Newspaper Page Text
The Macon Daily Telegraph
DAILY, 17.00 A YEAR.
Our Superior Stocks Command Much Enthusiasm
Never before have such tremendous lines of Fashionable Garments, Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery, Fancy Goods and Novelties been brought to Ma
con—most everybody, it seems, are buying from The Busy Big Store. While some good stores hereabouts held off and bought little as possible,
this institution is probably the largest buyer, by far, in the markets; not only from Macon but from Georgia. What you want is here, and at a
less price than samequality is marked elsewhere. Are you saving ? If best merchandise, best service and lowest prices interest you, then buy here
From All Over the State Come Judicious Women to This Store That Always Serves Them Best
The Real Swell Things in Great Variety are to be seen here. No other store in Middle Georgia can
show such correct things at the conservative prices on them here. New Neckfixings, New Gloves,
Hosiery, Wide Ruching, Combs, Small Jewelry, Veils, Ribbons, Belts, Bags, Card Cases, Bracelets, Etc.
We want you to see the great stocks and note the savings—much money can be saved here.
The Talk of the Town
Not only in tho town, but the entire territory, onr
Hats arc a popular subject of convcration, and well may
they be, for they deserve the praise.
Hundreds of Hats of characteristic beauty and in
dividuality of style, that the well dressed women of tho
territory know to be a featuro of this storo aro ready for
your inspection tomorrow.
In both the imported and our own original crea
tions, tho predominant feature is exclusiveness; aid our
Hats show a smartness, a beauty of coloring nnd artistic
merit not seen in the Hats from tho usual shops.
Our assortment includes the proper things for street
and general wear, as well ns for afternoon and tho most
formal functions. We want you to see tho collection to
morrow, and remember you aro welcome to inspect tho
models whether you buy or not.
As to prices on our Hats we mark them not at “How
much will it bring,” as the case in most Millinery stores,
but how low can we sell it nnd make our usual small
profit—thus Hats that are priced elsewhere nt $7.50,
our price would be $4.98, and many Hats that command
.$15 and $20 in other stores can be bought hero at' $10.
Fancy Linens
A fins lot of pretty fancy Linens In
Mats, Center Pieces. Table Covers and
Runners, Square Pieces and Round
Pieces, are here and priced very much
lower than elsewhere; they're In Linen,
Ltnenn and Battenburg Ince effect;
prices run 25c to $12.60. We want you
to see them at your earliest conveni
Two Specials
11.00, 85c, 75o White Llnene Runners
and Table Covers, some drawn linen,
others battenburg effect; all large «lze;
special tomorrow 59c
11.75, 11.50, $1.25 Linen Runners.
Squares, Round Pieces, etc., drawn
designs and b&ttenburg .styles: &U
for choice tomorrow 98c
Long Gloves
The best 811k Glovos and Ancst se
lected French Kid Gloves are on sale
at prices not attempted outside this
store. As follows:
Silks at 95c
Best $2.00 quality, full 15-button Gloves
of heavy 811k, double Anger tipped; all
colors, black, white: our
price tomorrow
French Kid $3.50
The very Anost; the $4.00 quality else
where, full lC-button length and every
pair mode of perfect skins; black,
white, brown; all now *1 Cf)
kdoiIh: nalr
For Monday $12.50 Suits
Great chance for the women and misses of Macon
to purchase nobby new, all wool, strictly stylish Tailored
Suit* at $8.08 that are actually worth $12.50,
Thanks to our smart Suit buyers, the deal was made
whereby we are In possession of these black and colored,
solid color Suite, nnd pretty mixtures, In style Hk6 cut, and
cheap at $12.60. and we shall say to you, pick from the lot
for choice—Eight Ninety-Eight
Very Attractive New Taffeta
Silk Suits, Worth $15.00
$9.98 m
A special purchase enables us to offer to the ladles of
lb Is territory a great value In 811k Suits. They're Jn colors
of navy, black, brown; very latent styles, with long sleeves
and mndo of Ano Chiffon Taffeta; roal value of the Suits
Is $16.00, but yoj got them for only—Nine Ninety-Eight.
For $14.98 Suits Worth $20
Fine cloth and mixture Suits, the latest long coats and Aare
aklrts; all popular colors; special value giving 1 A QQ
of $20.00 Suita tomorrow for only *P 1
Tailored Suits at $17.98
Tho kind you would pay $25.00 for elsewhere; tho dressy
long coat style so fashionable this season; suits are of the
plain cloth und mixture materials: tho right it 1 7 QQ
colors and real charming styles; cholco of lot... *P 1 '
$24.98 Buys $35.00 Values
Suits that would readily command $35.00 are on sale hero
for $24.08; many emartest inodole and oolors. we've marked
some for quick selling worth $85.00, one day $24 98
At $29.98- Suits Worth $40
If you want something grand In a suit you should see the
$40.00 values we'll sell for only $20.98; they're black and col- ■
ora ot Urondc)olhi,ulao pretty mixture effects; now stylo ;
coats and skirts; they'll make you enthusiastic d:7G Qft
about them; priced at
...W f
School Dresses
These are well made Dresses for chil
dren 4 to 12 year; materials are plain
and Agured dark madras, also llnene,
tan color; $1.25 Dresses, our special
price—Eighty-Nine Cents.
These are the popular Laisterbloom
black Petticoats which look like atlk
and wear much longer; full made gar
ments, with deep embroidered Aounce.
and worth regular $1.50—Eighty-Nine
New Knitted Sweaters for Women and
Girls Just in. $1.98, $2.49, $3*49, $3.98
The fashionable new Sweater Coats aro very Jaunty* 'e that arrived last
week are tho strictly correct thlnga for style, and they're to iuch worn—white,
gray and red are to be the thing In color. Women's sixes, $2.49, $3.49, $3.98. Girl’s
sixer at $1.98
50c Neckfixings
At this price w© show styles that no other storo
attempts for less than 75c and $1.00; we've all
the pretty Auffy wldo Collars, fancy ribbon ef
fects; Dlrectolro adoptions, etc.;, all color CA~
effects and white; see these tomorrow at.t.-'y'*
New Veils
All the atunnlng effects In Veils and Veil
ings, including tho new "Square," navy, brown,
black, etc., with tho largo dots at $1.50, \Also
every wanted color In new Veilings by the yard,
special values on ealo at 26c, 39c, 50c, 75c yard.
Buy your Veils and Veiling here.
New Ruchings
For Monday we are ready with a great assort
ment of wide Ruchings; all colors and whtl
our price, yard for the regular 7“ "
quality Is only
6-yard boxes Tourist Ruching
Monday .........
3-yard boxes Tourist Ruching Q r
$3.50 Net Waists $1.98
It Is always up to this store to give the trade the real
thing In Waist bargains. Monday we'll sell pretty $3.60
Nets in ecru, an-1 white, all sizes, beautifully made up and
In the height of style—the designs are exceedingly attrac
tive. You ahould not miss those.
$4.00 Taffeta Waists $2.25
Big Skirt Special—6-50 and 7.50 Skirts 4.98
Over twenty styles in these new foahlpnablo Skirts;
they're of hard Anlshed Panama and Vollo In charming
designs, colors aro navy, brown and black; they'ro actual
$6.60 and $7-50 qualities, our price for choice of lot tomor
row—Four Ninety-Eight.
Swell Satin Costumes
$18.98, $22.98, $24.98, $29.98, $34.98
TIi, new "Dlrectolro” Adoption,, the .tunning coitumto
of line ,nlln In Mock »nd oil color,: wa'vo a booutlful Hn,
of the., >atln dre.eee to »hnw you at tho obove prlco, to
morrow and would b, very (ltd to hov, you look ot them.
Misses and Junior Suits .
at $7.98, $9.98, $12.98 •'
Wo positively show the greatest possible values In
Misses' and Junior Suits mado of all wool ladles' oloth and
mixtures for ages R to 14 years; the very smartest novelties
of the season uro now ready for tomorrow's showing.
Children’s School Dresses
98c, $1.49, $1.98 to $5.98 Each
Mado of ben golaten Ginghams, Madras and other
cotton goods; also best wool serge, etc.; all priced economi
cal at the above prices.
v Extra Values in Woolens and Silks
Those who see our excellent line of these goods and notes the prices are
bound to sec how cheap, serviceable, stylish garments can be made up with the.
aid of Pictorial Review Patterns tOo and 15c; none higher
75c 40-inch Mohair at 50c
You never saw such a bargain in Ane
black Mohair or Urllllantlne, full 45-
Inch heavy goods, Anlshed with
pretty sheen, yard -JV/t-
85c 45-inch Mohair at 69c
Black, navy and brown heavy Mohair
for skirts, suits, etc., Ane all wool,
worth 850, full 45 inchea wide, ^9c
75c Woolens at 50c
We offer a great opportunity to pro
cure stylish, new fabrics for the sea
son’s wear at a very low price; dozens
of pretty woaves and popular colorings
are now on sale at this price for yard;
some of these are easily ^Hz-
worth 75c yd.; our price....,,. JW
$1 52-inch Panama at 79c
•beautiful quality $1.00 Panama, navy,
brown nnd black, durable, all 7Q/%
wool kind at, yard •
$1.25 Broadcloths at $1.00
to pay for them from the usual stores.
All colors and black. In full 60-Inch
wide. One Anlshed Broad- d; 1 A A
cloth, at yard *P ■
Beautiful Silks at 50c
Such a lino of stylish Silks, all the new
color efTects, the new plain styles and
herring-bone effects; many of the pop
ular plain and corded weaves; such as
plain taffeta poplins, reps, measallnes,
etc., actual values up to
76c per yard
Trunks and Bags
We are the only Macon people who
carry s a big assortment—not a mero
cart load to show you, but a great
big atock to which we devote time and
energy to keep It ahead of any other
In Middle Georgia.
Anything In a Trunk or Bag can be
had here at a gauranteed leu price
than elsewhere. If you want the beat
and don’t mind fretting It for leas,
como here, of course.
Bleachings, Etc.
15 yards Farmer’s Choice, 9c. yard d? j Aft
wide Bleaching, this sale « *”1/
10c Fruit of tho Loom Bleaching, our 7 *1 A n
price la, yard » -/-“TC
121-2c "Alpine Rose" goea on sale 1 A_
here at, yard I UL
18c Lonsdale Cambric, the original, for I |.
yard, only I 1C
$1.50 pieces Longcloth, 12 yards d* I AQ
soft English goods h> I •«/
10c For-Get-Me-Not Bleaching on 7 1 7-
sale here at, yard / ^ l"^C
. 16c Masonvllle 'Bleaching, out on sate 'll-
her. at I 1C
7c Eagle Bleaching, a good one, our e
price JC
10 yards 27-fnch brown Sheeting, 3**,.
for only J JO.
Sheets, Sheeting, Etc.
72x90 Pepperell Sheets, worth 76c, In CQ-
usual atorca, our price ...•'-'C
81x00 Pepperell Sheets worth 85c In A**/.
usual store, our price vJJC
72x90 Bleached Sheafs wnrth 45o 3?**
elsewhere, our price ^
72x90 Unbleached Sheets, worth 50o
elsewhere, our price Js\*
40c Utica Sheeting, bleached, 73 TQ.
x90, tho boat, at yard ,.4-^C
10c Pillow Cases, 42x36-lnch size, Q_
bleached goods UC
131.2c Pillow Cases, 42x36-lnch six*, I A„
bleached goods at ■ UL
20c Pillow Cases, 45xl6-inch site, 1
special at I -sC
26c Sheeting, 10-4 goods, bleached or * 1 Q _
unbleached, at • oc
Infant's and Children’s Wear
Big Stock and Great Saving
Wo are prepared this season with the prettiest collec
tion of Infant's and Children's YToar In tho career of this
store. > i ' «i
Not a slnglo garment that Is wanted has bean over
looked and piles In each Instance is very low, as the
following schedule of ptlcea would Jncldato; , . ... .
Infant’s Garments
Many attractive Dresses, beautiful designs at mnoh less
than they cun be tn<«lo up for, to-wlt: \
Long and Short Dresses at 49o to $6-50 etch. - ,
Long nnd Short Skirts. 3Ga to $2.50 garment.
Long and Short Slips. 33c to 98o tho garment.
Every person In search of Infant's wear should Inves
tigate the saving nowrr of The Big Store on these goods,
:i r.d 1 i • Ji'I v-111iii!i g.n in< nH will no doubt be puiv.hMJif'd.
Full lino of garments for the older ohlldrtn up to 14
years ; all materials, wool and cotton.
Best Calico 5c
While some other stores are hum
ming and hawing about having to sell
them chcsp wo are holding the prlco
down; wo don't ask but 6c yard for
best makes—American’s Simpsons, etc.
W« Include In the sale many naw bor
dered styles that are really c
worth 7c and Sc, our price
Galatea 10c, 17c
Wo offer pretty stripes in Galatea in
16c quality, on special sale | Q q
The best made Galatea, the heavy
quality In n** assortment of patterns.
Just arrived; all new colors, etc., our
price for these yard,
Toilet Articles at . Cut Prices
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder; 1 7 r
our prlco is only ■
25c Colgate's Talcum Powder, 1
Cashmere Boquet or Violet,.... *
25c Roger and Oallet’a Rise 1 Q r
powder, our price 1
$1 Roger and Oallet'a Violet QC r
Toilet Water for
23c Roger and Gallet's Violet 1 Q r
and other Heaps ml 1
25c Paper Face Powder Book, 1 Q r
special at 1
25c Pear's Glycerine Soap, | Q-
the cake 1
Pear’s Unscented Glycerine I
Soap, cake 1
26c Cutfcura Soap; special
at cake
60c Peroxide, Urge bottles;
our prlc«
25c Peroxide on sal© here at
$4 Houblgant’a "I I deal" Ex- <tQ Cfl
tract, our price only *P
$3.10 Houblgant’a Rose Ideal £7 QQ
Extract only
$1 Roger end Oallet’a Violet « QQ r
Extract for only
2Sc Colgate's Shaving Sticks, 1 Q r
nickeled boxes 1
And many other bargains we h&ve’nt
time nor space to enumerate.
We carry more Rugs, large and small, than any other concern in Macon
Rubberized Silk Coats,
Worth $20.00, at
A manufacturer noeded money. Came to a*
with the ever popular and practical Bilk RaU-
coats; wu took the lot at a price that enables
uh to give great values.
Right at th*- beginning of the season we of
fer a bargain that will never ba forgotten by
those who get one. Pretty satin striped Coats
In dark red, navy and brown, small and Urge
else xtrlpra; also solid black, and the price la—
Nino Ninety-Eight. ..
Pictoral Review Patterns
10c, 15c; None Higher
The Store That
Serves You Best
Georgia’s Largest
Mercantile House