllle.
Mrs. Tom Ross and baby have return
ed to their home at Pretoria, Ga.. after
spending the past month or two wltt
hire. Joseph Tlmberlnke, ln Vinevllle.
Miss Nettle Byrd Vincent, of Jones-
boro, who will be an attendant at the
guest of Mtss lima Mitchell, the bride-
elect. at her home In Vinevllle. .
Mr. and Mrs. Willlum McKay, of
Thomasville. are up for the marriage of
their brother, Mr. Joseph Cllsby. and
Miss Louise Logan, and are with Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Ryals In Vinevllle.
Mrs. R. K. Hines. Sri. and Miss Han
nah Hines, who have enjoyed a delight
ful two months’ trip through California
and the west, have returned and are be
ing welcomed by their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hines leave
for. New York soon and they will also
tako a trip through Canada and to Niag
ara Falls, and other points of Interest.
Miss Sarah Wadley returned yesterday
to her homo at flolingbroke. after a pleas
ant stay of several daya ln Macon with
Miss Rose Crutchfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Hasell Heyward and
children are being welcomed home by
their friends, after sponding the sum
mer at Highlands. N. C.
The friends in Macon of Mrs. Frank
Myers, of Atlanta, are delighted that
she will spend several weeks in Macon,
with her daughter. Mrs. Clarence Cub-
Mr. Harlan, superintendent, of the
southwestern division of the Central of
Goorgla railway,, who with his family
havo come to Macon to live, will be ploai
ant additions tQ social life In the dti
They aro occupying a residence * *
to live, will be pleas-
* L e city, the mourn
- at 250
College street, .which .has recently been
vacated by Mr. Hubert Duckworth and
his family.
Mrs. Henry Battey, of Rome, who
came down for the Logan-Cllsby weddlna,
is the guest of Mrs. Adrian Thomas. In
Miss Harriotts Winchester Is expected
home Saturday from Annapolis, where
she has been visiting relatives since leav
ing Virginia, after a delightful summer
ley and Miss Ellxa-
. - charming Amerlcus
young women, will be up on the 19th for
"The Merry Widow," which play will bo
presented at the Grand on that date.
Miss Katherine Avery, who haa been
tho charming guest of Mrs. Vassar Pat
rick. returns to her home In Pensacola
Friday after a delightful two week’s visit.
Mrs. David W. Hill went up to Atlanta
on Wednesday, called there by the death
of her uncle. Mr. John S. LoveJoy.
Miss Mary Pearson has returned home
after a delightful visit to her relatives.
Judge and Mr*. Albert Ayrea, tn Ala
Miss Eula Felton Willingham returned
home last night after spending several
weeks In the North Carolina mountains,
recuperating from the fever. 81nce leav
ing the mountains she has been the guest
of Miss Irene Walker at the house party
she has been entertaining In her honor.
Mra. Willingham who accompanied her to
the mountains, has returned also, and
both will bo warmly welcomed by their
beth Hollis.
Masting of Sunday School Teachers’
Ths meeting of the Sunday School
Teachers' Union will be held this (Thurs-
dayt afternoon at 4 o’clock, at the First
iera’ Union wl
afternoon at
’’Kfl’* WciUw., win t-,rh «h.
grlm«ry | «•«
LnM cvcntn, at^ of_th.
bride’s parents.
College atreet. Mlsa
. were united tn mar-
gars Hr Johnson and Mr. Frank M. Fin
ney. «f Mllledievllle.
rlage by the Rev. C
Charles Coble.
. party entered th* psr-
inson sang sweetlv.^^O.
Sick Women
General Break Down
Neglected female troubles frequently lead to a
general break^-down. Better not wait tiu your case
is as bad as that, but tako Cardui in time.
However, even when in Imd shape, Wine of Car
din has cured others and may cure you. It will pay
you to try it, as did Mrs. Rena Ilaro, of Pierce, Hal,
who afterwards wrote:
“I was a sufferer from all sorts of female troub
les, had pains in my side, drawing pains in legs,
could not sleep, had shortness of breath; in fact it
was a goucral broak-down.
"I suffered like this for four (4)
yonrs and could not find any relief,
until my husband insisted on my try
ing Cardui. Tho first bottlo gave mo
relief and now I am almost a well wo
man.” Try Cardui.
All reliable druggists sell it.
VALUADLfi MrfMcnttoc symptom, of andgfr.
BOOK FREE ggr* 6 ®
•vnt frr*. postpaid.* "A
The CJsttwoan Madktae Ctx, Chattanooga, Tena.
ilte mulls and
lit* t»y me «•*. vi
Before the brHal P*
lor Miaa fiftW Jitoso..-
Promts* Ms. * Mrs. Elisabeth -----
presided at tho piano and played ths
usual wedding march, with much aklll
**M!m ! ^Afma°John*on. Bister of the bride.
and Mlsa Mnry Woe. Craif.
attendants, each wearing whit
carried bouquet* of pink r -
bride’s gown was dark blue with hat to
match. 6h« carried a bouquet of whlto
^They left Immediately* after th# cere
mony for a bridal trip. Only tho family
and a few friends were present.
Linen Shower for Brlde-to-Be.
In compliment to Miaa lima Mitchell
whoae marriage to Mr. Walter Abney,
of Athena, wilt bo Interesting event of
the 14th. Mlae Opal Elder will entertain
at a linen ehower. on the afternoon of
Saturday, the Mth. .
Other affairs will be given for this
charming bride, preceding her marriage
L ^e*n!ama*e of Mias Loulao Logan
and Mr. Joeeph W. Cllsby occurred on
Wednesday evening. October the Tth. at
the residence of Mra Helen Logan, the
bride* mother on Foray th atreet.
. It waa a very quiet one with only the
Immediate families of the bride and
groom, and a few very Intimate friend*
to witness the beautiful and Impressive
ceremony which waa performed at 9
o'clock by Rev. John M. Northrop, of
8t. Paul a Episcopal churoh.
The home waa decorated with palma.
emttax and beautiful cut flower*, those
tn the parlors being La France roee*
The bride, who waa given away by
her uncle. Mr. Alexander Logan, of New
York, waa lovely In her wedding gown
of white crepo de chine, which wa* trim
med with real lace, and she wore th*
conventional veil of tulle, caught with
o—oro t-looson**. She wa* attended by
Miaa Grace Judd ae maid of honor, and
her slater. Mrs. William C. Redding, as
matron of honor.
Vr. w-*nk B. West, waa tha groom’s
best man.
(and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption vellow package
H. J. Lamar & Co., Agents, Near Fourth National Bank, Macon, Georgia.
% jfllessase of
To all ye Dwellers in the Arid Zones
of Georgia and Alabama
wko are athirst for the Purity and Goodness of
Your wants can be supplied by all leading dealers in Memphis. Tenn.,
Chattanooga, Tenn., Jacksonville, Fla., Pensacola, Fla., and New Orleans,
La., at the following prices, express charges prepaid »
Four Full Quarts,
Six “ “
Twelve Full “
if you wish a whiskey of Supremo Excellence, distinc
tive in its superb flavor and mellowed by time,
insist on having
Murray Hill Club
This Particular Brand
For Particular People.
CurulMi! under the National Pur* Food Law.
8 Co.