Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 10, 1908, Image 1
The Macon Daily Telegraph WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEORGIA:—FAIR IN SOUTH: SHOWERS. IN NORTH PORTIONS SATURDAY: SUNDAY FAIR AND WARMER! LI.GHT VARIABLE WIND8. ESTABLISHED IN 1826. MACON, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1908 DAILY, 97.00 A YEAR. ONLY FOURTEEN CONTRIBUTORS HAVE GIVEN AMOUNTS OF $1,000 TO THE CAUSE OF DEMOCRACY According to Statement Is sued By New York Headquarters MAJOR PART FUNDS FROM Campaign Fund Reaches a Little Over $220,000—Something Over $180,000 of This Amount Has Been Collected From Voluntary Contributors—$42,- 000 Came From Denver Convention Fund. NEW YORK, Oct. 9.—The demo cratic national committee is preparing to announce next week the amount of its campaign fund and the individual contributors of amounts of one hun dred dollars or more. The lists, which have been compiled to date and sent Here from Chicago, show that the cam paign fund Is a little over $220,000. Of this fund something over $180,000 Sas been collected from contributors which, with $42,000 of the Denver convention fund. Is the total fund now in the democratic treasury. It is learned today there have been fourteen individual contributors of one thousand dollars each. There have been no contributions of sums between $1,000 nnd $500 to date. The Denver headquarters of the national commit tee las collected $5,000. which Is said to include a check of $1,000 from form er Senator Wm. A. Clark of Montana. The smallest contribution received was one cent, which came in the mail from Monroe. Washington. The largest con tributions to the democratic campaign fund follows: The Large Contributors. Delaney Nicoll, New York City, $1,000. Jacob Rupert. New York City. $1,000. Nathan Straus, Now York City, $1,260. National Democratic Club, New York City. $2,500. W. F. Sheehan, New York City, $1,000. Archibald McNeil of Bridgeport, Conn., $1,000. Guy E. Tucker, Little Rock, Ark., $1,000. . M F. Dunlap, Illinois, $1,000. Roger Sullivan. Chicago, $1,000. Perry Belmont, New York City, $1,000. Robt. Ownen, Oklahoma. $1,000. J. J. Hogan. Lacrosse. WIs., $1,000. E. O. Wood. Flint. Mich.. $1,000. E. F. Goltra St. Louis, $1,000. Moses C. Wetmfmvflt. Louis, $1,000. Norman E. Mack. Buffalo, $1,000. Meibert Cary, Connecticut, $600. Jefferson Levy, New York City, $500. Dr. John Cox, Connecticut, $500. Wm. F. Bums, New York City. $500. K. S. D. Mallory, Selma. Ala., $500. Nathan Cole. Los Angeles. Cal., $500. P. W. Burns. Chicago, $500. Jos. Fels, Pennsylvania. $500. Wm. B. Rodgers. Pittsburg, $500. Carl S. Vrooman. Cotnit. Mass., $500. Melville E. Ingalls, Cincinnati. $500. W. R. Burt, Saginaw, $500. Murray Carleton, St. Louis. $500 F. B. Lynch, St. Paul. $500. T. J. Walsh. Helena. Mont., $500. W. B. George. Billings. Mont., $500. R. S. Ford. Great Falls, Mnnt., $500. The major part of the .Democrats onmpalgn fund has come from dollar contributions and from the Democratic press which started campaign contri butions. Mack Won't Verifv Figures. .CHICAGO. Oct. 9.—National Chair man Mack tonleht said that be did not know that the New York headquarters had made public any campaign contri butions or the amount of the campaign fund. "The campaign contributions will bo known officially on October 15. and all T can say Is that l wished we bad all the money they any we have." PROTESTS FILED T GOVERNOR'S OFFICIAL PARDON BOARD'S WORK IS STRONGLY OB JECTED TO IN CASES. ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. Protests from the public against some of the recommen dations made by Gov. Smith's unofficial pardon board are being received at tho state capltcl by the governor and the prison commission. The first conies from persons opposed to Will Daniels, a negro, at the state farm, serving a long term for attempted criminal asiault. Messrs. Hitch and Turn- Hn reported that he wns dying with con sumption, and that a negro girl was the injured g*j:Jy* eli9 Qf nMr where the alleged crime was committed, has written Tom F.ason. of the prison com- mlFsIon. that the negro was convicted of attempting to assault a well-known and highly respected white lady of thaf neigh borhood. He states that Daniels narrow ly escaped lynching and that the people opposed to hts release. .. similar letter was re — — a governor's office front Eschel Graham, of McRae, who states thst the “young lady'i friends and relative very much op- The recommendation made to the gov ernor was probably bssed on misinfor mation as to the crime. ONE BODY R FOUND; NO TRACE OE OTHER MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF ROBINSON BROTHERS IS PARTLY CLEARED. WARRENTON. Va, Oct. 9—Ernest Robinson, twenty-four years old, a member of the Warrenton rifles, who with his brother, Walter, disappeared from their home here six weeks ago was found dead today In a thicket near the railroad at Casanova, a small sta tion between Warrenton and Calver- ton. There Is no clue to the where abouts of the other brother, two years older. The fact that waiter Robinson several times previous to his last disappearance had spent several weeks at a time away from home with out notifying his people of his where abouts furnishes a ray of hope to his family that he may be alive, though S repared to h£ar at any time word o; Is death. Ernest Robinson’s body evidently had been lying In the woods for a fortnight and it is sugested. thongh there is no information to corroborate the theory taht he may have been a victim of heart failure or poisoning in view of the absence of any marks of violence upon the body. Both the young men were well known and owned the general store here. Many of their relations and friends both In this vicinity and near Washington. D. C.« have Joined In the search for the brothers and the author- It'cs of villages between Warrenton and Washington have been on the look out. HUSH’S FAIR IS OS WITH BIS CROWDS ATTENDING LOWNDES ROMANCE IS SOON SHATTERED ORDINARY SIMMS BELIEVES HIS NEW SON-IN-LAW TO BE A MGAMIST. VALDOSTA, Oct. 9—A. V. Simms, ordinary nr this county, tolecraphrd from Oklahoma City today that E. William Robinson, who married his daughter. Miss Dora Simms, last June is In Jail there on a charge of biga my. Mr. Simms being the. prosecutor. Robinson spent lastjwlnter In Val dosta and during the time he was hero ‘he wooed and. wot: Miss Dora Simms. Under a pretext that ho had property tn Oklahoma, which required his Immediate attention, he Induced Mias Slnuns to marry him at once. They have been In Oklahoma Since that time. Last Monday Ordinary Simms learn ed that Robinson had a wife and children In Lynn, Mass. He was dumbfounded at the Information nnd after having It verlfled by the authori ties at Lvnn, he' took the night train tor Oklahoma. Yesterday was spent In locating the couple, and this morn ing Mr. Simms had Robinson arrest ed. and will bring his daughter home with him. A requisition will be gotten for Robinson and he will be brought back ’here for trial. trageIIsWlt OFF! EDWARD FAIR KILLS HIS BROTH ER AND FRIEND AND FATAL- LY WOUNDS ANOTHER. MANASSAS. Va., Oct. 9—A.i the re- ault of a husband's Jealousy two men arc dead and another wounded af ihc old fair farm at Cunovn, alx mllea from Mandean today. Edwnrd Fair nnd his wife nnd brother. Allen Fair, called on their neighlxtr. Tucker Posey, ycater- dny nfternoon. While there Edwnrd Fair's attention was attracted to. what he regarded as an unusual frlendll- ncss between his wife and his brother, Allen. Angered by their conduct he hurried from the Posey home and procured a gun to avenge his fancied Injury. Upon hlr. return to the Posey home he shot and killed his brother nnd turned the gun upon hla wife, but was pre vented from shooting her by the Inter ference of Tucker Posey who receiv ed the shot Intended for tho wife. Dur ing the Htruggle that followed. Posey took the gun from Fair and striking him upon the head killed him Instant ly. The Fair brothers were Bonn of the late Carter Fair, one of tho best known men of this ouunty. LUTHERANS FURTHER THE OF SAVANNAH, Oa.. Oct. 9. 1 -The uni ted synods of the Lutheran church of the south decided today to move the theological seminary from Mount Pleasant, S. C.; to raise $50,000 for en larging and equipping » near seminary, nnd provided for a 'committee com posed of one delegate from each syn od, to carry out this plan. There Is still no decision as to the future loca tion of the seminary. It was decided to offer back to the vlllngn of Mount Pleasant ti»c property It has given the seminary. When it was planned to use the word “receive bids" for erecting the new buildings, Capt. J. C. Heegera, of Columbia, a delegate to the synod. In a straightforward speech, declared that "the receiving of bids Is gambling and nothing else." His words created a sensation In the conference, but serv ed to cut the objectionable words out of the resolutions passed by the synod. Official Returns Show Carter Did Not Carry a Single County ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 9—Late re- turns from the state election of Wed nesday give Joseph M. Brown, demo cratic candidate for governor, on in creased vote, and decreases the one that had been allowed Mr. Carter. Tho official returns aro coming in to the secretary of state's office, but all will not be in and tabulations will not bo made for several days. Until then the exact vote will not be known. Twelve counties are yet to be heard from. Mr. Brown received about 112,000 votes in the election, and Mr. Carter got about 12.000. Mr. Brown's ma jority will be around 100.000. Disfranchisement received a vote of about 70,000 to about 38,000 against. Indications aro that J. W. Lindsey was elected pension commissioner by a safe majority, though It will require the official returns to nettle this con test. He got about 50.000 votes. A. J. McBride ran second, receiving about 20.000. about as much as all the re mainder got. Today's returns show that Mr. Car ter did not carry a single county, Mr. Brown receiving majorities In even dhattooga and Gordon. The following is the vote for governor Brown. Carter. $20,000 LUMP FROMJBARNEGIE Republican Committee Says This Is Largest Yet fieceired by counties: Counties. ».•••• Ben Hill Chattahoochee (estl'ted). Columbia Chattooga Clinch Taylor (estimated) 108.834 11,141 WELL KNOWN NEGRO KILLS DIES IN JACKSONVILLE HIS WIFE INSTANTLY FORT VALLEY. Oct. The many friends of Mr. Johnnie Cooper were grieved to hear of hl> death in-Jack sonville. Fla., yesterday. He had been I 111 at the hospital for several weeks ATLANTA. Oa . Oet ».—The agrieul-! w « h ,. ty 2i?i d .... tursl fair, which la being held here unleri,. bod> arrived today and was the auspices of the Farmers' Union. I buried In Oak Lawn cemeterv at this opened st noon yesterday with a-good place. Mr. Cooper was a young man attendance. It will be on for a period about 21 years old, and was engaged r.f business with the Jacksonville Its ere on view, together with h large v*-.- number of Independent ones. Many spe-1 u r . clel attractions have been provided for •**'**• mother. Mrs. Gun f oon- »*ia entertainment of visitors during thai^**- brother and tf»ree sisters, all fair. | of this place. VALDOSTA. Oa., Oct 9.—A report from Lake Park Bays that Turner Wood, a well known negro of that place, shot and killed his wHd last nlg"it. It seems that the couple had been at outs for several days and Wood had threatened to kill her. He returned home last night and found his wife absent from home, having gone to Mr. John Corbett's to see about some •washing. When she en tered the house Wood flred up*»n her twice, one bullet passing through ’her 000 to the campaign fund of the publican national committee was nounced today by State Chairman Timothy L. Woodruff. Mr. Woodruff also announced that Mrs. Russel] Sage has contributed $1.- 000 to the same fund. There have been no other large contributions from Individuals, Mr. Woodruff said, hut small sums are coming in from vari ous sources. George R. Sheldon, treasurer of the national republican committee, said that he would publish a list of nil the contributions made to the republi can aoinmittee after election. An ap- peul for contributions to the republi can national campaign fund of $50 each from 10,000 business men was is sued today by Mr. Sheldon. CONVENTION CALLED OY PRISON BOARD COUNTY AUTHORITIES ARE RE QUESTED TO MEET BOARD IN ATLANTA NOVEMBER 6 ATLANTA, Oa., Oct. THc itata prison commission Issued a call today for a convention of county commis sioners and ordinaries, or other au thorities ‘having charge of road con struction, to be held In .the house of representatives ball at the capitol on November 6, next. It is for the pur pose of discussing the new convict bill, together with road construc tion, etc. Tho idea of the commission is to induce ns many counties as posslhlo to uac their quota of convicts on the roads, and to assist them hs far ns practicable In working them to advan tage. County officials who have had experience in building roads with suer labor will be usked to deliver ad dresses for the benefit of those not having such experience. • The commission has also advertised for offers on different tracts of land In different sections of the state, on the basis of which fho provision In the act relating to the extension of -the state farm will be considered. The advertisement Is for bids on a flve- year lease, sale nnd five-year option with lease. A tract from 2,000 to 5,000 acres may be offered. •The commission has ulno written the road authorities of the different counties offering to supply them with some misdemeanor convicts, under the low, at once. Several counties that do not employ their own convicts ‘have notified the fcnnmilsslnn tK|t'recently convicted prisoners are at ltn> dis posal. There will also be about 000 misdemeanor convicts at the disposal of the commission on November 1, when all the "wildcat" misdemeanor private camps will go out of business. These convicts may be token by the counties desiring them, ns they must be cared for under the provisions of the new law until nfcxt April when the full law will go Into effect. The letter calling the convention of county authorities Is ns follows: Prison Board’s Letter. ATLANTA, Oa.. Oct. 9. 1908. Dear Sirs: We cordially nnd earn estly Invite yon as a body, or some one of your bonrd to attend n confer ence to bn held between the county authorities nnd the prison commission In Atlanta In the bouse of representa tives, at 10 o'clock n. m.. on Thursday. November 6. 1908. for tho pur|Kisn of discussing the practical operation of the couviet law of 190f, and the litll- Ixntloq of convict labor on the public roads. If your county l« nlreadj using such labor, your experience nnd advice will be Of benefit to the minorities of Other counties not using the same, nnd If you are not working convict* but eontemplnte doing ro, the expe rience and advice of others will bo of Interest to you. . Wo will Invite several county offi cers, well known and good road build- •*rs. to mnko talks on practical sub jects relating to road building, nnd tho economical use of convict labor, and feel sure they will prove Instructive. On account of the (net thnt this matter Is of special lmj»ortnnco to us, ns official citizens of Georgia who aro charged with determining the best method of carrying out the provisions of the recent act agreeable with tho conditions In our state. It Is necessary for this meeting to bo devoted exclu sively to tho objects contemplated by our law. A lint- from you In reply will be ap preciated by yours truly. The Prison Commission of Georgia. THOMABV1LLE, Ala.. Oct. I.-Routh- bound freight train No. 122, running extra with John V, Cobb In charge nnd Frank Kelley Millie throttle, went Into the river * * ' p, st 3 o'clock this m—*"• ojien draw. Kelley went down wl .. no one knows bow the i aivuit, but It Is supposed that id the slgnalr _..jlne nnd elgh the river, two of which cotton and six with timber. The therm*n snvei Jn time nnd swlmn side of the bride. One of the piers thought that traffic . long. The Southern rallwsy oporates tha line. Engineer Lived In Mobile. MOBILE. Ala., Oct. t.—Engineer Frank Kelley hail been a resident of Mobllo for fifteen yen re. He wes 48 years of age end Is survived Wy a widow and two children. He wes n native of Neahville, Tenn., where he leaves a brother end Bister. All travel over the Southern railway between Mobile and Selma Is Indefinitely delayed. ONLY $4,600 COLLECTED UNDER WISEJJEAR-BEER ACT ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. 9.—Sixty-three counties hnve made near-beer license reports to Comptroller-General W. A. Wright. These reports show collec tions of only $4,800. The sum of $1,900 is held up by injunction. If the ratio keeps up the Wise law will not net much more than $10,000. Vessoi Flying Bulgarian Flag is Object of Initial Outbreak In spite of warnings to King Peter from Great Britain and Wane* that the people of 8ervla be kept in check, tha populace of Belgrade held demonstrations yesterday and demanded the resignation of the cabinet and also the abdication of King 1'eter unless ho declared war against Austria-Hungary, which hue re fused to accept Bervltt'e protest against the annexation of Bosnia and llersego- vlna. Ten thousand Austro-Hungarian troops arc garrlsonod along the Drlna river between Bosnia and Servla, ready for eventualities, and It la said 150.000 men can be thrown Into Servian territory in 24 hours. M. lawolsky, the Russian minister of foreign affairs, nrrlvod In London last night and will have a conference today with Sir Edward Grey. British secretary of state for foreign affairs, concerning tho calling together of the powers signa tory to the treaty of Berlin In an en deavor to bring sbout order in the Bal kans. Prince Ferdinand, the “czar of Bulga ria." entered Phlllnpo polls yesterday evening nnd received an enthusiastic greeting at the lutnds of the troops and the populace. • No confirmation has yet been received of the report that the Albanians declared their Independence of the sultan of Tur key. Yesterday nl Candla, the largeat city In Crete, the militia followed the ample of their compatriots at Ciu the capital of the island, and took tho oath of fidelity tn Greece. A British fleet of two battleships, two cruisers and two torpedo host destroyers Is today well on Its any from Malta to the Aegean sea. Tho forts of the Bosporus flred blank shots across the hows o! a steam- Prince Nicholas today Issued tho follow Inc manifesto: My heart weeps with the hearts of all i their brothers In the annexed pro’ only pfovo a right and truth. id Herzegovina maritime rights •ertaln tho great powers will Servians today killed three Austrian gendarmes on the Bosnian frontier, whereupon gunboats bombarded the fier- VIENNA, Oct. 9—Turkish forls at Constantinople have flred on a vessel In the Bnsphorntis living the new Bul garian flag, according to a message re ceived here, 8ervis is Clamoring for War, BELGRADE. Ort. 9 All army re servists were today ordered to Join the colors Sunday nnd a declaration of war Against Austria will probably he mndo then. The whole of Servla Is clnmomg for a war with Austria nnd King peter seems powerless to restrain his people. The mobilization of troops Is being carried on nmld scenes of the wildest enthusiasm. Interest Centere In London. LONDON. Oct. 9—The center of dip lomatic Interest In the Balkan situa tion has been transferred from Paris to London by the arrival here tonight of M. Iswolsky, the Russian minister of foreign affairs, who purposes a con ference with Kir Edwnrd Grey, the British minister of foreign affairs, con cerning the situation and particularly with regard to a concert of the pow ers to settle the outstanding difficul ties. The Russian minister was met at the station by Count Benchendorff, the Russian ambassador and a repre sentative of the British foreign office, with the latter of whom arrangements were completed for n meeting tomnr- Orcat Britain Mill Is of the opinion that It would he hotter for Turkoy If the mnttor were settled without a meet Ing of the powers, and she had not yet agreed to a conference even In principle. The government however. Is open to conviction but only on the ground that the discussion be limit'd to what the foreign office terms the “present breaches of the Berlin treaty." The Austro-Hungarian suggestion, ■which has been officially communica ted to Great Britain, that the renfer- ence should be confl.i'd to th » Bulga rian declaration of Independence Is held by the foreign office to be wholly u»* tenable. Tho foreign office contends that If the powers decide In favor of a conference they cahnot ignore Aus- trln-Hungsrla’s breach of the treaty. Great Brttnln Is not one of tho powers favored with fie Austrlo-Hungarliin -pronosnl that tie new status of Bul garia should bo recognized with which (Continued on Page Three.) DELEGATES ARE NAMED TO -PRISON ASSOCIATION ATLANTA, Oa.. Oet. O.-Delegates have been named b v the governor to represent Georgia at the annual meeting S f the American Prison Association, to e held In the city of Richmond Novem her 14 to 19. Borne surprise was causal by tho omission of the name of Judge J. 8. Turner. chairmen of the state prltirp commission, from the list. He Iras been heretofore ramed as one of the delegatee for these annuo) conventions juid has fre quently ‘ ” nnd addr tra'.ttd attention i. .... PM. — .... ecurtrv. nnd tho absence of nls name from the lint of appointed deletes Is flaturally causing some comment, tnent. . . , Those who have been named to rep resent this state ore: Gen. Clement A Evans. Atlanta: J. K. Orr, Atlanta: E. M. Gloer, Atlanta- Crawford Jackson. At- Wiley Williams. Columbus: W. A. Cov- . Savannah- W. B McCents. Winder; w. B. Lyons. Jesup: Jl. T. Bethunn. Mil- tedrevltle, and Dr. 8. H. Greene, CliAttx- DRAWING THEME FROM PLUTARCH RRYAN EXCORIATES ROOSEVELT FOR MEDDLING IN A FAIR FIGHT DIVIDEND FOR CONTRIBUTORS Kern Declares the Rich Who Famish G. 0. P. Funds Are Profited F1NCASTLE, Va.. Oct. 9—Speaking to the farmers of Botetourt county here today, John W. Kern, democratic vice presidential candidate, declared that tho republican platform guaranteed to tho rich men who furnish the party campaign funds a profit on their *bUH- Iness. “Have you heard anything About It. guaranteeing you a profit on your crops?" he usked. He charged the republican party with having kept alive tho old time enmity between the north and south, lie declared that “It was not until the people of tho north witnessed In amaze ment, the sons of Virginia marching side by side with tho soldiers of the north In the Hpanleh war thnt they could be made to believe that you of the south had come to lovo the coun try’s flag." Mr. Kern reached Flncnstlo from hla sister’s home In tho driving six miles through a pelting rain. Ho left soon after noon tor Clifton Forge, Va.. where ho will speak tonight. FORT GRANT “EXILE” IS TO BE RETIRED COL. 8TEWART’S OBJECTION TO LEAVING THE ARMY OVER RULED BY THE DOCTOR8. WASHINGTON. Oct. 9.—The army retiring board which has been Investi gating the condition of tho health of Col. Wm. F. Stewart, tho so-called Fort Grant "exile," concluded its work today and while the result whh not officially mude public. It Is quite well understood thut the Jionrd found Col. Stewart to he seriously afflicted with valvular disease of tho heart os to in capacitate him for active nervier In the army. The finding which has been agreed upon will be reported to th« secretary of war tomorrow and It Is considered probable that Col. Stew art's retirement by tha president will follow, if not retired Col. . Stewart would still have more than four years of active service, and as he Is ono of the oldest officers of the artillery corps tils friends contend that lie would stand s good chance of reaching, tha grade of brigadier general. If retired he will receive three-fourth* of his regular pay, or about $400 per month. Before the hoard took tho subject up In executive session today It heard a somewhat detailed statement by Col! Htrpvart relative to his record In tho army and also listened to brief argu ments by Col. Btewart’s counsel nnd Recorder Howland, who spoke for tho service. Col. Htewart was not per mitted to go outsldo his medical rec ord and when his attorney made an effort to ollelt from him the circum stances under which he hod heon trans ferred from Fort iBaraneas, Fla., to Fort Grant, Arizona, Csptnln Howland Interposed positive objection, in which he was sustained. His Record. Col. Stewart said tlmt ho had been In the habit of taking horse-back rides of from twenty to thirty-five miles a day Tor many years past until his re moval to Fort Grant a year ago. He found at Fort Grant only one horse and ns that animal was a crlppla he was deprived of this opportunity for exercise. While at Fort Grant, how ever. he had substituted walking for riding and had generally thus covered from eight, to fourteen miles a day. Ho had never felt any 111 effect* from either walking or riding and up to a month ago hn had received no warn ing from any physician against these forms of exorcise, notwithstanding he had for many years been under the observation of iirmy surgeons. Ho ssld that he hnd known ever since 1874 Hint his henrt was affected, but that ho had paid no attention to the fact. (7,1. Htewart stated that he had been In the service for almost forty years and ho added that there were only four officers having a longer record. "Do you wish to bo retired?’ asked Mr. Latimer. "No." responded Col. Btewart with •rnphssle- "Why do you wish to continue In the service?" asked the lawyer. "Because 1 have spent my life In the army and I am fond of the service.” replied Col. Stewsrt. “I was bom at a military post, grew up on the fron tier and when I became a man I en tered the army. I see no reason why I rhould not be permitted to remain an officer until the arrival of tho tlmo for mv retirement as prescribed by law. Mr. Latimer, for Col. Htewart, en tered Into a general retrospect of his client’s service which he said had been the subject of much favorable com ment, the only criticism being by Gen eral Grant who said that Col. Htew art was an able and efficient officer hut that hla efficiency won marred by hi- Irranclblllty.” ....... . in reply. Captain Ho*land dectared that the one l.eue wm •« to whether Cot. Htownrt I. now «o af flicted by heart dtaenne a. to be In- capable of performing hie dutta«. He ul.0 declared that notwlthetand- Injr Col. Htewart'. Ion* record he hnd epent only ilx month* of thet time In the field. MAN HE DISLIKED ATHENS, All. Oct. 9—Newe hen Ju.t reached here of the klllln* tale yeeleritay of Andrew Jnckeon. llvln* near the Lauderdale county line, by a preacher named Llvlncnlnn.. The men are eald to have dlellked each other for a Ion* time, and when they met yotterday. Llvlnieton fired on Jarkeon. Llvlnnetun wee Inter cau*ln wnndertn* about the wood* barefooted and clad only In htn underKirmenta. Later In the nl*ht he made hla eicapa. H I* tliousbt hi* mlpd I* unbalanced. Justice, He Declares, Demands That Pressident Play Hands oil NEGLECTS: OFFICIAL WORK TO HELP HIS APPOINTEE Speaking From Same Platform Occu pied by Mr. Taft a Few Days Ago, the Democratic Candidate Attacks His Opponents Generally—Declares Mr. Taft Can Give No Promise of Real Reform. GALESBURG, HI.. Oct. 9—Standing on tho Maine platform front which Mr. Taft, hts frepubllcan opponent only a few dny* ago delivered an addreai, W. J. 'Bryan today denounced Presi dent Roosevelt once again for par*Id- paring In the campaign In favor of When the special train bearing ths presidential runfiblate arrived a great crowd cheered him vociferously and at Knox College where the platform was erected, ho faced one of the largest audiences that ever assembled here. Ho took for Ills theme "Justice," nnd hinged Ills preliminary remarks on a quotation from Plutarch that "men en tertain three sentiments concerning the gods; they four them for their power, adfiilre them for their wisdom and lovu thorn for their Justice." Refers to Taft's Visit Referring to Mr. Taft’s visit Mr. Bryan said: "It Is no new thing for you to see tho next president, for having seen mv opponent. Mr. Taft and now see ing me you are certain that you have soon the next president, although neither of us Is a* certain as we would like to ho Which one It I*. And here too you saw. those qf you who lived «t that time, two men who were pitted against each other In one of the most bitter contests that has been known In the history of the world for I think I mn safe in saying the records of time give no parallel to the great eerie* of debates between Lincoln and Douglag. Justice Hla Them* for Yeare. Mr. Bryan said that Justice had beAn his theme eight years ago and nattoa wns his theme today. He said ho was trying to show how on several differ ent questions the democratic party was appealing for Justice. He then spoke concerning publicity «f cam paign contributions before election nnd ridiculed Mr. Taft for expressing the “porsonal Inclination" toward that proposition and not coming out square ly for It. Tho crowd was moved to cheers when he dealsred that tt>e dem ocratic party Insisted upon Justice to those who toll. Man, Then the Dollar. "The Republican party," he said, "has allowed the lobbyists of grew corporate Interests to stifle labor leg islation." and he Informed his hearers that "tho Democratic party's remedy was to hnndlo the laboring man as a human being and not as a mere piece of merchandise." "Wo nro not willing," he said, "that a man made In tho imago of his Crea tor, with henrt and brain and soul shall ho degraded to tho level if dol lars nnd cents. That groat statesman, who wnH engaged In debate hi this place In 1858. Abraham Lincoln, a year after ho spoke here wrote a letter to some people In Boston and In that let- tor ho said that the Republican pacty believed In tho man and the dollar, but that In case of conflict It believ ed In the man before the dollar." Mr. Brynn said that ths Democrat* be- Moved that that was the proper rela tion between money and men. Funny Things He Find*. He then dwelt at some length In *up* port of the proposition to grant trial* by Jury In rases of direct contempt. Mr. Bryan made fun of the republican platform, basing his remarks princi pally on the recent editorial in the Omaha Bee, which criticised a part of the republican tnrlff Jlnnk under tho supposition that It wns in extract from some speech of his. "Why, my friends," he said, “I used to buy b'*oka on humor whenever I wanted to road something funny, but now I read re publican platform* and save money. Tho funniest platform I ever read was that adopted nt Chicago, and the fun niest plank In It la th# tariff plank." As he had don* several times before today. Mr. Bryan announced nlmeplf aa "tho advance of prosperity," alii bitterly assailed the pres!d-nt and Mr. Taft aa a member of his cabinet for the panic of 1101. He declared that there never was a better time than now for the republicans to predict a panic nhould ho bo elected. They could scare the people In 189$, he said, but not now. Tho republicans, ho In sisted, were being compelled to take some of tholr own msdlcln* no mat- GOMPERS’ MATE IS INEXACT WAHHINGTON, Oet I.—A friend of James Duncan, first vlo# preeldeot ol the A merles n Federation of graphed him aa follow*: papers everywhere deriving you have deserted Compere. Please wire for pub lication aa to whether thts Is true or false, end al*o whether yo«i sre sup- 8?s?^^r««5SK?Sn o vaas ° / 5fr b D0»icsn telegraphed In replr: "Preeldeot Compere and I are In uni son now, a* we have been for many years, on the present a* well m other MiiJll" of*Fe-tar.tlo. oC Hurts! rraurtwarfg* r rt of organized labor. It# Interest* ve been esnalled by Judlefal d«ol*Joo, end the rongrees feJIed to give relief, and now *n nppeel for Justice Is made to all th* people on breed, general linos, end It Is the duty of labor officials to give the true fart* to the working peo ple. who In turn will uee the Information and. aa true American citizens, will vote on election day as thitr consciences will dictate."