Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 11, 1908, Image 16
THE MACON DAILY TELEGBAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1908 ' flr*1 Dane* of th# flaaaon at th* Cabin Club. , The opening dance of th# season at , tha Log Cabin Club last evening waa I a beuutlful affair, and those who at* 'tended thoroughly enjoy* d the evening. | This la the beginning of their regu- »lar fortnightly dance which will be I'featuraa of the winter’s social pleas- • nr* s In Macon. and cacti one Is always anticipated with pleasure. \ Last evening Gutter.u rg<*r’s orchea- Ftm furniahed the usual he.iutlful pr«»- tgram of tnusto they can always ho dr trended on for, and the dancers dill jdiot return to the rlty till a late hour. | Among the chaperones end others j Wvho attended were Mr. and Mro. T. J. fHImmons, Mr. and Mrs. l^e<m Dure, Mr. Bernd-Pack. land Mrs. Richard K Hines. Mia* Meryl (Lou Analey, Mias Harriott** Wlnehti- iter, Ml** Rose Crutchfield, Mlia r Martha Millar. Miss l/iuu* Wrigm, Mlsa Anne (thaw, Mlsa Sarah Tinsley. ylft« Mary Troy, Mlsa FI#**Hvn Fund. Alisa Marlon Griffith, Mr. Chari*# Or- [wlg, Mr. Howell n. Knnlnger, Mr. |Kad Raid, Mr. Henry Jones, Mr. Hen-J iry Nlabet. Mr. Campbell Jones, [John Reid, Mr. Eden Taylor, Jr, Mr. SICK KIDNEYS Airs. Ous flernd announce ths : of their daughter, Flora flei* Julius KU’lolpn I'trk, of Hos tile date of the wedding tc Abney*Mitchell Wedding to Os Beautiful Hume Affair. The marriage of Mlsa lima Mitchell and Mr. Walter Omcmt Abney, of Atlanta, will :e place at a pretty afternoon wedding the residence of li«r parents. Mr. ui.d Mrs. L. A. Mitchell, on Wednesday. •* I.JO o’clock. A beautiful white and gold motif will t o observed In the decorailina and also In the bridal Perty. the bridesmaids wear* ir g white radium silk gowns and carrying ye low chrysanthemums, and the matron of honor will carry white once. Th*- bride will (* attended by her sis ter. Mrs. Julius Otto, as ’nation of honor. , and tier ma:*J of oon»»r will »»•; Miss Nellie * j Dyrd Vincent, of Jone*l>oro. The two. ‘ • owlJeamalda will Ire Mlsa Norlne Cooper.| t> olid Mire 1 Jennie . Htuhhe. of lhl« * Ity. . . _ ... , The groom will have Mr Joseph Wal- > drop, of Jonesboro, for hit bent man. end tw«r little maidens. Marguerite Mcl.ucaa, and UbmtilttH Jung, wearing soft white china silk drenaes, wll’ ~ T M afU— bearer a. The bride will wear , of Due been est In Uf’hea of gold, a tulle. Her II* t shower of IJIIci friends -»he- valley. _ ;>f the Vlnevlll* Methodist church, wl'l nfftelnt* nt tho 1 Drury Malon**, Mr. George Gannt, Mr. * 'ni l Nlabet, Mr. Harry Tift of Tlf | ton and others. i Promotion for Midshipman Bunklay. j Tlj* many frlenda In Ma**v. nf rhere the guesta were a fed wftli vanes of r-tarri ,o th. K.r., Ac.!«,y Jo ^-Jj. tr^KXl fat Annnpolia from Ms vacation, he baa been promoted to first lleu**mant of fc*a rot-1 pan y. . Hia friends all feel tnnt It la a d# nerved promotion, ns he has taken a Itilgh stand ever since entering thi 'Naval Academy. Interesting Weddinq of Thia Week, An Interesting wedding of this w wilt be that of Mlsa Luell* Roper and Mr. Calvin F. Smith, wh'eh occur* Thursday, October 14th. at n pra’.ty .meriting wedding at th** nnl1ene© of Ithe htide's parents. Mr. and Mra. Rob- ir* F. Roper, on Forsyth **rcrt. Rev H. J. KruKlcton of the CirUllan •Church plH officiate at the ceremony, which will take place ui 10; U <v<ftek. the couple leaving Immediately on a wedding trip to Florida East Coast re- aorti. The bride will be married In her yolng-away gown, and will wear hat nnd clrvo* to match. Her mold of honor will bo Mina Ida tv -offward of Savannah. and Mr. Hrolth will hav* as hb bet! m«n Mr. ■Wilbur Roper, of Augusta, a brother tf th* bride. On Monday afternoon Mra. A. M. 1 !*>well will entertain at a "linen shower" at her homo on Forsyth Trr- rr.r*. in honor of the ’harming btfle- to* be. auhon Uses*. Improved In Health. Com lug Hoire. Ulsheo and Mra. F. F. Reese, who hav* v-rn abroad three months, are expected o arrive fn Havannah Tuesday. A let »r ontalnlny this information waa re- wived from the bishop hy a Savannah understood that the Rlshop and l##* sailed from Liverpool on nr in line steamer Sept. 10 for Phil ^ The eteatner waa due to ar- lphla yesterday, and they to Savannah wlthlr elII orohably go Ihln _ ..WLaya afterward Tho letter staled that Rlshop Reese Is Improved In health. Ml*# Mattie Adams Will be Compliment* •* With Beautiful Party. Invitations will be laeued next week to o»f of the most delightful large affair* *>f <►. t >her. which will be th* reeeptlen Mra Hornes t>. Adams Is to give on the find. in honor of her daughter. Mlsa Mattie Adams on# of the moat popular nod attractive young women In Vine- vine, and a this year* graduate of Was* leynn College. '* wtlt be a beautiful evening affair, tho guests, the young men and « women in Mncon eorlety. and also young married coupleo, who antlcl- to It with pleasure. irvlaoe Announcement. >ir. and Mrs John Thomas Williams. llnddncK, announro the engagement of >tr daughter. Annie Evelyn. to Mr. ward limner Raster, of Dllcg. N. T, e wedding to occur In No\ember at our Oaks?’ ths home of the bride's ■elite, near Haddock. will bo Issued by }fr. and ..... .. . _ued by 1 win I. Reeve# about the to the wedding of tholr It*rob I'lltsheth Reeve i* Talbot, Harrison. 1 form* 1 v#n of ti 1- ,!r *'Rh « ah *,* .Vfl Itev. J, leave >1*11,041*1 — „ Mr. Dock is a representative of tlw ^**remr.n^and Columbia t;hemlcal works, of Brooklyn,i J!,* ,. r ^ rf i| n _ «. N. V.. urid will intioduce ills bilde tu aj ^ ,0 *»; lovely circle of /Hen«r . ; „ Ljn#n ghow , r „ , or miss' Calhoun-Willis. On the afierno* 'Linen Shower" _ ■ A lovely affair • noon was the "line Elder gave in hon« ell. whoso wedding she Mlsa Opal of Mle« lima Mlt* h- [•ciirs on Wedncs«la>* ..Ides pa. . .... ... J. U. WIUIs, of Walden,! mf«nrnfsVirT ass «|(iletly solciniilsed -thu inarrlsgn of ; ...j” Jjrawlnaro I heir daughter, Chflnni, to At r. Homer r Jev#3 •aihoun. ;r.J etralna nf Mendebisohn’s Wed- asaLsa^JK VSSS 1 *£&&!!! <«t "iSSi. «» *"<■ iii»fnrw>m decorated patlar *whsre the ceremony | wh ,.» l'iiipreiMlva , n?a , nni* ,t * V ‘ T ’ ^ 8,1,11 ,n * n I. The hostess wiis assisted In receiving T*e If any of your family in this or past generation* hav* had kidney disease of any kind, you should guard against it before it is too lato. Mr*. .F It. Hahn, of Hickory. N. C., who suffered from kidney and liver troubles, waa completely cured by War ner’s Raft Cure after two doctors had failed to give her relief. Mr*, liutin write*: *T waa a great -* <ff**rcr from kidney and liver trouble. I 'v.m treated by two physicians, who tailed to help me. I then tried War- nera Safe Cure, which pave me lm- m' dlate relief nnd soon cured me. 1 conaider Warner’s Safe Cure the best medicine for the kidneys and liver I ever used. I will always be pleased to r* commend It.” IF IN DOUBT MAKE ThflS TEST, j h Put some morning urine In a glass bottle. After It has stood twenty- ur hours. If it Is cloudy, or con- Ins a reddish brown sediment, or If particles float about In It your kid neys aro dlnoaied und unable to do th*lr work nnd If not attended to at once Bright's Disease, diabetes, rheu matism. gout, uric acid, liftlunimatiun **f the bladder, gallstones or urinary troubles will develop and prove fatal In a short time, ANALYSIS FREE. ft aft,er making this test you have nny doubt as to the development of the disease In your sygtem. sample of ■ 'Bar IDE IB DISPERSED WHEN THE DEWS CAME ilY of hn?wn !2»<? * MlM^fltchell^MIss Nettle Byrd Vincent. kEJY'nf of Jweshoro. and Mlsa Norln* Cooper, of '7SL| iBJ'TSi - iftoLJ&S! .h. h ™J L Commerce. Ga. Mg. L*vt Calhoun, .th*' ifwn a Th# waa most heoomlngly — reception; ^,,,4 (n a l0V6 | y P | nk V olle. worn . I shade and trimmed of seel pearls, a hand- ■ ha^jrtth i«»ng plumes The bride-elect „ iwned In a li taffeta of the . ... ; with #ml»rnllery **** some black plrti completing the beautiful toilette. ... „ = Elder wore a blue silk tissue ov ^Te* n< * ^ r *' ®* l,r ** * S nt *Haln *t tapretn i r lmnie-<i with bnhy Irish. At their, loval; _ hlnrk hat with plumes rn was a bt - Irish and "he parents, whar* an slegant awaited them. -Jga.'"TOW. W"|»! with ".n,i>oit. Esrwobmr 1 ^ ,h * ^jsswas..... ! Elder wore a blue slik tissue over blue iy Irish. Miss .. _ . ile blue, made irlncesse and trimmed with velvet nnd Ith ‘ Mr. and Mra. . t . , • --ipeF* gown was n <»v*l/ home on Culver street pHiiVesse and trim—* C 9t rlmM P- , |°i t •«UH; ,n «S, lace, and war* a hi a delightful family party at tea on Thurs- Ml*. Vincent’s 901 doy evening In honor of Mra. Henry Hat-, trimmed with baby ley. of Rome, and Mr*. L. W. Oarsw. of handsome black list "'tSy 1 * 1 ' ... — s . . ... , . Miss Carolyn McMullln received thi The parlor waa decorated with lovalyf guests In the reception Iwll. 57JI?" ru * Rowers, and the An Interesting gsme of hearts wa: diningroom and tea table with exquisite the guests on their arrival be American beauUes and Captain Christy m* pr esente,l with tho number on« .ftphi *b* hostess garden. | marked thereon, and were told to loot A drib luua four course supp*r vas f^ other heart* concealed shout the cur •W* »* «h# daintily appointed t»Wf. talna and portieres of the different at which1 ten seated Mrs Battey. Mrs. | The one dn tlng the largest number. Miss Carow, Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Thnnuts, j otto, wa* presented with n heart Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bttjart and Mr. shaped bri* of bonbons, and Mrs. Jamas Holt and Mr. and Mrs. in tb# ‘ ‘ 1 Coarlsa IfolL " - and Mrs. Jamas Holt and Mr. and Mra. Delegates Appointed for D. A. R. Conven tion In Covington. The October meeting of the Mary Ham- mond Washington Chapter Daughters of,’ faahlngto the American Ri “Mlory T*\ presented With __ honbona. ... .... hall In a recess formed by the stair, Miss Reba Fuss, dressed In real Gypsy costume and seated In a fancy aypey tent embroidered In beads, told the fortune! of the girls by reading their palms. After delicious refreshments were ■rved In the diningroom, the bride . mMUnr mn «!>•, Willi, ro... »nd which wu .ua- lo •«»•*»« Jh. •*»*• Ci.ny.ntlon f rom the .rch of (he r..ldlnw floor., ol Ih. n A. H.. which meat, lu Covin,- mi. - nobv Rlfl.r orclflcfl •( (Itc punch In Novwnjw. I howl In lb I ' l-l.w.llvn Holt •• ol (lie, Uok.,1 with I bowi In tl-o "(Ir.rin.ronMi, ’ wili h' . ~sutlfui |dnk roaes. *“ t0 6i chapter, gets as om> delagnfe, And herthe "roung "womrn Invited were M alternates are Mra. Mallory Taylor. Mrs.; Mite-heP Miss Vincent. Alisa Cm. Clutrlea ltolt ami Mra. K. J. Wllllnglmm. Misses Besslo and Maud Stubbs. Mb Mrs. Iteasle Nanjer. •« vice regent, goes M aae| and Nell Harris. Miss Carolyn : the Other del.gate, and her alternates Mullln. Mis* Virginia Hutson. MDs Clln- w,.l be Mrs W. J. Juh«n. Mra. T. O. • ton Brooks, Miss Lens Whim, of Atlanta: Cheatney and Mia* Mary Winchester. I M'-’ Otto. Mis. Mattie Chappell, Mlsa ■ . ! Mnttle Adam* Misses Ken* and Annie Quartette Bridge Club Bogina Meeting. 1 l^.u Htee<l. M1"« Resale nsrnH.l, Mrs. Th# Quartette Bridge Club have reor- 1 Reynolds. Mrs. K. W. Gould. Mrs. ||. N. faulted, and hart their ftret meeting on Mitchell Mrs. Julius Otto, anrt Mrs. I* Friday afternoon with Mra. MqRWey Cor-. A. Mitchell. bett, on rivrsyth street. , The four matron* who conatlttRe th# De. and Mr*. Roes, of Corea, to Arrive In •/•—Mra. Henry Utnar. Jr. Mr*.; the City Monday, Mro. J^yheth^^Taylor I Rr. and Mra. Roes, of Won Ban Corea. Ill arrive In the city tomorrow and will id Mrs J. R. Howard . Wfjl L„„.- . 1* game was very much enjoyed, and hostess served a dainty enures of re freshments lit the parlor, where It waa Th* club will meet one* a 1r*#fc. on Friday afternoons, throughout the win- Meeting on Monday Afternoon of W. C. - ^iuP’rogntar monthly meeting of the woman’s Christian ,Temperance Union] wilt h* held on Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at th* Ftret Mtrcei Methodist church, when Mrs Harry tllbaon, pv*»l b# guesta of Mr. ...... from Monday until Thuftday. Mrs. Ross remembered a* lug out a* a missionary to Corea from Flret Htreet Methodl*! Church seven vonra ago as Mis* Mary Knowles, nnd msny friends will welcome her and her husband. Dr. Rosa. • •’flock, Attffh dent of the At the l pr*«ld*. i* Find felt. At th* recent atate meeting of the un ion In Albany, th* convention accepted unanimously the Invitation of th* Macon union to meet her* next October. Card of Thanka. ...... Tho FHday wnrkoro wtah drst rif, their frlamta. who assisted them with «h-, * festival la tho spring, and through oth- •*»d|#r work In raising funds for the Oaorgla .w f of Industrial Home. which will occur og tho #ven.| they rvnreae their thanka also to th# dneedav- Novembor ll» at tho. Empire Wore, through who»* kladneoa he brides potent*. they Wer* enabled to increase the num* m ’« Reeva* la an aecnmpllahod amt t>-u ttful young woman, whno* charming i-f« »t*Hty ha* drawn to har many fnenda nnd *-’!• : M r. Tfartiacn la a young man of sterling |b*”t|woe nualltlea, holding a lucrative po- eitloh with latnar, Taylor * Riley Drag Cot- ntny. a The nmrrlace will bo of tntaroot to a tarn* clrrte of frlenda. st Paul's Quid*. The member* nf Bt. Raul's Guild aro »*uurit#d to mast tomorrow, Monday her nf their ntirchaeeo. The following not* acknnwh aaalatance which the Friday ha\# recently given tho home: Nat*. "Wo have today, October f, 1MI, re ceived the blanket*, flannel, thread, and buttons Our hearta g»> out to you f«u* the klndnooa done ua. Tou can acareely re*'lee how much tke thing* mean to as, end. too, the kind thought* that prompted you to remember u* make ua very happy. We or*, very atnceretv. ,- W th. o ilcd set r Work For Mrs. McRae, of Palm Beach. Mra. Charleg Augustus Glawson enter tained at domlnoe Friday afternoon from 4 to • o’clock In honor of her charming K eaL Mrs. Tlmmae Murdoch Mcltnc, of lm Reach, Fla. The ho*to**’ home on Hines Terrace was beautifully amt arttettroily decorated In a crimson and green motif, the walls In th* A parlor, reception hall and dining room being grarefully festooned with aouthem emllax. and tall cut glass vases all about th# apartments were tilled with fragrant red carnations. The hostess received her guesta In a pretty afternoon gown of black and while embroidered mull mode princess*, amt the honor gtieat wore a prlnceaae gown al*o, a black and white ellk, combined with net. At the Interesting gam* of dominos Mrs. Gordon Zetfler won the flrat prtxe, which wa* a very pretty picture, and the booby, which we* a email bottle of cataup, embellished with • hand-painted tomato, want to Mra. John Tone. The guest prtte. a pretty cut glass bon bon dish, wag presented to Mra. McRae. ■ rsu mbhmh .id , ... __ . the Mc-dlml I»e|«trlmcnt. Warner’s Hafe Cure CO.. Rorhesfcr. S. Y., and oui doctors will nnalyx* It nnd send yot a report, with advice and medical book, let, free. When the kidneys nrc diseased the uric acid Is not carried off nnd this e-use* Gout, Lumbago, Rheumatism of the Joints, Rhmirnntlsm of the Mun civil, Rhfuinatlam of the Heart. Rhou- matlam everywhere. Warner*# 8afc f’ure driven out th • uric acid. In kidney disease t'.ie bowels arc • •fien constipated and the liver torpid Warner'* Hafo Rills quickly relievo this condition nnd no 111 after effect Is ex perienced. WARNER'S RAFF CURE I* put Up In two sixes nnd In sold hv nil drug gists. or direct, nt RO,CENTS ANT> 11.CO A DOTTLE. Refuse substitutes con taining harmful drugs which Injure the system To convince s every sufferer from disease of the kidneys, liver, hind dvr nnd blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will cure them. « trial botle Will be sent FREE OF CHARGE, post paid. to anv one who will writ© WAR NER’S SAFE CURE CO. Rochester. N. Y., and mention having scon this liberal offer In The Mncon Dallv Tele graph.The genuineness ©C this offer Is fully guaranteed by the publisher Mlss*»s Elisabeth Moore. Evelyn Zettler and Carol McRae. .... , The nffalr was a moat delightful the gt UffL-A.- ... „ Invited to meet th© honoreo bring Mrs. Johnson Moore. Mrs. __Nflll© Troutman. Mra. Harry McKay. Mrs. John It. Harwell. Mrs. Henry Lowe. Mrs. K. N. Jrlks. Mrs. Gordon Zettler, Mrs. Edwin W. Gould. Mr*. L. A. Mitchell, Mrs. John Cone. Mrs. Augustus T. Small. Mr*. Cutler Ethridge Mrs. A. R. Roberts. Mrs. James Holt. Mrs. Chsrle* llolt. Mrs. Clay Carswell. Mrs. J. n. Turner. Mrs. W. W. Do Haven, Mrs. Ola Haynes. Mr*. George Snowden. Mrs. Wallace Miller. Mr*. B. A. Mlddlebrooks and Mrs. Herbert Smart. Interdenominational Conference, 1001-1908 Meets In Christian Church This Year. First session. October SI. 10 a. m. to 12 in. Second session. October 11. 9 p. m. to 9kl|% session, October 21, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Officer* elected last year: President—Mra. J. n. Itowder. Vice President—Ml»e Anna Smith. Second Vice ITesIdent—Mrs. Cheevea Secretary—Mr*. E J. Peacock. Treasurer—Mrs. Charlie Johnson. THAT SHERIFF ETHERIDGE WOULD RETURN HOME WITH OUT HI8 PRISONER. Clark Williams, the.negro who waa arrested by Officer Hamlin, and who shot County Court Ualliff Doc Cham ber* of Jones county, and who waa carried to the Bibb county lali by Sheriff Etheridge, of back to Jones. Is still at the jail. Yesterday hi*' arm, through which * shot by Mr. Chambers, gave h pain that It waa oeco<sa*-y j to call in a physician. People from June* county who wt re, In the < lty yeatvrduy, nald that it waa true t -/it there was much talk ot lynching th'* negro, and that both tno j wagon and the railroad were guarded f.o that he could be tiken fr-in the rhefiff, but that when the news was received that Sheriff Etheridge had lodged lin In the Bibb Jail an j would return home without him, the n»ob dis persed. County Bailiff Chambers is gottlng nlong all right, and the rxcitcmm: over the affair has subsided. Peter J. Smith, the big man with the big voice, at The Elite, has made a big hit. ONE OF THE OLD LINERS PAYS OUT MUCH MONEY The Macon Council of the National' Fn Ion, of which Mr. W. H. Mansfield | la tho jwsldent. Is one of the old n*- s< sapient Insurance companies that holds It own In MacOn. For the present year there has been paid out as death benefits In Macon the sum of $28,000. and $5,000 more Is; to be paid. The following has bteni paid to the families thi* year of Its j deceased members: W. R. Burdg©. $3,000; G. A. Duro. I $5,000; M. 11a pp. $6,000; \V. If. Pope, $5,000; T. L. Massenburg. $5,000; S. Siege), $5,000, and helra of B. Small will also get $5,000. All promptly .settled. 3 IIIRTPRIO 3 DAYS HARTrR’S DAYS SALE IMll 1 bfl V SALE TO MAKE ROOM One hundred and twenty-five cases of Dolls, Toys and Holiday Goods are on the way. We must have room to unpack and store this to be ready for our Holiday business. We are cutting the price to sell quickly some of our Staple Lines. A few of the special prices for the three days bargains are given below. ENAMELWARE. A big line Boilers. Milk Pans. Pudding Pans. Sauce Pang, from 2 quarts to 6 quarts capacity 19c NOVEL BOX PARTY WILL BE GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT A novel box party will be given at tho John Adam Treutlen Encampment of Odd Fellow* on Friday night next, nt the hall In East Macon. Each lady visitor Is to bring a box of lunch. Each gentleman la expected to be blindfolded and buy a box. Ho All the Odd Fellows nr a Invited, nnd they can readily ace that thuie la lota of fun to bo had. The big man with the big voice is crowding The Elite to the sidewalk. You should hear him. isurt. _— _— Wednesday Morning Saxslon. 10 n. m. to 12 m. Presiding officer. Mrs. Ferrell, Devotional. Mr«. M. F. Chevea. Business. Hnlo. Mlsa Julia Goodall. Missionary talk. gong. Prayer. 3 P I’r. ■ I DvVoimnni. mr», finny i Reports of committee*. Hlemath Hall. Rolf Homo, llephxlbah Orphanage. Free Kindergarten. Discussion of city mission. Bong. rnjera. ThuPtdj|y Morning. 10 to II m. Presiding officer. Mra. Human. l>*votlonal service. Mrs. G. P. Gostln. Election of officer*. Solo, Mr. Monroe Ogden. Address, Her. C. W. Frasier, on Cuba. Bong. Prayer. Mr. 8am. A. Everett, of New York, hai established hla headquarters for the win ter at a resort In Pennsylvania, near the Delaware water gap. Mr. Everett hai leased a private wire direct to New York, ■onre rat-,1* urnttv * n<l will keep In olos# communication ecoro rorne were pretty w|(h hi „ t, u „ n V M associates, although he w anil v!L.,i I will devote moat of hi* time to Inves- • nHI tlgatlng mining properties and Invest ments In Pennsylvania. Mr. Everett hai been much engaged for th# past year in allying anthracite and bituminous coal In dustries with aome New England corpo rations. elta, hand-painted allreg melon, carrying out the greet. JR motif of the party, and thi* was observ ed aleo In the several delirious courses •arvea afterwar.1 by Mleaes Rot»erta Rob ert* and Annie Payne JeUca. During the game boa bona wore poised by Tittle How Is Your Digestion Today? If ft isn't -right—‘•chere’* a reason.” The reason is:—wrong eating —undigested food. Kodol will digest tho food and rest the stomach. . It remove* cause and “the reason.” (Continued on Paga Sevan.) "Heart of My Heart” will bo sung Monday at The Elite, by Peter J. Smith, the big man with the big voice. Ibid apartment house Then you harg wr room lndtgr*tlon. Indkroe- tkm la of course lmporodM* wbon there la perfect digestion of food. And imporfect dlgeation of food la tzsponalblo Vbcro there la Kodol. U you could mc Kodol dtgoot every particle of 8**1 In toot tutsw. lu the lobarotonr of the menu- factansrx. you wooM uxxJorotoad this better. Or. whmft la even more coavtadne, let It digest tha food 1n yxvT afemoch. the flrol Um< you have an attack of IndlfroUon. Of coorao, you may Bauer have indigestion. Tec moot of os, at oo* time or another, arc tub- Ject to Its pains and dlooomforta. U Is true that thla la usually our own taiiR—tut that doesn't help matters any. Rudd will bi-lp the matter very quickly. It doesn't tor# dyrjvjwU understand. It Isn’t claimed to cure arythlng. Tito day of "curoAlls" la past Modern nodical treatment merely aims to aaalat Nature. Kodol is one of Nature's moot forateable assistants. Tho beat plan by long odds, la to keep good digestion when you hat* ft Many pero** how ever, enable, for on* reason or another to do this Otbvni d l co*u to take the trouble It' do IL Bat the “troabloa" esuatty come later. Juat Uve^oamo. Then you wlU waat to know about A work reoectly issued by the U. B. DopX of AcHcuhnro, aaya: in • • • • • • coftag. we nr* prone to let natural instinct be overruled by *c- qulred an*H f d. •*•••••• W* need to ob serve our diet mere earefully—to regulate appe- UU by ree-m % That la the Idea! Simply tioe reason. Don't starve yourself—oat plenty of good, wholeeome nourishing food. But eat It nt the proper Ume, and In the proper way. Starving or dieting never cured anything—or prevented anything. Don't worry., oat what you want—Kodol will kecS' your stomach rUhf. Nature planned that we shonld take food to sus tain life. But what If tho food does not undergo tho eeecntla! processes of coarorslon Into the ele ments required by tho organa and tissues! Ns* fur's entire achomo Is frustrated, at tho outset Here la where Kodol steps In and acta Nature's scheme right again. It does thla by completely • digesting all food, for n time. Nature then rests, heala and cures the digestive organs—and they resume work. After that you don’t need Kodol— until you put your atomach wrong again. Our Guarantee Go (o your nearest druggist and purchase a dol lar bottle, and If you can honestly say you did not receive any benefit from IL after using the entire bottle, the druggist will refund your money to you without question or delay. Wo will then pay tho druggist the price of tho bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one In a family. Don't hesitate, ovary druggist knows our guar- Ko dol A1 fyouxat THE WORK OF TWENTY-EIGHT DAY8 HAS MADE SPLENDID DAYS HAS MADE A SPLEN- \ DID SHOWING. The handsome apartment house of Dr. S. Powell Frasier, on Bond street. | la being pushed rapidly forward tu I completion. 41 In the twenty-eight dayo of work I on IL the walla have reacted art ’stories In the rear, fronting on Wal nut street, and threo atortea In front. Ion Bond street This house will have fifty rooms in ; it. oil spacious room* at that. It Is : underttopd that nearly every room It . the house ho* been token. The loon- . tlon la one of tho moot commanding and on* of the most healthful In t'tr . city. If there Is no backset by reason of j rain, the house will oocn be ready for occupancy. LOSER OF THE TEETH MADE NO APPEARANCE Strangely enough tke person who toat 1 the upper plate of tooth found la Rose , lUUjoemefoty on Friday, and advenlsM 113 £3*Stef!&4,- GAMP MACON DELEGATES TO VETERANS’ REUNION Camp Macon, Confederate Veterans, hold a good meeting in tho Volunteers' Armory at noon yesterday. The matter of attending'the reunion at Atlantn was taken up, and lf*was re volved for as many to go as ppsstble. Tho following were selected as the delegates from the camp: R. E. 8tecd, J. W. Wilcox and Jehu G. Poatoll, with the following as alter nates: W. L. JWynn and W. A. Martin. The Southern was selected as the route for the member* of the camp. Would Mortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire, Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, oays: "Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo cured the two worst sores I ever saw; ono on my hand an one on my leg. It la worth more than Its weight In gold. I would not be without It If ! had to mortgage the farm to get It.'’ Only 26c at all drug store. GAME OF CRAPS RAIDED; FIVE NEGROES TRAPPED WAS BEING OPERATED IN HOUSE ON VELVET STREET IN EA8T MACON, A new line Juat received. You have paid 26c for the same grade elsewhere; our price, yd CROCKERY. A big lot of white C C ‘ware, value from 26c to 40o, all to go at.... 10c GALVENIZED FOOT TUB. COAL SCUTTLES. DOUBLE ROASTERS. Two sixes to fit any stove; the beat we have ever offered and bet ter than has ever been offered Ji Macon; both sixes 25* Bath room American plate; genuine oak frames: 16x26 69c 11x13 . .25c OPEN STOCK DINNER WARE. A big shipment of Carlsbad China beautiful decoration; just received also special values in domestic ware. FLOWER POTS. COAL TONGUES. Hats, Feathers, Wings, Velvets, Ribbons etc., all this season’s styles, 10c to 98c WINDOW SHADES. White buff and drab; genuine Holland, 3 feet by 6 feet; choice complete 25c Large fancy decorated with round or dome shade, 16 inches high; spe cial value |1.00 COVERED DISHES. 8-Inch fancy pattern covered dish white porcelain; good value....39o CHILDREN’S SCHOOL HOSE. FIRE SHOVELS. FLOOR MOPS. Tho navy brand; 12 ox. always sell at 35c; sale price 25c TAFT IS NOT COMINE NOR CAN HINT BUT WORK AT THE REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTER8 IS GOING ON BRISKLY. "I am now satisfied," said United States Marshal Geo. F. White yester day, "that we will bq unable to get either Judge Taft or the president to come to Macon. Their plans are all made, and the time Is so short that they will be unable to get hare." In the meantime the work at the Taft headquarters la going merrily on. There are five rooma in tho Grand building filled with buay workers, send ing out literature by the wagon load. There a a Hat of 200,000 voters of Georgia, for which the campaign committee have been offered twenty- five hundred dollars by persons who want It for advertising purposes, but It was refused. Deputies Byrd and Wilson conducted successful raid on a "crap* game Inst night, arresting five of ihe par ticipants. For some time thq authorities have suspected that a regular Saturday night dice game was operated in a certain house on Velvet atreeL East Macon, but not until last night were they .Able to bag tholr game. When the trap tell the following gamesters were found within It: Jim Murray, Aaron Dutler, Foster Cloweis, Robert Horne, Dane Blgby. Peter J. Smith the Big: Man With the Big Voice GOV. BROWN PLEASED AT PEOPLE OF BIBB SAY8 IF HE EVER CHANGES RESI DENCE WILL SURELY COME TO MACON. Dr. O. C. Gibson returned last night from Atlanta. He spent much of his time at the home of Governor (Brown at Marietta, at the Governor'# earnest Invitation. The doctor was charmed with the home and Its surroundings of stately oaks and its teeming fields. He says It Is one of the quietest and love liest homes In the country, and he doesn’t blame the governor for not wanting to give it up. Governor Brown expressed himself as being very gntetul tor the manner In which he has been treated by Bibb county, both In being so hospitably en tertained by the people, and in the fact and acta during the sickness ... -»T beloved wife, to them and many friends for the beautiful floral tributes. N. I. PARR. ALLEGED NIGHT RIDERS KILLED THE WATCHMAN C. H. PEACOCK. OF EASTMAN, GETS WARNING LETTER BUT DID NOT HEED THREAT IT CONTAINED Mr. L. M. Peacock, of Eastman, was In the city yesterday, visiting his brother Mr. XX J. Pctieock. and brought some new*. Another brother. Mr. C. H. Peacock, one of the prominent men of Dodge coun ty being president of the City National Bank of Eastman, president of the oil mill at that place, and who makes from eight hundred to a thousand bales of cotton each year. Last week Mr. Peacock received one of the warning letters sent out by the alleged night-riders of that section, warning him not to gin any more cot ton. aBellevIng that the letter was the . ... . product of some mischievous crink, .Charged with cruelty to animals, Joe rather than the earnest warning of any Tbtmta*. * negro, wa* oonvicted In the responsible person. Mr. Peacock paid city court yesterday morning, and ««n- but little attention to it. tenced to pay a fine oi $2e which he On Tuesday night »ome unknown! w hIPP«d hla horse too m- ersone went to the gin house of kfr. ; • 'eaeock and fired on the watchman MAYOR MAKES POLICE CHANGES Made Necessary by the Death of LL L. W. Grace—Changes Effective at One*. It Ja now Lieutenant Arthur Golden. And It is Brevet Lieutenant L. F. Lavender. It is also Patrolman J. H. Bout- well. And Supernumerary E. W. Bras well. , These are the changes made In tho police force yesterday, occasioned by the death of Lt. Grace. Lt. Golden la one of the old officers of the force and has been a brevet lieu tenant some time. He was the senior, and by the right of promotion he wins the coveted place. There were others after the place. Officer Seth Knight had friends working for him. as did Brevet Lt. Watson. It was all a friendly contest, however, the appofnt- that his opponent In tfte race only re ceived eleven votes In the entire coun ty. He «y» he will never forget the people of Bibb. He further said that j ment being entirely with Mayor Mli were he to ever change his residence, ler. he would aurely move to Macon aa the next best place In Georgia In which to live. CITY COURT CASEC; THREE CONVICTIONS Brevet Lt. Lavender Is another old officer, having been on the force sev eral years. Patrolman Boutwell has been on tho force only a few weeks, but he was en titled to the promotion, being the old est In line of promotion. Supernumerary Braawell has been In the railroad business for aome years. These changes took effect yesterday. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Vaughn. Mias, says: "For several months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have lu grip on me. when a friend recommend ed Dr. King* New Discovery. I be gan taking it, and three bottles ef- I 2!P*!L a complete cure." The fame of ONE NEGRO WAS CRUEL TO HIS gg i™ a ™35S255 a JV 5 , c0,d . i and lung and throat healer Is world at . drug atoraa, 50a and HORSE, ONE COMMITTED STAB BING, AND ANOTHER PRAC TICED ASSAULT AND BATTERY. $1.00. Trial bottle free. .md killed him. “Cllnchfield—’The Coal of Quality. 1 * Deaths and Funerals, ADAMS. George Miller waa found guilty of assault and battery and upon him a fine of 136 was imposed. He struck a white man with a fishing seine. The case of simple larceny against John Porter, which concerned th* theft of certain chickens, fell flat. He was dismissed. Arthur Carvto was proved to have carved another negro. The charge was stabbing, and ha waa sentenced aXTs l p , *Aad!?’at f |!*r ovwk lo * erve I,x months. The Judge re-1 i&frv'.JStEm. afiii ”****• * ««“-«■■(« (h.t ; pari w I tkm* win I Such thtr )iue o*o*t waer seed not fear that say be asked, ©r the At The Elite 4:00 to 9:30 He’s Fine :rr daughter, Mr*. Ja*. P. iclfalr street. She to aw m* and two daughter*, tnd C. B. Adam*. Mr*, i^ee Dublin, and Mrs. Jaa, P. Mi Macon, • The ’funeral will take place this tSun lay) afternoon at 3:10. From the real- Fence. Rev. W. H. Budd wUl officiate. The Interment wlU be at Roee JiUL . ctsetery. hiItto. Mra. Ioicy Hutto, aged 69 years, died at ?:2S o'clock last night at her real- . donee. 916 Ash street. She le survived by two slaters. Miss 8. Hancock and Miss L Sessions. Th# funeral will take place this aft ernoon at 4 o'clock from the residence, j Rev. J. E. Seals officiating. Interment at Evergreen cemetery. niie f ci when 11 CAm « t0 ' handling a knife Car- ty throe j vln did not belle hla name. fwS, TO BE HELD ONCE MORE The people of Macon will again have the pleasure of seeing the Old Maid's Convention. It is to be given at the auditorium on the evening ot October 23d. under the direction of Prof. W. L. PcAcock. and Is to be given for the benefit of Yonah Rebekah Lodge. All members of tha Rebek&h lodges la the city, all the Fellows end tho p lbllr gr n - M. * . A , m. r.iiuw, tou uip p.ioxii* x-n 1 rne nne pictures Bt Ths Elite ©rally aro cordloUy invited to attend we the talk of the town, 1 The.convention v.ll be preceded by 1 * oho loo musical program. GAME UP FROM PERRY TO SPEND SUNDAY HOME Judge Felton, Solicitor Brunson and Stenographer (Barnes came up from Perry yesterday, so aa to be with their families today. The work before the court has been dispatched without any hltchea, and It Is expected that an adjournment will be had next week. Non* of the. cases tried ths past week had any unusual featucra. DENIED THAT REPUBLICAN FUNDS ARE NOT UP TO PAR ^WASHINGTON. Oct lO.—The pres ident today held brief political con ference* with Pearl, republican national committeeman frrni Louisi ana and Elmer Dover, secretary of the national advisory committee. Both brought encouraging reporta regarding tbs republican situation. *i. Dover, the cam paign contributions arc coming it; favorably a* can be expected at New *t*thd. Eliminating the con tributions now excluded by law. tho contributions which thna far Ikra been received are equal, he said, if no. In excess of those reoelved In pre- ,hl * ,U *» of «• campaign. He announced that from J.tSLE* ctnt ot 91X1 tee campaign ntrfbutlon* received by the national committee cam* from New York. Chi- wJ - SyWPM*- Bo.(on ond Pitt,- Th. I.ttflr which had tnt nnt br .S2.V ur - r s>"id°n uUdi tor IM contribution, h.fl brought 1M r. In forty-tight honra.