Newspaper Page Text
Are Dangerous
Especially to as regards your Winter Suit
or Overcoat.
Right now you will find your size in every
stylo—no matter what your taste or wishes
may be—we can satisfy both.
Those who make their selections early,
never have cause to be dissatisfied, as they
have the choice of those good things
which go first.
to $35
$15 to $40
Arbitrary Head Nurse, They
Say, Is Cause of the
: Walk-Out
SAVANNAH, Oct. 10.—Five nurses
walked out at the Park View Banlta-
rium ter* fact nifht. The auperln-
t- ndent, Mine Mathlack, declare* she
found they were plotting a big strike
that would take all the nurses out and
that she fired them forthwith. Thin
the young women deny, stating tj*t
they almply ''■truck" because Mrs. W.
K. Weatcott, the head .nurse, said
things about them aha ought not to
have aald, cut ofT their leisure hours
and made them report at the hospital
The Georgia Colored Induatrial and
Orphans’ Home, located three, miles
south of the city. Is reported as doing
good work In caring for and training
negro children
■* receiving applications from all
parts of the state to take children, but
on account of not having buildings,
he has to turn them down.
Not Confined to the House—Quay Was
a Well Known Freebooter in the
Much Interest was a rotted all 9ver
the country In the efforts of the den*-
ocrdtlo minority In the last house of
(heir Ilirht, out *'lJjo'oTock.T’lT- SJ.rljM, which John
tine oii The lit loti of thoiw it the formerly nilbiuterlnii In congww was
xr ,h * b ~ p1rt *" « csf oV-ir sss&ra
fiSTS ‘5C*t d n j taisrffl P '.mm5|eV^
which to dispose of MS. Weatcott, but
the trustees failed to mske good. fjj^ WllUams attrlbuted to tho m
Then the nurses say they struck. The I jjjf brought
live who walked out say the rest of 11 ^ nr,tk s has not brought
1is So
l "Sow and you shall reap" Is a true
saying. Youth sows Its wild oats and
If the man be a man he reaps a har
vest of worthiness, knowledge and val-
\ue. He It Is In money matters. Open
a savings account—the sowing, be true
In vnilr»-lf (nil mv nM hnnnal
to rouraelf and pay old „<*'• and nmilarly aava— lhal'a Ihe
bountiful reaping. What of tht (u-
; lurm. man?
Wa pay • |i#r e»nt compound lnt«r-
“ Safest for Savings ”
& Loan
Beginning Monday. October 11th.
The Manhattan
Opera Co.
Monday Night—'Fra Dlavolo."
Tuesday Matinee—“Fra Dlsvolo.''
Tuesday Night—"Martha."
Wednesday Night—"The Mikado "
the nurses, ton In all, wilf follow thorn,
while the hospital authorities declare
Ihla Is not true. Frh-nds of patients
then* fear the nick will suftfij
dearth of nurses.
iff/, from a
Views of Dr. Carl Clemen of University
Ing against tho pricks haw not brought
forth much fruit, as the hands of the
minority were most effectually tied
by .the prompt and drastic rule*
adopted by the majority, says the
Washington Post.
Filibustering la not confined to toe
*>ous*\ as many senators havo Invoked
Its old to hasten, or kill, legislative
action, as the case may be. During
the last days ©f tho first session of the
fifty-second congress fJenator Jacob
dangerously, the Anna Marla d'Abundo
put of Hanto Domingo two weeks d'4“
- DonflP - —.
and bound for Venfcllies, France, with
a cargo of logwood, beat In to the
quarantine station Inside Tybee light
late last night. The big taork waa
t adlv etortp-beaten. * having eifcounj
tered the tale pf ope hurricane and
tho heart of a storm. B-.e la 1.500
miles but of her course. Iler. deck load,
valued at several thousand dollars,
waa washed away before she had been
at sea tlirte days. Too logwood. u-<.j
in making . d>es, Ig very much more
aluable than
None of the vessel’i
and ten men
eel for lumbei
Queen of Mexican Actresses.
Virginia Fabregas de Cardona,
of electric lights and waterworks. The
combined plant will coat $20,100, bonds
having been.sold to that amount
The ayatem of electric lights form-
Dear Friends: Wo thank you, and
cannot express In words the deep grat
itude v.-e feel for the sincere and heart
felt sympathy extended to us In our
sad bereavement.
crew of master ing become Insolvent the city w*s left
for a time. In darkness, or at least d» -
pendent upon the uncertain visits of
Madam Luna. But the progressive
A Marriags Ceremony Conalstlna of
Washing the Head.
Ms fringe among the Hopi. a tribe of
fnstttutlon . _
ganting which tho*.© most concerned have
Pueblo Indians,
people of Millen were not content to
rely upon the whims of that satellite.
The coming of artesian water and
electric lights are not the only evi-
dencr-a of advancement In Millen.
There are also a number of ‘elegant
residences In course of construction;
as well as a wholesale grocery estab
lishment, to be used by the firm of
Z. and P. U. Daniel. Tie publfe
school Is also the largest that has
been known In the history of the town
Everything seems to Indicate that If
Dr Cart Clemen, professor of theology H nnlllnitcr. of New Hampshire, am
t?ia U rn !i*i v 'iitlV*a"tnAvii «eouraa Senator Thomas If. Carter, of Mon-
Inctures * In ?hS DlvIhlS Ueftbff of the l«ha. republicans, conducted a flllbus-
tJnlveralty of Chicago, present In 1 ter against the 'hour* of work bill.
New York, flpeaklng of his trtp, and of They wer« successful and managed to
the German and American universities.
Dr. rumen said: ... .
"I shall not ©online mysslf to ths Uni
versity of Chicago, but In tha spring I
shall lectura at other universities, and
r t In elosar touch with the Institutions.
do not axpact to go to tha Wsstern
schools, but rather to the Bantam, and
there examine tha system* of adminis
tration and Instruction. I have naver
been In America before, though f know
a. great many profesxors and students
who have come to Germany.
"There Is a great deal that we might
profitably learn from the American uni
versities— much that I Idmlre and bopa
to aaa brnught about In our Institutions!
In time For ona thing the American
student la far more industrious than hie
German brother. There the freedom that
H granted I* a mmns of escaping work,
nnd slum the examinations are not re-
c ml red until one comes up for full final
degree, there are few Indications of a
Student's energy
Idleness; tha sem-
* On another occasion the force bill
filibuster prevented a change In the
method of representation In the south
ern states.
The late Senator Joton-T. Morgan,
of Alabama, advocating the digging
of the Isthmian cnnal with the great
est perseverance, and be used to fili
buster In Its favor. He once spoke
for three days against tha plan for the
Panama canal, ns her was partial to
the Nicaraguan route.
Senator Quay was well known as a
freebooter* In legislature, and hla tac
tics became familiar to bis opponents.
Whenever he wished to stop proceed
ings ho would announce that ha.woutf
make a speech and then send for about
twenty hooks, which he would
Am.Hfln univ»r.iiT«T"wiiiofi" liiL iii. wfiulrt kegln'hi, M-»ch, B« once
student up In his work, nr* not part of made a speech which lasted more than
the German system.
* (tendance of
_ _ .— i good ■JR ni: The student
required to attend If he does not
fleets now on sale at the Grand.
G«o. A. Smith, President.
Pun end Director
Lady AuWtun
Private Ambulance
Personal Attention Given All
Office Phono 467
Re*idf<’o Phono 760
Always open. Ill and IIS Mulberry ft.
Oldest exclusive undertaking bsuee
Phene 4J». Prepared **
“ ---- - order* «
telegraph ST telephone
JACKSONVII.LK, Fla.. Oct. 10-No
Balled: Steamers Apache, Staples.
New York: Onondaga. Chichester, Bos
ton, via Brunswick and Charleston;
schooners Catherine M. Monahan.
Hutchinson. Boston: Msdnllne Cooney,
t.tnlrfMd. Phll.d.lphl*; Kihyl 0. Rum-
n,r. (Br.), Ainh.r.t;
Nantaskct, Coombs, Providence.
’Titen. the Vol
lectures Is not
In not require.. ............ ..
wish, hiit may prepare outside
lesture room; more often he nelTWI^N^
lends, nor prensree. 1 myself took much
ndvantage of Ihls freedom while a stud
ent. hiit.row that I am a professor, my
nttltuf. I« changed, of course. The
.remedy of thl* Is tetter administration
of the discipline, and If I may erttlctte.
that the professor Is merely
>me. hut
.The professor
should make hie lecture* Interesting and
Instructive by supplementing the text
books. «nd expounding orlhelptfs nnj
which the student cap further hla knowl
edge hy reading.
Mloht Foster Sports. Too. _
"The sreond excellsnce which we might
Imitate Is the fostering of snorts, we
have fencing and athletic clubs, and In
the last faw years there Imm been a da-
fildc.l lncr*ase in thg, popularity Of Jtng-
1'Bii spoils, hut there oughf to be more.
Tlirf' WippeTpr Is In favor of university
athletics, as a better moral Influence
comes with them; when one has Jo keep
ctiiiirr wiin wnen vn» •*«»
In trntning there fa lees time
outgo spirit
... . In America.
unpletes his education In
university, and Is known as -
' >r a Xr
turn hla m«rt or <
his work
twen i
flailed: 8tesmer Cretan, ftavannah.
PHILADELriUA. Oct 10.—Arrived;
t'tcamer l*arthlsn. Savannah.
CHAHLKSTON, S. C. Oct 10.—Ar
rived: Sunnier Comanche, Watson.
New York, and proceeded for Jack
^ Salted:
I elclltOh, « ...Iff,.,, ,rm I nmi lift] t i/Hiij
Deed, Wall, New York*, schooner* Ed*
Wins. M< Keen, New Tork: Maud H.
Dudley, Grover, from Codaaw, Nmv
York; Robert tlrsham Dun, Heath,
from Ilumncoa. Boston; Bayard Hop
kins. Hopkins, Georgetown; Warner
Moore. Crockett BroVIdence.
The Prison C»mmls«nm Invites offers
for Urge trade of land. The Prison Co ra
ni*, ion of Georgia Invited offers for the
with option to purchase, of tracts
Id to different sect lone of tha etate;
f five thousand •<**• In oae body.
.... tboueand acre# In oae body.
Dssonbe quality of land, timber, water
* Jtroad factlitlee, and etate terms
<f lease for lire years, and prise If pur
Chased. 4d.!fc«
Yhte society
prosecute cases of
_ ^ »ltt , .
ir-loadisg. wounding. • toning.
: unfit animals, and other caeae of cru
r.ty t.* anlrni ’*. reported ta tu
11i« bast instruction is tho
The firm of Shropshire A Brown
has this day bean dissolved by mutual
consent. Mr Shropshire retiring The
bnetnecs will be continued by \Y. J.
prown. who will pay all bills and sol*
lost all debts.
Oct f. I#01.
A new healing force that curse dis
ease by absorbing poison. Thg treat
ment Is Drugleas. Painless. Harmless
Doss It* work while you are sleep,
cures cases supposed to be tnmftable.
cures -Rheumscttimv l$dner and
Two-story brick store, corner Fourth
tl*. Peritonitis. Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
build* up broken down men and wo
men: cupv all kinds of cancerous eote*.
reaches every organ of the body. i«er.d
for literature. It Is worth looking
Into. Give m
Heal test
MY Plum 8L Phone ll#i« photography
Give tb« Togo-Absorbent a prac-
8AVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 10—Arrived:
Strainers Grant ley,' nrttlsT, Henderson,
Villa Ilegl; Aloonda. British, Jones.
Cardiff; Chattahoochee, Diehl. Boston;
hark Ann* Marla D'Abundo, Italian.
Malhano, Santa Domingo.
•ailed: Attamars Chatham, Hudg
ins Bsltlmora; Merrimack. Pratt,
Philadelphia; Chattahoochee. Diehl,
New York: schooner Dorothsry Bell,
flhariv Belfast; J. S. Dublgnon, Tur-
»m _ ,
tier, New Haven.
Will the Turkish Sultan ■# Depossdt
It was slrnlilrant of what has taken
temher T shoiild have been mads up of
Turks. Armenians. Albanians. Greeks and
hvrlsnn and. or course. Americans—all
the atlalnment of ..Abdul
of the cenxUtu
HamM's polyglot empire of tha conxtltu-
sentstive In this country. Mundtl Bee.
who Is charge d'affStree at Waehtnglon.
presided, sperehee srero made In els tan-
*uagee and President Boosjeyelt mSit a
the rrtchlhil lyrannv under which that
country Ms groaned for* thirty vears has
Ijfcs so thorauah that the .young Turk
W^^^P.onenlr announces Ms pu
of «|op,wing A Met HamM within a -.MU
months If he do#e not abdicate and of
... the throne the sultan's second
brother. Reehad KfTcndl th» bate pre-
mimnttve. Prince Rrshsd. who le now
In hi* sixty-fourth year. Is reported te be
S men of education Integrity and pro
ffre**1 ve vieersV program of 'the
puns hntf party, which Is still Attested
... _ Mi Jn Ruroae
will attend several universities in
cork for a degree; I myself have
a student of four. But contests be
tween universities ere not n i
where Ihe Institutions are so 1
Interest may ho fostered within,
tho clubs. I
"I think also that the presenoe of wom
en ts a good thing: I do not know that
this will ever come abqut In Germany.
In all the school*, at least not In some
yearn, Women are to be admitted to
tk* universities for the^_ first time next
Winter, but theta are differences in their
pitsltlon. Some of the professors will
not admit tne women to thetr daises.
so that all courses pre not open.
"Again, so far as I can see the women
do not w-lsh to take some or the courses
with the men i their eentlmsfiV •" Hfil
Ings are different, and they do i
to; axpraes themselves freely bef
men. Hflft. It Is not neceesary t
education should be Identical; the
ttge of thsir having the same interests
and pleasures' la an excellent Interchange
or Ideas end social communication.
"German women are quite a* eager for
higher learning ax any other*, sut they
are not forced (•’ to the universities,
ss there are Institutions and training
schools for teachers which are for women
only, end these arc well attended. Mrs.
Clemen is a graduate of one of the train
ing schools, of kindergartens was part of
ths courts. She will he especially In
terested In the American dleae and man
agement of the kindergartens/'
In speaking of hhi lectures. Dr. Clemen
said that he wished to correct th* state
ment t'«kt they would deal with ths rela
tion of the early religions and Ckrlstl-
"The ' lectures themselves will he
chleflv on the Gosocl of fft. Matthew and
the Ants." he added. "They, will be In
terpretative. critical sod historical, and
deg las fully as possible with the sub
jects. I am now writing a book on the
tho first
_ week, during which time hla oppo
nent* vainly tried to Interrupt him.
In 1834 there wns no rule for stoo
ping a member when*he was maklfij
a speech; ho could take a* long ar he
wished to discus* any legislation. But
on June #. 1841. Mr. Warren, of Geor
gia. offered ttbl* amendment to the
twenty-eighth rule; ''And that no
member be allowed to apeak more
than one hour on any question under
debate." This rule was attributed to
Henrv Clay, and wa* denounced In
tho Senate on the ground that It vio
lated Fie constitution. It wa* then
popularly known a* the "gag law."
This "hour rule" h#E now dwindled
down to five minute#:
Ono of the first .Inslinoes of flHhu#tar
ing occurred In 1*05, Ju*t after the Im
peachment trial of tne Hon. Barnuel
Phase, one of the associate Justice* of
thg .supreme court. A quarrel areas
for the payment of those summoned by
rhssn. The senate would pass no hill
which did not. and a conference followed.
Each refused to yield and the bill wae
John Randolph then attempted. In the
closing hours of the session, to bhr* the
least to say. When the parents of a girl . Millen baa ever known a financial crl-
flnd it expedient for her to get married.: g| i# it Is rapidly being forced Into the
they look up an available at Thirteenth. ch40g of her a £ clent history. 4
street ami Snyder, uvenue. • * * ’
the matter ha* been arranged the
f principals are notified, the girt goes to
■lie home of the bridegroom's parents and
grinds corn for them for three weeks,
while tho bridegroom makes a kind "of
suhJi for the bride. Then one morning at
sunrise they both bathe their head* In
cold water, which completes the
There have been Instances of the bride
groom refusing to go through the per
fornmnee. says a writer In Outlnj
t him
BARNEBVILLE, Ga.. Oct 10.—Presi
dent E. N. Childs announces the employ-
. . - .. . - . wi ui. Eavannah. as a teacher In the 8lxth ills-
,rlct LMrloSLra .chool, -4JW.I. «
has then proceeded wltl
nccnuatcd valid, and 8
be has yielded and hsi
"Sff pected C begin his dutieir on October II.
i *"JESR l S!L_ b SJha h 1 2L. l i5S “• wUI hav ® charge of the mathsmaUcs
54ri er ‘e^»«einl r * nd th « mechanical department. Prof.
^Mtsillng is a graduate of the Techno-
r 2U£2 #h!: lo * ,cal * ehoo » ln Atlanta, and Is highly
recommended for the position.
* hl ■ ubMf i u # ot j President Childs states that the school
rn VT;_ K f" « r ® r |_! Is in a very prosperous condition, tho en-
ro,,ment tor tMa t9rrn having run up to
•"•{Si .«i ri . b nw.n JSnSSSLjfaHa^n^tha 1 ab ® ut 60 ‘ Th ® students are now arectlng
wnrthr 'of ^naldcrattnip 1 *'hr” civilised ccrtaln, T looks aa If the SCho
w hend e .«i 1? progress in giving Its students education
wh »ch la of the most practical character,
'ihe trustees recently arranged a final
much aanctlty, th.."’ nin .nd hu moth- -'<!■ «!>•. «nt«ctor wbo.crcct-
er-ln-law shall nw
Rut the Federalists
they hurried from the room, nnd when
ths vote was taken ths speaker
nounced no quorum. Members
thereupon summoned from the lobb:
committee rooms. Hardly were thsy In
their scats when a message from the
prssldsnt waa announced, and while the
clerk was reading It the Federalists pgaln
left the room, so thnt. when the resolu
tion was a second time called up. there
waa ngaln no quorum. Once more the
sergeant at arms went Into the lobby,
and once more the members came In. But
an enrolled hill was reported, and while
the speaker was signing It ths Federal
ists a third time slipped out The an
nouncement of no qusrti mwhlrh follow
ed was greeted with shouts of laughter.
Randolph. In a great paaslon. desisted.
land late on the evening of Sunday March
#. 1805, the eighth congreaa ended.
I The definition of a filibuster, or free
booter. In a legislative body Is a member
w*ho resorts to Irregular or obstructive
tactics to prevent the adoption of^ro
Imeakura 'or
by the majority.
In the tUtloth
which la favored
leth congress, elected In 1848,
obstructive tactics culminated. It then
became apparent to eevry one that, un
der existing rules and customs, no
measure could pass which did not pmrtl-
rally have unanimous consent. " ,L *
methods used by
itthoda used by the minority to prevent
ctlon by the majority 4nay be roughly
divided Into three classes: The refmml
of a quorum, dilatory motions and time-
killing debate. .
In 1850 the hbuse of representatives
wa* the most unwleldly parliamentary
body in the world. In the fifty-first con-
How to Read an Electrlo 'Meter.
Of /ill the mechanical arrangements
ever Introduced In the home the record,
Ing wattmeter la the most' mystifying
Although this littlo device decides
the amount of the monthly electric
light hill Its 1 ways are no dark and
mysterious that the ordinary layman
cannot even read It, let alone tell how
It works.
After all It la a very simple device,
consisting essentially of a tiny motor
which actuates the dial pointers by
means of a train of gears. The motor
Is In circuit with the lamps and
volveg at a spend proportionate with
the current being used. It only
lamp is turned on the motor revolves
very slowly, increasing In speed with
every additional lamp. Or If a number
of lamps art In u*e and one la turned
off the motor diminishes In speed and
will continue to do so for every lamp
thnt In extinguished.
The reading of a meter Is as simple
as Its construction and any user of
electric current can read hla own me
ter and check his electric light bills by
following a few simple directions.
Electricity Is measured by tho kllo-
™V JkI *d tho school buildings, and there Is
meet after ths n0thlnjr ln the way of a most sue __
ful career. The trustees are highlj
elated at the present status of affairs and
the prospect for Its successful operation.
watt-hour or by the wntthour. one
kilowatt being equivalent to one thous
and watts.
First. Note carefully tho unit In
which ths dials read. On all meters
made by the General Electric Com
pany, the figures above or below the
dials Indloate the value of one complete
revolution of the pointer, therefore one
division Indicates one-tenth of the
amount marked above or below.
Second. Note direction of rotation
pf dial pointers., Counting from the
right the pointers of the first, third and
fifth dlala of tho General Electric Co.'s
meters rotate In the direction of the
hands of a watch, whereas the point
ers of the second and fourth dials movo
ln the opposite direction
Third. Read dials from right to left
setting down figures as read.
Fourth. Always read the figure
each dial which ha* been la at passed
or Is.Just covered by the pointer.
Note carefully. Each dial reading
depend* on the reading of the one next
to It on the right. Unleas the one
before It has completed a revolution
or raised the 0, the pointer which Is
being read has not completed the divi
sion upon which It may appear to rest,
and still Indicates the figure last pass
ed over.
Fifth, flee If the register ta direct
reading; l. e., has no multiplying con
Some registers are not direct read
ing but require that the dial reading
be multiplied by a constant In order
to obtain the true reading If the reg-
frees the house committee on rules was
Thomas Reed, of Maine: William Me
ICInley. or Ohio; Joseph Cannon, of 1111-
mended alike by common sente and the
language of the constitution, that all the
constitution required for a quot -
rent lone ->f attendance, and that members
■■ litylhutthlswlll not b« ready whether they voted or Bot^conal
for aomq ttm^". ,
Jshn W. Gates' Fancies.
John Wateh*We Oates ts construct!Ofi
a golf bourse that ts to cost IMS.000.
Itta race courae will coat three times
' hts automobile track, 11
much* and M* autbmobtle track, fifty
yard* wide, thlrtv-four miles long, and
constructed entirely of fahblo. w ill knock
a targe hole In 14.000.000. Gate* I* par
ticularly fond «>r gott I .Ike Mr. Rocke
feller lie finds the some the finest oxer-
else In tho world, nnd et the earns time
the Jeosi weoryin* Minister Wu is Ik*
foolishly about walklnx. No man should
walk unless he la obliged to Thrte Is no
roenal recreation In walking per *c«; hut
when golfing you get the benefit of n
walk, and at the same time oocupy the
mind Port Arthur will he n great resort
is northerner*. l'alm Beach must
to us laurels John Watch Me la
..... He likes hlg enterprises Hla >a-
„ stno at the Beach I* to cost 1400,000. fils
hart*, under the guiding | winter train* from New Tork. Boston.
• Rlxa. editor of the Meen- • I'hlladalphia. Baltimore. Washington.
rn> organ. Includes--ihls Chicago. Cleveland. St Louis, eta. will
ua. the roorgsnUatlMt of i he "cdttktos de luxe."-'Now Yi
Turkish finances, which hsrs been fn a
m©«i . haoil-- condition for year*: the
Itumnd! ite Introduction Of the prtmarv
eer-'nd->r\ -»*-> higher educational meth
ods the sdoptkm of unlvereol mfi ta>>
se*\ ice red »i*eh reform of the court ad-
ministration "ss shall persuade the
Christen potrera to assent to the aboil-
f'on of lie i*<ii«r of exterritoriality.
From Atpectran Review of Jlevtew*.
• The Outl«a Msesilne.
The thulnq Miurai're for October
largely from Darts,
Journal Informs \
Speeding tha Speed Manias.
If every speed maniac would run Into
flils way of counting a quorum * trotlsy polo or a water hjnlrsnt or some-
,s; w*r*t kin.) or * Atwcllnn 'Mn« r»*t«rn, «nd knock Mi fool
torlnt'' In nmmm.
luorum wns
. - . itltuted a
overcame the
or "filibustering" In congress.
Thera was a bitter fWtkl against . ...
rule, and while It eras In progress G**n.
ftplnola potntM to the paintings of the
siege of Yorktown hanging In the hall,
ami gravely accused Speaker Reed of
counting the Iteselsns In the background
on the picture in order To make a quo-'
Dtcr Thee bear* th# words, "multiply
hy H." "multiply by !, M efo., the actual
reading should bo divided by 2 In the
first case *r doubled In tho second, and
similarly for other constants
Sixth. Subtract from the present
reading the ran ding, of last month,
multiply the difference In kilowatt
hours by ths rate per kilowatt hour you
•r« .P , U r *OF.. ,l Y <, j’°{} htTe ** nount
liars and cents.
Owing to the lack of skilled mechanl
lea the education of apprentices la one
of the most Important problems with
whom ths railroads have, to deal. Ai
number of the companies have accord-1
Ingly established systematic courses of
study for their young men, to which
the older workmen are, ln some cases, i
also admitted. This work has now
passed the experiment stage. In the
night schools conducted by the Union
Pacific In Its Omaha shops attendance
by apprentices Is compulsory. A reg
ular thre«-year course la mapped out.
Including arithmetic, elomentary me
chanics, and mechanical drawing. The
Omaha Public Library haa established
n special branch at tho shops, con
taining )>6oks on mechanics and engi
neering, to which the men have free
access. The boys take great interest
In their work and advance rapidly. As
soon h* they finish the course and
are properlv qualified they are put at
more responsible work. This school
proved ao successful that another has
been opened by tho company In Us
shops at Cheyenne.
A similar apprentices' night school is
maintained by tho Oregon Short Line
at Sparks, Ner„ under supervision of a
professor from tho state university. A
feature of this school is the time cred
its allowed to the boya for punctual
attendance and proper interest. This
credit amounts to thirty days for each
year, and la applied on their appren-
thvshlp. For Instance, an epprontlco
having taken four years' tuition and
having received a credit of thirty days
for each year, can complete a four
yearn' aprn-ntloeshlp In three years
nnd i-lght months, receiving his rating
as Journeyman four months earlier
took two bottles
your great remedy,
Pc-ru-na, and was sur*
prised at tbe marvelous
results. Not only did
my catarrh disappear,
but '/ felt an Increase
la health and strength
In my constitution such
as / have never felt be•
tore. I cannot praise
your remedy too highly
and shall have great
pleasure In jrecom
mending It to all my
friends In Spanish
Renaclmlento Theatre, Virginia Fabregas Co., City of Mexico, .
To The Peruna Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio, U. S. A.
Gentlemen;—Your medicine, Peruna, having been recommended to
ms by onq of my friends ln this city. I want to let you know the splen
did results it has produced for me. As you will understand, a pro
fessional life, such as mine. Is a heavy strain upon even the strongest
constitution, and, ln addition, my health was threateneed by symptoms
of catarrh. (See above.)
Yours very gratefully, Virginia Fabregas de Cardona,
Ps-ru-na a Tonic After Exhaustion.
Teatro Principal,
City of Mexico.
The Peruna Drug Mfg. Co-
Columbus. Ohio, 17. S, A.
Gentlemen; Having used your Just
ly celebrated remedy.' la Peruna, for
some time, I have the pleasure of In
forming you that I consider it the best
tonic I have ever used.
It Is a wonderful fortifier of the
nerves after exhaustion, and It In
creases the vitality of the whole body,
and In my own case has produced the
most complete and permanent restora-
ation. It Is also pleasant to tho taste.
I do not hesitate, therefor©, to rec
ommend - this remedy to all women as
the best and most pleasant tonic tha'
they can possibly take.
Yours very truly,
Senorita Pilar Monterde.
Julia Marlowe Endorses Pe-ru-na.
"I am glad to write my endorsement
of the great remedy. Peruna, as a
nervi tonic. I do so most heartily."
Julia Marlowe.
Peruna relieves catarrh, not only by
Its tonic effect upon the whole system,
but by eradicating the poison of ca
tarrh It gives better appetite, better
digestion, better sleep.
peruna Is manufactured by The Pe
runa Drug Mfg. Co.. Columbus, Ohio.
The GrandOct. 21
and Night
Engagement of the Emi
nent Actor
Accompanied by
Miss Marie Drofhah
At the Matinee
The Merchant of Venice
At Night
The Winters Tale
Seat sale Monday Ooteber 1#.
Prices:—Night !5o to *L50.
Matinee: 26c, 50o 75o, boxes
than otherwise. In Its transportation
department the Oregon Short Line
trains young men as brakemen under
the care of experienced crews. The
students aro drilled In the methods of
handling trains and are required to
study the rules and regulations of the
operating department. Their progress
Is carefully watched, and when pro
ficient they are recommended to the
train-masters, by whom they are thor
oughly examined before qualifying as
regular brakemen. Although the ser
vices of these young men are not of
much value while they are learning tho
business, the company pays them suffi
cient wages* to support them during
their apprenticeship.
The Grand Trunk rood has an appren
ticeship ayatem that has now been ln buc-
cessful operation for a number of years,
and haa been the means of supplying that
company with skilled mechanics. A] "
cent* for an apprenticeship must
pass examinations to prove their morel,
physical and mental qualification* gra
service as a meohanlc. They
_ _ __ than
Indentured to the machinist's trade for
fire years, or to the blacksmith, boiler
maker and other trades for four veers.
Five cents per day la dedqsdsd 1
the wagea of each *“
i of each apprentice, and the
total sum ts returned to him at the end
of his apprenticeship, together with
tf It# If '— *•— *~
hlx services hav# been
off. ere could view his dementia
with patience: but the unfortunate fact
that Me destruction usually entails
Innocent passengers either
' '»i'i*a Ctr ° r ** ofi* wrltS '
The reckless driver of automobiles ts
both a local nuisance and a menace to
public safety, and tt ts time that he ra<
erlved some severe treatment. Either the
..... being thus | automobile club# and association, must
counted a Quorum. put a stop to reek less driving, or the
"Does the gentleman continue to standi people of the *tate will Mskslaws'Which
there and pemlsienllv claim that he la will a real af ( owners
nntnrrerntT" asked Speaker Reed, suave- of motor care. Considering the offense,
ty.** Thar flnlsWI theargurnenL ! tha temper of public ofTnlon. B seems
When Jantea O. Blaine was a member *«' fit# that for tw. automobile club to
« the house of representatives he once t want members—both by prtoted notice
id a siitev debate with another member *'M by men along ench stretches of road
Who WM Mtm eom%tbus^nr The *h*ro the local .uthoritle.We endeavor-
remarks^exchanged grew warm, and th* Inc to abate the reckless-speed nnlaancii
argument finally culminated In this te- If indeed not to safeguard^ life—1« not
mark by tho Irate filibuster: only questionsMe In lawfi but a down-
"On another occasion X shell ask the, right JI •credit able proceeding. It Is sn-
gentleman from Maine to take supper ; couraglty Indifference to the letter of the
with me tn hell." llaw, and certainly the spirit of tegtt-
-• - moment's silence, and I tmate recreation. The American Auto-
a 1 mobile Association gives a better appre
ciation of It* opportunity by Issuing to
tt« members a strong apreal to quit law
less and dangerous speeding.
Both these organisations have In thsir
without it no happiness can be j '
Is ihe Joy of the household, for
gwiwuirtg * i The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass is such that | IhLSni-TU
T*-J; *5* ,00 . ks {brwarJVith dread to the hour when she s!ul! feel the thrill I h32*r 5jS0
he ordeal through which the expeci
ic looks forward with dread to the I hi ,11'Mr*I s nweeriwpd. Every woman slit
t5 ' the usc of
em «f wood end cert'em nf water In .j pIUNC fill IRC pdTtS, W J
r,s$ p:;: s;:.a z (gsg sssf| ««£« yoa. LPQi
complete. Angels smUe at \
and commend the thoughts * Inr^ufier pcnalDr of forfeiting member-
and aspirations of the mother : C, oing 1 ' vrttlT an organlmttmt **0?* it*
bending over the cradle. |?S&
the dub
fell-page" V't'ianssS" entitled
SiLl lv< K!f‘ N sw.SS( *:! w ' T u * ““ ««wiu to me *iuur wnen sne snau reel me tnmi f h,>q**ty &
SSSSiiLSS nfatTvra in Si wi i °[ »«ft«rbqdd. Every woman should know that the danger and pain i M - e
* Mother’s Friend, wj
■emw thtmwMI I
news papers as averse to the
■*-- _ n sad I do not Joubt tbk
| sentiment, but the pr
‘HaTvcftlng |h« Wheat." which
By its aid thousands of
. dub tteetf. which fipoata—
{ here many of our meet inflmatlol cttl-
I nansSE IfcT:
s'.tuati-m.—Casper Wbluwy tn The Out-
tng Moggsfne.
Spirit of the
r the United State
r«wSn| rt V«lLtn, ■ WubllUD KtOLIATOK Ox'
r fi.'ustreteg^hy j Adsets, Cs. •
1 thank the
. - - • replied:
lemon for hi. kindly
many Invito
-dls Is the firs
been baked to Halt
I Invitation. X bare had
j tions tn my life, but ttiers' the"'flrat
I time ? havo *v«r Dean * 1
1 dskmocretlo hcadquartara." \
shown In these events. Upon complet
ing their apprenticeship the young men
receive certificates officially setting forth
the fact that they are competent mechan
First 16 Bows Orchestra,
Next 5 Rows Orchestra .
Box Seati
First 3 Bows Balcony .,.
Next Bows Balcony .....
.,. .....$2.60
..— ,;$i.oo
New York Production
Of the Operatic Sensation of the World
"Madam Butterfly" Grand Opera Orchestra,
(Die Lustige Witwe)—Music by Fran* Lehar.
2nd year in New York; 6 months in Ohicago.
The Grand Trunk also supports six
fohnisrshlps at McGill Unlratwy, where
there ts a courae In transportr**— —
scholarships are open U> the
nloyes as well as to the yqunger men
In the employ of the company, and are
eagerly sought for, two usually being
awarded eech rear.
A new apprenticeship system was In
augurated on ths Atehlson system lost
y»ar. beginning ,at the main shops In To
peka. It Is to bo extended gradually
over the entire line. A foreman Is ap-
pointed for each shop, with the sole duty
of Instructing apprentices ln the use of
tools and machinery and how to ear#
for every part of a locomotive. Thus
If wifi not be necessary for the boys to
depend for Instruction on the regular shop
foreman, who Is usually busy with hU
own duties.
the morn teg. vwhen the min'd ts freak and
clear, the bova attend the dieses fr<
to I a. tn. three day# » the week. Th
ere paid for their time during these stud'
hour* Jut the *same a* when ther ...
d^lng regular work. Th* new system
I cover* all branches of the • Trechanl.-n:
department—machinist*.blacksmith*, bojj.l
•mmhere, cabinet snd car shops painting
and metal and wood working. The "r-ay-i
wW*-Tsamtng > ' feature also obtain* in
thg New York Central's schema of educa
tion for apprentices.
Tkt expenditure^ by the comrin'e# for
Ifhe education of their apprentices Is fuJJr
scot reeled in ^-''-nutlra kp the
mor- efrv-tent work they will eet the
8ayln» nf time brj material Ju** hlgh-
«r -‘rc^v. a-1 the aaeuran^ that on
biwrletN efAteynPrse of study the^ap-1
prentice wl'Mim
lv*th the IThnqis Central and the Chlram
arable* *n the rallw
i the rnfWrkty of Chicago which ther
distribute freetv to tkelr ynw
de-tgned eenecls’tv fm
aq employe*, the rlasses being held fn
'•W. In —dee
attend—Fkom "iTelfw TTark* og Amer-
br Wm. MenkeL Id the
American Review ef Review*
Rosemary Gloss
Franceska Kasper
Mabel Wilbur
Minnie Olton
Pauline Marshall
Flora Bellalre
Georgs Dameral
Paul Bleyden
Thomas Leary
James Whelan
Paul Felver
Charles A. Pusey
Harry Meyers
Chas. W. Kaufman
M. J, G. •Briggs
Murray Darcey
At tho Grand one night only, Monday. October 19th.
Nothing But Dope
I all surprising. The first Is,too slew eed
not a strong or certain hitter: Moran la
erratic, and McLauren haa faults toe nu
merous to mention. All three are crock-
a-Jack minor leaguers, but hardly suita
ble for the majors.
Next year the South Atlontto wiO ban
Sporting News pays Murdoch the com
pliment of saying that he will be a regu
lar member of the 8t. Louis National
League team next year. This means that
Murdy has at last landed ln the class
where he belongs. For several years he
has played in minor leagues, notably the
South Atlantic, but for some reason or
other his work was overlooked. The
friends of the ex-Macon manager are
glad that he has made good.
The Savannah club has gone an record
as favoring Chans* W. Beyer for re-
election to the presidency of th* South
Atlantic League. That gives Mister
Boyer one vote. Anybody ei^e?
John Wognon.
bonebeod." but
FtStffiL __
.... auditor, whose business It will be t4
• xitn'ln® the book* of the various dabs
every month for- the purpose of s^lng
that none exceed either player or salary
will be the rule next season. It may
work well, and If It does It wlU be » big
saving to the clubs.
KBW TORK. Oct. 10.—Cotton seed off
was steady on light offerings and strength
of crude. Prime crude ln barrels Le b.
mills :3H*30; prime summer yellow U<u
to 1914: off summer yelow SS^all; good
oft summer yellow- 3fa%: prime summer
White (OfeauYe; prime winter yellow il
bam pracurally mads good with,Newark; The General Electrlo Company.
&JS5J»?‘ , “£*F8l* 1 22K p :, r ;!**—«»*» k. r.. h« proawTM »
E':2STot KM '^nu/IFA, «ml ®,*? ury ? rc r f cUflsp '» eonnwUon
dub with which Clyde Engel ha* been I movlng-pleture machines. The
rlaylng. He has been drafted by the j u*e of the rectlficer enables the opera-
New Xork Americans. I tor to obtain direct current from an
—■ ■ '■ I alternating current circuit. This out-
. Cli-Wuw** l» .»•* 1 At »>rm, a ,!mpl, »ntl oampmet pl«c,
£*u.Tk “.“au£.E T ! ^ p St,'?i3L , SSSSSt£rt«SS r ^:
five mlaatra* wa^< from the been of the! attention or adjustment than fbe
ordinary rheostat.
The failure of Morris. Moran and Me- I voltage from 200 to 240. and any firs-
Inurea te stick with SL Louis Is net at J qaency from 40 to 140 eycles.